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Royal Decree 345/2012, Of 10 February, Which Develops The Basic Organizational Structure Of The Ministry Of Economy And Competitiveness And Amending The Royal Decree 1887 / 2011, Of 30 December, Which Establishes The Organizational Structure...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 345/2012, de 10 de febrero, por el que se desarrolla la estructura orgánica básica del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y se modifica el Real Decreto 1887/2011, de 30 de diciembre, por el que se establece la estructura orgánica...

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Royal Decree 1823/2011 of 21 December, which restructured the ministerial departments, created the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness as the department responsible for the proposal and implementation of the Government in the economic field and reforms for the improvement of competitiveness, scientific research, technological development and innovation in all sectors, commercial policy and support to the company, as well as the rest of the the powers conferred on it by the legal system. Subsequently, Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December, establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments, established the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. its higher and managerial bodies up to the organic level of general direction.

It is now necessary to develop the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness by determining its higher and managerial bodies up to the organic level of general subdirection and defining the competencies of each one of these organs.

On the other hand, the Royal Decree 1887/2011, of December 30, is amended to bring the name of the General Secretariat and the two Directorates-General that are integrated in the Secretariat of State of Research e Innovation to the functions and competences attributed to them. It has also been decided that both Directorates-General will be dependent on the General Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation, in order to facilitate coordination between the two and the implementation of policies covering the whole of the innovation, from basic research to market arrival.

In its virtue, at the initiative of the Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, on the proposal of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on February 10, 2012,


Article 1. General organization of the department.

1. The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness is the department of the General Administration of the State in charge of the proposal and implementation of the Government's policy on economic matters and reforms for the improvement of competitiveness, scientific research, technological development and innovation in all sectors, commercial policy and support to the company, as well as the rest of the competences and powers conferred on it by the legal system.

2. The powers conferred on this royal decree shall be understood in coordination and without prejudice to those corresponding to other ministerial departments.

3. The following higher bodies depend on the head of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness:

(a) The Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and Support to the Company.

b) The Secretary of State for Trade.

c) The Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation.

4. It is directly dependent on the head of the department under the Assistant Secretary for Economy and Competitiveness.

5. As a body of immediate support to the holder of the Ministry there is a Cabinet, with the organic level and the composition established in article 14.2 of Royal Decree 1887/2011, of 30 December, establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments.

Article 2. Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and Support to the Company.

1. The Secretariat of State for Economic Affairs and Support to the Company, under the top management of the Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, shall exercise the functions provided for in Article 14 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General administration of the State, in the field of its powers, relating to the orientation of economic policy, economic situation, forecast of macroeconomic measures, sectoral economic policies, report and approval prices, tariffs, tolls and royalties on matters falling within its competence, State treasury, management of public debt, financial policy, private insurance and reinsurance, capitalisation and pension funds, money laundering prevention policy, statistics and representation in international financial institutions and in certain international economic and financial fora.

2. The following management bodies will be directly dependent on the Secretariat of State for Economy and Support to the Company:

a) The Secretary General of the Treasury and Financial Policy, with a rank of undersecretary.

b) The Directorate-General for Economic Policy.

c) The Directorate-General for Macroeconomic Analysis and International Economics.

d) The General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds.

3. Likewise, the Secretary of State for Economy and Support to the Company directly depends on the Cabinet, as an immediate assistance body to the Secretary of State, with an organic level of general subdirection, with the structure established in the Article 14.3 of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011.

4. For the legal advice of the Secretariat of State of Economy and Support to the Company there will be a State Advocate, integrated organically in that of the department.

5. They also depend on the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs and Enterprise Support the following collegiate bodies, which will continue to be governed by their specific regulations:

(a) The Inter-ministerial Foreign Financing Committee.

(b) The Commission on the prevention of money laundering and monetary offences, the presidency of which will be held.

