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Real Decree 1696 / 2011, Of 18 Of November, By Which Is Sets A Certificate Of Professionalism Of The Family Professional Chemical That Is Includes In The Repertoire National Of Certificates Of Professionalism.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1696/2011, de 18 de noviembre, por el que se establece un certificado de profesionalidad de la familia profesional Química que se incluye en el Repertorio Nacional de certificados de profesionalidad.

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Law 56/2003, of 16 December, of Employment, establishes, in its article 3, that it corresponds to the Government, on a proposal of the current Ministry of Labour and Immigration, and prior report of this Ministry to the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Industrial Affairs, the elaboration and approval of the regulatory provisions in relation to, among others, occupational and continuing vocational training in the State field, as well as the development of such management.

Article 26.1 of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003, following the amendment by Royal Decree-Law 3/2011 of 18 February 2011 of urgent measures for the improvement of employability and reform of policies In the field of employment, it is concerned with the vocational training subsystem for employment, in which, since the entry into force of Royal Decree 395/2007 of 23 March, which regulates it, the arrangements for vocational training in the field of employment have been integrated labour-training and continuing training. This subsystem, according to the legal provisions laid down in the Organic Law of the European Communities, of Qualifications and Vocational Training, will be carried out in the framework of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training. of the National Employment System.

For its part, the Organic Law of June 19, the Organic Law of 19, understands the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training as the set of instruments and actions necessary to promote and develop the integration of offers of vocational training and the assessment and accreditation of professional skills. The main instruments of this System are the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the procedure for recognition, evaluation, accreditation and registration of the same. Article 8 of the Organic Law of 19 June provides that certificates of professional competence prove the professional qualifications of those who have obtained them and that they will be issued by the competent administration, with a view to official and valid throughout the national territory. In addition, Article 10.1 indicates that the General Administration of the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.30. and 7. of the Constitution and after consulting the General Council of Vocational Training, shall determine the qualifications and certificates of professionalism, which shall constitute the offers of vocational training referred to in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.

The National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, according to Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 1128/2003 of 5 September, which regulates the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, in the wording given to the By the same token, Royal Decree 1416/2005 of 25 November provides the basis for drawing up the training offer leading to the acquisition of vocational training qualifications and certificates of professionalism and the modular training offer. the cumulative associated with a competition unit, as well as other training offers adapted to collectives with specific needs. In accordance with Article 8.5 of the same royal decree, the training offer of certificates of professionalism shall be in accordance with the minimum quality indicators and requirements which guarantee the fundamental aspects of a system. training, to be established by mutual agreement between the educational and labour administrations, after consultation of the General Council for Vocational Training.

Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, governing certificates of professionalism as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December 2010, defines the structure and content of certificates of professionalism, from the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the guidelines laid down by the European Union, and establishes that the State Employment Service, with the collaboration of the National Focal Points, will develop and update certificates of professionalism, which will be approved by royal decree.

On the other hand, in the new wording of article 11.2 of the recast text of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, introduced by Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of employment Young people, the promotion of stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme of vocational retraining of people who wear out their unemployment protection, the new contract for training and apprenticeship is regulated in which it is establishes that the qualification or professional competence acquired through this new figure The contract shall be accredited through, inter alia, the certificate of professionalism or the cumulative partial certification.

In this regulatory framework it is appropriate for the Government to establish a certificate of professionalism of the professional chemical family of the professional area of analysis and control that will be incorporated into the National Directory of Certificates of professionalism by professional qualification levels in the light of the professional competence required by the production activities, as set out in Article 4.4 and in Annex II to Royal Decree 1128/2003, cited above.

In the process of drawing up this royal decree has issued report the General Council of Vocational Training, the General Council of the National Employment System and has been informed the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Labor.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Labour and Immigration and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on 18 November 2011,


Article 1. Object and scope of application.

This royal decree aims to establish a certificate of professionalism of the professional family Química, which is included in the National Directory of certificates of professionalism, regulated by Royal Decree 34/2008, 18 January, by which certificates of professionalism are regulated, as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December.

This certificate of professionalism has an official character and validity throughout the national territory and does not constitute a regulation of professional practice.

Article 2. Certificate of professionalism that is established.

The certificate of professionalism that is established corresponds to the professional family Química and is the one that follows, the specifications of which are described in the annex that is indicated:

Professional family: QUIICA.

Annex I. Organization and control of non-destructive tests-Level 3.

Article 3. Structure and content.

1. The content of each certificate of professionalism corresponds to the structure set out in the following paragraphs:

(a) In paragraph I: Identification of the certificate of professionalism.

(b) In paragraph II: Professional profile of the certificate of professionalism.

(c) In paragraph III: Training of the certificate of professionalism.

(d) In paragraph IV: Prescriptions of trainers.

e) In paragraph V: Minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment.

Article 4. Requirements for access to the training of certificates of professionalism.

1. The competent labour administration shall be responsible for verifying that the trainees have the training and professional qualifications to take advantage of the training in accordance with the terms set out in

following paragraphs.

2. In order to qualify for the training of the training modules for certificates of professionalism in vocational qualification levels 2 and 3, students must meet one of the following requirements:

a) Be in possession of the Graduate Degree in Secondary Education Required for Level 2 or Bachelor's degree for Level 3.

b) Be in possession of a certificate of professionalism of the same level of the module or training modules and/or the certificate of professionalism to which you wish to access.

(c) Be in possession of a level 1 certificate of professionalism of the same family and professional area for level 2 or of a level 2 professionalism certificate of the same family and professional area for level 3.

d) Meet the academic requirement of access to mid-grade training cycles for level 2 or higher grade level 3, or have exceeded the corresponding access tests regulated by the administrations education.

e) Having passed the university access test for over 25 years and/or 45 years.

f) Having sufficient training or professional knowledge to enable training to be used.

Article 5. Trainers.

1. The requirements on training and professional experience for the delivery of certificates of professionalism are those set out in paragraph IV of each certificate of professionalism and must be complied with both in person and in person. distance.

2. In accordance with Article 13.3 of Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, they may be recruited as experts for the provision of certain training modules specified in paragraph IV of each of the Annexes to the certificates of professionalism, qualified professionals with professional experience in the field of the unit of competence to which the module is associated.

3. In order to prove the required teaching competence, the trainer or expert must be in possession of the certificate of professionalism of occupational trainer or equivalent training in didactic training methodology for adults.

The requirement set out in the preceding paragraph will be exempt:

(a) Those who are in possession of the official university degrees of graduate in Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy or Master in any of their specialties, of a graduate degree in the field of the Psychology or Pedagogy, or an official postgraduate degree in the fields mentioned above.

b) Those who hold an official university degree other than those referred to in the preceding paragraph and who are also in possession of the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude or Professional Specialization Didactics and the Certificate of Pedagogical Qualification. In addition, the holders of the Master's Master's degree for the exercise of the regulated Professions of the compulsory secondary education and the secondary school, vocational training and the official schools of the Languages.

(c) Those who credit a proven teaching experience of at least 600 hours in the last seven years in vocational training for employment or the education system.

4. Trainers who provide distance training must have training and experience in this mode, in the use of information and communication technologies, as well as to meet the specific requirements set out for each of them. certificate of professionalism. To this end, the competent authorities shall develop specific programmes and actions for the training of these trainers.

Article 6. Contracts for training and learning.

The training inherent in contracts for training and apprenticeship shall be carried out, on the basis of alternance with paid employment, in the terms laid down in the regulatory development referred to in the Article 11.2 (d) of the recast of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, as drafted by Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme for the retraining of people who have exhausted their unemployment protection.

Article 7. Distance learning.

1. Where the training module includes distance learning, it shall be carried out with didactic supports authorised by the competent labour administration to enable a system-based learning process for the participant to be met by the accessibility and design requirements for all and will necessarily be complemented with tutorial assistance.

2. Training modules which, in their entirety, are developed at a distance will require at least one final test of an in-person nature.

Article 8. Centers authorized for your partition.

1. Training centres and institutions which provide training leading to a certificate of professionalism must comply with the requirements of trainers and the minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment. established in each of the training modules which constitute the certificate of professionalism.

2. The training inherent in the contracts for training and apprenticeship carried out under the scheme of alternance with paid employment shall be provided in the training centres of the network referred to in the fifth supplementary provision of the Organic Law of June 19, of the Qualifications and Vocational Training, previously recognized by the National Employment System.

Article 9. Correspondence with vocational training qualifications.

The accreditation of professional qualifications of the Professional Qualifications of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications obtained through the improvement of the professional modules of the training titles professional, shall have the effect of exemption from the module or training modules of the certificates of professionalism associated with those units of competence established in this royal decree.

Single additional disposition. Level of certificates of professionalism in the European Qualifications Framework.

Once the relationship between the national qualifications framework and the European qualifications framework is established, the corresponding level of professionalism certificates set out in this royal decree will be determined. within the European Qualifications Framework.

Single transient arrangement. Contracts for training in force.

The theoretical training of contracts for training agreed prior to the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of (a) stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme of vocational retraining of persons who have exhausted their unemployment protection shall be governed by the laws or regulations in force on the date on which they were concluded.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This royal decree is dictated by the powers conferred on the State in Article 149.1.1., 7. and 30. of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State exclusive competence for the regulation of the basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spaniards in the exercise of rights and in the fulfilment of constitutional duties; labour law; and the regulation of conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving of academic and professional qualifications and basic standards for the development of Article 27 of the Constitution, in order to ensure compliance with the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

Final disposition second. Regulatory development.

The Minister of Labor and Immigration is authorized to dictate how many provisions are necessary for the development of this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on November 18, 2011.


The Minister of Labor and Immigration,




Naming: Organization and control of non-destructive tests.

Code: QUIA0110

Professional Family: Chemistry.

Professional area: Analysis and control

Professional qualification level: 3

Reference Professional Qualification:

QUI478_3 Organization and control of non-destructive tests. (Royal Decree 143/2011 of 4 February).

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0052_3: Organize and manage lab activity by applying specific procedures and rules.

UC1545_3: Recognize the defectology associated with manufacturing processes of different materials.

UC1546_3: Organize, monitor, and perform non-destructive testing by surface and subsurface methods, and evaluate the results.

UC1547_3: Organize, monitor and perform non-destructive testing using the ultrasound method, and evaluate the results.

UC1548_3: Organize, monitor and perform non-destructive testing using the industrial radiology method, and evaluate the results.

UC1549_3: Organize, monitor, and perform non-destructive assays using the induced stream method, and evaluate the results.

UC1550_2: Prevention of occupational hazards in the organization and conduct of non-destructive testing of the application sector.

General competition:

Organize, monitor and, where appropriate, conduct Non-Destructive Testing (END) on raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, equipment or components in service, oriented to quality analysis and control, acting under recognized national and/or international standards, maintaining at all times the conditions of safety and prevention of occupational and environmental risks, evaluating the results, assuming the decision making in terms of acceptance or rejection of the products tested, in accordance with the inspection functions, established procedures.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope

Develops its professional activity in companies of any size, public and private, self-employed or foreign, from different sectors in quality control or in those dedicated to external inspection services, as well as in research centres. They can perform their function in the laboratory and with their field equipment on foot, in structures or facilities. Depending, if any, functionally and hierarchically of a superior and being able to have his personal position of inferior level. The activity related to industrial radiology, in the use of radioactive facilities, by the Nuclear Safety Council is regulated.

Productive Sectors

It is located in the construction and public works and industrial sectors, and within it in the petrochemical, mechanical, energy production, aeronautics and aerospace, steel, manufacturing and maintenance industries. transport material, among others, as well as in activities related to art and heritage. The techniques used are applied to metallic, non-metallic materials, in the field of welded joints (and other types of joints) and in general in those processes of manufacture and conformed of materials that are required.

Relevant Occupations and Jobs

Non-destructive testing technician in quality control of welds.

Inspector of welded joins in manufacturing.

Inspector of points welded by points using ultrasounds.

Non-destructive testing technician in mechanical manufacturing products.

Non-destructive testing technician in quality control in heavy industry and metal constructions.

Analyst through non-destructive testing of raw materials and finished products.

Inspector by non-destructive testing of non-metallic materials.

Technician in non-destructive tests on ultrasounds in the aeronautical sector.

Laboratory analyst using non-destructive testing of building materials.

Analyst through non-destructive testing in building rehabilitation.

Technical in non-destructive testing of components in service.

Analyst through non-destructive testing in laboratories for the restoration of works of art and objects of cultural interest.

Requirements required for professional exercise:

Operator license or monitor of radioactive installations, issued by the Nuclear Safety Board (CSN) and Certificate of qualification of personnel conducting non-destructive testing (END) according to the standards International EN 473 and/or ISO 9712.

Duration of the associated training: 880 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0052_3: (Cross) Quality in the lab. (130 hours)

● UF0105: Quality control and good practices in the laboratory. (50 hours)

● UF0106: Data processing and management software in the laboratory. (40 hours)

● UF0107: Application of safety and environmental measures in the laboratory. (40 hours)

MF1545_3: Defectology associated with manufacturing processes of different materials. (90 hours)

MF1546_3: Non-destructive testing by surface and subsurface methods. (120 hours)

● UF1540: Test by penetrating liquids (40 hours).

● UF1541: Test using magnetic particles (40 hours).

● UF1542: Visual inspection test (40 hours).

MF1547_3: Non-destructive testing using the ultrasound method. (120 hours)

● UF1543: Physical principles, handling of equipment and accessories used in conducting non-destructive tests by the ultrasound method (40 hours).

● UF1544: Application of test techniques using the ultrasound method (50 hours).

● UF1545: Evaluation of results using the ultrasound method (30 hours).

MF1548_3: Non-destructive tests using the industrial radiology method. (150 hours)

● UF1546: Preparation of the piece and fitting of equipment and accessories to perform non-destructive tests using the industrial radiology method. (40 hours).

● UF1547: Application of industrial radiology techniques (50 hours).

● UF1548: Evaluation of results using the industrial radiology method (30 hours).

● UF1549: Safety principles in radioactive industrial radiology facilities (30 hours).

MF1549_3: Non-destructive tests using the method of induced currents. (90 hours)

MF1550_2: Management of occupational risk prevention in the organization and conduct of non-destructive testing of the application sector. (60 hours)

MP0332: Non-Destructive Testing Organization and Control Non-Working Professional Practices Module (120 hours)

Linking with professional trainings:

Overcoming, with a positive evaluation of the training established in this certificate of professionalism, makes it possible to present to the tests that are called, by accredited certification bodies, for the obtaining the certificate of qualification of non-destructive (END) tests, according to the

international standards EN 473 and/or ISO 9712


Competition Unit 1


Level: 3

Code: UC0052_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Plan the lab work by following established quality systems.

CR1.1 The daily work of the laboratory is organized according to its objectives.

CR1.2 The analyses are performed within the set time and procedures.

CR1.3 Tasks and responsibilities are assigned to each person according to their demonstrated competencies, and are controlled that are performed in time and form.

CR1.4 The implementation of instructions and procedures associated with certifications is in line with the schedule.

CR1.5 Documents and records are updated and archived at the intended place.

CR1.6 Communication with internal and external clients is performed appropriately.

RP2: Inform and train staff in charge of matters related to their activity.

CR2.1 The lab staff training plan is defined and applied.

CR2.2 Written instructions are made and checked for proper use.

CR2.3 The instructions are updated and available and are in compliance with good laboratory practice standards.

CR2.4 Lab staff responsibilities are defined, specifying access to the documentation.

RP3: Manage the material resources of the lab and control the stock.

CR3.1 Products and materials are organized and inventories are updated.

CR3.2 The products and materials are controlled and are requested to be replenished if necessary.

CR3.3 For laboratory management, economic criteria are also taken into account.

CR3.4 Computer tools are used for management development.

CR3.5 Laboratory activities are performed according to established standards.

CR3.6 Preventive maintenance of auxiliary devices and media is performed according to procedures.

