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Order Edu/3154/2011, Of 11 November, Which Establishes The Curriculum Of The Training Cycle Of Top Grade Corresponding To The Title Of Senior Technician In Telecommunications And Computer Systems.

Original Language Title: Orden EDU/3154/2011, de 11 de noviembre, por la que se establece el currículo del ciclo formativo de Grado Superior correspondiente al título de Técnico Superior en Sistemas de Telecomunicaciones e Informáticos.

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Royal Decree 883/2011, of 24 June, establishes the title of Superior Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems and its minimum teachings, in accordance with Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July, replacing the Royal Decree 1538/2006 of 15 December establishing the general organisation of the vocational training of the educational system, which defines in Article 9 the structure of vocational training diplomas and courses of vocational training specialization, based on the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, the guidelines fixed by the European Union and other aspects of social interest.

The Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May of Education provides, in Article 6.4, that the educational administrations will establish the curriculum of the different teachings regulated in this Law, which will form part of the Article 6 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 66/2014 The teaching centres shall develop and complete, where appropriate, the curriculum of the different stages and cycles in use of their autonomy, as set out in Chapter II of Title V of that Law.

The Organic Law of 19 June, of the Qualifications and Vocational Training, establishes, in Article 10.2, that the educational administrations, in the field of their competences, will be able to extend the content of the corresponding vocational training qualifications.

Royal Decree 883/2011 of 24 June, in its unique derogation provision, repeals Royal Decree 194/1996 of 9 February establishing the curriculum of the higher education cycle corresponding to the title of the Superior Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems, established under the Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October, of General Ordination of the Educational System.

In accordance with the above, and once Royal Decree 883/2011, of June 24, has set the professional profile of the title of Superior Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems, its minimum teachings and those of other aspects of the academic organisation which constitute the basic aspects of the curriculum which ensure a common training and guarantee the validity of diplomas throughout the national territory, it is now appropriate to determine, in the field of management of the Ministry of Education, the extension and contextualization of the contents of the modules professionals included in the title of Superior Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems, respecting the professional profile of the same.

The needs of an integrated labour market in the European Union require that vocational training courses pay particular attention to the languages of the Member States, incorporating them into their training offer. In this sense, this training cycle incorporates in the curriculum training in the English language, in response to the provisions of Royal Decree 1147/2011, of July 29, which replaces Royal Decree 1538/2006, of December 15, for which it is established the general management of vocational training.

addition, the curriculum of this training cycle is established from the respect of the pedagogical, organizational and management autonomy of the centers that provide professional training, promoting these the work in the team of the teachers and the development of training, research and innovation plans in their teaching field and actions to promote the continuous improvement of training processes.

On the other hand, vocational training centres will develop the curriculum established in this order, taking into account the characteristics of pupils, with particular attention to the needs of people with disability.

Finally, it should be specified that the curriculum of this formative cycle integrates the scientific, technological and organizational aspects of the teachings established to achieve that the students acquire an overall view of the processes production of the professional profile of the senior technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems.

In the process of drawing up this Order, the State School Board has issued a report.

For all of the above, in your virtue,



General provisions

Article 1. Object.

This order aims to determine the curriculum of the higher grade training cycle corresponding to the title of Higher Technician in Telecommunications and InformaticSystems established in Royal Decree 883/2011, 24 of June.

Article 2. Scope.

The curriculum set out in this order will be applied in the territorial management field of the Ministry of Education.



Article 3. Curriculum.

1. The curriculum for vocational training of the educational system corresponding to the title of Higher Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems, established in Royal Decree 883/2011 of 24 June, is determined in the terms set in this order.

2. The professional profile of the curriculum, which is expressed by the general competence, the professional, personal and social skills, and the qualifications and the competence units of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, is the included in the title of Superior Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems, referred to in the previous point.

3. The general objectives of the training cycle curriculum, the objectives of the professional modules expressed in terms of learning outcomes and their assessment criteria are those included in the title of Higher Technician in Systems of Telecommunications and Informatics, referred to in point 1 of this article.

4. The contents of the professional modules that make up this curriculum, adapted to the socio-economic reality as well as to the perspectives of economic and social development of the environment, are those set out in Annex I of this order.

Article 4. Duration and sequencing of professional modules.

1. The total duration of the lessons for this training cycle, including the vocational training module in the workplace, is 2,000 hours.

2. The professional modules of this training cycle, when offered under face-to-face arrangements, will be organised in two academic courses and will be in line with the weekly hourly sequencing and distribution set out in Annex II of this order.

3. The first academic year will be fully developed in the educational center. In order to be able to take the second course, it will be necessary to have completed the professional modules which, as a whole, represent at least eighty percent of the hours of the first course and, in any case, all the professional modules included in the same one, identified as such in Annex II.

4. The right of registration of those who have passed any professional module in another Autonomous Community shall be guaranteed, in the terms laid down in Article 48.3 of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July, replacing the Royal Decree Decree 1538/2006 of 15 December establishing the general management of the vocational training of the education system.

5. In general, during the third quarter of the second year, and once the positive evaluation has been achieved in all the professional modules carried out in the educational centre, the vocational training module will be developed in job.

6. Exceptionally, and in order to facilitate the adaptation of the number of persons registered to the availability of training positions in enterprises, approximately half of the second-year students will be able to develop this vocational training module. Training in workplaces during the second trimester of the second year, provided they have positively overcome all the professional modules of the first academic year.

7. Without prejudice to the foregoing, and as a result of the temporality of certain economic activities which may prevent the development of the vocational training module in the workplace from being in line with the above assumptions, this may be organise in other periods coinciding with the development of the economic activity of the professional profile of the title.

8. In any case, the evaluation of the vocational training module in the workplace will be conditional on the positive evaluation of the rest of the professional modules of the training cycle.

Article 5. Project Professional Module.

1. The project professional module has an interdisciplinary character and incorporates the technological and organizational variables related to the essential aspects of the professional competence of the title of Superior Technician in Systems of Telecommunications and Informatics.

2. In general, this module will be taught by the teachers who are tutoring training in job centers.

3. The project professional module will be developed during the last period of the training cycle, combining individual and collective tutoring, so that at least 50% of the total duration will be carried out in an in-person manner and completed with remote tutoring in which information and communication technologies will be used.

4. In any case, and before the start of the vocational training module in the workplace, the teachers responsible must anticipate the teaching and learning activities that will facilitate the development of the professional module of the project.

5. The evaluation of this professional module will be conditional on the positive evaluation of the rest of the professional modules of the training cycle, including the training in job centers.

Article 6. Bilingual teaching.

1. The curriculum of this training cycle incorporates the English language in an integrated way, at least in two professional modules, from among those that make up the whole of the training cycle. These modules will be taught by teachers with teaching assignment in them and, in addition, they will have the language enablement corresponding to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

2. In order to ensure that bilingual education is delivered in the two academic courses of the training cycle on an ongoing basis, professional modules of both courses will be chosen.

3. The modules which may be imparted in the English language are those listed in Annex III.

4. As a result of the greater complexity of the transmission and reception of teaching in a language other than the mother tongue, professional modules taught in the English language will increase their time load in three hours a week. for the set of modules that are delivered in the first year and two hours for which they are developed during the second course. In addition, the teachers who provide these professional modules will be assigned, in their individual hours, at least three hours a week for their preparation. These hours will have the same character as the reading hours.

5. Exceptionally, and on a transitional basis until 2020, when teachers with teacher allocation do not have the level of English required in these professional modules, they will share a total of three hours per week for all the teachers. modules to be delivered in the first year and two hours for those who develop during the second course with a teacher or a teacher of the English specialty. In this case, the programming of these modules will include at least one unit of work or didactics which will be developed exclusively in the English language and the other teaching units will incorporate teaching activities exclusively in English at that time allocated.

6. Exceptionally, in the case of students or students with disabilities who may be able to present difficulties in their oral expression (cerebral palsy, deafness, etc.), measures of relaxation and/or alternatives will be established. in the requirement for the provision of modules in the English language, so as to enable all the teaching of professional modules in their mother tongue to be cured.

Article 7. Spaces and equipment.

The spaces and facilities to be assembled by the vocational training centres, in order to enable the development of teaching activities, are those set out in Annex IV of this Order and must comply with the provisions of the Article 11 of Royal Decree 883/2011 of 24 June, as well as the rules on equal opportunities, design for all and universal accessibility, prevention of occupational risks and safety and health at the workplace.

Article 8. Qualifications and accreditation of teacher requirements.

1. The specialties of teachers with teaching assignment in the professional modules which constitute the teachings established for the title referred to in Article 1 of this order, as well as the equivalent qualifications for the purposes of teaching, are the collections, respectively, in Annexes III.A and III.B of Royal Decree 883/2011 of 24 June 2011 establishing the title of Senior Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems.

2. In order to ensure compliance with Article 12.3 of Royal Decree 883/2011 of 24 June, establishing the title of Superior Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems, for the delivery of professional modules that they make up, must be accredited that all the requirements set out in the aforementioned article are met, providing the following documentation:

(a) Photocopy of the official academic title required, in accordance with the qualifications included in Annex III C of Royal Decree 883/2011, of 24 June, cited. Where the degree presented is linked to the professional module which is to be provided, it shall be deemed to include in itself the objectives of that module. Otherwise, in addition to the titration, the documents referred to in subparagraph (b) or (c) shall be provided.

(b) In the event that it is necessary to justify that the teachings leading to the titration provided encompass the objectives of the professional modules that are intended to be taught:

• Personal academic certification of studies performed, original or photocopied, issued by an official center, in which the teachings are recorded detailing the subjects.

• Programs of studies contributed and submitted by the person concerned, original or photocopy of the studies, sealed by the University or the corresponding official or authorized teaching center.

(c) Where it is desired to justify by means of the work experience which, at least for three years, has developed its activity in the sector related to the professional family, its duration shall be credited by the document appropriate supporting officer, which will be added to:

• Certification of the employer or employer in which the activity developed by the person concerned is specifically recorded. This activity must be implicitly related to the learning outcomes of the professional module that is intended to be delivered.

• In the case of those who are self-employed, a statement of the person concerned with the most representative activities related to learning outcomes.


Curriculum adaptations

Article 9. Adaptation to the socio-productive environment.

1. The curriculum of the training cycle regulated in this order is established taking into account the socio-economic reality and the geographical, socio-productive and labour characteristics of the environment for the implementation of the title.

2. Vocational training centres shall have the necessary educational, organisational and economic management autonomy for the development of the teaching and their adaptation to the specific characteristics of the socio-economic, cultural and professional.

3. The centres authorised to provide this training cycle will concretize and develop the organizational and curricular measures that are most appropriate to the characteristics of their students and their productive environment, in a flexible way and in the use of their Pedagogical autonomy, in the general framework of the educational project, in the terms established by the Organic Law 2/2006, of Education.

4. The curriculum of the training cycle regulated in this order will be developed in the didactic programs or curricular development, strengthening or creating the culture of prevention of occupational risks in the spaces where the different modules are delivered professionals, as well as promoting a culture of environmental respect, excellence in work, compliance with quality standards, creativity, innovation, gender equality and respect for equal opportunities, design for all and universal accessibility, especially in relation to people with disability.

Article 10. Adaptation to the educational environment.

1. Vocational training centres managed by the Ministry of Education shall develop the curriculum established in this order, taking into account the characteristics of pupils and the environment, in particular with regard to persons with disabilities. disability, in conditions of accessibility and with the necessary support resources to ensure that this student can heal these teachings under the same conditions as the rest.

2. Also, the lessons of this cycle will be taught with a flexible and open methodology, based on self-learning and adapted to the conditions, abilities and personal needs of the students, in order to allow the reconciliation of the learning with other activities and responsibilities.


