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Resolution 4B0-38250-2011, Of 2 December, The Social Institute Of The Armed Forces, By Which Updates Annex 1 Of Resolution 4B0-38276-2009, Of 16 December, Which Approves Health Care Portfolio Of Services.

Original Language Title: ResoluciĆ³n 4B0/38250/2011, de 2 de diciembre, del Instituto Social de las Fuerzas Armadas, por la que se actualiza el Anexo 1 de la ResoluciĆ³n 4B0/38276/2009, de 16 de diciembre, por la que se aprueba la Cartera de Servicios de Asistencia Sanitaria.

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Resolution 4B0/38276/2009 of 16 December of the Social Institute of the Armed Forces, approving the Portfolio of Health Care Services of the ISFAS, in its Annex 1 establishes the limit of the aid that may be recognised in certain situations due to the transfer of patients, psychiatric hospitalization and other mental health actions and the provision of medical devices for diabetics.

In order to maintain an adequate level of coverage in the above mentioned benefits, taking into account the available budgetary resources, Annex 1 to Resolution 4B0/38276/2009 of 16 December 2009 has been revised, It is considered appropriate to amend the limit for aid for psychiatric hospitalization in detention and for fungible material for insulin pumps.

For the above and in the exercise of the powers conferred by Article 18 of the General Regulation of the Social Security of the Armed Forces, approved by Royal Decree 1726/2007 of 21 December,

I hereby resolve to update Annex 1 of Resolution 4B0/38276/2009 of 16 December 2009, which is included below as an Appendix to this Resolution and which shall apply to all files corresponding to or supplies made as of 1 January 2012.

Madrid, December 2, 2011. -General Secretary of the Social Institute of the Armed Forces, Celia Abenza Rojo.

ANNEX 1 TO RESOLUTION 4B0/38276/2009 OF 16 DECEMBER, UPDATED TO 1 January 2012

Limits on aid for the transfer of patients, mental health and diabetic health products



Help for expenses lodging and maintenance

25 euros per day

for maintenance

12 euros per day.

ordinary transport help

Amount of the transport media tickets used

Psychiatric Hospitalization in Interment Regime (help for each stay)

87.40 euros

Psychiatric hospital regimen of day hospital (help for every day stay)


Psychotherapy (maximum amount per each session)

41.60 euros.

Needles for insulin injectors (maximum monthly amount)

EUR 27.20.

Fungible material for insulin pumps (maximum monthly amount)

259.90 euros.

Reflectometer (team help)

54.70 euros