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Regulation (2015:801) About International Schools

Original Language Title: Förordning (2015:801) om internationella skolor

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/Entry into force: 01/01/2016/introductory provisions

Article 1 this regulation lays down provisions on

1. requirements for training to an individual principal of an international school at primary school level to get an approval in accordance with Chapter 24. 3 a of the Education Act (2010:800) and to an individual principal of an international school at secondary level is entitled to the refund under Chapter 24. paragraph 6 of the same law, 2. education at international schools whose principals received an approval, consent or an explanation if the grant under 24 Cape. 3 a §, 4 a of the respective paragraph 6 of the Education Act, 3. applications for approval, consent and Declaration eligibility, and 4. contribution to the principals of international schools from the students ' home communities.

section 2 of the Words and expressions used in the Education Act (2010:800) have the same meaning when used in this regulation.

With the local international school for the purposes of this regulation, an international school of secondary education whose principal is a municipality which has a a consent in accordance with Chapter 24. 4 a of the Education Act.

Conditions for the approval and grant a right

section 3 to an individual should be approved as the head of an international school at the elementary level in accordance with Chapter 24. 3 a of the Education Act (2010:800) is required, in addition to what is stated there, that the individual has the potential to follow the requirements of 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12 of this regulation, as well as Chapter 1. section 10 and 6 chap.. the Education Act.

To an individual principal of an international school at secondary level is entitled to the refund under Chapter 24. section 6 of the Education Act is required, in addition to what is stated there, that the individual has the potential to follow the provisions of 7 to 9, 11 and 12 of this regulation, as well as Chapter 1. section 10 and 6 chap..

the Education Act.

Regulations on education in international schools

section 4 of the one who has received an authorisation as referred to in Chapter 24. 3 a of the Education Act (2010:800) shall comply with the provisions of 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12 sections as long as the approval applies.

Anyone who has received a consent in accordance with Chapter 24. 4 a of the Education Act shall comply with the provisions of 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 and 12 sections as long as the consent is valid.

Anyone who has received an explanation of the grant under 24 Cape.

section 6 of the Education Act shall comply with the provisions of 7 to 9, 11 and 12 sections as long as the explanation is valid.

Education content and design

Secondary education

section 5 of the education in an international school at primary school level must follow the curriculum of another country or an international curriculum. Education in a municipal international school to follow an international curriculum.

The training shall be designed so that the whole considered equivalent to education in elementary school. Its general objectives and values must not conflict with the General objectives and the values that apply to education within the school system.

6 § Despite section 5, first paragraph, the students who are resident in Sweden for a limited period of time is given to teaching in Swedish and if Sweden to the extent that they need. Instruction in Swedish for the other compulsory schooling pupils shall be conducted according to the curriculum for primary schools and the curriculum in Swedish.

Secondary school level

section 7 of the education in an international school at secondary level should follow the curriculum of another country or an international curriculum.

The training shall be designed so that the whole considered equivalent to education in upper secondary school.

Its general objectives and values must not conflict with the General objectives and the values that apply to education within the school system.

Special support and student health

section 8 students who have difficulty in school should be offered special support.

Students should be offered such student health relating to medical interventions that will be offered to pupils in primary and secondary schools.

The first and second paragraphs do not apply to other students in an international school at secondary level than those whose home municipalities are obliged to provide contributions for those under 24. 6 (a) of the Education Act (2010:800).

Student fees

section 9 of the students for whom the municipality is required to make contributions in accordance with Chapter 24. paragraph 5 or 6 a of the first subparagraph, the Education Act (2010:800), the principal charge a fee to cover the reasonable additional expenses for education that relate to 1. that training follows the curriculum of another country or an international curriculum, which includes additional accreditation or authorisation and contributions to relevant organisations, or

2. that education is primarily targeted at students resident in Sweden for a limited time.

The fee must be reasonable taking into account the costs that it is intended to cover, the principal, and the facts are otherwise.

section 10 Of the principal of a local international school terms, instead of section 9, the provisions relating to fees in the 10 Cape. 10 and 11 of the Education Act (2010:800).