Other offerings and mode of these teachings

Article 11. Distance offering.

1. Professional modules offered at a distance, when required by their characteristics, will ensure that students achieve all the objectives expressed in learning outcomes, through face-to-face activities.

2. The Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education shall take the necessary measures and shall give the precise instructions to the centres which are authorized to provide this training cycle under pressure for implementation and operation of the offer from the same distance.

3. Centres authorised to teach vocational training at a distance shall have appropriate curriculum materials which shall be adapted to the provisions of the fourth additional provision of the Organic Law No 2/2006 of 3 May 2006. Education.

Article 12. Combined offering.

In order to respond to personal needs and interests and to provide the possibility to reconcile training with work activity, with other activities or situations, the offer of these teachings for people adults and young people in special circumstances may be combined between face-to-face and distance learning systems at the same time, provided that the same modules are not cured in both modes at the same time.

Article 13. Offer for adults

1. The professional modules of this training cycle associated with the competence of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications may be the subject of a modular offer for adults.

2. This training will be developed with an open and flexible methodology, adapted to the conditions, capabilities and personal needs that enable them to reconcile learning with other activities and responsibilities, in compliance with the Chapter I of Title IV of Royal Decree 1147/2011, of 29 July 2011, replacing Royal Decree 1538/2006 of 15 December 2011 establishing the general organisation of the vocational training of the education system. In addition, such training shall be capitalizable in order to obtain a professional training certificate, in order to obtain evidence of the established access requirements.

3. In order to reconcile learning with other activities and responsibilities, the Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education may establish specific measures to comply with the provisions of Article 41 of Royal Decree 1147/2011, 29 July, replacing Royal Decree 1538/2006 of 15 December establishing the general management of vocational training in the education system and making it possible to offer face-to-face and distance training simultaneously.

4. In order to promote training throughout life, the Directorate-General for Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education may authorise the Provincial Directorates and the Ministry of Education to give them, in the centres of their competence, of professional modules organized in training units of shorter duration. In this case, each learning result, with its evaluation criteria and its corresponding block of contents, will be the minimum and indivisible unit of partition.

Additional disposition first. Authorization to impart these teachings.

The Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education will deal with the Directorate-General for Vocational Training with the authorization to provide the teaching of this training cycle, in full or in part, in In-person and distance-based arrangements, of the institutions that request it and comply with the requirements required under the current legislation.

Additional provision second. Implementation of these teachings.

1. In the course of 2012-2013, the first course of the training cycle referred to in Article 1 of this Order will be implemented and the lessons of the first course covered by the Organic Law 1/1990 of 3 October, of Ordination will be imparted. General of the Educational System, corresponding to the title of Superior Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems.

2. In the course of 2013-2014, the second course of the training cycle referred to in Article 1 of this order will be implemented and the second course teachings covered by the Organic Law 1/1990 of 3 October will be stopped General Management of the Educational System, corresponding to the title of Superior Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems.

Additional provision third. Linguistic enablement of bilingual teaching faculty.

Teachers who are to be taught in English must be in possession, before the date of commencement of each academic year, of the relevant language qualification, to which the Ministry of Education perform an enabling procedure before the start of each course.

Additional provision fourth. Training of bilingual teaching staff.

The Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education will schedule courses and training activities in the English language for all teachers of vocational training to be taught in professional modules. which may be taught in the English language, who will have the obligation to assist them until they obtain the required qualification. These measures shall apply until at least the year 2020.

The training to be offered will be three types:

a) Intensive training, through a course, preferably in face-to-face mode, during the month of September.

b) Long-term training throughout the school year, by means of a course that combines in-person and online form, which will be performed outside of the mandatory time in the training center. During the period of completion of the vocational training module in the workplace, this course will be intensified and will be carried out, as far as possible, within the required time of stay in the centre.

(c) Training in English-speaking country, through courses, which will be possible to include cultural visits and conferences, and which will be carried out at the end of the course after the completion of school activities in the training centres.

Single transient arrangement. Replacement of titles related to these teachings.

1. The students who, at the end of the school year 2011-2012, meet the conditions required to pursue the second course of the title of Superior Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems, covered by the Organic Law 1/1990, of October 3, General Management of the Educational System, and which has not exceeded any of the professional modules of the first course of the aforementioned title, will have two calls in each of the two successive years to be able to overcome these modules professional. After that period, in the 2014-2015 school year, the convalidations, for the superimposed modules, established in Article 15.1 of the Royal Decree 883/2011, of 24 June, for which the title of Superior Technician is established, will be applied. in Telecommunication and Informatics Systems, regulated by the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.

2. To the students who, at the end of the school year 2011-2012, do not meet the conditions required to attend the second course of the title of Superior Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems, covered by the Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 of October, for the General Management of the Educational System, will apply the convalidations set out in article 15.1 of the Royal Decree 883/2011, of 24 June, for which the title of Superior Technician is established in Telecommunications Systems and Computer, regulated by the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.

3. The students who, at the end of the school year 2012-2013, do not meet the conditions required to obtain the title of Superior Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems covered by the Organic Law 1/1990, of October 3, of Ordination General of the Educational System, it will have two calls in each of the two successive years to be able to overcome these professional modules, with the exception of the training module in the center of work for which a school year will be available supplementary. The students who have not obtained the title after that period have not obtained the title, for the modules they have exceeded, as set out in Article 15.1 of the Royal Decree 883/2011 of 24 June, establishing the title of Superior Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems, regulated by Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, of Education.

Final disposition first. Application of the order.

The Directorate-General for Vocational Training, in the field of its powers, is authorised to take the measures and to issue the necessary instructions for the implementation of the provisions of this order.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This order will take effect the day following your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, November 11, 2011. -Minister of Education, Angel Gabilondo Pujol.


Professional Modules

1. Professional Module: Configuring telecommunications system infrastructures.

Code: 0525.


(a) Characterisation of the common telecommunications infrastructure facilities for radio and television broadcasting signals:

ICT application, installation, and maintenance regulations.

Technical rule for RTV. Working bands. RTV channels to be distributed. Enclosures and records of ICT. Lower enclosure. Upper enclosure. Single enclosure. Equipping them.

Catch elements. Antennas. Types. Components. Accessories. Mechanical supports and accessories. Anchorages and rioysters.

Header items and items. Features. Identification of drawings and schemas.

The relationship of the header teams to the fetch sets. Electrical equipment: protection and grounding. FI amplifiers. Modulators. Broadband amplifiers. Others.

Identification of the different types of networks. Symbology of the elements. Signal distribution. Distribution network, dispersion network, and internal user network.

Distribution systems. Channelings and distribution infrastructure. Distribution by delivery men. Distribution by wrappers. Distribution by way boxes. Mixed distribution.

Types of ICT installations. Television and radio reception and distribution facilities. Internal telephony and intercom facilities.

Types of internal telephony and intercom facilities.

b) Configuring telecommunications infrastructures for radio and television broadcast signals:

Building features or installation urban complex.

Catch items: location on planes. Minimum distances to obstacles and power lines.

Calculation of the parameters of the common telecommunications infrastructures. Gain needed on the antennas. Signal levels in user takes. Parameters of the distribution system. Response.

Choosing the fetch elements according to the application regulations. Technical and functional characteristics. Gain needed on the antennas. Choice of the fetcher system.

Choosing header items and equipment according to technical characteristics. Signal processing.

Choosing the distribution system. Amplitude/frequency response. Attenuation of the distribution and dispersion network. Choice of network equipment. Amplification required. Choice of amplifiers.

Configuring the cabling. Short passive bus. Extended passive bus. Point-to-point.

Schemas in principle. Electrical schemes: general and related schemes. Assisted design application software for drawing drawings. Floor plans for building and construction elements.

ICT and REBT regulations. Application to the configuration of the installations.

c) Characterization of the common telecommunications infrastructure for access to basic telephony and digital networks:

Technical project. Related documentation.

Internal network. Identification of the sections that integrate it. Features. Access points to the user. Terminal access bases. Elements and equipment that make up the internal network.

Identification and characteristics of the link method to the building. Guided and unguided means. Entry goalies.

Input records. Location on planes. Symbology. Interpretation of plans.

Connection elements. Points of interconnection. Point of distribution. User access point. Terminal access point.

Elements and features of the integrated services digital network. Connection technical requirements.

Choice of Interphony Items. Video goalkeeping systems. Elements and equipment. Access control. Features. Types.

Interpretation of drawings. The location of the network elements.

d) Configuring telecommunications infrastructures for telephony service access:

Topologies according to type of building. Uses. Commercial premises. Offices. Blocks of flats. Single-family homes.

Analysis of the telephone needs of users. Consultancy. Operators ' services.

Determination of lines and uses. Identification of the access types.

Cabling for digital networks. Size of the networks. Short passive bus. Extended passive bus. Expansion forecasts.

Dimensions of the distribution network. Estimates of enlargement. Vertical forecasting.

Determination of the user's internal and dispersion networks. Dimensioned. Aspects to consider: stays, surface and others.

Network Terminals. Physical location. Identifying the location and interpretation of schemas.

Elements for access to the public telephone service. Reglettes. Accessories. Basic access equipment. Teams for primary accesses.

Elaboration of schemas. Application software. Telephony infrastructure element databases. Commercial catalogues. Handling.

e) Characterization of the common telecommunications infrastructure for access to the broadband telecommunications service:

Broadband networks for access to the telecommunications service. Topology. Definition. Features.

The link type of the broadband network. Guided and unguided means. Wiring. Features. Optical fiber. Telecommunications network operators. Wireless Fixed Access Service (SAFI) operators.

Identification and interpretation of plans and schemas of the records and enclosures of the broadband distribution network.

Methods and techniques for determining the connection elements in the final distribution points. Features. Types.

Methods and techniques for determining connection elements at network termination points. Features. Types.

Regulations and minimum telecommunications specifications in buildings.

f) Configuring voice and data network infrastructure with structured cabling:

Assessment of the needs of services. Information systems. Cable television. Alarms. Security. Others.

Future Extension Forecast. Dimensioned.

Interference over data networks. Interference-generating facilities.

Minimum separations and distances with other installations. Implementing rules.

Selection of computers and network elements. Channelings. Wired. Optical fiber. Distributors. Others.

Elements and equipment of the telecommunications enclosures. Features.

Equipment Distribution Schemes in racks. Items and equipment to be located. Accessories.

Security conditions in the telecommunications enclosures. Differentiated electrical connection. Stings in front of interferences. Uninterruptible power supply systems. Ventilation. Types of ventilation. Natural direct. Natural forced. Mechanical ventilation. Lighting. Features.

Elaboration of schemas. Application software. Database of voice and data network infrastructure elements. Commercial catalogues. Handling.

g) Determining the characteristics of electrical installations for telecommunications systems:

Elements and mechanisms in electrical installations. Application in enclosures of ICT. Electric conductors. Channelings. Types of receivers. Types of mechanisms.

Dimensioning the mechanisms and elements of the installation. Types and sections.

Command and protection devices. Function. Magnetothermic. Differential. Others. Features. Types. Magnetothermic firing curves. Differential shot curves. Sensitivity of differentials.

Common facilities in housing and buildings. Network of general services. Lighting. Protection Network.

Command and protection boxes. Distribution of items. Frame machining.

Standard and Standard Electrical Schemes. Typology. Representation of the location of the mechanisms and sockets in the telecommunications enclosures.

Standard symbology in electrical installations. Normalization.

Measuring Devices: Voltmeter, Amperimeter and Vatimeter. Measurement techniques.

Low voltage electrotechnical regulation applied to indoor installations.