RP4: Apply and control the activities of the lab following the safety and health rules at work.

CR4.1 The handling of hazardous products is carried out in compliance with established safety standards.

CR4.2 Critical points for the commissioning of auxiliary equipment and facilities and for testing are therefore controlled according to established guidelines.

CR4.3 The safety and hygiene rules apply to the maintenance and use of instruments and equipment.

CR4.4 The instructions correctly collect the aspects related to: order and cleaning, handling of materials/equipment and use of EPIs, verifying that the personnel act accordingly.

CR4.5 The operation of the protection and risk detection devices is verified with the expected frequency.

CR4.6 The environmental conditions of the work area are within the allowable range.

RP5: Control compliance with environmental regulations and respond in emergency situations.

CR5.1 Environmental protection rules and measures are available for all activities performed in the laboratory.

CR5.2 Training actions are planned to improve compliance with environmental protection measures.

CR5.3 The actions required in emergency situations are intended to act efficiently and safely.

CR5.4 The laboratory kit is updated periodically by checking that its material allows for proper action in case of accidents.

CR5.5 The emergency material and its usage instructions are updated and available for use.

CR5.6 The training of personnel for emergency situations is done in a planned way through specific simulations.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer equipment. Simulators and training equipment. Audiovisual media and information panels. Quality control and analysis plans. Documentation: production records, test and analysis records, standards manuals, technical manuals, chemical and laboratory material catalogues, research reports and technological developments, etc. Personal protective equipment. Protection and detection devices. Safety systems, equipment and laboratory equipment. Security detectors. Emergency devices for first aid or emergency response. Environmental detectors. Documents related to preventive maintenance and quality system records.

Products and results

Technical information with product specifications, working standards or established methods, standard working procedures. Historical of the technical reports. Laboratory inventory. Programmes and training courses material. Emergency plan and laboratory safety.

Information used or generated

Quality control procedures. Documentation for reporting. Test methods. Programming of audit actions. Product and equipment documentation. Prevention documentation and emergency actions. Safety and environmental legislation and legislation. Safety tokens for chemicals. Reviews of the most employed management systems. Collective protection systems.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 3

Code: UC1545_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Recognize the processes of obtaining metals, as well as other non-metallic materials from the study of the properties of the materials.

CR1.1 The alloy and its properties are differentiated by the alloy elements as well as by their constituents through an analysis of their composition.

CR1.2 The constituent changes differ in the iron-carbon diagram.

CR1.3 Semi-finished steel products are distinguished by their shapes and dimensions-round, rims, billets, among others-relating to established standards.

CR1.4 Copper alloys and light alloys are recognized by their industrial applications through the analysis of properties-chemical, electrical, mechanical, thermal-.

CR1.5 The strength and composition of the concrete are related to their expected mechanical properties.

CR1.6 The constitution of composite materials is related to defined properties.

RP2: Defer the processes of material shaping and the influence of the process on the behavior of the materials.

CR2.1 The molding process used is recognized in a piece obtained by casting.

CR2.2 The semi-finished products are identified by their finishes and shapes by associating them with the process of forming to which they have been submitted.

CR2.3 The processes of forming the materials are related to the mechanical properties of the products obtained.

CR2.4 Applications of the end product and materials used in the performance of a welded joint are identified by the preparation of edges performed or to be performed and the welding process employed.

CR2.5 The machining processes performed are recognized by their surface finishes through a visual inspection.

CR2.6 The thermal treatments applied to the products are set according to the physical physical properties of the material.

RP3: Determine the properties of materials and classify them according to their subsequent utilities by using some basic destructive tests.

CR3.1 The metallographic tests are identified, and where appropriate, after preparing the test pieces from the sample, following the established protocols.

CR3.2 Mechanical tests-traction, resilience, compression, bending, among others-are identified, and are performed in accordance with established protocols.

CR3.3 The data obtained in the basic destructive tests are recorded according to the corresponding protocols.

CR3.4 The final results of the basic destructive test are interpreted and evaluated in the model and type of report appropriate to the characteristics of the variable to be measured and the equipment used.

RP4: Identify the discontinuities that occur in the materials and map them to the processes that produce them.

CR4.1 The discontinuities found in the different materials are related to the manufacturing processes of the components.

CR4.2 The wear and/or fatigue processes are identified by the working conditions to which the part or component that suffers has been subjected.

CR4.3 Discontinuities produced in a material during welding are related to those associated with each welding process.

CR4.4 Corrosion deterioration processes in a material are related to existing environmental and working conditions.

CR4.5 Discontinuities such as delaminations, porosity, untaken and foreign objects are identified with the processes of forming composite materials.

Professional Context

Production media

Alloy balance diagrams. Catalogues of iron and steel products and non-metallic materials. Standards for the classification of these products. Metallographic microscopes. Binoculars. Lupas. Chemical reagents and auxiliary equipment for the preparation of metallographic samples. Electrolytic buckets. Metallographic polishing. Cutting machines. Traction machine. Calibers. Millimeter rules. Millimeter and semi-logarithmic paper. Durometers. Charpy pendulum. Fatigue test machine. Fluence machine. Furnace for heat treatment. Thermometer. Thermocouples. Profile projector. Photo camera for macrographs. Computer equipment for displaying micrographs of different materials.

Products and results

Metallographic tables and charts elaborated. Elaborate macrographs. Revised laboratory inventory. Report of incorporation of alloy elements made. Protective systems used. Samples taken. Products manufactured in composite materials, welding, metal, etc. used.

Information used or generated

Manuals or atlas of defectology. Standards and catalogues of commercial products. Documentation of chemical products and reagents and equipment manuals. Product safety tokens and chemical reagents. Charts, tables and reports related to the existence of defects in parts in manufacturing processes. Defects and videos of defectology.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 3

Code: UC1546_3

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Prepare the part or the area to be tested, as well as the work area where the test is performed by surface and subsurface methods to adjust its conditions to the analysis.

CR1.1 The work area is verified to be present in conditions of accessibility, lighting, temperature or other environmental conditions, to ensure the identification of the part or the inspection area, as well as the proper performance of the test.

CR1.2 The piece to be inspected is selected by ensuring that it is free of any irregularities or contaminants that prevent the test being performed.

CR1.3 The inspection piece or area is marked according to the established reference systems-specifications, procedures, standards or codes-, drawings of the tested elements and manufacturing processes with the history of the part.

CR1.4 The part is prepared based on the selected test.

RP2: Select the most suitable test technique, within the surface and subsurface methods, according to the characteristics of the part to be inspected and to the established plans.

CR2.1 The test technique, possible by surface and subsurface methods, is chosen according to the geometry, material and thickness of the piece, as well as to the purpose of the test.

CR2.2 The most appropriate test is selected based on the type of discontinuities and sensitivity required, based on a contract code, standard, or conditions.

CR2.3 Access conditions are determined by direct, indirect, or remote visual inspection.

CR2.4 Discontinuities open to the surface in different materials are detected by applying penetrating liquids.

CR2.5 Discontinuities open to surface and/or subsurface in ferromagnetic materials are detected by application of magnetic particles.

RP3: Adjust equipment and perform pre-test operations using surface and subsurface methods.

CR3.1 Test parameters are calculated, depending on the type of part and the equipment to be used; and the appropriate observation conditions are determined, depending on the particles, liquids or visual means used.

CR3.2 The adjustment and other periodic controls of equipment, liquids and particles are performed before, during and after the test, as collected in the applicable procedure in each case.

CR3.3 The basic patterns to check that you get the minimum sensitivity required for each test are used properly.

RP4: Oversee and/or perform the execution of the test by surface and subsurface methods to ensure detection of possible discontinuities in the piece according to established criteria, including the relevant safety and environmental protection conditions.

CR4.1 The luminosity conditions for each type of test and technique used are verified when required and in accordance with established standards and procedures.

CR4.2 The application of the test is made by ensuring that the entire part or area is covered to be tested.

CR4.3 The minimum test times and/or the selected machine parameters are calculated according to the different processes and/or recommendations.

CR4.4 The recommendations contained in the safety sheets of the products used are analyzed and implemented in the performance/supervision of the test to integrate the preventive action of occupational risks and environmental in case of accidents.

CR4.5 The residual magnetic field is checked and demagnetization techniques are applied to reduce it, so that it does not interfere with subsequent processes.

CR4.6 The test piece is thoroughly cleaned, using the necessary means, at the end of the test.

CR4.7 The monitoring of the test ensures compliance with the established procedure, including the appropriate safety and environmental conditions.

RP5: Register, interpret and evaluate the results corresponding to superficial and subsurface methods for the acceptance or rejection of the piece analyzed, according to the criterion previously established by its supervisor, and draw up, where appropriate, the technical instructions for the operator.

CR5.1 The criteria and means for recording indications are pre-established for the performance of the test.

CR5.2 The indications detected during the trial are discriminated against between relevant and non-relevant, with the first ones being recorded according to the established reporting models.

CR5.3 The recorded results are evaluated according to the acceptance/rejection criteria set out in the applicable rules and/or procedures and are reflected in a technical report.

CR5.4 The technical instructions are prepared reflecting all the steps and conditions for the preparation and execution of the test, as well as the actions of information and training of prevention of occupational risks and required environmental.

CR5.5 The recordable indications are documented in such a way as to ensure the correct identification of the areas tested, the indications detected and the size of the areas.

Professional Context

Production media

For Penetrating Liquid Assays: Cubettes for Immersion Liquid-Penetrating Assays. Cabins for application of tests with aerosols. Cabin for inspection with black light. Electrostatic application cabin. Hot air drying stove. Metal brushes. Aerosols of different types of penetrants. Revealing product aerosols. Aerosol product eliminator. Bulk drums of emulsifier, degreaser, deoxidizing, decapant, and powder revelers. Pattern blocks of sensitivity. Surface cleaning equipment to be tested. White rags free of hilridge. Capillary tubes. Protective equipment suitable for this type of test.

For magnetic particle tests: Universal magnetization Banque. Permanent magnet. Electromagnet. Meter and magnetic field indicators. Residual magnetism meter. Portable magnetization equipment by electrodes. Wet and powdered magnetic particle applicator. Demagnetizer. Magnetic particles of different types. Solvent liquid for wet magnetic particles. Contrast lacquer. Solvent for the contrast lacquer. Patterns blocks.

For visual inspection tests: Increase Lupas. Dimensional gages. Measuring elements: interior calibers, calibers for diameters, profile calibers. Endoscopes. Mirrors for hard-to-reach areas. Periscope. Video camera. Protective equipment suitable for this type of test.

Media common to all three test methods: Photo cameras. Black light lamps (UVA). White light luxometer. Black light meter. Contact thermometer. Stopwatches. Millimeter rules. Tape metric. Cuba cleaning by ultrasounds. Brushes. Protective equipment suitable for this type of test.

Products and results

Technical report result of the inspection. Tests of isolated parts. Large batch testing. Identification of the tested areas. Qualification of the pieces tested on the basis of standards or procedures. Crocheting of the tested elements. Treatment of non-compliant parts. Treatment of the waste generated. Technical instructions for the operator.

Information used or generated

Manuals or atlas of defectology. Operating procedures or rules. Schemas or flowcharts of the different processes. Manuals for the use of equipment. Safety manuals and standards. Risk sheets for the job. Manuals and environmental standards. Action plan in case of emergency. Safety tokens for chemicals. Recommendations and instructions for the use of personal protective equipment. Printed and formats used, such as: field sheets, previous reports, final reports and drawings of the tested elements, final reports and drawings of the manufacturing processes with the history of the part. Computer processing of the tests performed.

Competition Unit 4


Level: 3

Code: UC1547_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Prepare the piece or area to be tested, as well as the work area where the test is performed using the ultrasound method to adjust its conditions to the analysis.

CR1.1 The work area is verified to be present in conditions of accessibility, lighting, temperature or other environmental conditions, to ensure the identification of the part, as well as the proper performance of the test.

CR1.2 The piece to be tested is examined and prepared by checking that it is exempt from any irregularity or contaminant that prevents or interferes with the test.

CR1.3 The area to be tested is marked according to the established reference systems-specifications, procedures, rules or codes-to ensure the identification of the area and areas of exploration.

RP2: Select the most suitable ultrasound test technique, according to the characteristics of the piece to be inspected and the plans established.

CR2.1 The test technique is selected based on the geometry, material and thickness of the piece to be tested to ensure coverage of the entire volume to be inspected.

CR2.2 The ultrasonic equipment is selected according to the sensitivity defined in the applicable standard and/or procedure.

CR2.3 The palpators are chosen according to the material and thickness of the piece, within the margins established in the applicable standard and/or procedure to obtain the specified sensitivity.

CR2.4 The combination of equipment and palpator is selected according to the applicable standard and procedure to obtain the required resolution.

CR2.5 The coupling is chosen so that it facilitates the scan and does not affect the conditions of the part to be tested.

RP3: Adjust the ultrasonic equipment and perform the pre-test operations.

CR3.1 Test parameters-distance adjustment and sensitivity-are set according to the required level of detection, making transfer compensation.

CR3.2 Basic and specific calibration blocks are used to obtain the required sensitivity.

CR3.3 The periodic verifications, during the test, of the equipment adjustments are performed as collected in the applicable procedure.

CR3.4 The horizontal and vertical linearity checks of the equipment are performed periodically according to the range specified in the applicable rules.

RP4: Monitor and/or perform the execution of the ultrasound test to ensure detection of possible discontinuities in the part according to the established criteria, including safety and security conditions corresponding environmental conditions.

CR4.1 The elements involved in the ultrasound test: equipment, palpators, cables, couplings and calibration blocks are verified to correspond to the ultrasonic technique selected to ensure the detection of the minimum discontinuity required.

CR4.2 The palpators are selected by the frequency and size of the transducer to cover the entire volume to be inspected.

CR4.3 The calibration is performed according to the selected part and it is proven that the calibration parameters are those corresponding to the test characteristics.

CR4.4 The scan is performed with the minimum parameters requested with the rule-overlap of sweep and speed of displacement-to ensure the whole of the test.

CR4.5 The monitoring of the test ensures compliance with the established procedure, including the appropriate safety and environmental conditions.

RP5: Register, interpret and evaluate the results corresponding to the ultrasound method, for the acceptance or rejection of the piece analyzed according to the criterion previously established by its supervisor, and write, in its case, the technical instructions for the operator.

CR5.1 The registration criteria are set based on the screen signal amplitude.

CR5.2 The detected indications are discriminated against between relevant and non-relevant, to record the first ones according to the established report models.

CR5.3 The indications classified as relevant are related, using appropriate sizing techniques, with the discontinuities that produce them, to ensure the level of detection required.

CR5.4 The results recorded are evaluated according to the acceptance/rejection criteria set out in the applicable rules and/or procedures to repair or remove non-compliant items and are reflected in a report technical.

CR5.5 Technical instructions are developed reflecting all the steps and conditions for the preparation and execution of the ultrasound test, as well as the actions of information and risk prevention training. labor and environmental required.

Professional Context

Production media

Conventional ultrasonic equipment. TOFD ultrasonic equipment. Phased Array ultrasound equipment. Cuba immersion with data acquisition system. The invention also includes a normal and angular impact palpators of one or more piezoelectric elements, of different frequencies and dimensions with corresponding cables for connecting the equipment. Adjustment blocks in distance and sensitivity. Coupling product. Metal brush. Rags. Millimeter rule. Equipment for automated inspection. Protective equipment suitable for testing.

Products and results

Technical report as a result of the Inspection. Tests of isolated parts. Large batch testing. Identification of the tested areas. Qualification of the pieces tested on the basis of standards or procedures. Crocheting of the tested elements. Treatment of non-compliant parts. Technical instructions for the operator.

