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Resolution Of January 24, 2012, Of The General Directorate Of Traffic, Which Establish Special Measures Of Traffic Regulation During 2012.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 24 de enero de 2012, de la Dirección General de Tráfico, por la que se establecen medidas especiales de regulación del tráfico durante el año 2012.

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For reasons of road safety, mobility and fluidity of circulation, in accordance with the dates on which massive displacement of vehicles are planned, as well as the inherent danger of the loading of certain vehicles, establish special measures for the regulation of traffic, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 5 (k), (m) and (n) and 16 of the text of the Law on Traffic, Motor Vehicle Circulation and Road Safety, adopted by Royal Decree 339/1990 of 2 March 1990 and Articles 37 and 39 of the Regulation General of Circulation, approved by Royal Decree 1428/2003 of 21 November, and in Article 14 of the General Regulation of Vehicles, approved by Royal Decree 2822/1998 of 23 December 1998.

In its virtue, and in accordance with the competent bodies of the Ministries of the Interior and Public Works, for the interurban public roads and crossings referred to in Article 5 (i) and (k) of that text articulated, the Director General of Traffic resolves the following:

First. Restrictions on movement.

The circulation restrictions that are listed below are set:

A) Sports tests, cycling marches and other events:

In accordance with the provisions of Article 55 and Annex II of the General Rules of Circulation, no sporting evidence, whether competitive or not, shall be authorized or reported when it involves occupation of the carriageway or arcenes, as well as any other event which may affect the fluidity of road traffic or safety, during the days and hours indicated in Annex I to this Resolution, as well as those using self-tracks, except in their essential links, except for evidence of an international character which is expressly authorised or informed favourably by the Provincial Traffic Headquarters or the Central Services of the Central Autonomous Body of Traffic, as appropriate.

For cycling tests, it is understood that they are international in character that are included in the World or Continental calendar of the International Cycling Union.

In addition to the provisions of this heading (A), the Director General of Traffic, and in his case by delegation the Deputy Director General of Traffic Management and Mobility, may exceptionally authorize its implementation where the extraordinary and relevant character is justified on the basis of social or traditional reasons, provided that they are developed along very low road traffic intensity in the hours in which they are intended to be used, outside the schedules Large volume of displacement at the provincial, regional or national level, requiring reduced escort by the Civil Guard Traffic Pool Surveillance Forces and provided that they do not affect the sections of roads, days and hours listed in Annex II, or to the motorways, motorways and tracks included in Annex IV of this Resolution.

B) Goods transport vehicles: The movement is prohibited on the tracks whose surveillance is exercised by the Autonomous Body of Central Traffic in:

B. 1 Goods in general:

In the tranches and during the days and hours indicated in Annex II to this Resolution, to any vehicle of more than 7,500 kilograms of maximum authorized mass (M.M.A.) and to the vehicle assemblies of any maximum mass authorized.

exempted from this prohibition, vehicles and assembly of vehicles of any maximum authorized mass, carrying live cattle or raw milk, as well as those transporting, in winter period, funds to ensure the proper maintenance of road traffic.

B. 2 Dangerous Goods:

B. 2.1 To vehicles which must be fitted with the orange signalling warning panels in accordance with the European Agreement on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), on Sundays and public holidays from the eight to 24 hours, and the eve, not Saturdays, of these holidays, from the age of 13 to 24 hours, as well as in the days and hours indicated in the Annex VI.

In case of multiple consecutive public holidays, including Sundays, within the corresponding territorial scope, the restrictions shall apply in the first of them only from the eight to the fifteen hours, and in the last one for Sunday or public holiday, remaining the rest of holidays without restriction.

All without prejudice to temporary restrictions that may be imposed on the occasion of local festivities.

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.

