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Order Pre / 3480 / 2011, Of 12 Of December, By Which Is Sets The Commission Inter-Ministerial For The Evaluation And Accreditation Of Them Skills Professional Acquired By Experience Labor For The Field Of Management Of The Administration G...

Original Language Title: Orden PRE/3480/2011, de 12 de diciembre, por la que se establece la Comisión Interministerial para la evaluación y acreditación de las competencias profesionales adquiridas por experiencia laboral para el ámbito de gestión de la Administración G...

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The Organic Law of 19 June, of the Qualifications and Vocational Training, in Article 8, dedicated to the recognition, assessment, accreditation and registration of professional qualifications, is set out in the 1 the nature and validity of vocational training qualifications and certificates of professionalism, which are offers of vocational training referred to in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications which accredit the relevant vocational qualifications. professional qualifications to those who have obtained them.

The same Article 8 of the Law provides in paragraph 2 that the assessment and accreditation of professional skills acquired through work experience or non-formal training courses will have as its reference National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and will be developed following, in any case, criteria that guarantee the reliability, objectivity and technical rigor of the evaluation. It also indicates that the professional skills thus assessed, when they do not complete the qualifications collected in a professional training or certificate of professionalism, will be recognised through a partial accreditation cumulative for the purpose, if any, of completing the training leading to the obtaining of the corresponding certificate or certificate.

Article 8 (4) of the Act entrusts the Government, after consulting the General Council of Vocational Training, to lay down the requirements and procedures for the assessment and accreditation of powers, as well as the effects of the same.

This procedure was established in Royal Decree 1224/2009 of 17 July, for the recognition of professional skills acquired by work experience, which, in its article 21.1.b), provides for the administration of Education and labour will jointly establish in each Autonomous Community the organisational structure responsible for the procedure.

It is therefore necessary to create, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IV of Title II of Law 6/1997, of 14 April, of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State, the corresponding organizational structure for the Cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

Under its virtue, on the proposal of the Ministers of Education and Labour and Immigration, and with the prior approval of the Vice President of the Government of Territorial Policy and Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Administration, Available:

Article 1. Object.

The purpose of this order is to establish the organizational structure responsible for the procedure for the evaluation and accreditation of professional skills acquired by the work experience in the field of management of the General Administration of the State.

Article 2. Inter-ministerial Commission.

1. The Inter-Ministerial Commission is hereby established for the evaluation and accreditation of professional skills in the City of Ceuta and the City of Melilla.

2. The Inter-Ministerial Commission for the Evaluation and Accreditation of Professional Competences in the City of Ceuta and the City of Melilla is set up as a collegiate body for decision, proposal, follow-up and control in the field of evaluation of the professional skills acquired by work experience or non-formal training pathways, dependent on the Directorate-General for Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education and the Public Employment Service of the Ministry of Labour and Immigration, on a rotating basis according to the performance of the presidency.

3. This Commission shall be governed by this Order, as set out in Royal Decree 1224/2009 of 17 July of recognition of professional skills acquired by work experience and Chapter II of Title II of Law 30/1992, November 26, Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure.

Article 3. Functions of the Commission.

The Commission will develop in its competence the functions provided for in Article 21.1.b) and 22 of Royal Decree 1224/2009 of 17 July, in recognition of professional skills acquired by work experience, and in particular, the following:

1. Plan, direct and coordinate the management and execution of the procedure, promoting the development and quality of the procedure in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

2. Ensure appropriate coordination and complementarity in the actions of all the parties responsible for the development of the procedure for the evaluation and accreditation of professional skills, in order to achieve maximum effectiveness and efficiency in its implementation.

3. Develop plans and actions to monitor and evaluate the results in the implementation of the procedure, and to provide the necessary data to the Inter-Ministerial Commission for the monitoring and evaluation of the recognition of professional skills acquired by work experience.

4. To coordinate in each of the Cities to all the entities involved to ensure an open and permanent service that provides information and guidance, to all the people who request it, on the nature and the phases of the procedure, the access to it, its rights and obligations, the official accreditations they can obtain and the effects thereof.

