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Climate Reporting Regulation (2014:1434)

Original Language Title: Klimatrapporteringsförordning (2014:1434)

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section 1 of this regulation is notified pursuant to Chapter 8. 7 §

the Constitution Act.

Expression of the regulation

paragraph 2 of this regulation,

UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on

climate change,

Kyoto Protocol: the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC,


Regulation (EU) no 525/2013: European Parliament and Council

Regulation (EU) no 525/2013 of 21 may 2013 on a mechanism

to monitor and report greenhouse gas emissions and

to report other information at national level and

Union level that is relevant to climate change and on

repeal of decision No 280/2004/EC, in wording as

European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 662/2014.

section 3 With climate reporting under this regulation

reporting as required under

1. Climate Convention;

2. The Kyoto Protocol,

3. decisions given under the UNFCCC or the

The Kyoto Protocol,

4. Regulation (EC) no 525/2013,

5. European Commission adopts acts within the framework of the

the powers conferred by Regulation (EC) no 525/2013,

6. European Parliament and Council decision No 529/2013/EU of

21 may 2013 on the accounting rules for emissions and removals by

greenhouse gases as a result of activities associated with

land use, land-use change and forestry, and if

information concerning measures relating to those activities,


7. European Parliament and Council decision No 406/2009/EC of the

of 23 april 2009 on the effort of Member States to reduce

their greenhouse gas emissions to meet the community's commitments

on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.

4 section with the sector for the purposes of this regulation, the definitions and

boundaries of sectors set out in Kyoto Protocol.

paragraph 5 of this regulation,

independent review: review of the calculations, assumptions

and the results of the surveys covered by the

climate reporting and where the examination is conducted by someone who

has not participated in the work of the calculations, assumptions

and the results are reviewed, and

international independent review independent review which

the review refers to the Swedish climate reporting work and

carried out by an expert group under the climate Convention

and the Kyoto Protocol.

section 6, for the purposes of this regulation,

biennial report: such biennial report referred to in article 18

of Regulation (EU) no 525/2013, and

national report: such a national report referred to in article

18 in Regulation (EU) no 525/2013.

section 7 of the regulation have the same meaning in this expression

as in Regulation (EU) no 525/2013.

Coordinated input to Government

section 8 of the environmental protection agency to coordinate national

climate reporting work, maintain the

the reporting system is needed, as well as develop and compile

basis for reporting and provide the basis for

the Government.

The dossier shall be submitted

1. for the annual greenhouse gas inventory under articles

7 (1) (a) to (p) of the Regulation (EU) no 525/2013 last five working days

before the date on which the Swedish climate reporting shall be


2. biennial report and national report at the latest three

months before the date on which the Swedish climate reporting shall be


3. for reporting on policies, measures and

forecasts under articles 13 or 14 of Regulation (EC) no

525/2013 last ten working days before the date of the Swedish

climate reporting shall be completed,

4. in reporting on the financial and technical support to

developing countries pursuant to article 16 of Regulation (EC) no

525/2013 last ten working days before the date of the Swedish

climate reporting shall be completed, and

5. for all other reporting according to this Regulation no later

fifteen working days before the date of the Swedish

climate reporting shall be completed.

Quality system for reporting

§ 9 the authorities under this regulation are involved in

climate reporting work shall ensure that the methods

used for reporting are the quality needed for

Sweden's climate reporting shall be done in the right way

and with the right information. Authorities shall have internal

procedures for planning, implementing, controlling, documenting

and follow up the quality work and consult with each other in

to develop and maintain a coordinated

quality systems.

If, in connection with an international independent review

arrive to a governmental practices or procedures need

change, the authority shall take the necessary measures.

Those measures shall be consistent with the quality standards that apply

for climate reporting. Before action is taken, the

authority shall provide the environmental protection agency the opportunity to give their


Government documents for reporting

section 10 of the authorities referred to in paragraphs 13 to 27 shall submit the

input to the environmental protection agency required that the work should

performance of their obligations under section 8.

section 11 of the environmental protection agency must inform the authorities about at

What time the substrate needs to be submitted to the

The environmental protection agency and the design surface.

