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Royal Decree 1337 / 2011, On 3 October, Which Regulates Funds And Operational Programmes Of Organizations Of Producers Of Fruit And Vegetables.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1337/2011, de 3 de octubre, por el que se regulan los fondos y programas operativos de las organizaciones de productores de frutas y hortalizas.

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On the occasion of the integration of the specific Community provisions of the fruit and vegetables sector into Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October 2007 establishing a common organisation of the agricultural markets and specific provisions for certain agricultural products (Single CMO Regulation) have been repealed, Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 of 21 December 2007 laying down detailed rules for the marketing of agricultural products detailed rules for the application of Regulations (EC) No 2200/96, (EC) No 2201/96 and (EC) No 2200/96 Council Regulation (EC) No 1182/2007 in the fruit and vegetables sector.

The number of amendments to which Commission Regulation (EC) No 1580/2007 had been submitted, and the need to incorporate into it the necessary changes resulting from the experience, was the reason why, in the interests of It was considered appropriate to incorporate all the provisions into a new Regulation and to repeal it. This resulted in the adoption by the Commission of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 of 7 June 2011 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 in the sectors of the European Union of fruit and vegetables and processed fruit and vegetables.

Due to these circumstances it has been considered necessary to replace Royal Decree 1302/2009 of 31 July 2009 on funds and operational programmes of fruit and vegetable producer organisations, by this provision. However, it is considered necessary to maintain the power to amend the list of measures, actions, actions, investments or concepts of expenditure, by the Minister for the Environment and the Rural and Marine Environment, provided that these amendments are in line with Community legislation.

This basic regulation has been chosen by means of a royal decree due to the markedly technical nature of it, and its frequent modification on the basis of the Community rules, in accordance with the case law of the Court of Justice. Constitutional.

In the elaboration of this royal decree, the autonomous communities and representative entities of the sectors affected have been consulted.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister for the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, in agreement with the Council of State, after deliberation by the Council of Ministers at its meeting on 30 September 2011,



General provisions

Article 1. Object and scope of application.

1. This royal decree lays down the rules of the State in respect of the funds and operational programmes of producer organisations in the development of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October establishing a common organisation of agricultural markets and specific provisions are laid down for certain agricultural products and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 of 7 June 2011 laying down detailed rules for the application of the common agricultural market of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 in the fruit and vegetable and fruit and vegetable sectors processed vegetables.

2. This royal decree shall apply to producer organisations recognised in accordance with Article 125b and Article 20a (2) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, as well as to associations of organisations of producers recognised under Article 125c (c) and Article 20a (2) of that Regulation.


Value of marketed production

Article 2. Calculation.

1. The value of the marketed production of a producer organisation referred to in Article 50 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 shall be calculated as set out in Annex I to this Royal Decree.

2. Pursuant to Article 50 (4) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, the value of the by-products may be included in the value of the marketed production.

3. In order to avoid double counting in the case of members leaving or joining the producer organisation referred to in Article 50 (2) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, the value of the production marketed must be obtained from the accounts of the producer organisation, including the value of the quantities actually marketed and accounted for by the producer members for the duration of the organization in the reference period.

4. In accordance with Article 50 (9) (b) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, for the calculation of the minimum limit of 90% of the capital of the subsidiary, the shares of the members of the subsidiary may also be considered. producers of the producer organisations or the association of producer organisations under the conditions laid down in paragraph 9 (b).

5. In the case of application of Article 51 (4) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, the producer organisation shall provide the justification for the reduction of production in accordance with the provisions of point 3 of the Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011. (B) of Annex II to this Royal Decree.

Article 3. Reference period.

The reference period referred to in Article 51 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, on the basis of which the value of marketed production is to be determined, shall be the final accounting period completed before the end of the year. 1 August of the year in which the operational fund amount is communicated.


Operational Funds

Article 4. Management.

The management of the operational funds referred to in Article 52 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 shall be carried out by means of financial accounts managed by the producer organisation in which the the accounting of each transaction is carried out in such a way that each accounting entry of expenditure and revenue, including, where applicable, payments and credits relating to operational funds, can be identified.

Payments and credits to the operational fund can be made using one of the following two alternatives:

a) By using a single, unique bank account for operational fund management.

In this case, the regularisations in this account corresponding to the payment of the additional external transport costs as set out in Article 12 of this royal decree and of the following actions, actions, will be accepted. investments or actions referred to in Annex IX to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011:

1. Section 1-Specific costs.

2. Section 2 (b) Staff expenditure.

b) Using non-exclusive bank accounts for the operational fund.

In this case, the revenue and expenditure movements of the operational fund shall be audited by an auditor of accounts registered as an exercise in the Official Register of Auditors, dependent on the Accounting Institute. and Audit of Accounts or other equivalent Community register. The scope of the auditor's report shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 (2) of this Royal Decree.

Article 5. Constitution and funding.

For the purposes of compliance with Article 53 (2) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, the establishment of operational funds as well as their form of financing shall be approved by the Commission. general assembly of the entity, or of the section if that entity is organised in sections, or by an equivalent body, according to the legal personality of the producer organisation.

Article 6. Information and documentation to be submitted annually.

1. Producer organisations shall communicate annually to the competent body, within the time limit referred to in Articles 54, 63 and 65 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, where appropriate at the same time as the programme projects operational or requests for modification of the same, the information and documentation contained in Annex II to this Royal Decree.

2. For the purposes of this royal decree, the authority designated by the autonomous community shall be deemed to be the body where the registered office of the producer organisation or the association of producer organisations is situated.


Operational Programs

Article 7. Presentation.

Projects of operational programmes established by Article 103c of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 shall be submitted for approval by the producer organisations to the competent body at the latest. on 15 September of the year preceding the start of their application.

Article 8. Format and content.

1. The presentation of the draft operational programmes shall be carried out in a single document, in accordance with the format set out in Annex III to this Royal Decree; at least the documentation referred to in that document shall be accompanied by Annex.

2. Pursuant to Article 100 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, it is available that the projects for operational programmes and the payment of the Community financial assistance provided for in Article 103 are to be approved. The competent bodies shall verify that they contain the elements set out in Annex III to this Royal Decree and in particular:

1. Tengan a duration between three and five years, as provided for in Article 103c (6) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.

2. º approved by the general assembly of the entity, or of the section if such entity is organized in sections, or by an equivalent organ, according to the legal personality of the producer organization.

3. The measures, actions, investments and the concept of expenditure shall comply with the eligibility conditions and the maximum expenditure limits referred to in Annex IV, as well as the provisions laid down in the the environmental protection referred to in Article 103c (3) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 and the provisions laid down in respect of the objectives referred to in paragraph 1 of that Article.

4. The actions, actions, investments and concepts of expenditure eligible under the operational programmes may be carried out at the locations referred to in Article 60 (6) of the Regulation. Implementation (EC) No 543/2011.

Article 9. Prevention and crisis management measures.

Crisis prevention and management measures shall be aimed at preventing and addressing crises in the fruit and vegetable markets and shall cover the actions set out in measure 6 of Annex IV to this Regulation. royal decree.

Article 10. Financing of withdrawals and harvesting operations in green and non-harvesting.

1. The amount of the operational fund for the financing of withdrawals complying with the provisions of Action 6.1 of Annex IV to this Royal Decree shall take into account the following unit amounts of aid, including both the Community participation as the contribution of the producer organisation:

(a) For products listed in Annex XI to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011: the maximum amounts fixed in that Annex.

(b) In the case of products not listed in Annex XI: the maximum amounts set out in Annex VI to this Royal Decree.

Where the producer organisation has received revenue from third parties for the products withdrawn, such revenue shall be reduced from the amounts referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) above.

2. If the withdrawn product is intended for free distribution and the product has been transformed once withdrawn from the market, charitable organisations and institutions may ask the final recipients for a symbolic amount. to cover the costs of processing. Payment in kind may be accepted, provided that such payment exclusively compensates for the processing costs and that the competent body ensures that the processed product is actually intended for consumption by those mentioned above. addressees.

3. The amount of the operational fund for the financing of non-harvesting or green harvesting operations which comply with the provisions of Annex IV to this Royal Decree for action 6.2 shall take into account that the unit amounts Compensation for such operations, including both the Community contribution and the contribution of the producer organisation, shall not exceed the maximum amounts per hectare set out in Annex VI to this Royal Decree.

Article 11. Specific costs referred to in paragraph 1 of Annex IX to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011.

1. Experimental production as a measure of the operational programme can only be approved when qualified personnel are available to deal with it and a protocol on experimentation to be made is presented to justify the novelty of the programme. and the risk it poses.

This protocol should include the calculation of the specific costs, and be valued by a public research centre or equivalent body in the judgment of the competent body.

Eligible actions within this measure shall be those set out in measure 4 of Annex IV to this Royal Decree.

2. Pursuant to Article 57 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, the cost generated by the environmental management of the packaging referred to in the fourth indent of paragraph 1 of Annex IX to that Regulation shall not be available for the purposes of this Regulation. be included in the operational programmes from 2012 onwards.

The operational programmes approved by the competent bodies containing this action at the time of entry into force of this royal decree, shall be adapted to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, requesting the corresponding modification for unstarted annuities.

3. The cost of using plant grafted plant may be included as a concept of expenditure in the operational programmes as laid down in the guidelines for environmental actions and limited to 35% of the fund. operation.

4. The use of oxobiodegradable and biodegradable plastics may be included as a concept of expenditure in operational programmes as a lump sum equivalent to 35% of the cost of such plastics.

5. The specific costs relating to integrated or organic production and environmental actions, excluding the cost generated by the environmental management of the packaging, to which the fourth and fifth indents of the Paragraph 1 of Annex IX to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 may:

(a) Duly justified by actual specific expenditure, in accordance with the national guidelines for environmental actions, or

(b) To be expressed as a lump sum which may not exceed the amounts set out in the national guidelines for environmental actions.