Admission and selection

section 11 of Each international school is open to all students, as referred to in Chapter 24. paragraph 5, first subparagraph, and paragraph 6 (a) of the Education Act (2010:800) with the exception of those students that it would involve significant organisational or financial difficulties to receive preschool.

If there isn't room for all qualified applicants to an international school, the selection be made on the grounds that the State's school inspection approves. If an international school at primary school level is conducted by a municipality, the municipality have the right to give priority to students at their own selection from the municipality.

Information obligation

§ 12 legal guardians of pupils at primary school level and these pupils at the upper secondary level as referred to in Chapter 24. 6 (a) of the Education Act (2010:800) should be given clear information about the international school's content and emphasis on continued education abroad and about what education at an international school at primary and secondary level may mean further education in Sweden.

Such information should also be given to the students.

The application for approval, consent, and the right to grant

section 13, an application shall be submitted to the State school inspection if the application concerns 1. an approval as the head of an international school at the elementary level in accordance with Chapter 24. 3 a of the Education Act (2010:800), 2. a consent to be head of an international school at the elementary level in accordance with Chapter 24. 4 a of the Education Act, or 3. a declaration of entitlement to the premium for an international school at secondary level according to Chapter 24. section 6 of the Education Act.

The application may be transferred electronically to the school inspectorate and shall be submitted to the State school inspection by 31 January of the calendar year before the training starts.

The second paragraph does not apply if there are special reasons, taking into account the students ' ability to pursue their education.

section 14 When State school inspection hears an application under section 13, first subparagraph 1 or 3, the School Inspectorate give the municipality in which the training is to be conducted with an opportunity to make any submissions on the application.

section 15 Decision in a case referred to in paragraph 13 of the first paragraph shall be taken, if possible, before 1 October of the calendar year before the training starts. A case under section 13, the third subparagraph shall be examined promptly.

section 16 of the State's school inspection may provide for the electronic transmission of the application and on electronic signature, and the other provisions necessary for the implementation of paragraphs 13 and 14.

Decision concerning the right of contribution

section 17 of the decision on entitlement to allowances under 24 Cape. section 6 of the Education Act (2010:800) to the State's school inspection, for different training than those leading to the International Baccalaureate, specify which national programs training should be equated with the grant terms.

Contribution from the municipality of residence

Report of contributions

18 § a commune making contributions for a student at an international school at primary school level to account for the school's principal the portion of the premium that is a substitute for facilities and value added tax.

Payment of contributions

section 19 of the principal and the municipality cannot agree otherwise, the benefits are paid with one-twelfth each month.

Payments in July-september adjusted for an estimated number of students and is regulated by the payment in October.

Especially if the contribution to an international school at secondary level

section 20 of the State's school may provide for the amount per pupil, programs and targeting as a municipality shall pay to a principal for an international school at secondary level in the cases referred to in Chapter 24. 6 a of the Education Act (2010:800), a municipality and a principal do not agree on the amount.

When the National Agency for education is announcing such provisions, they shall be notified by 31 January of the calendar year to which the regulations apply.

When the National Agency for Education announces rules on the amounts referred to in the first subparagraph, the relevant local Government budgeted grant amounts and the relevant County and budgeted costs for the software and, if applicable, the orientation form the basis for refunds. When regulations concerning the grant amounts for education leading to the International Baccalaureate, the amount determined for the science program form the basis of the amount.

Transitional provisions


1. this Regulation shall enter into force on January 1, 2016.

2. the provisions of section 9 shall apply for the first time on 1 July

2016 for principals that have a valid explanation for a refund right under 24 Cape. 3 or 5 of the Education Act (2010:800) at the end of december 2015. Principals for students that the municipality is required to make contributions in accordance with Chapter 24.

paragraph 5 or 6 a of the first subparagraph, the Education Act, may until 30 June 2016, take out a student fee that is reasonable having regard to the reasonable costs for business, contribution and the circumstances of the other.

3. An application for a consent to be head of an international school at the elementary level in accordance with Chapter 24. 4 a of the Education Act (2010:800) shall, instead of what is stated in paragraph 13 of the third paragraph, have been received by the State school inspection last March 1, 2016, if it relates to education, which should start the fall semester in 2016.