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Royal Decree 1238 / 2011, On 8 September, Which Regulates The Service Address On The Airport Platform.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1238/2011, de 8 de septiembre, por el que se regula el servicio de dirección en la plataforma aeroportuaria.

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Royal Decree 862/2009 of 14 May 2009 approving the technical standards for the design and operation of public airfields and the Regulation on the certification and verification of airports and other public use aerodromes, incorporates into national law Annex 14 to the International Civil Aviation Convention (Chicago 1944).

Among the technical standards for the design and operation of public aerodromes, the Annex to the aforementioned Royal Decree 862/2009 of 14 May 2009 in Volume I, paragraph 9.5, regulates the management service on the platform, establishing that, where the volume of transit and operating conditions so warrant, the air traffic services (ATS) unit of the aerodrome, some other aerodrome operating authority, or in mutual cooperation between the aerodrome, should provide a Address service on the appropriate platform for: (a) regulate movement and avoid collisions between aircraft and between aircraft and obstacles; (b) regulate the entry of aircraft and coordinate with the aerodrome control tower its exit from the platform; and (c) ensure rapid movement and insurance of vehicles and appropriate regulation of other activities.

In this regard, the Air Circulation Regulation, approved by Royal Decree 57/2002 of 18 January 2002, paragraph 3.3.2, had foreseen that the task of providing certain services on the platform to a tower could be assigned of an aerodrome control or a separate dependency. It was recognised in this way that the platform steering service is an airport service, which, however, has been traditionally provided by the aerodrome air traffic services.

Law 9/2010 of 14 April, which regulates the provision of air traffic services, details the obligations of the civil service providers of these services and lays down certain working conditions for the provision of services. air traffic controllers, abounds in the nature of the airport service of the management service on the platform and expressly points out, in Article 1.4, that the tasks which are not properly air traffic, such as the direction of platform, shall be made directly by the airport infrastructure manager or to be entrusted to the civil service providers of aerodrome air traffic services.

In this context, it is necessary to set out clearly the conditions for the provision of the steering service on the platform by completing the technical standards for the design and operation of public use aerodromes. incorporated in the Annex to Royal Decree 862/2009 of 14 May 2009 to ensure the safe operation of aircraft in movements on the platform.

With this object, this royal decree regulates the organization and personnel providing management services on the platform, as well as the functions of the service, the responsibilities of the infrastructure manager airport in relation to the provision of the service and the necessary coordination with air traffic services.

This royal decree addresses the service that, taking place on the platform, aims to manage the activities and movements of the aircraft in the platform. It does not, therefore, affect other services, such as groundhandling services of track operations, which include the guided activities of aircraft by means of signalling or vehicles, the activity of which, however, will be coordinated with the address on the platform. These services will continue to be governed by the rules applicable to them.

Furthermore, as provided for in Section 2 of Chapter III of the Regulation on the certification and verification of airports and other public use aerodromes, approved by Royal Decree 862/2009 of 14 May 2009, the management of the platform must be included as the contents of the airport manual or the aerodrome of public use. Consequently, this royal decree completes the regulation of the manual, which is approved by the State Aviation Safety Agency in the certification procedure, establishing that information about the site, facilities, services, systems and equipment, operational procedures, organization and administration, among others, of platform management and platform operational security management.

This royal decree is dictated by the development of the forecasts that, in the field of airport management, collect both Law 481960, of July 21, on Air Navigation and Law 21/2003, of July 7, of Air Safety.

In the handling of this royal decree, the opinion of the Autonomous Communities has been counted and the organizations of the sector and the Council of Consumers and Users have been heard.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Public Works, with the prior approval of the Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Administration, according to the Council of State and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers in its meeting on 8 September 2011,



General provisions

Article 1. Object and purpose.

This royal decree aims to regulate the airport management service on the platform and the conditions for its implementation in order to ensure the safe operation of the aircraft in their movements in the Airport platforms.

In addition, this royal decree completes the contents of the airport manual or airport manual, hereinafter referred to as the airport manual, as regards the management service on the platform.

Article 2. Definitions.

1. For the purposes of this royal decree, it is understood by "areas of responsibility of the management service on the platform", the areas formed by the platform and the surfaces determined by the lines that guide the circulation in platform and access to the parking lot, with their corresponding surfaces or areas of protection and which are outside the limits of the manoeuvring area, as set out in the relevant operational charter, which will be included in the airport.

2. To the rest of the concepts used in this royal decree will apply the definitions contained in the technical standards of design and operation of aerodromes of public use and in the Regulation certification and verification of airports and other Public use aerodromes approved by Royal Decree 862/2009 of 14 May 2009.

Article 3. Scope of application.

1. This royal decree will apply to civil airports.

2. Excluded from the scope of this royal decree are the air bases, the air bases open to civil traffic, the airfields and the military heliports and the aerodromes used jointly by an air base and an airport where the Air Army provides air navigation services to the general air circulation.

Article 4. Rules of application.

As not provided for in this royal decree regarding the performance of the State Aviation Safety Agency, the provisions of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public and Public Administrations will apply. Common Administrative Procedure and Law 11/2007, of June 22, electronic access of citizens to Public Services.


