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Regulation (2015:284) With Instruction For National Board

Original Language Title: Förordning (2015:284) med instruktion för Socialstyrelsen

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General information

section 1 of the National Board of health and welfare is the managing authority for operations

relating to health care and other medical operations,

dental care, social services, aid and services to certain

disabled guests as well as questions about alcohol and substance abuse resources.

In addition, the National Board of health, to assist the Government with a basis and

expert knowledge of developments in its field of activity.

Social responsibility applies to the extent that such

issues should not be dealt with by another authority.

section 2 of the National Board of health shall coordinate government efforts in

social services and health care for children and

Youth and decisions or other measures relating to children

analyse the consequences for the children, taking particular account

to the children.

The National Board of health has overall responsibility, sector responsibility,

implementation of the disability policy objectives with

related to the Board's field of activity.

The National Board of health shall, within the framework of these responsibilities be

collecting, supportive and proactive in relation to other

interested parties.

The National Board of health shall, within its field of activity to promote

gender equality as well as having overall responsibility for the promotion of equal

rights and opportunities regardless of their sexual orientation,

gender identity and gender expression.

Data relating to State control with knowledge

paragraph 3 of the rules relating to State control with knowledge see

Regulation (2015:155) if State control with knowledge

with respect to health care and social services.

4 §/expires U: 2016-03-01/

The National Board of health shall

1. knowledge support and regulations contribute to health

care and social services are conducted in accordance with science

and proven experience,

2. be responsible for knowledge development and transfer of knowledge within the

its area of operation,

3. work with and provide support for method development in their

area of activity,

4. promote the development of methods and forms of work in social

work through research, systematic review and measurement of

outcome and effects of the action under the social service act

(2001:453) and Act (1993:387) concerning support and service for

Some people with disabilities, including methods that allow for

children with disabilities to voice their opinions

When such efforts concerning them, as well as disseminate knowledge about

effective methods and forms of work,

5. track, analyze and report on health, wellness and

health, social and support services to some

persons with disabilities through

statistics production, monitoring, evaluation and

epidemiological studies,

6. follow the research and development of special

importance in its field and work to

such work comes about,

7. create and provide uniform concepts, terms and

classifications in its field of activity, and

8. after consulting the food and Drug Administration to develop and disseminate

objective and factual information and training materials

on the breeding of babies and children in accordance with article

15 of Commission Directive 2006/141/EC of 22 december

2006 on infant formulae and follow-on formulae and for

amending Directive 1999/21/EC, in wording as

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1243/2008.

Regulation (2015:391).

4 section/entry into force: 03/01/2016

The National Board of health shall

1. knowledge support and regulations contribute to the health and social services are conducted in accordance with science and proven experience, 2. be responsible for knowledge development and transfer of knowledge in its field, 3. work with and provide support for method development in its field, 4. promote the development of methods and forms of work in social work through research, systematic review and measurement of outcome and effects of the action under the Social Service Act (2001:453) and Act (1993:387) concerning support and service for some people with disabilities, including methods that enable children with disabilities to voice their views when such efforts concerning them, as well as disseminate knowledge about effective methods and forms of work ,

5. support quality foster care and contribute to developments in the field,

6. track, analyze and report on health, health care, social services, and support services to certain persons with disabilities through statistical processing, monitoring, evaluation and epidemiological studies, 7. follow the research and development of special importance in its field and work to ensure that such work comes about, 8. create and provide uniform concepts, terms and classifications in its field, 9. create, describe, and provide an efficient data structure in its field of activity, and

10. after consulting the national food produce and disseminate objective and factual information and educational materials on the rearing of infants and young children in accordance with article 15 of Commission Directive 2006/141/EC of 22 december 2006 on infant formulae and follow-on formulae and amending Directive 1999/21/EC, in the wording of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1243/2008.

Regulation (2016:13).

Administrative functions

§ 5/expires U: 2016-03-01/

The National Board of health and welfare is responsible for administrative functions in

accordance with law and regulation.

