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Regulation (2015:503) About Particular Employment Support

Original Language Title: Förordning (2015:503) om särskilt anställningsstöd

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section 1 of this regulation is notified pursuant to Chapter 8. 7 §

the Constitution Act and provides for the

labour market policy programme, especially

employment support.

The aim of the programme is to stimulate the employment of

people who find it difficult to find work without special

employment support.

Various forms of special employment support

Especially employment support for students in jobs and

development guarantee

section 2 of an instruction to the particular employment aid may be made for

the program then a total of 6 months participating in job-and

development guarantee.

The one that is assigned to the job and development guarantee after

participating in the job guarantee for young people in 15 months,

However, be referred to special employment support from

with the entry into the job and development guarantee.

§ 3 When an employment with a particular employment support has

discontinued, get a new such instruction shall be made for the direct

After the employment ceased has participated in

organized activities with the employment services

for at least 3 months without work.

An instruction relating to an employment with an employer who

the individual has previously been employed at with particular

employment aid may be made

1. not earlier than 6 months after the date on which the earlier

the employment has ceased, and

2. where action within the framework of the job and development guarantee

not deemed sufficient.

4 §/expires U: 2016-02-01/Specific employment aid may be granted for a maximum of 12


The aid shall be granted for a further period of not more than 12

months for people deemed to have special needs of a

longer in the position to be able to establish itself on the

the labour market.

4 section/entry into force: 2016-02-01/

In particular, employment aid may be granted for a maximum period of 12 months.

The aid shall be granted for a further period of not more than 12 months for persons who are deemed to need an extended period of time in the position to be able to establish themselves in the labour market. Regulation (2015:951).

paragraph 5 of the Particular employment support is left with 85 per cent of

wage cost, up to a maximum of SEK 890 per day for a

employment on a full-time basis.

6 §/expires U: 2016-02-01-financial assistance for the cost of the tutorial is provided to the

the employer or to the cost of

the tutorial during the first 3 months with a maximum of

SEK 50 per day.

For the person who is assigned to particular employment support and

Since the 450 days of compensation involved in job-and

development guarantee is left in place financial support for

costs for supervision during the first 3

months with a maximum of 150 euros per day and then with a maximum

SEK 100 per day.

6 §/enters into force in: 2016-02-01/

Financial support for the costs of supervision is left to the employer or to the cost of the tutorial during the first 3 months with a maximum of $50 per day.

For the person who is assigned to particular employment AIDS and has participated in the job and development guarantee in 450 days as it can be given compensation to be provided rather than financial assistance for the cost of the tutorial during the first 3 months with a maximum of 150 euros per day and then with a maximum of SEK 100 per day. Regulation (2015:951).

7 § When support is to ensure that the public employment service

certain undertakings or the production of certain not favored in the manner

as is clear from article 107(1) of the Treaty on European

functioning of the EU.

Specifically the employment aid in the form of extra service

section 8/expires U: 2016-02-01-an instruction to the particular employment aid in the form of

additional service may be made for the 450 days participating in

the job and development guarantee with compensation.

An instruction may be waived for a maximum of 12 months at a time.

section 8/shall enter into force in: 2016-02-01/

An instruction to the particular employment aid in the form of additional service may be made for those who have participated in the job and development guarantee in 450 days that it can be submitted for reimbursement.

An instruction may be waived for a maximum of 12 months at a time.

Regulation (2015:951).

§ 9/expires U: 2016-02-01-When an employment with a particular employment aid in the form

of an additional service has ended, a new such instruction

be made only after the person has

1. complied with the working conditions, and

2. participated in the job and development guarantee in 450 days

with compensation.