6. They are assigned to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the Secretariat of State of Economy and Support to the Company:

a) The National Institute of Statistics.

b) The Official Credit Institute.

c) The National Competition Commission.

d) The National Securities Market Commission.

7. The General Inspectorate of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations shall be functionally dependent on the holder of the Secretariat of State for Economic Affairs and Support to the Company for the exercise of its powers in respect of organs and matters in the field. of the powers of that State Secretariat.

Article 3. Secretary General of the Treasury and Financial Policy.

1. The General Secretariat of the Treasury and Financial Policy has the powers conferred upon it by the legislation in force, and in particular the following:

(a) The management of the treasury treasury, the general management of payments, the processing of payments abroad, the minting of currency, the management of financial relations between the public treasury and the Institute of Official Credit, the channelling of the payments of the General Administration of the State to the European Union and of all the contributions that the European Union makes to the Public Administrations to finance actions in Spain, the authorization and control of the accounts of the public treasury and management of the revenue management of the resources Non-tax or customs public.

b) The management and administration of the General Deposit Box.

c) The study, proposal and management of the State's indebtedness, as well as the structure and financial risks of the State's debt portfolio, and the promotion of the distribution and liquidity of the State's debt.

d) Support and advice to the activities of the Interministerial Foreign Financing Committee.

e) As soon as they are attributed, the authorization and coordination of the indebtedness of other public entities or with public guarantee, of the concessionary companies of freeways that enjoy insurance of change and the emissions of values in the Spanish market for non-residents.

(f) The management of the official records of financial institutions, entities and markets entrusted to it, the processing of authorizations relating to those, the management and prior control of activities in the financial markets allocated to it, as well as the analysis and monitoring of the development of financial institutions and markets and the proposed management of these institutions.

g) The exercise of the financial inspection functions attributed to you.

(h) The direction, development and management of the financial policy and the preparation and processing of the provisions relating to financial and credit institutions, securities markets, systems and instruments payment, to the regime of listed companies and good corporate governance and to the protection and protection of the users of financial services, as well as to the movements of capital and economic transactions with the outside, with the exception of the relative provisions for external investment, in which case the prior mandatory reporting shall be the responsibility of on their compliance with the rules on financial activity.

(i) The representation of the General Administration of the State in the European Banking Committee, the European Securities Committee, the European Financial Conglomerates Committee, the European Currency Sub-Committee and the the work they are dependent on, as well as on the Financial Markets Committee and the Steering Group of Corporate Governance of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the European Union Technical Committees on credit institutions, financial markets, collective investment institutions and debt management public and other financial matters in the framework of the powers of this General Secretariat.

j) The investigation and inspection that are necessary to prevent and correct infringements of the rules on the legal regime of capital movements and economic transactions with the outside. The initiation and processing of sanctioning cases in matters of capital movements and economic transactions with the outside in the framework of the competences established by Law 19/2003, of July 4. The powers relating to the obligations to block, freeze or freeze economic resources and others relating to transfers of funds, arising from financial sanctions and restrictive measures approved by the European Union or by international bodies in which Spain is a party.

k) The powers of prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing laid down in Law 10/2010 of 28 April on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, and in The Committee on the Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Committee on the European Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Committee of the European Parliament and the Committee of the European capital and financing of terrorism.

(l) Advice on investments from the Social Security Reserve Fund and the participation in the Commission of the evaluation of SME loan securitisation fund projects (FTSMEs) and the monitoring of FTSMEs.

m) The representation of the General Administration of the State in the Financial Services Committee of the European Union and its working groups.

n) The coordination of the actions to promote education and financial training, as well as the Spanish representation in the International Financial Education Network of the Organization for Cooperation and Economic Development.

n) The impetus for cooperation between the competent authorities in the field of financial stability in the framework of the Financial Stability Committee and the representation of the General Administration of the State in the Financial Stability (FSB) and its working groups.

