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Instruction Extraordinary Agents Of Police

Original Language Title: Instructie Buitengewone Agenten van Politie

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PIVOTED decision of 29 June 1972 pursuant to article 30 (1) of the Police Charter (G.B. 1971 No. 70) (instruction Extraordinary Agents of police) (G.B. 1972 No. 83), as it stands after the amendments in S.B. 1976 No. 35. Article 1BEVOEGD GEZAG1. The extraordinary agents of police are appointed, suspended and dismissed by the Minister. 2. They may be appointed for the whole area of Suriname or for particular part thereof.

Article 2 (1) BENOEMBAARHEIDSEISEN1. For appointment to extraordinary police officer be those who: a. Suriname; b. the age of twenty one (21) years; c. demonstrated to own suitability for the police task, which of them will be advanced, particularly regarding behavior, reliability and development. 2. The extraordinary agents of police are at their name thing for: a. a deed of their appointment; b. a copy of this instruction; c. a ID.

Article 3 (2) OATH or BELOFTE1. The extraordinary agents of police, before taking up his duties, in the hands of the Minister or of a by pointing to this authority, the following oath or affirmation: "I swear (promise) allegiance to the Constitution for the Republic of Suriname and to the laws." I swear (promise) that I, as far as in my power and to my task as an extraordinary agent belongs, will monitor compliance with the laws and rules adopted under this and decisions, my further duties as extraordinary police officer to the best of my knowledge, in all conscience, without respect of persons, that I will fulfill the me as such will accomplish the tasks assigned to it and the business by my Office knowledge, which I carry and which are entrusted me as secret or confidential nature to be understood, which I will not reveal to others than to them, to whom I according to a wettelijkeregeling or in my Office as superb police officer to communication am obliged. So help me, God Almighty! (I promise!) " 2. On the deed of appointment is by the authority, in whose hands the oath or promise is made, a note of the distance, oath or declaration, as well as the date on which this took place.

Article 4BELONING1. Enjoy the extraordinary agents of police as such no remuneration. 2. They can, because of extraordinary dedication or bijzonderloffelijke services, by the Minister are rewarded with a satisfaction statement and/or a bonus.

Article 5ONTSLAG1. The extraordinary agents of police may at any time be dismissed by the Minister. 2. Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, an extraordinary police officer be fired: a. on his request; b. If the reason, which the appointment as an extraordinary police officer has led, is no longer present; c. due to unsuitability for his tenure as such.

Article ACT 6INLEVERING etc. 1. At his resignation is the extraordinary police officer required its instrument of designation, the ID, the instruction, as well as the weapons, provided him by the Government as soon as possible to the Chief of police, or to the Commander or the head of the Department or the part, where he worked. 2. In the event of the death of the very police officer this obligation rests on his family or those on whose request he was appointed.

Article 7BEVOEGDHEID1. Without prejudice to its powers of investigation under article 8 of the Surinamese criminal procedure code, the extraordinary police officer is in the performance of his duties as a rule limited to the particular purpose for which the appointment was granted him, it is clear from the considerations mentioned in the Act on his nomination. 2. The extraordinary police officer is competent in carrying out his service as such a club to wear and, with permission of the Minister, a revolver or pistol.

Article 8LEGITIMATIEBEWIJS1. In carrying out his service as such bears the extraordinary police officer the supplied to him I'd ever. 2. This ID is colored blue and is equipped with: a. on one side: the term "extraordinary police officer" and a photo identification of the person concerned and his name and first names, the emblem of the police corps of Suriname and the signature of the Chief of police; b. on the other side: of the indications "id" and "outstanding police officer" and also the emblem of the police corps of Suriname. 3. If this related to his service operations is required, is the extraordinary police officer required to show proof of identity.

Article 9VERLENING Assistance1. Where there are exceptional circumstances make it necessary, the extraordinary agents of police by the Minister, or on its behalf by the Chief of police or concerned District Commissioner, are called, to temporarily to provide assistance and certain police services. 2. They are required to comply with such a claim immediately and given to the last to accomplish as well as possible. 3. If they consider this to be very to their ordinary post to be removed or have other objections, they will be able to submit their objections to the decision of the Minister.

Article 10AANWENDEN of GEWELD1. The extraordinary agents of police, are competent to have jurisdiction in the performance of their duties as such, if the target is not otherwise to be accomplished, to employ violence. 2. This force should not be disproportionate to the disadvantage, that reasonably could be expected if no violence was used. 3. The violence should the limits of reasonableness and gematigheid.

Article 11GEBRUIK of VUURWAPEN1. Having regard to the provisions of the preceding article and without prejudice to the provisions of articles 65 and 66 of the criminal code, may debuitengewone agents of police, at actual impossibility at once with less intrusive means to fulfil their task as such, a firearm only use: a. to hold persons, suspected of a crime and who adhere to their arrest or arraignment for the Attorney General or a district attorney by flight or otherwise attempt to evade; b. to hold persons, who are suspected of an offence, if they can reasonably be assumed that a firearm with himself and will use this against persons. 2. If, having regard to the circumstances, possible, before the use of a firearm with a loud voice or other extremely effectively as a police officer expressed by the person concerned, and warned, that of weapon use will be made. This warning can be replaced by a warning shot. 3. Except in cases of extreme necessity, the extraordinary agents of police do not use a firearm against women or against persons, of whom they know or having reason to believe, that they have not reached the age of sixteen years, or that they are not mentally or physically full.

Article 12 (3) INWERKINGTREDING1. At the time of the entry into force of this State decision voided the resolution of 25 February 1935 No. 697, laying down the conditions of appointment to and of one instruction for the extraordinary agents of police in Suriname (G.B. 1935 No. 36.). 2. the outstanding aenten of police, on the basis of the mentioned in the previous paragraph resolution of 25 February 1935 No. 697 (G.B. 1935 No. 36.), continue to be appointed, without prejudice to the powers granted in the legislation to investigators, charged with the enforcement of statutory regulations, until they have been dismissed by the Minister. 3. This decision, state that if "instruction Extraordinary agents of police" may be referred to, occurs a time determined by the President. 1 wt. at S.B. 1976 No. 35.2 wt. at S.B. 1976 No. 35.3 I.w.t. 1 January 1973 (G.B. 1972 No. 138).