§ 9/comes into force in: 2016-02-01/

When assistance has been provided during the longest period of time as stated in section 11, a new guideline to particular employment aid in the form of an additional service made after the person has 1. met a working conditions, and 2. participated in the job and development guarantee in 450 days that it can be submitted for reimbursement. Regulation (2015:951).

section 10/expires U: 2016-02-01/an instruction may only be made for employment in

1. health care under health care Act


2. activities under the Education Act (2010:800),

3. care for the elderly under the Social Service Act (2001:453), or

4. disability care under the social services act and the

(1993:387) concerning support and service for some people with disabilities.

section 10/entry into force: 2016-02-01/

An instruction may only be made for employment within 1. health care under health care Act (1982:763),

2. activities under the Education Act (2010:800),

3. care for the elderly under the Social Service Act (2001:453), 4. disability care under the social services act and the Act (1993:387) concerning support and service for some disabled people, or

5. activities of authorities who exercise public powers. Regulation (2015:951).

section 11 of the Special employment assistance may be provided

for the equivalent of 75 percent of full-time employment and

for a maximum of 24 months.

The aid is provided with 100% of the wage costs, to a maximum of

990 SEK per day for a job at 75 per cent of

full time.

section 12 of the financial support for the costs of supervision provided

to the employer or to the cost of

the tutorial and with a maximum of SEK 115 per day.

section 13 of the employment service shall ensure that the aid is not provided

as an economic activity, as is clear from article

107(1) of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union.

Specifically the employment aid in the form of the trainee within the

the welfare sector

section 14 of an instruction to the particular employment aid in the form of

trainee within the welfare sector may be made for the

1. the age of 20 but not age 25,

2. is registered as a jobseeker with the public

the employment service,

3. during the uture for 9 months from the day before

the instruction has been unemployed on a full-time basis for at least 6 months,


4. have a high school diploma or the equivalent.

The first subparagraph of paragraph 4 shall not prevent an instruction is made for the

lacking approved score on individual courses and therefore not

have a high school diploma or the equivalent.

section 15 to an instruction should get done, they study

or have received a commitment to study at least 25

percent of full-time at secondary level or equivalent.

The studies should

1. be able to lead to a successful completion of training and a lasting

employment in the traineejobbets field, and

2. go to combine with traineejobbet.

16 § instruction may only be made for employment in

1. health care under health care Act


2. activities under the Education Act (2010:800),

3. care for the elderly under the Social Service Act (2001:453), or

4. disability care under the social services act and the

(1993:387) concerning support and service for certain

disabled guests.

section 17/expires U: 2016-02-01/Specific employment supports may be provided

for the equivalent of 50 percent of a job on a full-time basis and

for a maximum of 12 months.

85% of the aid provided by the wage cost, up to a maximum of 510

$10 per day for a job at 50% of full time.

section 17/comes into force in: 2016-02-01/

Especially employment aid may be given for equivalent to 50 percent of a job on a full-time basis and for a maximum of 12 months.

85% of the aid provided by the wage cost, up to a maximum of 510 euros per day for a job at 50% of full time.

Support the time may be extended by a further 12 months if necessary for the studies undertaken within the framework of the traineejobbet to succeed. The aid is provided with 50% of the wage costs, to a maximum of 300 SEK per day for a job at 50% of full time. Regulation (2015:951).

section 18/expires U: 2016-02-01/financial support for the costs of supervision provided

to the employer or to the cost of

the tutorial and with a maximum of SEK 100 per day.

the entry into force of section 18/in: 2016-02-01/

Financial assistance for the cost of the tutorial is provided for a maximum of 12 months to the employer or to the cost of the tutorial and with a maximum of SEK 100 per day. Regulation (2015:951).

section 19 of the employment service shall ensure that the aid is not provided

as an economic activity, as is clear from article

107(1) of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union.

Specifically the employment aid in the form of the trainee within the

lack of professional areas

section 20 of aid under paragraphs 21 to 24 in accordance with chapters I and

Chapter III, article 32 of Commission Regulation (EU) no

651/2014 of 17 June 2014, declaring certain categories of

aid compatible with the common market in accordance with

articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty.

section 21 of an instruction to the particular employment aid in the form of

trainee in a shortage area may be made for the occupations that

1. the age of 20 but not age 25,

2. is registered as a jobseeker with the public

the employment service,

3. during the uture for 6 months from the day before

the instruction has been unemployed on a full-time basis for at least 3


4. at risk of long-term unemployment, and

5. have a high school diploma or the equivalent.

