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Riksdag Act (2014: 801)

Original Language Title: Riksdagsordning (2014:801)

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Parliament scheme contents

1 § This law contains provisions on parliament.

Provisions for election to parliament, parliamentary work and parliamentary
information contained in the constitution.

The teams are divided into main rules and
additional provisions. Rules on the enactment and amendment of
parliament's provisions contained in Chapter 8. 17 §

Parliament division scheme

2 § Riksdag Act contains 14 chapters. These are

- Introductory provisions (1 ch.)

- Elections to the Riksdag (2 ch.)

- National meetings (Chap. 3)

- Management and planning of parliamentary work (Chap. 4)

- Members of Parliament (Chapter 5.)

- Chamber (chapter 6.)

- Committees and the Committee (Chapter 7.)

- Interpellations and questions to the ministers (8 ch.)

- Caseload provoking (Chapter 9.)

- Preparing these (chapter 10.)

- Conduct of business critical (11 ch.)

- Choices in the Parliament (12 chapter.)

- Parliamentary bodies and committees (Chap. 13), and

- Riksdagsförvaltningen (14 ch.).


§ 3 In this Act:

- Term: The period corresponds to the time from when a
newly elected parliament have been collected until the next thereafter
elected parliament gathered.

- Session: The period that the parliament meets.

- Age President: The currently a member who has been
member of parliament at the time. If two or more members
has belonged to the parliament as long as the eldest of them

- Group leader: The special representative of a party group,
that at the election to the parliament have received at least 4 percent of
votes in the whole country should appoint to consult with President
under this Act.

- Working plenary: A meeting of the Chamber during which
deliberation and decision of the reports and statements
from the committee can take place.


Chapter includes

1 § This chapter contains provisions on elections to parliament

Time of regular elections

§ 2 Regular elections to parliament in September.

Additional choices

Supplementary provision 2.2.1

Provisions for extraordinary elections to the parliament are in Chapter 3. 11 §
and Chapter 6. 5 § Government.

Further provisions for the election

§ 3 Additional rules on elections to parliament are in
Government and the Law.


Chapter includes

1 § This chapter contains provisions on

- Parliamentary session following the elections to the Parliament (§§ 2-5)

- Riksdag opening (§ 6), and

- The rest of the national meetings (§§ 7-9).

National meeting following an election to parliament

National meeting introduction

2 § The National meeting starts by a newly elected parliament meets
in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3. 10 §
Time of the first meeting after an election

Supplementary provision 3.2.1

Chamber first meeting during a session of Parliament after an election
starts at. 11:00. Members shall be notified of the time
for the meeting.

First meeting

3 § At the first meeting of the House after elections
to the Riksdag in the following order

First The Election tale of the examination of evidence
election of members and deputies are preferred,

Second Members called,

Third President and a First, Second and Third Vice President
selected for the electoral period, and

4th a nomination committee appointed for the election period.

Chairman at the first meeting after an election

Supplementary provision 3.3.1

Age The president leads the meeting of the chamber until
until the Speaker and the Deputy Speakers has been selected.

Method when selecting the President

4 § Parliament will, pursuant to Chapter 4. § 2 of Government,
choose a President and a First, Second and Third Vice-President.
The selected individually in that order. Choices applies to
parliamentary term.

If presidential elections take place by secret ballot according
provisions of Chapter 12., Is the candidate who receives more than half of the votes
. If such a majority vote is not achieved, should a new election
implemented. If not then someone gets more than
half of the votes, a third election conducted between the two
as in the second vote received the most votes. At the
third vote, the candidate who receives the most votes.

Procedure for appointing the Nomination Committee

5 § Each party group representing a party at the election

To parliament received at least 4 percent of the votes in the whole country,
will occupy a place in the Nomination Committee. In addition, distributed ten
seats proportionally between these factions.
The members appointed pursuant to the procedure
specified in Chapter 12. § 14.

Number of members of the Committee

Supplementary provision 3.5.1

President determines the number of members each
party group should appoint the Nomination Committee. At the
proportional distribution applied to the base
specified in Chapter 12. § 8 third paragraph.

National Opening the meeting

Special session of the Riksdag opening

6 § Swedish Parliament shall, by the Riksdag third day
hold a special session of the Riksdag session opening. The Head of State
explains the President's request, the parliamentary session opened. At
prevented the head of state says President
parliamentary session opened.

At the meeting the Prime Minister delivers a Statement of Government Policy,
unless there are special reasons for him or her to
refrain from this.

Time of meeting of the Riksdag opening

Supplementary provision 3.6.1

After an election to parliament owns session of the Riksdag
opening place at. 14:00 The second day of the parliamentary session.

Have there been any election to Parliament
own sitting room on the first day at the same time.

The President may determine another date for the meeting.

More about parliamentary sessions

Riksdag length

7 § A session lasts until the next session begins.

Other national meetings during the election period

8 § During the years when it held general elections to the parliament,
, a new session of Parliament started the day in September
chamber established during the previous parliamentary session.

Proposed date for the initial meeting

Supplementary provision 3.8.1

Riksdag Board submits proposals to the plenary for decision
according to § 8.

Roll call at the other parliamentary sessions

Supplementary provision 3.8.2

The President may decide that the members shall be called up at the
first meeting of the chamber also during other parliamentary sessions
during the election period. If the roll call has not been held to be a
list of who the members of the Riksdag beginning
enclosed chamber protocol.

New session by additional selection

9 § If a decision on additional choice made before the adopted
day of the opening session, a new session of Parliament
according to § 8 begin only if the parliament elected by the
extraordinary election gathered before July 1 of that year.


Chapter includes

1 § This chapter contains provisions on the management and
planning of parliamentary work.

President and the Vice-Presidents

§ 2 The President or, in his or her place, one of the Vice-Presidents
leads parliamentary work.
Group leader

3 § Each party group referred to in Chapter 3. 5 §
shall appoint a special representative (group leader) should consult
President on the work of the House in accordance with the provisions of this Act

Party groups should appoint a personal deputy for
group leader (deputy team leader).

Information on decisions taken after consultation

Supplementary provision 4.3.1

Decisions taken after consultation be made available
for Members. It should be in the order of the President


§ 4 Riksdag Administration is headed by a board.

Provisions on the Riksdag Administration data found in Chapter 14

Riksdag Board

Supplementary provision 4.4.1

Riksdag Board leads Riksdagsförvaltningen and deliberates
about the planning of parliamentary work.

Riksdag Board consists of the President as chairman and ten other members
parliament elects a
term. The Riksdag also selects ten deputies of the elected members of parliament

Parliamentary Board meetings

Supplementary provision 4.4.2

Riksdag Board is convened by the President.
If the President is unable to attend a meeting,
enters one of the Vice-Presidents as chairman. A
absent member's seat occupied by a deputy belonging
same party group.

Parliamentary Board meets in camera. If
Board wishes to obtain information from someone who does not belong
Board, may call him or her to a

The Vice-Presidents, the group leaders who are not members

By the Board and the Riksdag Director may participate in the Board's

The Conference

5 § The Conference deliberates on matters of common interest
activities in plenary, committee and
EU Affairs.

Chairman Composition of the Conference

Supplementary provision 4.5.1

The Conference of Presidents consists of the President as Chairman and
committees and members of the Committee Chairman.

5 KAP. MPs

Chapter includes

1 § This chapter contains provisions on assignment as

Provisions on the mission are contained in Chapter 4. 10-13 §§

§ 2 A Member is entitled to fees for their mission of
public funds. Further provisions on the remuneration and financial
conditions for members and alternates are in the law.

Registration of commitments and economic interests

Supplementary provision 5.2.1

Provisions for registration of members' commitments and
economic interests of the Act (1996: 810) concerning the registration
of MPs commitments and economic interests.

Leave from the mission

§ 3 A member can apply for a leave of absence from his duties.
If a member may leave for a period of at least one month, should
her mandate is exercised by a deputy during the time
member is vacant.

Consideration of the request for leave

§ 4 President decides on leave from holding office
with the limitation set forth in the second paragraph.

The chamber decides on leave for reasons other than illness or
parental leave if the leave is for a period of one month or longer

If an application for leave filed during a period when the chamber
not in session and if this period is longer than a month,
President may decide whether leave should be granted.

Contents of the application for leave

Supplementary provision 5.4.1

An application for leave shall be in writing, contain the reasons
which the application is based on and relate to a specific period.
Applications must be submitted to the Parliament Administration.


§ 5 When a replacement should be elected in the President, a
member who belongs to the government or a casual member, should
President cold substitute for service. He shall
then follow the order of the Deputies established
by law. If there are special circumstances, the President may waive
this order.

Message to
Supplementary provision 5.5.1

A substitute who shall carry out duties as a member to receive a
notice of the member whom he replaces and
about the time of the appointment. A deputy can get a special
message with information about when the mission ends.

Replacement person's position at the resignation

6 § If a free member leaves its mission, it continues
serving deputy to exercise his duties until
a new member is appointed.

Prosecution or detention

§ 7 for the action to get brought against a member or a
intervention to get done in a member's personal freedom is required
in some cases under Chapter 4. § 12 first paragraph
Government Parliamentary consent. This also applies
regard to former members.

An application for approval of the Riksdag will of the prosecutors, or other
to the plaintiff, submitted to the President.

If the application is so incomplete that it can not be added
basis for parliamentary consideration or if the applicant has not done
likely he or she is entitled to bring legal
or request this action by an authority , the President
reject the application. Otherwise, the President shall notify the
at a meeting of the Chamber.

Application for consent

Supplementary provision 5.7.1

An application referred to in § 7 shall be in writing and contain
the fact relied on.


Chapter includes

1 § This chapter contains provisions on

- Planning and management of meetings (§§ 2-6)

- Meetings (§§ 7-14)

- The right to speak at meetings (15-19 §§)

- Case debates (§§ 20-22)

- Specific debates (§ 23), and

- Some common questions (§§ 24-27).

Planning and management of meetings


§ 2 The President decides on the planning of the work of the chamber
and when the House shall meet.

Consultation prior planning

Additional provision 6.2.1

President will face a decision under § 2 consult
Riksdag Board.


3 § The Speaker leads the chamber meetings.

Assistant to the President

Supplementary provision 6.3.1

At the direction of the chamber meetings assisted the President of
a chamber secretary.

Vice President

§ 4 The President may delegate to a Vice President to lead a


5 § Age The president leads a meeting of the President and Vice-Presidents
all indisposed.

Speaker's impartiality

6 § Upon deliberation of a substance included on the agenda
President may not speak on substantive matters.
The same applies to the Vice-President or the oldest member who
lead a meeting.

Publicity of sittings

§ 7 a sitting of Parliament shall be public according
provisions of Chapter 4. 9 § Government.

Chamber may decide that a meeting be held within
closed doors, if necessary with regard to national security
or otherwise of the relationship to another state or an international organization

If the government at a meeting shall provide information to
parliament, the government must also decide on the closed doors of
the grounds specified in the second paragraph.

§ 8 No one who has attended a sitting of Parliament which
held in camera shall without authorization reveal what has
emerged at the meeting. The chamber may decide in a particular case
partial or full suspension of confidentiality.

9 § The Chamber is convened by the President unless
otherwise provided in the Constitution or this Act.

