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Royal Decree 1577/2011, Of 4 November, By Which The Title Of Senior Technician Is Set To Estilismo And Management Hairdressing And Fix His Minimum Educations.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1577/2011, de 4 de noviembre, por el que se establece el Título de Técnico Superior en Estilismo y Dirección de Peluquería y se fijan sus enseñanzas mínimas.

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Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, provides in Article 39.6 that the Government, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, will establish the qualifications corresponding to the vocational training studies, thus as the basic aspects of the curriculum for each of them.

The Organic Law of 19 June, of the Qualifications and of Vocational Training, establishes in Article 10.1 that the General Administration of the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.30. Establishment and after consultation of the General Council of Vocational Training, the certificates and certificates of professionalism, which shall constitute the offers of vocational training referred to in the National Catalogue of Qualifications, shall be determined. Professionals.

Law 2/2011, of 4 March, of Sustainable Economy, and the Organic Law 4/2011, of 11 March, complementary to the Law of Sustainable Economy, amending the Law of the Organic Law, of the Qualifications and of the Vocational training, and 2/2006, of Education, have introduced an ambitious set of legislative changes necessary to stimulate and accelerate the development of a more competitive, more innovative economy, capable of renewing the productive sectors The Commission has been able to make the most of its work in the field of quality.

Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011 provides for the general management of vocational training of the educational system and defines in Article 9 the structure of vocational training qualifications, based on the catalogue National of Professional Qualifications, guidelines set by the European Union and other aspects of social interest.

On the other hand, this royal decree in Article 7 gives the professional profile of these titles, which will include general competence, professional, personal and social skills, qualifications and, where appropriate, the (a) the national catalogue of vocational qualifications included in the titles, so that each degree will, at least, incorporate a complete vocational qualification, in order to ensure that the qualifications of vocational training respond effectively to the needs demanded by the productive system and the personal and social values that enable democratic citizenship to be exercised.

This regulatory framework makes it necessary for the Government, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, to establish each of the titles which will form the catalogue of titles of vocational training of the educational system, its minimum teaching and other aspects of academic management which, without prejudice to the competences conferred on the educational authorities in this field, constitute the basic aspects of the curriculum which ensure a common and ensure the validity of the securities, in compliance with the provisions of Article 6.2 of the Law Organic 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.

For these purposes, it is appropriate to determine for each title their identification, their professional profile, the professional environment, the prospective of the title in the sector or sectors, the teaching of the training cycle, the correspondence of the professional modules with the units of competence for their accreditation, validation or exemption, and the basic parameters of the training context (minimum spaces and equipment, qualifications and specialties of teachers and their equivalent to (a) the Court of Justice, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, as provided for in the Article 95 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.

Also, in each title, the access to other studies and, where appropriate, the modalities and subjects of baccalaureate that facilitate the admission in case of competitive concurrency, the convalidations, exemptions and equivalences and, where appropriate, information on the requirements for the professional exercise, in accordance with the legislation in force.

In order to facilitate the recognition of credits between higher technical qualifications and the teachings leading to university degrees and vice versa, in the higher education courses the equivalence of each professional module with European ECTS credits, as defined in Royal Decree 1125/2003 of 5 September, establishing the European credit system and the system of qualifications in university degrees official character and validity throughout the national territory.

Thus, the present royal decree, as provided for in Royal Decree 1147/2011, of 29 July, establishes and regulates, in the basic aspects and elements mentioned above, the title of vocational training of the educational system of Superior Technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management.

A regulatory standard has been used to establish state bases in accordance with the Constitutional Court, which admits that "exceptionally" the bases can be established by regulatory standards in certain assumptions, as is the case in the present case, when "is an essential complement to ensure the lowest common denominator laid down in the basic legal standards" (thus, inter alia, in SSTC 25/1983, 32/1983 and 48/1988).

In the process of drawing up this royal decree, the Autonomous Communities have been consulted and the General Council of Vocational Training, the School Council of the State and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have issued a report. Territorial and Public Administration.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Education and prior deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on November 4, 2011,



General provisions

Article 1. Object.

The present royal decree aims to establish the title of Superior Technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management, with official character and validity throughout the national territory, as well as their corresponding minimum teachings.


Identification of title, professional profile, professional and prospective title of the title in the sector or sectors

Article 2. Identification.

The title of Superior Technician in Stylism and Hair Management is identified by the following elements:

Denomination: Stylism and Hairdressing Management.

Level: Higher Grade Professional Training.

Duration: 2,000 hours.

Professional Family: Personal Image.

Concerning the International Standard Classification of Education: CINE-5b.

Level of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education: Level 1 Technical Superior.

Article 3. Professional profile of the title.

The professional profile of the title of Superior Technician in Stylism and Hairdressing is determined by his general competence, his professional, personal and social competences, and by the relationship of qualifications of the National catalogue of Professional Qualifications included in the title.

Article 4. General competence.

The general competence of this title is to direct and supervise the development of hairdressing services, to plan and perform aesthetic hair treatments and to design image change stylisms, respecting criteria of quality, safety, environmental and design for all.

Article 5. Professional, personal and social skills.

The professional, personal and social competencies of this title are as follows:

a) Lead and manage hairdressing activities, organizing material, personal, and technical resources.

b) Plan the company's services and products, taking into account the business project parameters.

c) Design the acting protocols, to standardize the hairdressing processes.

d) Generate and offer hairdressing styles, adapting to customer demands.

e) Organize the provisioning and maintenance of the company, controlling the quality and documentation.

f) Perform the analysis of the hair and scalp of the client, using diagnostic instruments.

g) Perform the study of the integral image of the client, relating their demands to the elements that make up the personal style.

h) Design and organize the realization of new styles in the hair, using innovative hairdressing techniques.

i) Advising clients with special needs, reporting on techniques, materials and cosmetics.

j) Oversee and/or perform hairstyles for audiovisual, performing, advertising and fashion productions, applying classic and advanced techniques.

k) Monitor and/or apply hair treatments, integrating electroaesthetic, cosmetological and manual techniques according to previous diagnosis.

l) To market personal image products and services, using marketing techniques.

m) Diagnose deviations in established procedures, providing solutions to optimize results.

n) Advise users and professionals on cosmetic products and hair treatments, reporting on their effects, their relationship with skin physiology, healthy living habits and precautions that need to be taken. follow before, during, and after your application.

n) Adapting to new employment situations, keeping up-to-date scientific, technical and technological knowledge related to their professional environment, managing their training and existing resources in learning throughout life and using information and communication technologies.

o) Solve situations, problems or contingencies with initiative and autonomy in the field of their competence, with creativity, innovation and spirit of improvement in the personal work and in that of the team members.

p) Organize and coordinate work teams with responsibility, monitoring the development of the work, maintaining fluid relationships and assuming leadership, as well as providing solutions to group conflicts that present.

q) Communicate with their peers, superiors, clients and persons under their responsibility, using effective means of communication, transmitting the appropriate information or knowledge and respecting the autonomy and competence of the persons involved in the scope of their work.

r) Generate safe environments in the development of your work and that of your team, monitoring and applying the procedures for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks, as established by the regulations and objectives of the company.

s) Monitor and apply quality management procedures, universal accessibility and "design for all", in the professional activities included in the processes of production or delivery of services.

t) Perform basic management for the creation and operation of a small business and have an initiative in its professional activity with a sense of social responsibility.

u) Exercise their rights and comply with the obligations arising from their professional activity, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force, actively participating in economic, social and cultural life.

Article 6. Relationship of qualifications and competence units of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications included in the title.

Full professional qualifications:

(a) Technical-artistic hairdresser IMP249_3 (Royal Decree 790/2007 of 15 June), comprising the following units of competence:

UC0793_3: Advise clients on their personal image, by caring and transforming the hair and hair of the face.

UC0794_3: Perform technical protocols and hairstyles for hairdressers and audiovisual and performing productions.

UC0795_3: Direct and manage activities developed in personal image companies.

UC0348_2: Make full or partial color changes to your hair.

UC0351_2: Cut your hair and perform the fix and shaving of beard and moustache.

b) Aesthetic capillaries IMP397_3 (Royal Decree 327/2008, of 29 February), comprising the following units of competence:

UC1261_3: Make the diagnosis and design aesthetic hair treatments.

UC1262_3: Perform aesthetic hair treatments under safety and hygiene conditions.

UC0795_3: Direct and manage activities developed in personal image companies.

UC0352_2: Advise and sell products and services for Personal Image.

Article 7. Professional environment.

1. The people who obtain this title exercise their activity as directors of hairdressing processes in companies dedicated to the sector and in audiovisual and performing productions, where they develop individual and group tasks in the functional areas of design and innovation, organisation and delivery of services, marketing, logistics, quality, risk prevention and environmental management.

It acts on its own, with a high degree of autonomy, assuming management and management tasks, or for others, integrating into a work team with people of its own, lower or higher level of qualification.

2. The most relevant occupations and jobs are as follows:

-Technical direction in hairdressing companies.

-A technical and artistic director of hairdressing in audiovisual, performing and fashion productions.

-Specialist in hair treatments.

-Hairdressing art advisory.


-Specialist in hair and hair prostheses.

-Counsellor/a-evaluator/to hairdressing companies.

-Expert in capillaries in clients with special needs.

-Technical/to capillary analysis.

-Peluquero/a specialist.

-Worker/to qualified in hair clinics and medical centers and cosmetic surgery.

-Technician/a commercial.

-Image advice.

-Technical training in hairdressing.

-Sales advisory and demonstrator of hairdressing products and appliances.

-Press advice specializing in personal image and hairdressing.

Article 8. Prospective of the title in the sector or sectors.

Educational administrations will take into account, when developing the corresponding curriculum, the following considerations:

a) The professional profile of this title marks an evolution towards the skills related to the techniques that potentiate the personal image through changes of style. Future professionals should have a wide knowledge of styling, integral personal image and greater specialization in hairdressing techniques. Another future line is the maintenance of the personal image through hair treatments, especially in the field dedicated to care for clients with cancer problems or other conditions with aesthetic manifestation that they need improve your image.

b) Technological developments and the use of advanced technology and aparatology demand an increasingly qualified professional profile with scientific-technological knowledge and with capacity for the organization and planning of processes, which takes on quality, occupational risk prevention and environmental protection functions and is able to maintain an open spirit for innovation.

(c) As far as the typology of enterprises is concerned, the market trend points, on the one hand, towards independent establishments and on the other towards an increase in franchising and corporate groupings with a technical policy and defined business, which are led by professionals with competence in these functions. Companies in the sector are moving towards teamwork and collaboration with other professionals.

d) Because of the specialization of business activities in the hairdressing sector, it is essential that professionals know how to adapt and respond to the new needs of the companies, that they mark the lines of action and working methods and to carry out the innovations demanded by a globalised market.

e) In all these spaces, apart from technicians in hairdressing with specific knowledge, there is a professional profile that is responsible for technical coordination, to direct and supervise the work team, to manage the logistics and to define the business plan. They focus their activity on professional advice and personalized attention.

f) A new profile of this technical director is that of the assessor-evaluator who will establish the procedure for observing the overall dynamics of the company. This professional will analyze communication failures, customer support and coordination of equipment and suppliers; detect technical deficiencies in the working method and provide solutions through changes in the business methodology.

g) The functions that will be performed by this title are related to management, marketing, the organization of hairdressing services in different areas ranging from hairdressing salons to the audiovisual and fashion productions, performing aesthetic and post-traumatic hair treatments, and advising on hairdressing styling after a comprehensive personal image study.


Formative cycle teachings and basic context parameters

Article 9. General objectives.

The general objectives of this training cycle are as follows:

a) Identify material, personal, and technical resources, organizing them according to processes, to lead and manage hairdressing activities.

b) Interpret the business project, analyzing its components and variables, to plan the company's services and products.

c) Identify products and services, recognizing their characteristics, to design action protocols.

d) Analyze trends in the personal image, identifying the parameters that characterize them, to generate and offer their own styles.

e) Recognize the cosmetics and hairdressing equipment, characterizing their properties and the ideal conditions of conservation, to organize the supply and maintenance.

f) Apply hair diagnosis techniques, following the procedure established to perform hair and scalp analysis.

g) Perform the aesthetic study, characterizing the personal, technical and cosmetic requirements, to perform the study of the integral personal image.

h) Recognize and select hairdressing techniques, characterizing personal, technical and cosmetic requirements, to design and organize the realization of new styles in the hair.

i) Select and apply advanced techniques of change of length, shape and hair color, analyzing the requirements, to design and organize the realization of new styles in the hair.

j) Select techniques and cosmetics, and apply hair prostheses to clients with special needs, analyzing the characteristics and alterations of the skin organ to advise on capillary care.

k) Apply collection and hair assembly procedures for audiovisual, advertising and fashion productions, using appropriate tools and tools, to monitor and perform creative hairstyles

l) Define capillary solutions, coordinating resources, to monitor and apply hair treatments.

m) Identify sales and marketing techniques and merchandising, assessing market characteristics and demands, to market personal image products and services.

n) Establish process assessment and control programs, analyzing corrective measures, to diagnose deviations in established procedures.

n) Identify the operations of formulation and development of cosmetics, analyzing the characteristics, effects and applications of their active principles, to advise users and professionals on the products cosmetics.

or) Identify the variability of aesthetic processes, relating them to the anatomical-physiological foundations, healthy habits and the main associated pathologies, to advise users and professionals on the cosmetic products and hair treatments.

p) Analyze and use learning resources and opportunities related to scientific, technological and organizational developments in the sector and information and communication technologies to maintain the spirit of updating and adapting to new work and personal situations.

q) Develop creativity and the spirit of innovation to respond to the challenges that arise in processes and in the organization of work and personal life.

r) Making decisions based on a grounded basis, analyzing the variables involved, integrating knowledge of different scope and accepting the risks and the possibility of error in the same, to face and solve different situations, problems or contingencies.

s) Develop leadership, motivation, monitoring, and communication techniques in group work contexts to facilitate the organization and coordination of work teams.

t) Apply communication strategies and techniques, adapting to the contents that will be transmitted, to the purpose and the characteristics of the receivers, to ensure the efficiency in the communication processes.

u) Assess situations of prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection, proposing and implementing personal and collective prevention measures, in accordance with the applicable regulations in the work processes, for ensure secure environments.

v) Identify and propose the necessary professional actions, to respond to universal accessibility and "design for all".

w) Identify and apply quality parameters in the work and activities carried out in the learning process, to assess the culture of evaluation and quality, and to be able to monitor and improve quality management.

x) Use procedures related to entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial and professional-initiative culture to perform the basic management of a small business or undertake a job.

and) Recognize your rights and duties as an active agent in society, taking into account the legal framework that regulates social and working conditions, to participate as a democratic citizen.

Article 10. Professional modules.

1. The professional modules of this training cycle:

(a) They are developed in Annex I to this royal decree, complying with the provisions of Article 10 of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011.

b) These are the following:

1064. Dermotricology.

1065. Technical and cosmetic resources.

1066. Hair treatments.

1067. Hairdressing procedures and techniques.

1068. Hairstyles for audiovisual and fashion productions.

1069. Styling in hairdressing.

1070. Study of the image.

1071. Address and marketing.

1072. Hairdressing in special care.

0750. Physiological and hygiene processes in personal image.

1073. Styling and hairdressing project.

1074. Training and employment guidance.

1075. Enterprise and entrepreneurial initiative.

1076. Training in job centres.

2. The educational administrations will establish the corresponding curricula, respecting what is established in this royal decree and in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of Royal Decree 1147/2011, of July 29, for the establishment of the general vocational training of the educational system.

Article 11. Spaces and equipment.

1. The spaces necessary for the development of the teachings of this formative cycle are those set out in Annex II of this royal decree.

2. The spaces will have the necessary and sufficient surface to develop the teaching activities that are derived from the learning outcomes of each of the professional modules that are taught in each of the spaces. In addition, they must meet the following conditions:

(a) The area will be established on the basis of the number of people occupying the training space and should enable the development of learning activities with the ergonomics and mobility required within the same.

b) They should cover the spatial need for furniture, equipment and auxiliary work instruments.

c) They must respect the spaces or safety surfaces required by the machines and equipment in operation.

d) Respect the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks, the regulations on safety and health at the workplace and how many other rules are applicable.

3. The established training spaces may be occupied by different groups that heal the same or other formative cycles, or educational stages.