First subparagraph of paragraph 5 shall not preclude an instruction is made for the

lacking approved score on individual courses and therefore not

have a high school diploma or the equivalent.

section 22 to an instruction should get done, they study

or have received a commitment to study at least 25

percent of full-time at secondary level or equivalent.

The studies should

1. be able to lead to a successful completion of training and a lasting

employment in the traineejobbets field, and

2. go to combine with traineejobbet.

section 23 of an instruction may only be made for employment in a

area where there is a shortage of labour.

section 24 Special employment assistance may be provided for the equivalent of 50

percent of full-time employment, and for a maximum of 12


The support is left with 50 percent of the wage cost, up to a maximum of 300

$10 per day for a job at 50% of full time.

Specifically the employment aid in the form of entry-level jobs

section 25/expires U: 2016-02-01-an instruction to the particular employment aid in the form of

entry-level jobs can be made for those who have reached the age of 20 years, is

unemployed and registered with the public employment service

and within the last 36 months has been granted

1. a residence permit under

– Chapter 5. 1, 2, 3, 3A, 4 or 6 of the Aliens Act (2005:716)

or the equivalent older regulations;

-12 Cape. section 18 of the Aliens Act, or

– 21 or 22. the Aliens Act, or

2. residence card as a family member of a

EEA nationals after the application under 3 (a). section 10 other

paragraph, the same law.

For the purposes of the first subparagraph shall not be taken from the time

that person has been unable to work due to care of

own children under the age of two years, or the care of adoptive children

two years after the child's arrival into the family.

section 25/entry into force: 2016-02-01/

An instruction to the particular employment aid in the form of entry-level jobs for the 1. have a plan of establishment under the Act (2010:197) about start-up efforts for some newly arrived immigrants, 2. are unemployed and registered as a jobseeker with the public employment service in the last 12 months has completed its establishment plan under the same law, or

3. the age of 20, is unemployed and registered as a jobseeker with the public employment service and within the last 36 months, have been granted a residence permit under) – Chapter 5. 1, 2, 3, 3A, 4 or 6 of the Aliens Act (2005:716) or the equivalent older provisions,-12 Cape. section 18 of the Act on foreigners, or – 21 or 22. the Aliens Act, or (b)) a residence card as a family member of an EEA citizen after application under 3 (a). paragraph 10 of the same law.

For the purposes of the first subparagraph of paragraph 3 shall not be taken from the time that the person has been unable to work because of caring for a child under the age of two years, or the care of adoptive children for two years after the child's arrival into the family.

Regulation (2015:951).

section 26/expire U:2016-02-01 by Regulation (2015:951)./an instruction to the particular employment assistance may also

made for those who

1. is unemployed and registered with the public

the employment service, and

2. during the past 12 months, have completed their

establishment plan under the Act (2010:197) if

provisioning efforts for some newly arrived immigrants.

section 27/expires U: 2016-02-01/to an instruction should be made, the person

study, or have received a commitment to study,

Swedish in education in Swedish for immigrants or

the corresponding training at the folk high school in accordance with Chapter 24.

Education Act (2010:800). The studies should go to combine with

the employment.

section 27/comes into force in: 2016-02-01/

To an instruction to get made, they participate in, or have received a commitment to participate in, education in Swedish for immigrants or equivalent education at folk high school in accordance with Chapter 24. Education Act (2010:800), Swedish as a second language or professional Swedish. The studies should go to combine with the employment. Regulation (2015:951).

section 28/expires U: 2016-02-01/an instruction may be made for up to 6 months at a time.