Deployment of the address service on the platform

Article 5. Obligation to have an address service on the platform.

1. The airport infrastructure manager is obliged to set up a steering service on the platform when the number of annual movements of the airport infrastructure exceeds 250,000.

The airport infrastructure manager may decide not to set up the steering service on the platform on all or any of the platforms of such infrastructure, when an aeronautical safety study accepted by the State Aviation Safety Agency determines that, taking into account the volume of traffic and the conditions of the operation, this service is not necessary or appropriate to ensure the safe operation of the aircraft at the aerodrome or at any of the their platforms.

2. The safety study shall be carried out by the airport infrastructure manager and shall be submitted by the airport infrastructure manager to the State Aviation Safety Agency for acceptance. The application may be filed in the places provided for in Article 38.4 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November, as well as in the form laid down in Law 11/2007 of 22 June.

After the maximum period of two months from its submission without the express delivery of the State Aviation Safety Agency, the aeronautical safety study shall be deemed to be accepted.

3. The resolutions of the State Aviation Safety Agency concerning the acceptance of the aeronautical safety study shall put an end to the administrative route in accordance with Article 4 of its Statute, approved by Royal Decree 184/2008, of 8 February.

Article 6. Aeronautical information.

Prior to the operation of the steering service on the platform in an airport infrastructure or on any of its platforms, the publication of that commissioning should be carried out in the publication of aeronautical information service (AIP) of the aeronautical information service (AIS).

Article 7. Transition plans.

1. The start of the provision of the address service on the platform in an airport infrastructure or on any of its platforms which do not have such a service, as well as the change of provider of the address service on the platform, perform in accordance with the airport infrastructure manager transition plan.

This transition plan shall include at least one aviation safety study to ensure the safe operation of aircraft at the aerodrome during the transition period and, in the cases provided for in Article 18.3, the alternative programme of practical training in the dependency provided for in that provision.

2. The airport infrastructure manager shall request the State Aviation Safety Agency to accept the transition plan. The application may be filed in the places provided for in Article 38.4 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November, as well as in the form laid down in Law 11/2007 of 22 June.

3. Within one month of the submission of the transition plan, the State Aviation Safety Agency shall, where appropriate, decide on the acceptance or rejection of the alternative practical training programme in the Agency. After that period without having been given an express decision, the acceptance of that programme shall be deemed to be refused by negative administrative silence, in accordance with the exception provided for in the additional twenty-ninth provision of the Law. 14/2000, of 29 December, of Fiscal, Administrative and Social Order measures for the procedures for authorization of aeronautical training courses.

Accepted the alternative practical training program in the agency, the State Aviation Safety Agency will have to decide on the acceptance or rejection of the rest of the transition plan, including the safety study, in the a month from the acceptance of the alternative programme.

Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraphs, the State Aviation Safety Agency may agree in a single act on the acceptance or rejection of the entire transition plan.

4. The time limit for resolving the acceptance of the transition plan when the transition plan does not include the alternative training programme in the dependency shall be one month from its application.

5. After the period provided for in the second subparagraph of paragraph 3, and 4 without the express statement of the State Aviation Safety Agency, the transitional plan or the part of the envelope to which the Agency has not acted, in accordance with the second subparagraph of paragraph 3, it shall be deemed to be accepted.

6. The decisions of the State Aviation Safety Agency concerning the acceptance or rejection of the alternative programme of practical training in the dependency and the transition plan put an end to the administrative route, as provided for in the Article 4 of its Statute, approved by Royal Decree 184/2008 of 8 February.

7. The address service provider on the platform that is to be replaced must collaborate in the execution of the transition plan.


Providing the address service on the platform

Article 8. Service provider.

1. The steering service on the platform may be provided directly by the airport infrastructure manager, with its own means or through the procurement of a provider of address services on the platform, or by the provider. designated for the provision of air traffic services at the aerodrome where this has been agreed with the airport infrastructure manager.

Anyone who is the provider of the address service on the platform, the provision of the service will conform to the provisions of this royal decree.

2. The provision of the service shall comply with the conditions set out in the relevant procedures of the airport manual.

Article 9. Vendor requirements.

1. The airport certificate or the favourable aerodrome verification resolution credits the ability of the airport infrastructure manager for the provision of the platform steering service.

For the provision of the management service on the platform by the certified or verified airport infrastructure manager, with its own means, it shall have qualified personnel meeting the requirements foreseen in this royal decree.

2. In the rest of the cases referred to in Article 8.1, the providers of management services on the platform shall have sufficient and adequate material and personal means for the exercise of the functions assigned to this service. and, in any case, with:

a) A security management system, accepted by the State Aviation Safety Agency.

b) Qualified personnel meeting the requirements of this royal decree.

(c) Insurance, bank guarantee, bail or any financial guarantee provided by a duly registered financial institution with sufficient cover to deal with civil liability for damages to third parties in which might incur the service delivery.