5. To determine the specific, initial and continuing training of consultants and evaluators, as well as to facilitate the training of the same and those of the orientators and other professionals providing information and guidance related to the procedure.

6. Coordinate the update of the advisor registry and evaluators of its management scope in the corresponding database.

7. Propose public calls for the procedure for the evaluation and accreditation of professional skills acquired through work experience or non-formal training pathways.

8. Establish guidelines for the appointment of the assessors and the evaluation committees as well as the instructions for their operation.

9. To process for registration in the file of the Public Service of State Employment the accreditations issued.

Article 4. Composition of the Commission.

1. The commission shall be composed of the following members:

(a) Presidency: The Presidency will be held on a rotating basis by the holders of the State Employment Public Service of the Ministry of Labour and Immigration, and the Directorate General for Vocational Training of the Ministry of Labour. Education. This Commission shall be chaired by the head of the relevant Directorate-General of the Ministry which does not hold the Presidency of the General Council for Vocational Training and shall be for the same period of time.

b) Vice-Presidency: The Vice Presidency shall be held by the head of the Directorate-General who does not hold the chairmanship of this Inter-Ministerial Commission during the period.

c) Vocals:

The holder of the General Direction of Guidance and Vocational Training.

The holder of the General Employment Policy Subdirection.

The Provincial Directors of Education of the Cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

Provincial Directors of the State Employment Service of the Cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

A representative of each Provincial Address.

2. He shall act as an official, appointed by the President of the Commission. The Secretary shall be responsible for the convening of the meetings of the Commission and the summons to its members, preparing for the dispatch of the affairs of the sessions and the drafting of the minutes of the sessions.

3. In case of vacancy, absence, illness, or other legal cause, the president shall be replaced by the vice-president.

4. The members of the Commission shall not be entitled to any remuneration or financial compensation for their membership, except for any compensation which may correspond to them for the purpose of the service, in accordance with the applicable rules.

Article 5. Duties of the Presidency.

Corresponds to the person holding the Presidency:

a) Represent the Commission.

b) Agree to the convening of ordinary and extraordinary sessions and preside over them.

c) Set the agenda for the sessions, see the minutes and certifications of the Commission's agreements.

d) Exercise how many functions are inherent in your status as President of a collegiate body.

Article 6. Functions of the Vice-Presidency:

Corresponds to the person holding the Vice Presidency:

a) Replace the Presidency in cases of vacancy, absence or illness.

b) Exercise the functions intrinsic to their status as a member of the Commission with the right to vote.

c) How many other functions are expressly delegated to you by the Presidency.

Article 7. Voice functions:

a) Attend meetings, make proposals, and participate in discussions.

b) Exercise their right to vote.

c) Propose to the Presidency, through the Secretariat, the inclusion of points on the agenda of ordinary sessions.

d) Know how many issues are necessary for the performance of your duties.

e) How many other functions are inherent in your vocal condition.

Article 8. Technical assistance and advisory board.

1. This Commission may instruct the Commission to carry out studies and to set up the specialized working groups and commissions it deems necessary for the performance of its tasks, with the composition and operation to be determined, under the coordination of a member of the Commission.

2. The working groups may be permanent or function for the period of time required for the development of the work assigned to them by the Commission.

3. The Provincial Vocational Training Committees of each Autonomous City shall participate as advisory and advisory bodies in the planning, development and follow-up of the procedure in their respective fields.

Article 9. Operation of the Commission.

1. The Commission shall meet at least twice a year and, in any event, when deemed necessary by its chairman.

2. At the meetings of the Commission, on the basis of the content of the subjects to be dealt with, they may be incorporated with a voice but without a vote, experts expressly called upon by the President, for their particular expertise.

Article 10. Training of the professionals involved in the procedure.

Specific training courses for the empowerment of assessors and assessors as well as training courses aimed at guidance and other professionals providing information and guidance related to the training. procedure, may be carried out by the General Directorate of Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education and/or by the State Employment Public Service.

Article 11. Enabling advisors and evaluators.