6. The limits to the specific costs set out in this Article shall apply both to the approved operational funds and to those implemented.

Article 12. Additional external transport costs.

The inclusion of additional external costs arising from the completion of maritime or rail transport in replacement of road transport will be conditional on the justification for the implementation of the road transport in previous campaigns and the justification of the difference in costs.

Article 13. Amendments to operational programmes relating to annuities not started.

1. Each year, the producer organisation may ask the competent authority not later than 15 September of the preceding year for the amendments to be applied from 1 January of the following year.

2. In accordance with Article 65 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2001, the amendments which the competent body may approve shall be as follows:

a) Inclusion and suppression of measures, actions, actions, investments or concepts of expenditure.

b) Extending the duration of the program up to a total of five years.

c) Reduction of the duration of the programme, subject to the total duration being at least three years.

d) Change of location or holders of approved investments or actions.

(e) Adelanto or delay in the execution or financing of approved actions, actions, investments or expenditure concepts, including the transfer of funding to a subsequent operational programme, where the period of depreciation of the same is higher than the duration of the programme, is economically justified, and the tax depreciation period is more than five years. In any case, the funding will be made after the actions are implemented.

f) Variation of approved budgets.

g) Form of financing or management of operational funds, including, where appropriate, the specific bank account change.

(h) Increase in the Community funding rate from 50% to 60% if one of the cases referred to in Article 103d (3) of Council Regulation (EC) 1234/2007 of 22 October is given.

i) Relevant modification of the programme, where substantial changes in the situation of the market or the producer organisation itself are present, in the opinion of the competent body.

(j) the merger of implementing programmes, motivated by the merger, integration or absorption of producer organisations or by recognition of a second or a later entity as a producer organisation, preceded by the loss of the status of producer organisation of the entities associated with the second or subsequent grade and of all but one in case of mergers, integrations or removals.

k) Any modification in order to adapt to changes in the national guidelines for environmental actions, in Annex IV to this Royal Decree, or in Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011.

Producer organisations will have to adapt their operational programme to the new national guidelines for environmental actions or to Annex IV of this Royal Decree as a modification for the following year.

3. Requests for amendments shall be accompanied by at least the documentation contained in Annex VII to this Royal Decree.

Article 14. Modifications of the operational programs during the current annuity.

1. As the development of Article 66 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, during the current year, producer organisations may make the following amendments affecting the annuity of the programme, provided that the conditions set out in paragraph 2 of this Article:

(a) Partial implementation of the annuity of the operational programme; this implies that no or all of the measures, actions, actions, investments or concepts of expenditure approved will be fully or partially developed, provided that the resulting operational program is met the same requirements as were required for approval and the approved and executed operating fund is equal to or greater than 60 percent of the initially approved.

(b) Delay or delay in the execution or financing of approved actions, actions, investments or expenditure concepts. In any case, the funding must be made after the actions have been executed.

c) Change in the budget of approved actions, investments or expenditure concepts, taking into account that the change in the budget of the actions, investments or concepts of expenditure is not considered to be modified if the total budget of the action in which they are framed does not experience a variation of more than 25 percent.

d) Location changes or approved investment or action holders.

e) Form of financing or management of the operational fund, including in your case the specific bank account change.

f) Increase in the amount of the operational fund within the limit of 25% of the initial approval provided that the ceiling for Community aid is not exceeded by the establishment of that fund, as set out in the Article 103 quinquies of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October.

Producers ' organizations will be able to extend the investments or spending concepts foreseen for their implementation in the year, and to bring forward those planned for later years, provided that the limits and conditions are respected. laid down in Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October.

g) Fusion of implementing programmes, motivated by the merger, integration or absorption of producer organisations or by recognition of a second or a later entity as a producer organisation, preceded by the loss of the status of the producer organisation of the entities associated with the second or subsequent grade.

In case this paragraph applies, the amount of the new operating fund shall be limited to the sum of the operational funds initially approved for those entities, and may be increased by 25 percent.

h) Inclusion and deletion of investments or concepts of expenditure within the framework of approved actions. The change in the technical characteristics of a given investment shall not be considered to be modified.

(i) Inclusion of the measure, actions, actions and investments or expenditure concepts as set out in measure 6 of Annex IV to this Royal Decree, for crisis prevention and management and for actions and actions set out in the national guidelines for environmental actions.

j) Any changes made in order to adapt to changes in the national guidelines for environmental actions, in Annex IV to this Royal Decree or in Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, in the year in which such modifications have been made.

In the case of national guidelines for environmental actions, modifications may be made as of the date of approval by the European Commission of the new version.

k) Replacing a performance by another within the same action, when a performance cannot be performed by exceptional circumstances outside the producer organisation.

(l) Addition of national financial assistance in case of application of Article 93 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011.

2. The amendments referred to in points (a) (b) (c) and (f) of the preceding paragraph, and those of point (h) which entail the abolition of investments or concepts of expenditure, may be made without prior authorization provided that they are communicated by the Commission. the organisation of producers to the competent body within 15 calendar days prior to their implementation.

The amendments referred to in point (h) involving the inclusion of new investments or expenditure concepts, (d) (e) (g) (i), (j) (k) and (l) of the previous paragraph shall require prior approval by the competent body, and by their approval must be requested prior to their implementation, the fax being accepted for this purpose, specifying, where appropriate, the actions whose budget may be reduced.

The modifications referred to in point (h), after they have been approved, may not be the subject of further modification of inclusion or deletion during the current annuity.

3. In addition to the communications and applications referred to in the previous paragraph, producer organisations shall make a summary communication with all the modifications to the programme and the operational fund carried out under this Regulation. not later than 25 November of the current year, before the competent body. However, amendments to measure 6 of Annex IV to this Royal Decree may be communicated until 28 December.

The competent body shall take a decision on the same by 20 January of the following year.

4. Requests for amendments shall be accompanied, at least, by the documentation contained in Annex VII to this Royal Decree.

Article 15. Decision on amendments to the operational programmes referred to in Articles 13 and 14.

1. In order to enable the requested amendments to be approved by the competent body, the following conditions must be met:

a) Have been submitted within the deadlines set for this purpose.

(b) The resulting programme, once the amendments have been included, shall comply with Article 103c of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October.

(c) Be approved by the general assembly of the institution, or the section if that entity is organized in sections or similar competent body of the producer organisation or, by the body in which it has delegated the function, the amendments should be explicitly reflected in a report of the body concerned.

(d) The amendments referred to in Article 13 (2) (g) of this Royal Decree and in Article 14 (1) (e) of this Royal Decree shall require prior approval by the Commission. general assembly of the producer organisation or the section if the organisation is organised in sections or equivalent bodies according to its legal personality.

e) To be accompanied by the documentation and information contained in Annex VII to this royal decree.

2. In the case of amendments during the current year requiring prior authorisation, the decision shall be taken within 15 calendar days following receipt of the request. The absence of such a decision shall mean that it is approved, provided that the provisions of Article 14 of this Royal Decree are complied with and that:

1. º The amount of the operational fund after the introduction of all the modifications submitted does not exceed 25 percent of the initially approved.

2. The limits laid down in Article 103d of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October shall be respected.

3. The resulting operating fund is equal to or greater than the initially approved 60 percent.

4. The new investments, concepts of expenditure, actions or actions introduced, are eligible in accordance with the provisions of Annex IV to this Royal Decree and Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011.

Article 16. Recovery of the investment or its residual value made in the facilities of producer members causing low in the producer organisations.

1. If a producer member who has made investments in his holding or in his/her premises within the framework of an operational programme of a producer organisation causes a low cause of investment, he/she shall reimburse the residual value of the same.

For these purposes, the producer organisations, at the time of the presentation of the supporting account referred to in Article 24 of this royal decree, shall communicate, of the producer members they have caused (a) in the producer organisation during the previous year, those who have made investments in their holdings, the residual value of the holdings, and the amounts recovered from the producer organisation for those items. These amounts will have the following destination:

(a) 50% shall be made available to the producer organisation concerned.

b) The remaining 50% shall be reintegrated by the producer organisation to the paying agency referred to in Royal Decree 2320/2004 of 17 December governing certain powers in respect of the Community economic aid to the organisation of producers constituting an operational fund, as a Community aid refund.

2. The competent body shall ensure that the residual value of these investments is recovered by the producer organisation.

3. By way of derogation from paragraph 1 of this Article, and pursuant to Article 60 (6) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, no such recovery shall be permitted provided that the recovery is established by the producer organisation, in the following cases:

a) If the producer member leaving the producer organization is associated with another producer organization.

(b) If the producer member who causes a low in the producer organisation transfers his holding where he made the investment to a producer member producer of a producer organisation.


Producer organizations ' associations operating programs

Article 17. Presentation.

Developing Article 62 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 is available:

1. An association of producer organisations may submit operational programmes, both partial and total, if it is recognised as such in accordance with the rules in force, and provided that such programmes have been approved by the general assembly. of the association of producer organisations, or of the section if it is organised in sections, or by an equivalent body, depending on its legal personality.

A total operational programme of a producer organisation association shall be understood as a whole of all the measures and actions included in the operational programmes of producer organisations comprising a producer organisation. association of producer organisations, when they are to be implemented by the association of producer organisations.

A partial operational programme of an association of producer organisations shall mean the set of measures and actions included in the operational programmes of the producer organisation comprising an association of producers. producer organisations, which account for only part of those contained in the individual operational programmes of the producer organisation, and which are to be implemented by the association of producer organisations.

2. These programmes shall be submitted to the competent body within the time limit laid down in Article 7 of this Royal Decree, adjusted, mutatis mutandis, to Annex VIII thereto, and shall apply to them:

a) To the total operational programmes: mutatis mutandis, the provisions of Chapter IV of this Royal Decree, with the exception of Article 16.

b) To partial operational programmes: the provisions of this royal decree for measures, actions, actions, investments, and concepts of expenditure of the operational programmes of producer organisations.

