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Royal Decree 1535/2011, Of 31 October, For Which A Certificate Of Professionalism Of The Professional Family Health Included In The National Repertoire Of Certificates Of Professionalism Is Established.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1535/2011, de 31 de octubre, por el que se establece un certificado de profesionalidad de la familia profesional Sanidad que se incluye en el Repertorio Nacional de certificados de profesionalidad.

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Law 56/2003, of 16 December, of Employment, establishes, in its article 3, that it corresponds to the Government, on a proposal of the current Ministry of Labour and Immigration, and prior report of this Ministry to the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Industrial Affairs, the elaboration and approval of the regulatory provisions in relation to, among others, occupational and continuing vocational training in the State field, as well as the development of such management.

Article 26.1 of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003, following the amendment by Royal Decree-Law 3/2011 of 18 February 2011 of urgent measures for the improvement of employability and reform of policies In the field of employment, it is concerned with the vocational training subsystem for employment, in which, since the entry into force of Royal Decree 395/2007 of 23 March, which regulates it, the arrangements for vocational training in the field of employment have been integrated labour-training and continuing training. This subsystem, according to the legal provisions laid down in the Organic Law of the European Communities, of Qualifications and Vocational Training, will be carried out in the framework of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training. of the National Employment System.

For its part, the Organic Law of June 19, the Organic Law of 19, understands the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training as the set of instruments and actions necessary to promote and develop the integration of offers of vocational training and the assessment and accreditation of professional skills. The main instruments of this System are the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the procedure for recognition, evaluation, accreditation and registration of the same. Article 8 of the Organic Law of 19 June provides that certificates of professional competence prove the professional qualifications of those who have obtained them and that they will be issued by the competent administration, with a view to official and valid throughout the national territory. In addition, Article 10.1 indicates that the General Administration of the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.30. and 7. of the Constitution and after consulting the General Council of Vocational Training, shall determine the qualifications and certificates of professionalism, which shall constitute the offers of vocational training referred to in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.

The National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, according to Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 1128/2003 of 5 September, which regulates the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, in the wording given to the By the same token, Royal Decree 1416/2005 of 25 November provides the basis for drawing up the training offer leading to the acquisition of vocational training qualifications and certificates of professionalism and the modular training offer. the cumulative associated with a competition unit, as well as other training offers adapted to collectives with specific needs. In accordance with Article 8.5 of the same royal decree, the training offer of certificates of professionalism shall be in accordance with the minimum quality indicators and requirements which guarantee the fundamental aspects of a system. training, to be established by mutual agreement between the educational and labour administrations, after consultation of the General Council for Vocational Training.

Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, governing certificates of professionalism, as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December 2010, defines the structure and content of certificates of professionalism, from the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the guidelines laid down by the European Union, and provides that the State Employment Public Service, with the collaboration of the National Focal Points, will develop and update the certificates of professionalism, which will be approved by royal decree.

On the other hand, in the new wording of article 11.2 of the recast text of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, introduced by Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of employment Young people, the promotion of stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme of vocational retraining of people who wear out their unemployment protection, the new contract for training and apprenticeship is regulated in which it is establishes that the qualification or professional competence acquired through this new figure The contract shall be accredited through, inter alia, the certificate of professionalism or the cumulative partial certification.

In this regulatory framework it is appropriate for the Government to establish a certificate of professionalism of the professional family Health in the professional area of Health Services and Products and which will be incorporated into the National Directory of certificates of professionalism by levels of professional qualification in the light of the professional competence required by the production activities, as set out in Article 4.4 and in Annex II to Royal Decree 1128/2003, previously cited.

In the process of drawing up this royal decree has issued report the General Council of Vocational Training, the General Council of the National Employment System and has been informed the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Labor.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Labour and Immigration and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of 28 October 2011,


Article 1. Object and scope of application.

This royal decree aims to establish a certificate of professionalism of the professional family Health that is included in the National Directory of certificates of professionalism, regulated by Royal Decree 34/2008, of 18 January, by which certificates of professionalism are regulated, as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December.

This certificate of professionalism is official and valid throughout the national territory and does not constitute a regulation of professional practice.

Article 2. Certificates of professionalism that are established.

The certificate of professionalism that is established corresponds to the professional family Health and is the one that follows, the specifications of which are described in the annex that are indicated:

Professional family: SANITY.

-Single Attachment. Tanatopraxia. Level 3.

Article 3. Structure and content.

The content of the certificate of professionalism responds to the structure set out in the following sections:

(a) In paragraph I: Identification of the certificate of professionalism

(b) In paragraph II: Professional profile of the certificate of professionalism

(c) In paragraph III: Training of the certificate of professionalism

(d) In paragraph IV: Prescriptions of trainers

e) In paragraph V: Minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment

Article 4. Requirements for access to the training of certificates of professionalism.

1. The competent labour administration shall be responsible for verifying that the trainees have the training and professional qualifications to take advantage of the training in accordance with the terms set out in

following paragraphs.

2. In order to qualify for the training of the training modules for certificates of professionalism in vocational qualification levels 2 and 3, students must meet one of the following requirements:

a) Be in possession of the Graduate Degree in Secondary Education Required for Level 2 or Bachelor's degree for Level 3.

b) Be in possession of a certificate of professionalism of the same level of the module or training modules and/or the certificate of professionalism to which you wish to access.

(c) Be in possession of a level 1 certificate of professionalism of the same family and professional area for level 2 or of a level 2 professionalism certificate of the same family and professional area for level 3.

d) Meet the academic requirement of access to mid-grade training cycles for level 2 or higher grade level 3, or have exceeded the corresponding access tests regulated by the administrations education.

e) Having passed the university access test for over 25 years and/or 45 years.

f) Having sufficient training or professional knowledge to enable training to be used.

Article 5. Trainers.

1. The requirements for training and professional experience for the delivery of the certificate of professionalism are those set out in paragraph IV and must be complied with both in face-to-face and at a distance.

2. In accordance with Article 13.3 of Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, they may be recruited as experts for the provision of certain training modules as specified in paragraph IV of the Annex, qualified professionals with professional experience in the scope of the competition unit to which the module is associated.

3. In order to prove the required teaching competence, the trainer or expert must be in possession of the certificate of professionalism of occupational trainer or equivalent training in didactic training methodology for adults.

The requirement set out in the preceding paragraph will be exempt:

(a) Those who are in possession of the official university degrees of graduate in Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy or Master in any of their specialties, of a graduate degree in the field of the Psychology or Pedagogy, or an official postgraduate degree in the fields mentioned above.

b) Those who hold an official university degree other than those referred to in the preceding paragraph and who are also in possession of the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude or Professional Specialization Didactics and the Certificate of Pedagogical Qualification. In addition, the holders of the Master's Master's degree for the exercise of the regulated Professions of the compulsory secondary education and the secondary school, vocational training and the official schools of the Languages.

(c) Those who credit a proven teaching experience of at least 600 hours in the last seven years in vocational training for employment or the education system.

4. Training and experience in this mode, in the use of information and communication technologies, together with the specific requirements set out for this type of training, should be provided by trainers who provide distance learning. certificate of professionalism. To this end, the competent authorities shall develop specific programmes and actions for the training of these trainers.

Article 6. Contracts for training and learning.

The training inherent in contracts for training and apprenticeship shall be carried out, on the basis of alternance with paid employment, in the terms laid down in the regulatory development referred to in the Article 11.2 (d) of the recast of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, as drafted by Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme for the retraining of people who have exhausted their unemployment protection.

Article 7. Distance learning.

1. Where the training module includes distance learning, it shall be carried out with didactic supports authorised by the competent labour administration to enable a system-based learning process for the participant to be met by the accessibility and design requirements for all and will necessarily be complemented with tutorial assistance.

2. Training modules which, in their entirety, are developed at a distance will require at least one final test of an in-person nature.

Article 8. Centers authorized for your partition.

1. Training centres and institutions which provide training leading to a certificate of professionalism must comply with the requirements of trainers and the minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment. established in each of the training modules which constitute the certificate of professionalism.

2. The training inherent in the contracts for training and apprenticeship carried out under the scheme of alternance with paid employment shall be provided in the training centres of the network referred to in the fifth supplementary provision of the Organic Law of June 19, of the Qualifications and Vocational Training, previously recognized by the National Employment System.

Article 9. Correspondence with vocational training qualifications.

The accreditation of the units of competence obtained through the improvement of the professional modules of the vocational training diplomas will provide the effects of exemption of the module or training modules of the certificate of professionalism associated with such units of competence established in this royal decree.

Single additional disposition. Level of certificates of professionalism in the European Qualifications Framework.

Once the relationship between the national qualifications framework and the European qualifications framework is established, the corresponding level of the certificate of professionalism set out in this royal decree will be determined in of the European Qualifications Framework.

Single transient arrangement. Contracts for training in force.

The theoretical training of contracts for training agreed prior to the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of (a) stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme of vocational retraining of persons who have exhausted their unemployment protection shall be governed by the laws or regulations in force on the date on which they were concluded.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This Royal Decree is dictated by the powers conferred on the State in Article 149.1.1., 7. and 30. of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State exclusive competence for the regulation of the basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spaniards in the exercise of rights and in the fulfilment of constitutional duties; labour law; and the regulation of conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving of academic and professional qualifications and basic standards for the development of Article 27 of the Constitution, in order to ensure compliance with the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

Final disposition second. Regulatory development.

The Minister of Labor and Immigration is authorized to dictate how many provisions are necessary for the development of this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on October 31, 2011.


The Minister of Labor and Immigration,




Denomination: Tanatopraxia

Code: SANP0108

Professional Family: Healthcare

Professional area: Healthcare products and services

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

SAN491_3: Tanatopraxia. (RD 140/2011 of 4 February)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1605_3: Apply transient preservation techniques or embalming of the carcass with biocidal products.

UC1606_3: Perform restores and rebuilds on dead bodies.

UC1607_2: Apply aesthetic techniques for the presentation or exposure of the corpse.

UC1608_3: Perform tissue extractions, prostheses, pacemakers, and other contaminant devices from the corpse.

UC1609_3: Manage relational skills and techniques to deliver tanatopraxia service.

General competition:

Develop and apply methods for sanitizing, transient conservation, embalming with biocidal products for this use, restoration, reconstruction, and aesthetic care of the corpse, as a support for its presentation, In accordance with the hygiene and health standards and mortuary health care; to carry out the extractions that are formally requested; respecting the different religious rites and managing relational techniques and skills to provide the service tanatopraxia.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in the funeral sector, in the healthcare sector and in public sector bodies and institutions, private companies or in a liberal way. Performs his or her work autonomously or on behalf of others.

Your professional activity is subject to regulation by the competent Administration.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in: Funeral sector: tannatories and funeral homes. Health sector and medical examiner. Sub-sectors: health centres; anatomic-training centres; homes; nursing homes and geriatric centres; tissue banks and organ donations and research centres.

