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Regulation (2015:1047) With Instruction For State School

Original Language Title: Förordning (2015:1047) med instruktion för Statens skolverk

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section 1 of the State's school is the managing authority for the school system and for certain specific forms of education and other educational activities instead of education within the school system, to the extent not otherwise provided for.

The authority shall, through their activities, encourage all children and students access to an equivalent level of training and other activities of good quality in a safe environment. The authority shall contribute to favorable conditions for children's development and learning and improved knowledge results for students.

The authority has also other functions required by this regulation or by other rules or specific decisions.

Monitoring, evaluation and statistics

section 2 of chapter 26. Education Act (2010:800) provides for the Authority's responsibility for the follow-up and evaluation of the school system, other courses and activities which are under the State's school inspection supervision under the Education Act and other educational activities referred to in chapter 25. the Education Act organized by an individual. The authority will report to the Government on the issues that these data could give rise to. Monitoring and evaluation are to increase our knowledge of how the courses and activities have been developed in relation to the main proceedings.

The Agency will summarize and publish the results of its work on monitoring and evaluation.

paragraph 3 of the Authority responsible for official statistics on the school system and child care according to the Decree (2001:100) of the official statistics.

section 4 of the authority may, after consultation with the Government offices (Ministry of education), represent the State at the negotiation and conclusion of international agreements concerning Sweden's participation in international knowledge measurements and other individual-based measurements within the Agency's field of action, unless otherwise provided by special decision of the Government.

Authority shall be responsible for Sweden's participation in the measurements referred to in the first subparagraph.

Policy documents and samples

section 5 Authority to design curricula, subject fields and knowledge requirements as well as be responsible for national tests and final exams.

The authority will report to the Government on the issues that these data could give rise to.

6 § the museums shall continuously assess the need and develop assessment support. The authority shall develop or adapt the assessment guides from various student groups ' needs and circumstances.

Support for school improvement

7 § the museums shall support municipalities and other principals in their training activities and other educational activities as well as help to improve their ability to work with the development of activities for greater effectiveness by 1. responding to national priority training and provide support in the form of other professional development for staff, 2. compile and disseminate results of research, and 3. responding to other development initiatives in priority areas.

8 § the museums shall, in particular,

1. be responsible for the State job training under the Regulation (2011:183) if the senior education for directors and other personnel with corresponding management function in school, preschool and daycare and training for head teachers and preschool managers,

2. conduct a National Centre for language, reading and writing skills,

3. stimulate the process of entrepreneurship in the education system, and

4. promote the schools ' work with the Scandinavian languages.

§ 9 the authority shall contribute to ensuring the national competence management and facilitate students ' entering the labour market by promoting vocational training, including apprenticeship, in secondary school, high school, adult education and special municipal special training for adults.

The Agency shall support the development of relevant authorities and industry organizations ' cooperation in the field of vocational education and yrkesintroduktions employment.

10 § the museums shall be responsible for

1. National programråden for vocational education, and

2. the National Council for continuing education in the form of a fourth technical year.

Management of Government grants and contributions section 11 Authority to administer government grants and contributions according to special regulations or specific decisions.

Identification cards for teachers and preschool teachers

section 12 of Chapter 2. section 16 of the Education Act (2010:800) provides for the Authority's responsibility to inform the identification of teachers and pre-school teachers. In Chapter 4. section 3 of the Regulation (2011:326) for permission and identification of teachers and pre-school teachers is provided for the Authority's turnaround time for cases for identification.

The authority shall in particular engage with University and College Council with regard to the identification and qualification of teachers and pre-school teachers.

section 13/expires U: 2016-04-15/

The authority shall be the competent authority for the teaching profession and preschool teachers pursuant to European Parliament and Council Directive 2005/36/EC of 7 september 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications, as last amended by European Parliament and Council directive 55/EU.

section 13/entry into force: 04/15/2016

The Agency performs the tasks arising from the Regulation (2016:157) on the recognition of professional qualifications. Regulation (2016:185).


14 § the museums shall inform and disseminate knowledge about their field of activity both in and outside of Sweden.

