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Police Regulation (2014:1104)

Original Language Title: Polisförordning (2014:1104)

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Introductory provision

section 1 Of section 1 of the Police Act (1984:387) that the police activity

pursued by the police and the security police.

Basic provisions on police and its operations

see the law on police. Further provisions are contained in

Regulation (2014:1102) with instruction for law enforcement

and Regulation (2014:1103) with instruction for

The security police.

Rules on jurisdiction

A certificate of competency as police officer

2 § With police officer referred to for the purposes of law or

Regulation the national police, the Security Police Chief, Deputy

Security Police Chief, police Chief, polisöverintendent,

Chief Superintendent of the police, police officer, Superintendent,

Police Inspector and police Assistant. The same applies to a

Police aspirant in seniority at the Police Department.

If someone referred to in the first subparagraph are not his

position of police officer, does not apply to the provisions relating to police officer

him or her. Such provisions shall not apply to the

hired under 5 § 1 before he or she has been subjected to

the education provided for there.

By section 11 of the Regulation (1980:123) with regulations for

military police follows that laid down on police officer

also apply to the performing tasks

military police officer.

Eligibility for employment

section 3 Of article 5 of the Regulation (2014:1105) on education to

police officer shown who is qualified to be appointed as

Police aspirant.

section 4 authorized to be employed as Superintendent,

Police Inspector or police Assistant is the one who has


1. vocational education and training to the police officer or

police training for specialists in accordance with regulation

(2014:1105) on education to the police officer, or

2. the corresponding training according to the older provisions.

If there are particular reasons why they should get the police or

Security police in an individual case derogate from the

provided for in the first subparagraph.

5 § qualified to be appointed as police Chief,

polisöverintendent, Chief Superintendent of the police or police Secretary is

the who

1. have the appropriate academic degree and are prepared to undergo the

specific management training under the Regulation (2014:1105) if

training to the police officer that the police authority or

Security Police determines,

2. have undergone basic training to police, according to

the regulation on training to the police officer, or equivalent

education according to the older provisions, and is prepared to

undergo additional training to the police authorities or

Security Service determined by them, or

3. have undergone such training given in 1 or 2 or

other equivalent qualification and must otherwise meet the requirements laid down


section 6 Of section 5 of the Act (1994:260) if public-sector employment shows

that only those who are Swedish citizens may have a job

as a police officer.

Management of police work

section 7 of the person in relation to any other leads and is responsible

for certain police activities is the foreman relative to him

or her.

The will of the rules of procedure or by order identified is

foreman in practices officers perform jointly. In other

case is the one that has the highest post of foreman. If multiple

have equal positions is the supervisor who has been

the position at the time, or if they have had the position

just as long, the oldest.


section 8 on the delegation of decision-making powers and duties in

Police or security service to the particular

be taken into account if the task involves

– constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms can be


– adoption of an interim measure to be reviewed

of court;

– another civil servants are allowed to perform police

data in Sweden,

– Law enforcement or security police decides to assist

another State with officials or equipment, or

– an issue raised with the Government.

In the case of the circumstances referred to in the first

subparagraph, the words only be forwarded to a particular

qualified decision makers who have the education, skills

and experience required.

The police and the security police shall in particular order

the one to lead a preliminary investigation or an investigation under

section 31 of the Act (1964:167) with special provisions for young

offenders who may be led by the Agency. Only those who

satisfies the requirements referred to in the second subparagraph may be ordered.

In the case of young offenders are also those mentioned in

2 or § 32 act with special provisions for young

offenders are taken into account. Regulation (2015:435).

9 § The will of the rules of procedure or of the individual decision

indicate to whom the decision-making power in a given issue has

been delegated.

Obligations in the employment

Relations with the public

section 10 of the employees of the police and security service to

in contacts with the public, having regard to the circumstances

and the situation act as considerately as possible, show

mastery and conduct themselves in a way that inspires confidence.

section 11 of A police officer to work able to legitimize itself

with service card for police officer (police identification), unless

special reasons speaking against it.

Reporting obligations

section 12 of the Police Act (1984:387) provides for

reporting obligations in the case of crimes.

section 13 if someone is injured as a result of a police man's intervention

to the officer, if the damage is not insignificant, as soon as the

the injured have been taken care of for health report it occurred to

his foreman.

section 14 of an employee of the police or security service

to inform his supervisor about the conditions of

Police work as foreman should know.

Rules of obligation

section 15, an employee of the police or security service

are required to work throughout the country.

It will be shown by proof of employment if someone is required to

perform other work abroad than travel in the employment.

Obligations during free time

16 § even when a police officer is vacant, he or she is obliged


1. after a supervisory order cancel leave to perform

some data,

2. voluntarily register with the nearest foreman at particular

serious incidents that require more police action,


3. in the case of more severe crimes or to prevent other

more serious disturbances of public order and

safety must take the immediate measures

conditions permit.

A police officer who is on leave may also in cases other than those specified in

first subparagraph shall intervene in order to safeguard public order and

safety or to ensure public protection and


section 17 If a police officer has taken measures in accordance with section 16 of the first

paragraph 3 or the second paragraph, he or she urgently

notify a supervisor about it, unless it is unnecessary.

Outsider's participation in police activities

section 18 of the police may use volunteers after search

by skallgång or otherwise.

section 19 of the Police Department shall, except as provided in section 18,

employ suitable persons who voluntarily support the authority of the

its activities. Such support shall not include

the exercise of public authority.

The right to provide

section 20 of the police authorities may announce detailed arrangements

1. where the report referred to in paragraph 9 of the remission Police Act (1984:387),

2. If the means that may be used to stop vehicles

According to section 10 of 5 Police Act,

3. If the documentation according to the 27 and 28 of the Police Act,

4. If the right to decide on confiscation pursuant to paragraph 3 of the fourth

subparagraph law (1986:1009) on the procedure in some cases at


5. According to Chapter 2. § 33 and 3 Cape. 6 paragraph

the public order Act (1993:1617) in terms of

a) performance and inspection of an establishment for motor sports,

emergency preparedness or rules that otherwise is required from

safety at such a facility, and

b) performance and inspection of the shooting range,

6. If the police ID, except as provided in regulation

(1958:272) on the card,

7. If clothing, equipment and other things required uniformity

in police work, and

8. the enforcement of this regulation.

Rules referred to in the first subparagraph 1 – 4 and 6-8 and that

relating to the security police must be notified in consultation with it.

Transitional provisions


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 2015.

2. The regulation repeals the Police Ordinance (1998:1558),

Regulation (1993:1635) with authorization for

The National Police Board to provide for Motorsport and

If performance and inspection of the shooting range and regulation

(2011:1206) on provisions relating to a police man's right to

decide on confiscation.

3. for the purposes of section 2 of the will with police officer referred to the

which, according to the older rules new

the provincial police Chief, Deputy provincial police Chief,

Detective Superintendent, Inspector, Detective Inspector or
