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Sulfur Regulation (2014:509)

Original Language Title: Svavelförordning (2014:509)

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section 1 of this regulation is notified pursuant

— Chapter 14. section 8 of the environmental code in respect of 13 – 31, 34 and 36 sections,

— Chapter 14. section 19 of the environmental code in terms of §§ 32-35,

-26 Cape. 22 a of the environmental code in terms of § 34,

– Chapter 8. 7 and 11 of the Constitution in the case of other


Expression of the regulation

section 2 By the ASTM D86 method referred to in this regulation the method

established by the American Society for Testing and Materials

in the 1976 Edition of standard definitions and

specifications for petroleum and lubricating products.

section 3 of this regulation,

marine fuel means any petroleum-based liquid fuel

used or intended for use on board a


marine diesel oil means any marine fuel which, in other

than sulphur content is of DMB-quality according to International

Organization for Standardization standard ISO 8217, table I,


marine diesel fuel "means any marine fuel which, in

other than sulphur content is by DMX, DMA or DMZ-quality

According to the International Organization for Standardization

standard ISO 8217, table I.

paragraph 4 With diesel fuel for the purposes of this regulation, every

petroleum based liquid fuel, excluding marine

fuels, which

1. subject to any of the numbers 2710 19 25, 2710 19 29, 2710

19 47, 2710 19 48, 2710 20 17 or 2710 20 19 of the combined

nomenclature (CN) pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) no

2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and

statistical nomenclature and on the common customs tariff, or

2. to less than 65% by volume (including losses)

distils at 250 degrees Centigrade and at least 85

% by volume (including losses) distils at 350 degrees

Celsius, all by the ASTM D86 method.

5 § With heavy fuel oil for the purposes of this regulation, every

petroleum based liquid fuel, excluding marine

fuels, which

1. subject to any of the numbers 2710 19 51 to 2710 19 68, 2710 20

31, 2710 20 35 or 2710 20 39 of the combined nomenclature

(CN code) according to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87, or

2. is not diesel fuel but

(a)) which, because of their distillation limit falls within the category of

heavy oils intended for use as fuel and to

less than 65% by volume (including losses) distils

at 250 ° c by the ASTM D86 method, or

b) whose distillation cannot be determined by ASTM

D86 method.

6 § With bunker supplier under this regulation the

Professional delivers a marine fuel to vessels.

section 7 Of the Baltic Sea area referred to in this regulation all

waters in the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia and

The Gulf of Finland and the entrance to the Baltic Sea up to

latitudparallellen by Skagen in the Skagerrak at 57 degrees

44.8 minutes north latitude.

section 8 With North Sea area referred to in this regulation all

body of water in the North Sea limited in the North by 62

degrees north latitude, to the West by 4 degrees West longitude, in

East of latitudparallellen by Skagen in the Skagerrak at 57

degrees north latitude and 44.8 minutes to the South of the English

Canal at 5 degrees West longitude and 48 degrees 30 minutes

North latitude.

section 9 With North America, the areas referred to in this regulation all

water area

1. in the Southwest Pacific Ocean outside the United

States ' and Canada's coasts is limited by the straight (GEODESIC)

the lines between the points whose coordinates are given in annex 1,

2. in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean outside the United States,

Canada's and France's coasts (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon) and

in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of the United States of America

limited by the straight (GEODESIC) lines between the points

whose coordinates are given in annex II, and

3. outside the Hawaiian Islands of Oahu, Maui, Hawaii,

Molokais, Niihaus, Kahoolawes, and Kauai's coasts Lanais

limited by the straight (GEODESIC) lines between the points

whose coordinates are given in annex 3.

10 § With method of reducing emissions referred to in this

Regulation use of the equipment, a material, a

device or a device that plugs into a vessel or

use of any other method to meet

emission requirements of this regulation, if the method is feasible

and can be verified and quantified.

The scope of the

section 11 of this Regulation apply to all fuels containing


The regulation does not apply to diesel fuel

subject code 2710 19 41 or 2710 19 25 combined

nomenclature (CN) in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87, in

the wording according to Commission Regulation (EC) no 2031/2001,

and is intended to be used in

1. vehicles referred to in

a) European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no 715/2007

of 20 June 2007 on type approval of motor vehicles with

respect to emissions from light passenger and

commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to

vehicle repair and maintenance information, or

b) European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no 595/2009

of 18 June 2009 on type-approval of motor vehicles and

engines with respect to emissions from heavy duty vehicles (Euro vi) and on

access to repair and maintenance information

vehicles and amending Regulation (EC) no 715/2007 and

Directive 2007/46/EC and repealing directives

80/1269/EEC, 2005/55/EC and 2005/78/EC, or

2. mobile equipment referred to in the European Parliament and of the Council

Directive 97/68/EC of 16 december 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the

Member States relating to measures against the emission of gaseous

and particulate pollutants from internal combustion engines to

to be installed in non-road mobile machinery

Road, in wording as

European Parliament and Council Directive 46/EU.

Regulations on diesel fuel are available in 7 – 10 sections

fuel Act (2011:319) and fuel regulation


section 12 in respect of ship operation applies this regulation only

for fuels referred to in section 3.