International cooperation

15 § the museums shall be responsible for the functions required by the Convention, with the Statute of the European schools (SUN 2002:60).

16 § the museums shall 1. have the responsibility for the information about the Swedish European support system for vocational education and training (European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training, ECVET),

2. include in the ReferNet in order to collect, analyse and disseminate information on vocational education and training in Sweden and internationally, and

3. be a national reference point for quality assurance in VET.

section 17 of the Authority shall be responsible in particular for the information about the possibility to undergo secondary education in whole or in part in another Nordic country in accordance with the agreement with Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway for Nordic education at upper secondary level (SUN 2008:8).

Other tasks

18 § the museums shall 1. have overall responsibility (sector responsibility) for disability issues related to its field of activity and, in so far as it is not a task for the special education and schools – in the context of that responsibility be collecting, supportive and driving in relation to the other parties concerned, 2. be responsible for matters within its area of activity relating to new arrivals, and 3. promote the generation of the target and the environmental quality objectives and, if necessary, propose measures for the development of the work environment.

The authority shall, in respect of their environmental efforts under the first subparagraph 3 report to the environmental protection agency and consult with the work of the reporting as needed.

19 § the museums shall provide assistance to the municipalities in their work with task responsibilities under Chapter 29. Article 9 of the Education Act (2010:800).

Conduct of work

20 § the museums shall integrate a gender perspective and the human rights perspective in their activities. All individual-based information agency reports should be divided by gender, unless there are special reasons for not doing so.

The authority shall also analyse the consequences of their activities for children, taking particular account of the best interests of the child under the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child.

section 21 of the authority shall, in the implementation of its mission to make the most of the opportunities the program offers national social fund.

The leadership section 22 of the authority is headed by a head of Government.

section 23 of the authority is an Advisory Council consisting of not more than nine members.

Special body teachers ' disciplinary board

section 24 within the Agency, there is a particular decision-making body known as the teachers ' disciplinary board.

The Board has, in accordance with the Education Act (2010:800) tasked to examine cases on 1. warning, 2. withdrawal of identification, and 3. new ID after the earlier withdrawal.

section 25 of the regulations on the liability of teachers Board composition and quorum are provided in Chapter 27. 5-7 of the Education Act (2010:800).

section 26 of the teachers ' disciplinary board is responsible for their decisions.

The Board is responsible for its activities for the Agency's management.

paragraph 27 of the Authority's management is responsible to the Government for teachers ' disciplinary board are allocated funds and resources in General for their business and for the business is conducted lawfully and effectively and accounted for in a reliable way.

Council for educated as

section 28 in the authority there is a decision-making body known as the Council for educated as. The Council of such educated as referred to in the Decree (2011:7) of educated as 1. responsible for organization and implementation of the admissions and selection process to education, and 2. contribute to the monitoring and development of quality in education.

section 29 of the Council for the educated as consists of a Chairman and not less than six and not more than ten other members. In the Council of members shall be provided with knowledge of dance professionals, primary and secondary schools. Each Member shall have a Deputy.

The President and his deputies shall be or have been regular judges.

The President and his deputies in the Council for educated as is appointed by the Government for a fixed period of time. Other members of the Council and the replacement of these are appointed by the authority for a specified period of time.

section 30 of the Council President and is educated as a beslutsfört when at least half of the other members are present.

the Council is responsible for 31 of the educated as for their decisions.

The Council is responsible for its activities for the Agency's management.

section 32 authority's management is responsible to the Government for the Council for educated as assigned funds and resources in General for their business and for the business is conducted lawfully and effectively and accounted for in a reliable way.

Positions and assignments

section 33 the Director General is the head of Government.

34 section at the Agency has a Director General.

Staff disciplinary board

35 section at the Agency has a staff disciplinary board.

Applicability of certain regulations

36 § the museums shall apply internal audit regulation (2006:1228) and the staff representatives Ordinance (1987:1101).


37 § authority may charge fees for such goods and services as referred to in paragraph 4(1), 1-6 and 8 the fee Regulation (1992:191) without the restriction laid down in the second subparagraph of the same article.