Information used or generated

Manuals or atlas of defectology. Operating procedures or rules. Manuals for the use of equipment. Safety manuals and standards. Risk sheets for the job. Manuals and environmental standards. Recommendations and instructions for the use of personal protective equipment. Printed and formats used, such as: field sheets, pre-reports, final reports and drawings of the tested elements, final reports and drawings of the manufacturing processes with the track record. Computer processing of the tests performed.

Competition Unit 5


Level: 3

Code: UC1548_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Prepare the part or area to be tested as well as the work area where the test is performed using industrial radiology methods to adjust its conditions to the analysis.

CR1.1 The work area is verified to be present in conditions of accessibility, temperature or other environmental conditions, to ensure the identification of the part, of the inspection area, as well as the appropriate performance of the test.

CR1.2 The piece to be inspected is selected and prepared, ensuring that it is free of any irregularities or contaminants that prevent the test being performed.

CR1.3 The inspection piece or area is marked according to the established reference systems-specifications, procedures, rules, or codes.

RP2: Select the test technique using industrial radiology methods according to the characteristics of the part to be inspected and to the established plans.

CR2.1 The industrial radiology test technique is chosen based on the geometry, material and thickness of the piece, as well as the purpose of the test.

CR2.2 The film type is selected according to the sensitivity defined in the corresponding standard and/or procedure.

CR2.3 The font type is chosen according to the material and thickness of the piece, as well as the purpose of the test, as defined in the relevant standard and/or procedure.

RP3: Adjust equipment and perform pre-test operations using industrial radiology methods in compliance with the radiation protection criteria.

CR3.1 Test parameters-intensity, distance, and time-are set through calculations with exposure letters and specific calculation rules.

CR3.2 The zone's bounded is performed by applying the existing radiation protection measures.

CR3.3 The activity of the source is calculated by having its loss present to the current date to perform the fitting of the equipment.

CR3.4 The individual protection measures of professionally exposed personnel-dosimetry and dose rates-are met in accordance with current legislation.

RP4: Monitor and/or perform test execution using industrial radiology methods to ensure detection of possible discontinuities in the piece according to established criteria, including safety and environmental protection.

CR4.1 The elements involved in the radiography as source, part and film are placed in the order, distance and angle defined according to the selected radiographic technique.

CR4.2 The radiographic film is processed according to the temperature and set times defined by the manufacturer.

CR4.3 The X-ray equipment is adapted to the parameters selected through the calculations performed for the intended exposure.

CR4.4 The scan is handled safely by checking the connections with the telematic and hose, verifying the extraction and collection of the source.

CR4.5 The film is exposed according to all the pre-set conditions for obtaining the radiographic quality required by the standards and/or procedures.

CR4.6 The monitoring of the test ensures compliance with the established procedure, including the appropriate safety and environmental conditions.

RP5: Register, interpret and evaluate the results corresponding to industrial radiology methods for the acceptance or rejection of the piece analyzed, according to the criterion previously established by its supervisor, and write, where appropriate, the technical instructions for the operator.

CR5.1 The quality of the image is obtained with the sensitivity and density required by the rules and/or procedures.

CR5.2 The detected indications are discriminated against between relevant and non-relevant, registering the first ones according to the established report models.

CR5.3 The recorded results are evaluated according to the acceptance/rejection criteria set out in the applicable rules and/or procedures and are reflected in a technical report.

CR5.4 The technical instructions are prepared reflecting all the steps and conditions for the preparation and execution of the test, as well as the actions of information and training of prevention of occupational risks and required environmental.

Professional Context

Production media

The radioactive installation with the appropriate legal authorizations. Personnel licensed for the management of the emitting equipment of ionising radiation. Bunker for the carrying out of radiographs or scammagraisies with their corresponding security systems. X-ray equipment suitable for the thicknesses and materials to be radiographed, including the pultre of control. Radioactive sources suitable for the thicknesses and materials to be radiographed. Gammagafo. Telemando. Hoses. Collimers. Portable ionizing radiation detection monitor. Means for the acotation of working areas in the presence of ionising radiation and according to their levels. Radioscopy system. Sensors for digital radiography. Radiographic films. Chassis. Reinforcing screens. Image quality indicators. Lead letters and numbers. Adhesive tape. Complete laboratory for the processing of the film. Digital image processing equipment. Process for the radiographic film. Chemical products for processing of the film. Suitable densitometres for the measurement of the range of working densities. Negatoscopes for the observation and interpretation of the films. Exposure letters and calculation rules for determining exposure times. Timer. Device for manipulating remote radioactive sources. Portable protective and shielding systems. Personal dosimeter. Area dosimeter. Protective equipment.

Products and results

Technical report as a result of the Inspection. Tests of isolated parts. Large batch testing. Identification of the tested areas. Qualification of the pieces tested on the basis of standards or procedures. Crocheting of the tested elements. Treatment of non-compliant parts. Treatment of the waste generated. Technical instructions for the operator.

Information used or generated

Manuals or atlas of defectology. Operating procedures or rules. Schemas or flowcharts of the different processes. Manuals for the use of equipment. Safety manuals and standards in the presence of ionising radiation. Risk sheets for the job. Manuals and environmental standards. Action plan in case of emergency. Safety tokens for chemicals. Recommendations and instructions for the use of personal protective equipment. Printed and formats used, such as: field sheets, pre-reports, final reports and drawings of the tested elements, final reports and drawings of the manufacturing processes with the track record. Computer processing of the tests performed. Radiographic plate collections with typical defects.

Competition Unit 6:


Level: 3

Code: UC1549_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Prepare the part or area to be tested as well as the work zone where the test is performed using the induced current method to adjust its conditions to the analysis.

CR1.1 The work area is verified to be present in accessibility conditions by checking lighting, temperature or other environmental conditions, to ensure the identification of the part or the inspection area as well as the proper conduct of the test.

CR1.2 The piece to be inspected is selected and prepared, ensuring that it is free of any irregularities or contaminants that prevent the test being performed.

CR1.3 The inspection piece or area is marked according to the established reference systems-specifications, procedures, rules, or codes.

RP2: Select the test technique using the method of induced currents according to the characteristics of the part to be inspected and to the established plans.

CR2.1 The test technique is chosen based on the geometry, material and thickness of the piece, as well as the purpose of the test.

CR2.2 The coil type-wrap, internal or surface-is selected according to the geometry of the piece or inspection area.

CR2.3 The excitation frequency of the coil is selected according to the thickness of the piece, the depth of penetration and the speed of exploration.

CR2.4 The appropriate equipment is selected based on the discontinuities that are sought as cracks, coating thicknesses, stings, among others.

CR2.5 The roll forward speed is selected based on the frequency and penetration depth of the induced current.

RP3: Adjust the equipment and perform the operations prior to testing by the method of induced currents.

CR3.1 The equipment is adjusted by pattern parts with reference discontinuities that are chosen based on the applicable rules.

CR3.2 The central frequency and frequency band are chosen in such a way that they produce maximum sensitivity.

CR3.3 Low-pass and low-pass filters are used based on the selected frequency.

CR3.4 The monofrequency or multifrequency technique-with absolute coil or differential coil-is selected based on the part to be inspected.

CR3.5 Equipment calibration-phase, gain, sensitivity, among other parameters-is performed based on the part to be inspected.

RP4: Monitor and/or perform test execution using the induced current method to ensure detection of possible discontinuities in the piece, according to the established criteria, including safety and environmental protection.

CR4.1 The elements involved in the test correspond to the selected technique to ensure the detection of the desired discontinuity.

CR4.2 The part is inspected with the selected technique-monofrequency, multifrequency, with absolute coil, with differential coil, among others-and with a speed that guarantee the entire inspection.

CR4.3 The separation between the coil and the part is checked to be uniform, to avoid the lift-off effect.

CR4.4 The monitoring of the test ensures compliance with the established procedure, including the appropriate safety and environmental conditions.

RP5: Register, interpret and evaluate the results corresponding to the method of induced currents for the acceptance or rejection of the piece analyzed, according to the criterion previously established by its supervisor, and write, where appropriate, the technical instructions for the operator.

CR5.1 The results are recorded in the appropriate support for further analysis of the indications in a technical report.

CR5.2 Indications are discriminated between acceptable or not acceptable, based on the criteria of acceptance of the applicable standard or code.

CR5.3 To identify the typology of discontinuity reflecting an indication a bank of type indications obtained in the laboratory is used.

CR5.4 The technical instructions detailing all the steps to be taken for the preparation and execution of the test are prepared according to the part to be inspected, as well as the information and training actions of the prevention of required occupational and environmental risks.

Professional Context

Production media

Equipment for conducting the test of induced currents: coils, universal-type induced current equipment, electronic data acquisition equipment, palpators, signal bank of different types of defects, equipment data processing data processing equipment, auxiliary equipment for the operation of the carrier, auxiliary equipment for measuring electrical parameters: amperimeter, voltmeter, frequency and auxiliary equipment for the preparation of the part.

Products and results

Technical report as a result of the Inspection. Tests of isolated parts. Large batch testing. Identification of the tested areas. Qualification of the pieces tested on the basis of standards or procedures. Crocheting of the tested elements. Treatment of non-compliant parts. Results of the data processing of the discontinuities detected by comparison with the data bank of signals of the different types of defects. Technical instructions for the operator.

Information used or generated

Manuals or atlas of defectology. Operating procedures or rules. Schemas or flowcharts of the different processes. Manuals for the use of equipment. Risk sheets for the job. Manuals and environmental standards. Action plan in case of emergency. Recommendations and instructions for the use of personal protective equipment. Printed and formats used, such as: field sheets, pre-reports, final reports and drawings of the tested elements, final reports and drawings of the manufacturing processes with the track record. Computer processing of tests performed from induced currents.

Competition Unit 7


Level: 2

Code UC1550_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Verify the effectiveness of information and training actions related to occupational risks and preventive measures, as well as the use of work equipment and protection according to the method to be used, set out in the applicable prevention and/or regulation plan in the sector in which non-destructive testing is carried out, in order to promote and promote integrated preventive action and safe behaviour.

CR1.1 Information and training on the risks-general and specific in END-to which workers are exposed and the prevention or protection measures set out in risk assessments and planning the preventive activity is verified to have been provided by reviewing the documentation provided and/or by asking the appropriate questions.

CR1.2 Information for workers particularly sensitive to certain risks, such as the case of radioactive accumulation, is found to have been effectively communicated to them by means of interviews. personal or pre-established questionnaires and checking their understanding.

CR1.3 Information about the risks inherent in the method to be used and the area in which it is applied and the prevention measures set out in risk assessments and the planning of preventive activity are transmitted to workers, by delegation of the person responsible, in person or at a distance through the different channels of communication, ensuring their effectiveness through simple procedures of systematic control.

CR1.4 The information and training provided to the worker is proven to be tailored to the needs established in the risk assessment and the planning of the preventive activity.

CR1.5 The detection of risks and preventive proposals provided by the workers is collected through participation in meetings, talks, surveys and others, transmitting, through the established channels, to the responsible higher.

CR1.6 The informative actions on the risks inherent in the workplace are carried out and valued in collaboration with those responsible according to criteria of effectiveness.

CR1.7 The appropriate individual and collective protective equipment for each END method is controlled which are available to workers, by checking in detail that all workers handle and use them according to the specific instructions and that the collective ones are correctly installed.

CR1.8 The patterns of action in the development of the most risky activities are proven to be carried out in accordance with the working procedures that integrate the preventive action in the management system of the company, encourage safe behaviors.

CR1.9 The means of coordination, in the inspection activities to be carried out in another company, are found to be appropriate in accordance with the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks and the prevention plan, in collaboration with the company involved.

RP2: Check the suitability and appropriateness of the conditions linked to the order, cleanliness, general maintenance and the different types of signage, in the area where the NDs are carried out, in accordance with the assessment of the risks and preventive planning, in order to promote and promote basic preventive actions within the sector.

CR2.1 The areas of passage, exits and routes of circulation of the work area and, in particular, the exits and routes of circulation foreseen for the evacuation in cases of emergency, are found to remain free of obstacles to can be used without difficulty at all times.

CR2.2 The work area, including service premises, and their respective equipment and facilities, fixed and mobile are checked to be cleaned periodically to maintain them at all times under appropriate hygienic conditions, and waste of hazardous substances and other waste products are quickly removed in order to prevent them from causing accidents or contaminating the work environment.

CR2.3 The proper functioning of the facilities and equipment in the areas of work, as well as their periodic maintenance, is verified, communicating to the responsible the deficiencies that may affect the safety and health of the workers, and where appropriate, by subsating them.

CR2.4 Safety and health signage at work is proven to be properly located in accordance with the risk assessment and regulation to inform, alert and target workers.

CR2.5 The safety conditions of the areas, facilities, equipment, and work environment are controlled by regular, protocolized checks to prevent occupational hazards.

CR2.6 Promotion campaigns, in the field of order, cleaning, signalling and maintenance in general, are carried out using different means: audiovisual, bulletin boards, posters and practical demonstrations, among others, to drive the correct communication/reception of the message.

CR2.7 The preventive proposals relating to the order, cleaning, signalling and general maintenance provided by the workers are collected through participation in meetings, talks, surveys and others, transmitting to the Senior managers.

RP3: Carry out basic general and specific risk assessments in the sector in which the NDs are carried out, by means of simple objective criteria, the verification of which does not require measurement or verification procedures complex, to propose preventive measures to eliminate or reduce them.

CR3.1 Information concerning: the characteristics of the company, the workforce, the working day and jobs, absenteeism, accidents, complaints or other complaints, is valued, in the field of its competence, to carry out the Identification and elemental risk assessment.

CR3.2 The risks linked to safety conditions, the working environment and the organisation of work, which require an elementary assessment, are identified in the field of competence in a documented manner for their disposal, if not possible, your assessment.

CR3.3 The serious and imminent risks identified in the development of the assessment are communicated to the senior manager or employer for the adoption of regulatory measures.

CR3.4 The risks identified in the elemental assessment are documented for the adoption of preventive measures.

CR3.5 Preventive measures are proposed according to the field of competence and the risks assessed to improve working conditions and reduce risks.

RP4: Collaborate in the assessment and control of the general and specific risks in the sector in which the NDs are carried out, making visits to the effect, gathering opinions, complaints and suggestions, recording data, acting as preventive action and any similar functions necessary to prevent the occurrence of accidents and/or occupational diseases.

CR4.1 In carrying out the risk assessment, the technicians responsible for the risk assessment are involved, highlighting the assessments and suggestions identified and supporting in the resolution of the issues. problems related to the safety and health of workers.

CR4.2 The risks identified in the risk assessment are checked regularly, through the visit of the jobs, confirming that they are controlled, and that the preventive measures proposed in the preventive planning, to avoid risks of accident and/or occupational disease.

CR4.3 Workers ' opinions, suggestions and complaints about the preventive measures proposed in the risk assessment are collected in writing to transfer them to those responsible for prevention in the company, and if It is appropriate to propose the development of new, safer and healthier working procedures.

CR4.4 Information provided by workers, on problems identified or incidents occurring in the performance of potentially hazardous activities, is collected to show the need for action Complementary preventive measures.

CR4.5 The fulfillment of preventive activities, in the case of the conduct of hazardous activities and processes, is presentially controlled, when it has been assigned by the employer for this purpose.

CR4.6 Information regarding accidents and/or incidents-events, equipment and their status, persons involved, possible causes, among others-is collected for the completion of the accident part by the person responsible.

CR4.7 The faults or anomalies observed in risk factor detection devices and devices are communicated to the superior responsible for their healing.

CR4.8 Individual protective equipment is found to be in correct conditions of use, which are appropriate to the activity developed and which are properly signposted, according to the preventive measures set.

RP5: Collaborate on the development of emergency and evacuation measures and protocols, as well as on the control and maintenance of the sector's own equipment, facilities and signage, but linked to the use of END, to act in case of emergency and first aid.

CR5.1 The acting protocols to different emergency situations are found to have been transmitted and are known to workers in order to avoid danger situations.