3. In all cases, producer organisations which are members of the association of producer organisations submitting an operational programme shall submit an individual operational programme to the competent body concerned, specifying and taking into account the measures and actions of the programme of the association of producer organisations and indicating the association of producer organisations for which they will be implemented. However, it shall not be necessary for them to be accompanied by the complete documentation corresponding to them.

4. The partial operational programmes of the associations of producer organisations shall comply with the provisions of Article 8 (2) (3) of this Royal Decree, with the exception of the objectives set out in Article 8 (3). the individual operational programmes of the producer organisations of which they are a party, those which are required to comply with the requirements for the approval of the operational programmes established by both Community legislation and the present royal decree.

Article 18. Funding.

1. The operational programmes of the associations of producer organisations shall be financed by contributions from all the members of the producer organisation which benefit from the measures contained in that programme. However, members who do not have the status of producer organisation under Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 may not benefit directly from the aid to the operational programme.

2. The financing shall be approved annually by the general assembly of the association of producer organisations, or of the section if it is organised in sections, or by an equivalent body, depending on its legal personality; and Members shall be established in accordance with Article 53 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, understanding where producers are saying: producer organisation, and where it says producer organisation: association of organisations of producers.

3. For the purpose of financing their programmes, associations of producer organisations shall constitute an economic fund with the contributions of their members, which shall be managed in accordance with Article 4 of this Regulation. Decree for the operational funds of producer organisations.

4. The contributions of producer organisations from an association of producer organisations shall be made exclusively from operational funds which are approved by the competent bodies for each annuity.

5. The association of producer organisations not later than 15 September of each year shall communicate to the competent authority the amount of the fund necessary to finance the expenditure of the programme to be carried out in the following year, adjusted to Annex IX to this Royal Decree, where applicable, together with the application for modifications for non-commenced annuities.

6. The communication referred to in paragraph 5 above shall also be made by the producer organisations of the association of producer organisations and shall be composed of the documentation referred to in paragraph A). and points 1. 1, 3., 4. and 5. of paragraph B) of Annex II to this royal decree.

Article 19. Modifications to the programs.

The modifications of the operational programmes of the associations of producer organisations shall be governed by:

(a) In the case of modifications for annuities not started, Articles 13 and 15 apply mutatis mutandis the associations of producer organisations and producer organisations. In the case of producer organisations, it is not necessary to provide the documentation relating to the measures, actions, actions, investments and concepts of expenditure to be carried out by the association of producer organisations.

(b) In the case of amendments to the current year, associations of producer organisations shall be subject 14 and 15 of Articles 14 and 15 to the member producer organisations only in the case of amendments to the current year. 3 of Article 14.

Article 20. Decision by the competent body on the programmes and their modifications.

1. The competent authority shall inform the association of producer organisations of the decision taken on its operational programme or of its amendments in sufficient time to enable it to be taken into account for the approval of the programmes. (a) operational, or its amendments, of the member producer organisations by the relevant competent bodies. For these purposes, such decisions shall be forwarded at the same time as the associations of producer organisations to those bodies. In the latter case, together with a reasoned report justifying the decision taken and a copy of the programme.

If the decision taken by the competent body on the operational programme of the association of producer organisations, or its amendments, is approved, the relevant resolution shall contain, less:

(a) A summary table by measures, with the actions, actions, investments and expenditure concepts of each of them, indicating their cost, their funding schedule, the holder, and where applicable, the location.

(b) The total cost of the implementation of the programme for the following year and the form of financing of the programme, indicating in a relationship: all members of the association of producer organisations, the name of each one, its tax identification number, whether or not it is a producer organisation, its value of marketed production, and its economic contribution in absolute and percentage value.

(c) The estimated amount of the Community financial assistance for each member producer organisation to finance the operational programme of the association of producer organisations in the following year.

2. Subsequently to the decision on the operational programme of the association of producer organisations, or their amendments, the relevant competent bodies shall decide on the programmes and operational funds of the organisations of the Member producers of the same, indicating in their resolutions the annual amount corresponding to the participation in the operational programme of the association of producer organisations, detailed by measures and actions.

3. In the event that some or some of the individual operational programmes, or their amendments, are not approved by the competent body, the association of producer organisations shall accordingly adapt their operational programme as follows: change in the current year, so that the amounts initially intended for participation in the programme of the association of producer organisations are maintained in the other individual operational programmes.

Article 21. Request for assistance in case of total operational programmes.

1. In the total operational programmes of the associations of producer organisations, it may be eligible to apply for the aid directly by the member producer organisations, or to submit a single application for aid through the association of producer organisations on behalf of producer organisations, provided that the written application is accompanied by the written request of each producer organisation and each of them has authorised the association of producer organisations to do so.

2. In both cases, the associations of producer organisations shall be responsible for submitting the relevant supporting account referred to in Article 24 of this Royal Decree.

3. If it is the association of producer organisations which is to apply for aid on behalf of the producer organisations, it must inform the competent bodies where it is to radiate the registered office of its organisations. Member producers, both at the time of the presentation of the operational programme and at the time of the submission of the aid application, and the association of producer organisations shall be applied to the provisions of Article 24 of this Regulation. royal decree.

Article 22. Request for assistance in case of partial operational programmes.

1. In the case of partial operational programmes of associations of producer organisations, aid applications must be submitted by the producer organisations and may not be requested by the association of producers. producer organisations.

2. The associations of producer organisations shall be responsible for submitting the relevant supporting account referred to in Article 24 of this Royal Decree concerning the partial operational programme to the competent body.

3. The competent bodies which have received supporting accounts for partial operational programmes of the associations of producer organisations, after they have been studied, shall issue a report on the bodies in which the it helps to pay the member producer organisations, and forward it to the competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities concerned, to take account of the payment of the aid to the member producer organisations.



Article 23. Requests for help.

1. Applications for assistance which may be submitted by producer organisations, referred to a specific operational fund, for the implementation of the aid before the competent body may be:

(a) The advances of the aid part corresponding to the foreseeable expenditure not yet carried out under Article 71 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 shall be submitted in January, May and September on a Four-monthly basis; they may not account for less than 20% of the approved operational fund and the financial contributions of the members and the producer organisation itself for the operational fund must have been provided. Where advances have been made on an earlier operational fund, they must have been actually spent, as well as the corresponding contributions of the producer organisation, before the granting of a new payment. anticipated.

(b) Partial aid payments corresponding to amounts already spent, as referred to in Article 72 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, may be submitted three times up to 31 October of the current year's annuity the requested amount does not amount to less than 20 percent of the approved operational fund.

(c) The balances referred to in Article 69 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 shall be the difference between the total aid applied for after the annuity is completed and the advances and partial payments charged during the same.

(d) The total aid referred to in Article 69 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 shall be the aid corresponding to the implementation of the operational programme during an annuity requested after completion of the operational programme, in the case that no advance payments or partial payments have been made.

2. The payment periods for advances and partial payments shall be two and three months, respectively, from the full receipt of the application by the competent body.

3. Applications for balance and total aid shall be submitted in accordance with the model laid down by the competent body and shall include at least the supporting account corresponding to it as laid down in Article 24 of this Regulation. decree.

Article 24. Supporting account.

1. Pursuant to Article 69 (2) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 and, pursuant to Article 100 thereof, the supporting account referred to in Section 2 of Chapter 2 of the Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 is hereby provided for. Title II of Royal Decree 887/2006, of 21 July, approving the Regulation of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, to be presented by the producer organisations whose management of the operational fund has been through of a single and exclusive bank account, shall contain at least:

(a) A supporting document on compliance with the operational programme implemented with respect to that approved by the competent body which includes a comparative table between the activities carried out and the approved activities; and a report on the objectives achieved with its implementation.

In the application for balance or total aid for the last year of the operational programme, this memory must be accompanied by a report containing the measures, actions, actions, investments and concepts of expenditure, carried out throughout the programme, and the objectives achieved. That report shall be accompanied by Annex VIII to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, completed reflecting the situation of the entity at the end of the operational programme.

b) An economic memory to contain:

1. Report on how the value of marketed production has been calculated, calculation of the value, and accounting documentation giving the figures used as supporting documents referred to in Article 69 (2) (b) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011.

2. The detailed list of contributions to the operational fund and the way they are obtained, as supporting documents referred to in Article 69 (2) (c) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011.

3. ° A relationship linked to the table referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 (a) of this Article, classified in accordance with the table of the approval resolution of the operational programme by the competent body, indicating the investments and expenses incurred, their place of location, their ownership, their cost, the deviation from the amount by which they were approved, their form of financing, the number and date of the invoices supporting them, and the the date of payment of the same as supporting documents referred to in points (d), (e) and (f) of paragraph 2 of the Article 69 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011.

4. No. The invoices or documents of equivalent probative value in the commercial legal traffic and the supporting documentation of the payment of the investment relationship referred to in the previous paragraph, ordered by measures, actions, actions, investments and concepts of expenditure, in accordance with the table of the resolution of approval of the operational programme by the competent body.

The competent body may decide that, in the event that the number of invoices is very high, its presentation is replaced by a list of invoices.

5. The document in which all the movements of the operational fund are collected, indicating the date and the origin or the destination of each of their movements. It shall be accompanied by the bank documentation showing the movements from 1 January of the year corresponding to the operational fund up to the date of submission of the aid application provided for in Article 69 (1) of the Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, endorsed by the relevant financial institution. It shall also be accompanied by bank supporting documents corresponding to the contributions to the fund.

6. On the producer members who have caused a low in the producer organisation during the previous year, those who have made investments in their holdings, the residual value of the holdings, and the amounts reimbursed to the producer organisation for these concepts.