When the address service on the platform is provided by air traffic controllers or AFIS personnel providing air traffic services for the designated provider for the provision of these services in the Aerodrome shall be deemed to be met, in any case, the requirements set out in Articles 14 to 19 inclusive.

3. The supplier with whom the provision of the address service is contracted on the platform, including where it is provided by the air traffic service provider, shall submit to the airport infrastructure manager, in an electronic form or in-person, a declaration stating compliance with the requirements set forth in this royal decree and the supporting documentation of such compliance.

Article 10. Address service functions on the platform.

1. The steering service on the platform shall ensure the safe movement of aircraft in its area of responsibility, as set out in the airport manual, and shall develop the following functions:

(a) Order movement in the area of responsibility of the steering service on the platform to avoid collisions between aircraft and between aircraft and obstacles, including vehicles circulating in the area of responsibility for the address service on the platform.

b) Order the entry of aircraft into the area of responsibility of the steering service on the platform, in coordination with the aerodrome air traffic service.

c) Order the movement of aircraft to the departure of the area of responsibility of the steering service on the platform, in coordination with the aerodrome air traffic service.

d) Ensure the rapid, efficient and safe movement of vehicles in the area of responsibility of the management service on the platform and the orderly development of the rest of the activities that develop in it.

e) Supply management services to movements in the area of responsibility of the management service on the platform, in compliance with the coordination and transfer procedures established by the management of the airport infrastructure and those included in the airport manual and organise the flows from or to the parking position.

f) Communicate with aircraft, provide information to the pilot-in-command and manage aircraft activities and movements in the area of responsibility of the steering service on the platform.

g) Participate in the defined contingency plan for the airport as appropriate.

h) Participate in the self-protection plan defined for the airport, as appropriate.

2. The steering service on the platform shall also have procedures to ensure collaboration with the airport infrastructure manager, or with other airport infrastructure manager units, as the case may be; with aircraft operators; with groundhandling services, in particular those for fuel supply, track and catering operations, as well as with the supplier designated for the provision of services of air traffic, as appropriate, in relation to all those activities and procedures to be attributed to it in the airport manual, in particular:

a) The allocation of parking places.

(b) The collection and organisation of the information relating to the hours of arrival/departure of aircraft.

c) The cleaning status of the painted signals.

d) The state of use of the guidance systems and lights.

e) Alert to platform users about the risks arising from the reaction engine flows and the helix steles.

These procedures shall be included in the airport manual as provided for in Annex III.


Airport infrastructure manager and address service users obligations on the platform

Article 11. Obligations of the airport infrastructure manager.

1. The airport infrastructure manager is responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements set out in this royal decree, and in particular the following obligations:

a) Delimit the areas of responsibility of the management service on the platform and establish, in collaboration with the aerodrome's air traffic service provider, the authorisation and transfer procedure aircraft from the area of responsibility of the respective services, as well as to coordinate all services integrated on the platform, ensuring that the existing rules are strictly observed.

The procedures for coordination between aerodrome air traffic services and management at the platform will pick up the physical delimitation plans of the airport's manoeuvring areas and the areas of responsibility for the platform.

b) In addition, the airport infrastructure manager must have the means and establish the procedures necessary to ensure:

1. The security and continuity of the service, as well as the maintenance of the requirements established in this royal decree for the provision of the service.

2. The continuous monitoring and evaluation of the service activities so that trends can be detected in relation to operational security.

3. The execution of the appropriate preventive actions to be derived from such monitoring.

4. The analysis of incidents in the provision of the service that affects operational security and apply the measures that are evidenced as necessary to prevent future incidents of the same type.

5. The knowledge and exercise by personnel providing management services on the platform of the specific responsibilities assigned to them, in particular those affecting operational security.

2. Where the steering service on the platform is provided by an organisation contracted by the airport infrastructure manager to that end, the airport infrastructure manager shall ensure that the airport infrastructure manager complies with the requirements set out in Article 9.2 and clearly assign to it the powers and functions to be developed in accordance with the provisions of this royal decree.

Article 12. Airport security management system.

In the operational security management system, the airport infrastructure manager with an address service on the platform must:

a) Preview inspections to verify the adequacy of the address service on the platform for the preservation of operational security.

(b) Include security audits, intended to check the conformity of specific safety management activities with respect to the relevant procedures set out in the airport manual.

c) Previewing appropriate preventive and corrective actions arising from safety inspections and audits.

(d) Previewing the notification to the State Aviation Safety Agency by the personnel of the management service on the platform of the civil aviation events of which it is aware in the performance of its duties or activities.

Article 13. Obligations of the address service users on the platform.

In the area of responsibility of the management service on the platform, the pilots at the command of the aircraft and the other persons with means of communication with the service of management on the platform and involved in the (a) platform operations shall, as appropriate, be addressed to the information provided by the staff providing the management service on the platform in the performance of their duties and compliance with the regulations and procedures relating to: security.

The other users involved in the operations in the area of responsibility of the management service on the platform should know and observe all the regulations and rules governing that area.


Address service personnel on the platform

Article 14. Address service personnel requirements on the platform.