Relevant Occupations and Jobs:



5892.1014 Embalsamer

Funeral Services Coordinator

Duration of the associated training: 520 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1605_3: Transitional conservation and embalming of carcasses with biocidal products. (170 hours)

-UF0473: Processes and techniques for the preservation or embalming of carcasses with biocidal products. (90 hours)

-UF0474: Management of tanatopraxia activity. (80 hours)

MF1606_3: Restoration and rebuilding in dead bodies. (40 hours)

MF1607_2: Tanatoaesthetics. (30 hours)

MF1608_3: Extracts of tissues, prostheses, pacemakers, and other contaminants in the body. (30 hours)

MF1609_3: Management of relational skills and skills for the delivery of a tanatopraxia service. (90 hours)

MP0103: Tanatopraxia non-working professional practice module. (160 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 3

Code: UC1605_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria:

RP1: Check the documentation and identity of the corpse before starting the application of transient conservation and embalming techniques to ensure that both are matched.

CR1.1 The personalized information referred is identified to confirm the identity of the corpse and check the indications of their family members or legal status.

CR1.2 The cause of death check is performed through the appropriate certificate or alternative legal document to be able to adjust the technique to be used with the state of the body or to avoid disease transmissions.

CR1.3 The appropriate official or family authorization document is verified to confirm its existence, thus ensuring that the required authorization is always worked out.

CR1.4 The technique that is not authorized by the family but is considered necessary according to the regulations for the preservation of the body, communicates to the family so that, after identification, it can authorize it and that the job to perform meets legal requirements.

CR1.5 The causes of death and infectious diseases of the deceased are identified, in consultation with the death certificate or alternative legal document, taking, in any case, personal protective measures for the prevention of occupational risks.

CR1.6 The professional tanatopractor report is completed for the record of the work done.

RP2: Verify the availability of the material resources established in the work procedures for the preservation or embalming of the body.

CR2.1 The tanatopraxia room is enabled with the maximum guarantees of cleanliness, hygiene, comfort and safety, in accordance with the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

CR2.2 The disposable material or, failing that, non-disposable material is used with cleaning guarantees or sterilized in the appropriate cases to ensure protection against possible infections.

CR2.3 The work area is checked to be in hygienic condition and, failing that, cleaning and disinfection is done before starting the storage or embalming work of the body to work in safety and hygiene conditions.

CR2.4 The injection machine and the hydro-vacuum cleaner are proven to work to avoid problems during storage or embalming.

CR2.5 The preservative products, in accordance with the current regulatory framework of the evaluation process for the registration, authorisation and placing of biocidal products on the market, are found to be available and prepared as indicated in the working procedures for use at the appropriate time.

RP3: Apply storage techniques or embalming of the carcass through arterial via a late non-traumatic to temporarily avoid decomposition.

CR3.1 The area of access to the vascular circuit is chosen with technical and aesthetic criteria, depending on the type of clothing, mortaja or habit, in order to camouflage as far as possible the dissection performed.

CR3.2 The stiffness of the arms, hands and legs joints is eliminated by applying the technique established in the standard working procedures to ensure the transit of the preservative fluid (biocidal product).

CR3.3 The arteries and veins determined by the technique used are extracted, having them for injection of the preservative fluid via arterial and venous drainage to preserve the body.

CR3.4 Liquid and gas remaining in the chest and abdomen of the carcass are extracted to prevent biological degradation by applying the conservative liquid (biocide) of cavities to ensure sanitation and conservation. of the body.

CR3.5 The sutures on the incisions are made by achieving the hermeticity to avoid loss of preservatives and taking care of the aesthetics.

CR3.6 Occupational hazards are prevented by applying standards and protocols in conservation techniques or body embalming to prevent personal injury.

CR3.7 The rules or customs derived from different religious rites apply in each case out of respect and consideration to the corpse, to their relatives and to the different cults.

CR3.8 The ethical obligation to keep professional secrecy and the confidentiality of data is fulfilled throughout the process out of respect for the deceased and his or her family members.

CR3.9 The findings obtained in the body preparation process that could suggest legal action are brought to the attention of the judicial authority using the established channels.

RP4: Keep the bodies that have suffered trauma, following established work procedures, to temporarily avoid their decomposition.

CR4.1 Arteries are located by extracting them out to allow for the introduction of the preservative (biocide).

CR4.2 The preservative (biocide) is applied manually in the areas where the arteries are not located, to get the liquid to penetrate the tissues and prevent degradation.

CR4.3 The organs and viscera are removed outside the chest and abdominal cavities to proceed with their grooming.

CR4.4 The chest, abdomen, and previously extracted organs and viscera are cleaned and then the preservative agent (biocidal product) is applied to ensure its preservation.

CR4.5 Sutures are performed by looking after aesthetics and impermeability to improve body presentation.

CR4.6 Occupational hazards are prevented by applying standards and protocols in conservation techniques or body embalming to prevent personal injury.

RP5: Apply manual drain on the carcass to evenly distribute the preservative liquid (biocide).

CR5.1 The massage in face, ears, hands and legs is performed to ensure the access of the preservative (biocide).

CR5.2 The distribution of the preservative (biocidal product) is performed homogeneously throughout the body to ensure the preservation of the body.

CR5.3 The pressure of the preservative liquid (biocide) is controlled in all cases to avoid aesthetic problems.

CR5.4 Occupational hazards are prevented by applying standards and protocols in the conduct of manual drainage techniques in the preservation or embalming of the corpse to prevent personal injury.

RP6: Keep burned bodies or in advanced state of decomposition in which we cannot access by arterial way to avoid odours and enable their transfer to another city, by judicial decision or in application of the rules in force.

CR6.1 The body's fluid and chest gases and abdomen, depending on the state of decomposition, are intended to prevent biological degradation from continuing.

CR6.2 The preservative (biocide) for cavities is applied in the chest and abdomen to slow down the decomposition.

CR6.3 The shroud is placed inside the coffin, a powder preservative base (biocide) is applied, the body is placed on this base, the body is completely covered with more powder preservative or other contact liquid. (biocides) and the shroud is closed to keep it in good condition.

CR6.4 Occupational hazards are prevented by applying standards and protocols in conservation or embalming techniques of burned or in advanced decomposition to prevent personal injury.

RP7: Freeze and refrigerate the dead bodies under the conditions laid down in the work procedures for their preservation.

CR7.1 The identity of the corpse is verified through the deceased's documentation to ensure they are matched.

CR7.2 The carcass is placed in the right tray, with technical and organizational criteria for introduction into the refrigerator.

CR7.3 The tray with the carcass is inserted into the refrigerator and the appropriate temperature is applied with technical criteria for preservation.

RP8: Eliminate waste generated in the storage or embalming of the carcass by complying with the current regulations to ensure its management.

CR8.1 The discharge of waste water is carried out in compliance with national, regional and local regulations to ensure the management of waste with health guarantees.

CR8.2 The organic, sanitary and toxic waste from the preparation of dead bodies is managed according to the legal procedures and protocols established to comply with the law in force.

CR8.3 The materials used in the preparation of carcasses are distributed for sterilization or disposal in approved containers, so that accidents and the transmission of diseases are prevented.

CR8.4 Work risk prevention protocols are applied in the waste disposal management process so that risks are minimised.

Professional Context

Production media

tanatopraxia room. Tanatopraxia-specific table. Camilla. Disposable sheets. Disinfection material. Cleaning material. Carrier carts. Preservative products in accordance with the current rules governing the assessment process for the registration, authorisation and placing on the market of biocidal products. Instrumental: scalpel, dissection tweezers, pinch-tubes, curved and straight scissors, hook, separator: separator of tissues, straight needles and curves. Sudario. Injection machine. Hydro-aspirator. Fungible material. Approved containers for the disposal of waste. Autoclave. Personal protective equipment. Cooling chamber. Freezing chamber.

Products and results

How to store the corpse. Embalming of the corpse. Professional report of the tanatopractor. Waste managed and/or disposed of.

Information used or generated

Medical certificate. Legal medical documents. Technical sheets of the products and their corresponding Safety Data Sheets. Body chips. Record book. Protocols for the prevention of occupational risks. Code of professional ethics. Community legislation, state and in its case autonomic on: mortuary health police; protection of personal data; prevention of occupational risks, as well as its regulations and standards of application; discharge of waste water and management of wastes.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 3

Code: UC1606_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Check the documentation and identity of the corpse before starting the restore and rebuild to ensure both are matched.

CR1.1 The personalized information referred is identified to confirm the identity of the corpse and check the indications of their family or legal.

CR1.2 The cause of death is checked through the appropriate certificate or alternative legal document to be able to adjust the technique to be used with the state of the body or to prevent transmission of diseases.

CR1.3 The appropriate official or family authorization document is verified to confirm its existence and thus ensure that the required authorization is always worked out.

CR1.4 The causes of death and infectious diseases of the deceased are identified, in consultation with the death certificate or alternative legal document, taking in any case personal protective measures. to prevent occupational risks.

CR1.5 The professional tanatopractor report is completed for the record of the work done.

RP2: Check the availability of the material resources established in the work procedures for the realization of the reconstruction and restoration of the corpse.

CR2.1 The tanatopraxia room is enabled with the maximum guarantees of cleanliness, hygiene, comfort and safety following the safety and hygiene rules at work to avoid occupational hazards.

CR2.2 The disposable material or, failing that, non-disposable material, is used with cleaning guarantees or sterilized in the appropriate cases, to ensure protection against possible infections.

CR2.3 The work area is checked that it is in hygienic condition and in its defect is done its cleaning and disinfection before starting the work of reconstruction of the corpse, to work in conditions of safety hygiene.

RP3: Restore the damaged area by different injuries by following the established work procedures for the subsequent presentation of the corpse.

CR3.1 The open wound with straight walls is cleaned and dried, after application of preservatives (biocides), in case the body has not been previously preserved or embalmed and in the event that the application of the waxes for restoration.

CR3.2 The irregular tissue of open and deep wounds is removed and sectioned to get straight walls.

CR3.3 Injured objects, blisters or injured skin from burns, are removed, dried, and extracted to improve the end result.

CR3.4 Intradermal suture is practiced with the established technique to not modify aesthetics in cases of open and deep wounds.

CR3.5 The waxes are applied with different techniques, preserving the natural volumes, to return the normal appearance to the body surface, using the makeup to prevent the restoration from being appreciated. anatomic.

CR3.6 Labor risks are prevented by applying standards and protocols in restoration and reconstruction techniques to prevent personal injury.

RP4: Reconstruct the damaged area in cases of bodily anatomical loss, following established work procedures, to improve the presentation of the body.

CR4.1 The area damaged and with anatomical losses is cleaned and dried, after application of preservatives in accordance with the current regulations regulating the evaluation process for the registration, authorization and marketing of biocidal products, in case the body has not been previously preserved or embalmed and in the event that the application of waxes is required for reconstruction.

CR4.2 Intradermal suture is practiced by holding the wound walls so that it does not deform and in its natural place to not modify the aesthetics of the treated area.

CR4.3 The reconstruction of the damaged part starts with the use of waxes giving you the required way to simulate the missing anatomical element.

CR4.4 Makeup is used so that anatomical reconstruction is camouflaged to prevent it from being appreciated.

CR4.5 Occupational risks are prevented by applying standards and protocols in restoration and reconstruction techniques to avoid personal injury.

RP5: Recommend the area damaged by excess tissue due to some pathological process, following the established work technique, to improve the image of the body.

CR5.1 The body surface with excess tissue is reduced and the leftover part is trimmed to be aesthetically balanced.