CR5.2 The first emergency interventions and actions directed at first aid, are executed/performed, if necessary, following the protocols according to the requirements of the emergency plan or evacuation, to act and support in a coordinated manner.

CR5.3 Fixed installations and portable fire extinguishing equipment are periodically reviewed in compliance with the regulations, ensuring that they are available for immediate use in the event of fire.

CR5.4 Fire fighting equipment, alarm means, evacuation routes and emergency exits are checked, checking that they are well signposted, visible and accessible, to act in emergency situations. and according to the regulations.

CR5.5 First aid kit is periodically reviewed and replenishes, in order to maintain it properly, in accordance with the legislation.

CR5.6 The media, communication and transport, necessary in the emergency are kept up to date and operational, to act in case of emergency.

RP6: Cooperate with prevention services, channeling information regarding training needs, improvement proposals, accidents, incidents, and managing documentation related to the basic level function in the prevention of occupational risks applicable to the sector where the NDs are carried out, in order to improve the safety and health of workers.

CR6.1 The functions and competencies of the agencies and entities linked to the prevention of occupational risks are identified to follow the protocol established in the necessary relations and communication guidelines.

CR6.2 The documentation on prevention management, as well as the identification of competent bodies and entities, is collected, classified, archived and kept up to date to cooperate with the prevention services and the employer.

CR6.3 The collection of information on incidents, accidents and occupational diseases, in the field of their responsibility, is recorded in the documents provided for the purpose for their subsequent delivery to the superior responsible.

CR6.4 The training needs, information derived from behaviors and accidents and incidents that occurred in the company, that are detected, are communicated to carry out concrete actions of improvement in the safety and health of the workers.

CR6.5 Participation in the formulation of proposals to the area manager, the employer, the Committee on Safety and Health and workers ' representatives, among others, is carried out in order to improve safety and health.

CR6.6 The improvement proposals accepted by the organization, in preventive matters, are applied in collaboration with the superior responsible for the improvement of the safety and health of the workers.

Professional Context

Production media

Means of protection in workplaces, equipment and installations in works and/or activities of special risk in the use of the methods of END in the sector concerned. Personal protective equipment (PPE ' s). Security elements, such as: nets, signals, railings, alarms, gauges, safety valves. Equipment and methods necessary to carry out risk estimates and/or to check the effectiveness of the prevention measures implemented. Thermohygrometric measurement equipment. Ergonomic elements of a job. Means of detection and extinction of fires. Means of evacuation, action and first aid. First aid kit. Means for the elaboration, distribution, dissemination and implementation of activities related to the management of occupational risk prevention.

Products and results

Information and training actions related to occupational risks and general and related preventive measures of the sector and the use of the methods of END. Conditions linked to the order, cleanliness, general maintenance and the different types of signalling in END checked. Basic general risk assessments and the test method in END. Registered information on the opinions, complaints and suggestions of workers on preventive matters. Control and maintenance tabs for equipment, installations and emergency signs. Information, documentation and collaboration with prevention services.

Information used or generated

Labor risk prevention regulations. Documentation of: existing equipment and facilities, activities and processes, products or substances and related to the notification and registration of damage to health. Working methods and procedures. Instruction manuals for machines, work equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE). Physical, chemical, biological and ergonomic risk information. Special risk areas or areas. Safety conditions, the working environment and the organisation of work.




Code: MF0052_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0052_3 Organize and manage lab activity by applying specific procedures and rules.

Duration: 130 hours.



Code: UF0105

Duration: 50 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the complete RP1 and RP2 and RP3 in terms of quality control topics.

Capabilities v evaluation criteria

C1: Interpret quality control plans, applying criteria to organize and monitor the activities of the laboratory, collecting the key aspects in Normalized Work Procedures.

CE1.1 Relate all concepts of the quality system with the laboratory's own activity, justifying how they are applied and the need for their existence.

CE1.2 Explain the term audit, relating it to quality assessment and identifying the documentation used for its development.

CE1.3 Establish organizational and functional relationships and the quality control department with the company's other departments from organization charts.

CE1.4 Rate the order and realization of a job plan to avoid time losses by minimizing errors.

CE1.5 Propose an organization of the daily work of a laboratory based on an established program, proposing a scale of priorities.

C2: Rate the need to use the Good Practices of the Laboratory or other established quality systems by applying them in the form of instructions for the laboratory tasks.

CE2.1 Describe the objectives of good laboratory practices and their application fields.

CE2.2 Interpret good laboratory practice by written instructions in the form of standard working procedures.

CE2.3 Relate the concept of standard working procedures, with the formation of a quality assurance program.

CE2.4 Apply good lab practices specifically to:

-Control and storage of materials, equipment and services.

-Control and preventive maintenance of equipment.

-Analytical process methodology.

-Calibration of equipment.

-Technical and documentary assistance to the client.

-Treatment of the documentation.

-Quality cost program.

-Report redaction, archiving the analysis documentation.

CE2.5 Explain the concept of inter-and intralaboratory quality control.


1. Application of a Quality System in a Laboratory

-Elaboration of a standard procedure of work, according to the protocols of a given study.

-Quality assurance.

-Standard procedures for work.

-Rules and Standardization.

-Certification and Accreditation.

-Laboratory job evaluation techniques and methods.

-Process Concept and Process Maps

-Diagrams of the work processes.

2. Quality assurance in the laboratory

-Basic quality principles.

-Quality in the lab.

-Quality control.

-Total Quality.

-Manuals and quality systems in the laboratory (lSO 9000, ISO 17025, BPL, etc.).

-Managing quality manuals and recognizing standard work procedures.

3. Application of statistical and documentary techniques for the analysis, control and quality of products in the laboratory

-Documentation and communication techniques.

-Reporting techniques

-Reference materials.


-Concepts on instrument calibration (scale, pHmeter, atomic absorption, pipettes, etc.).

-calibrate equipment and evaluate calibration certificates

-Control of inspection, measurement and testing equipment

-Significance tests.

-Assessment of the regression line: residual and trusted bands.

-Perform signification tests and build a regression line

-Control graphs by variables and attributes.

-Interpretation of the control charts.

4. Organization of work according to the means and resources available, following criteria of quality, economic profitability and security.

-Human and labor relations:

-Written and verbal communication techniques.

-Communication with clients.

-Effective time management.

-Working equipment operation.

-Dynamic meetings.



Code: UF0106

Duration: 40 hours

Competition Referrer: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP3, in the IT data processing topics.

Capabilities v evaluation criteria

C1: Apply software to the results obtained, performing the statistical treatment of the corresponding data.

CE1.1 Apply basic statistical concepts to the results obtained in the laboratory.

CE1.2 Perform significance tests, comparing the accuracy and accuracy of two or more samples.

CE1.3 Define the concept of trusted bands, explaining their application.

CE1.4 Use data statistical processing and laboratory management software.

CE1.5 Identify different devices for controlling analysis tools using computer programs, using the most appropriate one.


1. Computer applications in the lab

-Material and logical aspects of the computer

-Office software: basic concepts

-Basic documentary management concepts applied to the chemical laboratory:

-Edit, review, file, obsolete control, file-document-keeping

2. Use of the laboratory management programmes

-For statistical processing of data.

-Documentary management software applied to the lab.

-Application of a database, for the management and identification of chemicals.

-Technical software: programs for statistical control of processes.

3. Computer organization of the laboratory

-Management and identification of chemicals: Inputs (reagents, bibliographic and regulatory resources), transformations (monitoring of reagents and samples) and outputs (waste and management of the same)

-Report redaction, archiving the analysis documentation.



Code: UF0107

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP4 and RP5.

Capabilities v evaluation criteria

C1: Assess the risks of chemicals and their handling, proposing preventive measures and their inclusion in standard working procedures.

CE1.1 Classify chemicals from the optics of their reactivity, identifying security symbology.

CE1.2 to identify the safety regulations applicable to the packaging, labelling and transport of chemicals, explaining the applicable safety measures.

CE1.3 Relate the various individual protective equipment (EPL) to the risk factors.

CE1.4 Explain security measures regarding the maintenance of laboratory facilities and equipment.

CE1.5 Relate order and cleanup rules with risk factors.

CE1.6 Describe preventive measures to act on chemical or biological risks in standard working procedures, identifying the applicable regulations.

C2: Relating the hygienic risk factors derived from work in the laboratory with its effects on health and with detection and/or measurement techniques and devices.

CE2.1 Classifying chemical and biological contaminants by their nature, composition and possible effects on the organism.

CE2.2 Classify the physical contaminants and the microclimate derivatives of the laboratory by their nature and effects on the organism.

CE2.3 Make measurements of pollutants with direct measurement devices by relating the result of the measurements to the reference values of the applicable regulations.

CE2.4 Describe the detected detection and/or measurement devices.

CE2.5 Describe individual and collective protection measures.

C3: Analyze the necessary measures for environmental protection in the laboratory, proposing the necessary systems, equipment and devices to prevent and control risks.

CE3.1 Identify the essential aspects of the regulations applicable to the analysis/trial.

CE3.2 Use the necessary detection and measurement devices to control the risks.

CE3.3 Apply techniques for the removal of small amounts of substance in the laboratory and follow the established rules for their management.

CE3.4 Propose cure materials and products that should be part of the laboratory emergency kit.

CE3.5 Describe the sequence of action in case of emergency, identifying the necessary PPE

CE3.6 Identify the risk zones in a plant representation of a lab by proposing appropriate signage and the location of the security elements.


1. Planning preventive action

-Identification of hazards and associated risk identification.

-Classification of risks: hygienic, safety and ergonomic.

-Risk analysis.

-Determination of risk avoidance.

-Assessment of non-avoidable risks: Determination of the tolerability of risks. Applicable legal requirements.

-Planning for the elimination of avoidable risks.

-Planning for risk reduction and control actions.

-Planning for protection actions (collective and individual).

-Emergency Plan: Identification of emergency scenarios, organization of emergency approach, organization of evacuation, organization of first aid.

2. Carrying out the preventive action

-Information and internal communication of the risks associated with the different activities of the laboratory.

-Information and communication of elimination, reduction, control and risk protection measures.

-Training of personnel in key preventive aspects of the different activities of the laboratory.

-Chemical risk: preparation, handling, transport, electrical risk.

-Interpretation of risk prevention procedures and instructions.

-Training and training in the use and maintenance of Collective Protection Equipment (suction cabins) and Individual (dust masks, active carbon filter, etc.).

-Training and training in the Laboratory Emergency Plan (use of fire extinguishers, use of fire hydrants equipped, use of chemical absorbents, basic knowledge on first aid).

-Consultation and participation of workers in preventive activities.

-Analysis and investigation of incidents including accidents (terminology of the International Technical Specification OHSAS 18001:2007, which has just modified in this sense the concept of accident).

3. Health check, verification and assessment of preventive action

-Control and follow-up of established action plans: analysis of causes of non-compliance and replanning in your case.

-Internal and external prevention audits.

-Control of the documentation and records.

-Surveillance of the health of workers exposed to risks.

-Analysis of incident indicators.

-Assessment of the effectiveness and effectiveness of the preventive management system by management.

-Proposals for prevention improvement goals.

4. Prevention of environmental risks in the laboratory

-Lab wastes.

-Samples removal techniques as waste.

Methodological guidelines

The training units in this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1545_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1545_3: Recognize the defectology associated with manufacturing processes of different materials.

Duration: 90 hours.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the properties of metal and non-metallic materials by knowledge of their procurement process.

CE1.1 Relate the constituents of the alloy with the properties they confer on the material.

CE1.2 Explain in a Fe-C diagram the change points of the constituents and their relationships with the material properties.

CE1.3 Set, from trade rules and catalogues, a classification of steel products with indication of their shape and dimensions.

CE1.4 Confect a ratio of light alloys according to your industrial applications.

CE1.5 Propose a classification of concretes according to their resistance and in relation to the speed of propagation of the sound in the concrete.

CE1.6 Select different composite and non-metallic materials based on their manufacturing process.

CE1.7 In a practical scenario of a sample of metal material, prepare a test piece, observe the metallographic microscope and classify the characteristics of the material.

C2: Explain the behavior of a material by relating it to the properties conferred through the shaping processes.

CE2.1 Classify parts according to the shaping process.

CE2.2 Relating the mechanical properties of materials with the shaping processes.

CE2.3 Develop a list of edge preparations, for welding processes, in relation to the materials used and their applications.

CE2.4 Identify the machining process of a material according to its surface finish.

CE2.5 Explain changes that occur in the properties of a material by thermal or thermochemical treatment.

CE2.6 In a practical case of a sample of shaped metal material, observe the mechanical properties as the hardness of the same with a durometer and compare it with the same material without shaping.

C3: Classify materials according to their subsequent utilities by analyzing the results obtained through the basic destructive testing of their properties.

CE3.1 Prepare specimens from samples to make metallographic assays and their subsequent observation through the macrographs performed.

CE3.2 Perform specimens from samples of material to be adapted to the different mechanical tests, in accordance with established protocols and following applicable environmental residue controls.

CE3.3 Register the observable parameters based on the basic destructive test applied and its subsequent study.

CE3.4 Develop a basic destructive test results report according to the records obtained.

CE3.5 In a practical scenario of a composite material to observe the deterioration that occurs in an impact test by making an assessment of its capacity for resistance to environmental impacts.

C4: Identify the discontinuities that occur in the materials in relation to the cause that produce them.

CE4.1 Relate the discontinuities found in a material with the processes of forming the parts.

CE4.2 Determine the causes of wear or fatigue through the fracture surface.

CE4.3 Develop a list of discontinuities associated with welding processes.

CE4.4 Explain the incidence of variation in physical and chemical properties in the process of deterioration of a material.

CE4.5 By observing a collection of X-rays with different discontinuities, identify those produced by the manufacturing process.


1. Materials in engineering and basic destructive testing in the study of their properties


-Conventional structural materials: metals, polymers and ceramics; advanced materials: composite materials and superalloys.

-Metals and Aleations.

-The metal state, basic metalworking principles, metal procurement processes.

-Physical and structural properties of metals.

-Technology properties.

-Balance diagrams.

-Properties of the alloys.

-Steel as Fe-C alloy: classification and applications.

-Funditions: classification and applications.

-Light Aleations: Types, Properties, and Applications.

-Other alloys.

-Metalographic constituents of low-alloy steels and smelters.

-Non-metallic materials: polymers and ceramics.

-Composite materials: types, layout, and applications.

-Preparing test pieces.

-Characteristics of the basic-metallographic, mechanical and other physical parameters.

-Types of basic destructive test reports.

-Environmental control of the waste.

2. Manufacturing processes for metallic and non-metallic materials

-General Notions.


-Molding, forging, climbing, extrusion, stamping, lamination and drawing.

-Welding: processes, sorting, preparing borders.

-Machining processes.


-Surface coatings and treatments.

-Elaboration of non-metallic materials.

-Compound materials.

-Thermal treatments: mettle, reed, annealing, isothermal treatments, cementing and nitriding.

3. Analysis of failures in materials related to manufacturing and service

-Typical discontinuities associated with the manufacturing processes: molding, forging, climbing, extrusion, stamping, lamination, drawing, welding, polishing, thermal treatments, coatings, surface treatments, composite materials and other non-metallic materials.

-Defectology in service.

-Corrosion of metals, main mechanisms of corrosion: by bite, by cavitation, intergranular, corrosion under stress, corrosion fatigue.

-Fatigue of metals.

-Fatigue mechanisms, fatigue limit.

-Metal materials failure.

- ductile Roture, Fragile Break.

-Metallography: sample preparation, chemical attack, reagents, polishing, metallographic microscope, and replicas.

-Macro and micrograph notions.

-Nonferrous Material Metallography Notions

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Professional qualification level: 3

Code: MF1546_3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1546_3 Organize, monitor and perform non-destructive tests using surface and subsurface methods, and evaluate the results.