Marketing, transfer and use of sulphur-containing

fuels that are not marine fuels

section 13 A diesel fuel may be marketed, be transferred or

be used only if the sulphur content in the oil does not exceed 0.10

% by weight.

section 14 of The heavy fuel oil with sulphur content than 0.80

% or another fuel containing sulphur,

not incinerated, if combustion causes the sulfur compounds

are released into the air in an amount equivalent to more than 0.19 g

sulphur per megajoule of fuel.

section 15 of the combustion of sulphur-containing fuel in an

industrial plant or energy production facility,

air emissions of sulphur compounds not exceed 0.10

grams of sulphur per megajoule of fuel or, if the total annual

emissions from the plant exceed 400 tonnes of sulphur, not more than

0.05 grams of sulphur per megajoule of fuel, all counted as

the annual average.

For the purposes of applying the first subparagraph, all

production units in a district heating network, a power plant

or an industrial plant is considered to belong to the same plant,

If the activities are carried out by the same legal or

physical person. Account shall not be taken of emissions from soda-

or boilers.

section 16 of the first coal-fired combustion plants

placed in service after the end of June 1988, carbon does not

incinerated, if combustion causes the sulfur compounds

are released into the air in an amount equivalent to more than 0.05 grams

sulphur per megajoule of fuel, calculated as the annual average.

Marketing, transfer and use of marine fuels

section 17 a marine diesel fuel may be marketed or transferred

only if the sulphur content in the oil does not exceed 0.10

% by weight.

18 § a marine diesel fuel may be marketed or transferred only

If the sulphur content in the oil does not exceed 1.50%.

section 19 of a marine fuel may be delivered to a ship

referred to in section 34 only if the fuel complies with the who

specified in the bunker specification according to the same paragraph.

20 § a marine fuels with a sulphur content exceeding 0.10

% may not be used in internal waters,

The Baltic Sea, North Sea and North America areas.

section 21 of a marine fuels with a sulphur content exceeding 0.10

% may not be used on ships in port in the European


The first subparagraph shall not apply to

1. during the time when the vessel in accordance with a published

timetable at berth for less than two hours, or

2. during the time required to carry out the necessary

fuel-changeover operation as soon as possible after

arrival at berth and as late as possible before departure, if

the timing for switching are set out in the vessel's logbook.

The exemptions provided for in the second paragraph 1 and 2 shall not apply in the

waters referred to in section 20.

section 22 to reduce the emissions of marine fuels from ship

located at the dock to the vessel's master shall endeavour to

There the ship used electricity generated on land.

23 § in other waters other than those referred to in paragraphs 20 and 21,

a marine fuel not be used

1. until 31 december 2019

(a)) in passenger ships on regular services to or from a

port within the European Union, if the sulphur content of the fuel

greater than 1.50%, or

b) for another use, if the sulphur content of the fuel

exceed 3.50%, and

2. as from 1 January 2020, if the sulphur content of the fuel

greater than 0.50%.

Methods to reduce emissions

section 24, despite the 20, 21 and 23 sections, the fuel used must have a

higher sulphur content, if the ship is used as a method to

reduce SO2 emissions continuously so that

not be greater than had been the case with the

specified maximum sulphur content. Within The European

the territory of the Union, fuel sulphur levels exceed 3.50

% only if the method is a

emission control system of flue gas washing in a

the end system.

section 25 for the comparison of svaveldioxidutsläppens size in accordance with the

section 24 shall use of distillate or

heavy fuel oil with

1. sulphur content by weight 3.50 correspond to the levels 0.1517

per mil (151.7 ppm) sulphur dioxide per% vol CO2

in the discharged flue gas,

2. sulfur content 1.50% correspond to the levels 0.0650

per mil (65.0 ppm) sulphur dioxide per% vol CO2 in

the discharged flue gas,

3. sulphur content 1.00% correspond to the levels 0.0433

per mil (43.3 ppm) sulphur dioxide per% vol CO2 in

the discharged flue gas,

4. sulphur content of 0.50% correspond to the levels 0.0217

per mil (21.7 ppm) sulphur dioxide per% vol CO2 in

the discharged flue gas, and

5.0.10% by weight sulphur be considered equivalent to the levels 0.0043

per mil (4.3 ppm) sulphur dioxide per% vol CO2 in

the discharged flue gas.

When the CO2 concentration is reduced in a

exhaust gas cleaning equipment, CO2 concentration measured at

exhaust gas purification equipment intake, if it can be shown that this

method gives an accurate result for

svaveldioxidutsläppens size.

26 § When a mixture of marine fuel and avkoknings gas

used as a method of reducing emissions, the method help

to sulphur dioxide emissions continuously does not become bigger

than had been the case with the specified maximum

sulphur content.

In assessing if the mixture meets the requirement referred to in the first

subparagraph a calculation is made of the values that apply

consumption of the mixture when the ship is in port.

The calculation should be done by determining

1. gas consumption, which is the weight in kilograms of the

avkoknings gas consumed,

2. marine fuel consumption, which is the weight in kilograms of the

marine fuel consumed,

3. mix the sword, that is the relationship between

avkoknings gas and marine fuel, and is calculated by

the gas consumption is divided by the marine fuel consumption,


4. comparative value, which is calculated by dividing the marine

fuel sulphur content by weight shall be multiplied by 8.6 and

multiplikationens income shall be reduced by 0.816.