CR5.2 The clean wound is prepared, drying it with preservative products (biocides) to pre-prepare it for the application of waxes.

CR5.3 The wound is coated with wax taking care of the aesthetics so that the surface area is more uniform.

CR5.4 The surface of the wax-coated wound is covered with artificial skin to facilitate the application of makeup.

CR5.5 The makeup is applied on the coated wound to prevent the anatomical reconstruction from being appreciated.

CR5.6 Occupational risks are prevented by applying standards and protocols in restoration and reconstruction techniques to avoid personal injury.

RP6: Place prostheses when some part of the body surface is missing, following established work procedures, to improve the aesthetics of the body.

CR6.1 The area where the prosthesis is to be placed is cleaned and dried with preservative products (biocides), in the event that the body is not previously preserved, so that fluids do not leave and prevent their placement.

CR6.2 The prosthesis is attached to the tissues of the area by using a suture or fabric of threads so that it is firmly fixed.

CR6.3 The prosthesis is placed in place by concealing the joints to care for the aesthetics.

CR6.4 Artificial skin, latex, or other cosmetic product apply to the treated area to later use makeup products.

CR6.5 Prosthesis is used to make use of cosmetic makeup products.

CR6.6 Occupational risks are prevented by applying standards and protocols in restoration and reconstruction techniques to prevent personal injury.

RP7: Eliminate waste generated in the restoration and reconstruction of bodies in accordance with the regulations on the disposal of biological waste to avoid risks of personal and environmental contamination.

CR7.1 The discharge of waste water is carried out in compliance with local, regional or national regulations on health requirements in waste management.

CR7.2 Organic, sanitary and toxic waste from the restoration and reconstruction of corpses is managed in accordance with the legal procedures in force and the protocols established to avoid causing damage. to the environment.

CR7.3 The materials used are distributed for sterilization or disposal in approved containers to prevent accidents and disease transmission.

CR7.4 Work risk prevention protocols are applied in the waste disposal process so that the risks of personal infection or people in the work environment are minimised.

Professional Context

Production media

tanatopraxia room. Tanatopraxia-specific table. Camilla. Disposable sheets. Disinfection material. Cleaning material. Carrier carts. Preservative products in accordance with the current rules governing the assessment process for the registration, authorisation and placing on the market of biocidal products. Instrumental: scalpel, dissection tweezers, pinch-tubes, curved and straight scissors, spatulas, straight needles. Fungible material. Waxes. Prostheses, latex, silicones of addition, makeup. Approved containers for the disposal of waste. Autoclave. Personal protective equipment.

Products and results

Reconstruction and restoration of damage to the corpse. Professional report of the tanatopractor. Waste managed and/or disposed of.

Information used or generated

Medical certificate. Legal medical documents. Technical sheets of the products and their corresponding Safety Data Sheets. Body chips. Record book. Protocols for the prevention of occupational risks. Code of professional ethics. Community legislation, state and in its case autonomic on: mortuary health police; protection of personal data; prevention of occupational risks, as well as its regulations and standards of application; discharge of waste water and management of wastes.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC1607_2

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Check the documentation and identity of the body before applying aesthetic techniques to ensure that both are matched.

CR1.1 The personalized information referred to is identified to confirm the identity of the body and verify the indications of its family members or legal persons.

CR1.2 The cause of death is checked through the appropriate certificate or alternative legal document to be able to adjust the technique to be used with the state of the body or to prevent transmission of diseases.

CR1.3 The appropriate official or family authorization document is verified to confirm its existence and thus ensure that the required authorization is always worked out.

CR1.4 The causes of death and infectious diseases of the deceased are identified, in consultation with the death certificate or alternative legal document, taking in any case, personal protective measures, for the prevention of occupational risks.

CR1.5 The professional tanatopractor report is completed for the record of the work done.

RP2: Check the availability of the material resources established in the work procedures for the application of aesthetic techniques.

CR2.1 The tanatopraxia room is enabled with the maximum guarantees of cleanliness, hygiene and comfort in accordance with the standards of occupational risk prevention.

CR2.2 The disposable material or, failing that, non-disposable material is used with guarantees of cleaning or sterilisation, where appropriate, to ensure protection against possible infections.

CR2.3 The grooming material is prepared next to the work area so that it is accessible during the application of aesthetic care.

CR2.4 The work area is checked that it is in hygienic condition and in its defect is done its cleaning and disinfection before starting aesthetic care in the body, to work in conditions of safety and hygiene.

RP3: Toilet the body, remove the garments and dressings, plug holes, prepare the corpse for aesthetic care.

CR3.1 The garments the decedent brings are removed, the body is washed so that it can work on the sanitized body and protect its nakedness to apply aesthetic care.

CR3.2 The dressings and remnants of dressings are removed by checking that no organic fluids are left.

CR3.3 Injuries with possible losses of biological liquids are disinfected and protected by waterproofing to prevent stains on clothing, savannah, or habit.

CR3.4 Natural holes and ducts, such as trachea, nostrils, and anus, are covered with the technique established to prevent fluid outflow.

CR3.5 The mouth is sutured and shaped according to the aesthetic needs.

CR3.6 The rules or customs derived from different religious rites apply in each case out of respect and consideration to the corpse, to their relatives and to the different cults.

CR3.7 Occupational risks are prevented by applying standards and protocols in aesthetic care techniques of the corpse to avoid personal injury.

RP4: Dress the body with clothes, savannah or habit, as expressed by the deceased's relatives, to present it in the agreed form.

CR4.1 The body of the body is checked by checking the absence of fluids and/or failing to improve the image of the body.

CR4.2 The deceased is dressed in the clothes provided by the family members to present in the agreed form.

CR4.3 The decedent is covered with shroud, sheet or habit to facilitate filing in case of no clothes.

CR4.4 Occupational risks are prevented by applying standards and protocols in aesthetic care techniques of the corpse to avoid personal injury.

RP5: Apply aesthetic care to the deceased by caring for their grooming, makeup and placement within the coffin to improve their image.

CR5.1 The corpse is shaved when needed to improve its aesthetics.

CR5.2 The face, ears, and lips are hydrated by applying a massage to avoid life and dryness.

CR5.3 The mouth is closed, giving you a natural way to improve your image.

CR5.4 The makeup background, termination powders, shadows, and lipstick apply on the treated surface, in eyes and lips to improve the appearance of the corpse.

CR5.5 To the corpse, inside the prepared and customized coffin, you comb and check your image, placing it in the appropriate place to be veiled by the relatives.

CR5.6 The ethical obligation to keep professional secrecy and the confidentiality of data is met throughout the process out of respect for the deceased and their family members.

CR5.7 The findings obtained in the body preparation process that could suggest legal action are brought to the attention of the judicial authority using the established channels.

CR5.8 Occupational risks are prevented by applying standards and protocols in aesthetic care techniques of the corpse to avoid personal injury.

RP6: Eliminate waste generated in the preparation and aesthetic care in dead bodies in accordance with the regulations and protocols established to ensure their management.

CR6.1 The discharge of waste water is carried out in compliance with local, regional or national regulations on health requirements for waste management.

CR6.2 Organic, sanitary and toxic waste from the preparation and aesthetic care of corpses is managed in accordance with the legal procedures in force and the established protocols not to produce damage to the environment.

CR6.3 The materials used are distributed for sanitizing or disposal in approved containers to prevent accidents and the transmission of diseases.

CR6.4 Work risk prevention protocols are applied in the waste disposal process, so that the risks of personal infection or people in the work environment are minimised.

Professional Context

Production media

tanatopraxia room. Camilla. Hydro-aspirator. Carrier carts. Disposable sheets. Disinfection material. Cleaning material. Instrumental: Dissection pins, scissors, curved needles and suture thread. Makeup. Glues. Shaving foam. Razor blades. Comb. Fungible material. Approved containers for the disposal of waste. Autoclave. Personal protective equipment. Clothes, shroud or savannah.

Products and results

Aesthetic care applied to the deceased. Presentation of the deceased in a vellatory room, address or corresponding place. Waste managed and/or disposed of.

Information used or generated

Medical certificate. Legal medical documents. Technical specifications for the products. Body chips. Record book. Protocols for the prevention of occupational risks. Code of professional ethics. Community legislation, state and in its case autonomic on: mortuary health police; protection of personal data; prevention of occupational risks, as well as its regulations and standards of application; discharge of waste water and management of wastes.

Competition Unit 4


Level: 3

Code: UC1608_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Check the documentation and identity of the body before performing a tissue removal or removal of prostheses or pacemakers to ensure that both are matched.

CR1.1 The appropriate official or family authorization document is verified prior to the realization of the extraction to confirm its existence and to guarantee in this way that the authorization is always worked required.

CR1.2 The personalized information submitted is identified to confirm the identity of the corpse and check the indications of their family members or legal persons.

CR1.3 The causes of death and infectious diseases of the deceased are identified, in consultation with the death certificate or alternative legal document, in order to adjust the technique to be used with the state. the body and take personal protective measures for the prevention of occupational risks and disease transmission.

CR1.4 The professional tanatopractor report is completed for the record of the work done.

RP2: Verify the material resources established in the work procedures for obtaining tissue samples, removal of prostheses, pacemakers, and other contaminants from the body.

CR2.1 The tanatopraxia room is enabled with the maximum guarantees of cleanliness, hygiene and comfort following the safety and hygiene rules at work.

CR2.2 The disposable material or, failing that, non-disposable material is used with cleaning or sterilisation guarantees, where appropriate, to ensure protection against possible infections.

CR2.3 The work area is checked that it is in hygienic condition and in its defect is done its cleaning and disinfection before starting the work of preservation or embalming of the corpse, to work in safety and hygiene conditions.

RP3: Extract the tissue sample, following the established procedures and prepare it for further submission to the laboratory or the requesting body.

CR3.1 The area where the sample is extracted is chosen with aesthetic and efficiency criteria so as not to damage the image and ensure its validity.

CR3.2 The incision in the chosen zone is done with the scalpel or with the specific useful to have access to the tissue.

CR3.3 The muscle tissue sample is collected and introduced into a sterile or specific container and is uniquely identified to avoid errors and risks.

CR3.4 The incision is impermeable to prevent fluid from going out.

CR3.5 The official document of the extraction is filled by collecting the data required by the laboratory or the requesting body.

CR3.6 The sample, once identified, is packaged following established procedures to ensure transportation with maximum guarantees.

RP4: Perform the enucleation of the eyeballs, following the established procedure of work, for sending to the corneas bank.

CR4.1 The blood sample is taken, placed in specific tubes, and is unequivocally identified with a code to refer to the appropriate laboratory.

CR4.2 The blepharostat is placed by removing the eyelids and an iodine product is applied to the eyeball to disinfect it.

CR4.3 The conjunctiva is trimmed around the cornea to gain access to the muscles, sectioning them to be able to release the eyeball.

CR4.4 The optic nerve is cut to remove the eye completely and the eye is placed in a container, identifying it unequivocally with a code for its transport.

CR4.5 The enucleation document, in established format, is completed with the data required by the corneas bank to attach it to the material that is sent.

CR4.6 The eyeballs and blood sample are placed in a refrigerator and are arranged for transport so that they arrive in good condition to the corneas bank.