A notice will be posted by noon. 18.00 the day before
meeting and at least 14 hours in advance.
If there are special reasons, must the notice be posted later. In that case
meeting held if more than half of parliament members

Contents of a calling

§ 10 It must be stated in the notice of meeting is a working

Other information in the notice

Supplementary provision 6.10.1

If an election shall be conducted at a meeting, it shall be stated in the notice

Interruption of the work of the Chamber for a decision on additional choice

11 § If the government has decided on the extraordinary elections, the President may
at the request of the Government decide that the House should not
meet during the remainder of the parliamentary term.

Special meeting

§ 12 The President may decide to call the chamber to
meeting during a period when the work in the house is not in progress.
Such decisions should be made about the government, or at least 115 of
members request it.

A meeting shall be held within ten days of a request
if it has been produced. A meeting may be held
only after the members have received a reasonable time to suspend
from the date of the notification of the summons.

A meeting of the working plenary during a period when
working plenary not included in the planning of the chamber must be held within
less than 48 hours from the time
members were informed of the summons only if at least three-quarters of
those voting and more than half of parliament members vote
for the matter to be decided.

Notification of time for extra sitting

Additional provision 6.12.1

The timing of the first meeting referred to in § 12 shall

13 § The President shall at each meeting
establish an agenda of what should be addressed during
meeting. Exceptions may be made for things that are assumed to be
dealt with behind closed doors. The agenda will be made available to members

It must be stated in the agenda of the meeting is a working

At the sitting, errands and elections processed in the order
they have been included on the agenda.

Claims mm to be taken up first on the agenda

Supplementary provision 6.13.1

Claiming referendum on constitutional issues,
Prime vote under Chapter 6. § 3 of Government,
proposal for a new Prime Minister or claim for
censure should be taken as the first item on the agenda
. If there is more than one such claim,
be taken up in the order they are specified.
The President may determine a different order from the Prime Minister's vote and
a motion of no confidence.

What should be included on the agenda

Additional provision 6.13.2

In addition to what is stated in 6.13.1, the following is entered in the


First choice,

Second bills, letters from the government, petitions
and reports from Riksdag bodies, motions and EU documents
which shall be referred to the committee,

Third reports and statements from the committee to
tabled, debated or resolved, and whether a committee or
President has proposed that the case be decided by
less than that referred to in Chapter 11. § 2, first paragraph,

4th decisions and information on the composition of
members changed

Fifth other decisions to be taken by the House,

6th Communication on a specially arranged debate to take place,

7th other issues to the extent that the President decides.

Further, a notice that a minister will
provide oral information on the agenda.
If it is possible, even a request that a bill be
rest for twelve months on the agenda.

Decision regarding the closure and adjournment of a meeting

§ 14 Decisions that a meeting be closed or that a
break should be done in an ongoing meeting taken by
chamber without deliberation.

The right to speak at meetings

Opinion Court

§ 15 Each member and the minister may, with the exceptions
provided in this Act, freely express themselves in all matters that are
during treatment and the legality of all that takes place at

Restrictions on the right

16 § Anyone who has word should limit its intervention to the
subject being treated. If someone violates the rule and not
abide by the Speaker's remarks, the President may take the word
from him or her during the ongoing deliberations.

No one may at a meeting speak condescending if someone
else or use personally insulting expressions or
other in word or deed behave in a manner contrary
good order. If someone breaks the rule, the President
take the word from him or her during the ongoing

Additional provision 6.16.1

The President may, after consultation with the group leaders decide
conduct for the chamber.

Head of State's ämbetsförklaring

17 § The Head of State may issue ämbetsförklaring before the House.

Oral information from the government

§ 18 The Government may provide information to Parliament
orally by a minister at a meeting with

19 § No one may participate in the consideration of a matter at a
sitting of Parliament on the matter concerning him or her
or a loved person.

A minister may participate in the deliberation of the chamber in a
case involving the Prime Minister's duties.

Case Discussions

The structure of debates

20 § The President shall consult with the group leaders on the organization
chamber of deliberations.

Debate Restrictions

21 § Parliament will have a clause limiting the number
speeches as a speaker may make during the deliberation of a
issue and time for each speech. The limitation may be the
made between different categories of speakers.

In connection with the deliberation of a particular issue gets chamber
proposal from the President to decide on a limitation of the kind
referred to in the first paragraph. The decision is made without prior

Everyone who wants to speak on an issue should be allowed to speak in
least four minutes.

Registration for the debate

Additional provision 6.21.1

A speech by a member who has not pre-registered may
not exceed four minutes, unless the Speaker allows longer
time. A new speech from someone who previously had the word
speech during the deliberation of a particular issue may not
exceed two minutes.

A notice shall be made to Parliament Administration not later than noon.
16:30 weekday before the meeting at which the deliberations shall
begin. The notification shall include the estimated time of

The first and second paragraphs do not apply when an interpellation
or a question answered.

Speaks order

§ 22 President determines the order between those who pre-registered
they want to express their opinion during the deliberation of a particular issue.
Those who ask to speak during deliberations manifests itself in
order of registration.

Regardless of the order of speakers and without announcement, the President may permit

First a minister who has not previously held a speech
get word of a speech, and

Second a minister or a member who has already held a speech
get word of a replica following a
previous speaker's remarks.

The President may, after consultation with the group leaders, facing a certain
deliberation decide that a minister or a member may receive
word replica before he or she has kept his
speech. In such a decision must be made between
different categories of speakers.

State Council possibility speech

Additional provision 6.22.1

Regardless of the order of speakers and without announcement, a
a minister who has not previously held a speech at
deliberation of a particular issue given the floor for a speech on
maximum of ten minutes.


Additional provision 6.22.2

A replica will be requested during the speech.

Time for a reply should not exceed two minutes, if not
President special reason allows an extension of time
to four minutes. Each speaker can deliver two replicas on
same speech. If the President has already granted a speaker
right to reply, the speaker be heard before a minister keeps
a speech that violates the order of speakers.

Additional provision 6.22.3

During the deliberation of a matter, a member, regardless of
order of speakers, to join previous speakers without specifying
reasons for this.

Specific debates

Specially arranged debate

§ 23 The President may, after consultation with the group leaders decide
a debate without connection with other processing will take place at
a meeting of the Chamber. Such a debate
may be limited to a particular topic or be divided into sections by topic.

Time for speeches in a specially arranged debate

Additional provision 6.23.1

President determines, after consultation with the group leaders about times
speeches in a specially arranged debate.

Some common questions


§ 24 The meetings should be fully recorded.
No one may speak off the record. When adjusting a
protocol decision may not be changed.

Chamber records and documents pertaining to
Protocol shall be made available to the extent
information not covered by secrecy.

Fast Protocol

Additional provision 6.24.1

An opinion at a meeting shall promptly be made available
in readable form (fast protocol). If the speaker does not
has made any complaint against the fast protocol no later than.
12:00 on the third day following the meeting, he shall be deemed or
she have accepted it.

If the speaker adjusts the speed protocol, he or she should
sign it.

Approval of Minutes

Additional provision 6.24.2

A protocol approval by the House within three weeks
meeting. A protocol that can not be adjusted within the
time, be adjusted within a month or at the time
President decides.

When calibrating, a Member may request amendment of the Protocol
in the case of an opinion that another member has approved
according to 6.24.1.

Place in the Chamber

§ 25 For each member, there must be a special place in
Chamber. There will also be special places for
President, Vice-presidents and ministers.

Additional provision 6.25.1

Members placed in the chamber constituency.

Place of opinion in the Chamber

Additional provision 6.25.2

It manifested in the Chamber to speak of any of
pulpit or from a member site.

§ 26 The Chamber shall be special places for

Conduct of listeners

Additional provision 6.26.1

Audience shall call submit coats and bags and
object which can be used to disrupt the order in
Chamber. Anyone who does not comply with a request may be refused
access to åhörarplatserna. During the visit to the Chamber
kept the submitted belongings in special
Rules on security contained in the Act
(1988: 144) on security in the Parliament premises.

Public who disturbs order

§ 27 Members of the public disturbance must immediately expelled. If
disorder occurs in the audience, the President may expel
all audiences.

Chapter 7. COMMITTEES AND EU Affairs

Chapter includes

1 § This chapter contains provisions on

- Election (§§ 2-4)

- Committees and the distribution of cases (5-11

- EU Affairs (§§ 12-14), and

- Meetings (§§ 15-21).


§ 2 For each legislature parliament will elect a
Constitutional Committee, a Finance Committee and a Committee on Taxation
as well as many other committees needed for parliamentary work.
The choice applies to the parliamentary term.

The Parliament may also during the election period select committee
at the time that remains of the legislature.

What committees to be elected

Supplementary provision 7.2.1

Parliament will last on the eighth day after the first
meeting of the Chamber during the parliamentary term following select
15 committees in the following order:

First Constitutional Committee (KU)

Second Finance Committee (FIU)

Third Committee on Taxation (SKU)

4th Justice Committee (Juu)

Fifth Civil Committee (CU)

6th Foreign Relations Committee (UU)

7th Defence Committee (R & D)

Eighth Social Committee (SFU)

9th Social Committee (Sou)

10th Culture Committee (KRU)

Eleventh Education Committee (uBU)

12th Traffic Committee (TU)

13th Environment and Agriculture Committee (MJU)

14th Nutrition Committee (NOW), and

15th Labour Market (AU).

Selection of additional committees

Supplementary provision 7.2.2

If Parliament chooses another committee, be it
committee's main duties specified.

EU committee

3 § For each legislature parliament should elect a committee
for the European Union (EU Affairs) consultation under Chapter 10.
§ 10 of Government.

Members of the Committee and EU Affairs

4 § The committees and the Committee shall consist of an odd number of members
, least 15.

At EU committee meetings, each party group
right to replace a member of a member of the relevant committee.
This right is not a party group that already has a
a member or alternate of the Board who is also a member of the
committee concerned.

Decisions on the number of members

Supplementary provision 7.4.1

The number of members in the committees and in the Committee established by
parliament on the proposal of the Nomination Committee.

The roles and the distribution of cases

The allocation of cases between committees

5 § Riksdag prescribes the additional provision under which
grounds that cases should be distributed between the projections, beyond what
shown in the 8, 9 and 10 §§. Matters pertaining to the same subject and
shall be referred to the same committee.

Swedish Parliament may decide that there should be a committee
preparing cases where such laws referred to in Chapter 8. 2 §
first paragraph 1 of Government, regardless of the subject area.

Subjects committees

Supplementary provision 7.5.1

The annex to this law specified committees disciplines,
in addition to that of 8, 9 and 10 §§.

Sharing of files between committees

6 § Budget Bill may be shared between two or more
committee. Other matters may be awarded only if there are special reasons

Compound its

§ 7 Two or more committees may decide to jointly consider
a case of a composite committee by deputies.

Constitution Committee's tasks and disciplines

8 § The Constitutional Committee shall prepare matters concerning
constitutional laws and the Riksdag.

The Committee will monitor the implementation of the Parliament of
subsidiarity under Chapter 9. § 20, second paragraph, and
once a year to the House its observations.

Further provisions for the committee's tasks is the
Government and this Law.

Finance Committee's tasks and disciplines

9 § The Finance Committee shall prepare

First Broad economic policy and
decision on the state budget, and

Second Riksbank's activities.

The Committee shall also prepare proposals for decisions on State
budget under Chapter 11. § 18 third and fifth paragraphs.
Further, the committee shall review the calculation of state revenue and
annual report for the state. The Committee shall draw
Parliament's decision on the state budget.

Further provisions for the committee's tasks is the
Government and this Law.