The mixture should be considered to comply with the requirement referred to in the first subparagraph of

mixture value is greater than or equal to

comparative value.

section 27 When an emission control system used as a means to

flue gas wash, wash water may be discharged into the sea only

If it can be shown that washing water does not have any significant

effect on and do not pose any risk to human health

or the environment. This also applies to the discharge into the sea as is done in

protected harbors or river mouths.

Exclusions and exemptions

section 28 of the prohibitions in 13, 17-21 and 23 sections do not apply

1. the fuels to be used for research, testing or processing,

2. fuel used on ships owned or operated by

The armed forces or of the armed forces of a foreign State,


3. fuel use necessary

(a)) with respect to a ship safety,

(b)) in order to save human lives at sea, or

c) due to damage to the ship or its equipment.

The first subparagraph of paragraph 3 shall apply only if reasonable steps

be taken to prevent or minimize emissions

from the fuel and measures are taken as soon as possible to

repairing the damage done fuel use necessary.

The first subparagraph of paragraph 3 shall not apply if the owner of the ship or

Commander, deliberately or through negligence caused the

damage that made fuel use necessary.

section 29 of the bans in 20, 21 and 23 sections do not apply, if it can

appears to

1. the master has taken all reasonable measures

in order to obtain the prescribed marine fuel but not able to

do it without deviating from its planned route or

delayed unreasonably,

2. the measures taken under 1 is documented,


3. the flag State of the vessel and the competent authority of

destination of the port State has been informed of the conditions

referred to in 1.

30 § if there are special reasons, the County Administrative Board in the

individual case provide an exemption from section 15.

section 31 in terms of experiments with new methods to reduce emissions

from ships may Transport Agency of the case give

exemption from the prohibitions in 17 to 21 and 23 sections if such dispensation

is compatible with Council Directive 1999/32/EC of 26 april

1999 relating to a reduction in the sulphur content of certain liquid fuels and

amending Directive 93/12/EEC, in wording as

European Parliament and Council directive 33/EU.

Where a competent authority of another country in the European Union

has given a corresponding approval for experiments with new

methods to reduce emissions from ships, a marine

the fuel shall be used in accordance with the authorisation despite prohibitions in

17-21 and 23 sections.

Obligations on delivery of sulphur-containing fuels

32 § anyone who sells a sulphurous fuel, when the agreement

conclusion provide the sulphur content of the fuel for the buyer, unless it

is clear that the sulphur content is lower than that indicated in

section 14.

33 § anyone who sells a sulphurous fuel or to

Sweden enters such a fuel for their own use shall, within three

months from the transfer or entry submit written

indication of the sale or importation of the County Administrative Board in

the County in which the fuel is burnt, if the sulphur content of

the fuel is so high that the incineration without sulphur capture

is not permitted under section 14.

§ 34 a bunker supplier who supplies a marine fuel

for a ship with a gross tonnage of over 400 and that

must be covered by an international certificate to

Prevention of air pollution (IAPP certificate) shall

1. ensure that a bunker delivery note and a representative

sealed sample of the fuel supplied to the master of the vessel

or the Commander's representative when the fuel is supplied to the

the ship,

2. ensure that the bunker specification is written in English

and provides an indication of the

(a)) the receiving vessel name and the unique

identification number assigned to the vessel by the United

UN International Maritime Organization

(IMO number),

(b)) the name of the port where the delivery is made,

c) the date on which the delivery was initiated,

d) it supplied fuel designation,

e) the delivered quantity expressed in cubic metres,

f) it supplied fuel density at 15 ° c

expressed in kilograms per cubic meter, and

g) it supplied fuel sulphur content,

3. ensure that the bunker specification, a certificate

that it supplied the fuel complies with the requirements

follows from the provisions adopted pursuant to Chapter 1. section 2 of the

Regulation (1980:789) on measures against pollution from


4. make sure that the certificate is made by bunker supplier, of a

fuel supplier that fuel derived from or by the

some of these have appointed to for his Bill to make such

certificate, and

5. keep a copy of the bunker specification for at least three


section 35 the master of a ship receives a delivery

referred to in § 34 shall ensure that the bunker delivery note and

the test under section 34 must be provided at the time of delivery is received and

that the sample is confirmed by its seal or

packaging bear a signature of the master or of the

as the Commander has appointed to his Bill to confirm a

such a test.

The master shall ensure that the sample is retained on

the vessel or otherwise easily available for supervision until the

fuel sample is mainly used, however, in

at least 12 months from the day the fuel was delivered.

Register of bunker suppliers

36 § a bunker supplier who in their business supplies

fuel to a vessel referred to in § 34 shall notify the

The Swedish Chemicals Agency to bunker supplier engaged in such


37 § the Swedish Chemicals Agency shall keep a record of the

bunker suppliers notified under section 36.

Authority to provide

section 38 Swedish environmental protection agency concerning the sulphur content of fuel

notify additional regulations on disclosure obligations under

Chapter 14. 19 § 2 environmental code.

Supervision and reporting

39 § provisions on supervision, see chapter 26. the environmental code and

in the environmental protection Decree (2011:13). Provisions on the

operational supervisory responsibilities associated with this regulation

see Chapter 2. 21, 27 and 29 to 32 §§ environmental protection regulation.