4. The various identified learning spaces should not necessarily be differentiated by closure.

5. The equipment included in each space must be the necessary and sufficient to guarantee to the students the acquisition of the learning outcomes and the quality of the teaching. In addition, they must meet the following conditions:

(a) The equipment (equipment, machines, etc.) shall have the necessary installation for its proper operation, comply with the safety and risk prevention rules and with the other applicable standards.

(b) The quantity and characteristics of the equipment must be based on the number of persons registered and enable the acquisition of the learning outcomes, taking into account the evaluation criteria and the content that are included in each of the professional modules that are delivered in the referenced spaces.

6. The competent authorities shall ensure that the spaces and equipment are adequate in quantity and characteristics for the development of the teaching and learning processes resulting from the learning outcomes of the modules. and thus ensure the quality of these teachings.

Article 12. Teachers.

1. The teaching of the vocational modules which constitute the teaching of this training cycle corresponds to the teaching staff of the Secondary Teaching Body, the Secondary School Teachers 'Corps and the Teachers' Body. Professional Training Technicians, as appropriate, of the specialties set out in Annex III A) of this royal decree.

2. The qualifications required for access to the aforementioned teaching bodies are, in general, those laid down in Article 13 of Royal Decree 276/2007 of 23 February, approving the entry, access and acquisition of the new specialties in the teaching bodies referred to in the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May of Education, and the transitional admission regime is regulated, which refers to the transitional provision of the said law. The qualifications equivalent to those before these same effects are, for the various specialties of the faculty, those listed in Annex III B) of the present royal decree.

3. For the teachers of the centres of private ownership or of public ownership of other administrations other than the educational ones, the required qualifications and the necessary requirements, for the delivery of the professional modules The title, are those included in Annex III C) of the present royal decree. In any case, the lessons to be taught to the qualifications mentioned shall be required to cover the objectives of the professional modules and, if those objectives are not included, in addition to the certification, they must be accredited by means of "certification", a work experience of at least three years in the sector related to the professional family, carrying out productive activities in companies that are implicitly related to learning outcomes.

4. The competent authorities shall ensure that the teachers providing the professional modules comply with the specified requirements and thus ensure the quality of these lessons.


Accesses and links to other studies, and correspondence of professional modules with the competition units

Article 13. Preferences for access to this training cycle in relation to the forms and subjects of baccalaureate courses.

They will be given preference to access this training cycle who have completed the Bachelor of Science and Technology or the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Article 14. Access and linkage to other studies.

1. The title of Superior Technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management allows for direct access to cure any other higher grade training cycle, under the conditions of admission to be established.

2. The title of Superior Technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management allows direct access to the teachings conducive to the undergraduate degree degrees, in the conditions of admission that are established.

3. The Government, heard by the Council of Universities, shall, as a rule, regulate the recognition of claims between the qualifications of the higher technical vocational training and the degree of university teaching. In order to facilitate the validation regime, in this royal decree, 120 ECTS credits have been allocated among all the professional modules of this training cycle.

Article 15. Validations and exemptions.

1. Those who have passed the vocational training and guidance module or the professional business module and entrepreneurial initiative in any of the training cycles corresponding to the securities established under the Law Organic 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, will have validated these modules in any other formative cycle established under the same law.

2. Those who have obtained the accreditation of all the units of competence included in the title, by means of the procedure laid down in Royal Decree 1224/2009 of 17 July of recognition of the professional skills acquired by work experience, may validate the vocational training and guidance module provided that:

-Credit at least one year of work experience.

-Be in possession of the accreditation of the training established for the performance of the basic level functions of the preventive activity, issued in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 39/1997, of January 17, by the The Regulation of the Prevention Services is approved.

3. In accordance with Article 39 of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011, the total or partial exemption of the vocational training module in the workplace may be determined by correspondence with the work experience, provided that an experience related to this training cycle is established in the terms provided for in that Article.

Article 16. Correspondence of professional modules with the units of competence for their accreditation, validation or exemption.

1. The correspondence of the units of competence with the professional modules which form the teaching of the title of Superior Technician in Stylism and the Direction of Barber for its validation or exemption, is determined in Annex IV A) of this royal decree.

2. The correspondence of the professional modules forming the teaching of the title of Superior Technician in Stylism and the Direction of Barber with the units of competence, for their accreditation, is determined in Annex IV B) of this real decree.

Additional disposition first. Title reference in the European framework.

Once the national qualifications framework has been established, in accordance with the European recommendations, the corresponding level of this qualification will be determined in the national framework and its equivalent in the European framework.

Additional provision second. Distance offering of this Title.

The professional modules that form the teachings of this training cycle can be offered at a distance, provided that it is guaranteed that the students can achieve the learning outcomes of the same, according to the provisions in the present royal decree. To this end, the educational authorities, within the scope of their respective powers, shall take the measures they deem necessary and shall give the precise instructions.

Additional provision third. Equivalent qualifications and links with vocational training.

1. In accordance with the provisions of the additional 30th of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, of Education, the title of Technical Specialist of Law 14/1970, of 4 August, General of Education and Financing of the Reform Educative, which is then related, will have the same professional and academic effects as the title of Superior Technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management established in this royal decree:

-Technical Specialist in Barber, Hair and Aesthetic branch.

2. The training provided in this royal decree in the vocational training and guidance module is capable of carrying out professional responsibilities equivalent to those required by basic level activities in the field of risk prevention. This is the case in the case of the case-law of the Court of Law of 17 January 1997, in which the Regulation of the Prevention Services is adopted, provided that it has at least 45 teaching hours.

Additional provision fourth. Regulation of the exercise of the profession.

1. The title laid down in this royal decree does not constitute a regulation of the exercise of a regulated profession.

2. Similarly, the equivalences of academic qualifications provided for in paragraph 1 of the third provision of this royal decree shall be without prejudice to the provisions which they enable for the exercise of the right to regulated professions.

Additional provision fifth. Equivalences for the purposes of teaching in the selective entry procedures in the Professional Training Technical Teachers ' Corps.

The title of Technical Superior or Specialist Technician is declared equivalent to those required for access to the Technical Teachers ' Body of Vocational Training, when the title has been used as an interim teacher in schools. public in the field of the administrative authority, in the field of teaching to which it intends to access and for a minimum period of two years before 31 August 2007.

Additional provision sixth. Universal accessibility in the teachings of this title.

1. In the field of their respective competences, the educational authorities will include in the curriculum of this training cycle the elements necessary to ensure that the persons who are cured develop the competences included in the curriculum in "design for all".

2. They shall also take the measures they deem necessary to enable this student to access and to pursue that training cycle under the conditions laid down in the final provision of Law 51/2003 of 2 December 2003. equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities.

Single repeal provision. Repeal of rules.

All provisions of equal or lower rank are repealed to be opposed to the provisions of this royal decree.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This royal decree is of a basic standard, under the powers conferred on the State by Article 149.1.1º and 30 º of the Constitution.

Final disposition second. Implementation of the new curriculum.

The educational administrations will implement the new curriculum of these teachings in the 2012-2013 school year.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on November 4, 2011.


The Minister of Education,



Professional Modules

Professional Module: Dermotricology.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 9

Code: 1064

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. It characterizes the scalp, analyzing its structure and alterations.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The structure of the skin organ has been identified.

b) The functions of the skin organ have been determined.

c) The scalp types have been linked with their epicutanea emulsion.

d) Elementary skin lesions have been characterized.

e) Different scalp alterations have been classified.

f) Adverse skin reactions have been determined for cosmetics and materials used in hairdressing.

g) Skin lesions of the scalp have been linked to their contraindications in hair treatments.

2. It characterizes the corneous skin attachments, analyzing its structure and alterations.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Corneous skin attachments have been identified.

b) The hair characteristics of the beard and moustache have been determined, and their specific alterations.

c) Different phases of the life cycle of hair have been established.

d) Changes in the amount of the hair system have been related to its etiology.

e) Different structural and chromatic hair alterations have been differentiated.

f) Ungual and periungeal alterations have been recognized.

g) parasitic and mycologic alterations have been determined, and their impact on treatments.

h) Post-traumatic alterations have been related to their hair solutions.

3. Selects the media and equipment for the capillary analysis, describing its scientific foundation.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The equipment used in the dermotricological analysis has been identified.

b) Your scientific foundation has been established.

c) The choice of equipment based on the analysis technique has been justified.

d) The mode of use of the analysis devices has been established.

e) The hygiene, disinfection, and maintenance guidelines have been specified.

f) You have been responsible for the application of safety standards associated with the use of the device.

4. It applies the capillary analysis protocol, sequencing the action phases and using tricologic techniques.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The capillary analysis protocol has been characterized.

b) The means have been established to assess the client's needs or expectations.

c) The documents associated with a diagnostic protocol have been characterized.

d) The data to be entered in the technical tab, reports, and other documents has been determined.

e) Dermotricological screening and observation methods have been differentiated.

f) A tricogram has been performed.

g) The results of the tricogram have been related to the normal parameters of the hair cycle.

h) Complementary diagnostic techniques of the scalp and hair stem have been performed.

i) The final report has been produced, justifying the data from the analysis performed.

5. It designs protocols of aesthetic capillaries, integrating technical, manual and cosmetological means.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The characteristics of the different types of hair treatments have been determined.

b) Treatment protocols for scalp alterations have been established.

c) Procedures for applying treatments for structural hair alterations have been designed.

d) Capillary treatment protocols have been established for changes in the amount of hair.

e) Procedures for applying aesthetic treatments have been designed in other hair and scalp-related alterations.

f) Professional treatments have been associated in the salon with continuity treatments performed by the client.

g) Evaluation and control systems for treatment protocols have been developed.

h) Documentation has been developed for consultation with other professionals.

6. Elaborates the personalized treatment proposal, interpreting the prior analysis.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The guidelines for the preparation of the treatment proposal have been established.

b) The report of the proposed analysis and treatment has been presented.

c) Complementary information documents have been developed to the diagnosis.

d) A custom capillary treatment protocol has been established according to the diagnosis.

e) It has been reported in relation to the service and its sensations.

f) Quality regulations associated with capillary treatment have been determined.

g) Solutions have been provided for customer dissatisfaction.

h) Cosmetic recommendations and/or alternative services have been determined.

Duration: 85 hours.

Basic contents:

Scalp characterization:

-Macroscopic and microscopic structure of skin, characteristics and properties.

-Physiology of the skin organ.

-glandular skin attachments: types and description.

-The skin flora.

-Vascularization and innervation.

-The scalp: structure, characteristics and types of scalp depending on the epicutanea emulsion.

-Basic skin injuries: shape, types and characteristics.

-Adverse skin reactions.

-cutaneous and capillary vascular alterations.

-Alterations of hydration, sweating, lidization, pigmentation and skin keratinization with a hair impact. Definition, classification, extension, and features.

-Nevus and malignant skin tumors.

-Chromatic alterations of the scalp of congenital or acquired origin. Types and features.

Characterization of the skin attachments:

-Corneous skin attachments: hair and nails. Types, description, and features.

-The beard and the moustache: features with impact on dermotricology.

-Life cycle of hair: description of phases. The pilbear asynchronous,

-Alterations of the amount of the hair system and its impact: hypertrichosis and hirsutism, tricotilomania, congenital alopecia, traumatic, by effluvios, areata, androgen in the male and female, and others.

-Structural alterations: types and characteristics. Tricorrexis nudosa, tricoptylosis, triconodose, tricoclasia, hair in bayonet, Pili torti, moniletrix, acquired ulotriquia and others.

-Hair chromatic alterations: types and characteristics. Canicide, rutilism, flavism, heterochromies, colorations and discoloration, among others.

-Ungual alterations of the sheet, structure, curvature, consistency or thickness. Changes in consistency, adherence or in the periungual tissues. Anonyquia, microniquia, macronyquia, leuconicia, transverse grooves of Beau, onicorrexis, punctured onyquia, onychomadesis, onycholysis, pterigion and paronychia, among others.

-parasitic and mycologic alterations with influence on the skin attachments. Types and characteristics. The pediculosis. The tubs. Other.

Selection of capillary analysis media and equipment:

-Equipment used in the analysis of the skin and its attachments. Classification: optical means, light emitting devices of the epicutanea emulsion and others. Characteristics, scientific basis, method of application, indications and contraindications.

-Calculations associated with the aparatology. Setting reference values.

-Guidelines for the hygiene, disinfection and maintenance of the use in the hair diagnosis.

-Innovations in skin analysis aparatology and its attachments.

-The regulations associated with diagnostic devices.

Hair analysis protocol application:

-The protocol: definition and phases for processing. Sequencing and timing.

-Documentation generated and used. Reports associated with capillary diagnosis.

-The capillary analysis: foundation, characteristics and methodology.

-Obtaining reference samples.

-The interview: objectives, organization, and content. Methods of direct and indirect exploration and observation. Areas of exploration. Safety and hygiene measures.

-The tricogram.

-Complementary capillary analysis techniques with the diagnosis: technique of determination of the level of seborrea, technique of determination of the levels of hydrosebororrhea, technique of capillary tension, technique to determine the capillary elasticity, the technique of the Sabouraud sign, the Jaquet sign technique and other manual-type determinations on the scalp (palpation, pressure and mobilization, among others).

-The diagnostic report: elaboration guidelines.

Design of aesthetic capillary treatment protocols:

-Classification of hair treatments.

-Elaboration of scalp alterations protocols.

-Elaboration of protocols of structural hair alterations.

-Elaboration of protocols for alterations in the amount of the capillary hair system.

-Elaboration of protocols of other hair disorders.

-Elaboration of treatment protocols in post-traumatic alterations.

-Custom treatment protocol in the lounge and at home.

-Evaluation and control. Preparation of follow-up records. The review and its modifications.

-Associated documentation.

Elaboration of the personalized treatment proposal:

-Treatment proposal: elaboration of information documents to the client. How to perform the presentation.

-Other services associated with treatment.

-Alternative treatment alternatives.

-Elaboration of client counseling and home treatment documents.

-The custom protocols based on the previous diagnosis and their adaptation.

-Quality regulations. Application of conflict resolution techniques in claims cases.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module allows students to have the necessary knowledge to perform a dermotricological analysis, the conclusions of which will allow them to develop a diagnosis and a treatment proposal, in which they will be included the working protocols and the cosmetological resources, materials and how many are necessary for their implementation.

Dermotricological analysis and diagnosis includes aspects such as:

-The analysis of the micro and macrostructure dermotricological.

-Dermotricological alterations with a hairdressing effect.

-The tricogram.

-The presentation of the diagnosis and its treatment.

-Cosmetic or other recommendations related to hair treatment.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Hairdressing salons.

-capillary clinics.

-Companies in the production and distribution of hair treatment cosmetics and hair-use aparatology companies, exercising demonstration or training functions.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (c), (e), (f), (l), (n), (p), (r), (t), (u) and (w) of the training cycle, and (c), (e), (f), (k), (m), (n), (o), (q), (r) and (s) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Analyze and diagnose dermotricologically.

-Organize and plan the resources needed to perform diagnostics and apply treatments.

-Propose treatments.

-Develop acting protocols.

-Determine hair solutions in people in need of special care.

Professional Module: Technical and cosmetic resources.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 11

Code: 1065

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Identifies the resources used in the hairdressing processes, analyzing their typology and the regulations they must comply with.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The resource types have been determined.

b) Technical equipment used in hairdressing has been recognised.

c) The types of massage have been identified.

d) The classification of cosmetics has been established.

e) The technical-health regulation of cosmetic products has been analyzed.

f) Equipment and accessories have been found to meet the safety requirements required by the current regulations.

g) Electrical safety rules have been specified.

h) Installation requirements have been identified to apply electromagnetic radiation emission techniques.

2. It characterizes the capillary aparatology, relating the effects produced with its indications.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The operation of the mechanical, thermal and chemical action equipment has been specified.

b) The types of electrical currents used in hairdressing have been identified.

c) The operation of equipment based on the application of electrical currents has been specified.

d) The physiological effects have been related to current types and how they act.

e) The scientific basis of electromagnetic radiation emitting devices has been recognized.

f) The effects, indications and contraindications of capillary aparatology have been established.

g) A critical attitude has been maintained in the face of industry developments.