CR4.7 The left gap is reconstructed with cotton and an eye prosthesis to conceal the extraction and not modify the appearance of the body.

RP5: Extract pacemakers to avoid accidents during cremation or for recycling.

CR5.1 The pacemaker is located, consulting the place where it is placed to facilitate its access and proceed to its extraction.

CR5.2 The zone where the pacemaker is located is dissected by following the technique set to access it.

CR5.3 The pacemaker is removed by cutting the cables to separate it from the carcass and not causing further internal damage.

CR5.4 The wound produced is impermeable to prevent fluid output.

CR5.5 Work risk prevention protocols apply in the removal of the pacemaker to avoid explosion risks when the body is incinerated or other accidents.

RP6: Extract endoprostheses and exoprostheses, osteosynthesis material, intramedular nails, contaminant material, or other elements, so that they can be used for recycling and/or aesthetic care of the corpse.

CR6.1 The materials to be removed or other elements are located by analyzing them to determine the technique of their extraction process.

CR6.2 Disposable or non-disposable material for extraction is chosen and prepared with extensive hygiene guarantees to ensure personal protection against disease transmission.

CR6.3 Elements are extracted or disjointed following the established technique to cause no further damage.

CR6.4 The wounds produced by the removal of the removed elements are sutured by ensuring the tightness to prevent fluid exits.

CR6.5 The removed elements or materials are cleaned and disinfected by the standard working procedures for shipment to the relevant entity for recycling or reuse.

CR6.6 Occupational risk prevention protocols apply in the process of extractions performed on the corpse, so that the risks of personal infection or people in the work environment are minimised.

CR6.7 Organic, sanitary, and toxic waste derived from carcass extractions are managed in accordance with current legal procedures and established protocols in order not to cause damage to the environment.

Professional Context

Production media

tanatopraxia room. Camilla. Hydro-aspirator. Carrier carts. Disposable sheets. Disinfection material. Cleaning material. Instrumental: Bisturi, blepharostat, specific kit for the extraction of material for DNA analysis, Prothesis, dissection tweezers, scissors, needles and yarn. Sterile container. Glues. Transport-specific packaging. Fungible material. Approved containers for the disposal of waste. Autoclave. Personal protective equipment.

Products and results

Tissue sample for DNA analysis. Enucleation of the eyeball. Body without prosthetic elements that complicate aesthetics. Pacemaker removal. Professional report of the tanatopractor. Waste managed and/or disposed of.

Information used or generated

Medical certificate. Legal medical documents. Technical specifications for the products. Body chips. Record book. Protocols for the prevention of occupational risks. Code of professional ethics. Community legislation, state and in its case autonomic on: mortuary health police; protection of personal data; prevention of occupational risks, as well as its regulations and standards of application; discharge of waste water and management of wastes.

Competition Unit 5


Level: 3

Code: UC1609_3

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Use communication techniques with families and associates of the deceased, if applicable, and the funeral entity to respond to the demand for information.

CR1.1 Information is requested or provided to the family of the deceased, if appropriate, with appropriate treatment to the situation, seeking to respect at all times their requests, wishes or final wishes of the deceased, provided that it is possible and within what is permitted by legality.

CR1.2 The doubts that family members and/or those close to the work of tanatopraxia have are resolved with the utmost attention and diligence to avoid increasing their nervousness and softening moments of tension.

CR1.3 The opinion of the families and the relatives of the deceased is collected to facilitate proposals and alternatives if necessary.

CR1.4 Active listening and information transmission skills are used to favor communication, using the techniques that are in accordance with each situation.

CR1.5 The confidentiality of the information obtained is maintained at all times to preserve the right to privacy.

RP2: Facing crisis situations generated in the tanatopraxia service using psychosocial skills to attend to the intended work.

CR2.1 Critical situations are addressed, applying the acting protocol, to ensure a quick and effective response.

CR2.2 Stress control techniques are used to address crisis situations, ensuring the smooth operation of the tanatopraxia service and the emotional state of the professional.

CR2.3 The hard times you can find yourself are overcome by using self-motivation techniques to preserve your emotional health.

RP3: Manage teamwork skills by facilitating the delivery of the tanatopraxia service to encourage horizontal and vertical communication in it.

CR3.1 Cooperation with the rest of the staff is encouraged to respond to the work entrusted using the experience and support of all.

CR3.2 Incidents are transmitted to the responsible to resolve situations collectively by promoting new work processes and acting protocols, if necessary.

CR3.3 The improvement proposals are transmitted to the responsible, to promote the quality and continuous evolution of the service.

Professional Context

Production media

Communication and information techniques, performance protocols.

Products and results

Communication and information techniques with the families and associates of the deceased, and the entity applied. Crisis situations generated in the service of faced tanatopraxia. Team work skills used.

Information used or generated

Medical certificate. Legal medical documents. Card of the corpse. Staff sheets. The job quadrant to perform. Code of professional ethics. Community, state, regional and local rules on: mortuary health police; protection of personal data; prevention of occupational risks, as well as its rules and regulations; discharge of waste water and management of waste water wastes.



Denomination: Transient conservation and body embalming

Code: MF1605_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

uc1605_3: Apply transient preservation techniques or body embalming with biocidal products

Duration: 170 hours



Code: UF0473

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3, RP4, RP5, RP6, and RP7.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the process of preservation and embalming of the non-traumatic body via arterial route.

CE1.1 Explain the processes and phases of the stiffness of the body and the techniques for its elimination in order to ensure the transit of the arterial fluid.

CE1.2 Describe access zones and the extraction of the arteries based on technical and/or aesthetic criteria for conservation or embalming.

CE1.3 Describe the preparation of preservative fluids, injection procedures, and elimination protocols, explaining the most common problems that may arise.

CE1.4 Describe the procedures for the extraction of gases and fluids remaining in the chest and abdomen of the carcass in the preservation or embalming process, for the subsequent application of preservative liquids for the cavities in order to prevent biological degradation.

CE1.5 Citar and describe the different sutures on the incisions that ensure total airtight.

CE1.6 Explain the risk prevention protocols for this activity so that they take into account the current legislation.

CE1.7 Analyze the influences of religious customs or rites in this process to select the most respectful techniques with these beliefs.

CE1.8 In a scenario of conservation and embalming of the carcass:

-Locate and remove the arteries that are needed to remove all the livides, ensuring that the preservative liquid reaches all points in the body.

-Prepare and inject the appropriate preservative liquid to the causes of death or the state of the carcass and the type of conservation we want.

-Extract fluids and gases that still remain in the chest and abdomen, completely eliminating them.

-Introduce in chest and abdomen the specific preservative of cavities, ensuring their preservation.

-Suturing incisions made for aesthetic reasons, avoiding fluid output.

C2: Specify the process of preservation and embalming of the corpse that is the object of trauma, preventing its deterioration.

CE2.1 Analyze the arterial access zones based on the state of the carcass allowing the preservative to be distributed to a greater body area.

CE2.2 Describe the way the preservative is introduced into the areas where the arteries are not located for preservation.

CE2.3 Describe the process of removing and grooming organs and viscera, their subsequent preservation and recolocation in the cavities after they have been neat and treated with preservative powders.

CE2.4 Citar and describe the types of sutures depending on the objective to be covered to ensure the impermeability of the area and the aesthetics.

CE2.5 Describe the risk prevention protocols for this activity so that they take into account current legislation.

CE2.6 In a practical case of preservation and embalming of the corpse object of trauma:

-Locate and remove the arteries to inject the preservative liquid into areas that allow the state of the body.

-Prepare and inject the preservative through the arteries that allow it.

-Manually introduce the preservative in areas where we cannot access via arterial route.

-Asean the viscera, put a specific preservative base in the thorax and abdomen, place the extracted organs covering them with the same preservative.

-Suturing the body, returning it to its initial aesthetic state.

-Impermeable sutures using the means and technique described in the work procedures.

C3: Determine the manual drain technique on the carcass to ensure the passage of the preservative liquid.

CE3.1 Describe the manual drain on face, neck, ears, hands, and legs by improving access to the preservative liquid.

CE3.2 Analyze the need for the homogeneous distribution of the preservative liquid throughout the body ensuring the preservation of the entire body equally.

CE3.3 Analyze the importance of the introduction pressure of the preservative liquid and the pressure generated inside the arteries avoiding aesthetic problems.

CE3.4 Describe the risk prevention protocols for this activity so that they take into account existing legislation.

CE3.5 In a handy manual drain on the corpse:

-Perform manual drainage on the face, neck, ears, hands, and legs by improving access to the preservative liquid and removing livides.

-Control the pressure of the introduction of the preservative in the arteries, avoiding aesthetic damage.

C4: Specify the process of preservation of burned corpses or in advanced state of decomposition in which we cannot access by arterial way to avoid odours and enable their transfer to another city, by judicial decision or in application of the current rules.

CE4.1 Describe the aspiration of fluid and chest gases and abdomen to prevent biological degradation from continuing.

CE4.2 Explain the application of the preservative in the chest and abdomen to slow down the decomposition.

CE4.3 Describe the placement of the carcass within a shroud and the application of the powder preservative or other liquid contact to slow down the decomposition.

CE4.4 Describe the risk prevention protocols for this activity so that they take into account current legislation.

CE4.5 In a scenario of conservation of burned corpses or in advanced state of decomposition in which we cannot access by arterial means to avoid odours and enable them to be transferred to another city, by judicial decision or in application of the rules in force:

-Perform fluid aspiration in the chest and abdomen to slow down biological degradation.

-Apply the preservative of cavities in the chest and abdomen to slow down the decomposition.

-Place the carcass inside a shroud and the application of the powder preservative or other liquid contact to slow down the decomposition.

C5: Specify the preservation process through the freezing and cooling of dead bodies.

CE5.1 Describe the documents that accompany the corpse for identification.

CE5.2 Explain the placement of the carcass in the right tray for introduction into the refrigerator.

CE5.3 Describe the placement of the tray with the carcass in the refrigerator and the proper temperature application.

CE5.4 Explain the impact of the application of the conservation process through freezing after the defrosting occurs.


1. Human anatomy applied to the body's preservation and embalming process

-The human body and its systems.

-The circulatory system.

or Venous System.

or Blood System.

-The respiratory system.

or Constitution.

or Respiratory and lungs.

or pulmonary ventilation.

or Gas Exchange.

-The endocrine system.

or Composition: the glands.

or Major glands.

or Functions.

-The digestive system.

or Description and functions.

o Structure of the digestive tract.

or Anatomic Description.

-The nervous system.

or Nerves.

or Constitution:

or Central nervous system.

or Peripheral Nervous System.

-The skeletal system.

or Functions.

or Bones.

or skeleton division.

-The muscle system.

or Functions.

or Components.

or Operation.

-The tegumentary system.

or Skin.

or Skin Functions.

or Skin Composition.

or Skin Thickness.

or glands, hairs and nails.

2. Pathological anatomy and histology applied to the process of preservation and embalming of the carcass

-The cell:

or Structure.

or Types.

or Functions.

-The membrane:

or Structure.

or Functions.

-The cytoplasm:

or Structure.

or Functions.

-The core:

or Composition.

or Structure.

or Functions.

-The tissues:

or Classification.

or Functions.

3. Microbiology and parasitology applied to the process conservation and decomposition of the carcass


or General features.

o Structure and morphology.