The staff providing the address service on the platform must be 18 years of age and be in possession of the bachelor's degree or a degree allowing access to the university or equivalent, and credit the rest of the the requirements set out in this chapter.

Article 15. Psycho-physical fitness.

1. The staff providing management services on the platform shall be the holder of a certificate of physical fitness in force attesting to at least the psycho-physical capacity laid down in Annex II, issued by an aeronautical medical centre. or a medical examiner authorised by the State Aviation Safety Agency in accordance with the scheme established in this regard, currently provided for in Order FOM/2157/2003 of 18 July 2003 determining the requirements and the procedure for the Designation and approval of medical-aircraft centres and medical examiners.

2. The psycho-physical fitness certificate shall have a maximum effectiveness of 2 years and shall be renewed before the end of the period of effectiveness.

Article 16. Language proficiency.

1. Staff providing management services on the platform shall have at least one level of operational language (4), in English and Spanish, of the ICAO language proficiency rating scale, incorporated as Annex I to the Order FOM/896/2010 of 6 April 2010, which regulates the requirement of language competence and its assessment.

2. The requirements, effectiveness, assessment and certification of the level of linguistic competence of the staff of the management service on the platform shall be that established in the field of linguistic competence and its assessment, currently regulated in the Order FOM/896/2010 of 6 April.

Article 17. Initial training.

The staff providing management services on the platform must be in possession of a certificate stating that a course of initial, theoretical and practical training has been successfully completed, accepted by the State Air Safety Agency in accordance with the minimum requirements set out in Annex I. The certificate shall be issued by the initial training centre which has taught the course.

The initial, theoretical and practical training course must provide for the validation of the theoretical or practical training obtained by the aeronautical professionals in accordance with the applicable regulations for obtaining the respective titles or licenses. Such is the case, among others, of the holders of air traffic controller student licenses or pilots, AFIS personnel and technical and operational coordinators.

Article 18. Training in the dependency.

1. Staff providing management services on the platform in addition to being in possession of the certificate provided for in Article 17 must have successfully completed the training, theoretical and practical, in the airport's dependence on the to supply the address service on the platform.

2. Practical training in dependence will require the provision of services in practice, under the supervision of active personnel providing management services on the platform at the airport, which will determine the student's fitness for the exercise of their functions in the address service on the platform.

Practical training shall be in accordance with the conditions of the aerodrome and shall in no case be less than 20 hours of service, in a period not less than 7 days and not more than 15 days.

3. In the case of commencement of operations and, exceptionally, in the case of a change in the supplier, where the new supplier does not have a trained staff or is unable to acquire practical training in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. prior to the transition plan provided for in Article 7, the service provider on the platform to be provided by the service shall propose to the State Aviation Safety Agency an alternative to the practical training in the the dependency provided for in paragraph 2.

The acceptance or rejection of the alternative programme of practical training in the dependency shall be governed by the provisions of Article 7.

Article 19. Continuing training.

1. The provider of the address service on the platform shall ensure the continued training of the staff providing such service, ensuring, at least every four years, that this staff receives a refresher course.

2. The continuing training may be carried out by the provider of the address services themselves on the platform or by an initial training centre.

3. Both continuing training teachers and evaluators and refresher courses should be accepted by the State Aviation Safety Agency.

Article 20. Loss of psycho-physical fitness.

1. The provider of the address service on the platform shall ensure the permanent compliance by its personnel of the requirements set out in this royal decree. In particular, it shall not allow the staff of the management service on the platform to carry out their duties where there are reasonable indications of decreased psycho-physical capacity or when it is under the influence of some substance psychoactive, alcohol or any medicine that may prevent you from exercising such functions correctly and safely.

2. In addition, the providers of the management service on the platform shall establish appropriate procedures for dealing with cases of reduction in psycho-physical capacity, enabling the staff of the management service on the platform to notify you have noticed a decrease in that capacity, or that you are under the effects of some psychoactive substance or any medication that may prevent you from exercising your functions correctly and safely.


Initial training providers

Article 21. Requirements of the initial training centres.

1. Training providers must have the following:

(a) The material means necessary for the performance of their functions, such as classrooms, simulators and offices to carry out satisfactory training courses.

b) sufficient and competent staff to plan and carry out initial, theoretical and practical training and their corresponding assessments.

(c) The means necessary for the recording and storage of training and evaluation documents, if any, in electronic form.

(d) A training programme to which the initial training courses accepted by the State Aviation Safety Agency are incorporated.

e) A quality system.

f) An instruction manual

2. Those interested in the provision of training services shall submit to the State Aviation Safety Agency a statement responsible for compliance with the requirements laid down in this Article, in accordance with the provisions of the Article 71a of Law 30/1992 of 26 November.

To start the activity, the responsible statement must be submitted to the State Aviation Safety Agency, once the initial training courses and initial training teachers and evaluators have been accepted.

Article 22. Initial training teachers and evaluators.

1. Those interested in the provision of training of the staff of the steering service on the platform shall request the acceptance of the initial training teachers and evaluators to the State Aviation Safety Agency.