Tax Committee disciplines

§ 10 Tax committee shall prepare matters concerning state and municipal taxes

Deviations from the division of case

11 § Riksdag may depart from the grounds have been established for
distribution of cases between committees, with the exception of
§ 8 first paragraph, if in a particular case warranted by
into account the relationship between different cases, a matter
particular nature or working conditions.

In the same circumstances mentioned in the first paragraph may
a committee shall refer the matter to another committee if
the host committee agrees. In connection with
the surrender, the surrender Committee heard over
matter to the host committee.

EU issues

The government's talks with the committees on EU affairs

§ 12 The government will consult with the committees of the questions about
work of the European Union as a committee decides.

If at least five of the members of the committee so requests, the Committee
decide to confer with the Government under the first paragraph
. The Committee may refuse such a request for a
deliberation would delay the issue of treatment so that
serious detriment. The committee must then in his
protocol to give reasons why the request has been refused.

Committees obligation to follow the work of the EU

13 § committees shall follow the work of the European Union within
their subject areas.

The government's consultation with the Committee

14 § The Government should inform the Committee about the issues to be decided
in the European Union. The government will also
consult with the Council concerning the negotiations in the Council shall be
prior decisions of the Council.

The government will consult with the Committee on other matters relating
work in the European Union when the Tribunal for special reasons
requesting such deliberation.

The government will consult with the Committee prior to the meetings and decisions
European Council.

When the committee and the Committee shall meet

§ 15 Committees on EU Affairs convenes when
parliamentary work requires it.

Additional provision 7.15.1

Committees on EU Affairs convenes the first time in
convened by the President within two days after the election of committee
or Board. Then convene committees and the Committee
convened by the chairman. The Chairman shall convene
meeting if at least five members of the Committee or Board

A notice will be sent to all members and
deputies. The notice must be posted by noon. 18.00 the day before

For the purposes of Chapter 9. 5 § Government should
President to convene the Finance Committee also requested by

Line of sitting before her election

Additional provision 7.15.2

The oldest Member of the Committee or the Committee leads
hearing before a president is selected.

Committee meetings while chamber meetings

Additional provision 7.15.3

Only if the Committee has taken a unanimous decision in advance,
get the committee to meet during the plenary working or choices
chamber. However, such a meeting not be
public according to § 17. Otherwise, a committee meeting
take place at the House is sitting.


Additional provision 7.15.4

Minutes shall be kept of meetings of committees and
EU Affairs.

Observations of the Committee

Additional provision 7.15.5

What uttered by members of the Committee's deliberations with the government
be recorded in readable form.

Meetings in camera

§ 16 committees and the Committee shall hold closed

Committees and the Committee may allow even someone other than a
member, a deputy or an officer of the committee or
EU Affairs will attend a meeting behind closed doors
. For the Committee and for discussion in committee
EU affairs according to § 12 requires no decision for a
a minister or an official accompanying the Minister, to receive

Public meeting

17 § A committee may decide that a meeting of the portion
it refers to a request for information or consultation in
EU affairs according to § 12 shall be public.

The Committee may decide that a meeting or portion of a
meeting, shall be public.

In a public part of a meeting of a committee or
EU Affairs is the representative of a government agency
not obliged to provide information for which confidentiality is of

Absorption of sound or image at public meetings

Additional provision 7.17.1

Sound or visual recording in a public part of a
meeting of a committee or of the Committee may be made about
not the Committee or the Board decides otherwise.

§ 18, in a public part of a meeting of a committee

Or in the Committee shall be special places for

Conduct of listeners

Additional provision 7.18.1

Audience shall call submit coats and bags and
such objects that can be used to disrupt the order at
sitting. Anyone who does not comply with a request may
refused access to the meeting. The submitted
belongings are kept during the visit of the special

Rules on security contained in the Act (1988: 144)
about security in the Parliament premises.

Public who disturbs order

§ 19 Members of the public disturbance must immediately expelled. If
disorder occurs in the audience, the President may expel
all audiences.

§ 20 No one who has attended a meeting of a committee or
EU Affairs gets authorization disclose what
according to the decision of the government, a committee or the Committee should
covered by privacy protection to national security or of
another very important reason concerns the relationship to a
foreign state or an international organization.

§ 21 No person may attend the hearing of a case in a
committee, if the matter relating to him or any related

8 KAP. Interpellations and questions to MINISTER

Chapter includes

1 § This chapter contains provisions on

- Interpellations (§§ 2-4)

- Written questions (§§ 5-7), and

- Q & A (§ 8).


Interpellationers content

2 § An interpellation shall be submitted in writing to a
certain ministers. It must have a specific content and be
provided with a rationale.

Decisions on interpellations

3 § President decides on an interpellation shall be placed.
If the President finds that an interpellation is contrary to the Constitution or
this law, he or she shall decide
interpellation may not be and give reasons for that decision

If the Chamber requests that the interpellation should get prepared, should
matter is referred to the Constitutional Committee for decision.
President shall allow the interpellation reset
Committee has declared that it does not violate the constitutional
or this Act.

The practical management of interpellations

Supplementary provision 8.3.1

An interpellation shall be submitted to the Parliament Administration.

The President shall, without delay, at a meeting of the Chamber
notify its decision to the interpellation should or should not get
restored. If the President has decided that the interpellation shall be
, the President shall submit the interpellation to the Government
without delay.

The interpellation shall be reported at the parliamentary protocol.

Withdrawal of interpellations

Supplementary provision 8.3.2

An interpellation may be withdrawn until the Government has
answered it.

Replies to interpellations

§ 4 An interpellation is to be answered in a speech by a
minister within two weeks of its submission to the Government
. If the planning of the work of the Chamber brings
to interpellations can not be answered in a particular week,
extended response time until the planning permit to answer

If a response is not provided within the time specified in the first paragraph
or whether a response will not be provided, should
Minister inform the House the reasons.
Release may not be followed by deliberation.

An interpellation fall if it is not answered during the
term when it was brought.

When the answer to be provided

Supplementary provision 8.4.1

President determines, after consultation with the Government and
interpellant which meeting the answer to be provided.

The draft response to an interpellation may be made
available to members in advance.

Interpellation Debate
Supplementary provision 8.4.2

A speech for answering an interpellation may be
maximum of six minutes. The Government may additionally get the word
three speeches, of which the first two will be
four minutes each, and the third most two

Interpellant may take the floor for no more than three speeches, of which
the first two may be up to four minutes each, and the third
more than two minutes.

Other speakers may take the floor for no more than two speeches, of which the first
may be up to four minutes and the second most two

A speaker must register no later than during the second round.
Written questions

Contents of written questions

5 § a written question to a minister may include a
brief introductory statement. The question must have a specific

Decision to written questions

6 § President decides on a written question may be.
If the President finds that a written question infringes
Constitution or this Act, he or she shall decide that the issue is not
may be and give reasons for its decision.

If the Chamber requests that the matter should get prepared, should the matter
referred to the Constitutional Committee for decision. President
shall allow the question is asked whether the committee has declared that
it does not violate the constitution or the law.

The practical management of written questions

Supplementary provision 8.6.1

A written question shall be submitted to the Parliament Administration.

The President shall, without delay, at a meeting of the Chamber
notify its decision to issue or not to get prepared.
If the President has decided that the question must be asked, should
President shall refer the matter to the Government without delay.

Withdrawal of written questions

Supplementary provision 8.6.2

A written question may be withdrawn until the Government
've answered it.

Answers to written questions

7 § A written question answered in writing by a minister.
If a response is not provided within the time specified in
additional provision, will the Government inform
Riksdagsförvaltningen when the question will be answered or
that it will not be answered.

Deadlines for replies to written questions

Additional provision 8.7.1

A written question submitted at the latest one Thursday. 10:00
answered no later than noon. 12:00 the following Wednesday. If parliamentary work
requires, the President, after consultation with the group leaders
decide to answer instead be provided within 14 days after
question was produced.

The written response submitted to the Parliament Administration, which
submit the answer to the member who asked the question.

Reproduction of written questions and answers

Additional provision 8.7.2

Written questions and ministers' answers to the questions will
reported in parliamentary protocol.

Oral questions

8 § An oral question to the minister is at a
Q & A session held in the chamber. The question must have a specific

Question answered immediately by a minister.

President decides on who will get the word out at a question and answer session
and may decide on a limitation of speeches to a maximum

Planning hearings

Supplementary provision 8.8.1

A question and answer session held every Thursday during the weeks
House is sitting.

If parliamentary work so requires, the President may decide that
Question Time to be arranged any day other than a Thursday or

Government Offices shall provide timely advance notice to
Riksdagsförvaltningen the minister who will be
present at a hearing. Notification is given to
members in the way that the President decides.

9 KAP. Caseload WAKENING

Chapter includes

1 § This chapter contains provisions on

- Cases brought by the government (§§ 2-9)

- Cases brought by members (§§ 10-15)

- Cases brought by parliamentary bodies (§§ 16-19)

- Issues raised by documents from the EU (§ 20),

- EU information (§§ 21-23)

- Other issues that the parliament has to deal with (§§ 24 and 25),

- Some common questions (§§ 26 and 27).

Cases brought by the government

2 § The government submits proposals to parliament by

A bill must include government protocols on the matter,
an account of the preparation of this matter and the reasons for
Government's proposal. Bills with bill shall
where appropriate, the Council on Legislation.

Delivery of the bill

Supplementary provision 9.2.1

A bill will be submitted to the Parliament Administration. The
reported at a meeting of the chamber after it has
been made available to members.

When bills to be provided

3 § Parliament decides on the proposal of the President when
propositions that according to the Government should be treated in the
ongoing parliamentary session later be provided. If a particular time
provided in this Act, applies to that time.

A date agreed under the first paragraph does not apply

First if the government through a bill in parliament sets
issued a regulation for examination by law, or

Second if the Government considers that there are special reasons to
submit a bill later.

Consultation to avoid accumulation of work

4 § The Government should submit proposals on such times that a
accumulation of work of parliament is avoided.
The government will consult with the President.

Bills on the state budget

5 § The government will submit a bill for
state revenue and expenditure for the coming financial year
(the Budget). The financial year coincides with the calendar year

The Budget must contain a financial plan and a
draft decision on the state budget. The proposed
state budget expenditure shall be attributed to spending areas
which appropriations are allocated, unless the Parliament with the support of
Chapter 11. 18 § the law has decided otherwise.

Only if the Government considers that there are exceptional
economic policy reasons, a bill on State
revenue and expenditure for the next financial year
left after the Budget.

A bill proposing a new or significantly elevated
notices or guidelines under Chapter 9. 6 § Government
for state business for longer than the allocation to
business concerns should include an estimate of the future
costs for the purpose of the proposal. If
a proposal for funding based on a plan for a longer
than that for which the allocation has been calculated in the bill,
plan should be presented.

By surrendering Budget

Additional provision 9.5.1

The budget proposal must be submitted by 20 September.

The year in which the election is held in September should
Budget instead be provided within two weeks after
Riksdag opening. If this is the result of a
change of government is not possible, the budget bill
submitted within three weeks after a new government has
office, but no later than 15 November.

Economic Spring Bill

Supplementary provision 9.5.2

The Government shall annually by April 15
submit a bill proposing guidelines for economic
and budgetary policies (economic Spring Bill).

