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Resolution Of November 1, 2011, In National Parks, Which Published The Agreement Of Entrustment Of Management With The Undersecretary Of Environment And Rural And Marine Affairs, To The Management And Administration Of The Workshop School "bierzo To..."

Original Language Title: Resolución de 1 de noviembre de 2011, de Parques Nacionales, por la que se publica el Acuerdo de encomienda de gestión con la Subsecretaría de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino, para la gestión y administración de la Escuela Taller "Bierzo A...

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As provided for in Article 15 (3) of Law No 30/1992 of 26 November 1992 on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure, the publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities Status "of the Management Committee Agreement between the Subsecretariat of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment and the Autonomous Agency for the Management and Administration of the" Bierzo Alto "Workshop School and the" Bierzo " Employment Workshop High ", which is listed as an annex to this Resolution.

Madrid, November 1, 2011. -President of National Parks, Rosa Aguilar Rivero.


Agreement between the Secretariat for the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment and the Autonomous Agency for the Management and Administration of the "Bierzo Alto" Workshop and the Employment Workshop "Bierzo Alto"

The Workshop Schools are training and employment projects, promoted by different types of entities, which conform to the regulations and benefits established in the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of 14 November 2001 ("BOE" n ° 279 of 21 November), which regulates the programmes of the School of Trades and Trades and establishes the regulatory basis for the granting of public grants to these programmes, as well as in the Resolution of the National Employment Institute of 7 July 1995 ('BOE ' n ° 179 of 28 July) and in the order TAS 816/2005 of March 21 ("BOE" n. No. 78 of 1 April) adapting the legal regime established by Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants. The Employment Workshops, in turn, are also training and employment projects promoted by different types of entities and whose regulation is developed in Royal Decree 282/1999, of 22 February, establishing the Program of Workshops Employment, and the regulatory basis for the award of public grants to the Programme ("BOE" n ° 279 of 21 November 2001) is established.

The Ministry of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment has among its competences the promotion of employment and training in environmental matters, considering as an effective tool for the achievement of such objectives to promote the projects of Workshop Schools and Employment Workshops.

In 2009, the Ministry of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, through the Subsecretariat of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, was awarded a project for two years of occupational training of the Workshop School. "Bierzo Alto" to be developed in the Center of the Center in Vivero in Iguena (León). The development of the Workshop School project will culminate in December 2011, hoping to obtain an employment insertion of 80 per 100 of the staff.

In the years 2009 and 2010, the Ministry of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, through the Subsecretariat of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, were granted two projects for each year of occupational training. "Bierzo Alto" Employment Workshop to be held at the Centro de Ensen-Vivero in Iguena (León). The development of the 2010 Employment Workshop project will culminate in December 2011, with an employment insertion of 80 per 100 of the staff.

Today, the Ministry of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, through the Subsecretariat of the Environment and Rural and Marine Environment, has granted the implementation of a 2nd "High Bierzo" Workshop and a 3rd "Bierzo Alto" Employment Workshop project, to be developed at the Centro de Ensen-Vivero, in Iguena (León). These projects were requested in June 2011, both of which were considered viable, under the files numbers 24/10001/2011 for the Workshop School and 24/10002/2011 for the Employment Workshop, by means of resolutions of the Concession of Grants of the Director-General of the State Employment Public Service, both dated 23 August 2011, with the grant of three hundred and fifty-four thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven euro (354.837.00 €), and the project, to be awarded to the Taller School project Employment Workshop with the grant of three hundred and forty-eight thousand three hundred and fifty-six euro with twenty-one cents (€ 348,356.21).

The development of the Workshop School, to be made effective in 12 months, planned between December 2011 and December 2012, involves the creation of 28 workers ' jobs and 7 other staff positions Management, teacher and support, waiting for the same job insertion, at the end of the project, around 80 per 100 of this staff.

The activities carried out under the project are the finishing works of the production facilities of the indigenous plant and its implementation in the nursery of the Centro de Centro de Vivero in Iguena (León), in addition to the environmental restoration through rustic, wild and indigenous plants, with a substantial part of production being dedicated to the recovery of the slopes affected by tailings from coal mining; and the rest for donations to Non-profit organisations and collectives. To this end, the personnel of these occupational training projects will carry out the following activities: restoration of the Arlanza de Bembibre tailings, repositioning of the tailings 1 and 2 of the urban core of Tremor de Arriba, collaboration in the garden of the Museum of Energy in Ponferrada, the construction of an interpretative classroom of the restoration of a tailings. General maintenance of the Centro de Centro en Vivero, and control, management, repair and maintenance of machines, tools and audio-visual equipment.