The deadline to resolve will be three months from the date of application. After this period has elapsed without express resolution, the request shall be deemed to be deemed to be administrative silence.

The acceptance of the initial training teachers or evaluators will occur before the start of the activity is requested in accordance with the provisions of Article 21.2 and, subsequently, acceptance should be requested each time new teachers or evaluators are incorporated.

2. In order to adopt the decision, the competent body shall take into account the professional experience and accredited training, to which the curriculum of each of the proposed candidates and the documentation shall be submitted together with the application for acceptance. accredentiative as appropriate.

3. The resolutions of the State Aviation Safety Agency put an end to the administrative route in the terms provided for in Article 4 of its Statute, approved by Royal Decree 184/2008 of 8 February 2008.

4. The training provider shall include in the instruction manual the procedures to ensure that initial training teachers meet the requirements set out in this royal decree and achieve and maintain the required qualification and experience for the training which, in each case, will be provided.

Article 23. Acceptance of the initial training courses.

1. Initial, theoretical and practical training courses shall have at least the content provided for in Annex I, and those concerned shall request their acceptance of the State Aviation Safety Agency.

The deadline to resolve will be one month from the date of application. After this period has elapsed without express judgment, the application shall be deemed to be rejected by negative administrative silence, in accordance with the exception provided for in the additional twenty-ninth provision of Law 14/2000, of 29 December, of administrative and social order measures.

The acceptance of the courses will take place prior to the presentation of the responsible declaration as provided for in Article 21.2 and, subsequently, acceptance should be requested each time modifications are made. in accepted courses or other specific courses are designed.

2. For the adoption of the resolution, the competent body shall take into account the training programme of the centre and the technical and human resources used by the centre to deliver them.

3. The resolutions of the State Aviation Safety Agency put an end to the administrative route in the terms provided for in Article 4 of its Statute, approved by Royal Decree 184/2008 of 8 February 2008.

4. The training provider shall include in the instruction manual the procedures to ensure that the initial training courses meet the requirements set out in this royal decree.

Article 24. Registration of certificates of initial training and evaluations.

Training centres have a duty to register and guard a copy of the certificates they issue and the assessments made, which they may also carry out in electronic format, provided that the authenticity of the documentation.


Description of the platform address service in the airport manual and collaborating entities

Article 25. Description of the service in the airport manual.

1. The conditions for the provision of the platform steering service shall be included in the airport manual in accordance with the arrangements laid down in the regulation of that manual, which is currently contained in Section 2 of Chapter III of Chapter III. certification and verification of airports and other public aerodromes approved by Royal Decree 862/2009 of 14 May 2009.

2. In the description of the service, the information set out in Annex III shall be included.

Article 26. Collaborating entities.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 25 of Law 21/2003 of 7 July 2003 on Air Safety, the State Aviation Safety Agency may carry out the actions referred to in Articles 17, 19 and 21 to 23, both inclusive, through collaborating entities authorized for this purpose.

The system of complaint and appeal against the actions of the collaborating entities will be that provided for in article 26.5 of Law 21/2003, of July 7.

First transient disposition. Transitional rules on staff.

1. In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 23, the State Aviation Safety Agency may accept the initial, theoretical and practical training received prior to the entry into force of this royal decree, where it is established that the Imparted modules ensure the minimum content provided for in Annex I.

In such cases, the certificate provided for in Article 17 may be replaced by a certificate issued by the person responsible for the training given prior to the entry into force of this royal decree, stating the exceeding that training.

2. The academic qualification requirement laid down in Article 14 shall not be required of technical and operational coordinators who provide services at the airport when they demonstrate an experience of at least one year in the performance of their services. functions, prior to the beginning of the initial training course provided for in this royal decree, provided that:

(a) The functions of the steering service on the platform are to be performed at the same airport where they are providing services as technical and operational coordinators.

b) The steering service on the platform is provided by the airport infrastructure manager itself.

Second transient disposition. Transitional rules on the implementation of the address service on the platform.

1. In all or some of the airports ' platforms which are required to have an address service on the platform as provided for in Article 5, the activity on the platform may continue to be ordered by the service provider air traffic of aerodrome in the terms in which it came before the entry into force of this royal decree, during the year following that entry into force.

2. The managers of the airport infrastructures which, as provided for in the transitional regime of Royal Decree 862/2009 of 14 May, have not been certified or verified to the entry into force of this royal decree will be able to provide the Address service on the platform with its own means until such time as they are certified or verified, provided they credit the rest of the requirements of this royal decree.

Except as mentioned in the previous paragraph, the system of provision of the service of management on the platform provided for in this royal decree does not apply the transitional regime provided for in Royal Decree 862/2009, of 14 of May.

Final disposition first. Amendment of the Regulation on the certification and verification of airports and other public aerodromes.

This royal decree completes the regime and contents of the airport manual, amending in this sense the provisions of Chapter III, Section 2., Articles 12 to 14 of the Regulation on the certification and verification of airports and other public use aerodromes approved by Royal Decree 862/2009 of 14 May 2009.

Final disposition second. Competence title.