2. Professional Module: Telecommunications Systems Elements.

Code: 0551


a) Characterization of Telecom Systems:

Basic telecommunications devices: amplifiers, mixers, and oscillators. Design considerations. Classification. Automatic gain control. Electronic frequency control: voltage-controlled oscillators and integrated oscillators. PLL: Basic configurations and applications. Analysis in small sign of PLL. Circuit blocks. Frequency synthesizers. Direct digital synthesis. Modulators. Demodulators. Impedance filters and adapters. Multiplexers. Detectors and error correctors. Others.

Power systems. Linear and switched power supplies.

Stand-alone systems. SAI, PV and others.

Electronic modulation. Analogue and digital modulations. Types, features, and applications.

Noise sources in electronic circuits. Distortion in circuits for communications. Harmonics. Compression of the gain. Crosmodulation and intermodulation. Interference.

Elements that are involved in a communications system.

Channels of communications. Features.

A/D and D/A converters for communications. Features.

Radiofrequency Transmitters and receivers. Types. Features.

Equipment and measurement techniques for radio frequency signals.

Viewing and analyzing input and output signals. Interpretation of results.

b) Determination of transmission/reception antenna characteristics:

Electromagnetic waves. Propagation of electromagnetic waves. Modes of terrestrial and satellite propagation.

The electromagnetic spectrum. Allocation of bands and services. Frequency allocation tables.

Parameters of the antennas. Definition and calculation. Density of radiated power. Radiation diagram. Directivity. Gain. Polarization. Impedance. Adaptation. Effective area and length.

Types of antennas. Applications. Features.

Elements of the antennas. Function. Accessories. Connectors and cabling.

Radiation Diagrams:

Transmit antennas. Features.

Receive Antennas. Features.

c) Evaluation of transmission-guided media capabilities:

Transmission of electrical signals. Pair of copper. Features and capabilities.

Transmission of electromagnetic signals: coaxial cable and waveguide. Applications and line types. Distribution of fields on the line. Modes of transmission. Features. Attenuation, working bands, maximum power and others.

Transmission of optical signals: optical fiber. Applications. Optical transmission. Types of transmission. Physics of light. Numeric opening and acceptance angle.

Mode of propagation of light in fiber. Composition of the fiber. Monomode and multimode. Cable composition.

Connectors and lines splices. Spenders. Cutting, polishing and mounting tools for fiber optic connectors. Fiber optic fuse. Types, features and applications. Line connector and connector mounting tools. Connectors. Connector assembly, welding and assembly techniques. Optical fiber splicing techniques. Chemical splicing. Merging optical fiber lines.

Attenuation and Loss.

d) Determining the quality of signals in telecommunications transmission lines:

Electrical signal measurement systems. Voltmeter, amperimeter and ohmeter.

Low-frequency signal measurement systems. Oscilloscope, frequencymeter, BF generator, audio spectra analyzer, sonometer, and others.

Radio Frequency Signal Measurement Systems. Spectra analyzer, RF generator, communications analyzer, and directional vatimeter.

Optical signal measurement equipment. Light signal generator, optical reflectometer and others.

Cable Testers.

Quality check parameters in telecommunications systems.

Measurement techniques: connection and configuration of equipment.

Interpretation of results. Quantitative and qualitative assessment.

Precautions and safety standards in the handling of measuring equipment.

e) Evaluation of the quality of audio and video signals:

Basic sound principles. Acoustic characteristics. Acoustic and electroacoustic phenomena.

Fundamental magnitudes of an audio signal: frequency, wavelength, intensity, power and sound pressure, and sound spectrum.

Measurement units: decibel. (fonio, dBspl, dBuV, dBv, dBm).

Response in frequency.

Scanning and encoding signals.

Digital signal parameters. Sampling frequency, word length, quantization error, and encoding.

Disturbances of a sound system, precautions, and operating requirements.

Equipment and measurement techniques for analog and digital sound signals.

Decomposition of the image, progressive and interlaced scanning. Luminosity and color.

More relevant features of the video signal. Tables, fields, and lines. Levels, synchronisms, and others.

Scanning images. Types of sampling and coding.

Digital Frame Training. Serial and parallel transmission.

The waveform monitor and the vectorscope in the control of the video signal. Parameters.

Disturbances that can affect a video system. Precautions and requirements for reliable operation.

Equipment and measurement techniques that are used in a video system.

3. Professional module: Computer systems and local networks.

Code: 0552.


a) Selecting Telecom Computer Equipment:

Characteristics and analysis of the IT needs of the telecommunication systems according to their environment.

Hardware architecture of a computer system. Servers. Structure. Features. Principles of operation. Topology. Different configurations. Current evolution and future trends in hardware devices.

I/O subsystems and bus systems. Typology.

Hardware elements of a computer system. Characteristics and typology. Operating principles.

Storage devices. Typology, installation and configuration. Network storage equipment.

Power supplies. SAI.

Software on a computer system.

Operating systems: concept. Evolution, characteristics and structure. Computer applications. Concept and classification.

Peripherals: features and typology.

Equipment and technologies applied to telecommunications computer systems.

b) Configuring Telecom Computer Equipment:

Technical documentation for the components. Device assembly procedure. Hardware device handling.

Phases of mounting computer systems. Interpretation of computer equipment assembly plans.

Assembly and assembly of internal and peripheral elements. Mounting tools.

Installing operating systems. Characteristics and types.

Installing computer system element drivers.

Configuring computer equipment.

Verification of the computer. Checking the connections. Diagnosis and measurement. Check elements. POST codes.

Control the process of installing and assembling elements of a computer equipment. Security rules.

c) Configuring computer systems for specific services and functions:

Configuring computer systems applied to telecommunications. Client-server architecture. Planning of services and functions. DHCP, DNS, http, and FTTP services, among others.

Administering and configuring operating systems. Service administration. Installation of programs. Process management. Resource management.

User management and permission administration. Management and file systems. LDAP. Task automation. Scripts. Batchs.

Operating system tools. Systems simulation and virtualization tools.

Software monitoring and implementation procedures. Deployment cycle: installation, configuration, verification, and tuning. Trends in operating systems. Parameters in a software installation process.

Telecom computer system verification techniques.

d) Data network integration:

Data networks. Elements of the network. Topologies and structure. Internet. Internet architecture and trends in networking.

Types of data networks. LAN, WLAN, WAN, and Internetworks. Ethernet. Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet. Other.

Description and frames.

Communication protocols and use of layered models. TCP/IP and OSI models. Application layer and transport layer. Application layer services and protocols. Functions of the transport layer. TCP and UDP protocol.

Network layer. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).

Network Planning. Structured cabling. Optical fiber. Routing. Subnets. Routing. Data and physical link layers. The data link layer: MAC Y LLC. The physical layer: signage and physical media.

Network electronics and auxiliary elements. Routers, hubs and switches, among others.

Configuring and monitoring the network. Configuring network devices. Monitoring.

e) Wireless network integration (WLAN):

WLAN Networks. 802.11 to, b, g, n, and other standards.

Wireless LAN components. Wireless NIC. Wireless access points. Aps. Routers.

Layout of a WLAN. Device and client software. Firmware.

Topologies. Ad-hoc. Infrastructure. Planning radio. Hedges and interferences.

Planning for WLAN. WLAN Association.

Device settings. Routers (AP). Wireless access points (AP, repeater, bridge, and WDS, among others).

Security and protection of wireless networks. Configuration. Denial of services (DOS). Attacks. Encryption systems. WEP. WPA. AES. Others. TKIP encryption algorithms, among others.

Wireless network verification procedures. Measurement techniques and apparatus.

f) You can service computer systems:

Verification and system tuning techniques. Identification of control points. Criteria and methodology.

Start-in-service plans for computer systems.

System parameter measurement techniques. Hardware and software monitoring tools.

Systems integration. Verifying the logical connectivity of the system elements. ICMP protocol. Monitoring. SNMP protocol.

Performance of systems and workloads (benchmarks). Simulation of equipment loads in production. Resource consumption.

Local network commissioning plans. Software applications.

LAN and WLAN network verification techniques. Performance. Monitoring.

Documentation. Worksheets.

g) Maintenance of computer systems and networks:

Typologies of the breakdowns. Procedures for action in the breakdown of systems or elements.

Software maintenance plans for telecommunications and local data networks. Execution of tasks. Basic concepts about security on operating systems. Virus attacks. Features, solutions, and diagnostic tools.

System Analysis Methods. Virtual, simulation and optimization tools. System upgrade techniques.

Diagnosis and location of breakdowns. Hardware tools, specific software, and system utilities. Monitoring techniques. Applications.

Equipment and element replacement techniques. Precautions. Verification of the compatibility of the substituted elements.

Software reinstallation.

Backup copies. Planning. Automation. Restore.

Documentation of breakdowns. Historical.

4. Professional module: Techniques and processes in telecommunications infrastructures.

Code: 0553.


a) Telecom system infrastructure repose:

Verification of data. Technical project. Memory. Verification of the specifications. Description of the services. Demand forecast. Others.

Description of the building. Enclosures. Characteristics of the enclosures by location domain. Entry tonnage. Point of entry. Lower enclosure. Upper enclosure. Single enclosure. Modular enclosure. Others.

Compliance with specifications in homes, block of flats and set of single-family homes. Topologies according to type of building. General scheme for housing groups. Blocks of flats. Single-family homes. Verification.

Verifying the plots of other installations. Intersite interference. Compliance with the specifications.

Placement and location of common items. Description and characteristics. Relationship to building standards applied to common facilities.

Contingency identification. Solution planning. Alternatives. Application rules.

Marking and drawing on drawings and works of the installation. Repose of the installation. Considerations. Conditions of work.

Specific rule of common facilities in buildings. Technical instructions of the REBT concerning common telecommunications facilities.

(b) Assembly of radio and television broadcast signal collection sets for terrestrial and satellite broadcasts:

Technical project. Memory. Checking the specifications.

Materials and tools for mounting antenna accessory elements. Masts. Turrets. Features. Types.

Media mounting techniques, accessories, and antenna attachment elements. Process. Results verification techniques.

Ground antenna assembly techniques for radio and television. Pointing and orientation of antennas. Process. Results verification techniques.

antenna assembly techniques for satellite television. Types and technical characteristics. Pointing and orientation of antennas.

Mount techniques for active and passive elements.

Electric Conexion. Takes of land. Features. Precautions.

Safety and risk prevention rules.

c) Header equipment assembly:

Installation techniques for bedside equipment for radio and television signals. Items to install. Description of operation. Placement and location of common items.

Header types. Selection of items. Features. Description of operation.

Header elements. Element assembly techniques. Converters, Separators. FI amplifiers. Modulators. Transmodulators. Others. Signal processing. Description of operation.

Team Conexion. Connection techniques. Features. Tools and tools. Connectors. Description.

Electrical equipment: protections and grounding. Power supply.

Verifying the features of the installation. Maximum level. Impedance.

Configuring the header elements. Local configuration. Remote configuration. Features and processes.

d) Installing the elements of the distribution network for radio and television signals:

Technical project. Memory. Checking the specifications.

Channelling check. External channeling. Link channeling. Principal. Secondary. Internal user. Records. Points of interconnection.

Transmission lines: optical fiber, coaxial cable, and twisted pair, among others. Standardisation. Characteristics of drivers employed in ICT. Types of drivers. Special features of drivers employed in ICT on the basis of the local type.

Distribution by deliverymen. Distribution by wrappers. Distribution by way boxes. Mixed distribution. Distribution equipment: deliverymen, wrappers, taking boxes and attenuators, among others.

User-take-mount techniques, bases, and access points.

Wiring connection techniques. Optical fiber. Connectors.

Verification techniques for the features of the installation. Checking and benchmarking.

Personal and team security rules.

e) Installing the common telecommunications infrastructure for access to the public telephone service available to the public:

Technical project. Memory. Checking the specifications.