40 section in the supervision of compliance with this Regulation shall

authorities carry out tests and analyses in such a way that

required under article 6 of Directive 1999/32/EC.

§ 41 Upon enforcement of a method to reduce emissions

meet the requirement of section 25 of the supervisory authority shall, in the case of

vessels flying the flag of a Member State, the

equipment and other technical methods

1. under paragraph a. 2/2.4 in annex a.2 to Directive

96/98/EC of 20 december 1996 on marine equipment, in

the wording according to the Commission's directive/32/EU, or

2. has been approved by the European Commission's Committee for

maritime safety and the prevention of pollution from ships


section 42 Of the Transport Agency becomes aware that a

marine fuel bunker supplier or someone else

selling marine fuel has failed to comply with this regulation or

a regulation issued by virtue of the regulation,

The Swedish Transport Agency report this to

The Swedish Chemicals Agency.

43 § the Swedish Chemicals Agency shall respond to such reporting

to the European Commission as required by Article 4a 5a of

Directive 1999/32/EC.

44 § Transport Agency to respond to such reporting to

The European Commission as required under articles 4a. 5b. (b)

and 7(1) of Directive 1999/32/EC.


45 § provisions on fees can be found in the Ordinance (1998:940)

If the fees for the examination and supervision under the Environment Act.


paragraph 46 of chapter 19. section 1 the Environment Act contains provisions on


Penalties and forfeiture

47 section in chapter 29. Environment Act lays down rules on the penalties and


Transitional provisions


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 2014.

2. The regulation repeals Regulation (1998:946) if

sulphurous fuel.

3. For the period prior to 1 January 2015, the sulphur content in spite of

20 and 21 sections amount to 1.00% by mass.

Annex 1

Coordinates for the limitation of North America area in the Pacific

the waters off the coasts of Canada and the United States of America

For each point defines the coordinates as shown latitude

32 ° 32 ' 10 "N, which means 32 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds

North latitude and longitude example 117º 6 ' 11 ' v. which

means 117 degrees 6 minutes 11 seconds West longitude.

Point Latitude Longitude

1 32 ° 32 ' 10 "N. 117º 6 ' 11 ".

2 32º 32 ' 04 "N. 117º 07 ' 29 "w.

3 32 ° 31 ' 39 "N; 117º 14 ' 20 "w.

4 32 ° 33 ' 13 "N. 117º 15 ' 50 "w.

5 32 ° 34 ' 21 "N. 117º 22 ' 01 "w.

6 ' 23 "N 32 ° 35. 117º 27 ' 53 "w.

7 ' 38 "N 32 ° 37. 117º 49 ' 34 "w.

8 31º 07 ' 59 "N. 118º 36 ' 21 "w.

9 30 ° 33 ' 25 "N. 121º 47 ' 29 "w.

10 31º 46 ' 11 "N. 123º 17 ' 22 "w;

21 ' 11 "N 32 ° 58. 123º 50 ' 44 "w.

12 ' 39 "N 32 ° 56. 124º 11 ' 47 "w.

13 33º 40 ' 12 "N. 124º 27 ' 15 "w.

14 34º 31 ' 28 "N. 125º 16 ' 52 "w.

15-35º 14 ' 38 "N. 125º 43 ' 23 "w.

35º 16 43 ' 60 "N. 126º 18 ' 53 "w.

36º 17 16 ' 25 "N. 126º 45 ' 30 "w.

18 37 ° 01 ' 35 "N. 127º 07 ' 18 "w.

19 37 ° 45 ' 39 "N; 127º 38 ' 02 "w.

20 38 ° 25 ' 08 "N. 127º 52 ' 60 "V.

21 39 ° 25 ' 05 "N. 128º 31 ' 23 "w.

22 40 ° 18 ' 47 "N. 128º 45 ' 46 "w.

23 41º 13 ' 39 "N; 128º 40 ' 22 "w;

12 ' 24 "N 42º 49. 129º 00 ' 38 "w.

25 42º 47 ' 34 "N. 129º 05 ' 42 "w.

26 43º 26 ' 22 "N. 129º 01 ' 26 "w.

27 44º 24 ' 43 "N. 128º 41 ' 23 "w.

28 45º 30 ' 43 "N. 128º 40 ' 02 "w.

29 46º 11 ' 01 "N; 128º 49 ' 01 "w.

30 46º 33 ' 55 "N. 129º 4 ' 29 "w.

31 47º 39 ' 55 "N. 131º 15 ' 41 "w.

48º 32 32 ' 32 "N. 132º 41 ' 00 "w.

33 48º 57 ' 47 "N. 133º 14 ' 47 "w.

34 49º 22 ' 39 "N; 134º 15 ' 51 "w.

50º 35 01 ' 52 "N. 135º 19 ' 01 "w.

51º 36 03 ' 18 "N. 136º 45 ' 45 "w.

37 51º 54 ' 04 "N. 137º 41 ' 54 "w.

38 52º 45 ' 12 "N. 138º 20 ' 14 "w.

39 53º 29 ' 20 "N. 138º 40 ' 36 "w.

40 53º 40 ' 39 "N; 138º 48 ' 53 "w.