o) The design and development of the IT applications related to the functions entrusted to the General Secretariat, as well as the competences related to the management of the material and budgetary resources allocated to the without prejudice to the functions corresponding to the General Intervention of the State Administration in relation to the integrated system of accounting information and, in any case, in coordination with the General Subdirectorate of Technologies of the Information and Communications of the Secretariat.

p) The elaboration of monetary agreements with third countries, except those related to the management of the debt that the Spanish State holds as a creditor, and the monetary aspects related to Monetary Union.

q) The study, proposal and management of the exceptional financial support measures to be taken in the context of the international financial crisis in the field of competence of the General Secretariat, as well as the management of other measures entrusted to it, in relation to the Fund for the Acquisition of Financial Assets, the Banking Ordered Restructuring Fund, the European Financial Stabilisation Facility (EFSF) and the Facility European Stability (ESM).

r) The permanent representation of Spain and the coordination in economic and financial policy with the International Monetary Fund, as well as the definition of the Spanish position in this institution and the negotiation, processing and management of contributions to trust funds in the same. Also, the analysis and monitoring of the international situation regarding the international financial system, the international financing needs and the international financial architecture.

s) The permanent representation and coordination of the policy of Spain in the Group of the European Investment Bank as well as in the multi-donor funds managed or co-managed by the Group of the European Investment Bank and to other financial institutions at European level.

t) Processing and management of the endorsements of the General Administration of the State.

u) The representation of Spain in the G20 and its working groups within the economics and finance circuit.

v) Management of the Electrical System Deficit Entitlement Fund and participation in its governing bodies.

w) The coordination and representation of the General Administration of the State in the Economic and Financial Committee of the European Union and its working groups, participating in the work of the ECOFIN Council and the Eurogroup; how to prepare, coordinate and represent Spanish interests at the Asia-Europe Economic Dialogue (ASEM) Forum.

x) The external representation of the euro in international forums.

and) The monitoring and analysis of the evolution of national and international financial markets, including the development of periodic reports.

2. The following sub-directions are directly dependent on the General Secretariat of the Treasury and Financial Policy:

(a) The Deputy Director-General of the Treasury, who shall assume the functions referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1, as well as, within the meaning of paragraph (i), representation in the European Currency Sub-Committee and in the working groups which depend on it. Similarly, in the field of the functions referred to in the paragraph (t), it shall be for the processing and management of regular endorsements that do not correspond to other subdirectorates-general.

(b) The General Subdirectorate for Financing and Management of Public Debt, which shall assume the functions referred to in paragraphs (c), (d), (e), (f) in the field of records, and (v) of paragraph 1. It also assumes functions in terms of the management of emissions from the Banking Ordered Restructuring Fund provided for in paragraph (q) and those of paragraph (i) related to the management of public debt.

(c) The General Subdirectorate of Financial Legislation and Policy, which shall assume the functions referred to in paragraphs (f), (g), (h) and (i) of paragraph 1.

(d) The General Subdirectorate for the Inspection and Control of Capital Movements, which shall assume the powers referred to in paragraphs (j) and (k) of paragraph 1.

(e) The General Sub-Directorate of Strategic Analysis and International Financial System, which shall assume the powers referred to in paragraphs (l), (m), (n), including in this case the Secretariat of the Financial Stability Committee, (p), (r), (u), (v) and (y) of paragraph 1, as well as, within the functions referred to in paragraph (i), representation in the Financial Markets Committee, and, among those set out in paragraph (t), the processing and management of endorsements to FTSMEs.

(f) The General Information and Management Subdirectorate, which shall assume the functions referred to in paragraph 1 (o).

(g) The General Subdirectorate of Financial Support Measures, which shall assume the functions referred to in paragraph 1 (n), (q) and (v). Similarly, in the field of the functions referred to in paragraph t), it shall be for the processing and management of guarantees relating to exceptional measures, in particular support to the banking sector, European measures to ensure the financial stability and guarantees for emissions from the Electricity System Deficit Titling Fund.