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF1540.

Duration: 40 hours.

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, and RP5 as referred to assays with penetrating liquids

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Relate the instruments and equipment with the penetrating liquid method and the techniques used in conducting the test, according to the characteristics of the object to be tested.

CE1.1 Select the instruments and equipment to be used in conducting the test, in accordance with the purpose of the test.

CE1.2 Describe the various techniques in the penetrating liquids method, justifying their scientific foundations.

CE1.3 Describe the parameters and the technique to be used, the detection capacity and the conditions of the part, according to the applicable regulations.

CE1.4 Organize the maintenance operations of the instruments and equipment, ensuring that they are always in conditions of use.

CE1.5 In the practical case of an aluminium alloy rim subjected to the test of penetrating liquids-PT-, describe the inspection process by selecting the appropriate equipment with the inspection technique.

C2: Perform tests by means of penetrating liquids, taking the necessary steps to obtain a reliable result.

CE2.1 Determine the conditions to adjust the object to be tested to the technique to be used, preparing the scanning surface.

CE2.2 Define the parameters to be used according to the test to be performed and the instruments and means to be used.

CE2.3 Use reference specimens and indicators of different materials and perform characterization assays on them.

CE2.4 Define post-test operations and the treatment of waste generated by meeting the established safety and environmental conditions.

CE2.5 In a practical case, apply the test of penetrative liquids-PT- to an alloy rim, following corresponding prescriptions, including those of occupational and environmental risk prevention.

C3: Determine critical aspects in the process of conducting the penetrating liquids test, taking the necessary steps to obtain a reliable result.

CE3.1 Monitor the tests performed by others following written instructions, contemplating compliance with the established procedure and preventive action of occupational and environmental risks in case of accidents.

CE3.2 Describe the process of applying a particular technique, by drawing up a pre-set, sequential and orderly scheme, which can serve as an instruction or a working procedure.

CE3.3 Analyze the post-test actions and the elaboration of a report that reflects the discontinuities detected.

C4: Interpret the results obtained in conducting the test by means of penetrating liquids, making the corresponding report to reflect the preventive actions of occupational and environmental risks appropriate to the applicable legislation.

CE4.1 Organize the data record on the appropriate media depending on the part and the test.

CE4.2 Analyze the records, interpreting and evaluating the results according to the acceptance/rejection criteria set out in the applicable rules and/or procedures, to repair or remove non-compliant items.

CE4.3 Perform a report of the results obtained in the tests by expressing in the identification and characteristics of the piece, the method and the technique used, the assessment of the results and the observations significant that have occurred during the test, as well as the preventive actions of occupational and environmental risks.

CE4.4 In the practical case of an alloy rim, tested by penetrating liquids-PT- perform the report by leaving the test documentary and applying the selected acceptance criteria, giving the each defect detected.


1. Fundamentals and limitations of the penetrating liquids method

-Introduction, terminology and history of the penetrating liquids method.

-Application fields and method limitations.

-Physical properties of the penetrating liquids method.

- Moisturizing Power

- Surface tension

- Viscosity

- Capitularity

- Broadcast

- Absorption

- Boiling Temperature

- Inflammation temperature

- Miscibility

- Chemical Inactivity

- Washing capacity

2. Equipment and products

-Equipment to be used in the penetrating liquids method:

- Cabins for method application.

- Automated and semi-automated installations.

- Sources and lighting conditions (white light, UV light).

- Equipment for the measurement of lighting conditions.

- Special installations.

- Examples of special installations.

- Sensitivity pattern blocks to check the suitability of the test or products to be used in the method.

- Gages, millimeter rules, calibers, and others.

-Products used in the method of penetrating liquids.

- Surface cleaning products and equipment to be tested

- Visible penetrating liquids with natural light and fluorescent liquids. Emulsifiers.

- Eliminators.

- Revelers.

- Special products and techniques used in the trial.

● Tixotropic products.

● Test by penetrating liquids applied outside the recommended range of temperatures.

-Compatibility of materials used in the test by penetrating liquids.

-Advantages and drawbacks of the various penetrative products and families

-Quality control of the products used in the test.

-Rating of test procedures

-Prevention of labor and environmental risks of the method.

- Using chemicals and cleaning products.

- Toxicity and dangerousness of penetrating liquids.

- UV-A Light

- Security Datasheet

3. Applications and testing techniques by means of the penetrating liquids method

-Basic test stages by means of penetrating liquids

- Preparing the surface to be tested

- Penetrating Liquid Application and Penetration Time

- Removing excess penetrant; water, solvent, and emulsifier jobs

- Drying techniques

- Application of the developer.

- Observation and inspection conditions.

- Final Reessay Cleaning

-Selecting a technique based on a product type and/or standard.

4. Evaluation of results using the penetrating liquids method

-Characterization of the indications: shapes and sizes.

- Factors that affect the indications.

- Indications of typical discontinuities typical of manufacturing processes.

- Classification of the indications according to their appearance.

-Registration of indications and reporting of the results obtained.

- Means of registration applicable to the penetrating liquids method:

- Replication techniques, photography, video, and image processing of the image.

-Dimensional, positioned.

-Written Instructions

- Preparing a written instruction

- Reading and understanding a code or rule

- General knowledge of standards and normalization

-Acceptance and rejection:

- Of a product based on a code or rule

- Of a product in the absence of a code or rule.



Code: UF1541

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, and RP5 as referred to by magnetic particle tests

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria:

C1: Relate the instruments and equipment with the magnetic particle method and the techniques used in conducting the test, according to the characteristics of the object to be tested.

CE1.1 Select the instruments and equipment to be used in conducting the test, the purpose of the test.

CE1.2 Describe the different techniques by justifying their scientific foundations.

CE1.3 Describe the parameters and the technique to be used, the detection capacity and the conditions of the part, according to the applicable regulations.

CE1.4 Organize the maintenance operations of the instruments and equipment, ensuring that they are always in conditions of use.

CE1.5 In the practical case of a welded piece subjected to the magnetic particle test (MT), describe the inspection process by selecting the appropriate equipment with the inspection technique.

C2: Perform tests using the magnetic particle method, taking the necessary steps to obtain a reliable result.

CE2.1 Determine the conditions to adjust the object to be tested to the technique to be used, preparing the scanning surface.

CE2.2 Define the parameters to be used according to the test to be performed and the instruments and means to be used.

CE2.3 Use reference specimens and indicators of different materials and perform characterization assays on them.

CE2.4 Define post-test operations and the treatment of waste generated by meeting the established safety and environmental conditions.

CE2.5 In a practical case, apply the magnetic particle test (MT) to a welded piece, following corresponding prescriptions including those of occupational and environmental risk prevention.

C3: Determine the critical aspects in the process of performing the magnetic particle method, taking the necessary steps to obtain a reliable result.

CE3.1 Monitor the tests performed by others following written instructions, contemplating compliance with the established procedure and preventive action of occupational and environmental risks in case of accidents.

CE3.2 Describe the process of applying a particular technique, by drawing up a pre-set, sequential and orderly scheme, which can serve as an instruction or a working procedure.

CE3.3 Analyze the post-test actions and the elaboration of a report that reflects the discontinuities detected.

C4: Interpret the results obtained in the realization of the magnetic particle method, making the corresponding report to reflect the preventive actions of occupational and environmental risks appropriate to the applicable legislation.

CE4.1 Organize the data record on the appropriate media depending on the part and the test.

CE4.2 Analyze the records, interpreting and evaluating the results according to the acceptance/rejection criteria set out in the applicable rules and/or procedures, to repair or remove non-compliant items.

CE4.3 Make a report of the results obtained in the tests by expressing in the identification and characteristics of the piece, the technique used, the assessment of the results and the significant observations that I know have been produced during the test, as well as the preventive actions of occupational and environmental risks.

CE4.4 In the practical case of a welded piece tested by magnetic particles (MT) to perform the report, leaving the test documentary record and applying the selected acceptance criteria, giving the qualification of each one of the defects detected.


1. Fundamentals, limitations of the magnetic particle method

-Introduction, terminology and history of the magnetic particle method.

-Application fields and method limitations.

-Physical principles of the magnetic particle method.

-Theory of magnetism

-Magnetic properties of materials.

-Permanent Iman.

-Magnetic Pose.

-Magnetic forces.

-Diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic effects.

-Magnetic permeability.

-Curie temperature.

-Magnetic Fields

- Magnetic field created by a permanent magnet.

- Magnetic field created by the electrical current.

-Rectilinear driver.

-Magnetic Bobines.

- Field around a straight conductor and a coil through which electrical current passes.

- Definition of magnetic field direction, force field, magnetic flux, and flow density.

- Magnetic Field Strength Measure

- Interconnection between magnetizer force, flow density, and permeability

- Hysteresis cycle.

- Virgin Curva and Markable Points.

-Magnetic leakage fields.

- Source of the leak magnetic fields.

- Influence of the size, depth, and orientation of the discontinuity in its detection.

- Effect of Accumulation Of Magnetic Particles

2. Equipment and products to be used in the magnetic particle method


- Permanent Imams.

- Portable and mobile Yugos; mobile transformers.

- Stationary equipment.

- Bobinas.

- Contact Points (electrodes).

- Automatic equipment and robotic equipment with automatic detection (magnetic leakage fields).

- Special installations and equipment.

- Method application horses.

- Flow indicators.

- Sources of light.

- Strength field measurement teams.

- Inspection means test equipment.

- Meters and radiometers.

- Measurement instruments: gages, millimeter rules, calibers, and others.

- Sensitivity pattern blocks to check the suitability of the test or products to be used in the method.

-Products for inspection

- Particle on dry and wet via. Visible with natural and fluorescent light

- Laca to facilitate contrast,

- Surface cleaning products and equipment to be tested

-Selecting the equipment

-Measure and Calibration

-Prevention of labor and environmental risks of the method.

- Using chemicals and cleaning products.

- Toxicity and dangerousness of penetrating liquids.

- UV-A Light

- Security Datasheet

3. Applications and testing techniques using the magnetic particle method.

-Generation of magnetic fields: Circular or longitudinal.

-magnetization techniques

- Magnetization by circular field.

- Magnetization by longitudinal field.

- Field Orientation.

-Localization of maximum sensitivity and maximum flow density.

-Magnetization stream types:

- Continuous current, alternating current, rectified current.

- Differences in characteristics and technical relevance between the stream and the alternating current.

- The pulsating type stream.

- Pellicular effect and depth of flow penetration.

- Calculation and estimation of current intensity for a given force field.

- Combined methods.

- The advantages and limitations of different types of magnetization.

- Inspection parameters.

-Control of magnetization conditions.

-Observation conditions.

-Verification of the sensitivity of the indication and the correct concentration.

-Lighting conditions with light (white or UV-A).

-Selecting a technique based on a product type and/or standard.


- Residual field required demagnetization conditions; residual field level.

- Basic principle of demagnetization.

- Methods of demagnetization and influence of the Earth's magnetic field.

-Cleaning components.

- Cleaning methods.

4. Evaluation of results using the magnetic particle method.

-Interpretation of results.

- Classification of indications based on appearance

- Dimensional, positioned, and characterization

- Characterization of the indications.

-Indications report

-Registration of indications and reporting of the results obtained.

-Record media applicable to the method:

- Image computer replication, photography, video, and replication techniques

-Dimensional, positioned.

-Written Instructions

- Preparing a written instruction

- Reading and understanding a code or rule

- General knowledge of standards and normalization

-Acceptance and rejection:

- Of a product based on a code or rule

- Of a product in the absence of a code or rule.



Code: UF1542.

Duration: 40 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, and RP5 in terms of visual inspection

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Relate the instruments and equipment with the visual inspection method and the techniques used in conducting the test, according to the characteristics of the object to be tested.

CE1.1 Select the instruments and equipment to be used in conducting the test, according to the purpose of the test.

CE1.2 Describe the different techniques according to the visual inspection method, justifying their scientific foundations.

CE1.3 Describe the parameters and the technique to use, depending on the detection capacity and the conditions of the part, according to the applicable regulations.

CE1.4 Organize the maintenance operations of the instruments and equipment, ensuring that they are always in conditions of use.

CE1.5 In the practical case of a heat exchanger submitted to the Visual Inspection (VT) test, describe the inspection process by selecting the appropriate equipment with the inspection technique.

C2: Perform tests using the visual inspection method, taking the necessary steps to obtain a reliable result.

CE2.1 Determine the conditions to adjust the object to be tested to the technique to be used, preparing the scanning surface.

CE2.2 Define the parameters to be used according to the test to be performed and the instruments and means to be used.

CE2.3 Use reference specimens and indicators of different materials and perform characterization assays on them.

CE2.4 Define post-test operations and the treatment of waste generated by meeting the established safety and environmental conditions.

CE2.5 In a practical case, apply the visual inspection (VT) test to a heat exchanger, following the corresponding requirements including those of occupational and environmental risk prevention.

C3: Determine critical aspects in the visual inspection method process, taking the necessary steps to obtain a reliable result.

CE3.1 Monitor the tests performed by others following written instructions, contemplating compliance with the established procedure and preventive action of occupational and environmental risks in case of accidents.

CE3.2 Describe the process of applying a particular technique, by drawing up a pre-set, sequential and orderly scheme, which can serve as an instruction or a working procedure.

CE3.3 Analyze the post-test actions and the elaboration of a report that reflects the discontinuities detected.

C4: Interpret the results obtained in the performance of the visual inspection method, making the corresponding report to reflect the preventive actions of occupational and environmental risks appropriate to the applicable legislation.

CE4.1 Organize the data record on the appropriate media depending on the method, the part and the test.

CE4.2 Analyze the records, interpreting and evaluating the results according to the acceptance/rejection criteria set out in the applicable rules and/or procedures, to repair or remove non-compliant items.

CE4.3 Make a report of the results obtained in the tests by expressing in the identification and characteristics of the piece, the technique used, the assessment of the results and the significant observations that I know have been produced during the test, as well as the preventive actions of occupational and environmental risks.

CE4.4 In the practical case of a visual inspection test (VT) heat exchanger, perform the report by leaving the test documentary and applying the selected acceptance criteria, giving the each defect detected.


1. Physical principles and limitations of the visual inspection method.

-Introduction, terminology, and visual inspection method history.

-Application fields and method limitations.

-Physical principles of the visual inspection method.

- Basic aspects.

- Vision.

- The eye, including operation and parts that form it.

- Adaptation and wrapping.

- Vision disorders.

- Physical light.

● Lighting. Transmission. Reflection. Absorption.

● Fotometry.

● Levels of light.

● Luminance. Lighting levels. Lighting techniques. Contrast.

- Electromagnetic radiation.

● Visible wavelengths.

- Optical principles.

● Lens handling, lupin handling.

● Virtual images.

● Chromatic Aberration.

● Geometric Distortion.

● Extension principles.

● Visual Perception.

- Attributes of the materials.

● Cleaning, color, condition, shape, size, temperature, texture, surface finish, surface preparation.

- Environmental Factors

● Atmosphere, humidity, temperature, access, cleaning.

- physiological factors.

● Comfort, perspective, fatigue, health, mental attitude, position and safety.

2. Equipment and products.

-Measurement instruments: Gages, millimeter rules, calibers, and others.

-Equipment to be used in visual inspection: Mirrors, magnifiers, binoculars, endoscopes and periscopes.

-Photograph and video.

-Image cameras, video monitors.

-Templates, scales, special tools, automated systems, computer image enhancement systems, demonstration specimens, grid resolution goals.

-Sources of light (natural or artificial).

3. Applications and testing techniques using the visual inspection method

-Inspection techniques: Direct and indirect observation.

-Vision requirements.

-Lighting conditions for visual inspection.

-State of the surface, equipment limitations, and lighting effects.

-Team selection and limitations, team verification.


- Size, shape, orientation, position of imperfection

- Type of imperfections.