The authority shall be responsible in particular for

1. examination of such jurisdictional issues set out in Chapter 4.

section 10 of the patient safety Act (2010:659),

2. official statistics according to the Regulation (2001:100) if the

official statistics,

3. health data registers, and

4. to examine the issues of State aid.

Furthermore, the Supervisory Board guiding authority in

as specified in the environmental protection regulation


§ 5/entry into force: 03/01/2016

The National Board of health and welfare is responsible for administrative functions in accordance with law and regulation.

Authority shall in particular be responsible for: 1. examination of such jurisdictional issues set out in Chapter 4.

section 10 of the patient safety Act (2010:659), including review under Chapter 6. 1 § patient safety regulation (2010:1369)

2. official statistics according to the Regulation (2001:100) on the official statistics, 3. health data registers, and 4. to examine issues relating to state aid.

Furthermore, the Supervisory Board guiding authority in accordance with the environmental protection Decree (2011:13). Regulation (2016:13).

6 §/expires U: 2016-04-15/

The National Board of health shall, in addition to other

statutes, be responsible for

1. The national donor register, and to devise and develop

statistics and records in its field of activity,

2. to decide on the provision and allocation of seats

to the specialist courses included in the doctor's

training and organized with Government funds, and

3. be a competent authority for professions in health

health care and social services according to the European Parliament and

Council Directive 2005/36/EC of 7 september 2005 on the

recognition of professional qualifications, in wording as

European Parliament and Council directive 55/EU.

6 §/entry into force: 04/15/2016

The National Board of health shall, except as provided in the regulations, be responsible for: 1. The national donor register, and to devise and develop statistics and records in its field of activity, and

2. to decide on the provision and allocation of seats to the specia-listkompetenskurser contained in the physician's training and organized with Government funds.

The Agency performs the tasks arising from the Regulation (2016:157) on the recognition of professional qualifications.

Regulation (2016:165).

Data concerning legislation

section 7 of the National Board of health and welfare is responsible for the regulations and General

advice in its field.

The Agency announces its regulations and is issuing

authority for the Common statutes relating to

health care, social services, medicine, public health, etc.

in accordance with Annex 1 to the Constitutional Assembly regulation


The data relating to preparedness

section 8 of the National Board of health has overall responsibility for expertise

developed and maintained, and to spread knowledge about

1. emergency medicine, and

2. emergency preparedness within the Agency's area of activity.

The authority shall promote the expertise in these areas

are at the disposal of society during crises and disasters.

In the context of the first subparagraph,

Welfare Fund activities in

Knowledge Center at the agencies selected by the

authority for the purpose of maintaining qualified national

expertise in emergency medicine and emergency preparedness.

The National Board of health shall adopt guidelines for such

activities referred to above, and which is funded by the Agency

and to support and follow up the activities and ensure that the

is conducted efficiently.

§ 9/expires U: 2016-04-01/

The National Board of health shall

1. participate in total defense and emergency preparedness in accordance

with Regulation (2006:942) on crisis preparedness and height

preparedness as well as coordinate and supervise the planning of the

civilian health care and social services preparedness,

2 in its field of activity fulfil the tasks

to the provisions of European Parliament and Council decision no

1082/2013/EU of 22 December 2013 if serious

cross-border threats to health and

by decision No 2119/98/EC,

3. on the Government's behalf to coordinate the preparations for the

the supply of medicines and medical equipment ahead of the height

readiness, to maintain a disaster medicine

readiness, and

4. be unifying authority in respect of the 2002 Nordic

health emergency response agreements and work to ensure that the intentions of the

the agreement is implemented.

