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Resolution Of November 18, 2011, Of The Port Authority Of Barcelona, Which Creates The Electronic Site Of The Entity.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 18 de noviembre de 2011, de la Autoridad Portuaria de Barcelona, por la que se crea la Sede Electrónica de la entidad.

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Law 11/2007, of 22 June, of electronic access of citizens to public services, created the concept of "electronic headquarters", defining it in the first section of its article 10 as " that electronic address available to citizens through telecommunications networks, the ownership, management and administration of which is the responsibility of a public administration, body or administrative entity in the exercise of its powers. Furthermore, in paragraph 2 of the same article, it determines that the establishment of an electronic seat carries the responsibility of the holder with respect to the integrity, truthfulness and updating of the information and services to which it can access through it.

Therefore, with the implementation of the electronic headquarters, it is intended to create a space in which the administration and the citizen are connected by electronic means in the framework of the administrative management with the due guarantees of full certainty and security.

Moreover, Royal Decree 1671/2009 of 6 November 2009, for which Law 11/2007 is partially developed, of 22 June, regulates the electronic seat in Articles 3 to 9. Article 3.2 provides that electronic venues shall be created, in the case of public bodies, by means of a decision of the holder, which shall be published in the Official Gazette of the State, and shall also determine the minimum content of the standard.

This resolution has been informed by the Ministry of Public Administration's (Ministerio de Administración Electrómicas).

On July 20, 2011 the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of Barcelona, agreed to delegate to the President of the Entity the approval of the creation and regulation of its electronic headquarters.

In its virtue, I resolve:

Article 1. Object.

This resolution aims at the creation of the electronic headquarters of the Port Authority of Barcelona in electronic headquarters, in order to comply with the provisions of article 3 of Royal Decree 1671/2009, of 6 November, for which the Law 11/2007, of 22 June, of electronic access of citizens to public services is partially developed.

Article 2. Features of the electronic headquarters.

1. All actions, procedures and services that require the authentication of citizens or the Public Administration in their relations with these by electronic means, as well as those others, will be carried out through the electronic headquarters. in respect of which their inclusion in the seat is decided for reasons of effectiveness and quality in the provision of services to citizens.

2. The electronic address of the headquarters shall be: Access to the address of the electronic headquarters can also be done from the website of the Port Authority of Barcelona:

3. The ownership of the electronic headquarters corresponds to the Port Authority of Barcelona and its technological management will correspond to the area of Information Systems of the Port Authority of Barcelona. They will be responsible for the management of the contents and the services published in the headquarters, the organizational units of the Port Authority of Barcelona to those who are responsible for these contents and services. The management of the common contents of the headquarters will be the responsibility of the General Secretariat of the Port Authority of Barcelona.

4. The electronic venue shall include at least the content related to Article 3 of this resolution.

5. They will be channels of access to the services available at the headquarters:

a) For electronic access, over the Internet, with the characteristics defined in this article and in the following.

b) For in-person care, in the Unified Access Service (SAU), located in Edificio Este del World Trade Center in Barcelona, Muelle de Barcelona s/n, 08039 Barcelona.

c) For call attention:

6. The information and services included in the electronic headquarters will comply with the principles of accessibility and usability established in Law 11/2007, in the terms established in this field by the regulations in force at any time.

7. The contents published in the electronic headquarters will respond to the criteria of safety and interoperability arising from Law 11/2007 and of Royal Decree 1671/2009, as well as of the Royal Decree 3/2010, of 8 January, for which the Scheme is regulated National Safety and Royal Decree 4/2010 of 8 January, which regulates the National Interoperability Scheme.

8. In order to ensure the identification of the holder of the electronic seat, as well as to enable secure communications with it, the identification of the electronic seat shall be carried out by means of a recognised certificate of headquarters, consisting of the certificate of the server in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1671/2009.

Article 3. Content and services of the electronic headquarters.

1. The minimum content to be included in the electronic seat is:

(a) Updated information on the electronic headquarters, including the identification of the seat and the identification of the body responsible for its management and administration.

b) Information necessary for the correct use of the site including the map of the electronic headquarters, including the corresponding navigation map.

c) Electronic advice services to the user for the proper use of the electronic headquarters

d) System of verification of the certificate of the electronic headquarters, directly and free of charge.

e) Relation of electronic signature systems that are admitted or used in the electronic headquarters.

f) Resolution of the creation of the electronic headquarters.

g) Resolution of creating the electronic record.

h) Access to the electronic register of the Port Authority of Barcelona.

i) Access to the contractor's profile and other services provided by the Public Sector Contracts Act.

j) Data protection and privacy policy of the port authority and liaison with the headquarters of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

k) Link to the "Official State Bulletin".

l) Report on compliance with the conditions of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and communications that are made through the electronic headquarters.

m) Accessibility information.

n) Any information or service that the Port Authority of Barcelona considers to be of interest or necessity.

2. The services available to the citizens to be included in the electronic headquarters are:

a) Catalogue of procedures and services available at the electronic headquarters.

b) Electronic services letter of electronic headquarters.

c) Electronic means that citizens can use in exercising their right to communicate with public administration.

d) Liaison for the formulation of complaints and suggestions as provided for in Article 4.1.

e) Access to the case processing status through the electronic record.

f) Port authority bulletin board.

g) Official date and time, and days officially declared as non-business.

h) System for verifying electronic seal certificates.

Article 4. Means for formulating suggestions and complaints.

1. The electronic seat shall contain a procedure for the formulation of complaints and suggestions. The formulation of the same will have the consideration of initiation of the administrative procedure

2. The means available for the formulation of suggestions and complaints regarding the content, management and services offered at the Headquarters created by this resolution shall be as follows:

a) Electronic presentation through the general mailbox of suggestions and complaints of the Port Authority of Barcelona available in its electronic headquarters.

(b) In-person or postal presentation to the general register of this port authority, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 15 of Royal Decree 951/2005 of 29 July 2005 establishing the general framework for quality improvement in the General Administration of the State.

3. The user shall not be considered as a means of making suggestions and complaints to the user for the correct use of the site, without prejudice to his or her obligation, if any, to deal with the problems arising from the use of the citizens.

Final disposition first. Modification of certain characteristics of the site.

By resolution of the Presidency of this port authority it will be possible to include new services and contents to the electronic headquarters, in the framework of what is available in the respect of article 6 of the Royal Decree 1671/2009.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This resolution shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Barcelona, 18 November 2011.-The President of the Port Authority of Barcelona, Sixte Cambra.