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Royal Decree 1703 / 2011, 18 November, Is Establishing The Regulatory Basis For The Granting Of Subsidies To Groups Of Sheep And Goat Producers In The Sectors In The Year 2012.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1703/2011, de 18 de noviembre, por el que se establecen las bases reguladoras para la concesión de las subvenciones a las agrupaciones de productores en los sectores ovino y caprino en el ejercicio 2012.

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Royal Decree 104/2008 of 1 February 2008 laying down the regulatory bases for the granting of subsidies to producer groups in the sheepmeat and goatmeat sectors has set in motion a specific system of State aid to those sectors, which were linked through groups of active producers. These groups had to have a sufficient dimension to meet the challenges of modernisation and restructuring which they would necessarily face as a result of the adverse economic conditions that were affecting them. feasibility and whose aggravation in 2007 resulted in various initiatives of the Congress of Deputies and in the Senate, for which the adoption of actions in favor of such sectors was urged.

The implementation of specific actions aimed at their encouragement and renewal has been aimed at ensuring their continuity and ensuring a harmonious generational change. These included specific measures designed to order supply, reduce costs, stimulate the marketing in common and promote national production, actions which were entrusted to producer groups in the framework of the Integral Action Plan for the Ovino and Caprino sectors.

After three years of implementation of Royal Decree 104/2008 of 1 February, it is worth noting that the aid scheme designed has responded satisfactorily to the objectives set and that its implementation has had an impact positive on the management of the supply of sheep and goats and the maintenance of censuses and productive structures. These groupings, which currently concentrate an important part of the national census, have been given sufficient size to benefit the competitiveness of the sectors and the progress and consolidation of the improvement of the the marketing and implementation of quality programmes, which have been covered for the first time by optional labelling schemes. All these actions have also provided an indirect stimulus to the generational change, the exploitation in harmony with the traditional uses of high environmental value and the improvement of the spatial planning through the establishment of the population. rural.

However, it is appropriate to adapt the rule to the development of the sector and to the new challenges arising from the so-called "health check of the CAP", including the total decoupling of Community aid, which has been supplemented by a system of specific support for producers who are betting on the future with their permanence. This adaptation must, however, ensure that the groups which have benefited from grants in previous years, pursuant to Royal Decree 104/2008, may continue to benefit from the previous scheme, if they have been beneficiaries of the aid lines set out in Royal Decree 104/2008 of 1 February 2008, so as to maintain the pre-existing framework of obligations and commitments linked to each of the subsidy lines, without compromising their rights acquired.

On the other hand, the presentation in June 2010 of the Plan of Action of the Milk of Cabra, in which several measures were included to respond to the economic and structural difficulties faced by the goat sector milk, has shown the need to modify the current regulatory framework, with the aim of including specific actions for milk goat groups, favouring the granting of aid to those who develop and market in milk common milk and milk products.

The optional third-party certification labelling schemes, which have been shown as an alternative to existing quality schemes at Community level, should also be strengthened and should not be restricted to production of meat, also providing for specific systems for milk and milk products, as well as for other productions such as national production wool.

Therefore, it is necessary to supplement the measures included in the old Royal Decree 104/2008 of 1 February 2008, with a State aid scheme adapted to the new market circumstances, simplifying and clarifying certain requirements and criteria for granting and managing aid and eliminating others in order to improve their application, by strengthening the marketing in common through the promotion of the exploitation of sheep and goats. In order to ensure efficiency in business management as a factor for the economic development of the sheep-goat sector and to ensure the economic viability of its initiatives, the groupings should be set up as associative figures with encouragement. for profit.

The set of measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the provisions of Commission Regulation (EC) No 800/2008 of 6 August 2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in the field of application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty ( Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) and in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December 2006 on the application of the Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty on State aid for small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in the production of agricultural products and amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001, subject to the criteria for the compatibility of the Community guidelines on State aid to the agricultural and forestry sector 2007-2013 (2006/C 319/01).

The simplified notification of this royal decree has been made to the European Commission in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 794/2004 of 21 April 2004 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 659/1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Article 93 of the EC Treaty.

The present regulatory bases will be in effect exclusively for the financial year 2012.

Real Decreto 104/2008 is repealed, of February 1, however, it maintains its validity exclusively for those groups to benefit in previous years, which may continue to be received in the financial year 2012 the aid lines from which they would have already been awarded, as previously stated.