The development of the Employment Workshop, to be made effective in 12 months, planned between December 2011 and December 2012, involves the creation of 16 workers ' jobs and 4 other jobs. Management, teacher and support, waiting for the same job insertion, at the end of the project, around 80 per 100 of this staff.

The activities carried out under the project are the finishing works of the production facilities of the indigenous plant and its implementation in the nursery of the Centro de Centro de Vivero in Iguena (León), in addition to the environmental restoration through rustic, wild and indigenous plants, with a substantial part of production being dedicated to the recovery of the slopes affected by tailings from coal mining; and the rest for donations to Non-profit organisations and collectives. To this end, the personnel of these occupational training projects will carry out the following activities: restoration of the Arlanza de Bembibre tailings, repositioning of the tailings 1 and 2 of the urban core of Tremor de Arriba, Collaboration in the garden of the Museum of Energy in Ponferrada, the conditioning of the banks of the river Tremor. General maintenance of the Centro de Centro en Vivero, and control, management, repair and maintenance of machines, tools and audio-visual equipment.

Therefore, in accordance with Article 15 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, of the Legal Regime of the Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure, analyzed the background of these projects and having in The activities of the same will be carried out in main way in the facilities of the Center of the Center of the City of Vivero, of the City of Energy Foundation, whose Patronato is a member of the Ministry of Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, it seems advisable to entrust the management of the referred projects to the Autonomous Body Parks National that has among its functions the recovery of ecosystems, along with the promotion of biodiversity and public use in the National Parks, while the Subsecretariat of Environment and Rural and Marine shares these priorities, and for this reason he promoted in his day the Projects of Workshop and Workshop of Employment.

Consequently, both entities of mutual agreement express their interest in developing the aforementioned projects by complementing each other in the functions and aspects in which they lack the means, assuming the Autonomous Body National parks, for reasons of effectiveness, the activities of a material and technical nature in the development and implementation of the "Bierzo Alto" Workshop School Project and the "Bierzo Alto" Employment Workshop project, without, in any case, this agreement and (a) the management is to assume the transfer of the jurisdiction or the jurisdiction of the substantive elements of their exercise, remaining the responsibility for the implementation of the grants in the Ministry of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment and acting the Autonomous Body National Parks by technical delegation.

By virtue of the above, and by common agreement, the Subsecretariat of the Environment and Rural and Marine Environment, on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment and the Autonomous Agency, prior to the report In favour of the Legal Service of the Department, they agree on the management and administration of the described projects of the School Workshop and Employment Workshop, in the following terms:

1. The Ministry of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, through the Subsecretariat of the Environment and Rural and Marine Environment, as a promotoram entity of the "Bierzo Alto" Workshop School Project and the "Bierzo Alto" Employment Workshop project, entrusts the National Parks Authority, for reasons of efficiency and lack of sufficient own resources, to take on the activities of a material and technical nature and the services of the competence of the administrative bodies, in the development and implementation of the projects mentioned, making it more expensive to participate in the selection of technical, teaching and support staff, as well as technical supervision and technical management for the construction of works, the purchase of goods and services, the provision of material resources and the maintenance and operation of students, in its renewal and for the entire period of its validity.

2. Under the supervision and responsibility of the Subsecretariat of the Environment and the Rural and Marine Environment, the supervision of the training guidelines and activities, the recruitment of the workers and the technical staff, teachers and support staff, as well as the as the economic and administrative management involving the implementation of the project which is the subject of the grant, without any transfer of the ownership of the project or the substantive elements of its exercise.

3. The responsibility for the implementation of the grant and the legal ownership of all the actions corresponds, in any case to the Ministry of the Environment, and Rural and Water, acting the Autonomous Body National Parks by technical delegation for the performance of the functions specified in this command.

4. The duration of this agreement is 12 months according to the Grant Concession Resolutions of the Director General of the State Employment Public Service both dated August 23, 2011.

5. The Autonomous National Parks Agency shall submit to the Ministry of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment annually, a technical and economic memory of the actions of both projects and of the verification of the expenditure incurred, carried out by the directors of the Workshop School and the Employment Workshop, for their justification before the Public Service of State Employment by the Subsecretariat of the Environment and Rural and Marine as a promoter.

6. This Agreement will be published in full in the "Official Gazette of the State", with effect from the start of the activity of the Workshop School and the Employment Workshop, scheduled for December 2011, for the purpose of the end of the referred to in the Resolutions of Grant Concession of the Director General of the State Employment Service of 23 August 2011, on the files numbers 24/10001/2011 for the School Workshop and 24/10002/2011 for the Workshop Employment.

Madrid, October 26, 2011. -President of National Parks, Rosa Aguilar Rivero. -Deputy Secretary for the Environment, and Rural and Marine Environment, Maria Felicidad Montero Pleite.