Expenditure areas


Government expenditure should be allocated to the following areas of expenditure: 1
Governance, 2 Economy and Finance, 3
Tax, customs and enforcements, 4 Law, 5 International
interaction, 6 Defence and contingency, 7
International aid, migration 8, 9 health care, health care
and social care, 10 Financial security in sickness and disability
, 11 Financial security in old age, 12
Financial security for families and children, 13 Equality and
newly arrived immigrants' establishment, 14 Labour and
work, 15 Student, 16
Education and university research, 17 Culture, media, religious communities and
leisure, 18 Planning, housing and construction
and consumer policy , 19 Regional growth, 20
General environmental protection and nature conservation, Energy 21, 22 Communications, 23
Land-based industries, rural and food, 24 Enterprise, 25 General
grants to local government, central government debt 26 mm and 27 | || contribution to the European Union.

Decisions regarding the purpose and activities to be
included in the expenditure included in the decision
on the occasion of the Spring Budget Bill.
Act (2015: 382).

Additional provisions on the budget process

Additional provision 9.5.4

Additional provisions on the budget process is the
Budget Act (2011: 203).

Propositions with the proposed amendments to the state budget

6 § The Government may, with the exceptions specified in the second paragraph of
, at most two occasions submit a bill
proposed amendments to the state budget for the current financial year

Only if the government considers that there are special reasons,
bills proposing amendments to the state budget
left at other times.

Delivery of the bill with proposed amendments to the state budget

Additional provision 9.6.1

One such bill referred to in § 6, first paragraph
provided in connection with the Budget or the economic
spring budget.

7 § The Government may provide information to parliament by

Delivery of the letter

Additional provision 9.7.1

A letter from the Government shall be submitted to

Parliament Administration. It is reported at a meeting of
chamber after it has been made available for

Letter on action taken by the parliamentary decision

8 § The Government shall each year, in a letter to parliament
outline the measures the government has taken in view of the parliamentary
letters submitted to the government.

Committee Report
§ 9 The Government shall each year, in a letter to parliament
report on the activities of the committees that have been added on
because of the government's decision.

Cases brought by members

§ 10 Members submit proposals to Parliament by
In a motion may not be proposed on various subjects

The surrendering of exercise

Additional provision 9.10.1

A motion will be submitted to the Parliament Administration not later than noon.
16:30 on the last day that the motion must be submitted.
It should contain information about the party group that exerciser

The motion presented at a meeting of the Chamber.

General motions

11 § Motions concerning everything that may come during the parliamentary
trial may be brought once a year (general motions).

The overall exercise period underway, unless the Parliament on a proposal
by the President decides otherwise, from the beginning of a session of Parliament
begin in August, September or October, and as long as
motions may be submitted in response to Budget Bill.

Follow Motions

§ 12 A motion on the occasion of a bill, letter,
representation or statement (due exercise) may be brought within the scope of the case
later than the fifteenth day following the date
case was reported in the chamber.

Modified motions

13 § If a bill or a petition must be treated promptly
get parliament on the proposal of the Government or the
parliamentary body which submitted the petition, decide on a shorter
motions if there are exceptional reasons.

Reichstag, on a proposal by the President to extend
exercise time if there are special reasons.

Proposal for extension motions

Additional provision 9.13.1

A proposal for extension of the exercise period vacated by
time of the second meeting after the
bill, letter, petition or statement
reported in the chamber. A decision on the extension
taken at the latest at the next meeting.

Follow Motions for the treatment of a case has been postponed

14 § Follow-Motions must, on account of the treatment of
a bill, letter, representation or statement
has been postponed from one term to the next,
brought within seven days from the start of the new legislature .

Exercise following an event of major importance

§ 15 Motions on the occasion of an event of major importance must
brought jointly by at least ten members, if the event is not
unforeseeable or considered during the general exercise time
or other motions set out in this chapter.

Issues raised by the parliamentary bodies

16 § A committee may bring a proposal to the Riksdag on a topic
within its remit (committee initiative). A
committee initiatives taken by a committee report
according to the rules applicable to the reports in general.

The Finance Committee may, in economic policy aimed submit proposals
even in a substance belonging to another committee
preparation area.

Parliament Organs preparation right

17 § Parliamentary bodies Parliamentary Board, the Riksbank
General Council and the Executive Board, the Parliamentary Ombudsmen and
National Audit Office may make representations to the Riksdag on
issues related to the parliamentary body's competence, organization,
personnel or operations.

The Riksdag may prescribe that the Riksdag Board, the Riksbank
General Council and the Executive and Parliamentary Ombudsmen also
other cases may make representations in Parliament.

Special provisions on the reports to Parliament from
a parliamentary body is in the law.

The provisions of the first paragraph also applies to each
of the Auditors General of the National Audit Office. Further regulations
if such requests are in the law.

Delivery of the production or presentation

Additional provision 9.17.1

A petition or a report from a parliamentary body
shall be submitted to the Parliament Administration. The reported
at a sitting of Parliament after it has been
available to members.

Requests from the parliamentary board

Additional provision 9.17.2

The Riksdag Board may make submissions to the Riksdag on
matters of parliamentary work operation, among
Board approvals or concerns the economy administrative
Parliament Administration, the Parliamentary Ombudsmen and
National Audit Office.

Before Parliamentary Board will make a proposal relating to the economy administrative
Parliament Administration, the Parliamentary Ombudsmen and
National Audit the relevant authorities will be given the opportunity to

The Board may also in other cases make representations to
parliament in matters of Parliament or its bodies
petitions based on a proposal from the investigations
Board has appointed the Parliamentary mandate.

Report on action taken by the parliamentary decision

Additional provision 9.17.3

Parliamentary Board shall annually in a statement
report what actions the Board has taken in view of the parliamentary
letters submitted to the Board.

Requests by the Riksbank's General Council and Executive

Additional provision 9.17.4

Riksbank General Council and the Executive Board may make
requests from Parliament in discharging its responsibilities.

Requests by the Parliamentary Ombudsmen

Additional provision 9.17.5

Each of the Parliamentary Ombudsmen may make representations
of parliament in response to questions that have been raised in
his or her supervision. Additional
regulations of such requests in the law
(1986: 765) with Instructions for the Parliamentary Ombudsmen.

Reports of the Auditors

Additional provision 9.17.6

Each of the Auditors may submit reports to the parliament concerning
audit reports over
annual report for the state, the Riksbank and the Swedish Foundation
Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation.

National auditors' reports

§ 18 Each of the Auditors are leaving their
audit reports on performance audit to
parliament. The Auditors leaving the annual report with the main findings
the performance audit and the
annual audit to Parliament.

Reports shall be submitted to the Parliament Administration. The reported
at a meeting of the Chamber after they have been
available for Members.

The annual report and the audit reports concerning the
activities of the Parliament Administration and
authorities under the Riksdag submitted as reports.

Other reports to be submitted to the government and relevant
committee by the President.

The government correspondence concerning the Auditors reports

§ 19 For each search report has been submitted to
government to government, in a letter to parliament
outline the measures the government has taken or intends
to take on the observations in the report. If
government has taken or intends to take similar measures
because of the findings in several reports, the government
submit a letter that includes several reports
to Parliament.

Government report to be submitted to parliament within four
months after the government received the report. At
calculating the prescription is July and August months are not counted

Issues raised by documents from the EU

EU affairs

§ 20 Green and white papers to be submitted to Parliament by
European Commission to consider the bill.
President may, after consultation with the group leaders decide that other
documents of the European Union, with the exception of draft
legislative acts, shall be considered by Parliament.

Parliament will consider whether a draft legislative act
violates the subsidiarity principle.

Parliament will approve or reject the initiative of the European
Council to authorize the Council to change the decision-making procedure on
a certain area or in a particular case
from unanimity to qualified majority voting or from a special legislative procedure

to the ordinary legislative procedure. Parliament will also approve or reject
proposal from the European Commission to specify which
aspects of family law with cross-border implications
which may be the subject of legislative acts adopted by
the ordinary legislative procedure.

Information on EU

Information from Government on cooperation in the EU

§ 21 The government will under Chapter 10. § 10 of Government

Continuously inform Parliament of what takes place within the framework
for cooperation in the European Union.

The government will report its actions in the European Union
of parliament, and every year, in a letter to parliament
report the activities of the European Union.

Information from the Government on the documents from the EU

§ 22 The government must inform parliament about his views on the
documents that the EU institutions have submitted
to the parliament and the government deems important.

Information from Union institutions on the work of the EU

§ 23 Riksdag receive written information about the work of
European Union by the Union institutions in accordance with
Treaties and the Treaties related protocols.

Other issues that the parliament has to deal

Notification of pending decisions and exemptions from the deadline

§ 24 The Constitutional Committee shall notify dormant decisions
matters concerning the Constitution or the Parliament Act to
chamber for final decision. If the regime applicable to
constitutional amendment or amendment of the Parliament Act, according to a
provision in the Constitution should apply in any other
case, should a pending decision on the case reported by the affected

The Constitutional Committee shall notify an exemption from
the time limit for the submission of proposals to
adopted in accordance with Chapter 8. § 14 of Government to the House.

Claiming referendum on constitutional issues or no confidence

25 § A petition for a referendum on a constitutional question or
of no confidence to be presented at a meeting
with the chamber. The claim must be submitted in writing as soon

Some common questions

§ 26 Until the committee has issued a report
in a case may a bill, letter, representation, statement or exercise
recalled in a letter to parliament
. A proposal that rests at least twelve months under Chapter 2
. § 22 first paragraph of Government may be recalled to its
Committee has issued a new report under Chapter 10.
§ 6, third paragraph.

If a bill, letter, representation or statement
withdrawn, they fall as a result of motions that have been raised.

If a bill, letter, representation or statement
has been revoked motions brought by reason of
withdrawal within seven days of the recall
reported in the chamber.

Handling of recalls

Additional provision 9.26.1

A withdrawal of a bill, letter, manufacture
or statement shall be made in a letter submitted with
Parliament Administration.

A withdrawal of a motion shall be submitted in writing to
Parliament Administration.

President declines bills, letters,
representations, statements and motions that have
withdrawn or dropped because of the recall.
The decision to dismiss is notified in the chamber.

Calculation of statutory time

27 § What in general terms about the calculation of statutory
time shall also apply to the time when a measure by a
provision of this chapter later be taken.

10 KAP. Preparing these

Chapter includes

1 § This chapter contains provisions on committees
preparation and treatment of cases.

Preparation Force and side

2 § Bills, letters, petitions, reports,
motions and European documents referred to in Chapter 9. § 20 shall be referred
of the House to a committee for consideration. The same applies
applications referred to in Chapter 5. § 7 of the consent of the prosecution or detention
which are brought into the chamber.

Before a matter is referred to a committee, the board added
at a session of the House, if the House decides
immediate reference.

Treatment Coercive

3 § The committees shall submit reports to the House of
bills, letters, petitions, statements and
motions that have been referred to them or surrendered from
another committee.

The committees will issue opinions to the chamber over the
EU documents referred to in Chapter 9. § 20 first and third
pieces which have been referred to them or delivered
from another committee.

When it comes to matters of subsidiarity in accordance with Chapter 9
. § 20, second paragraph, one committee shall, if it considers that the draft
contrary to the principle of subsidiarity, issue a
statement to the House with a proposal that parliament should give
a reasoned opinion to the European Parliament, Council and

Commission President. The Committee will also issue a
statement to the House, if at least five members of the Committee
requests. Otherwise, the committee through a
extracts from minutes to notify the Chamber that the draft
violates the subsidiarity principle.