In the elaboration of this royal decree, the autonomous communities and representative entities of the sectors affected have been consulted.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister for the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, and after deliberation by the Council of Ministers at its meeting on 18 November 2011,


Article 1. Object.

This royal decree is intended to establish the regulatory basis for the competitive concurrency award of subsidies for sheep and goat producer groups in 2012.

Article 2. Definitions.

1. For the purposes of this royal decree, the definitions laid down in Article 3 of Law 8/2003 of 24 April of animal health and in Article 2 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December 2006 on the the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to State aid for small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in the production of agricultural products and amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001. They shall also apply where they come from, Article 2 of Law 19/1995 of 4 July, Modernisation of Agricultural Holdings.

2. In addition,

following definitions shall apply:

(a) Common marketing: the sale made in common by grouped producers involving the ordering of the offer and including any of the following activities:

1. The classification of lambs or cabritos in the centres defined in point (b) of this paragraph, or in the holdings of the groups provided that the lambs and/or cabritos are marketed with weights/ages of less than 7 kg in lambs or cabritos of weight in carcase.

2. The sale in common of raw milk under a contract-type of supply in accordance with the provisions of Order ARM/3311/2009 of 26 November 2009, for which the contract-type for the supply of sheep's milk is approved with for processing into dairy products and/or Order ARM/2387/2010 of 1 September 2010 for the type-approval of the contract-type for the supply of goat's milk for processing into milk products.

3. The common sale of wool, milk and milk products obtained from the Pool, through a common marketing center that meets the conditions for placing on the market.

This common marketing shall comprise the marketable production of 100 per cent of the breeding producers of the Pool.

The common sale of wool must necessarily be carried out with the common marketing of meat, milk or milk products.

(b) "typing centre" means the permanent installation for the production of homogeneous lots of lambs or cabritos, which allows for their ordered bait with a view to their slaughter, by weight, age and production capacity or any other other production from the Pool.

(c) Producer: the holder of the holding of sheep and/or goats of production and reproduction in accordance with Annex III to Royal Decree 479/2004 of 26 March 2004 establishing and regulating the general register of holdings livestock (REGA).

(d) Reproducer: sheep or goat over 12 months of age, present in an operation integrated into the Pool.

(e) Indicative Census: is the sum of the censuses of breeders of the sheep or goat holdings grouped, as of 1 January of the year of submission of the application in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 479/2004, of March 26. In the case of groups with sheep and goat breeding censuses, the census of sheep and the census of goats shall be taken into account separately for the purpose of the indicative census.

Article 3. Beneficiary groups.

1. The beneficiaries of the grants shall be the producer groups in the sheepmeat and goatmeat sector (groupings), constituted on a profit-making basis and who satisfy the conditions laid down in this royal decree, and whose legal personality such as associative exploitation is one of those defined in article 6 of Law 19/1995, of July 4.

2. These groups shall be composed of producers whose holdings are registered in REGA as established by Royal Decree 479/2004 of 26 March 2004, located in one or more autonomous communities representing, as a whole, an appropriate census for the purpose of its activity, the minimum value of which is set out in Annex I.

Article 4. Requirements and commitments.

1. To qualify for the grants, the pools shall meet the following requirements:

(a) Carry out the marketing in common in accordance with the definition laid down in Article 2.2. This requirement shall not be mandatory if the eligible activity is solely the activity referred to in Article 5 (1) (a).

(b) Meet the requirements for the consideration of SMEs of all final recipients of the grants, in accordance with Annex I to Commission Regulation (EC) No 800/2008 of 6 August 2008 declaring that they are eligible certain categories of aid compatible with the common market pursuant to Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (general block exemption Regulation), currently Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, applicable to both the grouped and the Pool.

(c) Group at least 10 producers active in the sheep and goat sectors, and at least 60 per cent of the total census of the Pool is composed of breeders present in the holdings. Censuses shall be considered as on 1 January of the year in which the application was submitted. If the eligible activity is solely the activity referred to in Article 5 (1) (e), the grouping of at least 2 producers in the sheep and goat sectors shall be required and at least 80 per cent of the total census shall be Reproducers.