41 54º 13 ' 45 "N; 139º 32 ' 38 "w.

42 54º 39 ' 25 "N. 139º 56 ' 19 "w.

43 55 ° 20 ' 18 "N. 140º angles 55 ' 45 "w.

56º 44 07 ' 12 "N. 141º 36 ' 18 "w.

45 56º 28 ' 32 "N. 142º 17 ' 19 "w.

46 56º 37 ' 19 "N. 142º 48 ' 57 "w.

51 58º 47 ' 04 "N. 153º 15 ' 03 "w.

Annex 2

Coordinates for the limitation of North America area of the Atlantic Ocean

outside the United States, Canada and France


For each point defines the coordinates as shown latitude

60 ° 00 ' 00 "n., meaning 60 degrees 0 minutes 0 seconds

North latitude and longitude example gourmet 09 ' 36 "v. which

does 64 degrees 9 minutes 36 seconds West longitude.

Point Latitude Longitude

1 of 60 ° 00 ' 00 "N; Gourmet 09 ' 36 "w.

2 of 60 ° 00 ' 00 "N; 56º 43 ' 00 "w.

3 58º 54 ' 01 "n. 55 ° 38 ' 05 "w.

4 57º 50 ' 52 "N. 55 ° 03 ' 47 "w.

5 57º 35 ' 13 "N. 54º 00 ' 59 "w.

6 57º 14 ' 20 "N. 53º 7 ' 58 "w.

7 56º 48 ' 09 "N. 52º 23 ' 29 "w.

56º 8 18 ' 13 "N. 51º 49 ' 42 "w.

9 54º 23 ' 21 "N. 50º 17 ' 44 "w.

53º 10 ' 44 "N 54. 50º 7 ' 17 "w.

11 53º 04 ' 59 "N. 50º 10 ' 05 "w.

12 52º 20 ' 06 "N. 49º 57 ' 09 "w.

51º 13 34 ' 20 "N. 48º 52 ' 45 "w.

14 50º 40 ' 15 "N. 48º 16 ' 04 "w.

15 50º 2 ' 28 "N. 48º 07 ' 03 "w.

49º 16 24 ' 03 "N. 48º 09 ' 35 "w.

17 48º 39 ' 22 "N. 47º 55 ' 17 "w.

18 47º 24 ' 25 "N. 47º 46 ' 56 "w.

19 46º 35 ' 12 "N. 48º 00 ' 54 "w.

20 45º 19 ' 45 "N; 48º 43 ' 28 "w.

21 44º 43 ' 38 "N. 49º 16 ' 50 "w.

44º 22 16 ' 38 "N. 49º 51 ' 23 "w.

23 43º 53 ' 15 "N. 50º 34 ' 01 "w.

24 43º 36 ' 06 "N. 51º 20 ' 41 "w.

25 43º 23 ' 59 "N. 52º 17 ' 22 "w;

26 43º 19 ' 50 "N. 53º 20 ' 13 "w.

27 43º 21 ' 14 "N; 54º 9 ' 20 "w.

28 43º 29 ' 41 "N; 55 ° 07 ' 41 "w.

29 42º 40 ' 12 "N. 55 ° 31 ' 44 "w.

30 41º 58 ' 19 "N. 56º 09 ' 34 "w.

31 41º 20 ' 21 "N. 57º 05 ' 13 "w.

32 40 ° 55 ' 34 "N. 58º 02 ' 55 "w.

33 40 41 ' 38 "N. 59º 05 ' 18 "w.

34 40 38 ' 33 "N. 40 ° 12 ' 20 "w.

35 40 ° 45 ' 46 "N. 61º 14 ' 03 "w.

36 41º 04 ' 52 "N. 62º 17 ' 49 "w.

37 40 36 ' 55 "N. 63º 10 ' 49 "w.

38 40 ° 17 ' 32 "N. Gourmet 08 ' 37 "w.

39 40 ° 07 ' 46 "N. Gourmet 59 ' 31 "w.

40 40 ° 05 ' 44 "N; from 53 ' 07 "w.

41 39 ° 58 ' 05 "N. from 59 ' 51 "w.

42 39 ° 28 ' 24 "N. 66º 21 ' 14 "w.

43 39 ° 01 ' 54 "N. 66º 48 ' 33 "w.

44 38 ° 39 ' 16 "N. 67 ° 20 ' 59 "w.

45 38 ° 19 ' 20 "N. 68º 02 ' 01 "w.

46 38 ° 05 ' 29 "N. 68º 46 ' 55 "w.

47 37 ° 58 ' 14 "N; 69º 34 ' 07 "w.

48 37 ° 57 ' 47 "N. 70º 24 ' 09 "w.

49 37 ° 52 ' 46 "N. 70 37 ' 50 "w.

50 37 ° 18 ' 37 "N; 71º 08 ' 33 "w.

36º 51 32 ' 25 "N. 71º 33 ' 59 "w.

35º 52 34 ' 58 "N; 71º 26 ' 02 "w.

34º 53 33 ' 10 "N. 71º 37 ' 04 "w.

54 ' 49 "N 54 33º. 71º 52 ' 35 "w.

55 33º 19 ' 23 "N. 72º 17 ' 12 "w.

56 32 ° 45 ' 31 "N; 72º 54 ' 05 "w.