3. Applies capillary aparatology, justifying the protocol of use.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The operating technical doser has been interpreted.

b) The security rules for each appliance have been determined.

c) The application procedure for the different teams has been sequenced.

d) Accessories, useful and cosmetic have been selected according to the characteristics of each technique.

e) The parameters and dosimetry have been adjusted.

f) Rules and precautions for use have been justified.

g) Conditions for hygiene and disinfection of equipment, accessories and materials have been established.

h) Guidelines for the maintenance and storage of equipment and accessories have been established.

i) Process control operations have been determined.

j) The emergency measures to be taken in the different risk situations have been identified.

4. It characterizes the types of hair massage, relating the effects with the techniques to be performed.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The concept of capillary massage has been established.

b) The general effects of hair massage have been identified.

c) Sequencing of the maneuvers of a capillary treatment massage has been justified.

d) The path, effects and the way each maneuver is performed has been established.

e) The objectives of the hair hygiene massage have been determined.

f) The hygiene massage performance protocol has been established.

g) The effects and maneuvers of lymphatic drainage have been specified.

h) The DLM application protocol has been set.

i) The indications and contraindications of different types of massage have been established.

5. It characterizes the hair cosmetic resources, describing its components.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The function of the active substances, excipients and additives in cosmetics has been specified.

b) The difference between quantitative and qualitative composition has been established.

c) The external components of the cosmetic have been recognized.

d) The indications to appear on the product label have been set.

e) The characteristics and functions of the substances most commonly used in the manufacture of a cosmetic have been identified.

f) The general composition and external part of a commercial cosmetic have been identified.

g) The pathways and degree of penetration of cosmetics in the skin and hair have been identified.

6. Prepares cosmetic products, organizing the manufacturing operations.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous dispersed systems have been established.

b) The components of the solutions have been distinguished, the factors affecting the solubility and the way to express their concentration.

c) The phases and properties of the colloidal suspensions and suspensions have been identified.

d) Emulsions have been characterized according to the composition of their phases.

e) The presentation forms of the cosmetics have been specified.

f) The importance of the type of packaging in the determination of the cosmetic form has been recognised.

g) The substances, materials and techniques for the preparation of a cosmetic formula have been identified.

h) Parts of a cosmetic formula (quantitative composition, modus operandi and the characteristics of their ingredients) have been specified.

i) Cosmetics formulas have been prepared in the laboratory.

7. Selects hair cosmetics, relating its composition to the indications.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The cosmetics for hygiene and hair conditioning have been identified.

b) The way to perform a hygiene cosmetic and conditioner has been established.

c) Maintenance and protection cosmetics have been characterized.

d) The effects of cosmetics on hair fiber, for hair alterations, have been established.

e) The way to act on the active substances contained in cosmetics for scalp alterations has been defined.

f) The product performance protocol for pediculosis has been established.

g) The choice of the cosmetic in each type of alteration has been justified.

h) The guidelines for the handling, storage, storage and waste management of cosmetic products have been specified.

8. Identifies special and innovative cosmetics, analyzing their effects and how to act.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The purpose of cosmetics used in electroaesthetic techniques has been established.

b) The use of nutricosmetic as a complement to treatment has been justified.

c) The cosmetics that are to be used in users with special needs have been characterized.

d) Plant extracts and essential oils with effect on capillary alterations have been specified.

e) Thermal cosmetics have been identified with application in capillary alterations.

f) The chemical composition of the new generation active substances has been related to their effects and indications.

g) The use of cosmetic vectors has been linked with the increase in the effectiveness of the active substances they carry.

Duration: 105 hours.

Basic contents:

Identification of resources used in hairdressing processes:

-Classification of resources.

-Electroaesthetic resources: classification and types.

-Manual resources. Hair massages: classification and types.

-Cosmetic resources: classification and types.

-Technical-health regulations for cosmetic products.

-Product and equipment quality standards.

-Electrical safety systems and standards. Installation requirements for applying electromagnetic radiation emission techniques. Rules on aparatology. Requirements for electroaesthetic equipment.

Characterization of capillary aparatology:

-Heat generating equipment: classification, description, scientific basis, effects, indications and contraindications.

-chemical-mechanical action equipment: types, description, scientific basis, effects, indications and contraindications.

-Variable current generating equipment: high frequency and high diathermy frequency. Characteristics, scientific basis, effects, indications and contraindications.

-Continuous or galvanic current generating equipment: characteristics, scientific basis, effects, indications and contraindications.

-Introduction to electromagnetic radiation: physical foundation, classification and electromagnetic radiation with application in hairdressing.

-Emitters of electromagnetic radiation. Infrared radiation equipment. Ultraviolet radiation equipment. Laser radiation equipment. Features. Scientific basis, effects, indications and contraindications.

-Innovations in the industry.

Application of capillary aparatology:

-The technical documentation: interpretation of manuals.

-Previous operations. Security measures.

-Equipment application protocol. Selection of accessories and cosmetics, regulation of parameters, sequencing, rules of use and precautions.

-Withdrawal of equipment and accessories: execution of hygiene and disinfection protocols.

-Maintenance and storage of equipment and accessories. Precautions.

-Monitoring the process and collecting incidents.

-Risk assessment in the application of hair treatment equipment.

Characterization of hair massage types:

-Hair massage: concept. Physiological effects.

-Hair treatment massage: types of maneuvers and effects. Realization Protocol. Indications and contraindications.

-Massage for hair hygiene: effects. Realization Protocol.

-Capillary lymphatic drainage massage: effects. Types of maneuvers. Realization Protocol. Indications, precautions and contraindications

Characterization of hair cosmetic resources:

-Concept of cosmetic.

-General composition: active substances, excipients and additives.

-Qualitative and quantitative composition.

-External part of the cosmetic: elements that constitute it.

-Substances frequently used in cosmetics: water, fats and surfactants, among others.

-Take action on skin and hair cosmetics: penetrability.

Preparing cosmetic products:

-Homogeneous Dispersed Systems: Dissolutions.

-Heterogeneous sparse systems: types and characteristics.

-The cosmetic forms: types and characteristics. Selection criteria.

-The cosmetic laboratory: equipment and laboratory equipment. Cosmetic formula.

-Process for making cosmetic formulas: protocol.

-Process quality control.

Selection of hair cosmetics:

-Cosmetics for hygiene and hair conditioning: composition and mechanism of action. Selection criteria.

-Complementary cosmetics to hygiene. Exfoliants: composition, mechanism of action, indications and precautions.

-Cosmetics for temporary changes (fixers) and permanent hair (cosmetics to curl and deraise hair): composition and mechanism of action. Indications and precautions.

-Hair and scalp maintenance and protection cosmetics: moisturizers, sunscreens and others. Composition, indications, way of acting and cosmetic forms.

-Cosmetics for capillary stem alterations. Hair restorers, face masks, dyes and decolorants. Composition, active principles, mechanism of action and indications. Selection criteria.

-Cosmetics for scalp alterations. Dehydration, seborrea, pitiriasis and alopecia. Active principles, actions, cosmetic forms and form of application.

-Products for pediculosis: shampoos and lotions. Composition and mechanism of action. Application protocol. Causes of treatment failures.

-Manipulation, preservation and storage of cosmetic products

-Waste management. Care for the environment.

Identification of special and innovative cosmetics:

-Cosmetics for the application of electroaesthetic techniques: composition, mechanism of action, criteria of classification and forms of presentation.

-Hair and nail nuts: main components, effects and indications, classification criteria, and forms of presentation.

-Cosmetics in users with special needs: specific characteristics and properties.

-Phytosanitary and aromatherapy: concept. Concept of plant extracts and essential oils. Effects and uses in hairdressing.

-Thermal cosmetic used in hair treatments: Barros, clays and others. Actions.

-Innovations in hair cosmetics. New generation active substances: filters, grapes, silicones and cosmetic vectors.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the function of recognizing, selecting, manipulating and preserving the technical, manual and cosmetic resources used in hair and hair treatments.

The definition of these functions includes aspects such as:

-Identify the various resources used in hairdressing.

-Characterize and manipulate capillary aparatology.

-Characterize different types of hair massage.

-Characterize cosmetics according to the ingredients that make up them.

-Prepare cosmetic products.

-Select, manipulate and preserve cosmetics used in hair and hair treatments.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Hairdressing settings.

-Centers for hair treatment.

-Sales of hairdressing cosmetics.

-Cosmetics distributors.

-Large commercial surfaces.

-Fairs and professional congresses.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (c), (e), (n), (p), (r), (t), (u) and (w) of the training cycle, and (e), (i), (n), (n), (o), (q), (r) and (s) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-The identification of the resources used in hair and hair treatments.

-Identification of characteristics and manipulation of capillary aparatology.

-The identification of the characteristics and effects of different types of hair massage.

-The identification of the components of cosmetics.

-Preparing cosmetic formulas.

-The selection and manipulation of cosmetics.

-The identification of innovative cosmetics in the sector.

Professional Module: Capillaries.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 6

Code: 1066

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Organizes the job, identifying the associated risks and the measures and equipment for their prevention.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The characteristics and conditions of the work zone have been determined.

b) Technical means, appliances and cosmetics have been prepared.

c) The maintenance guidelines for electrical equipment have been established.

d) The rules on hygiene, clothing and personal image of the professional in the hair treatment processes have been followed.

e) Professional and user protection measures have been identified.

f) The methods of hygiene, disinfection and sterilisation applicable to the useful and material used have been established.

g) Guidelines for the application of hygiene, disinfection and sterilisation methods have been determined.

2. Designs custom hair solutions, interpreting the data obtained from the diagnosis.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The types of treatments have been linked with their indications and contraindications.

b) The guidelines that need to be followed in the host and customer care protocols have been recognized.

c) Criteria for identifying user demands and expectations have been established.

d) The techniques for the analysis of the zone to be treated have been selected.

e) Hair and scalp alterations that are the subject of treatment by other professionals have been assessed.

f) The elements that form the technical tab have been justified.

g) Capillary aesthetic treatment has been customized from the assessment of the data obtained in the analysis.

3. Applies prior techniques to hair treatments, justifying their integration into the hair treatment.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Pre-treatment techniques have been characterized by capillary aesthetic treatments.

b) Hair preparation and conditioning techniques have been selected.

c) The cosmetics and media for hair and scalp preparation have been selected.

d) The hygiene technique has been performed according to the proposed treatment.

e) Exfoliation techniques have been applied in time and the form indicated by the protocol.

f) Other techniques for hair preparation have been identified.

4. Performs manual and mechanical hair massages, applying specific techniques and maneuvers.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The exercise of aesthetic massage for hair treatment processes has been selected.

b) The specific parameters for performing the custom massage have been set.

c) Different techniques of hair aesthetic massage have been identified.

d) The massage technique has been related to the type of treatment indicated.

e) The massage technique has been related to the characteristics of the area to be treated.

f) The maneuvers of the capillary aesthetic massage have been applied according to the intended effects.

g) The guidelines to be followed in the mechanical capillary massage have been determined.

5. Applies custom hair treatments, coordinating cosmetological, electroaesthetic and manual techniques.

Assessment Criteria:

a) User information guidelines have been established about the techniques, their effects, and the sensations that are perceived.

b) The procedure for the application of custom hair treatments has been justified.

c) Materials and cosmetics have been selected for personalized hair treatment.

d) Required equipment and accessories have been selected.

e) The application parameters of the appliances have been adjusted.

f) Aesthetic capillary treatments have been applied, coordinating electroaesthetic, manual and cosmetological techniques.

g) The procedure for the application of post-medicine and hair surgery has been established.

6. Performs techniques for the completion and counseling of hair treatment, establishing the guidelines for action.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The drying and combing techniques for the completion of the treatment have been selected.

b) The criteria for the selection of conditioning and finishing products have been established.

c) Capillary post-treatment counseling guidelines have been established to optimize the outcome.

d) Personal cosmetics for household use have been determined.

e) Guidelines for the application of treatment cosmetics for domestic use have been specified.

f) The guidelines to be followed by the user for hygiene, hair drying and hairstyling have been determined.

g) The ways to apply self-massage techniques have been established.

7. Evaluates the quality of the service, tracking the process, and analyzing the results.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The parameters that define the quality of the hair treatment processes have been identified.

b) The results obtained have been valued.

c) The methods for detecting the degree of customer satisfaction have been recognized.

d) The main causes that may lead to deficiencies in hair treatment processes have been identified.

e) Measures have been established for the correction of possible deviations in hair treatment processes.

f) Guidelines have been recognized to improve the quality of service.

g) The resolution of possible doubts has been characterized.

h) Other possible associated treatments have been recognized

Duration: 55 hours.

Basic contents:

Job Organization:

-Facilities and spaces for hair treatments: furniture, materials and technical equipment.

-Capillary treatment cabin preparation measures.

-Technical, appliance and cosmetics preparation operations.

-Preparation measures of the professional in the hair and hair clinic.

-Criteria for the selection of hygiene, disinfection and sterilization measures in the application of hair treatments.

Layout of capillary solutions:

-Classification of hair treatments.

-Application of customer care, accommodation, and care protocols. Application of communication techniques: the interview. Analysis of customer demands and expectations.

-Selection criteria for capillary diagnostic techniques.

-Design custom treatment protocols.

-Capillary alterations object of intervention by other professionals.

Application of previous techniques:

-Hair preparation and conditioning techniques for further treatment.

-Hair hygiene techniques in hair treatments. Criteria for selecting hair hygiene cosmetics. Application of the hair hygiene techniques.

-Fases of the hair conditioning process.

-Other preparation techniques: vaporization, IR radiations, laser, mechanical massages, high frequency currents and others. Features of the application.

Performing manual and mechanical hair massages:

-Classification of the maneuvers of the aesthetic capillary massage. Selection criteria.

-Parameters for the realization of the massage: intensity, direction, rhythm and others. Selection criteria.

-Influence zones: rules and aspects for the realization of the capillary massage.

-Criteria for the selection of aesthetic hair massage techniques according to their effects and the type of treatment, among others.

-Adaptation of the massage application protocol to the diagnosis and treatment to be followed. Hair massage techniques: application and sequencing guidelines. The mechanical massage.

Application of custom hair treatments:

-Technical information to the client about the process.

-Organization of the execution of custom treatments. Custom protocol particularities: techniques sequencing, parameter regulation, and timing.

-Criteria for the selection of materials, aparatology, manual techniques and cosmetics. Guidelines for preparation and handling. Methods of application.

-Criteria for the integration of technical, manual and cosmetological means: summary effects and antagonistic effects.

-Processes for the execution of aesthetic hair treatments: procedure, phases, precautions and application guidelines.

-Specific treatments and techniques in post-medical aesthetic care and capillary surgery. Execution processes.

Completion of hair treatment completion and counseling techniques:

-Treatment completion techniques: drying and combing techniques. Selection criteria for cosmetic or hair protection and finishing products to facilitate hairstyling.

-Information and technical advice techniques:

-capillary self-care techniques.


Quality of Service Assessment:

-Parameters that define the quality of hair treatment processes.

-Analysis of the results.

-Methods for detecting the degree of customer satisfaction.

-Measures to correct possible deviations in hair treatment processes.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the functions of the application of hair treatments.

The definition of these functions includes aspects such as:

-Receiving and Customer Care.

-Identification of hair and scalp alterations.

-Proposal for custom hair treatments.

-Selection and application of manual, cosmetological and electroaesthetic techniques.

-Application of hygiene, disinfection and sterilization standards.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Custom protocol design execution processes.

-Process of performing hair massage techniques.

-Hair treatment execution processes.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives: f), l), n), p) u) and w) of the training cycle, and the competencies: f), k), m), n), r) and s) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved are related to:

-Customer care protocols.

-Running diagnostic techniques.

-Design of custom protocol of hair treatments.

-Coordination of manual, cosmetological and electroaesthetic techniques.

-Information and organization of post-treatment counseling.

Professional Module: Hairdressing procedures and techniques.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 16

Code: 1067

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. It elaborates technical protocols for permanent hair change, establishing the procedures for action and control of the process.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The phases of technical hairdressing process protocols have been recognized.

b) The document sources of the protocol have been identified.

c) Change parameters have been determined permanently.

d) Indications and contraindications have been established in the making of the change on a permanent basis.

e) A protocol technical manual has been performed.

f) The different parts of the manual have been recognized.

g) The execution phases have been determined.

h) The completion phase has been determined.

i) Factors that affect the outcome of permanent ripple have been established.

j) A permanent change protocol simulation of hair has been developed.

