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Law Of 14 July 1962 Regulating The Collective Agreement

Original Language Title: WET van 14 juli 1962 tot regeling van de collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst

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Law of 14 July 1962 regulating the collective agreement (G.B. 1962 No. 106).

Article 11. Under collective agreement means the agreement, entered into by one or more employers or one or more employers ' associations, possessing legal personality and legal personality possessing one or more associations of workers, which mainly or only be regulated working conditions, to take into account employment contracts. 2. As an Association of employees is not considered an association, which founded or dominated or financed by employers or their representatives. 3. Parties, which have the intention to enter into a collective agreement, to modify or to renew it, may be assisted by the Director of Social Affairs. 

Article 21. The circumstances in which an employer must be employees of a particular race or of a particular religious or political beliefs or members of an association, or of a particular association is not, or only to employ, is void. 2. The clause, in which the right of workers to freedom of Association and Assembly is lifted or curtailed, is likewise void.

Article 3a Association of employers or of workers is only entitled to enter into collective agreements, if the articles of Association of the Association this power is expressly mentioned.

Article 4 a collective agreement must be entered into in an authentic or private deed. 

Article 5a Association, which has entered into a collective agreement, shall ensure that all its members, that the agreement is concerned, the wording of the agreement as soon as possible. If by parties with explanations on the collective labour agreement is drawn up, that requirement shall apply also in respect of the notes.

Article 6 in the case of modification of the collective agreement and of explicit extension of the duration, the provisions of articles 4 and 5 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 7Wijziging provisions in the articles of Association, which the performance, change, ener, renewal or cancellation of collective agreements concerning, not working with regard to energy before the amendment of the articles of Association entered into by collective agreement, unless the other parties to the agreement consents. 

Article 81. If the time, on which the collective agreement begins to work, not to the agreement itself, the operation to as of the fifteenth day following that on which the agreement is entered into. 2. In no event shall enter a collective agreement or a modification or an express extension in operation before the date, on which fulfilment of the obligation, laid down in article 24.3. If the collective agreement otherwise requires, stretches its operation itself, from the time when this begins, partly on the employment contracts already entered at that time. 

Article 91. An association, which has entered into a collective agreement, is held, as far as the good faith to encourage her fellow members to comply with the terms herein. 2. The State Association for its members only in voorzoverre, this provided herein. 

Article 101. All, which during the duration of the collective agreement, on the date of the time, which it entered into, a member or be ener Association, which the agreement, and to the agreement are concerned, are bound by that agreement. 2. They are in front of each of the parties to the collective agreement concerned, kept all what impose to the agreement it is provided, in good faith, if they had connected themselves to itself.

Article 111. The members ener Association, which remain bound by a collective agreement even after the loss of membership by that agreement. 2. That bondage ends, when the agreement after the loss of the membership changes. In case of extension of the agreement after the loss of the membership takes the bondage until the time, which would have ended the contract without this extension. 

Article 121. Dissolution ener Association, which has entered into a collective agreement, does not affect the rights and obligations resulting from that agreement. 2. The rights and obligations of an employer, arising from collective agreements go about on his successor in title. 

Article 131. Each clause between an employer and an employee, contrary to a collective agreement by which they both bound, is void. Instead of such circumstances shall be subject to the provisions of the collective agreement. 2. A term between an employer and an employee, which is more beneficial for the employee than the provisions of the collective agreement, shall not be deemed to be inconsistent with that collective agreement, unless otherwise provided therein. 3. The nullity as referred to in paragraph 1, may be invoked by any of the parties to the collective agreement. 

Article 14Bij the absence of provisions in an employment contract on matters, governed by a collective agreement by which both the employer and the employee are bound, subject to the provisions of the collective agreement. 

Article 15Indien in the collective agreement, the employer is bound by that agreement, which obligated during animal agreement its provisions concerning working conditions even after the employment contracts, as referred to in the collective agreement, which he enters into with employees, who are not bound by the collective agreement. 

Article 161. An association, which has entered into a collective agreement, if one of the other parties to that Convention or one of the members of this contravenes any of his or her obligations, recover compensation, not only for the damage, which zijzelve as a result suffers, but also for those, which its members suffering. 2. The Association referred to in the previous paragraph if a damage that its members suffer already has advanced, the members no longer entitled to do this again.

Article 17Indien the damage not measurable on money, a sum of money as compensation in equity are due.

Article 18Bij the collective agreement with regard to the compensation provision be taken, which is not in accordance with the provisions of articles 16 and 17. 

Article 19A collective agreement can be entered into for any longer time than three years, subject to extension, connected in such a way that parties never longer than three consecutive years, counting from the time when the extension is agreed.

Article 201. When a collective agreement for a definite period, it shall be, if not otherwise provided by the agreement, each deemed for equal time, but not more than for one year, to be extended, subject to termination. The term of termination, unless the agreement provides otherwise, a twelfth part of the time for which they were originally entered into. 2. When the time for which a collective agreement is entered into, not to the agreement it is provided, it shall be deemed to be entered into for the duurvan a year, with extension for equal time, subject to termination at least one month before the end of the year. 

Article 21 the termination ener collective agreement should be done to all concerned parties to the agreement. They must be made by registered letter or bailiffs exploit. Where the collective agreement otherwise requires, has a termination by one of the parties, that the agreement ends for all parties.

Article 23Alle deeds and writings concerning the establishment, change or termination of collective agreements, in addition to all the pieces, which the parties to a collective agreement, together or separately, either in private form, either in front of a public official, without involvement of third parties, in application of the collective agreement, are free of seal and the costs resulting from the application of article 1901 of the Suriname Civil Code.

Article 241. The parties to a collective agreement shall ensure that a certified copy of the collective agreement, as well as of the amendments to the Minister for Social Affairs and public health. 2. Bear parties also take the measures necessary to ensure that the termination, as well as the express extension of the duration ener collective agreement is notified in writing to the Minister for Social Affairs and public health. 

1613 n of the Surinamese Civil Code article 25Artikel expires. 

Article 26Het Surinamese code of civil procedure sets the following change: a new article is inserted after article 217 217a, saying: "217 a. If one of those who were parties to a collective agreement in relation to the provisions in article 13 of the law on the collective bargaining agreement in any proceedings or wishes to add to intervene , he will be able to do this in each State, are subject without any leave or incidental decision is required. He is then held his intention to do so, however, at the registry of the District Court in writing, with due observance of a period of at least three days off for that list.. Of this notification the Registrar service as soon as possible by registered letter to litigants communication "

27this article law may be referred to as: "law on the collective agreement" and shall enter into force on the day following the issuance of the Gouvemementsblad, in which it is placed.