57 31º 55 ' 13 "N. 74º 12 ' 02 "w.

58 31º 27 ' 14 "N; 75 ° 15 ' 20 "w.

59 31º 03 ' 16 "N. 75 ° 51 ' 18 "w.

60 45 ' 42 "N 30 °. 76º 31 ' 38 "w.

61 30 ° 12 ' 48 "N. 77 ° 18 ' 29 "w.

62 29º 25 ' 17 "N; 76º 56 ' 42 "w.

63 ° 36 ' 59 "N. 76º 47 ' 60 "V.

64 ° 17 ' 13 "N. 76º 40 ' 10 "w.

65 ° 17 ' 12 "N. 79º 11 ' 23 "w.

66 52 56 about women? ' ". 79º 28 ' 35 "w.

67 about women? 26 ' 01 "N; 79º 31 ' 38 "w.

68 about women? 16 ' 13 "N. 79º 34 ' 18 "w.

11 69 54 about women? ' ". 79º 34 ' 56 "w.

70 about women? "N 05 ' 59. 79º 35 ' 19 "w.

71 about women? 00 ' 28 "N. 79º 35 ' 17 "w.

72 26º 55 ' 16 "N. 79º 34 ' 39 "w.

73 26º 53 ' 58 "N; 79º 34 ' 27 "w.

74 45 ' 46 "N 26º. 79º 32 ' 41 "w.

75 26º 44 ' 30 "N; 79º 32 ' 23 "w.

26º 76 43 ' 40 "N. 79º 32 ' 20 "w.

77 26º 41 ' 12 "N. 79º 32 ' 01 "w.

78 26º 38 ' 13 "N. 79º 31 ' 32 "w.

79 26º 36 ' 30 "N; 79º 31 ' 06 "w.

80 26º 35 ' 21 "N. 79º 30 ' 50 "w.

81 26º 51 ' 34 ' N. 79º 30 ' 46 "w.

82 26º 34 ' 11 "N. 79º 30 ' 38 "w.

83 26º 31 ' 12 "N. 79º 30 ' 15 "w.

84 26º 29 ' 05 "N. 79º 29 ' 53 "w.

85 26º 25 ' 31 "N; 79º 29 ' 58 "w.

86 26º 23 ' 29 "N. 79º 29 ' 55 "w.

87 26º 23 ' 21 "N. 79º 29 ' 54 "w.

88 26º 18 ' 57 "N. 79º 31 ' 55 "w.

26º 89 15 ' 26 "N. 79º 33 ' 17 "w.

90 26º 15 ' 13 "N. 79º 33 ' 23 "w.

91 26º 08 ' 09 "N. 79º 35 ' 53 "w.

92 26º 07 ' 47 "N. 79º 36 ' 09 "w.

93 26º 59 ' 06 "N. 79º 36 ' 35 "w.

94 26º 02 ' 52 "N. 79º 38 ' 22 "w;

95 25 ° 59 ' 30 "N; 79º 40 ' 03 "w.

96 25 ° 59 ' 16 "N. 79º 40 ' 08 "w;

97 25 ° 57 ' 48 "N. 79º 40 ' 38 "w.

98 25 ° 56 ' 18 "N. 79º 41 ' 06 "w.

99 25 ° 54 ' 04 "N. 79º 41 ' 38 "w.

100 25 ° 53 ' 24 "N. 79º 41 ' 46 "w.

101 25 ° 51 ' 54 "N. 79º 41 ' 59 "w.

102 25 ° 49 ' 33 "N. 79º 42 ' 16 "w.

103 25 ° 48 ' 24 "N. 79º 42 ' 23 "w.

104 25 ° 48 ' 20 "N. 79º 42 ' 24 "w.

105 25 ° 46 ' 26 "N. 79º 44 ' 42 "w.

106 25 ° 46 ' 16 "N. 79º 42 ' 45 "w.

107 25 ° 43 ' 40 "N. 79º 59 ' 42 "w.

108 25 ° 42 ' 31 "N; 79º 42 ' 48 "w.

109 25 ° 40 ' 37 "N; 79º 42 ' 27 "w.

110 25 ° 37 ' 24 "N. 79º 42 ' 27 "w.

111 25 ° 37 ' 08 "N. 79º 42 ' 27 "w.

112 25 ° 31 ' 03 "N. 79º 42 ' 12 "w.

113 25 ° 27 ' 59 "N. 79º 42 ' 11 "w.

114 25 ° 24 ' 04 "N. 79º 42 ' 12 "w.

115 25 ° 22 ' 21 "N. 79º 42 ' 20 "w.

116 25 ° 21 ' 29 "N. 79º 42 ' 08 "w;

117 25 ° 16 ' 52 "n. 79º 41 ' 24 "w.

118 25 ° 15 ' 57 "N. 79º 31 ' 41 "w.

119 25 ° 10 ' 39 "N; 79º 31 ' 41 "w.

120 25 ° 09 ' 51 "N. 79º 41 ' 36 "w.

121 25 ° 09 ' 03 "N. 79º 41 ' 45 "w.

122 25 ° 03 ' 55 "N. 79º 42 ' 29 "w.

123 25 ° 02 ' 60 "N. 79º 42 ' 56 "w.