1. The qualification as an advisor or evaluator, as well as the extension of the units of competence in which it is enabled, may be requested from the Directorate-General for Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education or the Public Employment Service. State Ministry of Labor and Immigration.

2. It will be up to the Directorate-General for Vocational Training to enable teachers and the Directorate-General of the State Employment Public Service to enable trainers and professional experts to be trained.

Article 12. Calls.

1. The calls referred to in Article 10 (1) of Royal Decree 1224/2009 of 17 July 2009 for the recognition of professional skills acquired by work experience in the field of the City of Ceuta and the City of Melilla, may be managed by the Ministry of Education with favorable report from the Ministry of Labor and Immigration or by the Ministry of Labor and Immigration with the favorable report of the Ministry of Education.

2. The keeping and custody of the documentation that is generated in each call will be the responsibility of the educational or labor administration.

3. The evaluation committees shall be composed of teachers, trainers and experts who are qualified to do so. Exceptionally, and by agreement of both administrations, evaluation commissions may be designated in which one of these groups is missing if the evaluation phase cannot be carried out.

4. Information and guidance shall be provided, at least, in the information and guidance platform set up for this purpose, in the offices of the State Employment Public Service, in adult education centres and in integrated centres, without prejudice to the cooperation of other public institutions, local authorities, social partners, chambers of commerce and other public and private organisations and bodies.

5. The calls shall cover at least:

(a) The units of competence that are the subject of assessment and the professional qualifications and certificates of professionalism in which they are included.

b) The general and specific requirements for participation in the procedure.

c) The places and means to formalize the inscriptions.

d) The places where the procedure will be developed.

e) The registration period and the deadlines for the different stages of the procedure.

f) Number of places called in the event that the number of persons who can be assessed as well as the admission criteria is limited.

g) The procedure and time limits for submitting complaints to the outcome of the assessment of the competition units.

Article 13. Accreditation and registration.

1. The accreditation of the units of competence shall be carried out by the Provincial Directors of Education or the Public Service of State Employment of each of the cities, depending on which administration is called. It shall be carried out in accordance with the models of documents set out in the Annexes to Royal Decree 1224/2009 of 17 July of recognition of professional skills acquired by work experience.

2. The list of accredited persons shall be sent by the provincial director corresponding to the President of the Commission established in this ministerial order, who shall forward it to the State Employment Public Service for registration.

Article 14. Participation in the procedure of adults who do not hold a degree in Undergraduate Education.

To facilitate the qualification of adults who do not have the degree of Undergraduate in compulsory secondary education, they will be able to apply at any time, in the adult education centres of each of the cities, the participation in the calls for recognition of professional level 1 competences carried out in compliance with the provisions of Article 10.3 and 4 of Royal Decree 1224/2009 of 17 July.

Article 15. Funding.

1. The establishment and operation of the Commission in this order in no case will lead to an increase in public expenditure. For the operation of the Commission, the Directorate-General which is responsible for the Presidency shall pay attention to the operating costs of its ordinary budget, as well as to its personal and material resources.

2. The needs arising from its actions will be met with the corresponding budgetary appropriations.

Additional disposition first. Establishment of the inter-ministerial commission for the evaluation and accreditation of professional skills acquired by work experience in the field of management of the General Administration of the State for the Cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

The Inter-Ministerial Commission for the Evaluation and Accreditation of Professional Competences acquired by work experience in the field of management of the General Administration of the State for the Cities of Ceuta and Melilla shall be within the maximum period of two months from the entry into force of this order.

Additional provision second. Effectiveness of the Presidency and Vice-Presidency.

The commencement of the performance of the Presidency and Vice-Presidency by the order set out in paragraphs (a) and (b) of Article 4.1 of this order shall be automatically produced on the date of its entry into force.

Final disposition first. Execution and development.

Ministers of Education, and of Work and Immigration are empowered to take the necessary measures in relation to the implementation and development of this Order.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This ministerial order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Gazette of the State.

Madrid, December 12, 2011. -Minister of the Presidency, Ramón Jáuregui Atondo.