-Environmental and test safety conditions of this method

4. Evaluating results using the visual inspection method

-Interpretation of results.

- Classification of indications based on appearance

- Dimensional, positioned, and characterization

- Characterization of the indications.

-Indications report

- Record of indications and reporting of the results obtained.

- Means of registration applicable to the method:

● Image computer replication, photography, video, and treatment techniques

-Dimensional, positioned.

-Written Instructions

- Preparing a written instruction

- Reading and understanding a code or rule

- General knowledge of standards and normalization

-Acceptance and rejection:

- Of a product based on a code or rule

- Of a product in the absence of a code or rule.

Methodological guidelines

The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Level: Professional Qualification: 3

Code: MF1547_3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1547_3Organize, monitor and perform non-destructive assays using the ultrasound method, and evaluate the results.

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF1543.

Duration: 40 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Relate instruments and equipment with the techniques used in performing the ultrasound test according to the characteristics of the object to be tested.

CE1.1 Identify and select instruments and equipment to be used in the conduct of the ultrasound test according to the purpose of the test.

CE1.2 Describe the different techniques of the ultrasound test by justifying the scientific basis on which they are based.

CE1.3 Describe the parameters and the technique to be used, according to the accuracy of the ultrasound test and the sample conditions, according to the applicable regulations.

CE1.4 Interpret basic schemes of measuring devices, describing the essential technical characteristics of the components of the ultrasonic apparatus and determining what their mission is.

CE1.5 Organize the maintenance operations of the appliances and equipment, ensuring that they are always in conditions of use.

CE1.6 In a practical scenario of an ultrasound test of a composite material select the equipment of the palpators, the coupler and other equipment necessary to perform the test with the ability to detect the expected discontinuities.


1. Physical principles, limitations of the ultrasound method in Non-Destructive Trials (END)

-Introduction, terminology and history of the ultrasound method.

-Application fields and limitations of the ultrasound method.

-Physical principles of the ultrasound method:

- Physical definitions and typical parameters

- Sinusoidal movement, amplitude, period, frequency, wavelength, propagation rate

- Acoustic impedance, reflection and transmission factors (only normal beam)

- Propagation of the beam

- Wave types

● Longitudinal waves

● Cross-cutting waves

● Surface waves or Rayleigh waves and plate or Lamb waves

- Reflection and refraction

● Normal incident, transmission and reflection

● Oblique incident

● Snell Law

● Critical angles, mode conversion

- Acoustic pressure.

- Wave generation and reception: Piezoelectricity and magnetostriction. Transmission and reception of ultrasonic waves.

- Piezoelectric effect.

- Ferroelectricity or electrostriction.

- Magnetostriction.

- Features of the active element.

● Material, dimensions, piezoelectric constants.

- Features of an ultrasonic beam: circular and rectangular.

● Influence of the frequency and dimensions of the active element.

● Nearby field (Fresnel zone).

● Far-field (Fraunhofer zone).

● Make the beam.

● Beam Divergence.

● Beam divergence factor.

2. Equipment for testing using the ultrasonic method

-Equipment and accessories.

- Instruments (analog and digital)

- Momentum Generation

- Receiving and application (percentage and dB)

- Setting the field

- Token presentation types.

- Additional functions (doors, suppressors, filters, etc).


- Monocrystals

- Bicristals.

- Normal Incident and Angular Incident

- Immersion.

- Tandem.

- For the TOFD technique.

- For the Phased Array technique.

- The means of coupling the palpator to the part.

-Automatic and semi-automatic systems.

- Immersion Cubes.

-Influence of the main parameters.

- Influence of constructive elements:

- The type of transducer.

- Size, frequency.

- Ultrasound Beam Geometry, Focus, and Others.

-Verification of the team and palpator assembly.

-Remote adjustment blocks and sensitivity.

-Measurement instruments: millimeter rules, calibers, profile combs, and others.



Code: UF1544.

Duration: 50 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP4

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform tests using the ultrasound method, taking the necessary steps to obtain a reliable result.

CE1.1 Determine the conditions for adapting the object to be tested to the ultrasound technique to be used, preparing the scanning surface according to the test to be performed.

CE1.2 Adjust instruments and equipment, defining the type of parameters to be used according to the characteristic to be measured and the instrument to be used.

CE1.3 Prepare specimens of different materials and perform ultrasonic characterization tests on them.

CE1.4 Describe the process of applying a particular ultrasound technique, by drawing up a pre-set, sequential and orderly scheme, which can serve as a work simulation instruction or procedure.

CE1.5 In a practical scenario of an ultrasound test of a joint welded a pipeline of pipeline perform the inspection operations including the previous adjustments.

C2: Determine critical aspects in the process of conducting ultrasound tests, taking the necessary steps to obtain a reliable result.

CE2.1 Monitor scans performed by others by following written indications.

CE2.2 Describe the process of applying a particular ultrasound technique, by drawing up a pre-set, sequential and orderly scheme, which can serve as a work simulation instruction or procedure.

CE2.3 In a practical scenario of an ultrasound test of a welded joint, a pipeline of gas pipeline will indicate the monitoring operations to be carried out on the one performing the described inspection.


1. Techniques of the ultrasound test

-Contact tests: right-beam and angular beam (monocrystal and bicristal).



-Resonance Testing

-Immersion tests. Echo and transmission momentum.

-TOFD tests (diffraction). Phased Array (multielement) test.

-Essay using guided waves.

-Ultrasound thickness measurement

2. Field and sensitivity adjustment

-Adjustments over distances according to the characteristics of the part to be inspected.

-Adjustment of the sensitivity according to the minimum discontinuity size to be detected.

-Transfer Correction

-Reference reflectors (distance and size laws)

-AVG Method.

-Distance amplitude curves. (CAD)

-Distance/amplitude (TCG) correction

-Correction by transfer (surface and attenuation)

-Sizing techniques, principles, and limitations

-Application of techniques to different materials: metal materials, composite materials, concretes, ceramics, wood, plastics and others.


-Environmental and safety conditions of the tests of this method.



Code: UF1545.

Duration: 30 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Interpret the results obtained in performing the ultrasound tests, making the corresponding report.

CE1.1 Organize the data record on the appropriate media depending on the type of object and the test.

CE1.2 Analyze the records, interpreting and evaluating the results according to the acceptance/rejection criteria set out in the applicable rules and/or procedures, to repair or remove non-compliant items.

CE1.3 Make a report of the results obtained by expressing in the identification and characteristics of the piece, the technique used, the assessment of the results and the significant observations that have been produced during the test.

CE1.4 In a practical scenario of an ultrasound test of a series of laminated parts, establish the registration criteria and evaluate the test reports according to the criteria for acceptance and rejection established by the the client.


1. Interpretation of the results of the ultrasound method

-Registration of indications and reporting of results obtained

-Detection, localization (trigonometric rules), sizing and value calculation techniques.

-Record and Evaluation Level

-Acceptance level

-Coordinate system

-Sizing (probe, reflector)

-Characterization (flat/non-planar), interpretation, and evaluation of indications

-Record media applicable to the method.

-Computer processing of the signal.

2. Assessment of the test reports of the ultrasound method

-Applying acceptance criteria according to rules, codes, and procedures

-Written Instructions

-Preparing a written instruction

-Reading and understanding a code or rule

-General knowledge of standards and standards

-Prevention of applicable labor and environmental risks.

Methodological guidelines

The training units for this module must be programmed sequentially starting at 1.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1548_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1548_3. Organize, monitor and perform non-destructive testing using the industrial radiology method, and evaluate the results.

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF1546

Duration: 40 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP3 except for radiation security.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Relate the equipment and accessories with the techniques used in performing the industrial radiology test according to the characteristics of the object to be tested.

CE1.1 Identify and select equipment and accessories-film, image quality indicators, chassis, radiameter, and others-to be used in conducting the industrial radiology test according to the purpose of the test.

CE1.2 Describe the parameters and the technique to be used, depending on the sensitivity of the industrial radiology test and the conditions of the part to be tested, according to the applicable regulations.

Ce1.3 Interpret exposure letters, calculation rules, and/or curve film characteristics according to the test equipment and the piece to be tested.

CE1.4 Organize equipment maintenance operations, ensuring that they are always in use.

C2: Prepare the part or area to be tested to adjust its conditions to the analysis.

CE2.1 Describe the different techniques of the industrial radiology test by justifying the scientific basis on which they are based.

CE2.2 Determine the industrial radiology technique to be used, positioning the source, the object and the film according to the geometry of the part and the conditions of access.

CE2.3 In a practical scenario of a test by radiography of a pictorial work on fabric, select the appropriate equipment, film and technique, to perform the test, so that the work can be inspected in its all without causing any harm to you.


1. Physical principles, limitations of the industrial radiology method in Non-Destructive Trials (END)

-Introduction, terminology and history of the industrial radiology method.

-Application fields and limitations of the industrial radiology method.

-Physical principles: X and gamma radiation properties

-Straight line propagation.

-Radiation energy.


-Effects of radiation

-Photochemical effects

-Biological effects.

-Generation of X radiation.

-X-ray tubes.

-Radiation Intensity.

-Change of spectrum by tube current and tube voltage

-Inherent filtering.

-Intensity (l) of the tube.

-Tension (V) of the tube.

-Generation of radiation g

-Radionuclides Go 192, Co 60, Be 75.

-Characteristics of the g sources.

-Spectrum and effective energy.

-Font size.

-Source Activity (A).

-Period of semidesintegration.

-Maximum activity decay curves.

-Characteristics of gamma rays.

-Dose rate.

-Interaction of radiation with matter.


-Attenuation coefficient.

-Absorption: primary radiation, scattered radiation.

-Influence of: traversed thickness, type of material, energy.

-Semirreductive layer and tell-reducing layer.

-Photoelectric effect.

-Coherent dispersion.

-Compton Dispersion.

-Peer production.

-Disdispersion radiation.

-Specific Contrast.

-Radiation Contrast.

-Filter effects.

-Beam Hardening.

-Geometry of radiographic exposures.

-Distance from object to film.

-Distance from the source to the object.

-Distance from the film to the source.

-Focus size.

-Determining the effective size of the focus.

-Radiographic method by stenoscope.


-Geometric Penumbra.

-Image Distortion.

2. Industrial radiology equipment

-X-ray equipment, linear accelerators.

-Design and use of X-ray equipment.

-Devices for special applications, microfocus tubes, extension technique, radioscopy.


3. Radioactive sources.

-Design and use of gamma ray devices

-Containers, coating; class P, M, transport, types A, B, sources, and encapsulated.

-Manipulation devices: remote control telematics, connection attachment, collimation, settings.

-Instructions for use.

-Reference to national requirements and safety regulations.

4. Accessories for the radiographic test.

-Equipment: chassis, booster screens, image quality indicators, lead letters, rubber bands, adhesive tapes, calculation rules, exposure diagrams, etc.

-Dosimeters and radiameters.

-Radiographic films.

-Construction: base, emulsion, silver bromide grain size and distribution.

-Movie properties: sensitivity, granularity, contrast, optical density, class, or type.

-Feature Curve

-Film Gradient, Contrast, Speed

-Inherent Penumbra

-Rereinforcing screens: type of screens, step-up effect, screen and film filtering effect

-Photo processing, latent image information

-Processed, influence of film processing

-Digital X-ray sensors.

-Radioscopy systems.

-Identification Accessories.

-Dark Camera and Processing Equipment

-Dark room: design, toilets, water, fixed, water bath, drying.

● Bathroom preparation and regeneration

● Use of film strips.

● Processing equipment, settings

● Review: Unexposed film storage, dark room luminosity, veil essay, rinsing time.

-Defects in the processing of films.

-X-ray assessment teams.


-Measurement instruments: millimeter rules, calibers, profile combs, and others.



Code: UF1547.

Duration: 50 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP4 except for the radiation security.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform tests using the industrial radiology method, taking the necessary steps to obtain a reliable result.

CE1.1 Determine the industrial radiology technique to be used, positioning the source, the object and the film according to the geometry of the part and the conditions of access.

CE1.2 Determine the parameters of the test, calculating the time and energy of exposure, depending on the characteristics of the object to be tested and the sensitivity required.

CE1.3 Prepare the bathrooms to ensure correct processing of the film or image processing and to perform a waste treatment according to the current legislation.

CE1.4 In a practical scenario of a test using a sandwich-type structure X-ray (solid laminate, honeycomb, solid laminate) perform inspection operations, including prior adjustments.

C2: Determine the critical aspects in the conduct of industrial radiology tests, taking the necessary steps to obtain a reliable result.

CE2.1 Monitor the scans performed by the staff in your charge following the applicable regulations.

CE2.2 Describe the process of application of a particular industrial radiology technique, through the elaboration of a previous, sequential and orderly scheme, which can serve as an instruction or simulation procedure of job.

CE2.3 In a practical scenario of a test using an X-ray of the sandwich-type structure (solid laminate, honeycomb, solid laminate) indicate the supervision operations to be carried out on the one performing the inspection described.


1. Radiographic techniques

- Simple Wall

- Double-Wall Simple Image

- Double Image Double Wall

- Panoramic.

- Double film.

2. Application of techniques to different materials

-Radiation Materials

-Metal Materials.

-Compound materials.


-Ceramic materials.


-Plastics and others.

-Unions welded.

-Information about the object of the test.

-Identification or designation.

-Material, dimensions, isometric planes.

-Test conditions; accessibility; infrastructure; specific test conditions.

-Selection of exposure parameters according to the characteristics of the part to be inspected and the sensitivity required.

- Influence for detectability

- Address of the beam

- Geometric Distortion

- Increased wall thickness

- Represented thicknesses range

- X-ray-and-ray-thickness Ranges

- Test preparations: number of exposures

- Energy choice: maximum X-ray voltage; thickness oscillation traversed for gamma rays; special options

- Screen and film choice: movie system classes, screen type and thickness

- Minimum optical density

- Minimum distance from source to object

3. Special industrial radiography techniques

-Stereo Technique.

-Corrosion Damage Test.

-Microfocus Radiography.

-Real-time techniques.

-Digital radiography.

-Work with exposure abacos

-Definition of exposure value: exposure time

-Exposure time correction for different: DFP distance-film distance, optical density, relative factor of film exposure

-Image quality indicator: design, position, classes, and image quality number.

- Missing definition missing with duplex indicator.

-Markup system.



Code: UF1548.

Duration: 30 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Interpret the results obtained in performing the industrial radiology tests, making the corresponding report.

CE1.1 Organize the data record on the appropriate media depending on the type of object and the test.

CE1.2 Analyze the records, interpreting and evaluating the results according to the acceptance/rejection criteria set out in the applicable rules and/or procedures, to repair or remove non-compliant items.

CE1.3 Make a report of the results obtained by expressing in the identification and characteristics of the piece, the technique used, the assessment of the results and the significant observations that have been produced during the test.

CE1.4 In a practical scenario of a test by radiography of a series of castings, establish the recording criteria, interpret the X-rays obtained and evaluate the test reports according to the criteria of the test. Client-set acceptance and rejection.


1. Drafting of END instructions for the welding and casting test

-Written procedures

- Object information evaluated: object dimensions, rule test class

- Equipment to be used: disposition of the exposure

- Test Extension: Marked

-The technical instructions for the test equipment.

- Test Objects

- Environmental conditions

- Reference documents, specifications, rules

- Choosing the radiation source

- Choosing the proper direction of radiation

- Positioning the film

- Identification of the test piece and X-rays

- Number of exposures

- Realization of the test and report of results

- Visived of the movies

- Discontinuities Classification

-Assessment of results according to standards and codes for the welding and casting test

- List of required accessorials

- Review of the trial report

- Compliance with the test rule

- According to the quality of the test: attainment of the test class, image quality and scope of the diagnosis

- Acceptance or rejection according to the applicable rules in each case and the degree of quality required.