After an instruction period, a new guideline made if

the conditions in paragraphs 25 and 27 are still fulfilled. A new

instruction may be made even if no studies in education in

Swedish for immigrants or equivalent education

folk high school in accordance with Chapter 24. Education Act (2010:800) conducted

or is to be conducted, provided that an approved

results have been obtained for the lowest course C in education in

Swedish for immigrants or equivalent education in a

previous instruction period.

the entry into force of section 28/in: 2016-02-01/

An instruction may be made for up to 6 months at a time.

After an instruction period, a new instruction can be made if the conditions in paragraphs 25 and 27 are still fulfilled. A new instruction may be made even if no studies conducted or to be conducted, provided that a qualifying results for the lowest course C in education in Swedish for immigrants or equivalent education at folk high school in accordance with Chapter 24. Education Act (2010:800) or a course in Swedish as a second language or professional Swedish has ended, during a previous instruction period. Regulation (2015:951).

section 29 Specifically employment assistance provided for a maximum of 24


Support for employment which cover more than 50% of full time

may not be given for longer than 12 months.

The aid must also not be left after 36 months gone

Since such a decision on a residence permit or residence card

referred to in paragraph 25 was made or, if the decision

the decision was taken when the person was not in Sweden, after the

to 36 months have passed since the person the first time.

were registered in a municipality. When calculating the

36-month period shall not be taken from the time that the person

been unable to work due to care of own children

the age of two years, or the care of adoptive children for two years after

the child's arrival into the family.

section 30 of the Particular employment support are left with 80% of the

wage cost, up to a maximum of 800 euros per day for a

employment on a full-time basis.

section 31 of the financial support for the costs of supervision provided

to the employer or to the cost of

the tutorial during the first 3 months and with

a maximum of $50 per day.

32 § When support is provided to ensure that the public employment service

certain undertakings or the production of certain not favored in the manner

as is clear from article 107(1) of the Treaty on European

functioning of the EU.

Common provisions


33 § When the labour market is politically motivated,

The employment service may decide to instruct the individual to

the labour market policy programme, especially

employment support.

An instruction to the particular employment support means that the

designated offers to take part in the program.

34 § employment agency shall revoke an instruction to

especially employment support if the designated

1. fails to appear on the day he or she would have

commenced his employment nor report valid

Unable to attend,

2. misbehaving or interferes with the operation of the workplace,


3. without acceptable reasons to reject an offered appropriate


An indication should also be withdrawn if there is

specific reasons for the withdrawal.

A withdrawal decision shall be effective immediately.


35 § Special employment assistance may only be provided to such

employers at the decision-making moment is registered as

employers in the tax office.

36 § Special employment assistance may not be provided to a

employers who have business, tax liabilities which have

submitted to the bailiff for collection or a

payment default which is not insignificant.

If a relationship referred to in the first subparagraph arise after

the decision on aid has been granted, shall

Employment agency reconsider the decision. The same applies if the

going to the employment service's attention that the employer

ceases to be registered as an employer of

The Swedish tax agency.

37 § Special employment assistance may not be provided to a

employers who are subject to recovery orders due

a decision by the Commission declaring an aid

unlawful or incompatible with the internal market.

section 38 Specifically employment assistance is payable only under

the condition that the employer certifying that the salary and other

employment benefits provided pursuant to a collective agreement or to

they are equivalent to benefits in accordance with collective agreements in

the industry.

The aid shall not be provided to employers who, on the

establishment where the employee with employment supports provided to

be placed, later than 9 months before the current

employment terminated employees on grounds of redundancy.

39 § a prerequisite to employment, in particular, support will be

left is that the employment with employment support

not to be laid off for no other reason than that the work does not

can be operated on because of weather conditions or of

other similar causes.

Employment forms

40 of the Special employment assistance may be provided for both full-and

part-time employment as well as for positions as valid until

Furthermore, trial periods and other temporary


41 § in the case of industries where the work is seasonal or

other reasons are not contiguous, the employment service

decide that aid may be granted only for jobs that

effective until terminated or covers a longer time period than

the normal season.

How aid is provided

42 § Special employment assistance is decided and paid by

The public employment service. The aid shall be paid monthly in arrears

or in the way that the public employment service. Support

under $50 are not paid.