2. It elaborates protocols of time-changing techniques for the hair, establishing the sequence of action and identifying the resources to be used.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Change techniques trends have been differentiated temporarily.

b) The indications and contraindications of the changes have been related temporarily.

c) Change teams have been characterized temporarily.

d) The temperature and direction of the wick in the drying has been adapted.

e) Change procedures have been differentiated temporarily.

f) A sequence of the change process has been performed temporarily.

g) The resources to be used in the technique have been specified.

h) The factors that affect the outcome of the temporary ripple have been named.

i) A temporary change protocol for hair has been executed.

3. It elaborates technical protocols of hair coloring, establishing the sequence of action and identifying the resources to be used.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Capillary tones have been related to color theory.

b) The effects of the colorants on the capillary fiber have been taken into account.

c) The usage guidelines for the useful ones have been marked.

d) The criteria for choosing color cosmetics have been followed.

e) Auxiliary techniques have been associated with coloring.

f) The precautions for preparing and selecting media and techniques have been applied.

g) Color change trends have been valued.

h) Resources have been selected for the advisory phase.

i) The factors that affect the result of the coloring changes have been determined.

j) A capillary coloring change protocol has been developed.

4. Applies pre-procedure techniques, relating them to hairdressing processes and sequencing the necessary actions.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Data obtained from the capillary analysis have been valued.

b) Previous techniques have been selected according to the hairdressing process to be performed.

c) Cosmetics have been selected for different hairdressing techniques.

d) The sequence of action has been set in the application of the selected prior art.

e) The hair partitions have been differentiated according to the subsequent technique.

f) The cosmetics mixtures have been prepared.

5. Performs the technical hairdressing processes, coordinating the change operations of shape and color of the hair.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The procedure for the application of the coordinated processes of change of shape and color of the hair has been justified.

b) The sequence of the coordinated process of discoloration and change was determined on a temporary basis.

c) Materials and cosmetics have been selected.

d) The required equipment has been selected.

e) The procedure for applying hair change and shape operations has been established.

f) Protection measures have been referred to in the application of these techniques.

g) Color change operations have been applied with different form change techniques.

6. Controls the end result, addressing process quality requirements and applying completion techniques.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The parameters that define the quality in the coloring processes have been set.

b) The techniques of finishing with the needs of the hair have been related.

c) The completion techniques have been related to the process performed.

d) Factors that modify the duration of the hairstyle have been described.

e) The care of the discoloured hair has been specified.

f) Measures for curl maintenance have been proposed.

g) The type of finish has been related to the cosmetic and its visual effect.

Duration: 160 hours.

Basic contents:

Permanently developing change technical protocols:

-The protocol: definition and phases for processing.

-Planning phase: documentary sources. Scientific basis for changes on a permanent basis. Technical basis: description and characteristics of the means and equipment, description and procedure for the implementation of the techniques of application of the reducer, winding or stretching techniques, saturation techniques and neutralisation techniques.

-Execution phase. Phase of analysis of demands and needs. Preparation and selection phase. Advantages and disadvantages. Phase or core of the procedure. Completion phase. Advisory phase.

-Evaluation and control phase. Mechanical, chemical and thermal factors affecting the result in permanent undulation.

-The barber process protocol technical manual.

-Technical manual file systems for hairdressing process protocols

Temporarily drafting change techniques protocols:

-Schedule phase. Documentary sources. Scientific basis for changes in a temporary way. Technical foundation: description and characteristics of the media and equipment. Description, types and procedure of execution of the techniques of change of shape by heat, technique of change of shape by humidity, technique of shape change by means of moulds, auxiliary techniques and associated to the hairstyle.

-Execution phase.

-Evaluation and control phase. Mechanical, chemical and thermal factors affecting the result in the temporary undulation. Analysis of the deviations produced in the process. Factors that modify the duration of the change on a temporary basis.

-Systems for processing the technical manual of the change protocols temporarily.

Elaboration of coloring protocols:

-Schedule phase. Documentary sources. Scientific basis for changes in temporary, semi-permanent and permanent colouring. Technical foundation: description and characteristics of the media and equipment. Description, types and procedures for the implementation of the techniques for changing the temporary and semi-permanent colouring, technical change of permanent and total permanent colouring, total and partial discoloration of hair, auxiliary techniques and associated with the hairstyle.

-Execution phase.

-Evaluation and control phase. Parameters that define the quality of the coloring processes.

-Systems for preparing the technical manual of the protocols for changes in hair coloring.

Application of pre-procedure techniques:

-Interpretation of hair characteristics and conditions.

-Hair hygiene and conditioning.

-Pre-processing techniques temporarily: manipulation patterns.

-Pre-processing techniques permanently: partitions and hair separations depending on the technique. Preparation of the reducer and neutralising.

-Techniques prior to the process of change coloration: selection criteria. Preparation of catalysts: process accelerators. Selection of the aparatology according to the technique to be applied: infrared, vapours and heat. Dilution of the oxidant and other chemical components of the mixture. Preparation of the tooth and decapage.

Performing coordinated technical processes:

-Processes and association of techniques.

-Coordinated techniques: coordination criteria. Coordinated coloring techniques with hair shape change.

-Process application of standardized protocols of coordinated technical processes. Procedure and sequencing. Application techniques.

-Measures for the prevention and protection of the user and the professional: prior to and after the application of hair coloring, total or partial discoloration and change permanently and temporarily.

Control of end result:

-Results control. The quality of the service. The quality in the process. Quality-enhancing factors. Degree of customer satisfaction.

-Finalization and finishing of the hair: relationship between these techniques and the technical processes of color change and shape. Maintenance of colour and discolouration. Maintenance of permanent or temporary hair structural curl. Maintenance of permanent hair smooth. Types of temporary hair finish.

-Professional maintenance advice.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the functions that correspond to the application of technical hairdressing processes, including the combination of techniques.

The function of applying hairdressing process techniques includes aspects such as:

-The development of permanent change protocols for hair.

-The elaboration of temporary change protocols for the hair.

-The elaboration of protocols of hair coloring techniques.

-The technical application of the above processes.

-The characterization of the job position.

-Dermotricological synthesis.

-The definition and execution of operations prior to processing.

-Performing these processes, coordinating the techniques.

-The application of quality completion and control techniques.

-Maintaining a correct deontological attitude throughout the process.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Hairdressing centers.

-Salons of special treatments and care of the hair.

The formation of the module contributes to the achievement of the general objectives (c), (h), (n), (p), (q) and (w) of the training cycle, and (c), (h), (m), (n), (o) and (s) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-The organization of hairdressing processes.

-The interpretation of the technical documentation.

-Preparing resources.

-The organization of the application protocols for hairdressing process techniques.

-Assessment of risks in the application of different techniques.

-The technical execution of the processes that make up the module.

Professional Module: Peined for audiovisual and fashion productions.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 8

Code: 1068

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. It characterizes the hairstyles throughout history, analyzing its elements, symbology and techniques of realization.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The hairstyles have been identified by epochs, cultures and civilizations.

b) The trends of the hairstyle have been linked to the socio-economic and cultural context.

c) Useful, objects, and cosmetics have been identified for each time.

d) Different hairdressing schools have been compared.

e) Related to the hairstyles and collected, with the techniques of realization.

f) The hairstyles have been related to the timing and requirement of the application.

g) The hairstyles have been related to traditions and cultures.

h) The hairstyle has been recognized as a form of social and aesthetic differentiation.

i) The symbology of the hairstyle has been characterized.

2. Performs the study of an artistic project, analyzing the scenic requirements.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Techniques have been established for the analysis of the artistic project.

b) Techniques have been established for the study of the characters.

c) Observation parameters for skin and hair analysis have been determined.

d) Hair and skin disorders have been identified.

e) Visagism techniques have been applied for hairstyles and collected.

f) The typology and characteristics of the audiovisual, scenic and fashion media have been identified.

g) The elements that influence the design of the hairstyle in audiovisual media have been characterized.

3. Else the technical proposal of hairdressing, interpreting documentation and applying computer tools.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The objectives and features that define the project have been identified.

b) The overall structure of the project has been set.

c) User needs and demands have been identified.

d) The technical jobs required for character elaboration have been identified.

e) The project's technical documentation has been characterized.

f) The necessary means, spaces, human resources, and materials have been determined.

g) Project startup is scheduled.

h) Forms of presentation of the budget and of the audiovisual project have been selected.

4. Organizes the workplace by selecting the media according to the proposal's specifications.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The work spaces have been characterized in audiovisual media.

b) Workspaces have been characterized in hairdressing companies.

c) Hygiene and maintenance measures have been established for the job.

d) Useful, cosmetic, and add-ons required in the process have been selected.

e) A professional attitude has been maintained throughout the process.

f) You have been responsible for the application of customer care rules.

g) User accommodation and preparation guidelines have been set.

5. Performs hairstyles and collected for social events, audiovisual productions, and fashion, using the selected crafting techniques.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The typology and characteristics of social events have been identified.

b) The elements that influence the design of the hairstyle of social acts have been characterized.

c) Hair hygiene and conditioning techniques have been determined.

d) The hairstyle has been designed according to the requirements.

e) Previous hairstyle preparation operations have been established.

f) Ccreping, smoothie and polishing techniques have been performed, among others.

g) Techniques and materials have been applied for the anchoring of post-peas and ornaments, among others.

h) Different forms creation techniques have been performed.

i) Filled and support application techniques have been applied for hairstyles and collected.

j) Parameters have been set for finishing.

6. It applies hair prostheses for social hairstyles and audiovisual media, selecting application techniques and materials.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Capillaries have been classified.

b) The characteristics of the capillary prostheses have been specified.

c) Capillaries have been designed and performed.

d) Postizo base placement techniques have been determined.

e) Parameters have been set for placement of post-time.

f) The clamping techniques have been identified.

g) Finishing techniques have been performed.

h) Complete wigs placement techniques have been applied.

i) Finish and camouflage techniques have been performed with the rest of the hair.

7. Performs regional and ethnic hairstyles, analyzing designs and elements for assembly.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Regional and ethnic hairstyles have been characterized.

b) The phases have been sequenced to produce a regional or ethnic hairstyle.

c) The elements that influence your design have been identified.

d) The hairstyle preparation operations have been applied.

e) Associated techniques have been applied.

f) Characteristics and types of capillary extensions have been identified.

g) Extensions have been applied with different fixing ecnics.

h) Extension removal procedures have been performed.

i) Ornaments and accessories for ethnic and regional hairdressing have been characterized.

j) Guidelines for design, attachment of ornaments and accessories have been established.

Duration: 65 hours.

Basic contents:

Characterization of hairstyles throughout history:

-The hairstyles and collected throughout history: types and characteristics. Useful, objects of ornamentation and cosmetics of each epoch. Hairdressing schools.

-Classification of hairstyles and collected: by the technique of realization, by the adequacy of the moment and by traditions and cultures, among others.

-The hairstyle as a form of social differentiation and clash of cultures. Functional, social and aesthetic factors.

-Simbology of the hairstyle.

Performing the study of the artistic project:

-Techniques for the analysis of an artistic project. Identification of the historical context. Techniques for the study of the characters. Relationship of hairstyles with ornamentation, dressing room and makeup.

-Analysis of the characteristics of the interpreter or model, application of the observation methods for the analysis of the scalp and hair. Facial and body morphological analysis. Visagism for hairstyles and collected.

-Tipologia of the audiovisual, scenic and fashion media. Types of genres.

-Features of the audiovisual, scenic and fashion media. Light, type of lighting, color, and type of planes. Scenario types. Features of the exhibition venue. Distance from the viewer.

Elaboration of the proposed hairdressing technique:

-Project definition: objectives, characteristics, and feasibility.

-General structure of a project. The technical report. Description of needs and demands. Identification of the technical hairdressing work required to develop the character.

-Technical documentation: types and characteristics. Graphic designs. Means, spaces, human resources and materials necessary to carry out the project. Suppliers and other professionals. Action Schedule: Take Action Calendar.

-Economic documentation.

-Application of communication techniques for the presentation of the project. Communication with the technical team.

Workplace Organization:

-The workspace in the audiovisual media. Description and characteristics. Equipment installation, preparation and transport measures.

-The workspace in hairdressing companies. Description and features.

-Hygiene and maintenance measures for the job. Application Guidelines.

-Useful and technical means. Selection criteria.

-Selection criteria for conditioning and finishing cosmetics. Forms of application.

-Add-ons. Description and classification. Types.

-Preparation of the professional and personal means. Professional image. Risk prevention.

-User accommodation and preparation. Application of care and reception techniques.

Performing hairstyles and collected for social events, audiovisual productions and fashion:

-Characteristics of the social acts that influence the design of the hairstyle.

-Determination of the layout.

-Previous techniques. Guidelines for the preparation of the hairstyle. Hair direction and movement. The lines, partitions and projections. Cosmetics and associated useful.

-Associated techniques: depending on the length of the hair, the cut, the texture and the shape of the hair.

-Ccreping and smoothie technique. Form of realization.

-Polished technique: materials and techniques used.

-Anchor techniques: materials, anchor points and techniques used.

-Shape creation technique: description, characteristics, and mode of realization.

-Support techniques. Technique for applying fillers, crepes, bases or structures, frames and promontories.

-Finish techniques. Performance parameters.

Application of capillaries for social hairstyles and audiovisual media:

-Types of capillaries: description and classification.

-Material types: conventional and unconventional. Selection criteria.

-Capillar appliqué techniques. Design of the application. Phases and guidelines for implementation. Hardening products.

-Postizos base placement techniques. Fastening techniques. Parameters for placement. Guidelines for placement stability. Finishing techniques.

-Complete wigs placement techniques. Previous techniques. Fit the skull. Fastening techniques. Finishing techniques. Camouflage with the rest of hair.

Performing regional and ethnic hairstyles:

-Classification of regional and ethnic hairstyles.

-Planning of the process of conducting the regional and ethnic hairstyle. Phases, sequencing, materials and techniques used.

-Design analysis. Realization of sketches and designs. Techniques of adaptation of the design to the characteristics of the user and the clothing. Previous procedures. Guidelines for the preparation of the hairstyle.

-Application of associated techniques. Realization techniques.

-Extension application techniques. Characteristics and types. Application procedure. Alternative techniques (dreadlocks and laces). Extension removal techniques.

-Ethnic ornaments and accessories. Classification. Anchoring techniques. Height and placement zone.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the function of combing and performing in the socio-labor, audiovisual, fashion and ethnic fields.

The definition of these functions includes aspects such as:

-Characterize hairstyles.

-Perform the study of the artistic project.

-Develop the technical barbershop proposal and its budget.

-Organize the workplace.

-Performs hairstyles and collected for audiovisual productions.

-Perform hairstyles and collected for social events.

-Apply capillaries for social and audiovisual hairstyles.

-Performing regional and ethnic hairstyles.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Audiovisual productions: fashion, photography, theatre, television and film gateways and publications, among others.

-Image and beauty advisory projects.

-Classic or advanced Peluqueries.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (d), (f), (g), (k), (q) and (t) of the training cycle, and (d), (f), (g), (j), (o) and (q) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Characterization of hairstyles.

-Realization of the study of the artistic project.

-Elaboration of the proposed hairdressing and budget technique.

-Organization of the workplace.

-Realization of hairstyles and collected for audiovisual productions.

-Realization of hairstyles and collected for social events.

-Application of hair prostheses for social and audiovisual hairstyles.

-Realization of regional and ethnic hairstyles.

Professional Module: Hair styling.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 9

Code: 1069

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. It characterizes the image styles associated with the changes of the hair, analyzing the elements that make it up.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The concepts of style, fashion and trends have been differentiated.

b) The elements that define the style in hairdressing have been characterized.

c) Characteristics and color harmony have been determined.

d) The shapes and volumes that configure a style have been characterized.

e) The types of add-ons for image stylisms associated with hair changes have been identified.

f) Image styles associated with hair changes have been identified.

g) Guidelines for crafting manual and book styles have been developed.

h) Classification and file criteria have been set for the documentation on aesthetic patterns.

2. It creates image styles through hairdressing techniques, describing the phases for crafting the new design.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Procedures and methodology have been characterized for the creation of hairdressing styles.

b) Schedule and process sequencing guidelines have been set.

c) Fashion patterns and publications have been interpreted.

d) Symbols, colors, lines, shapes, and volumes have been identified as elements of the new style.

e) Sketches or sketches of the creation have been made.

f) The feasibility of the project has been evaluated.

g) Guidelines for the realization of the artistic study have been identified.

h) The elements that are part of the technical study have been determined.

i) Forms of presentation and diffusion of the new style prototype have been established.