This royal decree is issued under the exclusive competence conferred on the State by Article 149.1.20. of the Constitution on air space control, transit and air transport.

Final disposition third. Regulatory enablement.

The Minister of Development is enabled to develop what is foreseen in this royal decree, as well as to modify the content of Annex III.

Final disposition fourth. Aeronautical circulars and implementing resolutions.

1. The Director-General of Civil Aviation is hereby enabled, in accordance with the procedure and the limits provided for in Article 8 of Law 21/2003 of 7 July, on Air Safety, to be amended by means of an aeronautical circular:

(a) The content of Annexes I and II to keep them updated in accordance with international recommendations and requirements.

(b) The conditions for the renewal of the certificate of psycho-physical fitness provided for in Article 15.2.

2. The State Aviation Safety Agency is also authorised to state:

(a) The criteria for the acceptance of continuing training teachers and evaluators as well as the refresher course in accordance with Article 19.1.

(b) The content of the quality system and the instruction manual provided for in points (e) and (f) of Article 21.1.

Final disposition fifth. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on September 8, 2011.


The Minister of Development,



Initial training plan for the staff providing the address service on the platform

The initial training plan shall be structured in at least 11 modules, the minimum content of which is detailed below:

Module 1. General aspects

Air traffic procedures relevant to aerodrome operations (Air Circulation Regulation).

Basic knowledge of ATFM.

Introduction to the address service on the platform.

Description and tasks.

Aircraft characteristics; identification of aircraft types and airlines.

Notions of meteorology.

Operating agreements and standard operating procedures for cooperation between the management on the platform and the air traffic control tower.

Platform traffic priorities: Aircraft, equipment, vehicles.

Operating agreements and standard operating procedures regarding towed.

Air navigation services. Publications of Aeronautical Information.

Module 2. Shooting procedures for aircraft in arrivals

traffics transfer procedures.

Shooting instructions.

Shooting procedures.

Final Stop Positions.

Module 3. Taxiing procedures for aircraft in departures

Start of engines.


Shooting instructions.

Start of filming.

traffics transfer procedures.

Module 4. Communication and phraseology

Fraseology in radio-telephone communications.

Communication with ATCT (TWR).

Radio communication with aircraft.

Other communications on the platform.

Module 5. Emergencies and incidents

Human factors.

Aircraft emergencies.

Aircraft incidents on the platform.

Other incidents.

Module 6. Equipment

IT systems.

Communication systems.

Surveillance systems, such as CCTV.

Backup systems.

Module 7. Operational Security

Basic concepts of operational security.

An airport's Operational Security System.

Module 8. Resource allocation

Parking Positions.

Characterization of airport traffic.

boarding gates.

Non-availability situations of doors and parking positions.

Module 9. Ground handling

Regulations for groundhandling services.

Support for ground handling.

Coordination of special ground handling demands.

Module 10. Multiple

Local Airport Procedures and Regulations.

Local Self Protection Plan.

Local transfer and letter agreement procedures.

Module 11. Aeronautical Law


International organizations.

National organizations.

National and international legislation.


Psycho Physical Capacity Conditions for Platform Address Service staff fitness assessment

1. Visual Capacity

1.1 Visual Acuity:

It should be possessed, with or without optical correction, a visual acuity far from at least, 0.8 and 0.5 for the eye with better and worse acuity, respectively. If correction is required with glasses, the power of the glasses shall not exceed ± 8 dioptrias.

The monocular vision is not supported.

A visual acuity capable of seeing at a distance between 50 cm. and 1 m must be possessed, with or without optical correction.

It must be possessed, with or without optical correction, a close visual acuity that allows to see at a distance between 25 and 50 cm.

In case of refractive surgery, it will only be admitted if the refraction error that is attempted to correct does not exceed 10 dioptrias, and six months after the intervention. Medical report of such intervention shall be required. After surgery the candidate must achieve the visual acuity marked in point 1.1.

Contact lenses are permitted to be used, provided that they are not coloured or photochromatic lenses. Lentices provided with ultraviolet filter are authorised.

To specify corrective devices to achieve the required visual acuity, you must always have a spare.

1.2 Visual field: A complete binocular visual field must be possessed.

1.3 Afachi and pseudoafachi: Monolateral and bilateral are not supported.

1.4 Luminous sense: There should be no alterations in the ability to recover to glare.

1.5 Palpebral motility: Ptsis and lagothals are not allowed to affect the vision within the limits and conditions set out in paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2.

1.6 Eye balloon motility: Diplopies, nistagmus, or strabysses are not allowed.

1.7 Progressive Impairment of Visual Capacity: Not supported.

1.8 Dischromatopsia, Daltonism: No alterations to chromatic vision are allowed.

1.9 Other Unsupported ocular pathologies or abnormalities: Retinopathy, Retinosis pigmentaria, Hemeralopia, Hemianopsia, Glantus, Crystalline Subluxation, Corneal Dystrophy, Chronic Keratitis, Occult Alterations, Chronic Dacrisocystitis, Ocular Tumors and any pathology (progressive or not) or defect that prevents protection from the eye in the open.