124 25 ° 00 ' 30 "N; 79º 44 ' 05 "w.

a good shower 125 59 ' 03 "N. 79º 44 ' 48 "w.

a good shower 126 55 ' 28 "N. 79º 45 ' 57 "w.

a good shower 127 44 ' 18 "N. 79º 49 ' 24 "w.

128 a good shower 43 ' 04 "N. 79º 49 ' 38 "w.

129 good shower 42 ' 36 "N. 79º 50 ' 50 "w.

130 a good shower 41 ' 47 "N. 79º 52 ' 57 "w.

a good shower 131 38 ' 32 "N. 79º 59 ' 58 "w.

132 a good shower 36 ' 27 "N. 80 ° 03 ' 51 "w.

133 a good shower 33 ' 18 "N. 80 ° 12 ' 43 "w.

134 a good shower 33 ' 05 "N. 80 ° 13 ' 21 "w.

135 a good shower 32 ' 13 "N. 80 ° 15 ' 16 "w.

136 a good shower, 31 ' 27 "N. 80 ° 16 ' 55 "w.

137 a good shower 30 ' 57 "N. 80 ° 17 ' 47 "w.

138 a good shower 30 ' 14 "N; 80 ° 19 ' 21 "w.

139 a good shower 30 ' 06 "N. 80 ° 19 ' 44 "w.

140 a good shower 29 ' 38 "N. 80 ° 21 ' 05 "w.

141 a good shower 28 ' 18 "N. 80 ° 24 ' 35 "w.

142 a good shower 28 ' 06 "N. 80 ° 25 ' 10 "w.

143 a good shower 27 ' 23 "N. 80 ° 27 ' 20 "w.

a good shower 144 26 ' 30 "N; 80 ° 29 ' 30 "w.

145 a good shower 25 ' 07 "N. 80 ° 32 ' 22 "w;

a good shower 146 23 ' 30 "N; 80 ° 36 ' 09 "w.

147 a good shower 22 ' 33 "N. 80 ° 38 ' 56 "w.

148 a good shower 22 ' 07 "N. 80 ° 39 ' 51 "w.

a good shower 149 19 ' 31 "N; 80 ° 45 ' 21 "w.

150 good shower 19 ' 16 "N. 80 ° 45 ' 47 "w.

151 good shower 18 ' 38 "N. 80 ° 46 ' 49 "w.

152 a good shower 18 ' 35 "N. 80 ° 46 ' 54 "w.

a good shower 153 09 ' 51 "N. 80 ° 59 ' 47 "w.

a good shower 154 09 ' 48 "N. 80 ° 59 ' 51 "w.

a good shower 155 08 ' 58 "N; 81º 01 ' 07 "w.

a good shower 156 08 ' 30 "N; 81º 01 ' 51 "w.

a good shower 157 08 ' 26 "N. 81º 01 ' 57 "w.

a good shower 158 07 ' 28 "N. 81º 03 ' 06 "w.

159 a good shower 02 ' 20 "N. 81º 09 ' 05 "w.

160 23º 59 ' 60 "N. 81º 11 ' 16 "w.

161 23º 55 ' 32 "N. 81º 12 ' 55 "w.

162 23º 53 ' 52 "N. 81º 19 ' 43 "w.

163 23º 50 ' 52 "N. 81º 29 ' 59 "w.

164 23º 50 ' 02 "N; 81º 39 ' 59 "w.

165 23º 49 ' 05 "N. 81º 49 ' 59 "w.

166 23º 49 ' 05 "N. 82º 00 ' 11 "w.

167 23º 49 ' 42 "N. 82º 09 ' 59 "w.

168 23º 51 ' 14 "N; 82º 24 ' 59 "w.

169 23º 51 ' 14 "N; 82º 39 ' 59 "w.

170 23º 49 ' 42 "N. 82º 48 ' 53 "w.

171 23º 49 ' 32 "N. 82º 51 ' 11 "w.

172 23º 49 ' 24 "N. 82º 59 ' 59 "w.

23º 173 49 ' 52 "N. 83º 14 ' 59 "w.

174 23º 51 ' 22 "N. 83º 25 ' 49 "w.

175 23º 52 ' 27 "N. 83º 33 ' 01 "w.

176 23º 54 ' 04 "N. 83º 41 ' 35 "w.

177 23º 55 ' 47 "N. 83º 48 ' 11 "w.

178 23º 58 ' 38 "N. 83º 59 ' 59 "w.

a good shower 179 09 ' 37 "N; 84º 29 ' 27 "w.

a good shower 180 13 ' 20 "N. 84º 38 ' 39 "w.

181 good shower 16 ' 41 "N; 84º 46 ' 07 "w.

182 good shower 23 ' 30 "N; 84º 59 ' 59 "w.

a good shower 183 26 ' 37 "N; 85º 06 ' 19 "w.

a good shower 184 38 ' 57 "N. 85º 31 ' 54 "w.

185 good shower 44 ' 17 "N; 85º 43 ' 11 "w.

a good shower 186 53 ' 57 "N. 85º 59 ' 59 "w.

187 25 ° 10 ' 44 "N; 86º 30 ' 07 "w.

188 25 ° 43 ' 15 "N. 86º 21 ' 14 "w.

189 26º 13 ' 13 "N. 86º 06 ' 45 "w.