2. Where the producer organisation has managed the operational fund in several bank accounts, the supporting account shall be accompanied by a report of an auditor who is registered as a person in the Official Register of Auditors of accounts under the Accounting and Audit Institute of Accounts or in another Community equivalent register, which shall have the following scope:

1. Verification that the operational fund has been constituted in accordance with the approved operational program.

2. The verification that the data used for the calculation of the value of the marketed production is included in the accounting of the entity, and that the corresponding accounts have been approved by the entity.

3. Documentary verification that the costs incurred and for which aid is requested are in accordance with the approved operational programme, as regards the concept, location and ownership of the programme, and have been financed by the operational fund as agreed by the general assembly of the producer organisation.

In this case, the supporting account shall be composed of at least the supporting evidence referred to in point (a), and where appropriate, point (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article, and the following memory: economic:

1. The auditor's report referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 2 of this Article, which shall include the detailed result of the checks carried out.

2. The documentation referred to in points 4. º and 6. of paragraph 1 (b) of this Article.

3. Payments financed under the operational programmes may be justified by invoices and documents which may be issued in the name of the producer organisation, the association of producer organisations, the producer members of the producer organisation. the organisation of producers or members of the association of producer organisations, or of the subsidiary, in the case of payments for investments or expenditure concepts carried out on their holdings or premises.

In the case of personnel costs, other invoices or documents not issued in the name of the producer organisation, the association of producer organisations or the subsidiary may not be accepted.

In the event that any of the producer members of a producer organisation is a legal entity made up of producers, the payments may also be justified by invoices and documents issued both in the name of the producer organisation. of that legal entity as in the name of its members, in the case of payments for investments or expenditure concepts carried out on their premises or holdings.

4. Where the application contains expenditure which is scheduled and not incurred before 31 December, as referred to in Article 69 (3) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, the management of the fund shall reflect the contribution the equivalent of the producer organisation which permits the payment of the same, and the supporting account referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall include the necessary documentation proving that the execution of the producers concerned such expenditure could not be carried out for reasons other than the producer organisation concerned.

Article 25. Controls.

1. The Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund, in collaboration with the autonomous communities, will draw up a national control plan.

The national control plan must include any aspect that is deemed necessary for the implementation of the controls, both administrative and on the ground, of the aid applications.

2. The autonomous communities will draw up regional control plans adjusted to the national plan. Regional plans must be communicated to the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund.

3. It is up to the competent bodies to take responsibility for the controls of the aid covered by this royal decree. In cases where the controls are carried out by two or more autonomous communities, the authorities involved must establish the mechanisms for the best management of the same.

4. Without prejudice to any other provisions, no payment shall be made to any beneficiary where it is established that the beneficiary has artificially created the conditions required for the granting of such payments, with a view to obtaining an advantage. contrary to the objectives of the aid scheme.

Article 26. Operational programmes with transnational actions.

In case a producer organisation has transnational actions in its operational programme, together with its application for payment of the aid, it must submit to the competent body of its autonomous community:

(a) Identification of producer organisations in the other Member States participating in transnational actions.

(b) Documentation showing that the producer organisations in the other Member States have not received aid for the same concepts for which the payment of the aid is requested by the Spanish producer organisation.

c) Where appropriate, non-starter minutes of the authorities that have approved the operational program.

(d) Copy of the document corresponding to the approval of the operational programme of the producer organisation by the competent body of the Member State in which the transnational action is approved.

e) A copy of the documentation justifying the performance of such action by the producer organisation of another member state.


Coordination between stand-alone communities

Article 27. Coordination in the approval and control of operational programmes and their modifications.

1. Where the scope of producer organisations is higher than that of an autonomous community, such producer organisations shall submit to the competent bodies as many copies of the operational programme as autonomous communities concerned. territorially in the actions of the same.

2. Within 30 days of the date referred to in Article 11 (1) of this Royal Decree, the body responsible for the approval of this operational programme may require the competent bodies of the autonomous communities. referred to in the previous subparagraph, the information necessary for the issuance of the decision referred to in Article 64 of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011. In particular, this information may refer to:

(a) In the case of investments in the operational programme, the corresponding reports showing that these investments have not been initiated before the first of January following the presentation of the said programme operation.

(b) that such investments comply with the conditions laid down in Article 5.6 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 on support for rural development through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). This, in respect of the corresponding Rural Development Programmes for each of the autonomous communities concerned, in particular as regards the criteria determining the source of financing for investments through development funds Rural or funds from the specific Community provisions relating to the fruit and vegetables sector within Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.

3. The competent bodies of the autonomous communities where the investments are made shall provide the information requested within 30 calendar days of receipt of such request.

Elapsed this time without the independent community competent for the approval of the programme having received this information, it shall be entitled to take the decision as appropriate.

4. For the purposes of checking and verifying the Community funds used in the operational programmes, and in particular as regards the control of double financing of investments, the competent body shall communicate the decision of the approval of the operational programmes of producer organisations in the field of higher education than an autonomous community of the community or autonomous communities where the measures, actions and investments or concepts of expenditure are to be carried out specifying, where appropriate, the identification of the parcels by the SIGPAC system in which the parcels are carried out They are either common or are carried out on holdings of producer members, and in the latter case also indicate the name, social reason, DNI or NIF of the same.

5. The provisions referred to in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this Article shall apply to amendments to the operational programmes governed by Articles 14 and 15 of this Royal Decree.

First transient disposition. Operational programmes approved in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 2200/96 of 28 October establishing the common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables and Regulation (EC) No 1433/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 August laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 2200/96 as regards operational programmes and funds and financial assistance.

The producer organisations which in 2008 will have an operational programme approved under Council Regulation (EC) No 2200/96 of 28 October 1996 and of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1433/2003 of 11 December 1996. August 2003, and which opted in that year to continue to apply the previous legislation until their completion, they will only be able to make modifications during the current annuities of those programs. Those amendments shall be as set out in Article 18 of Royal Decree 16/2006 of 20 January on the funds and operational programmes of the fruit and vegetable producer organisations, with the exception of amendments requiring the prior authorisation by the competent authority which is set out in that Article.

Second transient disposition. Operational funds 2011.

In the operating funds of 2011 the management must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of Royal Decree 1302/2009, of July 31, the value of the marketed production that will be taken as reference of the aid it must be calculated according to Chapter II of the said royal decree, and the payment of the aid in accordance with its Chapter VII.

Transitional provision third. Submission deadlines in 2011.

By way of derogation from Article 6 (1), Article 7 (1), Article 13 (1) and Article 18 (5), in the year 2011 the period provided for in those Articles shall be until 14 October, inclusive.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

Royal Decree 1302/2009 of 31 July 2009 on funds and operational programmes of fruit and vegetable producer organisations is hereby repealed.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This royal decree is of a basic regulation and is dictated in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.13. of the Constitution, which attributes to the State exclusive competence in the field of bases and coordination of the general planning of economic activity.

Final disposition second. Development and modification faculty.

The Minister of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, is empowered to amend the dates set out in this royal decree, the specific costs referred to in Article 11, the Annexes, when those amendments are required as a result of Community legislation. It may also amend Annex IV as a result of changes to the list of measures, actions, actions, investments or expenditure concepts that comply with the requirements of Community legislation.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day of its publication in the "Official State Gazette" and will apply from the annuity 2012 of the programs and operational funds.

Given in Madrid, on October 3, 2011.


The Minister for the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment,



Calculating the value of marketed production

1. The value of the marketed production of a producer organisation shall be the sum of the following accounting values for the reference period laid down in Article 3 of this Royal Decree, to which the amounts set out in paragraph 4 of this Annex:

(a) The production of fruit and vegetables for which the producer organisation, produced by itself and its producer members, is recognised and marketed as a fresh product by that organisation.

b) The production of fruit and vegetables for which the producer organisation, produced by itself and its producer members, is recognised and marketed for the processing of the products listed in Part X of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 and Annex VI to Implementing Regulation (EU) Noor 543/2011, in the conditions of proportionality as set out in Article 50 (3) of that Regulation, provided which have been processed by a producer organisation, by an association of producer organisations or their producer members or by subsidiaries, either by themselves or by outsourcing.

(c) The production of fruit and vegetables corresponding to other producer organisations but marketed as fresh or for processing into the products listed in Part X of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 and of Annex VI to Implementing Regulation (EU) Noor 543/2011.

For consideration of this value the following conditions must be met:

1. The provisions of Article 125a (2) (b) and (c) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 shall apply to

application of this Regulation.

2. º that the producer organization authorizes its producing members to perform this marketing,

3. º that said product is marketed in its entirety by another, or other producer organizations and never by which it performed the authorization, and

4. º that the authorized producer member commercializes all production of that product through a single producer organization.

(d) The by-products referred to in Article 50 (4) of Implementing Regulation (EU) Noor 543/2011.

e) In accordance with Article 50 (5) of Implementing Regulation (EU) Noor 543/2011, market withdrawals made pursuant to Article 103.4 (d) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/07, estimated on the basis of of the average price of products marketed by the producer organisation during the previous reference period.

(f) In accordance with Article 50 (11) of Implementing Regulation (EU) Noor 543/2011, compensation from insurance on the production of goods, received under:

1. Polices hired, as a policyholder, by the producer organization.

2. Applications formalized by the producer members to collective policies, provided that they have designated the producer organization to which they belong as the beneficiary of the compensation.

g) The value of the marketed production of the new members referred to in Article 51 (5) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, not taken into account in the book value of the producer organisation in the reference period.

h) In application of the provisions of Article 50 (10) of Implementing Regulation (EU) Noor 543/2011, where there is outsourcing of some activity, the added economic value of the outsourced activity the producer organisation to its producer members, to third parties, or to a subsidiary other than that defined in Article 50 (9) of Implementing Regulation (EU) Noor 543/2011.