2. Hearing Capacity

2.1 Conversational Auditory Acuity: Conversational auditory acuity will be measured according to P.G.B. norms. (Global Binaural Loss). No hearing loss shall be admitted in any of the ears, assessed separately, exceeding 20 dB at frequencies 500, 1000 and 2000 Hertz.

2.2 Acoustic Trauma: Acoustic trauma or professional deafness: no losses greater than 35 decibels will be admitted in the frequency 4000 hertz once discounted the normal loss for age according to E.L.I. norms. (Early Loss Index).

2.3 Headphone use: Hearing or hearing aids will not be supported.

2.4 Other Unsupported O.R.L. pathologies:


-Chronic tympanic perforation.

-Difficulties in phonation.

-Another pathology that would discourage noise exposure.

3. Locomotor System

3.1 An anatomical state and works: Diseasures or injuries to the locomotor apparatus that limit the proper execution of the tasks of this occupation are not permitted.

4. Haematological Disorders

4.1 Oncothemological processes: Not supported.

4.2 Non-oncothematological disorders: No severe or moderate anemias, leucopenias or thrombopenia are supported.

4.3 Coagulation disorders: coagulation disorders that require normal replacement therapy are not allowed.

4.4 Anticoagulant treatment: Not supported.

5. Renal System

5.1 Nephopathies: Chronic renal failure, developmental renal diseases, or diseases requiring dialysis are not supported.

5.2 Renal transplantation: Renal transplantation is not supported.

6. Respiratory System

6.1 Disneyland: There should be no dysneas to moderate efforts, or paroxysmal of any etiology.

6.2 Sleep Disorders: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, disorders related to sleep, or other causes of excessive daytime sleepiness are not allowed.

6.3 Other Conditions: You should not be suffering E.P.O.C. (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Bronchial Asthma, Atelectasis, Emphysema, Neumothorax, and Active Lung Tuberculosis.

Other respiratory processes that have a negative impact on the specific tasks of the Occupation.

7. Metabolic And Endocrine Diseases

7.1 Diabetes mellitus: There should be no insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. There should also be no uninsulin-dependent unstable and/or poorly controlled diabetes mellitus.

7.2 Hypoglycemia: There should be no acute hypoglycemia or metabolic alterations in the last year that heal with loss of consciousness.

7.3 thyroid diseases: There should be no complicated hyperthyroidism with cardiac or neurological symptoms or symptomatic hypothyroidism.

7.4 Parathyroid diseases: There should be no parathyroid diseases that cause increased excitability or muscle weakness.

8. Cardiovascular System

For the purpose of assessing functional capacity, the classification of the New York Heart Association shall be used at levels or classes of physical activity of the person subject to the examination. The functional class I include those people whose usual physical activity is not limited and does not cause fatigue, palpitations, dyspnoea or anginous pain. Functional class II includes those whose usual physical activity is moderately limited and causes symptoms of fatigue, palpitations, dyspnoea, or anginous pain. In class III, there is a marked limitation of normal physical activity, with fatigue, palpitations, dyspnoea or narrow pain appearing after less than usual activity. Class IV means the impossibility of developing any physical activity without the appearance of symptoms at rest.

8.1 Heart failure: poorly controlled heart failure is not supported.

8.2 Rhythm Disorders: No rhythm disturbance is supported.

8.3 Marcasteps and implantable automatic defibrillator: No pacemakers are allowed, no automatic defibrillator implanted.

8.4 Cardiac Valve Proteresis: Heart valve prostheses are not allowed.

8.5 ischemic heart disease: A history of acute myocardial infarction, or angina, is not supported.

8.6 Arterial Hypertension:

Revascularization surgery and percutaneous revascularization are not supported.

No ischaemic heart disease is admitted which originates symptomatology corresponding to a functional class II, III or IV.

No blood pressure values greater than 150 mm of systolic pressure Hg, 90 mm of diastolic pressure Hg, no signs of an organic condition that pose a risk to the performance of the tasks of the occupation

8.7 Large Vessel Aneurysms: Large vessel aneurysms, or aortic dissection, are not supported.

9. Nervous and Muscular System

9.1 encephalic, medullary and peripheral nervous system diseases. Diseases of the central or peripheral nervous system are not allowed to cause severe loss or decrease in motor, sensory or coordination functions, syncopal episodes, tremors of large oscillations, spasms that produce wide head, trunk or limb movements, no tremors or spasms. Parkinson, Korea or Balism, Multiple Sclerosis, or Ataxia is not supported.

9.2 Epiepsies and convulsive seizures of other etiologies: They are not supported.

9.3 Equilibrium Alterations: Balance alterations (vertigo, instability, dizziness, vahide) are not supported.

9.4 Transient or recurring ischemic crash: Not supported.

10. Psychiatry

10.1 Mental illnesses: No mental illness, no clinical diagnosis of any disease or psychiatric disorder, acute or chronic, congenital or acquired that may interfere with the safe exercise of the occupation tasks/tasks.