2. The Pools will be committed in all cases to:

(a) Maintain its activity and the indicative census associated with Annex I for the 3 years following the date of the decision of the grant by the competent authority. Such censuses shall not apply to the grant line 5.1.e) or to the indigenous breeds in danger of extinction, as set out in Royal Decree 2129/2008 of 26 December 2008 establishing the National Programme of conservation, improvement and promotion of livestock breeds.

b) Carry out individual commitment of the producers to remain at least 3 years in the Pool and to report their discharge at least 12 months in advance to their effective date.

(c) Group all producers who are attached to a livestock health advocacy group constituted or in a position to be authorized to the date set as the limit for the submission of applications.

3. The Groups must meet the current of their tax obligations and the Social Security in accordance with the current regulations, as well as comply with the set of necessary requirements set out in Article 13 of Law 38/2003, 17 of November, General Grant.

4. In no case may actions already initiated at the time of the submission of the application be subject to grant.

Article 5. Help lines and amounts.

1. Depending on the object of the Grouping, the grants will be covered by the following lines:

(a) Constitution of the grouping, as laid down in Article 9 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December 2006.

The constitution must take place before the end of the year 2012.

In the event that the group is composed of members belonging to other groups which have benefited from aid per constitution, the amount of the aid shall be deducted from the aid amount. for each of these members.

It will be a subsidy payable for one time and in advance of a maximum amount of 50,000 euros, without this amount exceeding an individual limit of 300 euros per member of the Pool.

(b) Investment in agricultural holdings integrated into the Grouping, in accordance with Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December, as well as in clause 28 of the Guidelines Community aid to the agricultural and forestry sector 2007-2013 (2006/C 319/01).

To be considered as investments: the construction, acquisition or improvement of buildings, the purchase of machinery and equipment, including software and related general costs. In addition, those carried out on the premises of co-ownership of producers grouped exclusively, in which all producers without the exception of the user group must participate and which are justified by the need for management of the offer and improvement of the marketing.

It will be a one-time grant.

(c) The provision of replacement and advisory services in accordance with Article 15 (2) (b) and (c) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December.

They will be conditioned to the commissioning of the following services:

1. Substitution services by means of pastoralists, milking operators with experience or shearers ' services, by means of the appropriate supporting document.

2. Services of advice provided by third parties such as fees for services which do not constitute continuous or periodic activity nor are related to the usual operating expenses of the Pool. These services may be made available to third parties who so require.

They shall be entitled to a grant up to the limit of 50 per cent of the costs indicated in accordance with Article 15.2 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December.

(d) Investments for functional adaptation for the implementation of quality improvement programmes as laid down in Article 4 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December.

These improvements may be granted provided that they justify the costs of the services provided by third parties or of the controls carried out by third parties or on their behalf, as provided for in Article 14.3 of that Regulation and shall be conditional on the implementation of the optional labelled labels as described in Annex III to Royal Decree 104/2008 of 2 February 2008, and in particular under the Resolution of 10 September 2009, of the Directorate General of Agricultural and Livestock Resources for which the Guide to Optional Labelling is approved lamb and goat meat (BOE A-2009-16288, 12-10-2009) or Resolution replacing it, or quality systems at Community level, such as Protected Geographical Indications, Protected Designation of Origin, Specialties Traditional Guaranteed, Ecological Livestock or Integrated Livestock.

The marketing under the aforementioned quality improvement programmes shall be initiated within a maximum of one year from the decision of the competent authority in accordance with Article 8 of this Royal Decree.

In order to benefit from the aid, production of at least 25 per cent of the producers from the sole holdings should be marketed annually under the quality improvement programme. In the case of optional labelling and the effect of accounting for that percentage, the placing on the market shall be considered from the date of authorisation of the competent authority.

e) Constitution, investments, provision of replacement services and advice and investments for functional adaptation for the implementation of quality improvement programmes in accordance with Articles 4, 9, 14 and 15 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December, of groups in which at least 80 per cent of the holdings are located in areas listed in the list of disadvantaged areas in Spain. the rural development programme of the accompanying measures for the 2000-2006 programming period, adopted by Decision C (2000) 3549 of 24 November and amended by Decision C (2006) 607 of 22 February and the amendments to this relationship as defined by the procedure laid down in Article 90 (2) of the Regulation (EC) n. º 1698/2005, of September 20.

