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Resolution Of 12 Of December Of 2011, Of The Address General Of Political Energy And Mines, By Which Is Publishing The New Prices Of Sale, Before Taxes, Of Them Gas Liquefied Of The Oil By Pipeline.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 12 de diciembre de 2011, de la Dirección General de Política Energética y Minas, por la que se publican los nuevos precios de venta, antes de impuestos, de los gases licuados del petróleo por canalización.

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Article 12.1 of Law 24/2005, of 18 November, of Reforms for the Impulment of Productivity, states that by order, after the Agreement of the Government of the Government for Economic Affairs, the provisions necessary for the establishment of tariffs for the sale of natural gas, manufactured gases and liquefied petroleum gases by pipeline for final consumers, as well as prices for the disposal of natural gas and liquefied gases of petroleum for fuel gas distributors by channelling, establishing the specific values of those tariffs and prices or a system for the automatic determination and updating of those tariffs and prices. The sales rates to users will be unique for the entire national territory, without prejudice to their specialties.

The Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of 16 July 1998 updating the marketing costs of the system for the automatic determination of maximum sales prices, before tax, of gases In the case of oil, the system of automatic determination of the maximum prices applicable to the supply of liquefied petroleum gases, and in particular the supply by pipeline, has been established. In accordance with its eighth paragraph, the corresponding price resolutions to be published in the BOE should be issued and shall enter into force on the third Tuesday of each month.

Order ITC/3292/2008 of 14 November amending the system for the automatic determination of sales tariffs, before tax, of liquefied petroleum gases by pipeline, partially modifies the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of 16 July 1998. In its first paragraph, 2, it provides that the marketing costs shall be reviewed annually in the month of July of each year, as was done in the Resolution of 5 July 2011.

By virtue of the above, this Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines has resolved the following:


From the zero hours of day 20 December 2011, the pre-tax sales prices, applicable to liquefied petroleum gas supplies according to supply mode, will be as follows:

1. Liquefied petroleum gases by channeling to end users:

-Fixed term: 1.55 euros/month.

-Variable term: 98,2297 cents/kg.

2. Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) in bulk to LPG distribution companies by pipeline: 83,8631 cents/kg.


The prices set in the First section do not include the following current taxes:

-Peninsula and Balearic Islands: Tax on Hydrocarbons and Value Added Tax.

-Canary Islands: Special Tax of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands on petroleum fuels and General Indirect Tax.

-Cities of Ceuta and Melilla: Tax on production, services, imports and the supplementary levy on fuels and petroleum fuels.


Prices for oil liquefied petroleum gas supplies indicated in this resolution shall apply to supplies pending execution on the day of its entry into force, even if the corresponding orders have previous date. For these purposes, it is understood by pending supplies of execution, those that have not yet been completed or are in the process of being carried out at zero hours of the day of entry into force of this resolution.


The invoices for the consumption of liquefied petroleum gas by pipeline measured by counter, relating to the period including the date of entry into force of this resolution, or in its the case of other previous or subsequent orders or orders relating to the same billing period shall be calculated by apportioning the total consumption corresponding to the period invoiced to the preceding and subsequent days for each of the preceding or subsequent those dates, applying to the consumption resulting from the distribution the prices which correspond to the various applicable resolutions or orders.


The companies distributing liquefied petroleum gases by channeling, will take the necessary measures to determine the periodic consumption made by each of their customers, in order to proceed to the correct the application of the prices of liquefied petroleum gas per pipeline referred to in this resolution.


Against this resolution, and in accordance with the provisions of Articles 107 et seq. of Law 30/1992 of 26 November 1992, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure, and in Article 14.7 of Law 6/1997, of 14 April, of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State, may be brought before the Secretary of State of Energy within one month of the day following the day of the of its publication.

Madrid, 12 December 2011.-The Director General of Energy Policy and Mines, P.S. (Resolution of 31 October 2011), the Deputy Director General of Hydrocarbons, Sergio López Pérez.