▪ Methods used in the observation of bacteria.

or Nutrition.

▪ Autotropha and heterotropha.

or Cell cycle and population growth.

or Bacterial Variations.

o Evolution and principles of bacterial taxonomy.

or Classification and typology of bacteria.

or Infections and diseases caused by bacteria.

or Defense Mechanisms.

or Actions of the physical agents on the bacteria.

or Actions of the chemical agents on bacteria.


or General features

or Chemical composition and structure of viruses.

or Classification.

or Virus-productive infections and diseases.

or Defense Mechanisms.


or Classification.

or Identification.

or Diseases produced by parasites.


or Classification.

or Identification.

or fungi-produced diseases.

4. Prevention of the transmission of diseases in the process of preservation and embalming of the carcass.

-Epidemiology: disease prevention.

-Specific desinfection: areas of work, surfaces, and instruments.

-Public health. Prevention of communicable diseases.

-Sterilization and disinfection.

5. Principles of legal and forensic medicine applied to tanatopraxia activity

-Signs of death.

-Phenomena of the Cadaveric.

or Livideces and hypostasis.

or Rigidity.

or Dehydration.

or Spasmo.

-Putrid phenomena.

or Autolysis and its phases.

-Conservative Cadaver Processes.

or Momification.

or Corification.

or Saponification.

-Death data.

or Methods that can be employed to determine the date and time of death.

-Natural death and violent death: the judicial autopsy.

-Vital and postmortem injuries.

-Dipall for body lift.


-Cause of violent death.

or Fire Weapon or White Weapon.

or Asfixes.

or Save and throttling.

or Immersion.

or Accidents of land, sea and air traffic.

o Action of heat and cold.

or Electrocution, explosives and radiation.

or Inhibition; ill-treatment and torture.


o Areas and aspects of toxicology.

or Classification of hazardous substances.

o The toxic action and its phases.

▪ Exposure phase.

▪ Toxocytic Phase.

▪ Dynamic Phase.

▪ Clinical Phase.

or Toxicity of chemical agents.

or Environmental Toxicology.

or Food Toxicology.

or Social Toxicology.

▪ Alcohol Intoxications

▪ Drug Intoxications.

6. Preservation techniques or embalming of the carcass

-Historical review of the techniques of conservation.

-Conservation techniques.

o Temporary conservation and embalming.

or How to store your blood.

or How to store a traumatic or autopsied.

or How to store in advanced decomposition state.

or Artery And Vein-boarding Zones.

-Cold application as a conservation method.

7. Instruments, equipment, materials and products of tanatopraxia


or Dissection.

or Drillage.

or Injection.

or Aspiration.

-Surgical material.

or Fungible.

or Non-fungible.


or Injection appliances.

or Aspiration Appliances.

-Methods and products for disinfection and sterilization.

or Autokey.

-preservatives products and formulas.

-Individual protective equipment.

8. Auxiliary tanatopraxia techniques

-suture techniques.

or Tipologia and application differences.

-Bandage techniques.

-Withdrawal of dressings and sondages.



Code: UF0474

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP8.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize the documentation that must accompany the body by providing information about its identity, cause and circumstances of death that allow to define the conservation and embalming works that must be performed.

CE1.1 Citar the documents that must accompany the corpse to check its identity, causes and circumstances of the death and the work to be done.

CE1.2 Describe the characteristics of the death certificate or other legal medical documents in accordance with the official format, specifying the sections whose completion is essential and which must accompany the body.

CE1.3 List the variables collected in the death certificate or other legal medical documents that influence the planning of the job.

CE1.4 List the necessary data about the jobs done, which must be collected by the tanatopractor report.

CE1.5 In a practical analysis of the documentation that accompanies the body by selecting the data to define the conservation or embalming works:

-Check the identity of the corpse to confirm and avoid errors.

-Identify the causes of death to plan the necessary techniques.

-Check the date and time of death.

-Confect a tab with the jobs to be performed on the corpse to check, subsequently, the data that might be needed.

-Meet the tanatopractor report with the jobs done.

C2: Identify the material resources, concreting those that are defined in the work procedures, for the realization of the preservation or embalming of the corpse.

CE2.1 Describe the characteristics to be gathered by the tanatopraxia room detailing the usefulness and functioning of the physical and protective elements required to meet safety and hygiene standards.

CE2.2 List useful and material used, disposable or non-disposable, for the execution of work with quality and effectiveness.

CE2.3 Describe and explain the disinfection and sterilization techniques of the area, the working tools, and the individual protective equipment so that risks are avoided.

CE2.4 Recognize and explain the injection and aspiration devices that enable the storage or embalming operations to be performed.

CE2.5 Describe the preservative products, their composition as well as the preparation required in some cases, ensuring that the choice, preparation and use of the product is in accordance with the current regulations and the process follow.

C3: Describe the waste generated in conservation and embalming and management for disposal according to current regulations.

CE3.1 Explain existing legislation on waste disposal.

CE3.2 Describe organic, sanitary and toxic waste from conservation or embalming, allowing for classification, management and disposal

CE3.3 Explain the materials used, the methods for their sterilization, and their distribution in the approved containers.

CE3.4 Describe the protocols in waste management based on established legal standards.


1. Basic concepts about health and safety at work

-Work and health:

or Professional risks.

or Risk Factors.

-Damage from work.

or Work Accidents.

or Professional Diseases.

-Labor Risk Prevention Regulations.

or basic rights and duties in this field.

2. Prevention of occupational risks applied to the field of tanatopraxia

-General risks and their prevention:

or Risks tied to security conditions.

or Risks linked to the working environment:

▪ Lighting.

▪ Indoor air quality.

or Other Risks:

▪ Psychosocial factors.

▪ Organizational factors.

▪ Workload, fatigue, and job dissatisfaction: ergonomics

or Elementary Risk Control Systems.

or Collective and individual protection.

o Emergency plans and evacuation.

o Control of workers ' health.

-Specific risks and their prevention in the field of tanatopraxia.

or Physical.

or Chemicals: Using Security Data Sheets

or Biological.

3. Basic elements of risk prevention management applied to the field of tanatopraxia

-Public bodies related to safety and health at work.

-Managing work risk prevention:

or Planning for prevention.

or Organization of prevention in the enterprise: Basic routines.

or Professional Risk Assessment.

-Documentation in the field of occupational risk prevention: collection, processing and archiving.

-First aid.

4. Management of waste from tanatopraxia

-Sanitary waste. Definition and status of medical waste.

-Classification of sanitary waste.

or Type I sanitary waste.

or Type II sanitary waste.

or Type III health care wastes.

▪ Healthcare or infectious waste

▪ anatomical wastes.

▪ Blood and blood products in liquid form.

▪ Needles and piercing and cutting material.

or Type IV sanitary waste.

-Healthcare waste management.

or Healthcare intracenter management operations.

or Packaging and Labelling.

or Buffer.

or Inland Trasside.

or Final Storage.

o Plan of contingencies and risk prevention measures.

or Extracenter Management Operations

-Obligations of the agents involved in the management of sanitary waste.

or Producer, Carrier, Treater's Obligations

or Obligations of the corresponding administrations

-Responsibility and ownership of sanitary waste.

5. Mortuary police legislation and regulations

-Community legislation.

or U.E. Guidelines

-State regulations.

or Mortuary Health Police Regulation.

-Regulations of the Autonomous Communities.

or Autonomic Health Police Regulations mortuary.

-Municipal ordinances.

-Official Register Of Biocidal Products. Embalming products (TP22)

-Other regulations that impact this scope.

6. Documentary processing in the process of conditioning, preservation or embalming of the body

-Funeral service.

or Objective.

or Service Subjects.

or Service Prestor.

or Gestion and Fulfillment.

or Rights and obligations.


or Funeral Documentation.

▪ Certificate of Death.

▪ Legal medical documents.

▪ Tanatopraxia Act.

▪ Move authorization.

▪ Inhumation permission.

▪ Document for incineration.

-Funeral transport:

or Carrier Requirements.

or Transports.

or Land transport of dead bodies.

▪ National standards for transport and transport of dead bodies.

▪ International standards for transport and transport of dead bodies.

7. Funeral rites and rites relating to mortuary needs

-Rare and popular funeral customs.

-Western Rites

or Catholics.

or Protestants.

or Orthodoxy.

or Jews.

-Muslim or Islamic Rites

or Chiitas.

or Sunitas.

-Eastern Rites.

-Afro-Asian Rites

or Buddhists.

or Sintoists.

or Taoists.

-African Rites.

-Funeral rites in American culture.

-Other rites.

-Funeral protocol.

8. Professional ethics and ethics relating to tanatopraxia

-Professional ethics.

-Professional secret.

-Professional tanatopractor code of ethics.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

Total duration in hours of the training units






Unit 2-UF0474




The impartition sequence recommended in this Module 1 is the formative Unit 1, followed by the formative Unit 2.

Access criteria for students

They will be those set out in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the Certificate of professionalism to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1606_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1606_3: Perform restrooms and rebuilds on dead bodies

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize the documentation that must accompany the body by providing information about its identity, cause, and circumstances of death that allow the work of restoration or reconstruction to be defined. be performed.

CE1.1 Describe the family authorization document prior to performing the restore or rebuild.

CE1.2 Describe the characteristics of the death certificate or legal medical documents by adjusting to the official format and specifying the sections whose completion is essential for the work of the tanatopractor and which must accompany the corpse.

CE1.3 List the variables collected in the death certificate or other legal medical documents that influence the planning of the rebuild or restore.

CE1.4 List the required data about the jobs done, which must be collected by the tanatopractor report

CE1.5 In a scenario of analyzing the documentation that accompanies the body by selecting the data to define the restore or rebuild jobs:

-Check the identity of the body by confirming it to avoid errors.

-Identify the causes of the death to choose the techniques to be used.

-Check the date and time of death.

-Confect a tab with the jobs to be performed on the corpse to check, subsequently, the data that might be needed.

-Meet the tanatopractor report with the jobs done.

C2: Identify the material resources, concreting those that are defined in the work procedures, for the realization of the restoration and/or reconstruction of the corpse.

CE2.1 Describe the characteristics to be gathered by the tanatopraxia room detailing the usefulness and functioning of the physical and protective elements needed to meet the standards of occupational risk prevention.

CE2.2 List useful and material used, disposable or non-disposable, for the performance of the work.

CE2.3 Describe and explain the disinfection and sterilization techniques of the area, the working tools, and the individual protective equipment so that risks are avoided.

CE2.4 Describe the preservative products, their composition as well as the preparation required in some cases, ensuring that the choice, preparation and use of the product is in line with the process to be followed.

CE2.5 Citar the cosmetic products and waxes that are used taking into account the techniques of restoration or reconstruction to be applied.

C3: Explain and determine techniques for restoring damaged areas based on injuries that the body may have.

CE3.1 Classify and describe the wounds that the corpse might have related to the restoration technique.

CE3.2 Describe the process of restoring wounds according to their characteristics: more or less deep, with straight or irregular edges, with elements attached to the skin, blisters and/or burns.

CE3.3 Explain the types of sutures depending on the wound to close so as not to modify the aesthetics and/or to ensure the impermeability.

CE3.4 Describe the techniques of using waxes and cosmetic products that are used for the restoration of the wound.