They will be used exclusively for the activities performed by the groupings as long as:

1. Dispose 80 percent of breeding of native breeds in danger of extinction inscribed in genealogical books, as set out in Royal Decree 2129/2008 of December 26, or in its absence recognised and expressly certified by an officially recognised entity for the management of the family books as belonging to the corresponding racial pattern


2. Where the 50 percent of the holdings carry out transhumance, as laid down in Law 8/2003 of 24 April of Animal Health.

2. With the exception of points (a) and (c) of the previous paragraph, the individual intensity of the State subsidy for the other activities shall not exceed 50% of the eligible investment, provided that it is investment covered by the in the areas and regions specified in points (a), (c), (d) and (e) of Article 4.2 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December.

For investments in other areas, as stated in Article 4. 2, (b) of this Regulation, the aid ceiling shall be 40 per cent.

The maximum amount of aid shall be subject to the budgetary resources available in the budget item for each financial year to be determined in the general budget of the State.

3. Grants shall not apply to cover direct investments in the processing and marketing of agricultural products in common, with the exception of the first sale of a primary producer and any preparation for it.

Article 6. Requests and documentation.

1. The application, which shall contain at least the data described in Annex II, shall be addressed to the competent authority of the autonomous community in which the groups have their registered office in which at least 50% of the census of the ewes and breeding goats of ownership of the grouped.

2. Applications for aid may be submitted within the time limit laid down in the call for aid from each Autonomous Community, which shall be at most 1 June 2012.

Article 7. Criteria for the assessment of the application.

1. Applications will be valued at a maximum of 10 points. Of these, up to 5 points will correspond to common valuation criteria as set out in the following paragraph. The competent authority of the autonomous community receiving the application shall grant up to a maximum of 5 additional points for each of the priorities established by that body and which complies with the applicant pool.

2. The common assessment criteria shall be as follows, receiving the applicant Pool one point for each of the following:

(a) That at least 20 percent of the grouped are young farmers according to Article 2 of Law 19/1995, of 4 July, or that 25 percent of the groups comply with the provisions of the Royal Decree 297/2009, 6 of March, on shared ownership of agricultural holdings.

b) That the Grouping constituted or 50 percent of its members is considered to be professionals of agriculture as defined in Article 2 (s) of Royal Decree 66/2010, of 29 January, on the application of the in the year 2010 and 2011 of direct payments to agriculture and livestock farming.

c) That more than 60 percent of the breeding producers of the Pool are native breeds registered in breeding books in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 2129/2008 of 26 December 2008 or in the absence thereof certificates expressly by an entity officially recognised for the management of genealogical books as belonging to the corresponding racial pattern.

(d) that, as a whole, grouped holdings comply, at a minimum rate of 50% of the census, with the requirements laid down for livestock production systems to be extended in accordance with the provisions of the paragraph B. 1 of the Annex to Royal Decree 1724/2007 of 21 December laying down the regulatory bases for subsidies for the promotion of systems for the production of indigenous livestock breeds in extensive schemes.

e) To promote, protect or develop their production under a Protected Geographical Indication, Protected Designation of Origin, Guaranteed Traditional Specialty, Ecological Livestock, Integrated Livestock and/or Labelling optional.

3. Those applicant groupings which do not obtain a minimum score of 1 point in the assessment of criteria in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not be eligible for these grants.

4. The granting criterion shall be as follows:

a) The grants will be awarded per score order.

b) In the event that more than one applicant Pool obtains the same score it shall apply, in order to establish the priority of the applications, the criteria of paragraph 2 of this article, in the order established therein.

5. The available appropriations will be distributed among the beneficiary groups of aid with the following allocation criteria:

(a) 75% of the credit available, at most, to the beneficiaries of aid applications submitted for the financial year 2012 shall be allocated by groups which have been beneficiaries in previous financial years. aid established by Royal Decree 104/2008 of 1 February 2008.

(b) The remainder of the available credit, up to 25%, will be allocated to the beneficiary groups of applications for aid submitted for the financial year 2012, which are in accordance with this royal decree, provided that the intensity of the aid corresponding to each member of the beneficiary pool, does not exceed the intensity of the aid which may correspond to each member of a group which would benefit from the aid provided by the Royal Decree 104/2008 of 1 February.