- Influence of Detectability

- Type of discontinuity, size, orientation, range of thicknesses represented

- Number of exposures

- Record of indications and reporting of the results obtained.

- Welding according to EN 1435

- Funditions according to EN 12681

2. Assessment bases for the welding and casting test

-Vision conditions, classroom conditions, time of vision, period (of time) after glare

-Movie illuminator, luminaire

-Measure of density.

-Negatoscopes according to EN 25580: minimum luminosity; homogenization factor

-Psychological factors: view; previous adaptation to observation

-Evaluation of X-rays

- Verification of image quality

- imperfections report

- Classification of imperfections

- Type

- Size

- Localization

- Frequency

-Assessment of imperfections

- Welding according to EN 25817, 12062, EN 12517 and EN 13445-5 (pressure vessel inspection)

- Casting according to ASTM

- Evaluation Catalog according to EN 25817

- ASTM Catalog

- Other National Training Catalogs

- Influence of manufacturing and material

-Removing chemicals from the dark room

- Revelator

- Fixed Bath

- First rinsing water bath

-Record media applicable to the method: computer processing of the signal.

-Alternative Detectors to the Film

-Flat Panel Detectors



Code: UF1549.

Duration: 30 hours.

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, and RP4 for security on radioactive installations

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply, to the performance of the test, the criteria of radiation protection established in the legislation in force.

CE1.1 Establish and signalize security areas based on radiological risk so that no person in the public can receive a dose that exceeds the established limits.

CE1.2 Use the active personal protection means-shields-or passive-dosimeters, radiameters in such a way that the established limits for professionally exposed personnel are not exceeded.

CE1.3 Consider the relevant annual dosimetric and medical records in the planning of the trials for the conduct of the trials.

CE1.4 In a practical scenario of a test by radiography of a welded pipe line apply the criteria of radiation protection for the acotation of zones, so that the staff of the public will never receive a dose higher than the legally established dose.


1. Environmental and radiation protection conditions

-Ionizing radiations.

-Biological effects of ionizing radiation.

-Radiological protection.

-Legislation and regulations applicable to radioactive installations.

-Applications in Industrial Radiology:

-Use of X-ray generating equipment and gammagrafia equipment.

-Radiography of fixed and mobile installations.

-Radiological risks.

-Cause of accidents and incidents with gammagrafia equipment and X-ray equipment.

-Design of fixed radiograph and work installation.

-Security systems.

-Equipment and source acceptance criteria.

-Operating procedures on fixed and mobile radiography.

-Regular Verifications and Preventive Maintenance.

-Control of equipment in work.

-Radioactive equipment and radiation protection systems.

-Take Action Procedures.

-Staff training.

-Fixed and mobile X-ray operation procedures.

-X-ray and gammagrafia equipment.

-Relation to the client enterprise.

2. Emergency plan, accidents and drills in radiation protection.

-Legal aspects applicable to the transportation of equipment.

-Basic technical specifications of the authorizations.


-Security guides.

-Preparing the basic documentation.

-Operational Dosimetry.

-Assessment of the attenuation of radiation.

Methodological guidelines

The training units for this module must be programmed sequentially starting at 1.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1549_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1549_3 Organize, monitor, and perform non-destructive assays using the induced stream method, and evaluate the results

Duration: 90 hours.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria:

C1: Relate instruments and equipment with the techniques used in conducting the test of induced currents according to the characteristics of the object to be tested.

CE1.1 Identify and select instruments and equipment to be used in conducting the test of induced currents according to the purpose of the test.

CE1.2 Describe the various techniques of the induced current method by justifying their scientific foundations.

CE1.3 Describe the parameters and the technique to be used, according to the accuracy of the induced current test and the sample conditions, according to the applicable regulations.

CE1.4 Interpret basic schemes of measuring devices, describing the essential technical characteristics of the components of the apparatus of induced currents and determining what their mission is.

CE1.5 Organize the maintenance operations of the instruments and equipment, ensuring that they are always in conditions of use.

CE1.6 In a practical assumption consistent in the inspection by induced currents of steam generator tubes to determine the equipment to be used, depending on mono or multifrequency, depending on the position and circumstances of the expected discontinuities.

C2: Perform tests using the method of induced currents, taking the necessary steps to obtain a reliable result.

CE2.1 Determine the conditions for adapting the object to be tested to the technique of induced currents to be used, preparing the exploration surface according to the test to be performed.

CE2.2 Adjust instruments and equipment, defining the type of parameters to be used according to the characteristic to be measured and the instrument to be used.

CE2.3 Prepare specimens of different materials and perform characterization assays on them.

CE2.4 In a practical assumption consistent in the inspection by induced currents of heat exchanger tubes, the results obtained from the inspection with a bank of discontinuities signals obtained from the The type of test pieces with defects.

C3: Determine critical aspects in the process of conducting induced stream trials, taking the necessary steps to obtain a reliable result.

CE3.1 Monitor the tests performed by others following written indications, contemplating compliance with the established procedure and preventive action of occupational and environmental risks in case of accidents.

CE3.2 Describe the process of applying a particular induced current technique, by drawing up a pre-defined, sequential and orderly scheme, which can serve as an instruction or a working procedure.

CE3.3 Analyze the post-test actions and the elaboration of a report that reflects the discontinuities detected.

C4: Interpret the results obtained in conducting the tests of induced currents, making the corresponding report where the preventive actions of occupational and environmental risks appropriate to the applicable legislation.

CE4.1 Organize the data record on the appropriate media depending on the type of object and the test.

CE4.2 Analyze the records, interpreting and evaluating the results according to the acceptance/rejection criteria set out in the applicable rules and/or procedures, to repair or remove non-compliant items.

CE4.3 Make a report of the results obtained in the tests by expressing in the identification and characteristics of the piece, the technique used, the assessment of the results and the significant observations that I know have been produced during the test, as well as the preventive actions of occupational and environmental risks.

C4.4 Reflect in the results report of a practical assumption of inspection by induced current of the surface of an aeronautical component the type of discontinuities found, based on a bank of signals.


1. Fundamentals of the induced stream (ET) method

-Introduction to the induced stream method.

-Basic methods application definitions and methodology

-Common methods application fields

-Scope and limits of common methods

-Application limits for induced currents

-Principles of electricity and electromagnetism.

-Stream Stream

-Intensity and voltage.

-Ohm Law and Resistance, conductivity

-Power units.

-Alternate Stream

-Amplitude and Phase


-Sinusoidal Functions

-Maximum point and effective values

-Frequency and Period

-Phase Angle.

-Math Expressions

-Phase Difference or Delay

-Electromagnetism, inductance and induction by alternating current.

-History of magnetism

-Induction and magnetic fields

-Magnetic permeability

-induced magnetic flow

● Strength lines and force fields

● Flow conservation, residual magnetism

-Biot and Savart Law

-Ampere's Law


-Induced streams.

-Lenz's Law.

-Inductive reactance.

-Inductive circuits.

-Distribution of induced currents in conductive materials.

-Flat parts

-Variation of amplitude and current phase

-Effective penetration depth

-Discontinuity reaction according to position


-Feature frequencies

-Amplitude and Phase Variations

-Effective penetration depth

-Discontinuity reaction according to position

2. Instrumentation, equipment and materials

-Basic principles and characteristics of the induced stream catchers

-Induction and Receive Functions

-Absolute and differential measures

-Capers types

-Characterization and Maintenance

-Distribution of induced currents with respect to the position of the collector

-Field generated by a fetcher in the vacuum.

-Distribution of the induced currents in a zone with respect to the position of the collector.

-Focus techniques.

-Reaction of different types of catchers according to their assembly.

-Induced stream teams.

-Principle of operation of the equipment of induced currents.

-Major team functions and settings.

-Different types of induced stream equipment.

● Specific equipment (monofrecency and multifrequency).

● Multi-parameter equipment (monofrecency and multifrequency).

-Auxiliary devices.

-Auxiliary devices for token acquisition.

-Transmission device, saturation unit, demagnetizer.

-Equipment for signal storage: tape recorder and digital memories.

-System for automatic signal processing.

-Filter devices

-Signal representation types.

-Direct indication.

-impedance plane.

-Chart charts and records in X-Y.

-Pattern and reference blocks.

-The function of the pattern blocks.

-Function of reference blocks.

-Manufacture and reproducibility of different types of reference patterns

-Patterns for thicknesses.

-Calibration curves.

-Rules for team characterization and verification

3. Applications and test techniques of the method of induced currents

-Induced Stream Test Variables

-Part characteristics: electrical conductivity, magnetic permeability, chemical composition, grain size.

-Influence of the position and orientation of discontinuity

-Material temperature influence

-Influence of the structure and geometry of the test pieces. (Noise signal ratio)

-Choosing the frequency of the test.

-Phase Discrimination

-Fill factor.

-Depth of penetration.

-Separation effect. (Lift off)

-Edge effect.

-Influence of the coupling distance based on the geometry of the collector.

-Magnetic Saturation.

-Coupling Influence

-Influence of the scan rate.

-Test frequencies according to the speed of inspection.

-Team frequency ranges according to the inspection rate.

-Main types of discontinuities detected by studies of induced currents. (Detection and Characterization)


-Detection of superficial and subsurface discontinuities.

-Measure of thin materials thicknesses.

-Measure of coating thicknesses.

-Material Characterization.

● Checking product composition

● Measure of electrical conductivity

● Treatment status check

-Inspection of ferromagnetic products

-Long product inspection.

● Heat exchangers and steam generators.

● Tubes.

● Barras.

● Alambres, etc.

4. Evaluating the results of the application of the induced current method

-Catalog of representations in the impedance plane.

-Codes and rules applicable to the test of induced currents

-Preparing the report

-Specifications and procedures applicable to the method

-Evaluation of the results of the test: Acceptance or rejection according to the applicable standards in each case and the degree of quality required.

-Written Instructions

-Preparing a written instruction

-Reading and understanding a code or rule

-General knowledge of standards and standards

-Prevention of occupational and environmental risks applicable to the method of induced currents.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1550_2

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1550_2 Prevention of occupational risks in the organization and conduct of non-destructive testing of the application sector.

Duration: 60 hours.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria:

C1: Apply procedures for verifying the effectiveness of activities aimed at the promotion, motivation and awareness of workers, in the integration of preventive action in accordance with the regulations in force in END and in the sectors in which you act.

CE1.1 Identify regulations on the prevention of occupational risks, distinguishing the functions of the basic level, as well as its implications from the point of view of the action to be carried out.

CE1.2 Distinguished the meaning of the concepts of occupational risk, damages derived from work, prevention, accident of work and occupational disease, explaining the characteristics and elements that define and differentiate each one of them.

CE1.3 Relate the concept of preventive measure and protection of safety and health to workers with the general and specific risks of the NDs.

CE1.4 Justify the importance of adopting and promoting safe behaviors in jobs as well as the consequences and implications of their lack of promotion and implementation.

CE1.5 Justify the importance of the correct use of the various work equipment of END and protection, explaining the consequences or damages to the health, which could derive from its misuse or maintenance.

CE1.6 To argue from the point of view of the consequences, the legal responsibilities arising from the failure to comply with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks by employers and workers.

CE1.7 In a practical scenario of activities linked to the promotion of safe behaviors in the development of work at END:

-Develop a programme of training and information activities for workers who integrate motivation actions, change attitudes and awareness of workers, aimed at promoting safe behaviour in the workplace. development of the tasks.

-Develop disclosure posters and internal rules that contain the essential elements of general and sector prevention, such as information, signage, images and symbology, among others, to promote safe behaviors.

-Design a procedure that contains all the necessary elements for verifying the effectiveness of all scheduled actions.

-Design an information campaign on all actions planned in the field of prevention of occupational risk prevention.

CE1.8 In a practical assumption of verification of the effectiveness of training, information, motivation and awareness-raising of workers in general and specific risk prevention of the method of END to be used, apply procedures that allow:

-To verify with objectivity the effectiveness of each of the actions taking as a reference the compliance of the regulations by the workers.

-Verify the proper review, use and maintenance of the individual protection equipment of each method, by the workers in the performance of the tasks that require them in their usual work.

C2: Determine effective preventive actions linked to order, cleaning, signaling, and general maintenance in the various methods of END and in the sectors in which it acts.

CE2.1 Identify the most common incidents that cause workplace accidents, related to order, cleaning, signage, and general maintenance.

CE2.2 Define thermogrometric conditions of workplaces according to the tasks developed.

CE2.3 Explain the different types of security signals, such as: prohibition, obligation, warning, emergency, in terms of their meanings, shapes, colors, pictograms and their location.

CE2.4 In a scenario scenario of danger zones in the END application work area:

-Senalize, on a plane, the zone placement zones or hazard pictograms.

-Select the types of hazard pictograms based on the enforcement established by the regulations.

-Confect divulgative posters that graphically illustrate hazard warnings and/or pictogram explanation.

-Confect informational notes and summaries, among others, to perform information activities for workers.

CE2.5 In a scenario of applying security measures to the work area of an END method:

-Keep appliances, machines, and installations in good cleaning.

-Collect and treat waste selectively.

CE2.6 In a scenario of evaluating preventive security conditions in terms of general maintenance in the work area of an END method:

-Signage the paths leading to the emergency exits.

-Subheal deficiencies in technical maintenance of facilities and work equipment that may affect the safety or health of workers.

C3: Apply basic risk assessment techniques linked to the general working conditions of the different sectors in which you are acting and specific to the different methods of END

CE3.1 Describe the content and characteristics of elementary occupational risk assessments.

CE3.2 Explain what are the usual techniques for the elementary identification and assessment of occupational risks and the conditions for their application.

CE3.3 Identify health changes related to physical and/or mental load in the use of END, which may be the subject of elemental evaluation.

CE3.4 Explain factors associated with working conditions in the use of those that may result in occupational disease or accident at work and may be subject to elementary evaluation.

CE3.5 In a scenario of elementary risk assessment linked to a service delivery process, in the use of END methods:

-Identify potential damage to security and health in the workplace and environment.

-Establish the relationships between the poor working conditions and the possible damages resulting from them.

-Identify risk factors, general and specific, derived from working conditions.

-Determine preventive techniques for improving working conditions from the identified risks.

-Associate risk factors with preventive acting techniques.

CE3.6 In a practical scenario of an elementary risk assessment in the development of an activity when applying an END method:

-Identify risk factors derived from working conditions.

-Perform the elementary risk assessment using observation techniques.

-Propose preventive measures.

-Establish a plan to control the identified risks and the proposed measures.

C4: Relating the general risk assessment and control actions of the different sectors in which it acts and specific in the application of the methods of END with preventive measures established in prevention plans and the applicable rules.

CE4.1 Identify the sections that make up a work risk prevention plan in accordance with the regulations.

CE4.2 Classify the different activities of special hazard associated with the risks generated by the working conditions, relating them to the activity of the application of END methods.

CE4.3 Describe the sections of a part of accidents related to the causes and conditions of the accident.

CE4.4 In a practical scenario of risk control generated by safety conditions, the working environment and the organization of work, with personal protective equipment (PPE ' s):

-Verify the suitability of individual protective equipment with the dangers of protecting them.

-Describe the technical characteristics of the EPI's and their limitations of use, identifying possible incorrect uses and reporting them.

-Contrasting the adequacy of storage and storage operations.

CE4.5 In a practical scenario of risks generated by the safety conditions set out in a prevention plan in the use of different methods of END, and given preventive measures, assess their relationship to:

-Chokes with mobile and mobile objects.


-Golpes or cuts by objects.

-Electrical risk.

-Tools and machines.

-Projections of fragments or particles and traps.

CE4.6 In a practical scenario of risks generated by previously evaluated physical agents in the application of END methods, establish preventive measures in relation to the conditions of:



-Noise and vibrations,

-Ionizing and non-ionising radiation.

CE4.7 In a practical scenario of risk assessment generated by chemical agents in the application of END methods:

-Identify chemical contaminants according to their physical status.