10.2 Other mental disorders not included in the previous section:

No mood disorders, dissociative, non-respiratory sleep, impulse control, personality, attention deficit and disruptive behavior are admitted.

Other: claustrophobia, agoraphobia, adaptive disorders, and other problems.

11. Substance-related disorders

11.1 Alcohol: Abuse or dependence on alcohol, or disorders induced by alcohol, is not supported.

11.2 Drugs: Drug use and dependence are not supported, nor are induced disorders.

11.3 Medicines:

The usual consumption of drugs that produce adverse effects on the ability to perform the functions of your occupation is not supported.

Drug abuse is not supported.

Drug dependency is not supported that assumes the reduction of the worker's capabilities for the correct and safe performance of his or her functions.

12. Psychology and perceptive-motor fitness

The psychological assessment should be generic and may include medical history, history of life events and fitness tests, as well as personality tests and psychological interview. The relevant specialist's opinion is required.

12.1 Motion Estimate: No alteration is supported that limits the ability to safely conform to tasks in this occupation that require space-time relationship estimates.

12.2 Visomotor Coordination: No alterations are allowed that assume the inability to adapt appropriately to the maintenance of established trajectories.

12.3 Time of Multiple Reactions: No serious alterations to the ability to discriminate or in response times are allowed.

12.4 Practical intelligence: There are no cases where space organization capacity is inadequate for the performance of the functions of this occupation.

12.5 Cognitive: No alterations to attention, concentration, memory, reasoning, perception, and communication are allowed that may affect the correct and safe performance of their functions.

12.6 Psychomotor: No alterations are allowed in the reaction time and psychomotor coordination that may affect the correct and safe performance of their functions.

12.7 Behavior-personality: No alterations are allowed in the assessment of: emotional self-control, behavioral reliability, responsibility, psychopathology, autonomy, overcoming of intense workloads, capacity of response to stress situations (overcoming boredom, ability to relax after work, control of anxiety and anger, ability to control in the face of critical situations).

13. Digestive System

13.1 Digestive Tract Diseases: Diseases or lesions of the locomotor apparatus that limit the correct execution of the tasks of this occupation will not be admitted.

14. Other causes not specified

14.1 Other causes not specified above: Any other disease or deficiency not mentioned in the above paragraphs is not supported that may be a functional disability for the development of your work or that compromise the level of security with which the level of security should be developed.


Description of the address service on the platform in the airport manual

A) Description of the platform service to be included at least in the airport manual:

a) Object of the operational procedure, including, in other respects, all those specific functions that develop the address service on the platform, procedures in cases of low visibility or conditions adverse events, as well as the procedures for interruption and resumption of service in emergency cases.

b) Staff involved and responsibilities, describing, in other respects, the organisational structure of the service, the human resources of which it is endowed, its responsibilities, as well as other involved and responsible affected by the address service on the platform.

(c) Infrastructure, equipment or facilities used, including, inter alia, the areas of responsibility of the management service on the platform, with indication of the facilities and obstacles identified in those facilities; areas, as well as data relating to equipment, support systems and radio frequencies used by those involved and responsible for the management of the platform. In addition, for the purposes of delimitation of the areas of responsibility of the steering service on the platform, the physical delimitation plans of the airport manoeuvring areas and the areas of responsibility of the platform shall be included.

d) Scenarios and activation of the procedure, clearly developing, among others, the services provided.

e) Applicable regulatory relationship and reference documentation to be taken into account for the elaboration of the procedure.

f) Description of the sequence of actions, where, in other respects, the activities and the way in which the supply of the described services will be carried out, as well as the systems and procedures, will be described in detail established to ensure adequate levels of security at the airport, as regards the provision and the activities of the management service on the platform.

g) Relation of lower level operational procedures applied at the airport resulting from the procedure in question.

(h) Any other information of interest in the procedure, including, inter alia, the training plan and the procedures for verifying compliance with the requirements of competition and periodic monitoring of the maintenance of those staff requirements.

i) Control and management of the final documentation.

B) Inclusion of the service in the airport manual.

1. The airport infrastructure manager shall include the description of the address service on the platform set out under heading A) of this Annex, in Part 4 of the airport manual, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of the Regulation of certification and verification of airports and other public aerodromes, in the following terms:

(a) Apart (i), Platform Management, and (j), Operational Security Management on the platform, when the airport infrastructure manager directly provides the service.

(b) Paragraph (r), Coordination with third parties (service providers, airlines, security forces and any other agent whose actions have an impact on the operational security of the airport), when the manager of the airport infrastructure designates a third party for the provision of the address service on the platform.

(c) Paragraph (s), Coordination between the certified or verified manager and the air navigation service providers, where the address service on the platform is provided by the designated provider for the provision of air traffic services of aerodrome.

The procedures for interruption and resumption of the platform service in cases of emergency and procedures in cases of low visibility, will be included in paragraphs (c), emergency plan of the airport, and p), Operations under reduced visibility conditions, in part 4 of the airport manual.

2. In the cases referred to in point (b) and (c) of paragraph 1, the reference to the contract signed for the provision of the platform steering service shall be incorporated as an annex to the airport manual.