The environmental protection agency must inform the authorities of the

date the documentation of quality management pursuant to § 9

the first paragraph needs to be submitted to the environmental protection agency and if

the design documentation needs for it to

be possible to fulfil Sweden's climate reporting.

The authorities ' role in the international independent auditing

section 12 at the international independent auditing to the

authorities referred to in paragraphs 13 to 27, in the matters covered by

their participation in climate change reporting work, help

The environmental protection agency with the information necessary for the

the review.

The Swedish armed forces

paragraph 13 of the military will participate in the climate reporting work

by submitting data on quantities consumed fuel

in the armed forces.

The Swedish Chemicals Agency

section 14 of the Swedish Chemicals Agency shall participate in the

climate reporting work

1. provide information from their product register for import and

export of the fluorinated greenhouse gases perfluorocarbons,

HFCs, nitrogen trifluoride and sulphur hexafluoride,

2. provide information from their product registry on the use of

volatile organic compounds, waxes and lubricants and

the content of carbon,

3. provide information from their product registry on the use of

sodium carbonate and nitrous oxide,

4. perform independent scrutiny of the estimated aggregate

emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases, and

5. perform independent scrutiny of the estimated aggregate

emissions of volatile organic compounds, carbon dioxide, and

nitrous oxide emissions from solvent use and other


The medical products agency

section 15 of the Agency shall participate in the work of climate reporting

by providing supporting data in the form of a variety of propellants per dose

for drugs with the content of the fluorinated greenhouse gases

HFCs, perfluorocarbons, nitrogen trifluoride and

sulphur hexafluoride.

The Swedish civil contingencies Agency

section 16 of the Swedish civil contingencies Agency will participate in the

climate reporting work by providing a basis for

the well area and landfill fires.

National Board of forestry

section 17 of the Swedish forest Agency will participate in the climate reporting work


1. Please provide statistics on the annual logging volume, production

and trade in timber products, weapon-firing and

burning for conservation as well as the amount of nitrogen supplied by

forest fertilization,

2. for the part of the sector "land use, land-use change

land use and forestry ' relating to forest land leave

input to the predictions as a Swedish University of agricultural sciences

to leave under section 23 (2), and

3. for the part of the sector "land use, land-use change

land use change and forestry ", which does not involve the use of

farmland and pasture

a) leave a basis for reporting under article 10(2)

(c) to (f) of decision No 529/2013/EU on the basis of available

data from the Swedish University of agricultural sciences,

b) performing independent review of projected emissions and

removals of greenhouse gases,

c) perform review of forecasts which have been developed according to the

Article 14 of Regulation (EC) no 525/2013,

d) perform examination of information on instruments that have

developed to the biennial report and national report, and

e) perform review of information on policies

and the measures that have been developed in accordance with article 13 of

Regulation (EU) no 525/2013.

The Swedish Energy Agency

section 18 of the State's energy authority shall participate in the

climate reporting work

1. for the energy sector leave the calorific values and emission factors

for carbon dioxide,

2. for the energy sector but not for transport operations provide

emission factors for methane and nitrous oxide,

3. in its capacity as a statistical authority for

the field of energy in accordance with the Regulation (2001:100) if the

official statistics for the energy sector leave the statistical

needed in fuel and energy statistics

industry, energy statistics for housing and service as well as

fuel, gas and storage statistics,

4. Please provide information on the production of biogas,

5. leave the energy statistics as reported in accordance with article 4

and Annex B of the European Parliament and Council regulation

(EC) no 1099/2008 of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics,

in wording in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) no


6. for the energy sector but not for transport

provide data for calculating the approximate set out in

Article 8 of Regulation (EC) no 525/2013,

7. in his capacity as an expert authority for the Kyoto Protocol

mechanisms for joint implementation, clean development and

international emissions trading as well as in their capacity as

of kontoföringsmyndighet under the Act (2004:1199)

emissions trading,

a) provide data on who has the right to participate in

project activities to reduce or limit emissions of

greenhouse gases according to the mechanisms for joint implementation

and clean development,

b) leave the registers referred to in article 7 (1) (g) of

Regulation (EU) no 525/2013 and article 7(1) of

The Kyoto Protocol,

c) provide the information on the transfer of annual

emission allocation between Member States referred to in article 7(1)