B. 2.2 In accordance with Article 5 of Royal Decree 551/2006 of 5 May on the operation of the transport of dangerous goods by road on Spanish territory, the routes to be used by vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods shall be:

On displacements for distribution and distribution: Displacements whose purpose is the distribution and distribution of the dangerous goods to their final recipients or consumers, the most suitable route will be used, both in relationship with road safety as with the fluidity of traffic, travelling the minimum possible distance along conventional roads, to the point of delivery of the goods. The circumvalations, variants or rounds outside the populations must be used inexcusably if any, and if more than one exists more than one will be circulated to the population outside the population, being able to enter the urban core only for perform the loading and unloading operations, and always for the nearest access to the delivery point except for justified reasons of force majeure.

In another type of displacements: If the points of origin and destination of the displacement are included within the RIMP-Network of Itineraries For Dangerous Goods-which is listed in Annex IV of this Resolution, the vehicles which transport them must be used on their journey. If one of these points, or both, is outside the RIMP, the displacements must be carried out by those conventional roads which allow access to the network by the nearest entry or exit in the direction of the march, with the object of ensure that the single carriageway path is as short as possible.

The transit through different routes of the above mentioned will require that the itinerary does not run through crossings or does it for the less dangerous-according to the intensity, classification and distribution of the traffic, the size of the urban core, the urban configuration, and the layout and regulation of the same-, and in addition, the previous communication with, at least, twenty-four hours in advance, to the Subsector of the Traffic Pool of the Civil Guard of the province which will confirm, if applicable, the use of the new route.

Also, it will be possible to leave the RIMP in those displacements whose destination or origin is the usual residence of the driver-to carry out daily or weekly breaks-or for the performance of repair operations or maintenance of the vehicle, provided that the parking conditions specified in the ADR are met in any case.

The provisions of the foregoing paragraphs shall not apply when the carriage of this kind of goods is carried out in accordance with any of the exemptions listed in the ADR for the purpose of loading, quantity or type of goods. transport.

B. 2.3 Exempt from the prohibitions set out in the headings B. 2.1 and B. 2.2, vehicles carrying the materials referred to in Annex III to this Resolution, under the conditions laid down in Annex III to this Resolution. determine.

B. 2.4 The circulation of the vehicles referred to in this paragraph B. 2 by the sections included in Annex V to this Resolution may only be carried out in the days and time periods specified in the above.

B. 3 Vehicles which require additional authorization of movement when they exceed, by their technical characteristics or by reason of the indivisible load carried, the values of the maximum permissible masses or dimensions.

They shall not be allowed to circulate from the thirteenth hours of Saturday or the eve of a national holiday, until two hours of the Monday or the immediate day following this holiday, as well as the public holidays corresponding to the Communities Autonomous and within its territorial scope, from zero hours until two hours of the immediate day following these holidays. The days and hours referred to in Annexes II and VI to this Resolution may not be circulated.

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.

This restriction will not apply to vehicles which, according to their urgent use in the work of fire extinguishing, protection of the environment, maintenance of road road conditions and The rescue of human life and the need to do so by means of special transport must inevitably circulate in the restricted timetable. To this end, the Ministries of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, and the Ministry of Public Works, and the corresponding Ministry of Autonomous Communities shall report to the Autonomous Agency of Central Command of Traffic or to the Traffic Management Center of the the affected area, the vehicles and characteristics of the special transport, as well as the route from their origin to the place of destination.

This item B. 3 is also applicable to special vehicles which, not yet engaged in the carriage of goods, require a supplementary authorisation for movement.

Vehicles under special transport arrangements provided with complementary authorisation for movement of a generic category moving in a vacuum shall not be allowed to circulate on the tracks whose surveillance is exercised by the Autonomous Body. Central Traffic Headquarters, in the sections and during the days and hours indicated in Annex II to this Resolution.

C) Special vehicles:

C. 1 The agricultural machinery, and that of works or services may not circulate in the sections and during the days and hours indicated in Annex II to this Resolution. In the event that this type of vehicle requires additional authorisation of movement, they shall be subject to the provisions of heading B. 3 of this Resolution.