Article 8. Instruction, resolution, transfer of funds and payment.

1. The competent bodies of the autonomous community in the territory of which the seat of the applicant grouping is located shall instruct the procedure to adopt the decision and make the payment of the grants awarded.

2. It shall be established, in accordance with the budgetary resources of the Ministry of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, the quantities which the Department shall transfer to the Autonomous Communities, except under its specific framework to in the case of the Basque Country and Navarre, in order to meet the payment of the grants in accordance with Article 86 of Law 47/2003 of 23 November 2003, General Budget. In the case of a grant decision, the funds which come from the General Budget of the State shall be expressly stated.

Article 9. Concurrency of aids.

The amount of the grants, in no case, may exceed, in isolation or in competition with other grants or aid from other public or private, national or Community public or private entities, intended for same end, 100 percent of the value or cost of the activity to be developed by the Applicant Pool.

Article 10. Advance and pre-financing of aid.

1. Advance payment advances may be granted on presentation of the corresponding application which must be accompanied by a solidarity guarantee, at first request, with the waiver of the benefits of division and excision, provided by the State Society of Reciprocal guarantees, SAECA, or any other entity legally authorised to provide collateral, covering at least 110% of the amounts granted. Where appropriate, these costs may be the subject of a grant.

2. The guarantees and guarantees will be released once the fulfillment of the commitments acquired by the Groups in each of the budgetary exercises is certified.

Article 11. Justification for compliance.

1. The beneficiary groups must justify the fulfilment of the conditions which gave rise to the grants, the fulfilment of the purpose for which they were granted, and the application of the funds received by means of the the relevant supporting documentation, within the maximum period laid down in the notice in any of the forms provided for in Article 30 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November and in Article 69 of the Regulation, adopted by Royal Decree 887/2006, dated July 21.

2. They shall also provide, where required by the competent bodies, the documentary and on-the-spot review of the conformity and agreement of the expenditure incurred in respect of the requested and resolved, as well as compliance with the other conditions for the grant of the grant.

Article 12. Control of aid.

1. The Directorate-General for Agricultural and Livestock Resources of the Ministry of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities, will develop guidelines for the monitoring and verification of grants, in which the it shall contain any aspect deemed necessary for the carrying out of the checks, both administrative and on the ground of the aid applications.

2. It is for the competent authorities to be responsible for the checks on aid. In cases where the control of an application is carried out by two or more autonomous communities, appropriate collaboration mechanisms should be established between the administrations involved.

Article 13. Modification of the resolution.

1. Any alteration of the conditions under consideration for the grant of the grant may result in the modification of the grant decision. Furthermore, the concurrent collection of grants granted by other public or private national or private authorities may result in the modification of the grant decision. In the event that the beneficiary group does not carry out the entire activity covered by the aid, it shall only receive the proportional share corresponding to the activity carried out.

2. If the beneficiary group is sanctioned by any of the animal health or welfare offences described in law 8/2003 of 24 April or in Law 32/2007 of 7 November for the care of animals, it shall be exploitation, transport, experimentation and slaughter, or failing in a serious or repeated manner in any of the conditions required for the grant of the grant, and irrespective of any other responsibilities it may have incurred, shall lose the right to the grant granted, in the participatory quota corresponding to the pooled producer responsible for the non-compliance, if applicable, with the obligation to reimburse the amounts already received increased with the interest of late payment.

Article 14. Graduation of non-compliances and drawback.

1. The total or partial non-compliance with the conditions imposed by the grant of the grants shall give rise to the obligation to reintegrate the amounts received, in whole or in part, plus the corresponding interest on late payment, as to proportionality criteria.

2. It shall also refund the amounts received, as well as the requirement of interest for late payment from the time of payment of the subsidy, in the other cases referred to in Article 37 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November 2001. Grants.

Article 15. Duty of information.

The Autonomous Communities shall forward annually to the Ministry of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, by 1 April of each year, the data relating to grants awarded and paid in the previous year.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

Royal Decree 104/2008 of 1 February 2008 laying down the regulatory bases for the granting of subsidies to producer groups in the sheep and goat sectors is hereby repealed.

However, it remains in force for 2012, exclusively for those groups benefiting from it in previous years, which may continue to benefit from those lines of aid within the meaning of Article 5 thereof. for which they have obtained a grant, in which case they shall not be eligible for the same as provided for in this royal decree.