3. Adapts the styles to the personal image, relating them to the analysis of the personal, social and labor characteristics.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Guidelines for the analysis of the physical and morphological characteristics of the user have been determined.

b) Aesthetic alterations have been identified in the area.

c) Psimorology and visagism techniques have been applied.

d) The user's aesthetic pattern of hairstyle, makeup, add-ons, and costumes have been identified.

e) The procedure for detecting sociolaboral or artistic needs in the creation of the custom image has been established.

f) The change type, point or final, has been differentiated according to the scope of application.

g) Criteria have been established to enhance, neutralize or modify the image through hairdressing styles.

4. It elaborates and presents proposals for image change through the hairdresser, using supporting documentation and computer applications.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The structure of the custom proposal has been determined.

b) Hairdressing proposals have been made.

c) Characteristics of the technical documentation attached to the proposal have been specified.

d) Guidelines for the development of economic documentation have been determined.

e) The sequencing of the processes for the image change has been set.

f) Manual, graphic, and computer tools have been applied for designing designs.

g) Communication techniques have been applied for the submission of the proposal.

h) Analog and digital file processing systems have been used.

5. Performs style changes, applying hair cutting techniques.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The cutting styles and their influence on the personal image have been characterized.

b) The style of cutting with personal characteristics has been related.

c) Cut styles have been identified based on their configuration or geometry.

d) The way to do this has been related to the effects achieved.

e) The parameters that influence the conduct of the hair cut have been established.

f) The choice of the cutting technique has been justified.

g) The criteria for integration and sequencing of hairdressing techniques have been established with the cutting.

h) Measures and proportions have been applied for the configuration of the cut.

i) Hair cutting styles have been performed.

6. Performs male styling, applying beard and mustache design and configuration techniques.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Different styles of beard and moustache have been determined.

b) Visagism techniques have been applied for the study of the face

c) Male differentiator element has been recognized as a beard and mustache styling.

d) The corrections of aesthetic disproportions in the face through the beard and the moustache have been determined.

e) Sketches have been set up with different beard and moustache stylisms.

f) Image changes of the male face have been proposed by the beard and moustache transformation.

g) Techniques for unloading and delimitation of the outline of the beard and moustache have been applied.

h) Innovative male stylisms have been designed.

7. Evaluates the final result by applying measures to correct deviations.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Corrective measures have been applied to possible deviations from the objective to be achieved.

b) Quality indicators have been identified in styling processes.

c) The appropriate technical language has been used at the level and profession.

d) The degree of compliance with the established protocols has been verified.

e) The degree of customer satisfaction has been evaluated.

f) The problems raised in the development of the activity have been resolved.

g) Action measures have been formulated in case of emergencies due to irritations, allergies or cuts.

8. Develops new image maintenance programs, establishing guidelines for action.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The sequencing and timing for personal maintenance of the technical work performed have been specified.

b) Personal hygiene and maintenance guidelines have been identified.

c) Criteria for selection and use of maintenance cosmetics have been applied.

d) Guidelines for the maintenance and transformation of the hairstyle have been applied.

e) Advice guidelines on associated treatments have been established.

f) Guidelines for collaboration and coordination with other professionals have been established.

g) Measures to match the new image with personal and/or professional evolution have been established.

Duration: 75 hours.

Basic contents:

Characterization of image styles associated with hair changes:

-Concept of style, fashion and trends. Definitions according to authors. Contextualization and background.

-Elements that define the image style associated with hair changes.

-Classification of image styles. Creative styling and directed styling.

-The style manual. Guidelines for crafting a style boock. Language for style manual: photo, illustration, typographic, color, and others.

-Aesthetic pattern information base. Data classification and files.

Creating new image styles through hairdressing techniques:

-Procedure for creating new hairdressing styles. Creativity, intuition and reflection: their interrelationship. The idea, the concept and the creative process.

-Creation methodologies. Creation on inspiration panels or mood boards. Planning and sequencing. Research as the basis for inspiration and realization. Interpretation of fashion patterns and publications. Sketches or sketches of creation. Assessment of the feasibility.

-Technical characteristics of the creation. Artistic study: contextualization and background, characteristics of the new style and qualities to be transmitted. Technical study: determination of processes and materials, complements to design.

-Presentation of the design collection. Creation of the new design manual. Places of presentation (catwalks, fairs, commercial houses, magazines, ateliers, showrooms and other fashion events). Selection of models. Guidelines for the realization of castings. Files and data utilization.

-Prototype diffusion forms. Marketing techniques for styling (web pages, publications, creative layouts and others).

Adapting Styles to Personal Image:

-Analysis of personal characteristics.

-Skin and hair analysis. Hair characteristics and conditions.

-Facial and body morphological analysis. Identification of physical traits. Reference anthropometric points.

-Analysis of usual patterns of hairstyle, makeup, add-ons, costumes, movement and expression.

-Determination of needs: sociolaboral, artistic and other.

-Identification and projection of the image. Scope of application. Point change, for event, definitive, business, artistic, and social

-Creating custom image identity. Qualities of the image (potentiate, neutralise and modify). Level of style concretion in the hair.

Crafting and presenting image change proposals through the hairdresser:

-The custom proposal: definition and structure. Annex to Annex I to this Annex. Action Schedule: Take Action Calendar.

-Graphic and audiovisual designs. Application of manual, graphic and computer tools. Text editor, digital images, web browser, diagrams, and presentation editor.

-Presentation of the proposal: application of communication techniques for the presentation of the proposal. Information processing and archiving: analog and digital information.

Realization of styles changes through the haircut:

-Influence of the cut style on the personal image.

-Classification of cutting styles: by their configuration or geometry, by the technique employed, by the effects achieved, by historical epochs or evolution, by urban currents and others.

-Parameters for the realization of the hair cut: the sections, the lines, the guide wick. Length pattern, direction and type of the wick or guide wicks. Projection angle.

-Application Technique. Procedure, phases and application guidelines.

-Configuring the cut for the style change. Coordination with associated techniques: cut/color, precut/form/color, cut/form/color. Selection of the technique for the realization: useful, order and forms of execution. Advantages and disadvantages of different methods and techniques. Selection criteria. Process control. Sequencing.

Performing male stylisms:

-Classification of beard and moustache styles: description and characteristics.

-Evolution of the male beauty canon. Influence of the beard and moustache on the personal image.

-Design of beard and moustache. Application of visagism techniques and psychomorforlogia of the face. Designing styles through sketches.

-Technical discharge and delimitation of the contour of beard and moustache. Execution procedure.

Evaluation of the end result:

-Measures to correct deviations in the results obtained.

-Quality in styling services. Quality assessment and control.

-Deviations in the provision of services. Resolution of complaints.

-Action measures in case of emergencies due to irritations, allergies or cuts.

Crafting new image maintenance programs:

-Guidelines for the development of maintenance programs and the action plan. Selection criteria and cosmetic use of maintenance. Hairstyle maintenance and transformation guidelines.

-Advice on other treatments. Guidelines for collaboration and coordination with other professionals.

-Measures of adaptation of the new image, with personal and/or professional evolution.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the hair stylist function. The definition of these functions includes aspects such as:

-Characterization of styles in hairdressing.

-Creating and presenting new hairdressing styles.

-Adapting styles to personal, social and work characteristics.

-Elaboration and presentation of personalized hairdressing proposals.

-Realizing style changes.

-Realization of male stylisms.

-Evaluation of the end result.

-Making new image maintenance programs.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Hairdressing advice.

-A technical or artistic address for hairdressing.

-Management and coordination of classic or advanced hairdressing.

-Hair styling in audiovisual productions.

-Training centers.

-Hairdressing advisers and commercials.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (d), (f), (g), (h), (i), (n), (p), (q), (t) and (w) of the training cycle, and (d), (f), (g), (h), (m), (n), (o), (q) and (s) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-The characterization of hairdressing styles.

-The creation and presentation of new hairdressing styles.

-The adaptation of the styles.

-The elaboration and presentation of proposals.

-Performing style changes.

-Performing male stylisms.

-The evaluation of the result.

-Making image maintenance programs.

Professional Module: Study of the image.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 6

Code: 1070

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Manages the graphical image documentation, organizing and archiving information on paper and computer support.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The documentary sources for data collection have been recognized.

b) Strategies for obtaining graphic information have been determined.

c) The selection criteria for the information have been set.

d) The information was classified thematically.

e) The storage of the information has been set in different formats.

f) The technical documentation types have been differentiated.

g) The structure and sections of the different documents have been determined.

h) The guidelines for drawing up graphic and audiovisual documentation have been recognised.

i) A manual of styles has been performed through the use of photographic and audiovisual tools.

j) Intellectual property legislation has been recognized.

2. Performs the study of the external morphology of the human body, identifying body proportions.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The ideal proportions of the canon of the human figure have been recognized.

b) Equipment and equipment for body structure analysis have been selected.

c) Body measurements have been performed.

d) The various body typologies of the human body have been distinguished.

e) differential traits have been specified between the male and female silhouette.

f) Body typology and hairdressing processes have been linked.

g) The hairdressing processes and techniques that influence the perception of the image have been established.

h) The color, shape, length of the hair and the hairstyle have been related to the overall image.

3. Performs the study of the face, analyzing facial features and employing design tools.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Face types have been identified.

b) The lines and reference points of the face have been identified.

c) The geometric shape of the face has been determined.

d) The elements that make up the face have been characterized.

e) The expression of the face with facial skin muscles has been linked.

f) The different types of factions and their relationship to the hairstyle have been characterized.

g) The types of faces and their elements have been related to corrections, by hairdressing and barbershop techniques.

h) Graphic representations of faces and their corrections have been made through the hairstyle.

4. Determines the iconological elements of the personal image, following established guidelines.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The levels of perception that make up the personal image have been established.

b) The codes have been related to their meaning.

c) The elements that make up the image have been identified.

d) The guidelines for the performance of the personal color-hair test have been established.

e) The influence of the color, the lines, and the volume of the hair in the image has been determined.

f) The aesthetic characteristics of urban tribes have been recognized.

g) Trends in relation to the personal image have been identified.

h) The techniques of analysis and evaluation of the integral personal image have been differentiated.

5. It analyzes the hairstyle, makeup and costumes, relating them to the requirements of the sociolaboral acts.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The types of social and work activities have been linked to the requirements on the personal image.

b) The hairdressing requirements in sociolaboral life have been assessed.

c) Social makeup types have been related to their characteristics.

d) The dress and its accessories have been identified for the different social acts.

e) Other aspects have been analyzed that need to be considered in the selection of hairstyle, makeup and clothing for the various social events.

f) Style types and their characteristics have been recognized.

6. Elaborates the image study report, using supporting documentation and computer applications.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The methods for detecting client needs, demands, and expectations have been determined.

b) The aesthetic criteria for the elaboration of an image proposal have been considered.

c) The proposal has been technically documented.

d) The structure of an image proposal has been recognized.

e) Image treatment and graphic design programs have been identified.

f) Processes for the use of design programs have been differentiated

g) The design and job virtual tools have been recognized.

h) Models of hairstyles for application to image have been analyzed.

i) Computer techniques have been identified to retouch, cut, change color, and introduce wicks, among others, into hairstyles.

j) Processes for file, viewing, and comparison of digital images have been recognized.

k) The conclusion of the proposal has been characterized.

Duration: 55 hours.

Basic contents:

Managing image style graphical documentation:

-Documentary fonts of styles. Types: written, graphic and audiovisual. Features. Methods of obtaining the information.

-File procedures: file formats or media.

-Creating written documentation. Types of written documents: tokens, questionnaires, forms and others. Elaboration: planning and drafting. Structure and sections of the various documents. Elements for making a document.

-Creating graphical and audiovisual documentation. Elaboration guidelines: planning and composition.

-Making a style manual. Photographic and audiovisual tools. Features.

-Intellectual property legislation: copyright.

Conducting the study of the external morphology of the human body:

-The canon of the human figure: the ideal ratio of the elements that compose it.

-Study of the measures of the human body. Apparatus and equipment for analysis.

-Observation techniques applied to the image study.

-Male and female silhouette: differential male/female traits.

-Relationship between body typology and hairdressing processes. Hairdressing processes and techniques that influence the perception of the image: the color, shape, length of the hair and the hairstyle in the overall image.

Realization of the study of the face:

-Face types. Features. Theory of verticality and horizontality. Reference points and lines.

-Study and analysis of the elements of the face: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, cheekbones, chin and forehead, among others.

-Face skin muscles: types, characteristics, insertion, and origin.

-Study of the expressiveness of the face through the factions.

-Graphic expression techniques for sketching.

-The physical characteristics and their relationship to the personal image. Face corrections through hairdressing and barbershop techniques.

Determining the elements of the image iconology:

-The iconology applied to the personal image. Levels of perception: objective physical characteristics, subjective qualities and personality. The codes of the image and its meaning.

-Elements that make up the image. Colours and their characteristics, the colour in hairdressing as an iconological element. Lines and shapes: characteristics, directionality, movement and angliness. Volumes: influence of size, weight and density. Body expressiveness and sensory elements.

-Face-to-face personal color test. Realization technique: application of the panolet sample.

-aesthetic characteristics of urban tribes: differential aesthetic traits.

-Technical analysis and evaluation of the personal image: observation techniques and interviews, questionnaires, table-grills, measurements, recordings and others. Registration and control of information.

Analysis of hairstyle, makeup and costumes:

-Social and professional activities and their requirement on personal image. Types of private social acts and their relationship with hairstyle, makeup and dress. Types of public events and their relationship to personal image: officers and non-officers. The business and professional image.

-Hairdressing requirements in sociolaboral life.

-Types and styles of makeup.

-General costume guidelines and their characteristics. Relationship of the dressing room and the hairstyle.

-Other aspects to consider in the selection of hairstyle, makeup and clothing.

-Relationship between hairdressing and other elements that create style.

Elaboration of the report of the study of the image:

-Methods for detecting client needs, demands, and expectations.

-Final analysis report: definition and structure.

-Report presentation tools.

-Technical documentation. Types and patterns of development.

-Structure of an image proposal: introduction, identification of the person, work plan, professional collaborators, calendar of action, budget and others.

-Image and graphic design treatment programs.

-Processing of the image using computer applications. Sketch and photography. Initiation to the treatment of photographs and graphics. Virtual design and work tools.

-Resolution of doubts, agreements, and authorization of the process.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the integral image study functions.

The definition of these functions includes aspects such as:

-Search strategies for image styles information.

-The canon of the human figure and its proportions.

-Study of the measures of the face and the human body.

-Graphic expression techniques for sketching.

-Analysis of hairstyles, makeup and costumes in relation to sociolaboral activities.

-Managing computer programs for image change and graphic design.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Processing processes in the style manual.

-Graphic design processing processes.

-Process of making image proposals using computer tools.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (d), (g), (p), (q) and (r) of the training cycle, and (d), (g), (n) and (p) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved are related to:

-Creating written, graphic, and audiovisual documentation of styles.

-Analysis of the external morphology of the human body and facial features.

-Application of design tools.

-Selection of hairstyles, makeup and costumes adapted to the types of sociolaboral acts.

-Processing the image using computer applications.

Professional Module: Address and Marketing.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 6

Code: 1071

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Applies organizational techniques for the establishment of personal image, determining infrastructure and resources.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The types of personal image companies have been determined.

b) The general conditions of the associated facilities and equipment have been established.

c) The variables that influence the design of spaces and equipment have been valued.

d) The various zones and attachments have been identified and distributed.

e) The required complementary facilities have been selected.

f) The appropriate equipment has been identified for each zone.

g) The parameters that identify the company image have been applied.

2. It applies techniques for the organisation and coordination of professionals, identifying jobs and their roles.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The establishment of the personal image establishment has been specified.

b) Each job has been characterized

c) The template schedule systems are set.

d) Staff selection criteria have been related to the business policy.

e) The criteria for assigning staff work schedules have been established.

f) The distribution of the job between the technical team has been planned.