C. 2 The machinery of automotive services and lifting cranes shall not be able to circulate on Sundays and public holidays within the corresponding territorial area-national or Autonomous Community-from eight to 24 hours, and the vespers, not Saturdays, of these holidays, from thirteen to twenty-four hours, as well as in the days and hours indicated in Annexes II and VI to this Resolution.

In case of multiple consecutive public holidays within the corresponding territorial scope, the restrictions shall apply in the first of them only from the eight to the fifteen hours, and in the last the for Sunday or public holiday, with the rest of holidays remaining unrestricted.

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.

These restrictions will not apply to vehicles dedicated to the service of the auxiliary road.

In the case of claims that require the urgent and immediate presence of automotive machinery and lifting cranes at the site of the event, they will communicate to the Autonomous Agency Headquarters of Traffic or to the Center of Traffic management of the affected area, the vehicles and their characteristics, as well as the route from their origin to the place of destination.

(D) Carriage reserved for the movement of vehicles with high occupancy (VAO): These are those belonging to the central carriageway of road A-6, between kilometres 6 to 20 corresponding to the Community of Madrid. The minimum number of occupants per vehicle shall be two, including the driver, with their use limited to motorcycles, passenger cars and adaptable mixed vehicles.

They can also be used, even if only their driver occupies it, by the vehicles mentioned above if they show the signal V-15, by the holders of driving licence with an accredited physical limitation if shown The national code 200 and the authorization in the Annex issued by the Provincial Head of Traffic, by two-wheel motorcycles and by buses with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 3,500 kilograms and articulated buses, prohibited the movement of all other vehicles and vehicles, including passenger cars with trailer, as well as cycles and mopeds.

E) Carril reserved for the circulation of vehicles intended for the public service of passengers: It has such consideration the one belonging to the left carriageway of the road A-8065 from Seville to San Juan de Aznalfarache. It can be used by vehicles that have the V-9 signal.

F) Other regulatory measures in exceptional circumstances: To achieve greater fluidity of circulation, in the face of exceptional situations, such as holidays, seasonal holidays, mass displacement of vehicles, high traffic intensities or adverse weather events, the Agents of the Authority responsible for monitoring and discipline of traffic, shall take the necessary measures of regulation of the movement, including the restriction on the movement of certain types of vehicles, without prejudice to the obligation which it is for lorry drivers, with maximum permissible mass (M.M.A.), to exceed 3,500 kgs, buses, articulated buses and vehicle assemblies, to operate on the right track of the road, and not to carry out overtaking or overshoot in cases of snow or ice.

Second. Sanctioning regime.

The transgressions to the regulatory measures contained in this Resolution will, if necessary, be sanctioned according to the provisions of the text of the Law on Traffic, Motor Vehicle Circulation and Safety Vial. In addition, the officials of the Authority responsible for traffic surveillance and discipline may lay down the additional mandatory stop measure of the vehicle when its circulation causes serious risk or disturbances to normal development of the vehicle. road traffic, and, if necessary, shall proceed to its removal and deposit, until the prohibition is terminated or its progress is authorised.

Third. Exceptional assumption of lifting restrictions.

Exceptionally, the Autonomous Body of Central Traffic, depending on the conditions under which the movement is developing during the periods affected by the restrictions set out in this Resolution, may allow the movement of the vehicles listed in points B. 1 and C. 2 of paragraph 1, for which it shall give the appropriate instructions to the Traffic Pool of the Civil Guard.

Single end disposition. Entry into force and period of validity.

This Resolution will enter into force on the eight working days of its publication in the "Official State Gazette". It will take effect during the year 2012, being extended until the date of entry into force of the Resolution establishing the special traffic regulation measures for the year 2013, with the exception of the restrictions by dates. (a) concrete as determined in Annexes I, II and VI to this Regulation.