§ 9/entry into force: 04/01/2016

The National Board of health shall

1. participate in emergency preparedness and in total defense in accordance

with Regulation (2015:1052) concerning emergency preparedness and

security measures by the authorities responsible for preparedness

and Regulation (2015:1053) of total defense and height

preparedness as well as coordinate and supervise the planning of the

civilian health care and social services


2. within its field of action to fulfil the

tasks resulting from the European Parliament and Council decision

No 1082/2013/EU of 22 December 2013 if serious

cross-border threats to health and

by decision No 2119/98/EC,

3. on the Government's behalf to coordinate the preparations for the

the supply of medicines and medical equipment ahead of the height

readiness, to maintain a disaster medicine

readiness, and

4. be unifying authority in respect of the 2002 Nordic

health emergency response agreements and work to ensure that the intentions of the

the agreement is implemented. Regulation (2015:1069).

Tasks within international cooperation

section 10 of the National Board of health shall

1. be national contact point of the European Parliament and of the

Council directive 2011/24 of 9 March 2011 on the application

patients ' rights in cross-border healthcare

health care and carry out the tasks that such a contact point

under articles 6(1) in relation to consultation, in the

original wording, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.5, in the original

the wording, as well as article 4 of the Commission's

implementing directive 52/EU of 20 december 2012

measures to facilitate the recognition of prescriptions

issued in another Member State, in the original

the wording,

2. to be the national focal point for the coordination of issues

concerning the implementation of article 5 of the Convention on May 30

2008 on cluster munitions, and

3. contribute to the implementation of Sweden's policy for global



section 11 of the National Board to interact with relevant actors within

its field of activity to achieve the objectives of the business.

The Agency's efforts to control knowledge should be scheduled

and be carried out in co-operation with other concerned authorities so that

the State management with knowledge regarding health and

health care and social services are coordinated.

Provisions on cooperation with some other authorities see

Regulation (2015:155) if State control with knowledge

with respect to health care and social services.

section 12 of the National Board of health shall in particular engage with

Insurance, employment agency and the Swedish work environment authority in

order to achieve a more efficient use of the available

resources in the rehabilitation field.


section 13/expires U: 2016-03-01/

The Agency is headed by a head of Government.

section 13/entry into force: 03/01/2016

The authority is led by a Board of Directors. Regulation (2016:13).

section 14/expires U: 2016-03-01/

At the Agency, there shall be an Advisory Council consisting

of not more than nine members.

section 14/entry into force: 03/01/2016

The Board consists of not more than nine members.

Regulation (2016:13).

/Rubriken entry into force: 03/01/2016


14 section/entry into force: 03/01/2016

The Board of Directors may entrust to Government Chief to decide Social rules. This does not apply to regulations with particular fundamental importance or otherwise of major importance. Regulation (2016:13).


section 15 of the National Board of health and welfare perform administrative and supervisory

information for health care disciplinary board.

Special bodies

Advisory bodies

section 16 within the authority is an advisory body called

National Council on organ and tissue donation. The

the advisory body shall

1. to be a centre of excellence in the donation and

Transplant questions,

2. have an advocacy role and to ensure that the public

and the media will get continuous information in

donation questions,

3. follow developments in healthcare in donation

and transplantation issues and take the initiatives that can give


4. participate in quality assurance and training of

donor responsible doctors and contact responsible nurse,

5. participation in international relations and in

the development of key performance indicators,

6. provide guidance on ethical issues, as well as

7. responding to questions concerning donor card.

If the National Board determines it, the Council may also fulfil

other tasks.

The Council consists of a Chairman and seven other members.

section 17 within the authority is an advisory body called

National Council for specialiseringstjänstgöring. The

Advisory Board will assist the welfare of

1. divide and term the specialties in which

specialist competence can be achieved as well as to determine what

shall be required to obtain proof of expertise,

2. develop objective descriptions referred to in Chapter 4. 5 § 3

patient safety regulation (2010:1369)

3. support the principals to achieve high quality in


4. promote the training of trainers in


5. follow up on quality of specialiseringstjänstgöringen, as well as

6. develop criteria for training devices to

ensure that the business has the width and orientation that

needed to provide high-specialiseringstjänstgöring


The Council shall also assist the National Board of health and welfare in matters of individual

doctor's and dentist's competence in relation to the

identified target descriptions.