Link method features of telecom operators. Description. Identification.

Elements for access to the public telephone service. Reglettes. Accessories.

Basic access teams. Primary access equipment. Features of the accesses. Basic. RDSI or primary access. Description. Identification.

Features of telephony elements and voice networks. Cutting and testing reglettes. User access points. Termination points. Distributors. Switches. Converters.

Cable individualization techniques for TR1 p.

Mount techniques for network termination records for basic telephony and ISDN. Description of elements. Identification.

Distribution points. Assembly techniques. Application of techniques.

Configuring the cabling. Short passive bus. Extended passive bus. Point-to-point.

Intercommunication and access facility assembly techniques. Items to install. Installation of automatic doormen. Cupboards. Accessories. Characteristics of the elements of interphony and video-potheria. Street plates. GSM gatekeepers. Access control modules. Camcorder modules. Video goalkeepers.

f) Broadband network infrastructure installation:

Technical project. Memory. Flat. Verification of the specifications. Description of the building. Description of the services. Demand forecast. Others. Verification.

Guided media. Features according to the application. Access to the broadband telecommunications service. Structured cabling. Specific connectors and connectors.

Cabling techniques on campus and building subsystems. Trunk, vertical and horizontal.

Characteristics of data network telephony elements. Reglettes. User access points. Termination points. Network electronics. Distributors. Switches. Converters.

Equipment assembly techniques in telecommunications enclosures. Installation of equipment in rack. Features. Accessories. Power.

Specific certification measures. Equipment and instruments. Techniques. Interpretation of results.

Elaboration of schemas. Application software. Technical documentation.

g) Verifying the operation of telecommunications system infrastructures:

Put into service plan. Protocol of measures.

Operating parameters in the ICT installations.

Measurement instruments and procedures in ICT facilities. Typology of measuring instruments. Computer tools.

Tuning and tuning. SMAT/CATV and telephony measures. Network amplitude/frequency response. S/N and C/N. Digital television signal measurements (BER, MER, echoes and constellations, among others).

Signal based on the orientation of the signal fetch elements. Techniques of appointing and orientation. Measures. Field meter. Satellite locator.

Tuning techniques locally and remotely. Verification of communication.

Significant parameters in the setting of ICT installations.

Measures and tests of operation in radio and TV infrastructures, telephony and voice and data networks. Parameters. Signal level. Channel amplitude/frequency response. Others.

Interpretation of results. Collation of values according to the technical documentation.

Regulatory verifications. Documentation.

h) Maintenance of telecommunications system infrastructure installations:

Detection of faults in telecommunications system infrastructures.

Measures procedures. Testing. Typology of the facilities to be maintained. Features.

Diagnostic and troubleshooting techniques. Replacing and configuring defective items.

Checking and restitution of service in telecommunications infrastructures in buildings. Control and verification techniques. Network and system monitoring techniques.

Maintenance plans in telecommunications infrastructure systems. Maintenance operations of radio and TV signal collection and distribution systems. Telephony available to the public and networks.

Documentation of the interventions made. Historical breakdowns.

i) Prevention of risks, safety and environmental protection:

Workplace risk prevention regulations for telephony systems.

Prevention of work risks in assembly and maintenance processes.

Personal protection equipment. Characteristics and criteria for use. Collective protection. Means and protective equipment.

Regulatory regulations in waste management.

5. Professional module: Audiovisual production systems.

Code: 0554.


a) Characterization of sound technical equipment:

Microphones. Types and technical characteristics. Dynamic microphones. Condenser microphones. Wireless microphones. Microphones electret. Phantom power. Directivity. Applications.

Sound processors. Amplifiers. Equalizers. Crossover filters. Effects generators and mixers. Others. Noise gates. Dynamic processors. Compressors and expanders. Telephone adapters and encoders. Mixers. Surround processors. Technical characteristics and sound quality parameters. Applications.

Recorders and audio players. Magnetic and optical recording. Digital audio compression. CD, MP3, DAT, and miniddisc systems. Recording on solid-state memories. Technical characteristics and quality parameters. Applications.

Acoustic speakers and diffusers. Dynamic, electrostatic and piezoelectric speakers. Sonorization horns. Types and technical characteristics. Applications. Acoustic boxes.

Interconnection of audio equipment. Interfaces. Lines and connectors of sound installations. Features and applications.

b) Configuring sound installations:

Centralized soundproofing systems. Header Equipment. Distribution in constant impedance and constant tension. 100V lines. Applications. Security and emergency address. Facilities in public buildings. Regulations.

Distributed sonorization systems. Central to sonorization. Power stages. Control controls. Distribution systems. Applications.

Audio installations for conferences and meeting rooms. Ring and star distribution. Automatic and priority amplifiers. Speaker and speaker posts.

Sound installations for shows. Selection of equipment.

Configuration of mixing tables. Auxiliary stitching and shipping.

Monitor tables. Monitoring and sonization for the public (PA). Monoamplified and multi-amplified sonorization. Clusters of voices. Linear arrays. Audio mixing software.

Sound installations for recording studios. Sound conditioning and insulation. Technical equipment. Multitrack recording systems.

Digital Control Consoles. Preamplifiers. Monitoring. Application software. System configuration.

Radio studies. Basic structure. Locus. Production control. Editing room. Central control. Acoustic and environmental conditioning.

Equipment and configuration. Mixing tables for broadcasting. Arrays and selectors.

Routing and pipeline of studies. Pipeline panels. Audio servers. Distribution of the service through data networks. Servers and streaming encoders. Connection to the sending center.

Acoustics of enclosures. Conditioning. Reverberation. Echo. Reflections. Sonorization in indoor and outdoor enclosures. Equipment and techniques for measuring acoustic parameters. Sonometer. Real Time Parser (RTA). Reverb meter.

Design of acoustic installations.

Choosing the technology and structure of the system. Sketch.

Calculation of acoustic installations. Reverb coefficients in rooms. RT60.

Association of speakers. Power of amplification.

Technical documentation of sound systems.

c) Characterization of video technical equipment:

analog and digital video technologies.

Analog video equipment connection formats and interfaces. Composite video. Y/C. Video by components. RGB.

Digital Video Equipment Connection Formats and Interfaces. SDI. HD-SDI. SDTI.

Digital Image Compression. MPEG and Wavelet systems. Firewire. Firewire 800. Firewire S1600 and S3200. Firewire S800T.

Television cameras. Types and technical characteristics. Block diagram. Camera control unit (CCU). Settings and settings. Connectivity. Applications.

Video monitors. Block diagram. Multiple monitoring systems. Connectivity. Applications.

Recorders and video players. Magnetic and optical recording. Analog and digital recording systems. Magnetoscopes.

DVD. Storage on computer support. Video servers. Performance and technical characteristics.

Synchronism generators, logos, and test signals. Video distributors. Matrices and selectors. Sequencers. Frame synchronizers. A/D converters Titters and effects generators. Video mixers. Edit drivers.

Image facility lines and connectors. Features and applications.

d) Configuring image installations:

Closed circuit television systems. Structure and equipment.

Television studios. Basic structure. Configuration.

Tv dishes. Types. Basic function and structure. Technical equipment. Configuration of camera for dish. Robotization of cameras. Monitoring. Teleprompters. Virtual scenarios. Types. Performance and technical characteristics.

Production control. Basic structure. Technical control of cameras and sound. Realization control. Equipment and configuration.

Postproduction. Editing. Types. Linear and nonlinear editing systems. Editing networks. Shared storage systems. Format change rooms. Operation, structure and equipment.

Technical central control. Continuity control. Automatic continuity systems. Operation, structure and equipment.

Computerized television systems. Workflow. Operation, structure and equipment.

Mobile TV units. Units ENG and DSNG. Light production units (EFPs and PELs). Large mobile units.

Design aspects. Structure and equipment.

Auxiliary installations on imaging systems. Lighting systems for television and shows. Lamps. Projectors. Suspension systems. Regulation and control systems. Analog and DMX control. Lighting control consoles. Splitters DMX. Technical characteristics and quality parameters.

Sound and intercom systems. Structure. Equipment. Two-and four-wire systems. Integration with image systems.

Needs and Conditioning Analysis. Decision parameters. Location of equipment and lines. Choice of technology and system structure. Sketch.

Selection of equipment in imaging systems. Analysis of benefits and needs. Cross-team compatibility.

Technical documentation of imaging systems. Memory. Equipment and line location plans. Block diagrams. Electrical schemes. Specific symbology. Lists of materials and connections. Installation plan for the installation.

e) Assembly of image and sound systems:

Specific assembly techniques. Interpretation of schemes and plans. Identification of the different systems to be installed. Identification of the equipment. Tools and tools for mounting. Specific tools (linelable for coaxial cable and spenders, among others). Wiring testers.

Location of equipment and lines. Repose of the installation. Completion of documentation. Location of loudspeakers and microphones. Rack mount. Grille and trust assembly. Attachment accessories.

Physical Conexion. Connectors, cables, and labeling. Welding and crimping. Cable management and sorting.

Monitoring mount programs on image and sound systems. Precautions in the assembly of audio and video lines. Reliability in the layout and connection. Prevention of interference by electric and magnetic fields. Minimum radius of curvature of wiring.

f) Puesta in service of image and sound systems:

Measurement equipment for sound systems. Sonometer. Real Time Parser (RTA). Analyser of audio spectra. Reverberation meter. Distortion meter. Cry and scintillating meter. RMS Voltmeter. Vumeter. Picometer. Oscilloscope. Multimeter. Low frequency generator.

Measures in sound systems. Power. Distortion. Signal levels. Response in frequency. S/n ratio. Time of reverberation in rooms (RT60). Equalization of rooms. Crosstalk.

Image Systems Measurement Equipment. Waveform monitor. Vectorscope. Spectra analyser. Oscilloscope. Adjustment letter generator.

Measures on image systems. Signal levels. Phase of chrominance. Response in frequency. Distortion. Relationship And/or C. Diagram of the eye. Signal/noise ratio (s/n). Jitter. Gamut. Ligthning pattern.

Planning for putting into service. Functional division of the installation.

Defining control points. Actions to be performed at each inspection point. Tracking of pattern signals. Functional check.

Configuring image and sound systems. Documentation analysis of manufacturers. Installing optional elements. Initial adjustments. Installation of application programs. Configuration of equipment and modes of work. Integration of audio, video and auxiliary systems.

Documentation for putting into service. Plan to put into service. The verification protocol. Commissioning report.

g) Maintenance of image and sound systems:

Preventive maintenance of image and sound systems. Checking for signal quality parameters. Cleaning of controls and controls. Periodic service adjustments. Cleaning of mechanical elements. Replacement of wear parts.

Elements and checkpoints and verification points. Service documentation for equipment manufacturers. Maintenance actions at each checkpoint. Tolerable values in the measures. Personal and system protection measures.

Preventive maintenance plan.

Typical breakdowns in image and sound systems. Electronic breakdowns. Breakdowns of mechanical origin. Breakdown by material fatigue. Disadaptations. Connection failures. Ties of land. Electrical and magnetic interference.

Location of faults in sound and image systems. Visual inspection. Interpretation of symptoms. Analysis of the operation of the facility. Scenario approach for possible causes. Verification measures. Diagnosis of causes. Location of the defective item. Verification of the cause of the breakdown. Replacement of defective items. Commissioning of the system. Performance check. Documentation of the intervention.

h) Prevention of risks, safety and environmental protection:

Workplace risk prevention regulations for common image and sound infrastructures.

Prevention of work risks in assembly and maintenance processes.

Personal protection equipment. Characteristics and criteria for use. Collective protection. Means and protective equipment.

Regulatory regulations in waste management.

6. Professional Module: Telematic Networks.

Code: 0555.


a) Configuring routers:

A router function in a data network.