2. The value of the marketed production must be obtained from the corresponding accounting documentation which shows it, and all the accounting entries backed by invoices issued in accordance with Royal Decree 1496/2003, 28 of November, for which the Regulation on the duties of invoicing is adopted, and the Regulation of the Value Added Tax is amended, and when these are not payable, by signed receipts, bank statements or other supporting evidence of sufficient evidence of commercial transactions.

For these purposes, from the following economic year after the entry into force of this royal decree, producer organisations will have to differentiate the sales of products for which they are recognised of the other products covered by its activity.

The value referred to in the first subparagraph for the reference period shall be approved by the competent organ of the producer organisation or, in the absence of such approval, the accounting references on which the This calculation shall be audited by an external auditor who is registered as an exercise in the Official Register of Accounts Auditors under the Accounting and Audit Institute of Accounts or in another Community equivalent register.

3. Where a producer organisation does not have the sales of its production taken into account separately from purchases from third parties, on the basis of the accounts relating to the purchases of each product for which the producer organisation This recognition shall be calculated as the percentage of the purchases corresponding to the production of the total purchases of products corresponding to the categories of recognition. The percentage thus calculated shall apply to the sales of products corresponding to the categories of recognition, in order to calculate the value of their marketed production.

4. The following deductions

apply to the invoiced value of the production marketed by the producer organisation, the subsidiary or the producer organisation association:

(a) The amount of the transportation costs of packaged goods and prepared for sale paid to third parties listed in the entity's accounts.

b) The amount of professional services of commission agents and independent mediators in sales.

c) The amount of early payment discounts.

d) The amount of sales returns.

e) The amount of rappels and discounts applied to sales operations.

(f) In the case of use of own means for the transport of packaged goods and prepared for sale at the disposal of producer organisations, the amount equivalent to the cost of depreciation and the use of such means means.

g) Where appropriate, the cost of the transport between the product and the exit centre through the subsidiary.

h) The amount of VAT.

i) In the producer organisations located in the Canary Islands and Balearic Islands the cost of the internal transport between the packing centre and the distribution centre of those organisations when it is located in the ports The output shall be part of the value of the marketed production.

In order to be able to apply the reductions provided for in points (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e), it is necessary that the corresponding amounts are previously accounted for and that the reduction is carried out in line with the respective reductions. accounting entries.

5. The producer organisation wishing to calculate all or part of its value of the production marketed at the exit of a subsidiary or a producer organisation association shall communicate that intention on an annual basis, providing the following information:

(a) Data of the activities that they carry out with the association of producer or subsidiary organisations, either by hiring, or after the firm sale of the production, or after the production is made available.

(b) Statement of the subsidiary or association of producer organisations in which it undertakes to allow the physical and administrative checks to be carried out by the competent body to verify the aspects related to the value of the marketed production and to the ownership of the share capital in the case of the subsidiary.

c) In the case of an association of producer organisations, name and number of recognizesand autonomous community where it has its registered office.

d) In the case of a subsidiary: CIF, name, address, postal code, municipality according to the National Statistics Institute, province, Autonomous Community, Member State, telephone, fax, email, legal form, owners of the share capital with its corresponding participation in the entity.

Annually, and together with the previous communication, you must present the documentation referred to in Article 6 of this royal decree and a certificate of the value of the marketed production of the subsidiary or of the the association of producer organisations, corresponding to the production provided by the producer organisation, and the method of calculating that value.

6. In the case of mergers, including removals and, pursuant to Article 19 (2) of Implementing Regulation (EU) Noor 543/2011, in the case of the establishment of a second or a later entity as an organisation of producers or of integrations of recognised producer organisations, preceded by the loss of qualification as an organisation of producers of the entities associated with the second or subsequent grade and of all the entities minus one, in the Case of mergers, removals, and integrations, the value of the marketed production will be the sum of the value of the marketed production of each of the organizations of origin.

7. Pursuant to Article 51 (4) of the Implementing Regulation (EU) Noor 543/2011, where the value of a product undergoes a reduction of at least 35% for reasons other than liability and control of the product producer organisation, the value of the marketed production of that product shall be equal to 65% of its value in the previous reference period. For the purpose of justifying that the reduction in the value of the product has occurred for reasons other than the responsibility and control of the producer organisation, at the time of the communication referred to in Article 6 of this royal decree the document referred to in point (4) of Annex II to this royal decree must be submitted.


Minimum information and documentation to be submitted annually by producer organizations

A) General entity data:

1. Number of producer organization.

2. Social Reason.

3. Address.

4. º C.I.F.

5. Contact and phone number of the same.

6. Program Annuity to be funded.

7. Operational Program to which it belongs: 200 ... to 20 ...

8. The producer organization association to which you belong.

B) Documentation to be submitted:

1. The certificate of the secretary of the producer organisation stating that the constitution of the annual operational fund, the provisions for its provision and the method of calculating the financial contributions, they have been approved by the general assembly of the institution, or the section if that entity is organised in sections or equivalent body in accordance with the legal personality; and that all producer members have had the opportunity to to benefit from the operational fund and to participate democratically in decisions relating to the use of the same and the financial contributions. This certificate must contain:

a) The way in which the operational fund of those set out in Article 4 of this royal decree will be managed.

(b) The amount of the operational fund to be set up in the annuity starting on 1 January following, indicating the amounts to be allocated to each measure, action, performance, investment and expenditure concept of the programme operation.

(c) The method of calculation and the detailed level of each financial contribution, providing, where appropriate, the information necessary to justify the different levels of contribution.

d) The operating fund financing procedure.

2. A document in which the actions, actions, investments and concepts of expenditure to be carried out in the following annuity are included within each measure of the programme, and for each of them, at least:

a) A detailed description of the same, including the amount intended for execution

b) Location exact location, indicating geographic identification using the SIGPAC system.

c) Entitlement, indicating name, nationality or social reason, NIF or in your case NIE, and relationship to the producer organisation.

d) Human resources and materials necessary for their realization.

e) Three detailed budgets, for the assumptions referred to in Article 31 (3) of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants.

f) Justification of the need for its realization.

g) Calendars of execution.

h) Form of financing.

This information in the first annuity of the program must be included in Annex III.

3. Certificate relating to the VPC on which the calculation of the Community financial assistance shall be based on the operational fund, and where appropriate, certificate of the subsidiary/association of producer organisations, calculated in accordance with the provisions in Article 50 of the Implementing Regulation (EU) Noor 543/2011 and in Annex I to this Royal Decree. In both cases, it must be specified:

a) The reference period.

b) The date and the forum in which the accounting from which it was obtained was approved by the competent organ of the producer organisation.

(c) Each of the amounts of the related concepts in paragraph 1 of Annex I to this Royal Decree.

(d) Each of the amounts of the concepts referred to in paragraph 4 of Annex I to this Royal Decree.

(e) Where appropriate, be accompanied by a document containing the calculations made pursuant to paragraph 3 of Annex I to this Royal Decree.

Where the entity's accounting has not been approved by the competent body of the institution, this certificate must indicate it and the accounting data used by the producer organisation, based on the data of the external auditor with the characteristics set out in Article 4 (b) of this royal decree.

4. In the event that the value of a product has been reduced for reasons other than the responsibility and control of the organization: the documentation that justifies this fact, and that it demonstrates, in particular, that the decrease has not been due to decreases in productive personnel.

5. º. Where appropriate, the documentation and information described in paragraph 5 of Annex I to this royal decree.

6. A commitment of the holders of the actions, actions, investments, and concepts of expenditure, that they have not received, nor will they receive, directly or indirectly, any other aid for the execution of the same.

7. The specific documentation for each action, performance, investment and concept of expenditure, required by the Implementing Regulation (EU) n.or 543/2011 or the present royal decree.


Format of the operational program projects to be presented by the producer organizations

A) Identification of the requesting entity:

1. Social Reason.

2. Social Address.

3. Phone.

4. Fax.

5. E-mail.

6. º C.I.F.

7. Contact and phone number of the same.

B) Information on the recognition of the entity by Article 20a (2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October:

1. º Registration number.

2. º Recognition Date.

3. The recognition category.

4. geographical scope by Autonomous Communities (CC.AA.) and, where appropriate, by Member States.

5. º Number of producer members on date recognized.

6. º Number of current producing members.

7. Productive effectives at the date of recognition (areas and productions by species, CC.AA. and, where appropriate, Member States).

8. On request for recognition under Article 125b of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.

C) Description of the entity's starting position:

1. In terms of the entity's productive personnel:

a) Crop crops by species, Autonomous Communities and Member States.

b) Production volumes by species, Autonomous Communities and Member States.

c) Actions already developed by the producer organisation in the field of production production.

2. In terms of marketing partner production:

a) Description of the business process

b) Actuations already developed by the producer organization in this field.

3. The infrastructure:

(a) Description of the facilities at the disposal of the producer members, indicating whether they are owned, leased, or with a service contract.

b) Outsourced activities and entities that perform them.

c) Subsidiaries.

d) Human means.

e) Administrative equipment.

4. º 5 of Annex VIII to Implementing Regulation (EU) Noor 543/2011 completed reflecting the status of the entity's departure at the beginning of the operational programme.

(D) Objectives pursued by the programme: the objectives of the operational programme should be specified taking into account the prospects for production and commercial outlets, and referring to how it contributes to the achievement of the programme. of the objectives set out in the national strategy. For this purpose, they must be quantified.

In accordance with Article 103c (1) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, two or more of the objectives referred to in that paragraph shall be described.

E) Program Duration and Measures:

1. Detailed description of the measures, broken down into actions, and these actions, to be carried out in each year of implementation of the programme, in order to achieve the objectives pursued by the programme. The extent to which each action and action is taken:

(a) Pursue the objectives referred to in Article 103c (1) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.

b) It complements and is consistent with other measures that the entity is carrying, or has carried out, to achieve the same objectives, in particular those contained in rural development aid and operational programmes above.

c) Implicate a risk of double funding.