190 26º 27 ' 22 "N. 86º 13 ' 15 "w.

191 26º 33 ' 46 "N. 86º 37 ' 07 "w.

192 26º 01 ' 24 "N. 87º 29 ' 35 "w.

193 25 ° 42 ' 25 "N. 88º 33 ' 00 "w.

194 25 ° 46 ' 54 "N. 90 ° 29 ' 41 "w.

195 25 ° 44 ' 39 "N; 90 ° 47 ' 05 "w.

196 25 ° 51 ' 43 "N. 91º 52 ' 50 "w.

197 26º 17 ' 44 "N; 93º 3 ' 59 "w.

198 25 ° 59 ' 55 "N. 93º 33 ' 52 "w.

199 26º 00 ' 32 "N. 95º 39 ' 27 "w.

200 26º 00 ' 33 "N. 96º 48 ' 30 "w.

201 25 ° 58 ' 32 "N. 96º 55 ' 28 "w.

202 25 ° 58 ' 15 "N. 96º 58 ' 41 "w.

203 25 ° 57 ' 58 "N; 97º 1 ' 54 "w.

204 25 ° 57 ' 41 "N; 97º 05 ' 08 "w;

205 25 ° 57 ' 24 "N. 97º 08 ' 21 "w.

206 25 ° 57 ' 24 "N. 97º 08 ' 47 "w.

Annex 3

Coordinates for the limitation of North America area outside the

Hawaiian Islands

For each point defines the coordinates as shown latitude

22 ° 32 ' 54 "n., meaning 22 degrees 32 minutes 54 seconds

North latitude and longitude example 153º 00 ' 33 "v. which

means 153 degrees 0 minutes 33 seconds West longitude.

Point Latitude Longitude

1 22 ° 32 ' 54 "N. 153º 00 ' 33 "w.

2 23º 06 ' 05 "N. 153º 28 ' 36 "w.

3 23º 32 ' 11 "N. 154º 02 ' 12 "w.

4 23º 51 ' 47 "N. 154º 36 ' 48 "w.

a good shower 5 21 ' 49 "N; 155º c 51 ' 13 "w.

6 a good shower 41 ' 47 "N. 156º 27 ' 27 "w.

7 good shower 57 ' 33 "N. 157º 22 ' 17 "w.

8 25 ° 13 ' 41 "N; 157º 54 ' 13 "w.

9 25 ° 25 ' 31 "N; 40ºc 30 ' 36 "w.

10 25 ° 31 ' 19 "N. 159º 09 ' 47 "w.

11 25 ° 30 ' 31 "N; 159º 54 ' 21 "w.

12 25 ° 21 ' 53 "N. 160 ° 39 ' 53 "w.

13 25 ° 00 ' 06 "N. 161º 38 ' 33 "w.

14 a good shower 40 ' 49 "N; 162º 13 ' 13 "w.

15 good shower 15 ' 53 "N. 162º 43 ' 08 "w;

16 23º 40 ' 50 "N. 163º 13 ' 00 "w.

17 23º 03 ' 20 "N. 163º 32 ' 58 "w.

18 22 ° 20 ' 09 "N. 163º 44 ' 41 "w.

19 21º 36 ' 45 "N; 163º 46 ' 03 "w.

20 20 55 ' 26 "N. 163º 37 ' 44 "w.

21 20 13 ' 34 "N. 163º 19 ' 13 "w.

22 19º 39 ' 03 "N. 162º 53 ' 48 "w.

23 19º 09 ' 43 "N. 162º 20 ' 35 "w.

24 18º 39 ' 16 "N. 161º 19 ' 14 "w.

25 18 30 ' 31 "N; 160 ° 38 ' 30 "w.

26 18º 29 ' 31 "N; 159º 56 ' 17 "w.

27 18 10 ' 41 "N; 159º 14 ' 08 "w;

28 17º 31 ' 17 "N; 40ºc 56 ' 55 "w.

29 16 º 54 ' 06 "N. 40ºc 30 ' 29 "w.

30 16 º 25 ' 49 "N; 157º 59 ' 25 "w.

31 ' 57 "N 15 ° 59. 157º 17 ' 35 "w.

32 15º 40 ' 37 "N; 156º 21 ' 06 "w.

37 ' 33 "N 15 ° 36. 155º c 22 ' 16 "w.

34 15º 43 ' 46 "N. 154º 46 ' 37 "w.

55 ' 35 "N 15 ° 32. 154º 13 ' 05 "w.

36 16 º 46 ' 27 "N. 152º 49 ' 11 "w.

37 ' 42 "N 33 17º. 152º 00 ' 32 "w.

38 18 ° 30 ' 16 "N. 151º 30 ' 24 "w.

39 19º 02 ' 47 "N. 151º 22 ' 17 "w.

40 ' 34 "N 19º 46. 151º 19 ' 47 "w.

41 20 07 ' 42 "N. 151º 22 ' 58 "w.

42 20 38 ' 43 "N. 151º 31 ' 36 "w.

43 21º 29 ' 09 "N. 151º 59 ' 50 "w.

44 22 ° 06 ' 58 "N; 152º 31 ' 25 "w.

45 22 ° 32 ' 54 "N. 153º 00 ' 33 "w.