CE3.5 Explain the risk prevention protocols for this activity so that they take into account current legislation.

CE3.6 In a scenario of restoring damaged areas:

-Restore wounds with straight edges, drying the area with preservative products, applying wax and suturing conveniently to preserve aesthetics.

-Restore wounds with irregular edges, drying the area with preservative products, applying wax and suturing to preserve aesthetics.

-Restore areas with burns, blisters, and elements attached to the skin by improving the aesthetic appearance.

-Apply cosmetic products by camouflaging the restoration done to preserve the natural aesthetic appearance.

C4: Describe techniques to reconstruct body anatomical losses so that a less traumatic appearance is obtained.

CE4.1 Classify and describe the damaged zone and how the preservatives are applied, choosing the technique for restoration.

CE4.2 Describe how to reconstruct the natural volumes of the anatomic zone by balancing its appearance.

CE4.3 Explain the types of sutures depending on the zone to be rebuilt so that it does not alter the aesthetics.

CE4.4 Describe the use of waxes or other products used in the reconstruction of the area, contributing to the recovery of volumes and improvement of the aesthetics of the area.

CE4.5 Describe and explain the techniques of using waxes and cosmetic products considering the camouflage of reconstruction to achieve a natural appearance.

CE4.6 Explain the risk prevention protocols for this activity so that they take into account current legislation.

CE4.7 In a practical scenario of rebuilding bodily anatomical losses:

-Reconstruct the anatomical losses by returning the natural appearance on the corpse.

-Apply cosmetic products by camouflaging the reconstruction done and preserving the natural appearance.

C5: Analyze and determine the recomposition techniques of areas damaged by excess tissue due to some pathological process.

CE5.1 Describe the process of cleaning the excess tissue and applying preservative products in a way that allows the application of recomposition techniques from the damaged areas.

CE5.2 Explain the techniques for coating the wound using waxes or other cosmetic products.

CE5.3 Describe and explain techniques for the use of cosmetic products by camouflaging the work done.

CE5.4 Explain the risk prevention protocols for this activity so that they take into account current legislation.

CE5.5 In a practical assumption of recomposition of areas damaged by excess tissue due to some pathological process:

-Analyze the type of tissue before proceeding to the removal of excess tissue by aesthetically balancing the body surface.

-Overclean the excess tissue and apply the preservative products to get straight walls and avoid fluid output so that the wax adheres well.

-Apply waxes to minimize the wound by preparing it for cosmetic application.

-Apply cosmetic products by improving the aesthetics of the body.

C6: Explain the techniques of placement of prostheses or external elements that provide volume, improving the aesthetics of the corpse.

CE6.1 Describe the preparation of the area where the prosthesis should be placed following a working protocol.

CE6.2 Detailed the different types of suture or fabric of threads so that they firmly hold the designed structure or prosthesis.

CE6.3 Describe the placement of the prosthesis by dissimulating the joints so that it does not appreciate and improve aesthetically.

CE6.4 Citar artificial skin placement techniques, latex or other products to allow the use of makeup.

CE6.5 Describe and explain the techniques of using makeup on products used, such as waxes, to fully camouflage the prosthesis.

CE6.6 Explain the risk prevention protocols for this activity so that they take into account current legislation.

CE6.7 In a practical case of prosthesis placement that improve the aesthetics of the corpse:

-Perform different types of prostheses for subsequent placement in the corpse by improving its aesthetic appearance.

-Place the prostheses and use cosmetic products for their camouflage by obtaining a natural appearance.

C7: Describe waste generated in restoration and reconstruction in dead bodies and management for disposal according to current regulations.

CE7.1 Explain current legislation on waste disposal.

CE7.2 Describe the organic, sanitary, and toxic waste derived from restoration and reconstruction in dead bodies by allowing their classification, management and disposal.

CE7.3 Explain the materials used, the methods for their sterilization, and their distribution in the approved containers preserving hygiene and avoiding accidents at work.

CE7.4 Describe the protocols in waste management based on established legal standards.


1. Injuries to the corpse object of restoration and reconstruction


or With straight edges.

or With irregular borders.

or With lack of skin.



-Quistes and fistulas.

-Fractures and complex wounds.

2. Body restoration techniques

-Camouflage techniques for restore elements.

-tissue expansion techniques.

-The suture techniques applied to the restore.

-Fissus repair techniques.

3. Body reconstruction techniques

-Headphone reconstruction techniques.

-nasal reconstruction techniques.

-Lip Reconstruction Techniques.

-eyelid and eyebrow reconstruction techniques.

-Reconstruction techniques for. arm, forearm, and hand.

-Knee, leg and foot reconstruction techniques.

-Abdominal wall reconstruction techniques.

-Reimplant techniques.

-Human body modeling techniques:

or Aesthetic Volumes.

-Rebuild element camouflage techniques.

-The suture and anchor techniques applied to the reconstruction.


4. Instruments, materials and products specific to the restoration and reconstruction of the carcass


or Dissection.

or Modeling.

-Fungible and non-fungible material.

-Specific products.

or Ceras.

or Prothesis.

or Latex.

or Add Siliconas.

or Artificial Meat.

or preservatives and dryers.

o Hygiene products.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum hours Distance-

Formative Module-MF1606_3



Access criteria for students

They will be those set out in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the Certificate of professionalism to which this annex accompanies.


Denomination: Tanatoaesthetics

Code: MF1607_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1607_2: Apply aesthetic techniques for the presentation or exposure of the corpse

Duration: 30 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize the documentation that must accompany the corpse by providing information about their identity, cause, and circumstances of death that allow to define the aesthetic work to be performed.

CE1.1 Citar the documents that must accompany the corpse to check its identity, causes and circumstances of the death and the work to be done.

CE1.2 Describe the characteristics of the death certificate or legal medical documents, adjusting to the official format and specifying the sections whose completion is essential for the work and which must accompany the body.

CE1.3 List the variables collected in the death certificate or other legal medical documents that influence the planning of aesthetic care.

CE1.4 List the required data about the jobs done, which must be collected by the tanatopractor report

CE1.5 In a practical case of checking the documentation and identification of the body:

-Check the identity of the body by confirming it to avoid errors.

-Identify the causes of death so that they help to choose the aesthetic care to be applied.

-Check the date and time of death.

-Confect a tab detailing the jobs to be performed on the corpse to check, subsequently, the data that might be needed.

-Meet the tanatopractor report with the work done.

C2: Identify the material resources, concreting those that are defined in the work procedures, for the application of techniques and aesthetic care about the corpse.

CE2.1 Describe the characteristics to be gathered by the tanatopraxia room detailing the usefulness and functioning of the physical and protective elements needed to meet the standards of occupational risk prevention.

CE2.2 List useful and material used, disposable or non-disposable, for the execution of work with quality.

CE2.3 Describe and explain the disinfection and sterilization techniques of the area, the working tools, and the individual protective equipment so that risks are avoided.

CE2.4 Describe preservative liquids, their composition as well as the required preparation in some cases by ensuring that the choice, preparation and use of the product is in line with the process to be followed.

CE2.5 Citar cosmetic products used for aesthetic care.

C3: Explain the process of cleaning and grooming of the body, removing dressings or elements other than the body's natural ones.

CE3.1 List the garments that the corpse can bring detailing which ones should be removed, the body wash and protect your nudity to start the aesthetic care work.

CE3.2 Analyze fluid output by removing dressings and dressings by ensuring the impermeability of wounds and improving aesthetics.

CE3.3 Describe wounds with possible fluid losses so that measures are taken to disinfect and prevent leakage.

CE3.4 Explain the plugging of natural holes: trachea, nostrils, and anus.

CE3.5 Describe techniques for naturally closing the mouth and applying prosthetics by ensuring a natural and aesthetic expression.

CE3.6 Explain the risk prevention protocols for this activity so that they take into account current legislation.

CE3.7 In a practical scenario of applying aesthetic techniques to the corpse:

-Retire the garments that the deceased brings, the different dressings and remnants of bandages for their grooming.

-Asean the corpse and place bandages if you need them to protect wounds or prevent fluid from going out.

-Taping the natural holes to avoid fluid output.

-Apply mouth and eyelid closure techniques, and placement of specific prostheses.

C4: Describe the techniques for dressing, amortized or placing a habit, so that the body is mobilized with ergonomics.

CE4.1 Explain the toilet, hygiene and disposal of fluids in the body by taking care of the image of the body.

CE4.2 Describe the techniques of dressing a corpse with the clothes provided to us by your relatives.

CE4.3 Explain the techniques for loving a corpse with savannah or habit.

CE4.4 Describe the risk prevention protocols for this activity so that they take into account current legislation.

CE4.5 In a practical dress scenario, love it and place a habit on the corpse:

-Check the absence of fluid losses and, if necessary, stop them preserving the aesthetic image of the body.

-Apply the different techniques of mobilization of the corpse to be able to dress, place a habit or love it by taking care of the rules of ergonomics and safety in the work.

-Dress the body with clothes, habit or savanna by responding to the desire of your family members.

C5: Detailed aesthetic techniques, application of makeup, depending on the previous state and the aspect to be achieved.

CE5.1 Describe and explain the shaving techniques of a corpse by getting a neat look.

CE5.2 Analyze the state of post-mortem dehydration by selecting the techniques to hydrate face, ears, lips and hands and the result of applying these products.

CE5.3 Explain the application of cosmetic products on the face and hands of the body, achieving a natural appearance, camouflaging the marks and wounds that it may have.

CE5.4 Describe the preparation of the coffin detailing the different techniques for the movement of the corpse and its placement inside.

CE5.5 Explain the latest aesthetic care performed on the body placed in the coffin, before your exposure at the appropriate place to be veiled by your relatives.

CE5.6 Describe the risk prevention protocols related to load movements and others related to this activity following ergonomic principles.

CE5.7 In a practical scenario of applying aesthetic care to a corpse:

-Shaving the corpse in the way that it is necessary to avoid causing injury.

-Water the areas of the face and hands giving them a more natural look.

-Apply cosmetic products by returning the body to its natural appearance.

-Place the body in the coffin by applying the different techniques of mobilization of the corpse to take care of the safety at work.

-comb, check your natural appearance and place the deceased at the appropriate place to be veiled by your relatives.

C6: Describe waste generated in the application of aesthetic care in dead bodies and management for disposal according to current regulations.

CE6.1 Explain current legislation on waste disposal.

CE6.2 Describe the organic, sanitary, and toxic waste derived from aesthetic care in dead bodies by allowing their classification, management and disposal.

CE6.3 Explain the materials used, the methods for their sterilization, and their distribution in the approved containers.

CE6.4 Describe the protocols in waste management based on established legal standards.


1. Presentation of the body.

-Collection and receipt of the body.

or Identification of the corpse.

-Placement of the corpse.

or Head Elevation.

-Work with the corpse.

or Body Siege.

or Disinfection of orifices.

or Shaven.

or Taponings.

▪ Techniques.

▪ Materials used.

▪ Closed by mouth.

▪ Closed eyes.

-Hydration of tissues, massages and elimination of livides.

-Rigidity rupture.

-Dress and amorphous techniques of the corpse.

or Sudarium.

or Street Clothes.

or Religious Habits.

or Uniforms.

or Others.