(h) The General Secretariat for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Union and the Euro Zone, which shall assume the functions referred to in paragraph 1 (s), (w) and (x), as well as the functions of paragraph (q) thereof; the European Financial Stabilisation Facility (EFSF) and the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).

3. Depending directly on the General Secretariat, with an organic level of general sub-direction, there will be a Technical Cabinet as an organ of support and immediate assistance to the Secretary General.

4. For the legal advice of the General Secretariat of the Treasury and Financial Policy there will be a State Advocate, which is organically integrated in that of the department.

5. In the General Secretariat of the Treasury and Financial Policy, there will be a Delegated Intervention of the General Intervention of the State Administration with an organic level of general sub-direction.

Article 4. Directorate-General for Economic Policy.

1. The following functions are the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Economic Policy:

a) The study and analysis of the guidelines and guidelines of general economic policy.

b) To ensure the coherence of sectoral economic policies with general economic policy by supporting the coordination of the various sectoral policies.

c) Propose together with the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism the prices of services included within the universal electronic communications service.

(d) To analyse and report proposals for the regulation of the structure of tariffs, prices and tolls for energy products, as well as for the remuneration of the activities carried out in the energy sector, with the legislation in force.

e) Analyze and report the fares of regular public passenger transport by road and the rates of RENFE-Operator for the transport of commuter and medium-distance travellers.

(f) Studies and analyses of the impact on the general economic policy of the regulation of the labour market, the social protection system and vocational training, as well as the economic aspects of the regulation and, in general, legal order.

g) The valuation of the economic concentrations, in accordance with the provisions of Law 15/2007 of 3 July of the Defense of Competition.

(h) The representation of Spain in the international field in the field of competition, without prejudice to the functions attributed to the National Competition Commission.

(i) The study and promotion of the improvement of economic regulation, in particular in the service sector and in support of the company, and the monitoring and participation in community and international initiatives related to the improvement of economic regulation.

j) Exercise the secretariat of the Committee for the Improvement of the Regulation provided for in Law 17/2009 of 23 November on the free access to and pursuit of the activities of services.

k) The follow-up to the financial sector reform strategy in the context of the financial crisis in coherence with the overall economic policy.

2. The Directorate-General for Economic Policy is structured in the following units with an organic level of general sub-direction:

(a) The General Sub-Directorate of Sectoral Analysis, which assumes the functions assigned in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of paragraph 1.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Economic Legal Ordinance, which assumes the functions assigned in paragraph 1 (f).

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Competition and Economic Regulation, which assumes the functions assigned in paragraphs (g), (h), (i) and (j) of paragraph 1.

Article 5. Directorate-General for Macroeconomic Analysis and International Economics.

1. The following functions are the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Macroeconomic Analysis and International Economics:

(a) The implementation of short and medium-term economic forecasts on the evolution of the main macroeconomic measures and the monitoring of the impact of the authorised price changes.

b) The study and analysis of the regional impact of economic policy guidelines and the evolution of interterritorial macroeconomic divergences.

c) The analysis and monitoring of economic developments and economic policies applied abroad. Participation in the elaboration and coordination of the work programme to be developed by the network of Economic and Trade Offices in the field of activity monitoring and economic policy, in collaboration with the Secretariat of State Trade.

d) The study of the macroeconomic effects of economic policy and the carrying out of structural analyses. The development of economic models to enable the above analyses.

e) The representation of Spain, in economic matters, to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, in particular, in its Economic Policy Committee, as well as in the Economic Policy Committee of the European Union and in your workgroups.

f) The permanent representation and coordination of the policy of Spain in the World Bank Group and before all development banks and other multilateral funds managed by them.

g) Negotiating, processing and managing contributions to multi-donor funds, multi-bilateral funds, technical assistance funds, training funds and other contributions to multilateral financial institutions, as well as those intended to promote the participation of Spanish professionals in the staff of those institutions, without prejudice to the powers conferred on other ministerial departments and, in particular, those provided for in the Article 2.1.d) and developed in Articles 5 and 10 of Law 36/2010 of 22 October 2010, of the Fund for the Promotion of Development.