(h) of Regulation (EU) no 525/2013,

d) provide the information on use of mechanisms for

joint implementation, clean development and international

the emissions trading scheme provided for in articles 7(1), 13 (1)

(e) and 17(1) (a) and (d) of Regulation (EU) no 525/2013,

e) provide information on changes in national

register under the Kyoto Protocol, and

f) provide the information on the hydroelectric project referred to in

Article 17(1)(e) of Regulation (EU) no 525/2013,

8. for the energy sector leave the forecasts referred to in article

14 of Regulation (EC) no 525/2013, expressed in units of energy,

with the aid of data from the National Institute of economic research, traffic analysis,

The Transport Department and the Transport Agency,

9. in the energy sector but not for transport operations provide

information about the policy for reporting to

biennial report and national report,

10. for the energy sector but not transport to perform

independent review of projected greenhouse gas emissions

11. for the energy sector but not transport to perform

review of information on policies and

measures that have been developed in accordance with article 13 of regulation

(EU) no 525/2013, and

12. leave the paper on the financial and technical support to

developing countries for reporting pursuant to article 16 of the

Regulation (EU) no 525/2013 as well as for reporting to the

biennial report and national report.

The State's agricultural work

section 19 of the State's agricultural work will participate in

climate reporting work

1. Please provide statistics on the

a) arable land use and crop production statistics in eight

production areas, and

(b)) the number of animals in the agricultural sector,

2. Please provide data on manure production and nitrogen production

pigs and cattle,

3. Please provide information on the sale of mineral fertilizers with the support

by the central statistical agency, in accordance with

20 § 2,

4. Please provide information on protein consumption,

5. for the agricultural sector, provide the basis for the forecasts

set out in article 14 of Regulation (EC) no 525/2013,

6. for the agricultural sector and for the part of the sector

"land use, land-use change and forestry"

relating to the use of farm land and pasture provide

information about the policy for reporting to

biennial report and national report,

7. for the part of the sector "land use, land-use change

land use and forestry ' relating to the use of

farmland and pasture provide the information referred to in

Article 10 (2) (c) to (f) of decision No 529/2013/EU supported by

available data from the Swedish University of agricultural sciences,

8. for the agricultural sector and within the sector

"land use, land-use change and forestry"

relating to the use of farm land and pasture carry out

independent review of projected greenhouse gas emissions

9. for the part of the sector "land use, land-use change

land use and forestry ' relating to the use of

farmland and pasture carry out review of projections

which has been produced in accordance with article 14 of Regulation (EC) no

525/2013, and

10. for the agricultural sector and for the part of the sector

"land use, land-use change and forestry"

relating to the use of farm land and pasture carry out

review of information on policies and

measures that have been developed in accordance with article 13 of regulation

(EU) no 525/2013.

The central statistical office

section 20 of the central statistical office shall participate in

climate reporting work in the agricultural sector and

for the part of the sector "land use, land-use change

land use and forestry ' relating to land use, leave the

statistical basis for the calculation of emissions of

greenhouse gases. The substrate must be

1. production of agricultural crop residues,

2. the sale of fertilizers to agriculture,

3. supply of nitrogen from mineral fertilizers, farmyard manure and

other organic manure to agricultural land,

4. handling and storage of livestock manure,

5. the addition of lime to agricultural land,

6. the pasturage periods for cattle,

7. import and export of calcium carbide, and

8. production of food, feed and alcoholic


Swedish international development cooperation agency

paragraph 21 of the Swedish international development cooperation agency

(Page) will participate in the climate reporting work by leaving

paper on financial and technical assistance to

developing countries financed by the SIDA budget for

reporting under article 16 of the Regulation (EU) no 525/2013

as well as for reporting to the biennial report and

national report.

The geological survey of Sweden

section 22 of the geological survey of Sweden should participate in

climate reporting work by providing a basis for area

for the production of energy peat.