Madrid, January 24, 2012. -Director General of Traffic, Pere Navarro Olivella.


1. Overall on all roads the following dates:

From Friday, March 30, at twelve hours, until Sunday, April 1, at twenty-four hours.

From Wednesday, April 4, at ten hours, until Monday, April 9, at twenty-four hours.

From Friday, April 27, at twelve hours, until Saturday, April 28, at twenty-four hours.

On Tuesday, May 1, from eight to twenty-four hours.

From Friday, June 29, at twelve hours, until Sunday, July 1, at twenty-four hours.

From Tuesday, July 31, at twelve hours, until Wednesday, August 1, at twenty-four hours.

From Tuesday, August 14, at twelve hours, until Wednesday, August 15, at twenty-four hours.

From Friday, August 31, at twelve hours, until Sunday, September 2, at twenty-four hours.

From Thursday, October 11, at twelve hours, until Friday, October 12, at twenty-four hours.

On Sunday, October 14, from eight to twenty-four hours.

From Wednesday, October 31, at twelve hours, until Thursday, November 1, at twenty-four hours.

On Sunday, November 4, from eight to twenty-four hours.

From Wednesday, December 5, at twelve hours, until Friday, December 7, at twenty-four hours.

On Sunday, December 9, from eight to twenty-four hours.

Except for the previous restrictions, the roads of the Autonomous Communities of the Canary Islands, Illes Balears and Foral de Navarra as well as the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

2. In addition, in each of the provinces:

Autonomous Community of Andalusia

Province of Almeria

On roads A-92, A-7, AL-12, N-340a, N-341, N-344 and AL-3115:

Every Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays in the months of June, July, August and September, from zero to twenty-four hours.

Province of Cadiz

On all roads in the province:

From Friday, April 27, to zero hours, until Sunday, April 29, at twenty-four hours.

Every Saturday, Sunday, holiday and eve of holidays, from Saturday, June 16, to Sunday, September 9, from zero to twenty-four hours.

Province of Córdoba

The restrictions on sports testing applicable in this province are only those of a general nature.

Province of Granada

On roads A-44, N-340 and N-432 (stretch Granada-Puente Pinos, between points 419 to 438):

Every Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays in the months of June, July, August and September, from zero to twenty-four hours.

Province of Huelva

a) On roads A-483 and A-494:

From Wednesday, May 23, to zero hours, until Tuesday, May 29, at twenty-four hours.

b) On roads N-431, N-442, A-483, A-497, A-5051, A-5052, A-5053, A-5054, A-5056 and A-5076:

Every Saturday, Sunday and public holiday, from Saturday, June 30, to Sunday, September 9, from zero to twenty-four hours.

Province of Jaen

On the N-322, N-323a, and A-316 roads:

Every Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays in the months of July and August, from zero to twenty-four hours.

Province of Malaga

On roads N-331/A-45, A-7, AP-7, AP-46, MA-20, MA-21, MA-24, N-340, A-92, A-357 and A-92M:

Every day of the months of June, July, August, and September, from zero to twenty-four hours.

Province of Seville

a) On roads A-49, A-66 and SE-30 (Ring round between points 0 to 17):

Every day of the year, from eight to twenty-four hours.

(b) On roads A-8057, A-8058 and A-471 [between points 0 to 25 and km 31.5 to 37 (provincial limit)]:

Throughout the year, from eight hours on Fridays, to 24 hours on Sundays.

Autonomous Community of Aragon

Huesca Province

The restrictions on sports testing applicable in this province are only those of a general nature.

Teruel Province

On all roads in the province:

From Saturday, July 7, at fifteen hours, until Monday, July 9, at fourteen hours.

Province of Zaragoza

The restrictions on sports testing applicable in this province are only those of a general nature.

Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias

On all roads in the Autonomous Community:

From Friday, August 3, at fifteen hours, until Sunday, August 5, at twenty-four hours.

On Saturday, September 8, from zero to twenty-four hours.