-Body position (special cases).

-Situations and special cases.


-Materials, tools, and equipment.

-Waste Management.

2. Tanatoaesthetics

-The color, and its attributes:

or Tonality.

or Saturation.

or Clarity.

-Color theory.

-The chromatic circle and their families:

or Primary Colors.

or Secondary Colors.

or Complementary Colors.

-Face aesthetic interest centers:

or All five broadcast points.

-Make-up techniques for dead body.

or Face/Set Treatment.

or Eye Treatment.

or Nose treatment.

or Cheek Treatment.

or Lip Treatment.

-Cosmetic camouflage techniques.

o The stick bread.

-Basic minor restore techniques:

o The wax.

or Utilization.

-Materials, useful, and products.

o Bases and creamy makeup.

or Compact Cabinets.

or Fixers.

or Paintbrushes.

or Broches

or Sponges

-Procedures and techniques for using the different products.

-Waste management derived from the application of tanatoaesthetic techniques.

3. Exposure of the corpse

-Sick of the corpse.

or Carcass Mobilization Techniques.

or Feretros Tipologia.

or Interior of the coffins.

-Environmental exposure conditions:

or Temperature.

or Humidity.

-Non-environmental body conditions:

or Tumulus Position.

or Lighting.

-Places of corpse exposure:

or Tanatories.

or Velatorios.

or Home.

or Burning Capillas.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum hours Distance-

Formative Module-MF1607_2



Access criteria for students

They will be those set out in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the Certificate of professionalism to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1608_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1608_3: Perform tissue extractions, prostheses, pacemakers, and other body contaminants

Duration: 30 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Explain the documentation that must accompany the body by checking its identity and to identify the extraction jobs to be performed.

CE1.1 Describe the family authorization document or the competent entity prior to the work.

CE1.2 Define the custom documentation to accompany the corpse.

CE1.3 List the variables collected in the death certificate that determine the removal of the pacemaker, to avoid risks, and the removal of tissues to provide to the tissue bank or to the laboratory of analysis of DNA.

CE1.4 In a practical case of identification of the documentation that accompanies the body to which it is to be extracted, duly characterized:

-Check the identity of the body by confirming it to avoid errors.

-Identify the causes of death so that they help to choose the aesthetic care to be applied.

-Check the date and time of death.

-Confect a tab detailing the jobs to be performed on the corpse to check, subsequently, the data that might be needed.

C2: Identify the material resources necessary for the realization of the collection of DNA samples, corneas removal, removal of pacemakers, ortheses or other elements in the carcass.

CE2.1 Describe the characteristics to be gathered by the tanatopraxia room to recognize and check the usefulness and functioning of the necessary physical and protective elements according to the labor safety standards.

CE2.2 List useful and non-disposable material and material for the execution of work with quality and effectiveness.

CE2.3 Describe and explain the disinfection and sterilization techniques of the area, the working tools, and the individual protective equipment so that risks are avoided.

C3: Determine the extraction of the sample for DNA analysis and its subsequent submission to the laboratory or the requesting body.

CE3.1 Explain the aesthetic and efficiency criteria in the selection of the area where the sample will be extracted.

CE3.2 Describe and explain techniques for sample extraction according to the request of the requesting entity.

CE3.3 Explain the collection of the sample in a sterile or specific container and the identification of the sample by ensuring its customization.

CE3.4 In a scenario of sample extraction for DNA analysis:

-Choose the area where the tissue sample will be extracted for DNA analysis according to established procedures.

-Extract a tissue sample for submission to the requesting lab according to the established procedure.

-Enter the sample into a specific container, identifying it and sending it to the appropriate lab.

C4: Analyze the enucleation technique of the eyeballs for shipment to the corneas bank describing the phases.

CE4.1 Analyze the places where the blood sample is to be extracted, according to protocols, its placement in the specific tubes, and its identification for shipment to the corneas bank.

CE4.2 Describe the placement of blepharostat and the disinfection of the eyeball according to established procedures.

CE4.3 Analyze and explain the techniques of conjunctiva dissection and eye muscles according to established procedures.

CE4.4 Explain the optical nerve cutting procedure, the total extraction of the eyeball and its placement in the container by identifying it unequivocally.

CE4.5 Describe the placement in a refrigerator of the eyeballs, blood sample, and completed and required documentation for the corneas bank following the procedure.

CE4.6 Explain the techniques of reconstruction and placement of prostheses in the space left by the extraction of the eye following aesthetic criteria and respect for the corpse.

CE4.7 In a practical scenario of enucleation of eyeballs:

-Extract blood sample, placing it in the specific tubes and identifying them for shipment to the corneas bank.

-Disinfect the eyeball by applying the techniques for extraction.

-Introduce the eyeballs into the specific containers, identifying them and sending them to the corneas bank.

C5: Explain pacemaker removal according to established procedures.

CE5.1 Analyze access techniques for pacemaker removal based on the type of pacemaker and the location zone.

CE5.2 Explain the suture techniques by ensuring the impermeability of the wound performed for the extraction.

CE5.3 Describe risk prevention protocols for this activity taking into account current legislation

CE5.4 In a convenient pacemaker removal scenario, properly characterized:

-Locate the pacemaker situation by extracting it below.

-Use techniques that allow the removal of the pacemaker.

-Identify the zone where the pacemaker is located following the criteria for removal.

C6: Describe the techniques for extracting osteosynthesis material, intramedular nails, or other elements according to established procedures.

CE6.1 List useful and non-disposable material and material for the execution of work with quality and effectiveness.

CE6.2 Describe and explain the disarticulation techniques so that it allows the extraction of the described elements.

CE6.3 Citar the suture techniques to be employed depending on the wounds to be closed to ensure impermeability.

CE6.4 Describe the various cleaning and disinfection processes of the removed elements avoiding risks and the spread of diseases.

CE6.5 Describe the risk prevention protocols for this activity so that they take into account current legislation.

CE6.6 In a practical case of extraction of osteosynthesis material, duly characterized:

-Retire the elements to be extracted so that the aesthetics improve.

-Suit the extraction zones by ensuring the impermeability.

-Manage waste by avoiding risks and spreading diseases.

-Identify the elements to be extracted using techniques that allow for removal.


1. Tissue extraction for DNA analysis

-Extraction zones in the sample.


-Refrigerated packaging for the sample move.

2. Enucleation of the eyeball for corneas bank

-Anatomy of the eyeball.

-The enucleation procedure.

or Disinfection and hydration.

or Extraction of the eyeball.

o Identification and preservation of the eyeball.

or Refrigerated packaging for shipment to the corneas bank.

-Colocation of ocular prostheses.

3. Removing the pacemaker, intramedullary nails, and other elements that distort the aesthetics of the body


-Elements that make up the pacemaker.

or Generator and Battery.

or electrode or probe.

-Pacemaker functions.

-Pacemaker classes.

or Fixed-rate, or on demand.

or Permanent or Interim.

or One or two cameras.

-Operation of the pacemaker.

-Common location zones.

-Extract procedure.

-Managing the extracted pacemaker.

-Systems for fixing intramedular nails and other elements.


-Managing intramedular nails and other extracted elements.

Methodological guidelines

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum hours Distance-

Formative Module-MF1608_3



Access criteria for students

They will be those set out in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the Certificate of professionalism to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1609_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1609_3: Manage relational skills and techniques to deliver tanatopraxia service.

Duration: 90 hours.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply communication techniques with families and associates of a deceased and with a funeral entity to respond to possible demands for information.

CE1.1 Explain communication techniques to be used with the family or those close to them when doing work in particularly sensitive situations.

CE1.2. In an alleged practice of transmitting information to the family and relatives of a deceased:

-Recognize the doubts raised by the family and the legacy, and, in case of lack of information, seek to follow the predicted channels.

-Resolve doubts, using maximum care and diligence.

-Show a calm attitude to avoid adding to your nervousness and to soften moments of tension.

CE1.3 In a practical scenario of using communication techniques with families and relatives of the deceased and with funeral entities:

-Use active listening and communication techniques that are more in tune with the situation.

-Transmit the information needed to respond to the demands raised.

-Facilitate proposals and alternatives, if necessary.

CE1.4 Identify active listening and information transmission techniques relating to different situations that may arise in a tanatopraxia service.

CE1.5 Explain the importance of preserving the right to privacy of people so that the confidentiality of information is maintained at all times.

C2: Apply psychosocial skills to deal with possible crisis situations generated in a tanatopraxia service.

CE2.1 Identify acting protocols to crisis situations by explaining how to ensure a rapid and effective response in the work of tanatopraxia.

CE2.2 Explain ways to deal with crisis situations in a tanatopraxia job by applying stress control techniques.

CE2.3 Analyze the common situations that cause the most difficult moments in the work of tanatopraxia.

CE2.4 In a scenario scenario of crisis generated in a tanatopraxia service:

-Apply the protocol by giving a quick and effective response.

-Coping with crisis situations by employing psychosocial skills in accordance with the situation.

-Facing difficult moments using self-driving techniques to help preserve self-motivation.

C3: Apply teamwork skills that facilitate the delivery of the tanatopraxia service to favor horizontal and vertical communication between the various members of a work team.

CE3.1 Describe processes that encourage cooperation in a work team using everyone's experience and support.

CE3.2 Indicate how to maintain the ordered physical space by facilitating the performance of the next shift work.

CE3.3 Present the ways to translate the incidents into a tanatopraxia service, favoring information feedback and updating protocols.

CE3.4 Indicate how to develop proposals to improve the work of tanatopraxia.


1. Communication: the verbal and non-verbal language applied in the services of tanatopraxia

-Communication, the main elements involved.

-Barriers and communication errors.

-Communication techniques.

-Verbal and non-verbal language.

-Attitudes in communication.

-Social skills applied to the relationship with the deceased's relatives.

or Asertivity.

or Listen Active.

or Other.

2. Teamwork techniques in tanatopraxia services

-The teamwork.

-The training of the work team: stages.

-Structure of the equipment.

-Features and types of equipment.

-Diagnosis of the situation of the teamwork.

-Competences to develop.

-Self-diagnostic tools.

-Personal attitudes that make it difficult to communicate and control measures to be taken in teamwork and during the application of tanatopraxia techniques.

or Stress.

or Frustration.

or Burn Syndrome.

3. Management and conflict management in tanatopraxia services

-Etiology. More frequent types.

-Valuation of conflicts.

-Study of solutions.

-Conflict resolution.

4. Motivation and self-motivation techniques in tanatopraxia services

-Theories and motivation techniques.

-Factors related to staff motivation.

-Differences between motivation and satisfaction.

-Satisfaction in the job.

-Team strategies and motivation.

-Self-motivation techniques and their application.

-The participation of team members.

-Psychological management and support in difficult situations:

or Age, sudden death and traumatic death.

or Multiple Duels.

or Catastrophes.

or Situations of high tension, aggressiveness, anxiety and extreme distress.

o Duel complicated.

-Psychology of teamwork in tanatopraxia.

or Group Dynamics.

or The role of the funeral professional/tanatopractor.

or The role of the client/non-user.

o The communication with the client/non-user.

5. Management of internal communication in tanatopraxia services

-Importance of internal communication.

or What to communicate and to whom.

or Content and public of the communication.

or Different levels of information.