3. It designs standards of interpersonal care and communication, analyzing its elements and applying deontological norms.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The differences between external and internal communication in the enterprise have been established.

b) Effective communication strategies have been applied.

c) External communication protocols have been developed with clients and suppliers.

d) Internal communication protocols have been developed for the company.

e) Communication protocols have been made for press.

f) The steps to be followed to resolve conflicts have been set.

g) The deontological rules applied to personal image activities have been established.

h) The basic laws of team management and leadership styles have been established.

i) Organization of work meetings is scheduled.

4. Designs training and information plans, establishing the work procedure.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The elements of the training plans have been determined.

b) The objectives of the training plan have been recognized.

c) Analysis tools have been established to detect learning needs.

d) Guidelines for designing training actions have been established.

e) The types of training actions have been identified.

f) The different communication tools have been compared to present the training proposal.

g) The criteria for tracking the training actions have been set.

h) The elements have been set to perform the evaluation process.

5. Performs establishment technical management operations, interpreting documentation, and applying IT tools.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The documentation that is handled in the management processes of a barber shop has been identified.

b) Systems have been determined to archive the documentation.

c) Computer applications used in personal image companies have been identified.

d) The management computing application to be used has been configured.

e) The operation of the application has been verified.

f) Data protection legislation has been applied.

g) Protection, security, and access systems have been identified for the application used.

h) The criteria for assigning users to the management program have been set.

i) Data has been introduced for management in terms of customers, products, services and employees.

6. Develops the marketing plan, designing different strategies and actions.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The marketing concept has been established and its phases have been defined.

b) The objectives of the marketing plan have been set.

c) Customer types and loyalty mechanisms have been identified.

d) The offering of personal image products and services has been designed.

e) The specific features of a personal image product and services sales advisor have been described.

f) Sales techniques have been applied to a hairdressing service/product.

g) Intervention strategies have been established in complaints or complaints.

h) The objectives and instruments used in a promotional campaign have been set.

i) techniques have been applied to promote a personal image product/service.

7. Organizes the application of advertising and merchandising techniques, analyzing their impact on the process of marketing products and services.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The objectives of the advertising and merchandising plan have been established.

b) Strategies have been designed to carry out the advertising and merchandising plan.

c) Advertising and merchandising have been identified as tools for the process of selling products and services.

d) The factors involved in advertising have been analyzed.

e) Advertising techniques have been applied to a personal image product/service.

f) The setting and organization of the spaces with the sales process have been related.

g) Promotional storefronts have been made.

h) Advertising of products at the place of sale (PLV) has been made.

8. Establishes quality criteria for personal image processes, evaluating global dynamics and proposing corrective measures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Quality indicators have been identified.

b) The figure of the consultant-evaluator has been characterized in the personal image establishments.

c) An evaluation plan has been organized for the detection of deviations in the company.

d) The parameters have been set to evaluate the different processes.

e) Measures have been proposed to optimize service delivery and correct errors.

f) Actions have been designed to address deficiencies that affect the quality of the service.

g) Customer satisfaction degree assessment systems have been established.

Duration: 55 hours.

Basic contents:

Application of personal image establishment organization techniques:

-Organizational models of personal image companies. Traditional personal image companies. New business trends.

-General installations of personal image establishments. Design and distribution.

-Technical resources. Organization of equipment, tools, cosmetics and tools.

-Business image. Elements that make it up.

Application of professionals ' organization and coordination techniques:

-Center chart of the center. Hierarchical structure.

-Qualification of professionals.

-Template schedule: staff selection process. Selection techniques.

-Design of the host plan in the enterprise.

-Organization and coordination of staff working hours.

-Organization and coordination of work equipment and material means: distribution of work throughout the working day.

Attention and interpersonal communication rules design:

-Communication. Internal and external communication in the enterprise: types, characteristics, and differences.

-Effective communication techniques.

-Keys for effective communication in a work team.

-External communication with customers and suppliers: standards for customer support. Communication protocol with the client.

-Problems in external communication: types and techniques for resolving crisis situations.

-Internal communication in the enterprise: ascending, descending, and horizontal communication.

-Conflict resolution techniques.

-Professional deontology.

-The leadership. Basic laws of the direction of equipment.

-Other types of communication or mixed communication: working meetings. Types and phases of a meeting.

Design of training and information plans:

-Training and information plan: concept and purpose. Identification of the training policy.

-Objectives of the personal image company's training plan.

-Analysis phase: detection of training needs.

-Design of the formative actions: structure, features, and planning.

-Types of formative actions.

-Communication and call for the plan: content, training proposal and communication tools.

-Development and application phase: features, sequencing, and documentation.

-Monitoring and evaluation phase. Assessment instruments.

Performing technical management operations:

-Documentation: types of technical and commercial documentation.

-Documentation systems and file methods.

-Industry-specific computer applications: types, features, and utilities.

-Configuring the application: technical assistance.

-Data protection: legislation, security systems, protection and confidentiality of information.

-Management program users: allocation criteria.

-Creating the database and processing the information.

Elaboration of the merchandising plan:

-Definition and basic marketing concepts.

-The company's marketing plan.

-The client.

-Products and services in personal image. Product and service offering design.

-Sales techniques.

-The sales advisor.

-Treatment and resolution of complaints and complaints.

-Promotions: concept and classification.

-Promotional campaign.

Organization of advertising and merchandising techniques:

-Plan for advertising and merchandising: concept and objectives of the plan.

-Advertising: concept. Objectives.

-Elements that make up advertising as a selling technique.

-Merchandising in a personal image company. Concept.Elements of merchandising. The general setting, the outlets, the external elements of the establishment and the advertising in the place of sale (PLV).

Setting quality criteria for personal image processes:

-Quality. Quality indicators.

-The figure of the evaluator.

-Business project evaluation plan.

-Evaluation goals.

-Analysis methods.

-Evaluation of technical, human resources and facilities.

-Evaluation of technical and commercial management.

-Evaluation of the corporate image.

-Evaluation of the marketing of products and services.

-Assessment of the company's comprehensive communication.

-Evaluation of technical processes and working protocols.

-Assessment of the business environment.

-Intervention plan for correction of deviations.

-Valuation of customer expectations and degree of satisfaction.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the training required to perform the management functions of personal image companies and the marketing of the associated products and services.

The definition of these functions includes aspects such as:

-Organization of installations and technical resources.

-Coordination and organization of the professional team.

-Application of communication techniques.

-Making training proposals for company workers.

-Using computer applications to perform enterprise management.

-Elaboration of the marketing and organization plan for advertising and merchandising.

-Setting the quality criteria for hairdressing services.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Setting organizational structures.

-Defining the company's processes and services.

-Control and evaluate the overall dynamics of all processes and services.

-Technical and commercial management.

The formation of the module contributes to the achievement of general objectives (a), (b), (c), (m), (n), (p), (q), (r), (s), (t), (v), (w) and (y) of the training cycle, and powers (a), (b), (c), (e), (l), (m), (n), (o), (p), (q), (s) and (u) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Organization of technical and professional facilities and resources.

-Design of care and communication protocols with the client and the company's staff.

-Making training and information proposals for the entity's collaborators.

-Using computer media to be able to perform the management of the establishment.

-Making the establishment plan for marketing, advertising and merchandising.

-Quality control of the various services.

Professional module: Hairdressing in special care.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 5

Code: 1072

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Organizes the change or maintenance of the image of users with special aesthetic needs, analyzing their needs and applying specific attention techniques.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The user needs identification techniques have been determined.

b) The profile of the specialist in special aesthetic care has been characterized.

c) User relationship techniques have been applied.

d) The environment where the process is developed has been prepared.

e) Specific hygiene and disinfection techniques have been applied.

f) Wrapping and receiving measures have been set.

g) Dermotricological analysis techniques have been applied.

h) Specific repair care has been characterized.

i) The actions to be followed for the change or maintenance of the image are scheduled.

j) Image change computer programs have been applied to make technical proposals.

2. Applies specific restorative care, determining the techniques of realization.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Criteria for selecting specific hygiene and maintenance treatments for hair and scalp have been established.

b) Criteria for the selection of changes in hair color, shape and length, in special care, have been established.

c) Replacement brows have been designed.

d) The eyebrow and eyelash correction has been performed.

e) Specific care of hands has been applied.

f) The indications, contraindications and timing of application of the specific repair care have been assessed.

3. It elaborates wigs and pothels, applying associated clothing and technical procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The shape of the realization and the utilities of the armor has been identified.

b) Protocols have been established for the taking of measures.

c) The mount types and materials for their realization have been identified

d) Criteria for the selection of raw materials for the making of wigs have been determined.

e) Materials and tools have been identified for the development of wigs.

f) The forms of knots and the effects achieved have been differentiated.

g) The techniques for the processing of wigs have been performed.

h) The guidelines and sequencing for the stitching of the wigs have been determined.

i) Coloring techniques, shape and length changes for wigs have been selected.

4. It places wigs and hair prostheses, performing adaptation, clamping and adjustment operations.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The techniques prior to the placement of wigs and post-peas have been determined.

b) Hair or scalp conditioning techniques have been performed.

c) The precautions for shaving prior to placement of the wig have been established.

d) The taking of cranial measurements and hair color samples has been performed.

e) The tuning techniques for the wigs have been selected.

f) Techniques and attachment accessories have been selected.

g) Postil and wigs placement techniques have been applied.

h) Parameters have been set for the completion of wigs finishes.

i) Guidelines have been established for the preservation and cleaning of wigs and pothels.

5. It determines alternatives to hair prostheses, selecting textile supplements and accessories.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Add-ons and accessories for the user with special needs have been characterized.

b) Types, shapes, and designs of textile accessories and accessories have been identified.

c) Capillaries have been included for textile supplements.

d) The material selection criteria and characteristics have been established.

e) Parameters were set for the selection of the add-on.

f) Different add-ons have been placed with established criteria.

g) Parameters for the hygiene and maintenance of textile and technical supplements have been determined.

6. Applies training techniques in personal care, establishing the phases of the process.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The techniques of counseling and training in personal care have been determined.

b) Personal hygiene and maintenance guidelines for skin, hair and nails have been established.

c) Cosmetic contraindications have been identified.

d) Criteria for the selection and use of solar filters and custom cosmetics have been established.

e) Strategies have been planned to alleviate aesthetic changes in eyebrows and eyelashes.

f) Training techniques have been determined for placement, hygiene, and maintenance of posticery and add-ons.

g) Stetic habit recovery techniques have been established.

Duration: 45 hours.

Basic contents:

Organization of changing or maintaining the image of the user with special aesthetic needs:

-Customer care with special needs.

-Preparing the workbench. Application of safety and hygiene measures in these processes. The user's accommodation.

-Application of techniques for dermotricological analysis.

-Procedures for changing the image in users with special needs.

-Image change proposal. Design of the proposal through manual and computer media. Presentation techniques for the proposal.

Specific repair care application:

-Specific hair and scalp care.

-Correction of eyebrows and eyelashes. Design and measures. Choice of technique and color.

-Specific care for hands.

-Indications and contraindications in specific repair care for users with special needs.

Elaboration of wigs and postizos:

-Previous techniques. The armor or head mold. Description, types of armor and measurements. Taking of measures: materials, template, calco, steps or sequence and sheet of measures. Elaboration of the mount. Types of mounts, work sequence, materials, process of realization and adaptation. Techniques of choice and preparation of raw materials.

-Processing techniques:

-Fabric technique or malting. Materials. Knot types: past start, M simple, M double, last end. Applications.

-Picked technique. Materials, phases of the knot, form of realization and effects achieved.

-Coside technique. Description, guidelines and sequencing.

-Associated Techniques. Techniques of color changes in wigs and pothels. Techniques of shape changes in wigs and pothels. Techniques of length changes in wigs and pothels.

Placement of hair wigs and prostheses:

-Previous techniques. Scalp conditioning. Techniques for washing and hydrating the scalp. Cutting or shaving of the hair. Useful and techniques of realization. Precautionary measures in users with special aesthetic needs. Customization.

-Postbox base placement technique.

-Complete wigs placement techniques. Fit the skull.

-clamping techniques.

-Conservation, hygiene, conditioning and finishing techniques in natural or synthetic hair wigs.

Determination of alternatives to capillaries:

-Textiles and accessories: features. Types, variants, shapes and designs. Placement of capillaries to textile supplements.

-Characteristics of materials used in textile supplements.

-Previous techniques. Selection of the hats and hats. Choice and harmony of colours. Coordination with style and clothing.

-Technical placement of textile accessories and accessories.

-Hygiene and maintenance of textile accessories and accessories.

Application of training techniques in personal care:

-Advice on care before treatment.

-Advice on care during treatment. Hygiene and maintenance guidelines for skin, hair and nails. Cosmetic contraindications. Criteria for the selection and use of solar filters and custom cosmetics.

-Eyebrow And Eyelash Auto-Pause.

-Advice on care after treatment. Techniques of recovery of usual aesthetic habits. Training techniques for placement, hygiene, and maintenance of posticery and add-ons.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the function of caring for users with special needs.

The definition of these functions includes aspects such as:

-Organization of changing or maintaining the image of the user with special aesthetic needs.

-Application of specific repair care.

-Realization of wigs and post-processing operations.

-Placement of wigs and capillaries.

-Determination of alternatives to capillaries.

-Application of training techniques in personal care.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Establishments and care centers for users with special needs.

The formation of the module contributes to the achievement of the general objectives (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (i) and (n) of the training cycle, and powers (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (j) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Organization of changing or maintaining the image of the user with special aesthetic needs.

-The application of specific repair care.

-Performing wigs and post-processing operations.

-Placement of hair wigs and prostheses.

-The determination of alternatives to capillary prostheses.

-The application of training techniques in personal care.

Professional Module: Physiological and hygiene processes in personal image.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 8

Code: 0750

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. It determines the hygienic-sanitary standards of application in the aesthetic processes, relating the exposure to biological agents with the health risks.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The methods of disinfection have been related to the risk levels of infection of each material.

b) The cleaning, disinfection and sterilization protocols applicable to the area of aesthetics have been determined.

c) Different types of pollutants have been characterized.

d) The elements that make up the immune system and the factors that regulate it have been specified.

e) The application of existing regulations in the planning of cabin hygiene has been assessed.

f) The mandatory vaccination program for the application staff of aesthetic techniques has been recognized.

g) The management of waste produced in the area of aesthetics has been justified.

h) The quality plan has been established in the treatment of waste and hygiene processes.

i) PPE used in aesthetics has been specified.

2. It characterizes the anthropometric components related to personal image and aesthetics, reviewing the overall structure of the human body.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The different regions and areas of the human body have been identified.

b) The anatomical positions have been determined.

c) The anatomical planes and axes have been established.

d) The terms of movement, relationship, and direction have been defined in the space of the overall structure of the human body.

e) The shape, overall appearance, and body proportions have been recognized.

f) The hereditary and environmental factors that determine the body's constitution have been identified.

g) Constitutional types have been recognized.

h) The anthropometric values have been related to their application in aesthetics.

3. Identifies healthy nutritional guidelines, recognizing their influence on the aesthetic image.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Food and nutrients have been characterized.

b) The characteristics of foods have been linked to the influence of diet on health conservation.

c) The food composition table has been specified.

d) Biochemical processes of nutrition have been determined.

e) The components of a balanced diet have been characterized.

f) The anatomical structures of the devices and systems involved in nutrition have been linked with their functions.

g) The pathological processes involved in nutrition affecting the skin and its attachments have been recognised.

h) Recommended diets and dietary indications have been made.

4. It characterizes the components of the locomotive apparatus involved in the application of aesthetic techniques, reviewing its anatomical and physiological structure.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The massage and electrostatic treatments related to the locomotor apparatus have been identified.

b) The functions of the bone system have been specified.

c) The composition, structure and classification of bones and muscles have been established.

d) Muscle physiology has been characterized.

e) The types of movements with the involved joints have been related.

f) Movement pathologies and bone disorders linked to the application of aesthetic techniques have been recognized.

g) ergonomics have been linked to postural hygiene and derived pathology.

h) Postural corrections have been proposed for the client and the professional as a function of ergonomic analysis.

5. It characterizes the components of the internal environment involved in the application of aesthetic techniques, reviewing its anatomical and physiological structure.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The anatomy of the circulatory system has been related to hemodynamic functions.

b) The solid and liquid components of the blood have been specified.

c) The structure and physiology of the lymphatic system have been characterized.

d) The influence of the lymphatic system has been related to aesthetic processes.

e) The elements that determine the internal media have been recognized.

f) The balance of the internal environment has been related to the physiological aspects of the circulatory system, the lymphatic system and the blood.

g) The pathologies, associated with these devices, have been identified with influence on aesthetics.