From Thursday, October 18, to zero hours, until Sunday, October 21, at twenty-four hours.

Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands

a) On all roads in the Autonomous Community:

Every Sunday in the months of July and August, from zero to twenty-four hours.

b) On all roads on the Island of Mallorca:

From Thursday, April 5, at ten hours, until Saturday, April 7, at twenty-four hours.

On Monday, April 9, from zero to twenty-four hours.

Autonomous Community of Cantabria

On all roads in the Autonomous Community:

On Saturday, September 15, from zero to twenty-four hours.

Castilla-La Mancha Autonomous Community

Albacete Province

On Monday, March 19, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

On Wednesday, May 2, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

Province of Ciudad Real

On all roads in the province:

On Monday, March 19, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

On Wednesday, May 2, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

Basin Province

On all roads in the province:

On Monday, March 19, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

On Wednesday, May 2, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

From Wednesday, May 30, at fourteen hours, until Friday, June 1, at twenty-two hours.

Guadalajara Province

On Monday, March 19, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

On Wednesday, May 2, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

Province of Toledo

On all roads in the province:

On Monday, March 19, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

On Wednesday, May 2, from zero to twenty-four hours.

From Wednesday, May 30, at thirteen hours, until Sunday, June 3, at twenty-four hours.

From Wednesday, June 6, at fourteen hours, until Sunday, June 10, at twenty-two hours.

Castile and Leon Community

Province of Avila

a) On all roads in the province:

On Monday, March 19, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

On Wednesday, May 2, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

b) On the N-VI road:

Every Saturday of the year, from thirteen to twenty-four hours.

Every Sunday of the year, from fourteen to twenty-four hours.

Burgos Province

On Monday, March 19, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

On Wednesday, May 2, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

Leon Province

The restrictions on sports testing applicable in this province are only those of a general nature.

Palencia Province

The restrictions on sports testing applicable in this province are only those of a general nature.

Province of Salamanca

On all roads in the province:

On Monday, April 16, from ten to twenty-four hours.

Segovia Province

a) On all roads in the province:

From Friday, March 16, to twelve hours, until Saturday, March 17, at fifteen hours.

On Monday, March 19, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

On Wednesday, May 2, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

(b) On the roads N-VI, N-603, CL-601 (between points 113.2 to 137, 4) and SG-20:

Every Saturday of the year, from thirteen to twenty-four hours.

Every Sunday of the year, from fourteen to twenty-four hours.

Soria Province

The restrictions on sports testing applicable in this province are only those of a general nature.

Valladolid Province

On all roads in the province:

From Friday, March 16, to twelve hours, until Saturday, March 17, at fifteen hours.

On Monday, March 19, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

On Wednesday, May 2, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

Province of Zamora

On all roads in the province:

On Monday, March 19, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

Autonomous Community of Extremadura

Province of Badajoz

The restrictions on sports testing applicable in this province are only those of a general nature.

Province of Cáceres

The restrictions on sports testing applicable in this province are only those of a general nature.

Autonomous Community of Galicia

Province of A Coruña

On all roads in the province:

From Tuesday, July 24, at fourteen hours, until Wednesday, July 25, at twenty-four hours.

Province of Lugo

On all roads in the province:

From Tuesday, July 24, at fourteen hours, until Wednesday, July 25, at twenty-four hours.

Province of Ourense

On all roads in the province:

From Tuesday, July 24, at fourteen hours, until Wednesday, July 25, at twenty-four hours.

Province of Pontevedra

On all roads in the province:

From Tuesday, July 24, at fourteen hours, until Wednesday, July 25, at twenty-four hours.

Madrid Community

a) On all roads in the Autonomous Community:

From Friday, March 16, to twelve hours, until Saturday, March 17, at fifteen hours.

On Monday, March 19, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

On Wednesday, May 2, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

On Tuesday, May 15, from ten to twenty-four hours.