-Identify the way of entry of the toxic into the body.

-Explain the most important harmful effects that cause damage to the organism.

-Propose control measures based on the source or pollutant focus, on the propagator or on the worker.

CE4.8 In a practical scenario of risk assessment generated by biological agents in the application of END methods:

-Explain the different types of biological agents, their characteristics and differences between different groups.

-Identify existing biological hazards in the work activity.

-Describe the main techniques of prevention of biological risks to be applied in the work activity.

CE4.9 From an elemental assessment of general and specific risks in the application of END methods: elaborate:

-Develop a job risk prevention plan, integrating applicable regulatory requirements.

C5: Apply acting techniques in emergency situations and require first aid, according to emergency plans, the regulations of the sector where it acts and in the application of the methods of END and protocols of basic health care.

CE5.1 Describe basic actions in the main emergency situations and procedures for collaboration with emergency services.

CE5.2 In a scenario of developing an Industry Emergency Plan for the application of END methods:

-Describe dangerous workplace situations, with their determining factors, that require the establishment of emergency measures.

-sequentially develop the actions to be performed in emergency, partial emergency, and general emergency conato.

-Relating the emergency with the auxiliary media which, if necessary, must be alerted (hospitals, fire service, civil protection, municipal police and ambulances) and with the necessary communication channels for contacting internal and external services.

CE5.3 Describe operation in an automatic fire detection and extinguishing system, as well as its different specific elements and functions.

CE5.4 Specify the effects of solid, liquid and gaseous extinguishing agents on different types of fires according to: the nature of the fuel, the place where it occurs and the physical space it occupies, as well as the consequences of improper use of the same.

CE5.5 In a scenario of simulated fire extinguishing in a company in the sector where the END methods are being applied:

-Select the appropriate individual protection equipment for the fire type.

-Select and use portable and fixed media with solid, liquid and gaseous agents.

-Make extinction using the method and technique of the equipment used.

CE5.6 In a practical evacuation scenario, in which the plane of a building and the evacuation plan are facilitated in the face of emergencies:

-Locate special detection, alarm, and light installations.

-Senalize the means of protection and escape paths.

-Propose the procedures for action in relation to the different risk zones in a given emergency situation.

CE5.7 Citar the basic content of the kits for performances in the face of emergencies.

CE5.8 In a scenario of accident simulation exercises:

-Indicate precautions and measures to be taken in case of bleeding, burns, fractures, luxations and muscle injuries, positioning of patients and immobilization.

-Apply resuscitation measures, cohibide of bleeds, immobilizations, and bandages.

C6: Define the functions, activities and relationships-internal and external-of a company type of the sector and its relation to the method of END to be used with the prevention services, in the framework of the current regulations.

CE6.1 Explain the differences between agencies and entities related to health and safety at work.

CE6.2 Define the prevention services functions, their types, and features.

CE6.3 Establish the organization chart of the functional areas of a company type of the sector and its relation to the method of END to use, which has a relation to the prevention of occupational risks.

CE6.4 Specify descriptive and graphically the flow of internal and external information regarding the prevention of occupational risks in terms of:

-Internal departments of the company and organs of representation and participation of workers with competencies in the prevention of occupational risks and their functions.

-The basic sources of national and international legislative information on occupational risk prevention.

CE6.5 Establish the relationship between current legislation and obligations arising from the coordination of business activities in the field of risk prevention in the sector/professional area.

CE6.6 In a practical case of the sector and its relation to the END method, in which information on the prevention of occupational risks for the development of reports or other documents by means of telematic means is specified:

-Identify the most appropriate and reliable source of information to the type of information required.

-Contrasting information obtained from different sources.

-Classify and archive the usual types of documents in the specific professional field of occupational hazards-letters, reports, accident records, incidents and occupational diseases, certificates, authorizations, notices, circulars, statements, security tokens, requests, or others-according to their design and format.


1. Prevention of general risks in non-destructive testing

-Work and health: definition and components of health

-Risk Factors

-Professional risks: risks linked to security conditions; risks linked to the working environment

-Workload and fatigue

-Elementary risk control systems

-Collective and individual protection.

-Damage from work: accidents at work and occupational diseases; incidents; other pathologies arising from work.

-Health control of workers.

-Security Techniques: prevention and protection measures.

-Industrial hygiene, ergonomics, work medicine.

-Basic regulatory framework for the prevention of occupational risks.

-Rights (protection, information, preventive training, consultation and participation) and basic duties in this field.

-Preventive planning in the enterprise.

-Elementary risk assessments: simple identification and assessment techniques.

-The company's occupational risk prevention plan.

-First aid: basic criteria for action.

2. Risk prevention specific to the different sectors in which END methods are employed

-Risks linked to the security conditions of the different sectors in which it acts and its relationship to the use of the methods of END.

-Risks related to the working environment of the different sectors in which it acts and its relationship with the use of the methods of END.

-Risks linked to the organization of work in the different sectors in which it acts and its relation to the use of the methods of END.

-Elementary risk control systems. Collective and individual protection: prevention actions, measurement techniques and use of equipment.

-Verifying the effectiveness of prevention actions: elaboration of simple procedures.

-Emergency and evacuation plans.

3. Basic risk prevention management elements of the different sectors in which END methods are employed

-Public agencies related to Safety and Health at Work.

-Representation of workers.

-Prevention services in the different sectors in which it acts and its relation to the use of the methods of END: typology.

-Organization of preventive work in the different sectors in which it acts and its relation to in the use of the methods of END: basic routines. Documentation: collection, processing, and archiving.

-Motivation and communication techniques.

-Strategies in occupational risk prevention training.

-Application of attitudes change techniques in prevention.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0332

Duration: 120hrs.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply, where appropriate, the radiation protection criteria set out in the legislation in force.

CE1.1 Establish and signalize security areas based on radiological risk so that no person in the public can receive a dose that exceeds the established limits.

CE1.2 Use the active personal protection means-shields-or passive-dosimeters, radiameters in such a way that the established limits for professionally exposed personnel are not exceeded.

C2: Collaborate on the execution operations of any of the methods referred to in the certificate on an object to be tested.

CE2.1 Collaborate on the maintenance operations of the instruments and equipment, ensuring that they are always in conditions of use.

CE2.2 Run the test according to the parameters to be used.

C3: Collaborate on the monitoring operations that are performed on an object to be tested, with any of the methods referred to in the certificate.

CE3.1 Collaborate on the supervision of tests performed by others, following written indications, contemplating compliance with the established procedure.

CE3.2 Collaborate on the analysis of the records and on the interpretation and evaluation of the results, in accordance with the acceptance/rejection criteria set out in the applicable rules and/or procedures.

C4: Make a report of the results obtained in the trials.

CE4.1 Collect the identification and characteristics of the part, method and technique used.

CE4.2 Rate the results and significant observations that have occurred during the test.

C5: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE5.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE5.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE5.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE5.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE5.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE5.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Quality control plans for the appropriate department.

-Valuation of the organization charts, as well as the organizational and functional relationships and the quality control department with the other departments of the company.

-Valuation of the application of the BPLs in the processes running in the enterprise.

2. Conduct of radiation protection activities.

-Establishment and signaling of safety areas based on radiological risk.

-Use of active personal protection means-shields-or passive-dosimeters, radiameters.

3. Execution of the application sector's own test

-Maintenance of instruments and equipment

-Realization of the test

-Record the indications obtained

-Analysis of records and interpretation and evaluation of results


4. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.



Required Accreditation

Professional Experience Required in the scope of the competency

MF0052_3: Quality in the lab.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomat, Engineer Technician, Technical Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

1 year

MF1545_3: Defectology associated with the manufacturing processes of different materials.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

● Diploma, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

3 years

● Level 3 qualification certificate of non-destructive testing (END) according to international standards EN 473 and/or ISO 9712.

2 years

MF1546_3: Non-destructive testing using surface methods and subsurface.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.


● Level 3 qualification certificate of non-destructive testing (END) according to international standards EN 473 and/or ISO 9712.

2 years

MF1547_3: Non-destructive tests using the ultrasounds method.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

3 years

● Level 3 qualification certificate for non-test personnel destructive (END) according to international standards EN 473 and/or ISO 9712.

2 years

MF1548_3: Non-destructive testing by the industrial radiology method.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomat, Engineer Technical, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

3 years

● Level 3 qualification certificate from non-destructive testing (END) personnel in accordance with international standards EN 473 and/or ISO 9712.

2 years

MF1549_3: Non-destructive testing using the method of induced currents.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

3 years

● Level 3 qualification certificate of non-destructive testing (END) according to international standards EN 473 and/or ISO 9712.

2 years

MF1550_2: Managing prevention occupational risks in the organization and conduct of non-destructive testing of the application sector.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other titles equivalent.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect. or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

● Senior Risk Prevention Technician labor.

2 years


Forming Space















Lab for non-destructive testing practices.








Reveal Lab *.

Radioactive installation authorized by the Security Council Core. *.


Training Space




network-installed PCs, projection and internet


-2 Pizarras to write with



- Table and chair for the

-Table and chairs for students

radioactive installation authorized by the Council of Security Kernel *.

-X-ray Tubo, Gamma-ray Equipment (Go 192, Co 60, 75), and accessories

-Appropriate fitting of marking of the appropriate class and with sufficient quantity.

-Faith, Cu, Al, Pb (approx. 5-10 mm).

-Lighting measurement instruments

-Different measuring instruments with optical density.

-Examples of typical welding and casting discontinuities.

-Casting and welding catalogs, for example ASTM E-446.

-Manual and automatic processing materials.

-Welding and casting test probes.

-Digital film scanning system


-Environmental radiometer with acoustic and optical probes and

Movie Reveal Lab *.

-Movies and screens for new exposures.

-Exposure Abacos.

-Escalerilla for exposures.

-Movies with different sensitivity and screens.

-Examples of the film processing defects

-Examples related to image quality


-The film's Negatoscope and accessories

-Cubes for revealed

-Manual revealed

- Film drying

Laboratory for non-destructive testing practices.

Visual inspection.

-Lupas 2 to 4 dioptrias.

-Flexible target with addressable target with targets for different viewing angles and light source

-Multi-rate binoculars.

-Lanterns or light sources that you provide to improve the intensity of lighting

-Dentist mirrors to perform inspections in inaccessible areas

-Gages of different types for measurement of welds.

-Collection of parts from different manufacturing processes from different materials with characteristic defectology

- Radiometro-luxometer with probes suitable for measuring the intensity of lighting with white light and UV-A.

-Rules and calibers for measurement.

-Items for cleaning parts

-cellulosic paper rolls

Body_table_izq">-Inspection Bans for Penetrating Liquids for the application of water-washable penetrant liquids, post-emulsifiable penetrants, rinsing station

-Pushes for manual application of penetrating

-Pattern Probes for Process Approval and Sensitivity Assessment

-Collection of pieces from different manufacturing processes from different materials with feature defectology

-UV-A radiation lamps suitable for testing

-Radiametro-luxometer with suitable probes to measure the illumination intensity with white light and UV-A radiation

-Cuba for cleaning parts by ultrasounds.

-Rules for Take Action.

-Metal brushes for cleaning.

-Visible (red) penetrants, water washable, and Solvent removables

-Fluorescent, water-washable and solvent-removable fluorescent penetrants.

-Penetrating Excess removers.


-Solvent for cleaning parts.

-Cleaning product for cleaning vat Ultrasounds.

Magnetic Particles

-Inspection Bans

Magnetic particles with the possibility of circular and longitudinal magnetization.

-alternating current electromagnetic Yugos for magnetic particle inspection.

-Proven pattern for checking electromagnetic yugos characteristics.


-Permanent imams for magnetic particle inspection.

-Intensity and direction of magnetic fields.

-Intensity and intensity indicators magnetic field direction.

-Pattern probes with reference discontinuities for optimization of test parameters.

-Collection of parts from different processes of manufacturing of different materials with characteristic defectology.

-UV-A radiation lamps suitable for testing.

-Radiometro-luxometer with suitable probes to measure the illumination intensity with white light and UV-A radiation.

-Cuba cleaning parts by ultrasounds.

-Rules for taking measurements.

-Metal brushes for cleaning.

-Black magnetic partitions via dry.

-Black magnetic particles via wet.

-Fluorescent Magnetic Particles via wet.

-Dry fluorescent magnetic particles (for inspection solution preparation in (bv).

-A carrier vehicle for magnetic particles (for the preparation of a bench inspection solution).

-Contrast lacquer.

-Solvent for the removal of counter lacquer film.

-Cleaner product for ultrasonic cleaning vat.

-Cellulosic paper rolls.

-Plastic batteries for student protection.

-latex gloves for practices.

-Induced stream teams with impedance and impedance complex representation Possibility of conductivity and measurement measurements of coating thicknesses

-Induced Current Equipment with Representation in the complex impedance and with the possibility of connection with adapters for the application semi-automatic rotary probe probes for drills.

-Sondes type of concentrated field (pen type) absolute control to detect surface discontinuing.

-Width-field-type and absolute control probes for measurement Non-conductive coatings and thicknesses of coatings

-Low frequency palpator type probes to detect corrosion under sheets

-Differential control internal probes by self-comparison for tube inspection

-Bobines absolute control envelopes for measuring various parameters and characterization of materials.

-Giratory probes for drill interior inspection.

-Pattern Probes, for different applications, with discontinuities and reference parameters, necessary for the optimization of the test adjustments (blocks for conducectivities, blocks of different materials with patterns, pipes with reference discontinuities, etc..

-Collection of parts from different manufacturing processes from different materials with feature defectology

-Support elements for performing the inspections.

- Millimeter rules.

- Protection tape for the base of probes.


-Enough analog and digital ultrasound equipment according to students

-Game of Ultrasonic palpators that include at least:

-Simple crystal compression wave Palpators from 2 to 2.5 MHz and 15-20 mm in diameter

-Palpors of simple 2-to 6 MHz and 10-20 mm diameter crystal compression

-Two to 2.5 MHz compression wave bicristal Palpators and 15-20 mm diameter

-Two-to-6 MHz compression wave bicristals-10-20 mm diameter

-Crystal Palmers simple 45 degrees 2 to 6 MHz and 2-10 mm in diameter

-Simple glass Palpators 60 degrees 2 to 6 MHz and 2-10 mm Diameter

-Crystal Palmers simple 70 degrees 2 to 6 MHz and 2-10 mm in diameter

-Double crystal Palpators 45 degrees 2 to 6 MHz and 2-10 mm Diameter

-Double-crystal 60-degree 2-to 6 MHz and 2-10 mm diameter

-70-degree 2-to 6-MHz and 2-10 mm diameter double-crystal Palpers

-Multiple calibration blocks according to EN 12223 and EN 27963

-Steel rules, set of squads and conveyors

-Several test pieces for practical tests (welds) of several configurations, including:

-Layers cap (in V or X) within a range of 6-100 mm thicknesses

-Stop welding of tubes (in V or X) within a range of 6-100 mm thicknesses

-Connection fork welding within a range of thicknesses of 6-100 mm

- Nozzle welds within a range of 6-100 mm thicknesses

-Socket solders within a thickness range of 6-100 mm

-nozzle solders on one side, within a range of 6-100 mm thicknesses

-Structural Union in T within a thickness range of 6-100 mm

-The specimens must have multiple defects, discontinuities, and false indications that include:


-Root Penetration incomplete

-Griets on heat-affected zone (beam)

-Side slag

-Lack of side

-Griets in the center of the


-Porosity (localized and uniform)

-Missing root

-Solidification grout


-Absorbent Paper Rolls

-Solvent to extract fat from the surfaces

* These spaces must meet the isolation and shielding requirements in the case of the radioactive and light-watertight installation in the case of the dark chamber and must therefore be separated.

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided for the utensils, machines and tools specified in the training spaces shall be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if appropriate, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.