Hardware and software items that make up a router.

Transmission media used in the interfaces of a router. Regulations.

The router boot protocol. Modification of the startup sequence. Visual information in routers. Leds on the router.

router access modes. Web mode. Access by console. Normal user mode, privileged user mode, global configuration mode. Other accesses.

Basic configuration of a router. Name of the router. Welcome message. Password privileged mode. Access and password per console. Access and password for vty terminals. Access by the auxiliary port. Configuring the interfaces.

Domain Name Server (DNS). Configuration of static routing. Default routes. Summary of routes. DHCP, operation, and configuration.

Advanced settings. Routing protocols. Typology. Features.

Remote vector routing protocols (RIP, among others). RIP version 1. RIP version 2. Features. Differences. Configuration commands. Fault detection and resolution.

Link status routing protocols (OSPF, among others). Features. Configuration commands.

Routing between non-class domains (CIDR).

Routing. Variable-length subnet mask (VSLM).

Test and router verification commands (ping, traceroute and telnet, among others). Detection and resolution of failures. Debug commands on the router. Debug.

b) Implementation of virtual local access networks:

Virtual local access data (VLAN) networks. Definition. Types. Hardware equipment. Switch.

Logical elements that make up a switch. IOS. Configuration files. VLAN files.

Visual elements of switch information. Leds on the switch.

Basic configuration of a switch. Modes of operation of the switch. Storage and shipping. Method of cutting. Types of switching. Symmetric. Asymmetric. Access modes to the switch.

Verifying the configuration.

MAC Address Table. Basic administration of a switch.

Switches interconnect. VLAN trunk links. Protocol spanning tree. Configuration. Verification. Administration.

VLAN Pipeline. Interconnect Router.

c) Implementing WAN networks:

WAN physical layer. DCE and DTE. Point of demarcation. CSU/DSU. Modem. X25 and ATM.

Data Link Protocols. HDLC, ATM, PPP, and Frame Relay.

Dedicated links: E1, E3, ISDN, RTB.

Internet connection: DSL (DSLAM), WIMAX, LMDS, satellite and UMTS (3G). Modem cable. Wireless. Ethernet Metro.

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). Layer architecture. Physical, LCP, and NCP.

Authentication protocols in PPP. PAP and CHAP. Setting up PPP and troubleshooting.

Frame Relay, technology and history. Virtual circuits: VC and DLCI.

Frame Relay Topologies. FR configuration: LMI and reverse ARP. Static maps. Divided horizon. Subinterfaces.

DHCP: operation. Manual, static and dynamic allocation. Difference with BOOTP. DHCP configuration: server and client.

Public and private routing: NAT and PAT. Configuring NAT. Static. Dynamic.

Port rerouting.

Verifying WAN connections. Access speed control.

Documentation of the interventions.

d) Puesta en service telematic networks:

Associated electrical installations. Electrical circuits. Protective elements. Uninterruptible power systems.

Pipeline elements. Connectivity verification techniques for switches, routers, hubs, and bridges.

Architecture and hierarchical network models. Aggregate connectivity, network diameter, and redundancy.

Converged network. Characteristics and typology. Services. Devices for data, voice, and video.

Network certification. Teams. Procedures. Parameters. Documentation.

Integration of computer and peripheral equipment. Printing equipment. Network storage systems. Others.

Installation and configuration procedures for computers and software in WLAN and WAN networking environments. Routing. Configuring network connection elements. Conflict resolution.

Administering the network with SNMP.

Connection checking techniques with external, wired, and wireless networks. Verification software tools. Parameters: speed, traffic, and signal levels. Others.

Put into service of telematic networks. Parameters. Configuration tools and operating tests. Sequencing of the phases of the assembly. Location of the equipment and items.

Inspection points and parameters to be controlled. Preparation of the commissioning documentation. Records and records. Standardized symbology in data network facilities.

e) Application of network security techniques:

Network security. Terms. Crimes.

ISO/IEC 27002 regulations.

Network protection methods. Identification of vulnerabilities. TCP/IP, OS, and equipment weaknesses.

Security threats. Types of attacks on networks: recognition, access, DoS, DdoS. Others.

Security administration in the routers. Password encryption. Access restrictions. SSH connections.

Nullifying services and interfaces.

ACL access control lists. Features. Types: standard, extended, named and complex. Configuring the different types of ACLs. Verification. Problem detection and resolution. Extended and complex.

IPsec Protocol. Features. Source data authentication, (Authentication header AH). Security by encapsulating transfers, (Encapsulating Security Payload, ESP). Implementation.

Security in VPN networks. Features. Authentication devices. Types. Components. Configuration. VPN tunneling. Data integrity.

Comprehensive perimeter protection plan for networks. Equipment and features of intrusion detection systems. Remote access. Perimeter security: basic elements of perimeter security. Demilitarized zones (DMZ).

Firewall. Traffic filtering.

Documentation of the interventions made.

f) Telematic network maintenance:

Failures in data networks. Types, routing, routing, data traffic slowdowns, and others. Features. Breakdowns in electronic elements. Software breakdowns.

Elements and checkpoints and verification points. Maintenance actions at each checkpoint. Verification of security. Device checking.

Monitoring tools: features. Service, host and network monitoring. Frame capture applications (sniffers).

Network Parsers. Complex monitoring macrosystems. Free SW based monitoring systems. Nagios. Administering the network with SNMP.

IPv4 and IPv6 protocols, among others. Importance and characteristics. Unicast IPv6. Transition from IPv4 to the 6.

Routing with IPv4, IPV6, and RIPng, among others. Configurations.

Hardware and software breakdown detection. Procedures. Analysis of network nodes, interlinking equipment, and user terminals, among others. Replacement and configuration of defective items. Updating hardware and software items. Testing and commissioning of the telematics network.

Documentation of the interventions. History of breakdowns.

7. Professional module: Radio communications systems.

Code: 0556.


a) Characterization of transmission systems for radio and television:

Transmission modes. Simplex, semi-duplex and duplex transmission. Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint transmission.

Analog modulations. AM and FM. DBL, BLU, and BLV.

Digital Modulations. ASK, PSK, FSK, QAM, and QPSK.

Transmission with COFDM Multiple Carrier.

Broadcast with widened spectrum.

Bands and broadcast services. National frequency allocation table.

Analog radio systems. Stereophonic transmission.

Digital radio systems. DAB, IBOC, DRM, and DRM +.

Television systems. PAL and DVB.

Radio frequency communication networks. Broadcast network. SFN and MFN. Synchronization problems. Contribution network. Closed group networks (trunking).

Analog and digital issuers, receivers, reissuers, and radio links. Block diagram. Types, features, and applications.

Transmission lines for radio frequency. Types, features and applications. Standard cables and connectors.

RF multiplexers, combinators, and distributors.

Automatic switching systems. Types, features, and applications.

Connection interfaces and auxiliary elements.

Antennas and radiating systems. Types, features, and applications.

Parameters in radio frequency systems. Direct and reflected powers, s/n and c/n, ROE, BER, MER and PIRE, among others.

Regulations and standards. Regulation of radio and television transmission systems. Electrotechnical low voltage regulation. General Law of Telecommunications. National technical telecommunications plan.

b) Setting up fixed installations and mobile units:

Setting up radio frequency networks. Orographic analysis. Determination of coverage zones. Structure of the network. Traffic analysis. Choice of number and type of links. Scheduling of frequencies and channels.

Design of radio emitting systems. Legal and technical conditions. (PRA, terrain orography, accessibility, electrical supply and minimum signal in the coverage area). Choice of site. Calculations of the effective height of the antenna and transmitter power.

Design of television issuers and remitters. Technical constraints (signal received at the site, terrain orography, accessibility, electrical supply and minimum signal in the coverage area). Choice of the location and structure of the antennas. Calculations: receiver antenna gain on the transmitter and power of the transmitter.

Layout of radio links. Technical constraints (signal received at the site, terrain orography, accessibility and electrical supply). Choice of location, frequency and power of the radio link.

Coverage emulation and RF network planning software.

Radio links. Equipment for emitters, reemitters and repeaters: Modulators and transmodulators. Channel processors. Amplifiers. Filters and multiplexers. Feeders. Accessories.

Antennas. Configuration of radiating systems. Selection parameters. Bending moment calculation in masts.

Choice of equipment. Databases and manufacturers.

Structure of a radio frequency emitter center. Main and reserve technical equipment. Telecontrol systems. Power systems. Electrical installations, protections and associated circuits. Autonomous generators. Uninterruptible power supply systems. Photovoltaic systems.

Electrostatic Protection. Environmental conditioning. Ground, lightning, lightning, and interferences. Cooling of equipment and air conditioning.

Mobile radio communications units. Issuers, remitters and mobile radio links. Radio links via satellite, UMTS and IP. DSNG drives. Structure and technical equipment.

Technical project. Memory. List of connections. List of materials. Administrative documentation required to perform the installation.

c) Installation of radio and television signal transmission systems:

Specific assembly techniques. Tools and tools for mounting. Specific tools.

Installing the masts and fixing the antennas. Antenna alignment and orientation.

Transmission lines. Connectors. Cables and Labelling. Physical connection. Welding and Spent.

Mount of brackets and attachment elements.

Electrical Installations, Protections, and Associated Circuits. Autonomous generators. Uninterruptible power supply systems. Photovoltaic systems.

Connection of broadcast and broadcast equipment. Trunk network. Measuring instruments and auxiliary technical means.

Assembly monitoring and control programs. Documentation for the mount.

d) Verification of the operation of emission and transmission systems:

Put-in-service protocols.

Installation and utilities software.

Telecontrol teams. Remote access and control software.

Equipment Manuals and Manufacturers.

Equipment security protocols.

Equipment of measurement of radio frequency transmission systems. Directional vatimetro. Communications analyzer. Spectra parser.

Measures and checks: measurement procedures and techniques.

Quality measures and parameters. Response in frequency. Bandwidth. Direct and reflected powers. ROE. Distortions. Intermodulations. Measures of echoes. Relations S/N, C/N and SINAD. BER. MER. Constellation measurements.

Power system measures. Earth and insulation measures.

Configuring automatic switch equipment. Routing. Loads.

Connection and system disconnect procedures.

Installation procedure for the installation. Regulatory measures and verifications.

e) Maintenance of transmission systems:

Classification of breakdowns according to the system. Power. Modulation. Amplification. Problems with cables and connectors. Welding and crimping. Fiber optic breakages and splices.

Tools and instrumentation applied to maintenance. Parameter metrics.

Typical breakdowns in radio communications systems.

Operating parameters.

Preventive maintenance. Scheduled operations. Criteria and review points (Power, ROE, VER and MER, among others).

Inspection and evaluation of the system. Telemedide systems.

Take action and remote support procedures.

Remote access and control software. Warning/alarm reception and management systems.

Corrective maintenance. Diagnostic techniques and location of faults. Diagnostic software. Replacement of elements of the installations. Compatibility of equipment and items.

Tuning and tuning.

Stop and service of equipment.

Quality in interventions.

Personal and team security rules. Protection, signalling and safety measures.

Documentation on the maintenance of radio communications systems. Equipment manufacturers ' manuals.

Installation service and maintenance manual. Typical fault databases.

Historical breakdowns. Parts of intervention.

f) Prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection:

Workplace risk prevention regulations for radio communications systems.

Factors and situations of risk.

Protection media and equipment.

Prevention and collective protection.

Regulatory regulations in waste management.

Classification and storage of waste.

Treatment and collection of waste.

8. Professional Module: Integrated Systems and Digital Home.

Code: 0557.


a) Characterization of Digital Home Infrastructure (IHD):

Digital application levels in smart buildings and digital home. Basic, intermediate and superior. Scalability and extensions. Associated services. Security, environment control, leisure and entertainment, communications and interactive access. Components of the service. Modes and technologies that support them.