43 § Support be provided to the employer contributions. The facility's

size per day fixed for the entire period.

44 § Support must be provided with a certain amount per working day, however,

only for the days that are part of the normal weekly working time of

the employer and the employer pay or sick pay


In the case of part-time work, the aid shall be reduced in proportion to the

working time.

section 45 the employer must request the refund from

The employment service monthly in arrears as

the employment is in progress.

Support received on lose their entitlement to the aid unless it

be obtained within 180 days after the period covered by the aid.

If there are special reasons, the employment service, decide on

exceptions to the time limit. The employment service should in such a

cases indicate what specific grounds consists of and document

the information.

section 46 The wage cost to be added to the basis for the particular

employment support is

1. gross cash pay including sick pay and holiday pay, and

2. the fees payable pursuant to the social tariff law

(2000:980) and the Act (1994:1920) on payroll tax.

Other provisions

47 § employment agency shall ensure that the financial assistance

authority to decide on and pay out is used in the prescribed


48 § SPEA's decision on entitlement to the aid shall be reconciled

the obligation for the beneficiary to immediately report

changes that may affect entitlement to the aid or assistance

size. A decision should be reconsidered in the changing conditions.

49 section an employer receives financial support will give

The employment agency or employment service designates

opportunity to review the operations and supply the information

needed for the review.

50 § financial support may not be provided to employers who

for the same effort, contribution by virtue of other provisions,

unless otherwise specifically provided.

Refunds and chargebacks

section 51 a recipient of financial aid under this regulation

the payback is required if he or she by leaving

through false statements or any other way has caused

that support has been provided on improper grounds or with too high a


For assistance in other cases has been provided on improper grounds or with

an excessive amount, the receiver is liable to refund

only if he or she realized or reasonably ought to have known,

the error.

52 § if a recipient of financial assistance is

the repayment obligation, the employment service may decide to

recover any amount unduly paid.

53 section At recovery, the employment service granting deferment of

payment or negotiate contracts with the repayment obligation

If a payment plan. The employment service should in such cases

charge interest on the unpaid amount. Interest will be charged from

the date on which the deferment was granted or the agreement on

payment plan was hit, but not for some time before it

amount recovered would be paid. Interest shall be charged

After an interest rate at any time exceeds Government

lending rate by two percentage points.

section 54 If an amount has been recovered is not paid in the right

time, the penalty interest rate (1975:635) withdrawn

on the amount. The same applies when the repayment obligation

been granted deferred payment or reached an agreement on the

a payment plan and payment is not made within the time

follow the order for deferral or agreement.

section 55 Of the repayment obligation with regard to the

personal or economic conditions or other

circumstances, there is a particular reason for it,

Employment services completely or partially decide to abstain from

a requirement for repayment or interest. The authority shall, in

such cases, in order to specify which specific reasons are and

document the information that is the basis for the

the decision.

56 section At recovery, the employment service, at a later

payment of the aid to the repayment obligation, decide

to deduct a reasonable amount in settlement on what has

paid too much. The same applies to the obligation to

pay interest.

Reconsideration and appeals

57 § SPEA's decision under this Regulation shall

reviewed if requested by that decision. At

the review, the decision may not be changed to the individual's


A request for review must be in writing. The request shall be

to the employment office and must have got in there within 3

weeks from the date of the request for reconsideration was part of

the decision.

section 58 22 a of the Administrative Procedure Act (1986:223) contains provisions

If the appeal to the administrative court. Other decisions

than the decision on the review of the decision on revocation of the

instruction and settlement, however, may not be appealed.

If a decision is appealed before it has been examined,

the appeal shall be considered as a request for reconsideration.


§ 59 employment service may provide for

the enforcement of this regulation.

Transitional provisions


1. This Regulation shall enter into force on 2 november 2015 in the case of 8-13 sections and otherwise on 3 August 2015.

2. The regulation repeals Ordinance (1997:1275) on scaffolding support.