-Identification of the internal communication system.

o Devices and tools oriented to the circulation of information.

-Elaboration of an internal communication system.

or Media.

or Strategies.

or People involved.

-System Evaluation: Aspects that are evaluated. Methods and tools.

6. Customer/user care techniques in tanatopraxia services

-Client Typology.

-Characteristics and treatment.

-Client/user behavior.

-Client expectations and expectations.

-Handling complaints and complaints.

-Learn about complaints and their importance.

-Reception and reception for family members: attention to visitors.

-Telephone attention.

-Professional behavior.

-The image of the company.

-Respect for pain.

7. Death and mourning: basic psychological aspects

-Death in our society.

-Basic psychological aspects of death.

-Shock and psychological trauma.

-Mourning characteristics. Phases of the duel.

-Types of grief based on the context and circumstances of death.

-Mourning bad-evolution predictors.

-Grieving in children.

-Primary bereavement care

-"on site" care for relatives of the deceased.

or Welcome to relatives and mourners.

or Attention to visitors.

or Legal guidance.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum hours Distance-

Formative Module-MF1609_3



Access criteria for students

They will be those set out in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the Certificate of professionalism to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0103

Duration: 160 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Check the status of the body upon arrival and the documentation accompanying it by contrasting information about its identity, cause and circumstances of death, as well as the work to be done and the report of the body. tanatopractor.

CE1.1 Check that the collection and transfer of the body has been carried out properly, respecting their privacy, integrity and dignity.

CE1.2 Check the identity of the corpse to confirm and avoid errors.

CE1.3 Identify the causes of death to plan the necessary techniques.

CE1.4 Check the date and time of death.

CE1.5 Confect a tab with the jobs to be performed on the corpse to later check the data that might be needed.

CE1.6 Fill in the report of the tanatopractor with the work done on the body relating: techniques, products used, as well as the management of the waste generated according to the current regulations.

C2: Prepare the corpse, as well as the tanatopraxia room and material resources, defined in the work procedures for the application of the different techniques.

CE2.1 Use individual protective equipment (PPE ' s) suitable for the tasks to be performed for correct personal safety and prevention.

CE2.2 Retire the garments that the decedent brings, the different dressings and remnants of bandages for their grooming.

CE2.3 Asean the corpse and place bandages if you need them to protect wounds or prevent fluid from going out.

CE2.4 Prepare the material and room for the application of the different tanatopraxia techniques.

C3: Perform the process of preservation and embalming of the non-traumatic body through arterial pathway following protocols.

CE3.1 Place the decedent on the worktable.

CE3.2 Locate and remove the arteries that are needed to remove all the livides, ensuring that the preservative liquid reaches all points in the body.

CE3.3 Prepare and inject the appropriate preservative liquid to the causes of death or the state of the corpse and the type of conservation we want.

CE3.4 Perform manual drainage on the face, neck, ears, hands and legs by improving access to the preservative liquid and removing livides.

CE3.5 Control the pressure of the introduction of the preservative in the arteries avoiding aesthetic damage.

CE3.6 Extract fluids and gases that still remain in the chest and abdomen, completely eliminating them.

CE3.7 Introduce in chest and abdomen the specific preservative of cavities, so as to ensure its preservation.

CE3.8 Sutate the incisions made for aesthetic reasons, avoiding the outflow of fluids.

C4: Perform the process of preservation and embalming of the corpse that is the object of trauma following protocols, avoiding deterioration.

CE4.1 Localize the areas of the body that allow us to remove the arteries that have to be injected. with the preservative fluid.

CE4.2 Manually introduce the preservative in areas where we cannot access via arterial route.

CE4.3 Asear the viscera, apply a specific preservative base in thorax and abdomen, placing the extracted organs and covering them with the same preservative to ensure their preservation.

CE4.4 Suturing the body, with the appropriate technique and waterproofing to prevent fluid loss.

C5: To carry out the process of keeping dead bodies burned or in an advanced state of decomposition in which we cannot access by arterial means to avoid odours and enable them to be transferred to another city, by judicial decision or in application of the current rules.

CE5.1 Perform fluid aspiration in the chest and abdomen to slow down biological degradation.

CE5.2 Apply the preservative of cavities in the chest and abdomen to slow down the decomposition.

CE5.3 Place the carcass inside a shroud and apply the preservative powder or other liquid contact to slow down the decomposition.

C6: Apply techniques to restore damaged areas based on injuries or overtissue alterations that may have the corpse and/or absences of anatomical parts.

CE6.1 Restore wounds with straight edges, drying the area with preservative products, applying wax and suturing conveniently to preserve aesthetics.

CE6.2 Restore wounds with irregular edges, drying the area with preservative products, applying wax and suturing to preserve aesthetics.

CE6.3 Restore areas with burns, blisters, and elements attached to the skin to improve the aesthetic appearance.

CE6.4 Rebuild anatomical losses, using prosthetics and cosmetic products for camouflage, returning the natural appearance to the corpse.

CE6.5 Identify excess tissue before proceeding to its removal by aesthetically balancing the body surface.

CE6.6 Apply waxes and cosmetic products by camouflaging the reconstruction or restoration done to preserve the natural appearance.

C7: Apply aesthetic techniques for the presentation of the corpse.

CE7.1 Asean and disinfect the carcass before plugging the natural holes to prevent fluid from getting out and getting your sanitizing.

CE7.2 Apply mouth and eyelid closure techniques, as well as place specific prosthetics for the enhancement of facial aesthetics

CE7.3 Dressed to place a habit or to love the corpse by responding to the desire of your relatives by applying the appropriate mobilization techniques to each case.

CE7.4 Apply cosmetic products by returning the body to its natural appearance.

CE7.5 Place the body in the coffin and move it to the place of sailing and presentation to your family.

C8: Perform the technique of enucleation of the eyeballs and extraction of samples for DNA analysis preparing them for shipment to the laboratory or the requesting organism.

CE8.1 Perform sample extraction for DNA analysis, after choosing the appropriate zone, placing the sample in the corresponding container according to protocol

CE8.2 Extract the blood sample prior to the removal of the corneas according to protocol.

CE8.3 Perform the enucleation according to protocol and sending it to the corneas bank.

CE8.4 Correct the absence of the eyeball with specific techniques.

C9: Remove pacemakers, osteosynthesis material, intramedular nails, or other elements according to established procedure.

CE9.1 Locate the pacemaker situation and nails by extracting it below.

CE9.2 Sutate affected areas to avoid fluid output according to procedures.

CE9.3 Manage the generated residue according to protocols.

C10: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE10.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE10.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE10.3 Undertake with diligence tasks according to the instructions received, trying to make them fit the work rate of the company.

CE10.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE10.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE10.6 Respect the rules on risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection, implementing measures such as: use of personal protective equipment, ergonomics, chemical, physical and chemical risks prevention biological, waste disposal in specific containers, among others.

CE10.7 Rate the final result of the preparation of the corpse and its presentation to the family.

CE10.8 Analyze the needs of family members to tailor the preparation of the body to its indications when possible.

CE10.9 Act in an appropriate manner to the standards of ontology0 relating to the preservation of professional secrecy.

CE10.10 Use and transmit the information to the family environment of the deceased in an appropriate manner, without interfering in the privacy of the person, and with the corresponding delicacy.

CE10.11 Identify findings and signs found on the corpse that are susceptible to notice to the judicial authority.


1. Management of the receipt of the corpse: documentation

-Medical certificate of death.

-Work orders.

-Check for damage to the carcass caused by your transport.

-Elaboration of the tanatopraxia report or report.

2. Initial preparation of the body and the tanatopraxia room

-Hygiene, grooming and disinfection of the body.

-Characteristics of a tanatopraxia room.

-Using manual and mechanical tools.

3. Preservation techniques or embalming of the carcass

-Types of carcass conservation.

-Localization and extraction of different available arteries.

-preservative products and their application via arterial blood.

-Application of preservatives if there are no arteries.


-Individual protective equipment.

4. Suture and dressing techniques

-The suture techniques according to zone and purpose of the same.

-Needle types and yarn.

-Type of bandage.

5. Restoring and rebuilding damaged or missing parts of the body

-Materials and products.

-Types of wounds to rebuild.

-Creating prostheses for reconstruction.

6. Tanatoaesthetics

-Types of makeup.

-Application of bases, makeup and camouflage.

-Types of aesthetic prostheses and their placement.

7. Eye balloon enucleation techniques, DNA sample extraction and pacemaker in the carcass

-Localization of the veins for blood sample intake.

-Localization of the site for tissue taking for the DNA sample.

-Eye balloon enucleation technique.

-Packaging and shipping of the eyeballs or DNA samples to the tissue or laboratory bench.

-Removing pacemakers. Location and removal of the pacemaker. Waste management.

8. Waste management generated in the activity of tanatopraxia

-Classification and typology of the waste.

-Waste management and disposal.

9. Integration and communication in the funerary sector's work centre

-Worker requirements in the funeral sector.

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Tracking the result of the body preparation.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.

-Analysis of the needs of family members regarding the body preparation and its viability.

-Basic psychological aspects of death and mourning.

10. Observation of the ethical and deontological standards of the tanatopractor

-Respect to professional secrecy. The right to the image itself and its preservation in certain situations

-Observe and know how to recognize good practices regarding professional ethics in the various activities of Tanatopraxia.

-Know how to recognize the findings and data collected or observed in the body that may be able to communicate to the judicial authority, for possible investigation.



Required Accreditation

Required Professional Experience in the Scope of the Competition

With Accreditation

No accreditation

MF1605_3: Transitional and transient conservation embalming of corpses with biocidal products.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomacy, Technical engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

3 years

MF1606_3: Restore and rebuild on dead bodies.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect, or corresponding degree or degree title other equivalent titles.

3 years

MF1607_2: Tanatoaesthetics.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

-Family Senior Technician Personal image professional.

-Professional level 3 certificates from the professional services area and health products of the professional family Image family.


MF1608_3: Strings of tissues, prostheses, pacemakers, and other contaminants in the body.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.


3 years

MF1609_3: Handling relational skills and skills for the delivery of a tanatopraxia service.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

1 year

3 years


Workshop for Practices

Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils








Forming Space






-purpose Aula













Forming Space

-purpose Aula.

-Pizarras to write with pen.

-Audio-visual equipment.


-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for trainer.

-Messes and Student chairs.

-Computer and video projector.


Workshop for Practices.

-Tanatopraxia-specific table.

-Late-running Carros.

-Disposable Sabanas.

-Apparel or Shroud.

-Cleaning and Disinfection Material.

-Preservative products.

-Instrumental (scalpel, dissection tweezers, pinch-tubes, curved and straight scissors, hook, tissue separator, straight and curved needles, suture thread, spatulas).


-A specific kit for extracting material for DNA analysis.

-Material for applying aesthetic techniques (waxes, prostheses, latex, addition silicones, makeup, glues, shaving foam, razor blades, comb, among others).

-Injection machine.


-Cooling chamber.

-Freezing chamber.


-Individual protective equipment.

-Specific Receipts for Collection and Transport of Samples.

-Approved Receipts for Waste Removal.


-Transport Machinery.

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

Facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and hygiene regulations and respond to universal accessibility and safety measures for participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.