Internal network structures. Domestic area network (HAN). Data network for management, control and security (TGCS). Access Control Network (ACN). Others. Topologies and uses. Convergence with the elements of the ICT. Connections and channelings. User takes. User optical drive.

Features and functionalities of services. Service aggregator, telecom operators, and service providers.

External networks. Broadband connection. xDSL, FTTH, WiMax, and UMTS. Other.

Data interconnect buses (USB, FireWire, and others). RS-485. Specific buses. Others. Systems. Protocols.

Remote access media and equipment. Features.

Criteria for selecting interfaces and residential gateways. Types. Multi-service gateway, control gateway and entertainment gateway. Local and remote servers.

Implementing regulations for smart building areas and systems. Regional legislation. Municipal ordinances. Other.

b) Integration of multimedia and network communications systems:

Features of audio and video streaming. Codecs. UDP, RTP, and RTSP transmission protocols. Streaming on demand. Pay-per-view systems. Configuring services for a single program (SPTS).

Multi-program services (MPTS multicast service). SDTV standard or HDTV high definition. Storage and video servers. VidCast.

Audio by IP. Stream sources. StreamNet protocols. Analog or digital audio converters to IP streams. DAB-IP tuners. Media servers. Interfaces for centralized and zoning control.

Audio IP Amplifiers/decoders. Embedded web servers. Power systems. EIM expansion bus.

Integration with multimedia services. Multimedia servers. Music and video distributors. Home cinema.

IPTV. Features. Bandwidths. DVB to IP gateways. Streamer DVB-T to IP and streamer DVB-S to IP. A/V to IP converters. Accessories. Configuration software.

Configuring streamers for header stations: Web interface for module configuration. Configuration using TELNET. Network. IP routing.

Determination of programs and services to be disseminated. Inserting SAP and SDP protocols.

IPTV installation. DVB-T headers to IP and DVB-S to IP. CAM Modules (Conditional Access Modules). Power. Elements of ventilation and protection. FO trunks. Switches GB. IPTV receivers. Set-Top Box (STB) for IPTV.

IPTV Display Interfaces. Video On Demand (VoD) decoders. UPnP compatible devices. DLNA compliant standard. Others. Device management.

Video playback software. Formats.

Access to audiovisual content. Multimedia Gateway. Technical characteristics. Configuration.

Interfaces. Interactive television systems. Types of interaction. Structure of the network. TV systems for mobile receivers. Digital signage systems. Equipment for digital signage.

Configuring fixed and mobile communications devices unified. Videoconferencing. Telephony. E-mail. Chat. Multimedia messages. Video mailbox. Others.

c) Installing security systems:

Equipment and security elements, wired and wireless, and alarm centers. Sensors and detectors. Types and characteristics. Smoke, gas, water and CO detectors. Sirens and wailing. Communication buses.

Programming of alarm centres, (intrusion and techniques, among others). Remote monitoring and control software. Configuration.

Configuring integration modules in LAN and WAN networks. Concepts of encrypted security protocols. (SSL and Secure Socket Layer, among others).

Installation of CRA management programs (central alarm receiver). Implementing rules. Private Security Law. Organic Data Protection Act (LOPD). Other.

Configuration of transmission equipment (via satellite, GSM/GPRS and TCP/IP, among others). Standard security application protocols, Contact IDs and SIA, among others.

Transmission of satellite alarm signals. Teams. Satellite constellations. Reception in earth stations. Forwards to security servers. Networks and protocols. Web monitoring of satellite signals. Forwards to the central alarm receiver (CRA). Configuration of the transmission and reception network. Signal receiving and decoding software. Server configuration. Routing. Decoding and interpretation. TCP/IP transmission, RTC, via radio and GSM. Others.

Integration of positioning and tracking systems. Control centres. Configuration of the transmission media, GSM/GPRS, satellite and wifi, among others.

Elaboration of documentation. Application software.

d) Integration of CCTV systems, access control and smart video:

Network Feature Identification Techniques. Traffic analyzers. Network testers. Verification of topologies and user takes. Support services.

Video surveillance systems. Analogue cameras. Monitors. IP cameras. Configuration. Optics and accessories. Telemetry systems. Access controls. Biometric identification systems. Credential systems. Accessories.

CCTV management and control software, access control and smart video. Network integration. Basic and advanced configurations. Configuration of biometric systems. Remote reader settings.

Configuring digital, direct (DAS and DVR), network shared storage (NAS) and network storage (SAN) systems, among others. Recording modes: continues, by event and time. Others.

Configuring communication servers and computers. Network integration. Configuring wireless devices.

Configuring mobile display and control devices. Integration with wireless networks: WiFi, WiMax, UMTS, among others. Installing operating systems.

Elaboration of documentation. Application software.

e) Integration of automation devices:

Convergence of services in smart buildings. Basic automation. Integration with different systems.

Sensors and actuators. Transducers. Types. Basic principles of operation. Receivers. Connection of IP and non-IP elements and devices. Features. Specific elements of each area. UPnP devices. Configuration of control and automation networks. Domotic buses (Konnex, LonTalk, Zigbee, LCN, and others).

Connection of switchboards and management modules. Connection of sensors and actuators. Management of electrical devices.

Implementation of control gateways. Application and configuration software. Specific interfaces. Open software gateways (OSGI). Application to control and automation systems. Application server function.

Configuring OPC (OLE for Process Control) servers. Remote access systems. Fixed and mobile access through public networks. Remote control interfaces and telecontrol.

Technical documentation: drawing up schemas and related lists. Application software.

f) Maintenance of integrated digital home systems:

Hardware and software breakdown detection. Procedures. Replacing and configuring defective items.

Checking and restoring the service of integrated systems in smart buildings. Control and verification techniques.

Network and system monitoring techniques. Network probes.

Maintenance plans in smart building systems. Maintenance operations on CCTV systems, access and security systems, among others.

Documentation of the interventions made. Historical breakdowns.

g) Prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection:

Risk identification.

Determination of occupational risk prevention measures.

Prevention of work risks in assembly and maintenance processes.

Personal protection equipment. Usage characteristics and criteria.

Collective protection.

Compliance with workplace risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations.

9. Professional Module: Management of Telecom Facilities Projects.

Code: 0601.


a) Identification of the technical-administrative documentation of the facilities:

Preliminary draft or basic project.

Project types.

Basic documents. Memory. Flat. Others. Specifications. Budgets and measures. Electrical and connection schemes.

Starting documentation, calculations, tables, and catalogs, among others.

Studies with own entity (prevention of occupational risks, environmental impact, energy quality and efficiency, among others).

Regulations on common infrastructures for telecommunications services in the interior of buildings (ICT). Processing and legalization.

Installation and verification certificates.

End-of-play certificates. Instruction manuals.

b) Elaboration of telecommunications facility plans and schemes:

Types of installations. Spaces and enclosures. Application symbology.

Building Project Plans. Topographic plane. Drawing plane. Longitudinal and transverse profiles. Type sections.

Electrical schemas: general and related.

Recommendable Scales. Systems of representation. Formats.

Plant plans. Situation plane.

Crooked and Schemas. Schemes of principle. Floor plans for building and construction elements.

Computer-aided design. User interface. Start, organization, and save. Control of the drawing views. Choice of the work process. Creating and modifying objects. Annotation of drawings. Drawing and publication of drawings.

General representation rules. Margins and box in the planes.

Basic concepts of normalized views. Plan folding recommendations.

Normalized symbology. Legends. Descriptive drawings of the installation.

c) Elaboration of Telecom Facilities Budgets:

Technical documentation. Interpretation of technical specifications.

Determination of units of work.

Measurements. Techniques.

Installation mount operations. Times. Mounting conditions.

Own and foreign resources. Assessment.

Price Tables. Handling of commercial catalogs and manufacturers ' databases.

Valuations by items. Cost analysis. Labor, materials, and resources costs.

Computer programs for budgeting.

Maintenance plans. Valuation. Cost study. Materials and resources.

d) Planning for provisioning for assembly and maintenance:

Project Parties applicable to the provisioning of assembly and maintenance.

Provisioning of telecommunications facilities. Methods. Provisioning processes. Provisioning planning techniques.

Flowcharts. Detection of needs in the provisioning of equipment and elements. Purchase specifications.

Critical provisioning points. Forecasts. Alternatives.

Encoding rules. Installation element encoding techniques. Traceability of materials. Stock control.

Identification of mounting and maintenance phases for provisioning. Interpretation of technical documentation. Determination of materials for each phase.

Resources and technical means. Subcontracting of activities. Transport elements.

Features of the maintenance plan. Forecast of materials. Resources and media.

Provisioning plan elaboration methods.

e) Planning to mount telecommunications installations:

Telecom projects. The project.

Technical and regulatory features for mounting.

Identification of the installation phases for the mount. Milestones. Network diagram of the project. PDM and ADM. Others. Sequencing of the mounting processes.

Identification of the needs for each stage of the assembly. Relationship of tasks. Estimate of duration of activities.

Determination of resources and material and technical means. Subcontracting of activities. Methods of allocation. Tools, equipment, and elements in the installation of installations.

Identification of critical activities and paths. Critical points. Planning techniques applied to the installation of installations.

Assignment of times and processes. Diagrams. GANTT. Follow-ups of activities. Workload control. Time limits for implementation. PERT techniques.

Prevention rules. Security. Means of protection to apply.

Contingency resolution.

Methods of drawing up mount plans.

f) Elaboration of manuals and documents:

Prevention Plan. Measures in the assembly and maintenance. Implementing rules.

Emergency Plan. Guidelines for action. Assessment of emergency situations. Safety and security equipment. Signage and alarms. Basic safety studies.

Quality Plan. Quality in the execution of installations or systems. Quality in maintenance operations. Quality management regulations. Interpretation and assessment of results. Quality assurance. Definition of corrective actions.

Environmental management plan. Environmental impact studies. Environmental management regulations.

Waste storage. Traceability procedures.

Crafting manuals. Service Manual. Technical specifications of the elements of the installations.

Service and Maintenance Manual. Start-up conditions.

Test protocols. Commissioning protocols. User manuals.

Memory document. Annex of calculations. Structure. Features.

Structure. Features.

Computer applications for documentation processing.

g) Planning for the maintenance of telecommunications facilities:

Points that can be maintained in telecommunications installations. Types and features in each installation.

Provisioning schedule. Reception of materials. Approvals.

Maintenance types: preventive and corrective. Predictive Maintenance Evolutionary Maintenance. Others.

Maintenance planning techniques. Manufacturer Maintenance Instructions.

Adjustment parameters for maintenance improvement.

Using manufacturers catalogs for compatibility determination. Manufacturers ' instructions. IT tools for the organization of maintenance and control of breakdowns.

Basic contents of a maintenance plan (general data, needs, schedule of revisions and spare parts, and calendar of actions, among others).

Detection and control of maintenance process indicators and acceptance criteria.

Quality rules applicable to maintenance plans. ISO9000 standards.

Human and material resource management techniques.

Computer tools for human and material resource management.

Methods of crafting maintenance plans.

Waste Management. Waste management plan.

Management procedures and indicators.

h) Application of assembly and maintenance management techniques:

Interpretation of mount and maintenance plans. Plan execution.

Mount advance control. Verification. Control and documentation.

Staff management techniques applicable to assembly and maintenance. Rules of application in the subcontracting of services.

Material and Element Management. Provisioning.

Control indicators for assembly and maintenance. Techniques and means of control.

Assembly and maintenance management procedures.

Application regulations for assembly and maintenance processes. Autonomic and local.