Preparation of matters that have been raised in parliament

4 § Before a committee wholly or partially granting of a motion
proposal that parliament should pass a law, or raises
such a proposal by a committee initiative, the committee shall
obtain necessary information and opinions, if not | || Committee finds serious reasons against it. This also applies
for proposals affecting the state budget. If the committee does not
has obtained the information and observations, the Committee in its report
explain the reasons for this.

Before a committee wholly or partially granting of a
exercise suggestions or raises a proposal by a committee
initiatives should the Finance Committee be consulted
about the proposal could mean more significant future
repercussions on public spending and incomes.

Opinion of the Council of State

§ 5 Provisions on the committee's duty to obtain an opinion from the Council on Legislation
found in Chapter 8. § 21 of Government.

If the committee has not obtained the opinion of the Council on Legislation should
Committee in its report the reasons for this.

The Constitutional Committee shall declare that Chapter 2. 22 §
first paragraph of Government is not applicable in the case of
a particular bill only after the Council of State has issued

Treatment of deferred and suspended matters

6 § Reports of cases that have been postponed until next
term under the provisions of Chapter 11. 15, 16 and 20 §§
be delivered by the committees has been selected by the newly elected parliament

A committee, together with the notification to the house of a
dormant decisions under Chapter 9. 24 § submit a report

If a bill has rested for at least twelve months under Chapter 2
. § 22 first paragraph of Government, the committee shall deliver
a new report on the matter.

The decision by the Finance Committee

Additional provision 10.6.1

The decision by the Finance Committee on a matter under Chapter 9. 5 §
Government shall be notified to the Government by letter

Cooperation between committees

§ 7 A committee may provide another committee an opportunity to comment
in a case or an issue that concerns the second
committee's remit.

Government authorities' obligation to provide information and
give an opinion to a committee

§ 8 A national authority to provide information and issue
opinion to a committee so request, subject
Chapter 7. § 17 third paragraph. An official who does not obey
under the Riksdag may refer the request to the
Government for decision.

Government's obligation under this section to provide
information and give an opinion to a committee is limited
partly to questions about the work of the European Union, and the
of the Auditors audit reports
performance audit surrendered
to government.
Minorities in committee

9 § A committee will seek information or an opinion
according 4, 7 or 8 § if at least five of its members request
there at the disposal of any case. If the question comes
work within the European Union or such reports from the Auditors
referred to in Chapter 9. 18 § receive such a request
prepared without regard to the processing of a case.

If at least five of the members of the committee requests it, a
committee had the opportunity to speak to another
committee, § 7, issue an opinion.

The Committee may reject a request for information or a
opinion under the first or second paragraph, if it has
obtained in consideration of a matter and the Committee
finds that the requested measure would delay the case
treatment so that serious detriment. The committee shall
in its report or opinion to give reasons why a
such request has been refused. Have a request under the second paragraph
rejected the committee shall explain the reasons in their

Necessary information in certain EU matters

10 § committees shall in the preparation of a statement under § 3
second subparagraph obtain the necessary information from

Government shall within two weeks from the date of the Committee
request information about their assessment of the application of the subsidiarity principle
in the current draft legislative
according to § 3, third paragraph.

Voting and reservation right in the committees

11 § A vote in the committee should be transparent. If
becomes equal voting, regards his sentence.

A member who has lost a vote in a committee
get to the committee's report or statement
submit a reservation with a claim. Applies to vote
Committee's position in a statement to another
committee member may submit a dissenting opinion to the
opinion. The report, statement or opinion may
not be delayed because of this.

Special comment

12 § In a report, statement or opinion to a
another committee, a Member to explain its position
in a separate opinion.

11 KAP. Caseload CRUCIAL

Chapter includes

1 § This chapter contains provisions on

- Conditions for a case to be settled (2-6

- The procedures taken by Parliament (§§ 7-14)

- When matters are settled (§§ 15-17)

- Specific procedures for certain cases (§§ 18-20), and

- Messages about the decision of Parliament (§ 21).

Prerequisites for a case to be settled

The report Dens and utlåtandens availability

2 § A report or opinion from a committee should be
available to members no later than two working days before the date
which the matter should be treated.

Report or statement shall be notified in the chamber and
tabled at a meeting before the case is decided.

Reichstag, on a proposal by the Committee or the President may decide
that the matter may be decided even though the matter has been
available for less than stated in the first paragraph.

Time of the reports and utlåtandens availability

Additional provision 11.2.1

Report or statement should be available for
members no later than. 15:00 on the date specified in § 2
first paragraph.

Proposals for settlement of a case that has been available for less

Additional provision 11.2.2

A proposal pursuant to § 2, third paragraph shall be notified in the chamber
in connection with the report or statement addressed.
Before President bring such a proposal, he or she
consult with the chairman and vice chairman.

Planking and time for the settlement of certain matters

3 § A petition for a referendum on a constitutional question or
of no confidence will be tabled at the meeting
when it is produced and then at another
meeting before it gets settled. The matter will be decided later
at the third meeting after which the claim

A proposal by the President to the new prime minister will be tabled
at the meeting at which it is produced and then at
further meeting before it gets settled. The case
shall, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6. § 4, second paragraph
Government decided at the latest on the fourth day after the date
when the proposal was made.

Submission of claims

4 § A committee seeks consent to the proposal in a case
through a report or opinion.

A member who wishes to claim upheld or rejected a
draft decision dealt with in a report or a statement
shall submit the claim during deliberations.

Referral and referral to another committee

§ 5, a case in which a committee has issued a
report or an opinion, be referred back to the House
to committee for reconsideration, if at least one
third of the voters joins a
claim for it. Remission under this section shall not be more than
once in the same case.

Chamber may refer the matter to another committee for
further preparation. About the same time there is a request for a
this and a request for referral, the claims for referral
considered first. If the referral is made,
falls claim for referring to another committee.

Conditions for Conduct of business critical

6 § A case in which deliberation may not be
up to critical until the Chamber on the President's proposal has
found that the deliberations are completed.

A report or opinion from a committee may be taken up
Opinion only at a meeting in the notice and
on the agenda is set as the working plenary.

Procedure before the decision of the House

Up the Bill to the decision

§ 7 President Bill makes a decision based on the
claims that have been presented during the deliberations.

If the President finds that a claim is contrary to the Constitution
or against this law, he or she may decide not to set
bill and give reasons for its decision. If
chamber asks bill, the matter must be referred to
constitutional committee for decision. If the committee has
explained that a claim does not violate the constitution or against
this Act, the President shall put the question.

What is provided in the second paragraph concerning the examination of a
yrkandes constitutionality does not apply to the question of Chapter 2. 22 §
first paragraph of Government is applicable to a certain


§ 8 A case is decided by acclamation or, if one member
request, by a vote.

If a specific decision rule according to § 14 shall apply shall be
matter settled by a vote.

The determination of a matter shall, if necessary, divided into
separate decisions.

Decision by acclamation

9 § When a case is to be decided by acclamation, will
Speaker put the question on the claims that have been
forward during deliberations and that can be set against each other.
Bill written so that it can be answered yes or no
. President announces the decision has become
according to his or her opinion, and acknowledge it with a hammer
unless a vote is requested by any member.

Crucial by vote

§ 10 When a case is to be decided by vote, the
claims that have been submitted during the deliberation set against
each other. It claims that according to the President's view has
accepted by acclamation, or the claim that President
decide, is the main proposals in the vote. Against
main proposal is another claim that counteroffer.

If there is more than a claim that can be made against
main proposal, the chamber first in one or more
preparatory decisions determine which claim to be
counterproposal in the main vote.

The vote takes place openly. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4.
§ 7 of Government is the decision of Parliament, the proposal
supported by more than half of those voting, unless otherwise
stated in the Constitution or this Act. President
announce voting results and confirm
decision with a hammer.

The voting procedure

Additional provision 11.10.1

Voting takes place at a predetermined time or
after special notice.

When a vote to take place, the President shall establish a
ballot proposition. If a specific decision rule under 14
§ shall be applied in a particular case, it shall be stated in the bill
vote. Voting Bill be read
up and submitted to Parliament for ratification.

Voting shall take place electronically or, when not possible,
by roll call.

Counting the electronic voting

Additional provision 11.10.2

When an electronic vote is recorded
how each member voted.

Counting of votes at the roll-call vote

Additional provision 11.10.3

In a roll call vote, the President shall invite the two
members to keep records of the vote.
The vice-presidents are called up first and then the other members
constituency. One of the following responses to sound: yes, no, abstain
. At polling recorded how each member has voted

Voting by raising

Additional provision 11.10.4

If he considers it appropriate, may vote instead
done by raising. If the result of the raising is unclear
or if a member requests the counting of votes, the votes shall be
electronically or by roll call.

The procedure for voting by raising

Additional provision 11.10.5

In a vote by raising its President the first
members who wish to vote yes to rise and then the
members who want to vote no to rise.

Tied votes in the preliminary vote

11 § If there is a tie, a preliminary vote
of which claim to be counter-proposal, determined the outcome
by lot.

Tied votes in the main poll

§ 12 If there is a tied vote in a key vote, should
matter entirely shelved for a new vote at
next decision point.

If there is a tie, the next vote, the President shall
put the question on a proposal for referral of the case
to committee for reconsideration. The matter shall

Remitted if at least half of those voting concur on this
. Remitted the matter should not be decided by drawing lots

After referral, the matter shall again be put to
treatment in its entirety. If there is a tie
main vote, the matter shall be decided by drawing lots.

Referral of a legislative matter has been settled through partial decision

§ 13 If the decision of a legislative matter has been divided
on two or more decisions, the chamber immediately after
last delbeslutet on a proposal from the President or a member
that the case be referred back to the Committee on
further preparation. If Parliament decides
referral, partial awards has fallen.

Remission under this section shall not be more than a
once in the same case.

Decision with particular decision rule

14 § Are there more than a draft decision for which is
prescribed order other than the order in general, should
chamber first choose one of the proposals by applying what
governing decisions general. Then decided it
selected the proposal to be adopted or rejected, according to the
decision rule for the proposal.
The procedure applies also in the case of several legislative proposals that are incompatible
another and a request has been made to any of them
should rest for at least twelve months under Chapter 2. § 22 first paragraph

About the same time there are two or more claims for
referendum regarding the dormant constitutional proposals
or censure the minister, only
a vote to take place.

When matters to be decided

Timeframe Caseload crucial

15 § A matter to be decided during the term when it has
brought. The Swedish Parliament may decide that the treatment may
postponed until the first parliamentary session in the next term.

A matter relating to the state budget for the next financial year
shall be settled before the start of the year if it is not without
inconvenience to the decision on the state budget can be decided later.

The decision to suspend

Additional provision 11.15.1

Decision to consideration of a matter may be postponed
the first parliamentary session of the next electoral period taken by the Parliament on
proposal by the relevant committee. The Riksdag may even without such
draft order suspension.

Suspension of settlement of matters in special cases

16 § A matter that has been raised at a time when the House is not in session
which extends up to the first parliamentary session in the
next term shall be deemed deferred to the
first parliamentary session in the next term. The same applies if
chamber is not in session because of a decision by
President on the occasion of an extraordinary election.

Final decision in a case that has been over a choice

17 § A matter that has been over an election in accordance with
provisions of Chapter 8. §§ 14-17 of Government shall be settled
at the first parliamentary session of the parliamentary term when the final decision under the provisions
first may be taken, unless the proposal in
matter previously rejected. The Riksdag may decide
defer the matter to another session.
Matter shall be settled definitively before the next general election to

In terms of deferrals additional choice, the provisions
in § 16 apply.