If the National Board determines it, the Council may also fulfil

other tasks.

The Council consists of a Chairman and seven other members of the

questions about medical specialiseringstjänstgöring and six other

Members for questions about dentists


Decision-making bodies

section 18 within the Agency is a special decision-making bodies

referred to as welfare's advice for certain legal, social and

medical issues. Decision-making body shall determine

1. forensic cases,

2. matters concerning the adoption of the gender or

consent to surgery in the genital organs under the Act (1972:119) if

determination of sex in some cases,

3. matters concerning permission for sterilization,

4. matters concerning permits to castration,

5. matters concerning authorisation for the conclusion of marriage,

6. matters concerning permission for abortion and permission to

termination of pregnancy under section 6 of the abortion Act (1974:595),

7. matters concerning authorisation for insemination,

8. matters concerning the authorisation of fertilization outside the body

refused in accordance with Chapter 7. section 5 of the Act (2006:351) if

genetic integrity, etc.,

9. matters of opinion on a person's State of health

the context of the examination of an individual's suitability to receive an

children residing abroad with a view to adopting it,

10. cases in which the National Board of health shall deliver its opinion on such an

investigation with an opinion on the risk of recurrence in

crime as referred to in section 10 of the Act (2006:45) for conversion

by imprisonment for life, and

11. other cases in which the National Board at the request of a

Court, a public prosecutor or police authority shall issue

statement about someone's health.

If the National Board determines it, Council may determine other


The President of the Council and the representative of him or

her must have experience as legally qualified judge.

19 § within the Agency is a special decision-making bodies

called Rikssjukvårds Board. Decision-making body shall take a decision

about the national care (rikssjukvård) under 9 a and 9 b § § health

Medical Services Act (1982:763).

If the National Board of health and welfare determines the Board may also meet

other tasks.

Rikssjukvårds the Board consists of a Chairman and nine other

Members, six of whom will represent the county councils, one should

represent the State's preparation for the medical and social

evaluation and one to represent the Science Council.

The Chairman of the Board and the representative of the defendant

be representatives from welfare.

Positions and assignments

section 20 of the Director-General is the head of Government.

section 21 of the Director-General is under the Regulation (2015:155) if

State control with knowledge regarding health and

social services chair the Council for State control with

knowledge regarding the health and social services, as well as in

The main Advisory Group for the need-based steering with knowledge

with respect to health care and social services.

section 22 of the members of the National Council on organ and

tissue donation is appointed by the Government for a fixed period of time.

section 23 of the members of the National Council for

specialiseringstjänstgöring is appointed by the Government for a

certain time.

For questions about medical specialiseringstjänstgöring should at least

one of the members shall be appointed at the proposal of the National Board of health and welfare, at least

a on the proposal of the Swedish Association of local authorities and regions, at least one of the

the proposal of the Swedish society of medicine, at least one on a proposal from the

The Swedish Medical Association and at least one of the proposals by Sweden's

higher education.

For questions about dental specialiseringstjänstgöring will be

at least one of the members shall be appointed at the proposal of the National Board of health and welfare,

at least one of the proposals of the Swedish Association of local authorities and regions, at least

a on the proposal of the profession, at least one on a proposal from the

health care providers and at least one of the proposals of the Association

and higher education.

Staff disciplinary board

24 section at the Agency, there shall be a staff disciplinary board.

Applicability of certain regulations

section 25/expires U: 2016-07-01/

yndigheten shall apply the staff representatives Ordinance


section 25/entry into force: 07/01/2016

The authority shall apply the staff representatives Ordinance (1987:1101) and internal audit regulation (2006:1228).

Regulation (2016:13).


section 26 of the Board's decisions on the allocation of

grants may not be appealed.

paragraph 27 of the Board's decision on the provision and

allocation of seats to the specialist courses

included in the physician's training and organized with

Government funding may not be appealed.

Transitional provisions


This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 2016 in relation to section 25 and March 1, 2016.