6. It characterizes the components of the endocrine and nervous systems involved in the application of aesthetic techniques, reviewing their anatomical and physiological structure.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The endocrine glands and their functions have been specified.

b) Endocrine mechanisms have been established.

c) Hormonal influence on skin and skin attachments has been justified.

d) The nervous mechanisms have been established.

e) The relationship between the nervous and endocrine systems has been established.

f) The influence of the nervous system on skin and skin attachments has been justified.

g) The sensory organs and their functions have been identified.

h) The sensory physiology has been related to the different techniques used in aesthetics.

7. It sets guidelines for advice on healthy habits, relating them to personal image processes.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The concept of health has been characterized.

b) The influence of life habits on personal image has been recognized.

c) Prevention methods have been identified.

d) Health promotion campaigns have been analyzed.

e) The effects of cancer treatments on the skin organ have been determined.

f) Trigger factors and cancer prevention measures have been established.

g) The stages of body aging have been differentiated.

h) Changes in body figure have been determined at the various stages of life.

i) Healthy habits that delay the onset of aging have been specified.

j) Healthy recommendations have been established to enhance the aesthetic image.

Duration: 70 hours.

Basic contents:

Determination of hygienic and sanitary standards in aesthetic processes:

-Disinfection levels. Disinfection and sterilization methods. The disinfection area of the cabin. Performance protocols in cleaning and disinfection. Hygienic-sanitary conditions of aesthetics establishments.

-Quality control of these processes.

-Contaminating Agents. Classification of micro-organisms. Transmission mechanisms. Infections and infestations.

-Defense and immune system.

-Mandatory vaccination programs in aesthetics.

-Normative related to the scope of aesthetics.

-Waste management: concept, typology and waste control.

-aesthetic-specific PPE.

Characterization of anthropometric components related to personal image and aesthetics:

-General structure of the human body. Regions and body areas. Anatomical positions. Anatomical planes and axes. Relationship terms or addresses in the space.

-Antrometry. Shape, general appearance and body proportions. Somatotypes or constitutional types. Anthropometric variables: weight, size, perimeters, skin folds and wingspan.

Identification of healthy nutritional guidelines:

-Food and its nutrients. Types and function of nutrients. Nutritional and water needs and recommendations.

-Biochemical processes of nutrition.

-The diet. The balanced feeding. Diet and its relationship with aesthetics.

-Food-related aesthetic physiopathology. Obesity and thinness. Lipodystrophies. Changes in food behaviour: anorexia and bulimia. Nutrient imbalance and its relationship to the skin and its attachments.

-Anatomy and physiology of the digestive system. Structure. Analysis of the digestion process.

-Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. Structure. The breath: physiological bases. Influence of the respiratory system on aesthetic processes.

-Anatomy and physiology of the excretor apparatus. Structure. Analysis of the urine formation process.

Characterization of the components of the locomotor apparatus involved in the application of aesthetic techniques:

-Ergonomics applied to aesthetics. Postural hygiene. Pathology related to body posture in aesthetic practices.

-Bone system. The skeleton: composition and structure. The bone tissue. Functions of the bones. The joints. Classification of the bones.

-Muscle system. Muscles: composition and structure. Criteria for the classification of muscles. Muscle tissue. The muscle fibers. Location of muscles in the human body. Muscle physiology: mechanism of contraction.

-Aesthetic processes related to the locomotor apparatus.

-Pathology of the locomotor apparatus related to aesthetics.

Characterization of the components involved in aesthetic techniques:

-Anatomy-physiology of the circulatory apparatus. Fundamental principles of movement. The venous return. Influence of pathologies on aesthetic treatments.

-Blood. The blood tissue. Blood functions. Influence of pathologies on aesthetic treatments.

-Lymphatic System: anatomy and physiology. The lymph. Factors involved in the lymphatic circulation. Influence of the lymphatic system on aesthetic processes.

-Internal environment. Body fluids. Regulation and composition in the various spaces.

-Influence of aesthetic treatments in the circulatory system. Actions of mechanical, electroaesthetic and cosmetological techniques. Classification of the effects. Influence of pressure and temperature in the vascular system.

Characterization of the components of the endocrine and nervous systems involved in the application of aesthetic techniques:

-Nervous system: organization and structure. Nervous system cells. The nerves. The neural transmission. The neurotransmitters. Autonomic nervous system.

-Organ of the senses. Sensory receptors: classification and response mechanism. The senses: types, anatomy and physiology. Influence on sensory therapies.

-endocrine system. Glandular organization. Hormones. Hormonal physiology. Regulation of secretion. Influence of hormones in the skin and attachments.

Setting advice guidelines on healthy habits:

-Health concept.

-Influence of life habits in personal image.

-Primary prevention as a method of health promotion.

-The impact of cancer and cancer treatments on the personal image. Cancer and life habits. Prevention measures.

-Body aging. Changes of body figure throughout life. Physiology of ageing. Relationship between aging and lifestyles.

-Advice on healthy habits. Assessment of healthy habits. Recommendations on food, physical exercise, sleep, personal hygiene and other elements that affect the aesthetic image.

Teaching guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the functions of organization, development and counselling of work in aesthetic establishments through the study of human physiology, the habits of healthy living, waste management and treatment and hygiene in the workplace.

The definition of these functions includes aspects such as:

-Justification of the correct application of aesthetic treatments, identifying the structure, functions and regulation of the most important devices and systems of the human body.

-Advice on healthy living habits and on a balanced diet as an aesthetic tool.

-Organization of the protocols of methods of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of utensils, appliances and accessories in the field of work.

-Selection of appropriate methods for the treatment of waste.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-The development of facial and body aesthetic treatments in beauty centers or hydrothermal techniques centers.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives: (c), (n), (o), (u) and (w) of the training cycle, and the powers: (c), (n), (r) and (s) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved are related to:

-Recognition of different parts of the human body, organs, appliances and systems.

-The use of methods of cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing utensils, appliances and accessories.

-The interpretation of quality protocols in the treatment of waste.

Professional Module: Stylism project and hairdressing address.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 5

Code: 1073

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Identifies needs of the productive sector, relating them to type projects that can satisfy them.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Companies in the sector have been classified for their organizational characteristics and the type of product or service they offer.

b) Type companies have been characterized by indicating the organizational structure and functions of each department.

c) The most demanding needs have been identified for businesses.

d) The foreseeable business opportunities in the sector have been valued.

e) The type of project required to respond to expected demands has been identified.

f) The specific characteristics required in the project have been determined.

g) Tax, labour and risk prevention obligations and their conditions of application have been determined.

h) Possible grants or grants have been identified for the incorporation of the new production or service technologies being proposed.

i) The work script to be followed for project elaboration has been developed.

2. Designs projects related to the competencies expressed in the title, including and developing the phases that compose it.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Information has been collected regarding the aspects to be addressed in the project.

b) The technical feasibility study of the same has been performed.

c) The phases or parts that make up the project and its content have been identified.

d) The objectives that are intended to be achieved have been established, identifying their scope.

e) The material and personal resources required to perform it have been provided.

f) The corresponding economic budget has been made.

g) Financing needs have been identified for the implementation of the project.

h) The documentation required for your design has been defined and elaborated.

i) The aspects that need to be controlled to ensure the quality of the project have been identified.

3. Schedules project execution, determining the intervention plan and associated documentation.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Activities have been sequenced, ordering them based on development needs.

b) The resources and logistics required for each activity have been determined.

c) The permissions and authorization needs to perform the activities have been identified.

(d) The procedures for the performance or performance of the activities have been determined.

e) The risks inherent in the execution have been identified, defining the risk prevention plan and the necessary means and equipment.

f) The allocation of material and human resources and run times has been planned.

g) An economic assessment has been made which gives an answer to the conditions of its implementation.

h) The documentation required for the execution has been defined and elaborated.

4. Defines the procedures for monitoring and control in project execution, justifying the selection of variables and instruments used.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The procedure for evaluating activities or interventions has been defined.

b) Quality indicators have been defined to perform the assessment.

c) The procedure for evaluating incidents that may arise during the performance of the activities, their possible solution and registration has been defined.

d) The procedure has been defined to manage potential changes to resources and activities, including the system of logging them.

e) The documentation required for the evaluation of the activities and the project has been defined and elaborated.

f) The procedure for the participation of users or clients in the assessment has been established and the specific documents have been prepared.

g) A system has been established to ensure compliance with the project specification, when it exists.

Duration: 25 hours.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module complements the training established for the rest of the professional modules that integrate the title into the context analysis, project design and execution organization functions.

The context analysis function includes the subfunctions of information collection, needs identification, and feasibility study.

The design function of the project aims to establish the general lines to respond to the needs raised, concreting the relevant aspects for its realization. Includes the project definition, intervention planning, and documentation subfunctions.

The execution organization function includes the activities programming, resource management, and intervention monitoring subfunctions.

The professional activities associated with these functions are developed in the styling and hairdressing sector.

The formation of the module is related to the overall objectives of the cycle and the professional, personal and social competencies of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable you to achieve the objectives of the module are related to:

-Running team jobs.

-The responsibility and self-assessment of the work done.

-Autonomy and personal initiative.

-The use of information and communication technologies.

Professional Module: Training and Employment Guidance.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 5

Code: 1074

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. It selects job opportunities, identifying the different insertion possibilities and learning alternatives throughout life.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The importance of lifelong learning has been assessed as a key factor for employability and adaptation to the demands of the production process.

b) The vocational and vocational pathways related to the professional profile of the superior technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management have been identified.

c) The skills and attitudes required for the professional activity related to the profile of the title have been determined.

d) The main fields of employment and job insertion for the top technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management have been identified.

e) The techniques used in the job search process have been determined.

f) Self-employment alternatives have been foreseen in the professional sectors related to the title.

g) The assessment of personality, aspirations, attitudes and self-training has been performed for decision-making.

2. Applies team work strategies, valuing their effectiveness and efficiency in achieving the goals of the organization.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The advantages of teamwork in work situations related to the profile of the superior technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management have been valued.

b) Work teams that can be created in a real job situation have been identified.

c) The characteristics of the effective work equipment against the ineffective equipment have been determined.

d) The necessary existence of diversity of roles and opinions assumed by members of a team has been positively valued.

e) The possible existence of conflict between members of a group has been recognized as a characteristic aspect of organizations.

f) The types of conflicts and their sources have been identified.

g) Procedures for conflict resolution have been determined.

3. It exercises rights and meets the obligations arising from industrial relations, recognising them in the different employment contracts.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The basic concepts of the right of work have been identified.

b) The main bodies involved in the relations between employers and workers have been distinguished.

c) The rights and obligations arising from the employment relationship have been determined.

(d) The main modalities of recruitment have been classified, identifying the measures to promote recruitment for certain groups.

e) The measures established by the current legislation for the reconciliation of work and family life have been assessed.

f) The causes and effects of the modification, suspension and extinction of the employment relationship have been identified.

g) The receipt of salaries has been analyzed, identifying the main elements that integrate it.

h) Different collective conflict measures and conflict resolution procedures have been analyzed.

i) The working conditions agreed in a collective agreement applicable to the sector related to the title of Superior Technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management have been determined.

j) The defining characteristics of new work organization environments have been identified.

4. It determines the protective action of the Social Security system in the face of the various contingencies covered, identifying the different classes of benefits.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The role of Social Security has been valued as an essential pillar for improving the quality of life of citizens.

b) The various contingencies covered by the Social Security system have been listed.

c) Existing regimes have been identified in the Social Security system.

d) The obligations of employer and employee within the Social Security system have been identified.

e) A worker's contribution bases and the corresponding employee and employer contributions have been identified in a simple assumption.

f) Social Security system capabilities have been classified, identifying requirements.

g) Possible legal unemployment situations have been determined.

h) The calculation of the duration and amount of a basic contributory level unemployment benefit has been performed.

5. It evaluates the risks arising from its activity, analyzing the working conditions and the risk factors present in its work environment.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The importance of preventive culture has been valued in all areas and activities of the company.

b) Work conditions have been linked to the health of the worker.

c) Risk factors have been classified in the activity and the damage resulting from them.

d) The most common risk situations have been identified in the work environments of the top technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management.

e) Risk assessment has been determined in the company.

f) Working conditions have been determined with significance for prevention in work environments related to the professional profile of the top technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management.

g) Types of professional damage have been classified and described, with particular reference to occupational accidents and occupational diseases, related to the professional profile of the superior technician in Estilism and Management of Hairdresser.

6. Participates in the development of a risk prevention plan in a small business, identifying the responsibilities of all the actors involved.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) The principal rights and duties in the field of occupational risk prevention have been determined.

b) The different forms of prevention management in the company have been classified, depending on the different criteria laid down in the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

c) Forms of representation of workers in the company in the field of risk prevention have been determined.

d) Public bodies related to the prevention of occupational risks have been identified.

e) The importance of the existence of a preventive plan in the company that includes the sequencing of actions to be carried out in case of an emergency has been assessed.

f) The content of the prevention plan has been defined in a work centre related to the professional sector of the top technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management.

g) An emergency and evacuation plan for a company in the sector has been planned.

7. Applies prevention and protection measures, analyzing the risk situations in the work environment of the top technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) The techniques of prevention and individual and collective protection that must be applied in order to avoid damage to their origin and to minimize their consequences should they be unavoidable.

b) The meaning and scope of the different types of security signage has been analyzed.

c) Action protocols have been analyzed in case of emergency.

d) The techniques for the classification of injuries have been identified in case of emergency where there are victims of varying severity.

e) The basic first aid techniques to be applied at the site of the accident have been identified with different types of damage and the composition and use of the kit.

(f) The requirements and conditions for the monitoring of the health of the worker and their importance as a preventive measure have been determined.

Duration: 50 hours.

Basic contents:

Active job search:

-Valuation of the importance of permanent training for the career and professional career of the senior technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management.

-Analysis of personal interests, skills and motivations for the professional career.

-Identification of training itineraries related to the top technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management.

-Definition and analysis of the professional sector of the top technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management.

-Job search process in industry companies.

-Learning and employment opportunities in Europe.

-Job search techniques and instruments.

-The decision-making process.

Conflict management and work teams:

-Methods for resolving or deleting the conflict. Assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of team work for the effectiveness of the organization.

-Equipment in the styling and hairdressing sector according to the functions they perform.

-Participation in the work team.

-Conflict: features, sources, and stages.

Job Contract:

-The right of the job.

-Analysis of the individual labor relationship.

-Work contract modes and procurement promotion measures.

-Rights and duties arising from the employment relationship.

-Modifying, suspending, and extinguishing the work contract.

-Representation of workers.

-Analysis of a collective agreement applicable to the professional scope of the top technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management.

-Benefits for workers in new organizations: flexibility and social benefits, among others.

Social Security, Employment and Unemployment:

-Structure of the Social Security system.

-Determination of the principal obligations of employers and workers in the field of Social Security, affiliation, high, low and contribution.

-Unemployment-protected situations.

Professional risk assessment:

-Valuation of the relationship between work and health.

-Risk Factor Analysis.

-Risk assessment in the company as a basic element of preventive activity.

-Risk analysis linked to security conditions.

-Risk analysis linked to environmental conditions.

-Risk analysis linked to ergonomic and psycho-social conditions.

-Specific risks in the hairdressing sector.

-Determination of the possible damage to the health of the worker that can be derived from the identified risk situations.

Planning for risk prevention in the enterprise:

-Rights and duties in the field of occupational risk prevention.

-Managing prevention in the enterprise.

-Public bodies related to the prevention of occupational risks.

-Planning for prevention in the enterprise.

-Emergency and evacuation plans in work environments.

-Making an emergency plan in a company in the sector.

Application of prevention and protection measures in the enterprise:

-Determination of individual and collective prevention and protection measures.

-Action protocol in an emergency situation.

-First aid.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training for the student to be able to insert himself and develop his professional career in the sector.

The formation of this module contributes to the achievement of the general objectives (p), (q), (r), (u) and (y) of the training cycle, and (n), (o), (p), (q), (r) and (u) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-The management of information sources on the education and labour system, in particular with regard to companies.

-The conduct of guidance and dynamic tests on the personality and the development of social skills.

-Preparation and realization of curriculum vitae (CV) and job interviews.