(d) It is true that more than 50% of the value of the products affected by its performance are those for which the producer organization is recognized and is marketed production of the producers.

e) All the producer members have had the opportunity to benefit from them, taking into account that in the case of the operational programmes of the associations of producer organisations, the members who do not have the the status of producer organisation under Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October may not have such an opportunity.

2. º For each action, performance, investment and concept of expenditure, except for market withdrawals, to be carried out in the first annuity of the programme, at least:

a) A detailed description of the same, including the amount intended for execution.

b) Location exact location, indicating geographic identification using the SIGPAC system.

c) Entitlement, indicating name or social reason, NIF, and relationship to the producer organization.

d) Human resources and materials necessary for their realization.

e) Three budgets detailed by units of work.

f) Justification of the need for its realization.

g) Calendars of execution.

h) Form of financing.

3. In terms of the action relating to the planned withdrawals, at least for the first annuity of the programme, it must be stated:

(a) Volume, by weight, of planned withdrawals, by species. Indicating the intended quantities to be allocated to the distribution.

(b) Average volume, by weight, of the marketed production of the producer organisation corresponding to each of the three reference periods prior to the annuity in which the withdrawals are to be made, species for which they are intended to be withdrawn.

If this information is not available, the volume of such species considered in the recognition of the producer organisation.

4. The relationship of environmental actions to be developed in the operational program.

F) Financial aspects:

1. The projected budget for execution for each year of application of the program.

2. Calendar of realization, for years.

3. Calendar of funding, for years.

G) Other documentation: In addition to the above information and documentation, it should be included in the operational program:

1. Annex II to this royal decree referred to the operational fund to be financed by the first year of the programme.

2. The certificate of the secretary of the producer organisation that the operational programme has been approved by the general assembly of the institution, or of the section if that entity is organised in sections, or by an organ equivalent, according to the legal personality of the producer organisation.

3. A document of the entity in which it undertakes to comply with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, of Implementing Regulation (EU) Noor 543/2011, and of this royal decree.

4. A commitment of the holders of the actions, actions, investments, and concepts of expenditure, to be carried out in the first year of the program, that they have not received, nor will they receive, directly or indirectly, any other aid by the execution of the same.

5. The specific documentation for each action, performance, investment and concept of expenditure, required by the Implementing Regulation (EU) n.or 543/2011 or the present royal decree.


Measures, actions, actions, investments and concepts of expenditure eligible under the operational programmes and the requirements relating to them


-First-level headings describe the measures.

-Second-level headings describe the actions.

-Third-level headings describe the actions.

-Last-level sections describe the investments or expense concepts that can be included in each performance.

1. Measure to plan production

The annual expenditure for the measure as a whole will be limited to 80 percent of the approved operational fund and effectively executed.


-Improved greenhouses: Plastics, double-door, double-roof installation, dining windows, CO2 emission equipment, generators, CO2heating and harvesting systems, irrigation systems, refrigeration, etc.


1.1 Farm or facility infrastructure.

-The specific installations included in this action cannot be included in the collection in environmental guidelines for irrigation systems improvement

1.1.1 Irrigation installations on plots. (1.1.1)

-In the case of improved irrigation facilities, only materials that are used for more than one year will be subsidised.

Pipes, valves, suction cups, hydrants, flow meters, pressure transmissions, variators and starters, calderines, telecontrol systems, automatisms, filters.

-Pump stations (Bombs, civil work for installation, transformers, power supply infrastructures.

1.1.2 Embalses, wells, and irrigation rafts. (1.1.2)

-Land movements, Geotechnical studies, waterproofing membranes, valvular, piping, relief, drains, drilling, drilling of wells.

Desalators and other facilities for irrigation. (1.1.3)

-Civil work, filters, pipes, membranes, valves, suction cups, transformers, pumps, automatisms, reservoirs, and rafts.

-Water transport infrastructures (large capacity pipelines and channels).



1.1.4 Conditioning of plots to perform new plantings. (1.1.4)

-Non-starter of investments or expense concepts that credit the need for the same according to the conditions of the surface

-Use of recyclable substrate.

-Land movements, support structures, inputs, and land improvements.

-Plastics (except of those set out in the national environmental action guidelines) will only be eligible if For more than one year

-Using plastic for knighthood and chivalrous padding.

-Plastics (except for They will only be eligible if they are used for more than one year

1.1.5 Investors. (1.1.5)

-Building of greenhouses: Plastics, cover structures of the cover.

1.1.6 Auxiliary Constructions. (1.1.6)

-Farm access paths, field stores, input stores, etc.

-The dimension of auxiliary builds will be proportional to the use exclusively related to the activity of the OP: The paths will be sized according to the traffic that will be supported by this activity. The warehouses will have a capacity proportional to the activity that is performed in the field by the OP or its partners

1.1.7 Other infrastructure of the farms. (1.1.7)

-Antifreeze and anti-hail systems, etc.

1.2 Production media.

1.2.1 Machinery and tools. (1.2.1)

-Specific machinery for carrying out the work of crops for which the producer organisation is recognised, or where this machinery is not exclusive to those crops, justification that it will be used in the work of these crops.

-As far as machinery is concerned, renting as an alternative to purchase will only be allowed when it is economically justified. by submitting a report by competent technician

1.2.2 Vehicles. (1.2.2)

-Vehicles for:

-Vehicles for internal transport will be used exclusively for this purpose. The vehicle holder shall be the Producer Organization

-The internal product transport of the OP.

-Access to the farms.

-The vehicles for access to the farms will be of exclusive use to the staff at the service of the OP in the realization of the activities of the same and the amount of the acquisition will be limited to 18,000 € in the case of utilitarian that will be able to be raised to 28,000 € if it is of all-terrain vehicles. The owner of the vehicles will be the Producer Organization

-Vehicles may be financed through leasing (leasing). In this case, the expenditure referred to in paragraph 14 of Annex IX to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 shall not be eligible

1.2.3 Plantons. (1.2.3)

1.2.4 Other means of production. (1.2.4)

-Only perennial plants (remaining at least 3 years in the field) will be subsidised.

2. Measure aimed at improving or maintaining the quality of products

The annual expenditure for the measure as a whole will be limited to 60 percent of the approved operational fund and effectively executed.



2.1 Quality and Food Security.

2.1.1 Improved traceability. (2.1.1)

-The computer tools must be used for the described performance, explicitly excluding the use of the same for administrative matters.

< Zant_table_izq">-A certificate must be presented from an accredited company for these purposes.

-A certificate must be presented from an accredited company for these purposes

-Acquisition of management and analysis instruments for systems traceability: software, readers, etc.

2.1.2 Implementation and improvement of product quality management systems. (2.1.2)

2.1.3 Implementation and improvement of process quality management systems. (2.1.3)

2.1.4 Building of laboratories and equipment (non-fungible laboratory material) (2.1.4)

-Civil work and expenses non-fungible material (microscopes, laboratory material, etc.)

2.1.5 Integrated production and organic production certification expenses and other quality protocolized systems. (2.1.5)

2.1.6 Analysis. (2.1.6)

-Analysis-related expenses whose objective is to control the environmental and quality situation across the scope of production (soil, water, etc.), handling, conditioning, transformation and packaging.

2.1.7 Expenditure on traps, mosemen, natural predators, pheromones, plant extracts, micro-organisms, repellent plants or any other plant protection material, excluding chemical products, which are environmentally friendly, resulting from the implementation of quality systems other than integrated and organic production. (2.1.7)

-They must be registered in the Official Register of Plant Protection Products of the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Environment or have requested the marketing communication as other phytosanitary means of defense

2.2 Personnel for improvement or maintenance of quality or environmental protection

Staff Expenses contribute to the improvement or maintenance of quality or the environment in accordance with Annex IX (2) (b) of Implementing Regulation (EC) No 543/2011. (2.2.1)

-To justify that the staff is qualified, a description and justification of the qualification of the job or the job to be performed must be provided. The cost justification will be performed by actual expenses.

3. Measure aimed at improving marketing

The annual expenditure for the measure as a whole will be limited to 80 percent of the approved operational fund and effectively executed.


3.2 Media for marketing


3.1 Infrastructure and Equipment.

3.1.1 Civil Work. (3.1.1)

-As regards both civil work and machinery, facilities and equipment, rental as an alternative to purchase will only be allowed when justified economically by presenting a report by competent technician.

-The paths will be sized according to the traffic that will be borne by the OP activity.

-In the case of a retail store, it will only be eligible if more than 50% of the value of the products sold on it are fruits and vegetables for which the producer organization is recognized and has been produced by it or by other producer organizations

-Acquisition/construction of ships, construction of fruit plants, processing, conditioning and processing industries cover of spaces for reception or dispatch of fruit and vegetable products, extensions of processing centres, construction centres for reception and dispatch, ship insulation, floor conditioning; improvement, upgrading and reformation of the above elements, as well as their implementation projects, access routes to

-Acquisition/construction of retail stores; improvement, conditioning and reform of the above elements, as well as their execution projects, etc.

3.1.2 Machinery, installations, and equipment. (3.1.2)

-Installation of handling, sorting, and presentation machinery; cleaning, peeling and cutting machinery, machinery for the selection and calibration, packaging machinery, electrical installations in nave or in central, machinery for the manufacture of 'fourth or fifth gamut', machinery for processing or for the recovery of processing by-products, Labelling machines, box washing tunnels, transformers and electrical installations. Improvement and conditioning of the above elements, etc.

-Information and communication systems will only be eligible if they contribute to the achievement of one or more of the objectives of the laid down in Articles 103c (1) and 122 (c) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007

-Installation of scales, conveyor belts, clean machinery tapes palletizers, despalletizers and packers of containers, air carriers of boxes, forklifts Elevators and pallet trucks.

-Refrigerator equipment.

-Facilities and equipment required for a retail store.