(h) The negotiation, restructuring, conversion and management, bilateral and multilateral, of the foreign debt that the Spanish State holds as a creditor, as well as the representation of Spain in the Paris Club and the definition of the Spanish position on foreign debt.

i) The analysis and assessment of the financial conditions and guarantees of the repayable financing granted by Spain, in particular, from the Fund for the internationalization of the Company (FIEM) and the Fund for the Development promotion (FONPRODE), in order to ensure its coherence with the foreign debt management policy.

j) Permanent representation and coordination of the policy of Spain vis-à-vis financial institutions at European level, with the exception of the European Investment Bank.

k) The elaboration and coordination of the positions of the department in relation to the foreign financing policy of the European Union, the representation of Spain in multi-donor funds of investment within that framework, thus as the representative in the context of the Cotonou Convention, which regulates the financial relations between the European Union and the ACP countries (Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific).

2. The Directorate-General for Macroeconomic Analysis and International Economics is structured in the following units with an organic level of general sub-direction:

(a) The General Sub-Directorate of Counctural Analysis and Economic Forecasts, which assumes the functions assigned in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Macroeconomic Analysis and International Coordination, which assumes the functions assigned in paragraph (d) and (e) of paragraph 1.

(c) The General Subdirectorate of Multilateral Financial Institutions, which assumes the functions listed in paragraphs (f) and (g) of paragraph 1.

(d) The General Subdirectorate for International Economics and Financing, which assumes the functions assigned in paragraphs (h), (i), (j) and (k) of paragraph 1.

Article 6. General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds.

1. The following functions are the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Insurance and Pension Funds:

(a) monitoring compliance with the precise requirements for access and extension of private insurance and reinsurance activities, the regular supervision of their financial year, the control of the requirements to be met by the administrators and partners of the entities carrying out such activity and the other natural and legal persons subject to the recast of the Law on the Management and Supervision of Private Insurance, approved by Royal Decree-Law 6/2004, of 29 October.

(b) Without prejudice to the functions attributed to the National Competition Commission, control in the field of mergers, groupings, portfolio disposals, transformations, divisions and other transactions between insurance institutions, and initiatives on measures and operations which lead to an improvement in the sectoral structure or in the sector of one of its branches.

(c) Prior control for the access to the mediation activity in insurance, the regular supervision of its exercise and the performance of the other surveillance functions provided for in Law 26/2006 of 17 July, of mediation private insurance and reinsurance.

(d) monitoring compliance with the precise requirements for access to the activity by pension fund management entities, the regular supervision of their financial year, as well as the requirements to be met by the plans and pension funds according to the recast of the Law on the Regulation of Pension Plans and Funds, approved by the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2002 of 29 November.

(e) Financial supervision and market conduct and practices, as well as the inspection of operations and activities carried out by persons and entities set out in paragraphs (a) to (d) above.

(f) The analysis of the documentation to be submitted by insurance and reinsurance entities, private insurance and reinsurance intermediaries and pension fund management entities to the Directorate-General for Insurance and Pension funds to facilitate the control of their solvency and activity.

g) The preparation of regulatory projects in the areas of competence of the management centre.

h) Studies on the private insurance and reinsurance sectors, private insurance and reinsurance mediation, and pension plans and funds.

i) The coordination of relations in the field of private insurance and reinsurance, insurance and reinsurance mediation and pension plans and funds with the insurance and retirement pension and other institutions of the European Union, with other States and with international bodies, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

j) Administrative protection for insured persons, beneficiaries, injured parties and members of pension schemes through the attention and resolution of complaints and complaints filed against entities and individuals subject to their supervision; the monitoring of market transparency and the other functions attributed to it by the rules on the protection of financial services customers.

k) The response to the consultations on private insurance and reinsurance, private insurance and reinsurance mediation and pension plans and funds.