10. Professional module: Fixed and mobile telephony systems.

Code: 0713.


a) Setting up fixed telephony systems:

Public communications networks. Network model. Transport layer: sublayers of transit, access, and client. Control layer. Services tier.

Switching, routing, and telephone signaling. QoS. Traffic. Functions. Switching equipment. Extensions, lines, and links. Terminals.

Transmission in telephony. Media and equipment.

Analog transmission and digital transmission. Types and modes. Transmission lines and means. Typology and features.

Regulation and access modes. Local telephony, cable and broadband. Unbundled, shared, and high-speed access.

Telephony service providers.

Access technologies and interfaces. Cable. HFC (fiber hybrid and coaxial). Copper pairs. Analog and digital lines. Hierarchies (narrow and wide band). xDSL. Fibre. FTTx, ATM, SDH and PON. Radio, WLL (wireless local loop) and DECT. Measures.

Signaling. Measures. Regulations.

Access Network Terminals. Basic access. Primary access. PTR, S0, TR1 (narrow band and broadband) and Splitter's. E1/T1.


User line. Topology. Structures. Connectivity. Connection accessories.

regulations. User Network.

Basic switching.

Private switching centres: composition. Additional services. Teams.

Terminals. Fax. Operation and fields of application. PABX centralites. Markup plan.

Wireless Centralites. Types. TECT. Base station planning. GSM links. Line simulators. Terminals. Services.

Graphical representation of telephony systems. Symbology.

b) Configuring voice telephony over IP:

Computer applications for VoIP. Basic administration. Files and commands.

Basic network aspects: cable types and interconnect devices (network electronics, gateways).

Telephony and IP networks. The TCP/IP protocol features of the VoIP. Applications. Value added services.

VoIP Telecom Services Analysis. Operators and customers Generalities.

Open protocols for signaling. Network audit. Characterization of the human voice. Encoding and decoding algorithms (Codecs). Features. Voice quality in VoIP.

VoIP communication protocols. H323. SIP. IAX. Others. Configuration. Features.

Real-time transport and IP networks. RTP and RCTP. RTP and NAT.

PBX for IP telephony. Software PBX.

Proxies and routers. IP routing. Configuration of routers. Network electronics. Configuration.

Quality assurance of a VoIP system. Security analysis on the VoIP network. Security on the terminals and servers.

Cards, adapters, and terminals. IP phones. Gateways (gateways) and adapters.

c) Characterization of radio communications systems for telephony:

Specific regulations and regulations. Frequency allocation table. Levels of exposure and radication of radio emissions. Service quality tracking.

Radio communications systems. Features. Protocols.

Mobile and fixed networks. General architecture. Network architecture by layers. Technologies and services. TETRA Standard. PMR/PAMR. LMDS/WIMAX. TMA GSM. TMA DCS 1800. IMT2000/UMTS. Others.

Security in communications. Inhibition systems. Detection systems.

Access networks via radio on fixed land services. Telephone base stations. Transportable base stations. Analog and digital radio links.

Satellite telephony. Constellations. Features. Satellite infrastructures. Earth plants. Terminals. Operators and services.

Associated installations. Radiating systems. Features. Continuous and alternate feeding systems. Specific power equipment. Uninterruptible power supply systems. Solar panels and solar panels. Converters. Batteries. Loading methods. Cooling and ventilation systems.

Physical interfaces. Radio interface. Interfaces for different cable transmission means.

Configuring radio communications equipment for telephony. Control software. Radio communications equipment manuals.

Fixed and mobile radio communications networks. Features.

Remote access systems and computers. Telecontrol. Wired and wireless modems. Configuration.

d) Installing base stations:

Tools and mounting media for base station installations.

Interpretation of plans for the repose. Location of equipment.

Mobile and cellular telephone equipment assembly. Base stations. Cells and microcells. GSM/GPRS/UMTS. Physical connection. Antennas. Remote access transceivers. TETRA radio equipment. Racks. Radiant system. Accessories. Auxiliary elements. Remote access modems.

Base Station Specific Cabling. Types and characteristics. Connectors and accessories.

Physical reconion of base station equipment. Interfaces. Duplexers. Adapters. Power systems.

Fixed and mobile network transmission media. Connectorization. Network electronics. Reglettes. Accessories. Tools and tools.

Configuring radio communications equipment and networks (cellular telephony). Control software. Radio communications equipment manuals. Configuration parameters and tools on fixed and mobile networks.

Monitoring and control techniques for mounting. Application of quality and safety plans.

Mount documentation. Minutes of repose.

e) Installing telephony systems:

Tools and media for telephony installations.

Interpretation of plans for the repose. Location of equipment.

Physical Conexion of Telephony Systems. Network interfaces and terminators. Centralites. Fixed and wireless terminals. Converters (Gateway). Analog adapters.

Fixed and mobile network transmission media. Connectorization. User networks. Network electronics. Reglettes. Accessories. Tools and tools.

Installing telephony systems. Possibilities offered by the integration of telephony systems. Techniques for the integration of telephony systems. Programming of equipment and terminals. Adaptation of transmission lines. Service providers. Connections.

Cell Centralites (DECT). Terminals. Antennas. Power systems.

Setting up services in terminals and terminals. Routing Association. Configuration software. Security in wireless communications. Inhibitors.

VoIP software. VoIP clients. Software phones (softphone). Web phones (webphone). Mobile phones. Other mobile devices. Configuration. Recognition of mobile device operating systems.

Installing satellite telephony systems. Physical connection. Terminals. Antennas. Fixed bases. Antenna adapters. Features. Verification methods.

Configuration and routing of satellite terminals. Parameters.

Convergence of satellite telephony with cellular telephony and ToIP.

Telecom operators. Services. Service configuration.

f) Puesta in service of telephony facilities:

Instrumentation. Features. RF spectrum analyzer and ROE meters. 2G, 2.5G, 3G, UMTS and WIMAX radio communications analyzer. Traffic analyzer and protocols. Others.

Telephony system verification techniques.

Basic configuration parameters for fixed and mobile telephony systems. Programming, configuration and control software.

Local and remote configurations. Display of signage and traffic. Network probes.

Telephony measures. Display of signals. Display and metrics of network terminators and telephony interfaces. Display and analysis of protocols. Traffic monitoring.

Verification techniques for fixed telephony and VoIP functionality. Levels and protocols. Local mobility DECT. Local mobility with ToIP mobile devices.

Measures in cellular base stations. Transmission. Switching. GSM/GPRS/UMTS radio equipment. Signal levels. Radiation. Exposure. Areas of coverage. TETRA equipment. Portable and mobile terminals. Configuration. Association.

Documentation for putting into service telephony systems. Test sheets and acceptance.

g) Maintenance of telephone systems and installations:

Maintenance plans. Implementing techniques. Inspections and periodic reviews. Resources and resources. Quality control.

Maintenance of telephony systems. Function, objectives and types. Impact on the service. Maintenance companies. Organization.

Type breakdowns in telephony facilities. Symptoms and effects. Preparing maintenance jobs in telephony facilities.

Parts of breakdowns. Organisation of interventions. Proposals for modification and improvement.

Troubleshooting techniques in telephony systems. Display and interpretation of alarms. Remote accesses and telecontrol.

Diagnosis and repair of breakdowns. Verification teams. Protocol analysis. Network traffic. Visual inspections.

Measures and trials. Signal levels. Coverage. Level sampling. Interference and disturbances. Types. Features.

Equipment replacement. Compatibilities. Adjustments. Parameter measurements. Measuring instruments.

Reset functionality. Commissioning protocols.

Maintenance documentation. Historical breakdowns. Software update record.

Security and quality in the maintenance of telephony systems.

h) Prevention of risks, safety and environmental protection:

Workplace risk prevention regulations for telephony systems.

Prevention of work risks in assembly and maintenance processes.

Personal protection equipment. Characteristics and criteria for use. Collective protection. Means and protective equipment.

Regulatory regulations in waste management.

11. Professional module: Telecom and IT systems project.

Code: 0558.


a) Identification of the needs of the productive sector and the organization of the company:

Identification of job roles.

Industry structure and organization.

Company activity and its location in the industry.

Organization chart of the company. Functional relationship between departments.

Industry trends: productive, economic, organizational, employment and other.

Work procedures in the company scope. Systems and methods of work.

Determination of excluded labor relations and special labor relations.

Collective agreement applicable to the professional field.

Company culture: corporate image.

Quality and security systems applicable in the industry.

b) Design of projects related to the sector:

Analysis of the local reality, the business offer of the sector in the area and the context in which the professional training module will be developed in the workplace.

Collecting information.

The overall structure of a project.

Crafting a work script.

Project execution planning: objectives, content, resources, methodology, activities, timing, and evaluation.

Project Feasibility and Opportunity.

Review of applicable regulations.

c) Planning for project execution:

Sequencing of activities.

Elaboration of work instructions.

Making a risk prevention plan.

Documentation required for project execution schedule.

Compliance with safety and environmental standards.

Project quality assurance indicators.

d) Defining control and evaluation procedures for project execution:

Proposal for solutions to the objectives outlined in the project and justification of the selected ones.

Defining the project evaluation procedure.

Determining the variables that can be evaluated.

Documentation required for project evaluation.

Process and end product quality control.

Log of results.

12. Professional module: Training and employment orientation.

Code: 0559.


a) Active job search:

Assessment of the importance of continuing training for the career and professional career of the senior technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems.

Analysis of personal interests, skills and motivations for the professional career.

Identification of training itineraries related to the top technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems.

Responsible for learning itself. Knowledge of the requirements and expected fruits.

Definition and analysis of the professional sector of the title of Superior Technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems.

Planning your own career:

Setting work goals, in the medium and long term, compatible with needs and preferences.

Realistic and consistent goals with current and projected training.

Job search process in small, mid-sized, and large companies in the industry.

Learning and employment opportunities in Europe. Europass, Ploteus.

Job search techniques and instruments.

Self-employment assessment as an alternative for professional insertion.

The decision-making process.

Setting a personal checklist of consistency between career plan, training, and aspirations.

b) Conflict management and work teams:

Valuation of the advantages and drawbacks of the team work for the organization's effectiveness.

Equipment classes in the telecommunications sector according to the functions they perform.

Analysis of the training of work teams.

Features of an effective work team.

The participation in the work team. Analysis of the possible roles of their members.

Conflict definition: features, sources, and stages of the conflict.

Methods for conflict resolution or suppression: mediation, reconciliation, and arbitration.

c) Job Contract:

The right of the job.

Intervention of public authorities in industrial relations.

Analysis of the individual labor relationship.

Determination of excluded labor relations and special labor relations.

Hiring contract modes and promotion measures.

Rights and duties arising from the employment relationship.

Working Conditions. Salary, work time and work rest.

Modifying, suspending, and extinguishing the work contract.

Representation of workers.

Collective bargaining as a means of reconciling the interests of workers and employers.

Analysis of a collective agreement applicable to the professional scope of the superior technician in Telecommunications and Informatics Systems.

Collective conflicts of work.

New work organization environments: subcontracting and teleworking, among others.

Benefits for workers in new organizations: flexibility and social benefits, among others.

d) Social Security, Employment and Unemployment:

The Social Security System as a basic principle of social solidarity.

Structure of the Social Security system.

Determination of the principal obligations of employers and workers in the field of social security: affiliation, ups, downs and contributions.

The protective action of Social Security.

Classes, requirements, and benefits.

Concept and situations that are protected by unemployment.

Systems of workers ' advice regarding their rights and duties.

e) Professional risk assessment:

Importance of preventive culture at all stages of professional activity.

Assessment of the relationship between work and health.

Analysis and determination of working conditions.

The concept of professional risk. Risk factor analysis.

Risk assessment in the company as a basic element of preventive activity.