3.1.3 Equipment computer. (3.1.3)

-Computer equipment must be used for the described performance, explicitly excluding the use of the same for administrative issues

-Production and traceability control systems (computer programs, readers, etc.), Automation classification of production lines (hardware and software).

-Web Channel and Systems Deployment information and communication using mobile messages.

3.1.4 Field pallets and pallets that are used for more than one year. (3.1.4)

3.1.5 Other infrastructure and equipment investments. (3.1.5)

3.1.6 Investments and actions related to the processing of fruit and vegetables in processed fruit and vegetables (products listed in Part X of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 and Annex VI to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011). (3.1.6)

-Whenever the objectives referred to in Article 103 1) () of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, including those referred to in Article 122, paragraph 1, are pursued. first, letter (c), of that Regulation.

3.2.1 Realization of market studies and production programming. (3.2.1)

-In the case of commercial promotion:

3.2.2 Trade promotion. (3.2.2)

-As set out in point 15 of Annex IX to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011.

-Cannot include investments or spending concepts that receive grant through other avenues.

-A promotion plan must be submitted that will at least pick up the objectives of the plan, the actions to be performed and, where appropriate, the synergy between them, the recipients of the plan and the main messages to be transmitted.

-Only prizes related to the activity of the fruit and vegetables (for example, a basket of fruits, material for cooking these products, books related ...)

Generic promotion, of OP marks, and of quality labels by:

-Creating Internet sites,

-Advertising (in audiovisual media-cinema, television channels-, radio ads, in general and specialised press, in the press of conferences and conferences, posters, billboards advertising,


-Specific Advertising on the final packaging that reaches the consumer or packaging that reaches the point of direct sales to the consumer: stickers or overruns of the printing on the packaging

-Advertising in the parts of fruit: stickers

-Pedagogical initiatives for children and adolescents in schools,

Information Initiatives to the consumers at places of sale,

-Brochures with information about products and recipes, children's hobbies, etc.

-Contest material (prizes, brochures) that promote fruit and vegetable consumption.

Participation in fairs related to the activity of fruit and vegetables:

-Cost of the stands (ground rent, design, assembly, elements), hostesses and other stand staff, animation activities, etc.

-Personnel assistance of the OP/AOP.

-In the specific case of participation in fairs, in the event that a grant is already received by another way for some of the investments or expenditure concepts of a particular fair, the others cannot be included in the framework of the OPs.

-The staff assistance of the OP/AOP to trade fairs will be limited to the commercial personnel hired by the entity for commercial activities.

-Personnel: To justify that the Staff is qualified to provide a description and justification of the qualification of the job or the job to be carried out. Only additional staff will be subsidised to the already contracted staff, or staff who are still previously employed and have the required qualification, new business, new products, new lines or new products markets, and at most during an Operational Programme (maximum 5 years). The cost justification will be realized by actual expenses.

-Contributions to carry out promotion operations, not funded by public support, in conjunction with other POs.

3.2.3 Qualified staff for marketing level improvement. (3.2.3)

3.2.4 Accessories for refrigerated or controlled air transport media. (3.2.4)

-In the 3.2.4 performance you will not be able to include the tractor cab or any other element that is not specific to cold or controlled atmosphere

3.2.5 Opening of commercial offices abroad. (3.2.5)

-Acquisition/construction of the civil work.

-Facilities and equipment.

-Personnel (applies what is established for the action staff (3.2.3)

-As regards both civil work and machinery, installations and equipment of the commercial offices abroad, the rental as an alternative to the purchase will only be allowed where it is economically justified by the submission of a report by a technician competent.

4. Measure aimed at research and experimental production

The annual expenditure for the measure as a whole shall be limited to 30 per cent of the operational fund approved and effectively implemented.



4.1 Investment in installations or pilot farms. (4.1.1)

4.2 Qualified personnel dedicated to the exclusive, or time-controlled, action. (4.2.1)

-In the case of experimental production, respect Article 16.1 of the actual decree.

-The cost justification will be realized by actual expenses.

4.3 Non-fungible material lab. (4.3.1)

4.4 External contracts with research centers. (4.4.1)

4.5 Acquisition of perennial plants. (4.5.1)

Other expenses based on the characteristics of the experimental action and the degree of innovation and the risk that the innovation will entail. (4.6.1)

5. Measure directed to training and advisory services

The annual expenditure for the measure as a whole shall be limited to 30 per cent of the operational fund approved and effectively implemented.



5.1 Ecological Production. (5.1.1)

5.2 Integrated Production. (5.2.1)

5.3 Other Aspects environmental. (5.3.1)

5.4 Traceability. (5.4.1)


Quality. (5.5.1)

-Hiring services quality verification at both source and target, etc.

5.6 Training and counseling in other aspects of the Operational Program. (5.6.1)

6. Measure aimed at crisis prevention and management

The annual expenditure for the measure as a whole will be limited to 33 percent of the approved operational fund and effectively executed.



6.1 Withdrawn

-Respect the 33/2008 Circular of FEGs.

6.1.1 Distribution free

-Respect item 14 of this royal decree.

6.1.2 Composting

6.1.3 Animal feed

6.1.4 Other destinations

-Respect the environmental and health regulations established by the autonomous communities or other competent bodies

6.2 harvesting in green and non-

-Respect crop 41/2008 of green and non-harvest FEGA.

6.2.1 Green collection

6.2.2 Not collection

-Respect the item 14 of the present royal decree

-Respect environmental and health regulations established by the autonomous communities or other competent bodies

6.3 Training for crisis prevention and management. (6.3.1)

These courses or sessions that aim to train the staff and the partners of the POs in relation to:

-Mechanisms available for crisis prevention and management:

-Description of the instruments and description of the application procedure

-Interest in using these mechanisms.

-Other courses or related days with crisis prevention and management, provided that such relationship is justified in the program of the course or day

Promotion and communication for prevention and crisis management. (6.4.1)

Respect as set out in Article 86 of Implementing Regulation (EC) No 543/2011, it may only be possible to include actions performed as a result of:

-short-term surplus

-Forecast or actual concentration of the offer at a point in time

-Prices abnormally low at point times that might affect the behavior of the campaign

-Other motivations, such as the cyclical decline in consumption due to unfavorable weather conditions

costs arising from the formation of funds mutuals. (6.5.1)

Respect what is set in the Article 90 of Implementing Regulation (EC) No 543/2011

Return on capital and payment of interest on loans contracted by the Producers ' Organizations for financing crisis prevention and management measures. (6.6.1)

Crisis prevention and management measures will be financed either directly or through the loans to which the crisis management is concerned. paragraph, without which both forms of financing can be accumulated

7. Measure aimed at environmental objectives

The annual expenditure for the measure as a whole will be limited to 60 percent of the approved operational fund and effectively executed.



7.1 Investments to fight erosion in woody crops (7.1.1)

7.2 Employment of Solarization or Biocolarization Techniques (7.2.1)

The conditions to be met for all these actions are those set out in the guidelines National for environmental actions defined in Article 2 of the present royal decree

Facilities or enhancements for debugging and recovery of the water (7.3.1)

Improvement of irrigation systems by more efficient ones (modernization of regadios) (7.4.1)

7.5 Aquifer recharge, performances to reduce surface runoff, and avoid water avenues (7.5.1)

7.24 Using the reservoir somberate technique to slow the evaporation of water resources (7.24.1)

7.6 Generic organic production (payment per hectare) (7.6.1)

Ecological production: Expenses on traps, mosquito nets, natural predators, pheromones, plant extracts, microorganisms, repelling plants or any other material dand plant protection excluding environmentally friendly chemicals derived from the implementation of organic production techniques (invoice-based payment) (7.7.1)

7.8 Generic Integrated Production (pay per hectare) (7.8.1)

7.9 Production integrated: Expenditure on traps, mosemen, natural predators, pheromones, plant extracts, micro-organisms, repellent plants or any other plant protection material excluding chemical-friendly chemicals environment nte derived from the implementation of production techniques integrated (Payment based on invoices)

7.10 Expenses derived from the implementation of culture techniques with pollination based on hives. (7.10.1)

7.11 Use of plant grafted in horticultural to reduce the use of products chemicals. (7.11.1)

7.25 Expense in traps, mosquito nets, natural predators, pheromones, veg extractsetals, microorganisms, repellent plants or any other plant protection material excluding produenvironment-friendly chemicals used in conventional production (7.25.1)

7.26 Using the peach bagging technique as a physical barrier against pests for reduce the use of chemicals (7.26.1)

7.12 Renewable energy installations (wind and solar). (7.12.1)

7.13 Using more energy-efficient production media (7.13.1)

7.14 Cogeneration [combined heat and energy production] of energy from waste derived from the ptransduction, transformation, conditioning of the product for the marketing or marketing of fruit and vegetables (7.14.1)

7.15 Additional costs for using rail or shipping, versus transport by road (7.15.1)

7.16 Investments to streamline the collection of packaging waste, plastics, disposable chemicals (lubricants, etc.) (7.16.1)

7.18 Using biodegradable thread exploitation (7.18.1)

7.19 Useson the exploitation of oxobiodegradable and biodegradable plastics (7.19.1)

7.20 Valorization of waste generated in the phases of production, processing, product conditioning for marketing or marketing (7.20.1)

7.21 Waste treatment, recovery and sorting (7.21.1)

7.27 Obtaining biogas from derived waste of the production and tfruit and vegetable ransformation (7.27.1)

7.22 Environmental awareness and training actions (7.22.1)

7.23 Additional qualified personnel to the considered in the other environmental actions valued at a flat rate, intended to improve or maintain a high environmental protection level (7.23.1)

7.28 Expenses in analysis, consulting, and auditing (7.28.1)

8. Other actions, actions, investments and concepts of expenditure

The annual expenditure for the measure as a whole shall be limited to 40 per cent of the operational fund approved and effectively implemented.