On Sunday, November 11, from ten to twenty-four hours.

b) On the A-6, M-607, M-500 and M-501 roads (between 0 to 40 kilometers):

Every Friday or eve of holidays of the year, fifteen to twenty-four hours, meaning departure from Madrid.

Every Saturday of the year, ten to fifteen hours, meaning departure from Madrid.

All Sundays or holidays of the year, fifteen to twenty-four hours, felt entrance to Madrid.

c) On the N-VI, M-601, M-505 and M-501 roads (between 40 to 70 kilometers):

The same days and hours as paragraph b), both ways.

Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia

a) On all roads in the Autonomous Community:

From Friday, March 16, at twelve hours, until Monday, March 19, at twenty-four hours.

All Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and the eve of holidays, from Friday, June 29 to Sunday, September 9, from zero to twenty-four hours.

b) On all roads of the State Highway Network and on the Autonomous Roads RM-15, RM-19, RM-11, RM-423, RM-714, RM-2, RM-3 and RM-23:

All Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and the eve of holidays, from Sunday, June 3, to Friday, June 29, from zero to twenty-four hours.

Navarra Community of Navarre

The restrictions on sports testing in this Autonomous Community are those of a general nature applicable only to the roads of the General Interest Network.

Autonomous Community of La Rioja

a) On the roads of the State Highway Network:

Every day, from Friday, June 8, to Monday, June 11, from eight to twenty-four hours.

(b) On the N-111 road [between the kilometres 262,480 (Piqueras-boundary province of Soria tunnel) to 320]:

On Sunday, June 17, from eight to twenty-four hours.

Sundays and holidays in the months of July and August, from eleven to twenty-four hours.

c) On roads N-120 and A-12:

Sundays and holidays in the months of July and August, from eleven to twenty-four hours.

Valencia Community

Province of Alicante

a) On the N-332 road:

Every day of the year, from zero to twenty-four hours.

b) On the N-340 road (between points 678.7 to 735, 7):

Every day of the year, from zero to twenty-four hours.

c) On all roads in the province:

On Monday, March 19, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

On Wednesday, May 2, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

All Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and the eve of holidays, from Sunday, June 17, to Sunday, September 16, from zero to twenty-four hours.

Province of Castellón

a) On all roads in the province:

From Friday, March 9, to twelve hours, until Sunday, March 11, at twenty-four hours.

From Friday, March 16, to twelve hours, until Saturday, March 17, at fifteen hours.

On Monday, March 19, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

From Thursday, July 12, to twelve hours, until Sunday, July 15, at twenty-four hours.

From Friday, October 5, to thirteen hours, until Tuesday, October 9, at twenty-four hours.

All Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and the eve of holidays, from the months of July and August, from the zero to the twenty-four hours.

b) On the A-23 road:

Every Sunday of the year, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

Every day of the months of July and August, from zero to twenty-four hours.

c) On the N-232, N-340, and A-7 roads:

Every day of the months of July and August, from zero to twenty-four hours.

Province of Valencia

a) On all roads in the province:

From Friday, March 16, to twelve hours, until Saturday, March 17, at fifteen hours.

On Monday, March 19, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

On Wednesday, May 2, from twelve to twenty-four hours.

From Saturday, June 23, to zero hours, until Sunday, June 24, at twenty-four hours.

Every Saturday, Sunday and public holiday of August, from zero to twenty-four hours.

On Tuesday, October 9, from zero to twenty-four hours.

From Saturday, November 10, to zero hours, until Sunday, November 11, at twenty-four hours.

b) On the N-332 road:

Every day of the year, from zero to twenty-four hours.

c) On the CV-40 road:

Every Saturday and Sunday in the months of June, July, August and September, from zero to twenty-four hours.

d) On the CV-500 road:

Every Saturday and Sunday of May, from zero to twenty-four hours.

Every day of the months of June, July, August, and September, from zero to twenty-four hours.

Here are several images in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.