If a dormant proposal for a constitutional amendment or a
other decisions taken in the same order has been rejected by a
referendum, should the committee concerned notify

Draft decision on suspension in a case that has rested
over a choice

Additional provision 11.17.1

The decision to suspend the final decision in a case that has
been over an election in accordance with the provisions of 17 §
first paragraph is taken on the proposal of the committee concerned.

Special arrangements for certain cases

Decisions on the state budget

18 § Resolution on the state budget to be taken under the second to fifth
pieces, unless the Parliament by law, has not decided

The state budget for the next financial year
decided in two stages.

The first step is determined by a single decision

First an estimate of the revenue of the state budget,

Second for each expenditure the amount of expenditure area
appropriations may not exceed (Expenditure)

Third a calculation of other payments that affect the state's borrowing needs

4th decisions on the budget policy objectives
Parliament has decided to use.

Since a decision under the third paragraph has been taken down
in a second step by a single decision for each
expenditure appropriations and appropriations for economic

Changes in the state budget is decided by a single decision.
Only if the scale of the amendments may be decided
in two stages, according to the third and fourth paragraphs.

Preliminary estimates of income and expenditure framework

Additional provision 11.18.1

In a decision according to § 18, third paragraph also establishes
preliminary estimates of income and expenditure framework of the second and third
to the next financial year.

Claiming that a bill should rest

§ 19 A claim under Chapter 2. § 22 first paragraph
Government that a bill should rest for at least twelve months
may be tabled when the report of the committee of
proposal has been shelved.

About the same time there is a claim under the first paragraph and
a request that the proposal be rejected, the claims for
that the proposal be rejected examined before the proposal is
during the vote on the immediate adoption.

Written request that a bill should rest

Additional provision 11.19.1

A claim that a bill should rest for at least twelve months
must be submitted in writing.

Vote on a draft law should rest

Additional provision 11.19.2

Is a motion that a bill should rest for at least twelve
months, and achieved the vote is not the majority
required immediate adoption of the proposal, the proposal shall
cited constitutional committee for review under 2
Chap. § 22 third paragraph of Government, unless
Constitutional Committee has already given its opinion on the matter.

If the Constitutional Committee has stated that the procedure is
applies, the parliament re-examine whether the proposal should be rejected
or immediately adopted. Otherwise it is referred back
to the committee which prepared the case.

Settlement of dormant bill

20 § A bill has rested in the twelve months under Chapter 2
. § 22 first paragraph of Government must be tested before
end of the following calendar year.

If another bill has a close relationship with a
bill that rests under the first paragraph above
provision, the parliament on the proposal of the committee concerned
decide that it should be settled within the time comes
for the examination of the pending bill.

If a matter referred to in this section can not be determined
within the prescribed period as a result of the decision on extraordinary elections, should
it settled as soon as possible after the newly elected parliament

Messages parliamentary decisions

Parliamentary letters

21 § If a parliamentary decision requiring enforcement, it should
bodies have to enforce the decision notified by letter
. The Parliamentary decision on a bill
or petitions should always be notified by letter
government and the parliamentary body which has left

A decision on a reasoned opinion on subsidiarity
shall be notified of the European Parliament,
Council and the Commission by letter.

A refusal under Chapter 9. § 20 third paragraph in a
initiative or proposal shall be notified to the European Council,
Council and the Commission by letter.

Signing of the Parliamentary letters

Additional provision 11.21.1

Parliamentary letters signed by the President.


Chapter includes

1 § This chapter contains provisions on

- Starting points for elections and stand for election (§§ 2-5)

- Modalities for election (§§ 6-10)

- Appeal (11 and 12 §§),

- What happens if the office of Representative ceases (
§§ 13-15), and

- Choices in committees and other parliamentary bodies (§§ 16 and 17).

The basis for the selection and eligibility

Nomination Committee
§ 2 Election of the parliament should be prepared by a special
Nomination Committee, appointed in parliament, unless something else is

Election not to be prepared by the Nomination Committee

Additional provision 12.2.1

The Nomination Committee prepares the election of the regent, vice
regent, person to be joined as a temporary
Regent, President and Vice Presidents. The Nomination Committee prepares
nor elections under any provision of this Act
should be prepared separately.

Notice of sessions

Additional provision 12.2.2

Nominating Committee meets on the day of the appointment of
convened by the President. Then convene the Nomination Committee
convened by the chairman.

The provisions of Chapter 7. § 16, the additional provisions 7.15.1
second paragraph and 7.15.2-7.15.4 also applied
Nomination Committee.

Requirements for Swedish citizenship

§ 3 Only the Swedish citizen may hold mission
added by election by parliament.

Obligation to remain in the mission

§ 4 Anyone who has been to a mission must not leave
mission without parliament permits.

Timing of elections and the elections validity

5 § A choice that relates to the term of the electoral
be implemented as soon as possible after the beginning of the parliamentary term and apply
until parliament conducting a new election next
term, unless otherwise prescribed.

Forms of choice

Selection of holders of a particular assignment

6 § Should the holder of a particular assignment be selected individually,
, the choice carried out by acclamation.

If any member so requests, the election shall be by secret ballot.
When one person is selected that has received the most votes,
unless otherwise prescribed in this Act. If votes
should the election be decided by drawing lots. Provisions on the procedure
by secret ballot in Appendix regulations.

If the body or group that prepared the election has presented
a unanimous proposal, the election by secret ballot take place first
at a following meeting.

Selection of several people on the joint list

7 § The choice that refers to two or more persons may
Nomination Committee shall present a joint list.
The list should contain the names of as many people as election concerns and should
approved by all members who have participated in
Nomination meeting or of all but one.

The President shall prepare proposals on the common list
chamber and, if successful, to explain the listed busy
persons selected.

Election by secret ballot shall be made, if requested by at least as many MPs
corresponding to the quota to get,
if all voting members number is divided by the number of people who
election concerns, increased 1. If the ratio is a
whole number, it shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
This election will take place at a later meeting.

Election by secret ballot

8 § An election shall be by secret ballot, subject
of 6 or 7 § or other main provision of this Act.

If two or more persons shall be selected by election by secret
banknotes allocated seats proportionally among each
grouping of MPs that occur under joint
designation in the choice (pro-choice).

Seats are allocated between groups by a place in
time assigned to the grouping that each time it gets
highest comparative figure. The comparative figure equals
grouping's votes, as long as the grouping has not been
assigned to any location. Thereafter, the comparative figure
by the grouping of votes divided by the number of seats
which the grouping has been allocated, increased by 1. At the same
comparative figures should be decided by the drawing of lots.

Procedure for election by secret ballot

Additional provision 12.8.1

In the secret ballot, the President shall invite the three members
to assist when the ballots are opened and examined, and two that
keep records of the election.

The members are called in the order specified in
additional provision 11.10.3 and leave their ballots for President

Since all approved ballot papers have been read out by the President
and entered the chamber secretary and the two members,
compared notes over the election.

President determines the outcome of the election and announce
it to the House.

Procedure for multiple elections by secret ballot

Additional provision 12.8.2

If two or more election by secret ballot shall be conducted,
President, unless a member requests otherwise, determining that
ballot in all elections must be submitted before summing
made in any of the elections.

Valsedelns form and nullity

Additional provision 12.8.3

The ballot papers should be simple, sealed and unmarked, and equal to
size, material and color. They may indicate the
choices they apply.

A ballot paper is invalid if it is fitted with one
characteristics that apparently has been on the ballot with

If a member of an election has left more than one ballot paper, is
ballots invalid. If the notes have the same content, should
however, one of the ballot papers considered valid at


Ballot paper at proportionally choice

Additional provision 12.8.4

In the proportional election, it should be on the ballot was an
designation in the words of a certain grouping of MPs.
After this designation are the names up in succession during
each other.

A ballot paper is invalid if it

First lack term for a grouping of
second contains more than one name, or

Third no name on an eligible candidate.

A name on a ballot paper shall be deemed non-existent if

First the candidate is not eligible,

Second the name is crossed out,

Third it is not clear who is referred to, or

4th arrangements between the name and any other name on the ballot
not clear.

The order of candidate names in each grouping
of MPs should be determined by a
comparative figures calculated for those applying
heltalsmetoden pursuant to Chapter 14. 10 § Election Act (2005: 837).
If several candidates receive equal comparison, the choice
determined by draw.

Ballot paper in the selection of a person

Additional provision 12.8.5

When selecting a person to it on the ballot was an
candidate names.

A ballot paper is invalid if

First it contains two or more candidate names

Second it contains the name of a candidate who is not eligible,

Third the name is crossed out,

4th it is not clear who is referred to, or

Fifth it contains a term for a grouping of

9 § The choice that refers to two or more persons shall also
deputies elected to at least the same number as the regular
members, unless otherwise prescribed. What applies to the
election of directors also apply to deputies.

After an election to a body get parliament to decide upon changes
number of deputies as long as it is not below the number

Without the number of deputies in a committee or in the Committee extended
get a replacement that has been called to duty
appointed an alternate member of the Committee or the Committee on the
vacant parliamentarian belonging to the Committee or the Board. Then
apply the procedure provided for in § 14.

Selection of the increased number of deputies

Additional provision 12.9.1

Questions about choosing a larger number of deputies than
originally been prepared by the Nomination Committee.

Suppleantval prompted by an increase in the number
deputies shall take place as soon as possible.

Additional provision 12.9.2

Deputies shall be elected to the same number as the regular
members, unless otherwise prescribed or particularly

Alternates service

10 § An absent member's seat in a body taken by a
deputy belonging to the same political group, unless otherwise
prescribed. If this is not possible, the deputies
precedence in the order they were selected, or if the elections have taken place with
joint list, in the order they are entered

Appeal of election by secret ballot

§ 11 Election by secret ballot may be appealed by a
Member of Parliament to the Election. The choice also applies
if it is challenged.

Forms for appeal

Additional provision 12.11.1

An appeal must be in writing and addressed to the Election
but is submitted to the Parliament Administration.
The appeal must be received by the Parliament Administration
within five days from the date the result of the election was announced
in the chamber.

When the time for appeal has expired, the President at a meeting of the Chamber
announce all appeals
that have entered. He shall decide when the statement of
appeals must be filed with the Election.

When the declaration period has expired, the President shall immediately send
letters with appeals to the Election.
President should urgently provide an opinion on
appeals to the Election.

The Election decision

Additional provision 12.11.2

If a provision in § 6, second paragraph, § 8 or
additional provisions 12.8.1-12.8.5 have been infringed by
an election, the Election cancel elections and appoint

Reelection be appointed only if it can reasonably be assumed that what
that have occurred have affected the election results.

If the problem can be remedied by re-count or

No other less restrictive measure, the Election
instead instruct the President to take this correction.

Storage of ballot papers etc.

Additional provision 12.11.3

Ballot papers and other election material should be stored below
adequate security until the election has become final

New election appeal

12 § Have a new member took place in parliament on the occasion
of the outcome of an election to parliament has been altered
after an appeal, the choice which Parliament has conducted
previously during the election period redone , if requested by
least ten MPs.

What happens if the office of Representative ceases
Lack of

§ 13 Whoever is elected to a mission that requires
membership of the parliament, should resign from office if he or she leaves
Parliament or appointed to the President or to
cabinet ministers unless otherwise prescribed .

