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Regulation (2015:613) About Military Basic Training

Original Language Title: Förordning (2015:613) om militär grundutbildning

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/Entry into force: 01/01/2016/introductory provisions

section 1 of this regulation provides for a voluntary military basic training in the armed forces and for benefits and conditions for those who are admitted to, or are undergoing such training.

paragraph 2 of this regulation,

1. military basic training: a general basic military training in the armed forces and a subsequent education in the armed forces, aimed at those who have undergone training to be able to

a) krigsplaceras under the Act (1994:1809) about national service,

b) be employed as continuously or occasionally acting group officer, soldier or sailor,

c) begin training that can lead to employment as professional or officer, or

d) sign an agreement like the home guard, and

2. recruit: the adopted or undergo training in accordance with this regulation.

Admission to and separation from education

section 3 of the armed forces decides after the application for admission to military basic training.

paragraph 4 to be accepted into military basic training is required that the applicant is a Swedish citizen and 18 years of age.

The armed forces may provide for additional requirements for admission to military basic training.

§ 5 From military basic training, it may be distinguished as

1. self seeking it,

2. show themselves unfit for continued education, or

3. are absent from education to such an extent that he or she is not able to assimilate it.

Education content

section 6 of the military basic training provides basic military skills as well as knowledge of the Swedish armed forces and its purpose. In addition, the military basic training provide the special military skills and knowledge needed to be able to

a) krigsplaceras in a position of total defense,

b) be employed as continuously or occasionally acting group officer, soldier or sailor,

c) admitted to training that can lead to employment as professional or officer, or

d) sign an agreement like the home guard.

The armed forces may provide for the content of the military basic training.

Police and security data may be included in the training only to the extent that it is necessary for the educational objectives or if there are special reasons for it and the recruit has the appropriate training for the task.

section 7 of the military basic training shall comprise at least 120 training days and maximum of 365 days of training.

Review and approval

§ 8 the armed forces decides on the approval of the recruit after completion of the training.

The armed forces may provide for what it takes to be approved.

The education premium

paragraph 9 of The approved by the armed forces after completion of the training provided for in this regulation are entitled to the education premium in an amount equal to what he or she is overall, a review in the monthly remuneration under the military basic training.

The armed forces may provide for how the education premium shall be calculated on the recruit made stops in training or changed direction for the training.


section 10 of The undergoing training under this regulation is entitled to compensation.

The armed forces may provide for remuneration.

section 11 of The undergoing training under this regulation is entitled to two free scholastic aptitude test.

Recruit has the right to participate in the scholastic aptitude test referred to in the first subparagraph in the context of education unless business puts particular obstacles in the way.

section 12 Of the undergoing training in accordance with this regulation the indications referred to on health care, free dental care, family assistance, financial assistance, funeral assistance and insurance protection for 5-10 Cape. Regulation (1995:239) if benefits to the forces.


section 13 Of the undergoing training in accordance with this regulation the indications referred to rehabilitation and compensation to relatives in Chapter 8. 6-11 § § the Act (1994:1809) about national service.

Compensation after separation from education

section 14 of the paragraph 5 of the separated from the training provided for in this Regulation may receive compensation from the day the training is cancelled up to 30 days from the decision to separate him or her from the training it was announced, but today education would have ended. Compensation is paid in an amount equal to the remuneration which the recruit had by separation from the training.

If there are special reasons, the defence forces may decide that the compensation referred to in the first subparagraph shall not be given or that it should be reduced.


section 15 of The undergoing training under this Regulation shall have the right to exert influence over education. The armed forces should push for recruits takes an active part in the work to further develop the programme and shall ensure that the conscripts are informed about their right to exercise influence over education.

In the armed forces ' headquarters and at the units of the armed forces who conducting the training of recruits, personnel responsible for issues relating to the empowerment of recruits.

Personal injury protection

section 16 of Chapter 7. 2-6 sections as well as 43, 87 and 88.

the social security code and the Act (1977:266) on State compensation for non-pecuniary damage, etc., contains provisions on the right to compensation for personal injury, for those who undergo training in accordance with this regulation.

Protection of employment

section 17 of the Act (1994:2076) on the protection of employment at certain duties within the total defence accommodation are provisions on the protection of employment for those who undergo training in accordance with this regulation.


section 18 of the decision on admission to and separation from the training referred to in paragraphs 3 and 5 may be appealed to the State's Appeals Board. The decision of the Board of appeal may not be appealed.

Decisions about the education premium in accordance with section 9, as well as the benefits and conditions under 10, 12 and 14 sections may be appealed to the State's Appeals Board. The decision of the Board of appeal may not be appealed.

section 19 of the 22 a of the Administrative Procedure Act (1986:223) there are provisions for appeal to the administrative court. Other decisions than decisions on rehabilitation and compensation to the relatives pursuant to section 13 may not be appealed.

Transitional provisions


1. this Regulation shall enter into force on January 1, 2016.

2. The regulation repeals Regulation (2010:590) for basic and additional military training in the armed forces.

3. the regulation also apply to recruits who before the entry into force have admitted to training under the Regulation (2010:590) for basic and additional military training in the armed forces, but that upon entry into force, have not yet begun training.

4. The repealed regulation still applies for recruits who before the entry into force have admitted to training under the Regulation (2010:590) for basic and additional military training in the armed forces, and who began training before the new regulation's entry into force.