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Regulation (2015:18) If Ship Recycling

Original Language Title: Förordning (2015:18) om fartygsåtervinning

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section 1 of this regulation is complementary to the European Parliament and of the

Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/2013 of 20 november 2013

ship recycling and amending Regulation (EC) no

1013/2006 and directive 2009/16/EC, in the original

the wording.

The regulation is notified pursuant to Chapter 8. 7 §

the Constitution Act.

Authorities with tasks under the EU regulation

section 2 of the environmental protection agency is the competent authority pursuant to article 3.11

of Regulation (EC) No 1257/2013 and carrying out tasks which

According to the regulation, it is for the competent authority

and the tasks arising from article 14(2) to (5) and 16 (6)

the same regulation.

paragraph 3 of the Transport Board is the responsible authority under article

3(9) of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013.

The authorization of ship recycling facilities

section 4 an application for authorisation in accordance with article 14 of

Regulation (EC) No 1257/2013 shall be submitted to the environmental protection agency

and contain

1. applicant's name, address, and social security or

registration number,

2. information on location of warehouses, buildings or other

installations where the applicant carries on or intends to carry on

ship recycling,

3. details of the recycling methods activities


4. information on the nature and size of vessels that can

recycled at the facility,

5. the maximum annual capacity for

ship recycling facility, and

6. it is otherwise necessary to demonstrate that the requirements of article

13 of Regulation (EC) No 1257/2013, are fulfilled, including

the necessary condition for the activity.

paragraph 5 of the decision on authorisation shall be submitted within six months

from the time a complete application came in to

The environmental protection agency. If it is necessary due to

the investigation of the case, the period may be extended by a maximum of one

month. Such extension shall not be made more than once.

The applicant shall be informed of the extension and the reasons for the

before the original deadline expired.

Provisions relating to acknowledgement of receipt should be sent to

the applicant when a complete application has been submitted and if

the contents of such a proof can be found in section 8 of the Act (2009:1079)

on services in the internal market.

Information to the Transport Agency

section 6 of the environmental protection agency to provide information to

Transport Board

1. decisions to grant or withdraw an authorisation and of

any measures taken following

the withdrawal as well as a basis for the decision,

2. the decision to authorise a ship recycling plan under

Article 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1257/2013, and

3. modification of a relationship referred to in 1 and 2.

Supervision and fees

section 7 of the Regulations on supervision, see chapter 26. the environmental code and 2

Cape. 24, 27, 29 and 30 § § environmental protection regulation


Provisions on fees can be found in Chapter 7. 9 a and 9 b section

Ordinance (1998:940) if the fees for the examination and supervision

According to the environmental code.


section 8 rules on appeal of the decision, see Chapter 19. 1 §

third subparagraph, environmental code.

Transitional provisions


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 15 March.

Regulation (2015:117).

2. The following applies in the case of an application for the authorization of

a ship recycling facility where the business has

started before 15 March 2015 but not covered by

permits under the environmental assessment Regulation (2013:251) or

the corresponding older provisions. Instead of what is said in

4 section 6 that an application should contain the necessary permits

for operations, the application shall contain the necessary to

view that the operations can be carried out with the support of

Environmental Assessment Regulation (2013:251). Regulation (2015:117).