Swedish University of agricultural sciences

section 23 of the Swedish University of agricultural sciences to participate in

climate reporting work by sector

"land use, land-use change and forestry"

1. leave the basis for the calculation of emissions and removals by

greenhouse gases and for the determination of land use types

support of the results from the Swedish national forest inventory in Swedish

University of agricultural sciences, and

2. leave the forecasts referred to in article 14 of regulation

(EU) no 525/2013 and article 10(2)(b) of decision No. 529/2013/EU

with the support of data and systems for forestry

sustainability analyses and the National Board of forestry,

leave under section 17 (2) and the Swedish Energy Agency shall provide

According to section 18 8.

The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute

section 24 of the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)

to participate in climate change reporting work by leaving

1. climate data in grid for modelling carbon balances for

sector "land use, land-use change and

Forestry ",

2. the calculated daily mean values of the fields and parameters

as the environmental protection agency the details of arrangements with

SMHI, and

3. paper on adaptation measures under article 15 of the

Regulation (EU) no 525/2013 and article 12 of the

the climate Convention.

Traffic analysis

section 25 of the traffic analysis will participate in climate change reporting work

by for the transport sector

1. Please provide information on the quantities consumed fuel from

rail, split into passenger and freight services,

2. Please provide information on the number of newly registered, imported and

exported vehicles,

3. provide the basis for the forecasts of the State

Energy Authority shall provide, in accordance with section 18 8

4. perform independent review of estimated emissions of

greenhouse gases, and

5. perform review of forecasts which have been developed according to the

Article 14 of Regulation (EC) no 525/2013.

The Finnish transport agency

section 26 of the Swedish transport administration will participate in the climate reporting work


1. traffic of the railway network that the State owns and


a) provide emission factors for methane, nitrous oxide,

nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and volatile organic


b) Please provide information on the amount of fuel consumed, and

c) leave the calculations of emissions of carbon dioxide, methane,

nitrous oxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and

volatile organic compounds,

2. for road transport in the transport sector submit

a) emission factors for methane, nitrous oxide, nitrogen oxides,

sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds,

b) data on vehicle mileage for various categories of vehicles,

c) information on the quantities consumed fuel,

d) calculations of emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,

nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and volatile organic


e) calculations of emissions of carbon dioxide from the use of

urea in catalysts,

f) data for calculating the approximate set out in

Article 8 of Regulation (EC) no 525/2013,

g) calculations of projected emissions of methane,

nitrous oxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and

volatile organic compounds, and

h) input to the predictions as the Swedish Energy Agency,

in accordance with section 18 of 8, and

3. for the part of transport covered by

The Finnish Transport Agency's area of activity

a) provide information on control mechanisms for reporting to the

biennial report and national report, and

b) perform examination of information on policies

and the measures that have been developed in accordance with article 13 of

Regulation (EU) no 525/2013.

Transport Agency

section 27 of the Transportation Board shall participate in

climate reporting work

1. for air transport in the transport sector, provide

a) emission factors for methane, nitrous oxide, nitrogen oxides,

sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds,

b) information on the amount of fuel consumed and

energy use,

c) calculations of emissions of methane, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide,

nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons,

d) information on the distribution of domestic traffic, on the one hand and

international traffic and, second, the distribution of the traffic covered by

take-off and landing phase (Landing and Take-Off, LTO)

the traffic that is not included in the take-off and landing phase

(Cruise) and, on the other hand, the number of start-and landningscykler

(LTO cycles),

(e)) preliminary data for calculating the approximate discharge

referred to in article 8 of Regulation (EU) 525/2013, and

f) input to the predictions as the Swedish Energy Agency,

in accordance with section 18 8

2. for the part of transport covered by

The Swedish Transport Agency's area of activity

a) provide information on control mechanisms for reporting to the

biennial report and national report, and

b) perform examination of information on policies

and the measures that have been developed in accordance with article 13 of

Regulation (EU) no 525/2013, and

3. for the purposes of navigation within the transport sector provide emission factors for

methane, nitrous oxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and

volatile organic substances.