The choice of successor in a body

14 § If someone who has been elected to a body, which at the beginning of the parliamentary term
was added by the selection of two or more
people, will leave his post prematurely, should the person or
party groups that he or she was selected to the President
notify a successor. President declares the notified
successor elected. If such notification is not made or if
more than one person is notified, the President appoints a successor.

Component selection

15 § If a seat becomes vacant in advance and the original
election concerned only one person, the choice for the remaining
time held. Upon completing the selection, the same procedure
applied as in the original election.

Well within the committees and other parliamentary bodies

Election of chairman of a body

16 § A body whose members wholly or partly elected by
parliament elects a chairman and one or more
deputy chairman, unless otherwise prescribed.

Elections within a parliamentary body

§ 17 Election of the bodies referred to in § 16 shall take place with
acclamation or, if a member requests it, with closed
notes. A tie should the election be decided by drawing lots.

Valsedelns form

Additional provision 12.17.1

The ballot papers should be simple, sealed and unmarked, and equal to
size, material and color.


Chapter includes

1 § This chapter contains provisions on

- Parliamentary Ombudsmen (§§ 2-4)

- National Audit Office (§§ 5-8)

- The Advisory Council and the War Delegation (§§ 9-12)

- Boards (13-17 §§)

- Delegations to international organizations (18 and 19 §§

- Other assignments that are filled through election by parliament
(§§ 20-23), and

- Prosecution (§ 24).

Parliamentary Ombudsmen

Ombudsmen organization and functions

2 § Parliament will be pursuant to Chapter 13. 6 § Government choose
ombudsmen to supervise the application of laws
and regulations in the public sector.

The Parliamentary Ombudsmen shall be four, a
Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman and three Parliamentary Ombudsmen. Chief Parliamentary Ombudsman is
administrative manager and determines the direction of the business
at large. Riksdag may in addition choose one or more
Deputy Ombudsmen. A Deputy Ombudsman
should have served as a Parliamentary Ombudsman.

Constitution Committee's consultation with ombudsmen

Additional provision 13.2.1

The Constitutional Committee shall, at its own initiative or at the request of
any of the Parliamentary Ombudsmen, consult a
Ombudsman on working procedures and other issues of
organizational nature.

Selection of mediators

3 § The Parliamentary Ombudsmen and Deputy Ombudsmen
selected individually. Upon election by secret ballot, the same
procedure as the election of the President under Chapter 3. 4 §
second paragraph.

The choice of an Ombudsman comes from election or later
time as parliament decides until a new election
was conducted during the fourth year thereafter and then chose
has taken up the mission. The choice should never extend beyond
to the end of the year.

The election of a Deputy Ombudsman is elected for a term of two years
election, or such later date as the Riksdag

Preparation of the election of ombudsmen

Additional provision 13.3.1

The Constitutional Committee shall prepare the election of the Parliamentary Ombudsmen
and Deputy Ombudsmen.

Dismissal of the Ombudsman

4 § Swedish Parliament, at the request of the Committee on the Constitution

Dismiss an Ombudsman or Deputy Ombudsman
who do not have the confidence of Parliament.

If an Ombudsman resigns prematurely, the parliament as soon
choose a successor for a new four-year term.

National Audit

National Auditor's organization and functions

5 § Parliament will be pursuant to Chapter 13. 8 § Government choose
three national auditors. One of the Auditors shall be Auditor
with administrative responsibility and answer for authority
administrative management. The Riksdag decides who
of the Auditors should have this task.

An Auditor may not be in bankruptcy, subject
or have a trustee under Chapter 11. 7 §
Parents Code. An Auditor may not hold
employment or assignments or activities that may affect
the Auditor General's independent status.

Election of Auditors

6 § The Auditors elected separately. When selecting closed
ballot, the same procedure as the election of the President
under Chapter 3. § 4, second paragraph.

The choice of an Auditor comes from the choice or the latter
time as parliament decides until a new election
carried out during the seventh year thereafter and then chose
has taken up the mission. The choice should never extend beyond
to the end of the year. An Auditor can not be selected

Preparation of the election of Auditors

Additional provision 13.6.1

The Constitutional Committee shall prepare the election of Auditors.

Riksrevisorers notification

Additional provision 13.6.2

An Auditor shall notify in writing the following conditions
to Parliament:

First possession and change in the holding of financial instruments
listed in Chapter 1. § 1 (1991: 980) regarding trading with financial instruments

Second contracts of a financial nature with previous employers,
such as agreements on wages and pension benefits which are provided under time
covered by the mandate of the National Audit Office,

Third paid employment who are not merely temporary

4th grossing independent activity conducted at
side of the assignment as Auditor General,

Fifth behalf of a municipality or a county, the mission
are not merely temporary in nature, and

6th other employers and assignments or other property that may
assumed to affect the performance of the commission.

Dismissal of the Auditor General

7 § The Swedish Parliament, at the request of the Committee on the Constitution distinguish
an Auditor General from office.

If an Auditor resigns prematurely, the parliament as soon as choosing
successor for a new seven-year period.

National Audit parliamentary counsel

§ 8 elected by Parliament for the electoral National Audit
parliamentary advice.

The Council consists of one MP from each party group that
referred to in Chapter 3. § 5. Deputies are to be appointed.

Elected by Parliament among Council members a chairman and one or more
Vice Chairman. The chairman and each vice president
selected individually.

Advisory Council and the War Delegation

Advisory Council
§ 9 elected by Parliament for the legislative period
members of the Advisory Council under the provisions of Chapter 10. 12 §

The Advisory Council is the Vice-Presidents deputies
President. The number of elected deputies should be nine.

Meetings of the Advisory Council

§ 10 Advisory Council meets behind closed doors.
The Prime Minister must admit that even someone other than a member,
a deputy, a minister or an official is present.

Protocol at the Foreign Board meetings

Additional provision 13.10.1

At Foreign panel shall be recorded.
Secretary of the Council appointed by the government.

Deputies of the Advisory Council shall be notified of

Declaration of confidentiality

Additional provision 13.10.2

One member, deputy member or official to be the first time he
or she is present at a meeting of
Advisory Council shall affirm to follow commitment
secrecy under Chapter 10. § 12 of Government.

War Delegation

11 § Parliament will be pursuant to Chapter 15. 2 § Government choose
a war mission in itself.

War Delegation consists of the President as chairman, and
50 other members of the Riksdag from the Parliamentary
term. Delegation elects a vice chairman
under Chapter 12. § 16. A Representative is authorized to be
member of the War Delegation even if he or she belongs
government. Deputies shall be appointed
War Delegation.

If a member may permanently prevented when the delegation
entered the Riksdag, appointed another member of parliament
substitute in the manner specified in Chapter 12. § 14.

Preparation of war delegation's work

Additional provision 13.11.1

War Delegation Chairman and Deputy Chairman must
prepare the activities of the delegation for the event
delegation enters the Riksdag.

War Delegation meetings

Additional provision 13.11.2

The provisions of Chapter 7. § 16, and the supplementary provisions
7.15.1 and the second paragraph 7.15.3-7.15.4 applied to
War Delegation when it is not in the Riksdag.

Appointment to war delegation to enter into parliament place

§ 12 Decisions to war delegation to enter into parliament
place pursuant to Chapter 15. § 2 of Government meeting
Foreign Members of the Board is convened by the President or, at
prevented President, a Vice President, or when summoned by
two of the other members.

Negotiations led by the President, by a Vice-President or,
if none of them is present, the interim president.

If at the voting decision becomes tied vote, the chairman comes

Boards Election

13 § Parliament will choose an Election Review Board and the Board
elect the President and Members
under the provisions of Chapter 3. § 12 of Government.

Elected by Parliament in particular a replacement for the chairman.
The provisions of Chapter 3. § 12 of Government if the President
also applied to the replacement.

In the election by secret ballot by the chairman or deputy chairman of
, the same procedure as for the election of President
under Chapter 3. § 4, second paragraph.

Ministerial Remunerations Board

14 § Ministerial Remunerations Board consists of a Chairman and two
other members. They are elected individually by the parliament after a
general elections to the parliament for the period until a new
election to the Board is held. Deputies are to be appointed.

If a member of illness or other reason is prevented
its task, choose the parliament a person in his or her place
as long as it lasts.

Preparation of the elections to the Ministerial Remunerations Board

Additional provision 13.14.1

The Constitutional Committee shall prepare the election of members to the
Ministerial Remunerations Board.

Parliamentary remuneration committee

15 § Parliamentary remuneration committee consists of a chairman and two
other members. They are elected individually by the parliament after a
general elections to the parliament for the period until a new
election to the Board is held.

Preparation of the elections to the Parliament's remuneration committee

Additional provision 13.15.1

The Constitutional Committee shall prepare the election of representatives to the Parliamentary
remuneration committee.

Body of salary to the Parliamentary Ombudsmen and the Auditors

§ 16 Board of salary to the Parliamentary Ombudsmen and the Auditors
consists of a Chairman and two other members
. They are elected individually by the parliament after a
general elections to the parliament for the period until a new
election to the Board is held. Deputies are to be appointed.

If a member of illness or other reason is prevented
its task, choose the parliament a person in his or her place
as long as it lasts.

Preparation of the elections to the Board the remuneration of the Parliamentary
Ombudsmen and the Auditors

Additional provision 13.16.1

The Constitutional Committee shall prepare the election of members to the Board for
salary to the Parliamentary Ombudsmen and the Auditors

Parliamentary Appeal

17 § Parliamentary Board of Appeal consists of a Chairman,
that will be or have been a regular judge and not be
member of parliament, and four other members, elected in
parliament. The chairman is elected separately.
Elections to the Board of Appeal refers to the Parliamentary term.

The chairman shall be a replacement. Provisions on
Chairman shall also apply to the substitute.

In the election by secret ballot by the chairman or deputy chairman of
of Appeal applied the same procedure
as the election of the President under Chapter 3. § 4, second paragraph.

Delegations to international organizations

Delegations elected by Parliament

18 § If it has reached an international agreement
to parliament from among its members to choose members of a
delegation to an international organization, may

Rules entered in a supplementary provision of
this section.

Nordic Council

Additional provision 13.18.1

Riksdag annually elect 20 members of the Nordic Council
Swedish delegation. They are elected by the Riksdag opening the
time until new elections to the delegation have taken

The delegation will submit an annual report on its activities to Parliament

Council of Europe

Additional provision 13.18.2

Riksdag elects six members of the Swedish delegation
Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. Delegation
elected for the period from November 1 the same year as elections to parliament
occurred at the same date in the next
A member or an alternate member of the delegation who have
left the parliament during a general election may remain
during the remaining part of the delegation's mandate.

The delegation will submit an annual report on its activities to Parliament

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Additional provision 13.18.3

Parliament shall elect eight members of the Swedish delegation
to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for
Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The delegation selected
for electoral.

The delegation will submit an annual report on its activities to Parliament

Delegations appointed by the President

§ 19 Party groups nominates members to the delegations
Inter-Parliamentary Union and the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean.

President decides, in consultation with group leaders if
composition of the delegations. The decision applies to the
time as the President determines.

Other missions that are filled through election by parliament


20 § If the election of the regent, vice regent or
a person to serve as temporary representatives
under Chapter 5. 5 and 7 §§ Government shall be closed
notes, the procedure applies to the election of the President
under Chapter 3. § 4, second paragraph. The election is valid until
Parliament decides otherwise.

Riksbank council

§ 21 Election of the Council of the Riksbank under Chapter 9. 13 §
Government intends electoral period.