-Identification of labor regulations affecting workers in the sector, management of the most commonly used contracts, and comprehensive reading of collective agreements of application.

-The fulfillment of salary receipts of different characteristics and other related documents.

-The analysis of the Law on the Prevention of Labor Risks, which allows you to evaluate the risks arising from the activities carried out in your productive sector and to allow you to collaborate in the definition of a prevention plan for a small business, as well as in the preparation of the necessary measures for its implementation.

Professional Module: Enterprise and entrepreneurship.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 4

Code: 1075

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Recognizes the capabilities associated with the entrepreneurial initiative, analyzing the requirements derived from the jobs and the business activities.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The concept of innovation and its relationship with the progress of society and the increase in the well-being of individuals have been identified.

b) The concept of entrepreneurial culture and its importance as a source of job creation and social welfare have been analyzed.

c) The importance of individual initiative, creativity, training and collaboration as essential requirements to succeed in entrepreneurial activity has been valued.

d) An analysis of the capacity of initiative in the work of a person employed in a small and medium-sized enterprise related to styling and hairdressing has been analyzed.

e) The development of an entrepreneur's entrepreneurial activity that starts in the hairdressing sector has been analyzed.

f) The concept of risk has been analyzed as an inevitable element of all entrepreneurial activity.

g) The concept of entrepreneur and the requirements and attitudes required to develop business activity have been analyzed.

h) The business strategy has been described, relating it to the objectives of the company.

i) A particular business idea has been defined, in the field of styling and hairdressing, to serve as a starting point for the development of a business plan.

2. Defines the opportunity to create a small business, assessing the impact on the performance environment and incorporating ethical values.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The basic functions that are performed in a company have been described and the system concept applied to the company has been analyzed.

b) The main components of the general environment surrounding the company have been identified, in particular the economic, social, demographic and cultural environment.

c) The influence on the business activity of customer relations, with suppliers and with competition, as main members of the specific environment has been analyzed.

d) The environment elements of a styling and hairdressing pyme have been identified.

e) The concepts of enterprise culture and corporate image and their relationship to business objectives have been analyzed.

f) The phenomenon of corporate social responsibility and its importance as an element of the business strategy has been analyzed.

g) The social balance of a company related to styling and hairdressing has been developed and the main social costs incurred by these companies, as well as the social benefits they produce, have been described.

h) They have been identified, in companies related to styling and hairdressing, practices that incorporate ethical and social values.

i) A study of the economic and financial viability of an SME related to styling and hairdressing has been carried out.

3. Carries out activities for the establishment and implementation of a company, selecting the legal form and identifying the legal obligations associated with it.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The different legal forms of the company have been analyzed.

b) The degree of legal liability of the owners of the company has been specified, depending on the legal form chosen.

c) The tax treatment established for the different legal forms of the company has been differentiated.

d) The formalities required by the legislation in force for the formation of a company have been analyzed.

e) A comprehensive search has been conducted for the different support for the creation of stylism and hairdressing companies in the reference location.

(f) The business plan has been included in the business plan as regards the choice of legal form, economic-financial feasibility study, administrative procedures, aid and grants.

g) Existing external administrative advice and management pathways have been identified when starting an SME.

4. Performs administrative and financial management activities of an SME, identifying the main accounting and tax obligations and completing the documentation.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The basic accounting concepts, as well as accounting information recording techniques, have been analyzed.

(b) The basic techniques for the analysis of accounting information, in particular as regards the solvency, liquidity and profitability of the company, have been described.

c) The tax obligations of a company related to styling and hairdressing have been defined.

d) Tax rates have been differentiated in the fiscal calendar.

e) The basic commercial and accounting documentation (invoices, albarans, order notes, exchange letters and cheques, among others) has been completed for a styling and hairdressing pyme and the circuits have been described This documentation runs through the company.

f) The main banking finance instruments have been identified.

g) The previous documentation has been included in the business plan.

Duration: 35 hours.

Basic contents:

Entrepreneurial Initiative:

-Innovation and economic development. Main characteristics of the innovation in the direction of hairdressing (materials, technology and organization of production, among others).

-Key factors for entrepreneurs: initiative, creativity and training.

-The performance of entrepreneurs as employees of an SME related to styling and hairdressing.

-The performance of entrepreneurs as entrepreneurs in the styling and hairdressing sector.

-The entrepreneur. Requirements for the exercise of business activity.

-Business Plan: the business idea in the realm of styling and hairdressing.

The company and its environment:

-Basic business functions.

-The enterprise as a system.

-Analysis of the general environment of an SME related to styling and hairdressing.

-Analysis of the specific environment of an SME related to styling and hairdressing.

-Relationships of a styling and hairdressing pyme with its surroundings.

-Relationships of an SME styling and hairdressing with society as a whole.

Creating and starting a business:

-Enterprise Types.

-Taxation in companies.

-Choosing the legal form.

-Administrative formalities for the formation of a company.

-Economic viability and financial viability of an SME related to styling and hairdressing.

-Business plan: choice of legal form, study of economic and financial viability, administrative procedures and management of grants and grants.

Administrative function:

-Concept of basic accounting and notions.

-Analysis of accounting information.

-Business tax obligations.

-Administrative management of a styling and hairdressing company.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to develop the own initiative in the business field, both towards self-employment and towards the assumption of responsibilities and roles in employment.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives p), q), r), s), t) and x) of the training cycle, and the competencies n), o), p), q) and t) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-The management of information sources on the styling and hairdressing sector, including the analysis of the ongoing sector innovation processes.

-The realization of cases and group dynamics that allow understanding and valuing the attitudes of entrepreneurs and adjust the need for them to the service sector related to the processes of styling and hairdressing.

-The use of administrative management programs for industry SMEs.

-The completion of a business plan project related to styling and hairdressing and including all facets of a business start-up, as well as justification for their social responsibility.

Professional Module: Job Center Training.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 22

Code: 1076

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Identifies the structure and organization of the company, relating to the type of service it provides.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The organizational structure of the company and the functions of each area of the company have been identified.

b) The structure of the company has been compared to the existing business organizations in the sector.

c) The service characteristics and the type of clients have been related to the development of the business activity.

d) Work procedures have been identified in the development of service delivery.

e) The necessary competencies of human resources have been valued for the optimal development of the activity.

f) The suitability of the most frequent broadcast channels in this activity has been assessed.

2. He applies ethical and work habits in the development of his professional activity, according to the characteristics of the job and with the procedures established in the company.

Assessment Criteria:

a) They have been recognized and justified:

● The required personal and temporary availability in the job.

● Personal attitudes (punctuality and empathy, among others) and professionals (order, cleanliness and responsibility, among others) necessary for the job.

● Actitudinal requirements for the prevention of risks in professional activity.

● The actitudinal requirements regarding the quality of the professional activity.

● Relational attitudes to the work team itself and to the hierarchies established in the company.

● The attitudes related to the documentation of the activities carried out in the field of work.

● The training needs for the insertion and reinsertion of work in the scientific and technical field of the good work of the professional.

b) The rules on the prevention of occupational risks and the fundamental aspects of the Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks of Application in Professional Activity have been identified.

c) Individual protective equipment has been applied according to the risks of the business activity and the company's standards.

d) An attitude of respect to the environment has been maintained in the developed activities.

e) The job or the area corresponding to the development of the activity has been organized, clean and free of obstacles.

f) You have been responsible for the assigned work, interpreting and fulfilling the instructions received.

g) Effective communication has been established with the responsible person in each situation and with team members.

h) It has been coordinated with the rest of the team, communicating the relevant incidents that are presented.

i) The importance of their activity and the need to adapt to changes in tasks has been assessed.

j) You have taken responsibility for the application of the rules and procedures in the development of your work.

3. Participates in the organization of facilities and resources, planning activities and collaborating in the development of company protocols.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The instructions received from the tutor have been interpreted in the company, communicating the detected deviations.

b) The personal image itself has been valued as a company image, taking care of aspects such as personal hygiene, makeup, hairstyles and clothing, among others.

c) The different types of information/documentation used and generated have been handled.

d) The logistics and sourcing of products and materials used in the services offered by the company have been collaborated.

e) Services files, employees, customers, products, and suppliers have been managed.

f) The communication and customer support protocols have been interpreted at all stages of the process (from the reception, the telephone or in-person reception, to the farewell of the clients).

g) The calendar has been organized manually or informally.

h) It has been collaborated in the elaboration of technical, commercial, safety and hygiene protocols, of quality and others.

i) Maintenance of the facilities and equipment used has been managed.

j) Team has been worked on, in the company's plans, showing initiative and interest.

4. It adapts the protocols of hair treatment and care in special users, collaborating in its execution and optimizing the available resources.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The facilities have been prepared by checking that the equipment and accessories meet the safety requirements required by the current regulations.

b) Treatment has been established, prior to dermotricological diagnosis.

c) The media and products have been selected based on the technique to be used.

d) Pre-treatment techniques have been applied.

e) Capillaries, wigs and supplements have been performed in the appropriate time and form.

f) Hand massage manual techniques have been applied, depending on the characteristics of the alteration to be treated.

g) Repair care has been performed on clients with special needs.

h) Capillary care procedures have been interpreted before and after graft and hair implants.

i) Care, precautions and periodicity of treatment have been reported to enhance the outcome

j) The technical documentation relating to the client's characteristics, the diagnosis and the procedures used has been completed.

5. Performs the assembly of hairstyles for audiovisual and/or social media, applying hairdressing techniques and following established procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The hairstyles have been designed for audiovisual media, gateway and/or social events.

b) Facilities have been organized.

c) Hair and scalp characteristics have been recognized.

d) The characteristics of the social, audiovisual and gateway act have been identified.

e) Teams, useful, and cosmetics have been selected.

f) The morphological traits have been related to the selection of the hairstyle.

g) The hairdressing techniques required to develop a character in audiovisual productions and walkways have been identified.

h) The conditioning operations and the procedures for colouring, discoloration, smoothing and permanent undulation have been performed.

i) The hairstyles have been performed and collected.

j) They have been adapted to the hairstyle wigs, add-ons and other hair prostheses.

6. Collaborates in the design and realization of style changes in the hair, analyzing the characteristics of the client and applying cutting techniques.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The client's morphological needs and traits have been identified.

b) The elements that make up the personal style of the client have been studied through observation, through a questionnaire.

c) It has been related to the hairstyle, makeup and costumes with the change of style.

d) Customer information guidelines have been established in the presentation of the proposal for the change of personal style.

e) A budget has been made in accordance with the proposed technical proposal.

f) The execution of the involved processes has been methodically planned.

g) Media, techniques, and cosmetics have been selected.

h) Different cutting techniques have been applied in an appropriate manner.

i) The process has been controlled and the company quality standards have been followed.

j) Hygiene and disinfection measures have been applied.

7. It markets products and services, developing marketing techniques.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The product types and services offered by the company have been identified.

b) A service company's own professional behavior has been maintained with users.

c) The most common selling techniques in the company have been analyzed and followed.

d) Merchandising techniques used locally to encourage shopping have been identified.

e) A technical language has been established with the user to inform and advise on the habits, products and services offered.

f) Claims and complaints resolution procedures have been put in place.

Duration: 220 hours.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contributes to completing the competencies of this title and the overall objectives of the cycle, both those that have been achieved in the educational center, and those that are difficult to achieve in it.




-purpose Aula.

Aula Hairdressing technique

Laboratory of cosmetology


Teacher's specialties with teaching assignment in the professional modules of the training cycle of Superior Technician in Stylism and Hairdressing Management


Teacher Speciality

1064. Dermotricology.

● Personal Image Advice and Processes.

● Secondary Teaching Catedratics.

● Teachers Secondary Education

1065. Technical and cosmetic resources.

● Personal Image Advice and Processes.

● Secondary Teaching Catedratics.

● Secondary Teaching Teachers

1066. Hair treatments.

● Barber.

● Technical Teachers of Vocational Training

1067. Hairdressing procedures and techniques.

● Barber.

● Technical Teachers of Vocational Training

1068. Hairstyles for audiovisual and fashion productions.

● Barber.

● Technical Teachers of Vocational Training

1069. Hairdressing styling.

● Barber.

● Technical Teachers of Vocational Training

1070. Image study.

● Personal Image Advice and Processes.

● Secondary Teaching Catedratics.

● Teachers Secondary Education

1071. Direction and Marketing.

● Personal Image Advice and Processes.

● Secondary Teaching Catedratics.

● Secondary Teaching Teachers

1072. Special care hairdressing.

● Barber.

● Technical Teachers of Vocational Training

0750. Physiological and physiological processes in personal image.

● Personal Image Advice and Processes.

● Secondary Teaching Catedratics.

● Secondary Teaching Teachers.

1073. Styling and hairdressing project.

● Barber.

● Technical Teachers of Vocational Training

● Advice and Personal Image Processes.

● Secondary Teaching Catedratics.

● Secondary Teaching Teachers

1074. Job training and guidance.

● Training and Employment Guidance.

● Secondary Teaching Catedratics.

● Secondary Teaching Teachers

1075. Enterprise and entrepreneurship.

● Training and Employment Orientation.

● Secondary Teaching Catedratics.

● Secondary Teaching Teachers


Equivalent to teaching effects


Secondary Teaching Teachers.

● Training and Employment Orientation.

-Diplomat in Business Sciences.

-Diplomate in Labor Relations.

-Diplomated in Social Work.

-Diplomat in Social Education.

-Diplomat in Management and Public Administration

Professional Training.

● Hairdressing.

-Senior Technician in Personal Image Counseling.

-Technical Specialist at Hairdresser


Required for Impartir the professional modules that make up the title for private ownership centers, other administrations other than education and orientations for the educational administration



1064. Dermotricology.

1065. Technical and cosmetic resources.

1070. Image study.

1071 Address and Marketing.

0750. Physiological and hygiene processes in personal image.

1074. Training and employment guidance.

1075. Enterprise and entrepreneurial initiative.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect or the corresponding Degree title, or other equivalent degrees for teaching purposes

1066. Hair treatments.

1067. Hairdressing procedures and techniques.

1068. Hairstyles for audiovisual and fashion productions.

1069. Hairdressing styling.

1072. Hairdressing in special care.

1073. Hairstyling and hairdressing project.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect or the corresponding Degree of Degree, or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding Degree degree, or other equivalent titles.

-Senior Technical in Personal Image Counseling.

-Technical Specialist in Hairdresser


Accredited Competition Units

Convalidable Professional

UC1261_3: Perform the diagnosis and design aesthetic capillaries.

1064. Dermotricology.

1065. Technical and cosmetic resources

UC1262_3: Perform aesthetic hair treatments under conditions of safety and hygiene.

1066. Hair treatments

UC0794_3: Perform technical and hairstyles for hairdressers and audiovisual and performing productions.

UC0348_2: Perform Total or partial color changes in hair.

1067. Hairdressing procedures and techniques.

1068. Hairstyles for audiovisual and fashion productions

UC0794_3: Performing technical and hairstyles for hairdressers and audiovisual and performing productions.

1068. Hairstyles for audiovisual and fashion productions

UC0793_3: Advising clients on their personal image, through the aesthetic care and transformation of the hair and the hair of the face.

UC0351_2: Cut your hair and perform the fix and scratch of beard and moustache.

1069. Hairdressing styling.

UC0795_3: Direct and manage activities developed in personal image companies.

UC0352_2: Advising and selling products and Personal Image services.

1071. Address and marketing


Outmatched Professional Modules

Accreditable Competition

1064. Dermotricology.

1065. Technical and cosmetic resources.

UC1261_3: Make the diagnosis and design aesthetic capillaries

1066. Hair treatments.

UC1262_3: Perform aesthetic hair treatments under conditions of safety and hygiene

1067. Hairdressing procedures and techniques.

UC0348_2: Make total or partial color changes in hair

1067. Hairdressing procedures and techniques.

1068. Hairstyles for audiovisual and fashion productions.

UC0348_2: Make total or partial color changes in hair.

UC0794_3: Perform technical protocols and hairstyles for hairdressers and audiovisual and performing productions

1069. Hairdressing styling.

UC0793_3: Advising clients on their personal image, through the aesthetic care and transformation of the hair and hair of the face.

UC0351_2: Cut the hair and perform the fix and scratch of beard and moustache

1071. Address and Marketing.

UC0795_3: Direct and manage activities developed in personal image companies.

UC0352_2: Murder and Selling Products and Personal Image services