Single transient arrangement. Optional labelling.

As provided for in Article 5.1, the Ministry of the Environment and the Rural and Marine Environment, hearing the sector, will establish framework conditions for the application by the stakeholders of the labelling systems. optional milk and milk and wool products, by adopting a regulatory or guide document and the necessary specifications, and may also amend the systems already established to bring them more into line with the technical progress and market reality.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This royal decree is issued under the terms of Article 149.1.13 of the Constitution, which attributes to the State exclusive competence in the field of bases and coordination of the general planning of economic activity.

Final disposition second. Development and application faculty.

The Minister of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, in the field of their powers, are empowered to modify, for justified technical or economic reasons, the annexes of this royal decree as well as the maximum period of submission of applications and other dates and deadlines referred to in this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Suspend condition.

The resolution and payment of the aid this royal decree will be conditioned to the positive decision of the European Commission in accordance with the provisions of article 108.3 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

Final disposition fourth. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on November 18, 2011.


The Minister for the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment,



Minimum Indicative Censuses

1. The minimum indicative census of breeders to be provided by the Beef or Mixed-Fitness Group shall be:

Subsidy Category


Constitution, investments, replacement services, and advisory services.

[Letter (a), b), and (c) of Article 5 (1)].


for functional adaptation for implementation of improvement programs Quality.

[Article 5 (1) (d)]


2. The minimum indicative breeding census to be provided by the Milk Sheep Pool shall be 30,000 breeding.

3. The minimum indicative census of breeders to be provided by the goat pool shall be 15,000 breeding.

4. The minimum census applicable in island territories and autonomous communities representing a maximum of 4,0% of the national census according to Royal Decree 479/2004 of 26 March, of sheep or goats shall be 15,000 breeding.


Requests and documentation

The application shall include, in addition to the documentation enabling the assessment of the criteria described in Article 7 of this Royal Decree, at least the following information:

A) General documentation:

Accreditation of the agreement adopted by the Pool with respect to applying for the aid.

Accreditation of the legal representative of the Pool.

Copy of the Statutes of the Grouping, and document proving its registration in the corresponding Register.

Documentation of the fulfilment of requirements of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 800/2008 of 6 August 2008 by the Pool and by each of the members of the Pool.

Individual commitment of the producers who remain at least 3 years of stay in the Pool and to report their discharge at least 12 months before their effective date, after that period has elapsed.

Proof of membership of the producers of the Pool to a livestock health group constituted or in a position to be authorized to the deadline for filing the application.

Supporting documentation or statement responsible for the management body of the Pool to be found in compliance with tax and social security obligations, in accordance with Article 22 of the Royal Decree 887/2006 of July 21.

Supporting documentation or statement responsible for the management body of the Pool of not being incourseable in prohibition of obtaining the condition of beneficiary of the grant requested, according to Article 13 of the Law 38/2003, dated November 17.

Share or percentage of each producer's participation in the Pool, identified with its full name, DNI/NIF.

REGA codes for grouped holdings and censuses by Grouping, individualised by grouped and species (sheep and goats) as of 1 January of the year of submission of the application.

Description of activity (s) that ensure the reduction of production costs, improvement and reorientation of production, improvement of quality and preservation and improvement of the natural environment, or improvement of the conditions of hygiene and animal welfare.

B) Specific documentation:

1. In the case of applying for the category of subsidy provided for in Article 5 (b), they shall submit:

a) General cost report and employee resources.

b) Forecast and justification of expenses for the construction, acquisition or improvement of buildings, memory of purchase of machinery and equipment.

2. In the case of applying for the grant category set out in Article 5 (c), they shall submit:

a) Memory of advisory or replacement services, including description of human and technical means.

b) Forecast and justification of expenses.

3. In the case of applying for the category of subsidy provided for in Article 5 (d), they shall submit:

a) Forecast and justification of expenditure for the implementation of the quality improvement programme.

b) Common marketing volume forecast.

c) Statement of specifications for the quality improvement programme.

4. In the case of applying for the category of subsidy provided for in Article 5 (e), they shall submit.

a) Memory that justifies the terms of the concession.

(b) equivalent documentation for the category set out in Article 5 (a), (b), (c) and (d)