Impediments to be a member of the Riksbank's General Council

Additional provision 13.21.1

A member of the General Council of the Riksbank may not

First be a minister,

Second be a member of the Executive Board,

Third be a member or alternate member of the board of a bank or
another company that is supervised by the FSA, or

4th hold other employment or other assignments
makes him or her unfit for the General Council.

A member shall not be a minor, bankrupt,
subject or have a trustee under Chapter 11.
§ 7 of the Parental Code.

If a member takes an employment or
missions that may be contrary to the provisions of the first paragraph, should
parliament on the proposal of the Finance Committee dismiss
member of the General Council.
The appointments or tasks by a member shall be notified to
Members of the Convention for treaty changes within the European Union

§ 22 Parliament will elect members and alternate members of
Convention set up to prepare treaty changes within
European Union. If the election takes place during the time
as a convention work, the parliament after the general election
conduct a new election of members and alternate members of
Convention. In the selection rules apply in general in Chapter 3
. § 5, Chapter 12. 6-8 and §§ 11 and that of the deputy
service Chapter 12. § 10.

Convention members will provide information about the work of the Convention
at the meetings of the chamber.

Additional provisions

23 § The Swedish Parliament may issue detailed rules for
parliamentary bodies and appoint representatives in certain cases.

Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation

Additional provision 13.23.1

The Riksdag determines statutes for Riksbankens
Jubileumsfond and select twelve members of the Foundation
Board in accordance with § 3 of the foundation statutes (RFS
1988: 1).

The Foundation shall submit an annual report on its activities to Parliament

Board of Judges
Additional provision 13.23.2

Elected by Parliament in accordance with the provisions of § 4
Act (2010: 1390) appointing judges two members

Representing public Judgments board and a personal
replacement for each of them.

Prosecution of executives

§ 24 Indictment following officers for a crime
committed in the exercise of his or her mission or
employment may be decided

First Only by the Finance Committee in the prosecution against a
delegate at the Riksbank or a member of the Riksbank's Executive Board

Second Only the Constitutional Committee in the prosecution against
a member of the Parliamentary Board, Election or
Parliamentary Appeal, against one of the Parliamentary Ombudsmen,
the Auditors or the parliamentary director.

The first paragraph of charges against a member of the Executive Board
shall not apply in the case of a crime
committed in the exercise of the Riksbank's decision-making power according
Act (1992: 1602) on the Exchange Rate Policy .

14 KAP. Riksdagsförvaltningen

Chapter includes

1 § This chapter contains provisions on

- Parliament Administration (§§ 2 and 3)

- Parliamentary Administration Management (§§ 4-7), and

- Appeal (§ 8).


Riksdag Administration data

2 § Parliament Administration should provide support to the work of
plenary, committee and European Board and assist the Parliamentary
members and agencies with factual information on parliamentary work.

Riksdagsförvaltningen shall moreover, in the case
Parliament and Speaker authorities, to the extent Parliament

First responsible for key negotiations with the union
organizations and represent the parliamentary authorities
such disputes

Second draw up proposals for allocation of the state budget, but not
for the National Audit Office,

Third otherwise, deal management in Parliament
and management issues of an economic nature within the Parliamentary
authorities, except Riksbank, and

4th adopt rules and advice in the matters referred

Offices of the committees and the Committee

Additional provision 14.2.1

Committees and the Committee is supported by offices included in
Parliament Administration.

The head of the Office shall be Swedish citizens.

Instruction for Riksdagsförvaltningen

3 § Parliament decides on instruction
Parliament Administration.

Riksdag Administration management

Parliamentary Vice

4 § Parliamentary Director is the head of the Parliament Administration,
let the minutes of the meetings of the chamber,
expedite the parliamentary decision, the secretary of war
delegation and assisting in other President in
parliamentary work.

Selection Parliament director

5 § Riksdag elects parliament director. The election takes place at
beginning of the parliamentary session immediately following a general election to
parliament. The choice comes from the actual election, or other
time as Parliament decides, for the period until a new election of the parliamentary
Director has been implemented and the then chose
has taken up the position.

In the secret ballot, the candidate who receives three quarters
or more of the votes cast. If such a majority vote
not achieved, there is a new choice. If not then someone gets
three-quarters or more of the votes cast, prepared
choice again.

Preparation of the election of the parliamentary director

Additional provision 14.5.1

The choice of parliamentary director should be prepared by a group
by the President and group leaders.

Dismissal of parliament director

6 § Reichstag, at the request of the parliamentary board dismiss a parliament
Director who has grossly neglected his duties towards

Acting Parliament director

§ 7 If the parliament is no parliament director, the parliament
choose an acting Parliamentary Officer for the period until
a regular parliamentary director is selected and appointed.

Administrative appeal

8 § The decision by a parliamentary body in an administrative matter that
may be appealed in accordance with specific provisions, considered by
general administrative court in cases determined by the Riksdag
and in other cases by the Parliamentary Board of Appeal.


First This Act comes into force on 1 September 2014 when
Parliament Act (1974: 153) is repealed.

Second If the law or regulation cited
provisions of the Parliament Act (1974: 153) has been replaced by
provisions of this Act, shall instead the new

Third Regulations that have been issued with the support of
Parliament Act (1974: 153) and that apply when this law
comes into force shall be deemed announced under this Act.

4th Decisions taken under the Parliament Act
(1974: 153) shall be considered as adopted under this Act.

Fifth Elections conducted with the support of the Parliament Act
(1974: 153) shall be considered as concluded by virtue of this Act.

6th Issues raised in the parliament before September 1
2014 but still pending to be dealt with under this

2015: 382

First This Act comes into force on 1 September 2015.

Second The law applied the first time in terms of the state budget for 2016.

Appendix (supplementary rule 7.5.1)

First The Constitutional Committee shall prepare

A) legislation in constitutional and public
administrative law topics,

B) legislation on radio, television and film,

C) freedom of expression, opinion and religion,

D) of the press and of party,

E) the National Audit Office, in respect of the election of the Auditor General, separation
of the Auditor General from office and prosecution against the Auditor General,

F) Parliament and the Parliamentary authorities in general except

G) county administration and administrative divisions of the kingdom,

H) local self-government,

I) the consent of the Parliament to bring an action against a Member of Parliament
or to intervene in a member's personal freedom

J) appropriations in Category 1 Governance.

Second The Finance Committee shall prepare

A) monetary, credit, foreign exchange and debt policy,

B) credit and fund system,

C) the commercial insurance business,

D) the National Audit Office in so far as matters do not belong
constitution committee preparation,

E) the municipal economy,

F) the state labor relations, government statistics,
accounting, auditing and rationalization,

G) state property and procurement in general,

H) managing financial issues in general not related solely
a particular subject area,

I) technical budgetary matters and

J) funding in the spending areas 2 Economy and Treasury
, 25 General grants to municipalities, 26
Treasury Interest mm and 27 fee to the European

Third Tax committee shall prepare matters concerning

A) the tax procedure,

B) registration,

C) bailiff and

D) appropriations in Category 3 Tax, customs and enforcements.

4th Parliamentary Committee shall prepare

A) courts,

B) tenancy tribunals and rent tribunals,

C) prosecution,

D) police,

E) the right medicine,

F) penitentiary,

G) Penal Code, the Code of Procedure and laws replacing
or are closely associated with the provision of these beams,
h) appropriations in Category 4 Judiciary.

Fifth Civil Committee shall prepare

A) marital, parental, ärvda-, jorda-, Trade and
utsökningsbalkarna and laws that replace or has close
conjunction with the provisions of these beams, to the extent that the cases do not belong
another committee preparation,

B) the insurance contract law,

C) association law,

D) torts,

E) transport law,

F) bankruptcy law,

G) consumer policy,

H) international private law,

I) the laws of another general civil kind,

J) housing and other housing policies,

K) planning and building legislation and other issues
closely connected therewith,

L) water right,

M) expropriation, property registration and cadastral system,

N) appropriations in Category 18 Urban Planning,
housing and construction and consumer policy.

6th The Foreign Affairs Committee shall prepare

A) the kingdom relationship and agreements with other
states and international organizations,

B) international development cooperation,

C) foreign trade in general and international economic
cooperation, all insofar as matters do not belong to another committee
preparation and

D) grants in areas of spending 5 International cooperation and
7 International Aid.

7th The Defence Committee shall prepare

A) total defense,

B) the public rescue services,

C) measures to reduce the vulnerability of society,

D) nuclear safety and radiation protection,

E) maritime and coastal surveillance, all insofar as matters are not
belonging to another committee preparation, as well

F) appropriations in Category 6
Defence and Emergency Preparedness.

Eighth Social Security Committee shall prepare

A) Social Code and laws that replace or has
close connection with the regulations in this, insofar as matters
not belong to another committee preparation area,

B) the family benefits

C) The sickness and work injury,

D) old-age benefits,

E) survivors' benefits,

F) housing,

G) sick pay,

H) social security contributions,

In) migration,

J) Swedish citizenship, as well

K) allocations within expenditure areas 8 Migration, 10
Financial security for the sick and disabled, 11
economic security in old age and 12 Financial security for families and children

9th Social committee shall prepare matters concerning

A) Care for children and youth to the extent
cases do not belong to another committee preparation,

B) care for the elderly and people with disabilities

C) measures against abuse and other social issues,

D) alcohol policy,

E) healthcare,

F) social issues in general, as well

G) appropriations in Category 9 Health care, health care and social

10th Culture committee shall prepare matters concerning

A) general cultural and educational purposes,

B) heritage,

C) public education,

D) youth activities,

E) international cultural cooperation,

F) sports and outdoor activities,

G) oversight and regulation of the gaming market,

H) religious communities to the extent they do not belong
constitution committee preparation,

I) radio and television, to the extent that they do not belong
constitution committee's preparation and

J) appropriations in Category 17 Culture, media, religious communities
and leisure.

Eleventh Teaching Committee shall prepare

A) school system, certain specific forms of education and other educational activities

B) higher education, research and space,

C) the student, and

D) appropriations within expenditure areas 15 and 16
Student Education and academic research.

12th Traffic Committee shall prepare

A) roads and road traffic,

B) railways and rail,

C) ports and shipping,

D) the airports and air navigation

E) mail,

F) electronic communications,

G) IT policies, and

H) appropriations in Category 22 Communications.

13th Environment and Agriculture Committee shall prepare

A) agriculture, forestry, horticulture, hunting and fishing,

B) meteorological service,

C) conservation,

D) environmental management in general that do not belong to another committee
preparation and

E) grants in areas of spending 20 General environmental protection and nature conservation
and 23 Agricultural sciences, rural and food.

14th Business and Industry Committee shall prepare

A) the general guidelines for economic policy and therefore
coherent research questions,

B) industry and crafts,

C) trade

D) intellectual property,

E) energy policy,

F) regional growth policy,

G) state enterprise,

H) the pricing and competitive conditions in the industry, and

I) grants in areas of spending 19 Regional growth, 21 and 24
Energy Enterprise.

15th The Labour Market Committee shall prepare

A) labor market policies with unemployment,

B) work life policies with labor law, occupational health and issues relating

C) integration

D) action against discrimination to the extent that cases do not belong
another committee preparation,

E) equality between women and men in so far as matters
not belong to another committee preparation, as well

F) grants in areas of spending 13 Equality and newly arrived immigrants
establishment and 14 labor market and working.
Act (2015: 382).