8.1 Mergers, acquisitions, and shareholdings. (8.1.1)

-Purchase of unedited land where necessary to make an investment included in the programme, purchase of immovable property, in both cases in accordance with the conditions laid down in Implementing Regulation (EC) No 543/2011.

-Investments in shares of companies, including investments in industries, if the investment contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the operational programme.

-Only shares of companies carrying out activities with products or services of the OP.

-Legal and administrative expenses derived from mergers or acquisitions of producer organisations and the creation of transnational producer organisations or associations of transnational producers. Feasibility studies and proposals that producer organizations have commissioned in this field.

Expenses general. (8.2.1)

Meet the requirements of Annex IX (a) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011

8.3 Studies. (8.3.1)

Realization of studies other than those listed in the 3.2.1 performance of this annex.

The studies shall contribute to the objectives set out in Article 103c of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1234 of 22 October

Other actions not included in the previous paragraphs leading to the achievement of the stated objectives Article 103c of Regulation (EC) No 1234 of the Council of 22 October (8.4.1).


Maximum amounts of aid for withdrawals of products not included in Annex XI to Implementing Regulation (EU

No 543/2011

Haba green


Maximum amount


€/100 kg























Green Jewish

























Fresh Hygo



Maximum compensation for green and non-harvesting operations






Compensation (€/ha)
















Table_table_der" >5,021













































































































Table_table_der" >3.055







Table_table_der" >1,633




























Table_table_der" >3.761



Minimum documentation to contribute along with requests for modification of producer organizations ' operational programs

A) In all cases.

1. Certificate stating that the amendments requested on the operational programme have been approved by the competent body in accordance with its legal personality or instance in which it has delegated.

2. To be accompanied by the supporting documents setting out the reasons, nature and consequences of the amendments requested, as well as those supporting documents which are necessary for their approval.

3. Where the form of management of the operational funds is modified and the option contained in Article 4 (a) of this Royal Decree is chosen, the certificate of the financial institution of the bank account shall be provided for the exclusive movement of the fund with indication of its branch, the account number and the name of the branch: " Operating fund of the producer organisation ... (organization name) ".

4. Where appropriate, certification of the secretary of the producer organisation by which the general meeting of the institution is provided, or of the section if the entity is organised in sections, or equivalent body of the organisation of the organisation of (a) producers in the light of their legal personality, whereby competition is delegated in the submission of applications for amendment of the operational programme, provided for in Articles 14 and 15 of this Royal Decree, in a given instance of the producer organisation.

B) Relative to unstarted annuities.

In the event that new action is introduced, investments in individual member holdings or if the number of individual holdings of partners in which investments are to be made in the Member States is increased. operational program:

1. Certificate in which the agreement adopted by the general assembly of the institution or the section is included if that entity is organized in sections, or equivalent body, to obtain the reimbursement of these investments, or their residual value, in case of that the partners cause/n low in the organization.

2. The period of the obligation to return an investment or its residual value, for the purposes of calculating the residual value referred to in point (a) of this paragraph and the last subparagraph of Article 60 (6) of the Regulation Implementation (EU) No 543/2011, to be fixed by the producer organisation for a maximum of five years.

This residual value will be calculated as follows:

Residual Value = [Acquisition Value × (Return Obligation Period-Period Between Acquisition Date and Partner's Low Date)]/Return Obligation Period.

3. Written commitment of each investment beneficiary to individual holdings, not to be directly or indirectly eligible for double funding, either at Community or national level, for the measures included in the operational programme.

4. Justification that all producers have had the opportunity to benefit from the implementation of the operational fund. To this effect, a certified copy of the minutes of the general assembly of the producer organisation, or of the section if such an entity is organised in sections, or of the equivalent organ according to its legal personality, shall be required. reflect that all members have had the opportunity to participate in the actions or actions contained in the operational programme.

C) Relative to the current annuity.

In the amendments involving a change of location or holder in individual holdings of members, a notarial act stating that the investment to be made has not been initiated in the parcel corresponding to the the new location or a declaration by the producer organisation in which it undertakes not to commence the execution of the investment until there is a report issued by the competent authority of the autonomous community where the investment is to be carried out; investment, in which it is stated that the investment to be made has not been initiated on the plot corresponding to the new location.


Format of total and partial operational program projects of producer organization associations

A) Identification of the requesting entity:

1. Social Reason.

2. Social Address.

3. Phone.

4. Fax.

5. E-mail.

6. CIF.

7. Contact and phone number of the same.

8. º Recognition Date.

9. Number of members on date recognized.

B) Description of the entity's starting position:

1. º Number and relation of current members, indicating their name, NIF, whether or not they are producer organization, in their case n. number of producer organization, and registered office.

2. Association's statutory ends.

3. In terms of the entity's productive personnel:

a) Production volumes by species, with which they work and origin.

b) Actuations already developed by the producer organisation in the field of production production.

4. Marketing:

a) Description of the business process.

b) Actuations already developed by the producer organization in this field.

5. The infrastructure:

a) Description of the facilities indicating whether they are owned, leased, or contracted for services.

b) Outsourced activities and entities that perform them.

c) Subsidiaries.

d) Human means.

e) Administrative equipment.

6. In the case of total operational programmes, Annex VIII to Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011, completed reflecting the status of the entity's departure at the beginning of the operational programme.

C) Objectives pursued by the programme: The objectives of the operational programme should be specified taking into account the prospects for production and commercial outlets, and referring to how it contributes to the achievement of the programme. of the objectives set out in the national strategy. For this purpose, they must be quantified.

D) Program Duration and Measures:

1. Detailed description of the measures, broken down into actions, and these actions, to be carried out in each year of implementation of the programme, in order to achieve the objectives pursued by the programme. The extent to which each action and action is taken:

(a) Pursue the objectives referred to in Article 103c (1) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007.

b) It complements and is consistent with other measures that the entity is carrying, or has carried out, to achieve the same objectives, in particular those contained in rural development aid and operational programmes above.

c) Implicate a risk of double funding.

(d) It is true that more than 50% of the value of the products affected by their performance are those for which the producer organisations are recognised and are marketed production of the producers.

e) All the producer members have had the opportunity to benefit from them, taking into account that in the case of the operational programmes of the associations of producer organisations, the members who do not have the the status of producer organisation under Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October may not have such an opportunity.

2. º For each action, performance, investment and concept of expenditure, except for market withdrawals, to be carried out in the first annuity of the programme, at least:

i) A detailed description of the same, including the amount intended for execution broken down by units of work.

j) Location exact location, indicating geographic identification using the SIGPAC system.

k) Entitlement, indicating name or social reason, NIF, and relationship to the producer organization.

l) Human resources and materials necessary for their realization.

m) Three quotes detailed by units of work.

n) Justification of the need for its realization.

o) Runtime calendars

p) Form of financing.

3. In terms of the action relating to the planned withdrawals, at least for the first annuity of the programme, it must be stated:

(a) Volume, by weight, of planned withdrawals, by species. Indicating the intended quantities to be allocated to the distribution.

(c) Average volume, by weight, of the marketed production of the producer organisation corresponding to each of the three reference periods prior to the annuity in which the withdrawals are to be made, species for which they are intended to be withdrawn.

If this information is not available, the volume of such species considered in the recognition of the producer organisation.

F) Financial aspects:

1. The projected budget for execution for each year of application of the program.

2. Calendar of realization, for years.

3. Calendar of funding, for years.

G) Other documentation:

1. ° Relationship of members of the association of producer organisations, indicating: social reason, CIF, full address, whether they are producer organisation or not, registration number in case of non-producers, and activity to which is dedicated.

2. A document that includes the functions that you have performed in the last three years, and the perspectives of action for the years of the operational program.

3. Certification issued by the Registrar indicating that members who do not have the status of producer organisation under Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 of 22 October are not direct beneficiaries of the help to the programs.


Minimum information and documentation to be submitted annually by associations of producer organizations

A) General entity data:

1. Social Reason.

2. Home.

3. CIF.

4. Contact and phone number of the same.

5. Program Annuity.

6. Operational Program to which you belong: 20 ... to 20 ...

B) Documentation to be submitted:

1. Certificate of the secretary of the association of producer organisations in which it is stated that the constitution of the annual fund, the provisions for its provision, and the method of calculating the contributions the financial institutions have been approved by the general assembly of the institution, or the section if the institution is organised in sections or equivalent body according to the legal personality. This certificate must contain:

a) The way in which the fund of those set out in Article 4 of this royal decree will be managed.

(b) The amount of the fund to be in the annuity beginning on the following 1 January, indicating the amounts to be allocated to each measure, action, performance, investment and expenditure concept of the operational programme.

(c) The method of calculating financial contributions, by providing, on their market, the information necessary to justify the different levels of contribution.

d) The fund's financing procedure.

e) A relationship with the VPC, the reference period, and the contribution of each member of the association of producer organisations, in absolute value and relative value, indicating whether it is a producer organisation or not.

2. A document in which the actions, actions, investments and concepts of expenditure to be carried out in the following annuity are included within each measure of the programme, and for each of them, at least:

a) A detailed description of the same, including the amount intended for execution broken down by units of work.

b) Location exact location, indicating geographic identification using the SIGPAC system.

c) Entitlement, indicating name or social reason, NIF, and relationship to the association of producer organizations.

d) Human resources and materials necessary for their realization.

e) Three budgets detailed by units of work.

f) Justification of the need for its realization.

g) Calendars of execution.

h) Form of financing.

This information in the first annuity of the program must be included in Annex VIII.

3. º. Where appropriate, the documentation and information described in paragraph 5 of Annex I to this royal decree.

4. A commitment of the holders of the actions, actions, investments, and concepts of expenditure, that they have not received, nor will they receive, directly or indirectly, any other aid for the execution of the same.

5. The specific documentation for each action, performance, investment and concept of expenditure, as required by Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011 or this royal decree.