Risk analysis linked to security conditions.

Risk analysis linked to environmental conditions.

Risk analysis linked to ergonomic and psychosocial conditions.

Specific risks in the telecommunications sector.

Determination of the possible health damage to the worker that can be derived from the identified risk situations.

f) Planning for risk prevention in the enterprise:

Rights and duties in the field of occupational risk prevention.

Responsibilities in the field of occupational risk prevention.

Managing prevention in the enterprise.

Representation of workers on preventive matters.

Public bodies related to the prevention of occupational risks.

Planning for prevention in the enterprise.

Emergency and evacuation plans in work environments.

Elaboration of an emergency plan in a small or medium enterprise in the sector.

g) Application of prevention and protection measures in the enterprise:

Determination of individual and collective prevention and protection measures.

Action protocol in an emergency situation.

First. aid. Medical urgency. Basic concepts.

Application of first aid techniques.

Training for workers in the field of emergency plans.

Surveillance of workers ' health.

13. Professional module: Enterprise and entrepreneurial initiative.

Code: 0560.


a) Entrepreneurship Initiative:

Innovation and economic development. Main features of innovation in the activity of telecommunications (materials, technology and organization, among others).

Entrepreneurial culture as a social need.

The entrepreneurial character.

Key factors for entrepreneurs: initiative, creativity and training.

Collaboration between entrepreneurs.

The performance of entrepreneurs as employees of a telecommunications-related company.

The performance of entrepreneurs as entrepreneurs in the telecommunications sector.

The risk in entrepreneurial activity.

Concept of entrepreneur. Requirements for the exercise of business activity.

Personal goals versus business goals.

Business Plan: The business idea in the telecommunications domain.

Good practices of entrepreneurial culture in the activity of communications and at the local level.

b) The company and its environment:

Basic company functions.

The enterprise as a system.

The overall business environment.

Analysis of the overall environment of a telecom-related company.

The company's specific environment.

Analysis of the specific environment of a telecom-related company.

Relationships of a telecommunications company with its environment.

Relations of a telecommunications company with the whole of society.

Company culture: corporate image.

Social responsibility.

The Social Balance.

Business ethics.

Social responsibility and ethics of companies in the telecommunications sector.

c) Creating and starting a company:

Company concept.

Enterprise Types.

The responsibility of the owners of the business.

Taxation in companies.

Choice of the legal form. Dimension and number of partners.

Administrative formalities for the formation of a company.

Economic Viability and Financial Feasibility of a Telecom-Related Company.

Analysis of sources of financing and budgeting of a communications-related company.

Aid, grants and tax incentives for telecommunications-related SMEs.

Business plan: choice of legal form, economic and financial feasibility study, administrative procedures and management of grants and grants.

d) Administrative function:

Concept of basic accounting and notions.

Accounting operations: recording the economic information of a company.

Accounting as a true picture of the economic situation.

Analysis of accounting information.

Corporate Tax Obligations.

Requirements and deadlines for the filing of official documents.

Administrative management of a telecommunications-related company.

14. Professional module: Training in job centres.

Code: 0561.


a) Identification of the structure and business organization:

Telecom industry structure and organization.

Company activity and its location in the telecommunications sector.

Organization chart of the company. Functional relationship between departments.

The company's logistics organization. Suppliers, customers, and marketing channels.

Work procedures in the company scope. Systems and methods of work.

Human resources in the enterprise: training requirements and professional, personal and social skills associated with different jobs.

Quality system set in the job center.

The security system set in the job center.

b) Application of ethical and labour habits:

Personal Attitudes: empathy and punctuality.

Professional attitudes: order, cleanliness, responsibility and security.

Attitudes to the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

Hierarchy in the enterprise. Communication with the work team.

Documentation of professional activities: methods of classification, coding, renewal and elimination.

Recognition and application of internal company rules, work instructions, standard work procedures, and others.

c) Determination of the characteristics of the facilities from a given preliminary or given conditions:

Identify application regulations.

Elaboration of schemas and sketches of installations or systems.

Dimensioning of equipment and elements that configure the installations.

Selection of approved equipment and accessories.

Planning for the mount.

Delineated installation plans.

d) Planning for installation of installations:

Identification of stages of the installation process.

Establishment of labor units and human and material resources.

Specifying the means of work, equipment, tools, and tools of measurement and testing.

Provisioning plans and storage conditions for equipment and materials.

Mount costs from units of work.

Technical assembly specifications and test protocols.

Service instruction and facility maintenance manuals.

Risk prevention regulations.

e) Monitoring the assembly of installations and/or systems:

Interpretation of the technical documentation, recognizing the elements, their function and their disposition in the installation of the facilities.

Selection of tools and material required, interpreting the installation mount plan.

Checking installed equipment and accessories as prescribed in the mount plan.

Techniques and mounting finishes relating to anchorages, connections, programming and machining, among others.

Security Plan.

Quality system procedures.

Criteria of respect for the environment.

f) Realization of the commissioning or service of facilities and equipment:

Start-up plan for facilities and equipment.

Selecting appropriate tools and instruments.

Operation sequence of the installation's control, security, and receiver elements.

Programming, regulation, and calibration of items and equipment.

Verifying the installation's operating parameters.

Using hand tools, computing, and tools for proper commissioning.

Safety, quality and regulatory standards in place.

Technical-administrative documentation required for commissioning.

g) Control of facility maintenance interventions:

Identification of the maintenance type.

Intervention processes by interpreting maintenance programs.

Stocks in the storeroom.

Defining required tasks, times, and resources.

Selecting appropriate tools and instruments.

Electrical consumption and operating parameters.

Technical documentation required to ensure the traceability of the actions.

Computer applications for maintenance planning.

h) Monitoring for breakdown and malfunction repair on equipment and installations:

Interventions from the maintenance plan.

Symptoms of breakdowns or dysfunctions through the measurements performed.

Proposal for possible causes of the breakdown and their impact on the installation.

Localization of the breakdown according to the specific procedures for diagnosis and localization.

Selecting tools and instruments.

Dismantling according to established guidelines, with safety, quality and respect for the environment.

Replacing or repairing the broken elements.

Fulfillment of the documentation set in the maintenance programs.


Sequencing and weekly hourly distribution of professional modules

Top Grade Forming Cycle: Telecommunications and Informatics Systems


Duration (hours)

First course


Second course

2 quarters (h/week)

1 quarter (hours)

0525. Configuring telecommunications system infrastructures



0551. Telecommunications system elements



0552. Computer systems and local networks



0553. Telecommunications infrastructure techniques and processes



0601. Telecom facility project management



0713. Fixed and mobile phone systems



0559. Job training and guidance




reserved for the imparted module in English



0554. Audiovisual production systems



0555. Telematics networks



0556. Radio systems




0557. Integrated systems and digital home



0560. Enterprise and entrepreneurship












0561. Job center training



0558. Telecommunications and computer systems project



in the formative cycle






Modules capable of being imparted in the English language

0525. Configuration of telecommunications system infrastructures.

0552. Computer systems and local networks.

0553. Techniques and processes in telecommunications infrastructures.

0554. Audiovisual production systems.

0555. Telematics networks.

0556. Radio communications systems.

0557. Integrated systems and digital home.

0713. Fixed and mobile telephony systems.


Minimum spaces and equipment


Form Space


30 pupils

20 pupils







Systems Lab






Minimum Equipment:

Training Space

Aula technique.

Projection system

computers and with Internet access.

Telecommunication installations simulation and calculation programs.

Frequency. B.F. RF Generator Generator.

Spectrum Analyzers.

Power Meters. ROE Meters.

and logical tools for diagnosing computer equipment breakdowns.

Computers and workstations: motherboard, memory, microprocessor, hard disk, DVD reader-recorder, card reader, graphics card and others. Cables and accessories

and output peripherals (monitor, keyboard, mouse, printers, speakers, and others)

Cables for connection between computers and peripherals (RS232, Centronics, USB, and IEEE1394, among others)

Modular cards for computer equipment (video, audio, modem, ethernet, wi-fi, and specific controllers, among others)


Software for Computer Equipment Configuration

Software on Computer Equipment: Antivirus, firewall and anti-spies.


Professor Computer.

Projection System.

Tools manuals for mechanical and electronic jobs

Field Meters and Probes and Digital Modulation Parsers

Satellite Locators (finders).

and satellite radio and television captadoras antennas

Torres, masts, and mechanical accessories.

Amplification headers

Processors: RF preamps, frequency converters, modulators, interior amplifiers. Transmodulators, line amplifiers.

and digital television and radio receivers, terrestrial and satellite television

Passive elements: distributors, wrappers, mixers, separators, filters, and user-taking boxes

Multiswitches for distribution network.

control software.

Facilities Design Software.


Vatimetros directional. ROE meters.

monitors for digital signal

waveform monitors

Software for video and audio

radio frequency signals and parameters


and mobile network radio communications equipment.

stations for radio communications

and television receiver teams.

Radiolinks and repeaters.

Radiating systems: distributors, towers, and accessories antennas

Installation Software and Radio Equipment Utilities

radio equipment management software

GSM/GPRS modems.

access teams.

for jobs in height.

protection and security equipment and items.

Spectra and communications analysers.

line measurement teams

electro-optical converter

splicing, testing, and measures for fiber optic installations

Cells wireless


TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) digital communications equipment

and mobile cellular repetitors.

Systems Lab.


Projection system

Residential gateway teams.

MPTS Multicast

Audio Converters to IP streams.

IP Audio Decoders

CCD Analog Chambers, microamaras and web server wifi transmitters.

Infrared foci.

Video monitors.

Video and telemetry matrices, telemandos, and motorized positioners

Teams and video distributors for video UTP cable transmission and telemetry.

Videorecorders audio and video digital.

Remote display software by TCP/IP and GSM/GPRS.

wired and wireless IP cameras.

Smart Video Software.

Alarm Transmitters via satellite

Satellite alarm signal receiving and decoding software

Technical alarm teams and line simulators.

GSM/GPRS and TCP/IP remote control teams.

Alarm-receiving central control

Biometrics readers and loggers. Registration software

Access control software.

Cable and Wireless Microphones. Accessories.

Analog and digital mixing tables, for live applications and broadcast.


Multi-effects digital processors.

Signal Distributors.

Audio switching matrices.

Low impedance Amplifiers

Power stages.

Passive and auto-amplified acoustic boxes

Control and Blend


MIDI drivers.

Dispersion BUS intercommunication teams.

Security and Emergency Address Equipment

Modules for industrial and VoIP address. Microprocessed control systems

100 V. Line Amplifiers

Projectors and Exponential Horns

Analyzers audio spectrum.

Field Meters Magnetic.

Acoustic parameter measurement teams

acoustic parameter display and analysis software.

Cable testers.

Codifiers MPEG.

Codifiers and streaming servers.

Chambers of study and ENG. Camera control units (CCU)

Intercommunication systems for television studios.

The_table_table_izq"> Switch Panels (patch panel), arrays, and video selectors.

Video Mixers. Video effects generators. Titlers

Video servers. Storage raids. Linear and nonlinear editing systems

Light Projectors. Foci. Robotized heads. Lighting controllers. Dimmers. DMX Distributors.

Editing and Equipment Software

Instrumentation for telematics networks (activity monitor, error rate meters, protocol analyzer, reflectometer, network analyzer, and optical power meter

Network Teams: hub, switch, router, point wireless access, VoIP interface, and fiber optic adapter, among others

VoIP phones.

Operating systems for network servers.

Software analysis of protocols.

Simulation software, control, and data network configuration

-purpose Aula.

Projection system.

Internet computers and with Internet access.

Telecommuting and simulation software installations.

Computer-aided design (CAD) programs



Audiovisual Equipment