2. The Directorate-General for Insurance and Pension Funds is structured in the following sub-directorates-general, which are entrusted with the functions specified below for those referred to in paragraph 1:

(a) The General Subdirectorate of Insurance and Legislative Policy, which shall exercise the functions referred to in paragraphs (g), (i) and (j) and paragraphs (h) and (k) where they correspond to its functional scope.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General of Inspection, which shall carry out the functions referred to in paragraph (e) and paragraphs (f) and (k) where they correspond to its functional scope, as well as the relationship with the Insurance Compensation Consortium in the exercise of its liquidating activity of insurance entities.

(c) The General Subdirectorate for the Management of the Insurance Market, which shall carry out the functions referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) and paragraphs (f), (h) and (k) where they correspond to its functional scope.

(d) The General Subdirectorate of Pensions Plans and Funds, which shall carry out the functions referred to in paragraph (d) and paragraphs (f), (h) and (k) where they correspond to its functional scope.

3. For the legal advice of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds there will be a State Advocate, which is organically integrated in that of the department.

4. The Insurance Compensation Consortium is attached to the Secretariat of State for Economic and Business Support, through the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds.

5. The Insurance and Pension Funds Advisory Board is dependent on the head of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds.

Article 7. Secretary of State for Trade.

1. The Secretariat of State for Trade, under the top management of the Minister for Economic Affairs and Competitiveness, shall exercise the functions provided for in Article 14 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration. the State, in the field of its powers, relating to the definition, development and implementation of the trade policy of the State, with regard to external and internal trade, including intra-Community trade, as well as external investment and external transactions, and the activities of promotion and internationalisation of the Spanish companies which in these matters correspond to the General Administration of the State.

2. The Directorate-General for Trade and Investment and the Directorate-General for Internal Trade are directly dependent on the Secretariat of State for Trade.

3. The following bodies are also directly dependent on the Secretary of State for Trade at the level of Subdirección General:

(a) The Cabinet of the Secretariat of State, as an immediate assistance body to the Secretary of State, with the structure established by Article 14.3 of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011.

b) The General Subdirection of Evaluation of Commercial Policy Instruments, which will have the following functions:

1. The analysis and evaluation of all the instruments, measures and procedures of commercial policy and support to the internationalization of the company of the Secretariat of State of Commerce and of all the entities and agencies dependent on it.

2. The realization of economic predictions and periodic reports on the evolution of the Spanish foreign sector and the exporting sectors.

3. The elaboration and dissemination of the export conjuncture survey and the analysis of the competitiveness of the external sector.

4. The management and management of the Spanish Commercial Information (ICE) publications, as well as the coordination and elaboration of the annual memory of the Spanish foreign sector.

5. The development of price statistics in the commercial distribution sector, perishable and consumer products.

6. The coordination of the Retail Price Observatory.

7. The advice and assistance in the management of the electronic information and administration systems associated with the activity of the Secretariat of State, as well as the management and administration of the communication networks in the central services, territorial network and external network, without prejudice to the powers conferred on other management bodies of the department.

c) The General Foreign Trade Subdirectorate of Defense Material and Double Use, which will perform the following functions:

1. The implementation of the regulatory and management powers of the Secretariat of State in relation to the external trade in defence equipment, other material and dual-use products and technologies products covered by Regulation (EC) 1236/2005 of 27 June.

2. The preparation and implementation of the agreements of the Inter-Ministerial Board of Foreign Trade in Defense Material and Double Use.

3. The participation in the negotiation of the technical and commercial aspects resulting from agreements signed within the European Union and in other international forums and bodies of control and non-proliferation.

4. For the legal advice of the Secretary of State of Commerce there will be a State Advocate, organically integrated in that of the department.

5. The Spanish Foreign Trade Institute (ICEX), whose presidency holds the Secretary of State for Trade, is attached to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

6. They are also directly dependent on the Secretary of State for Trade, whose presidencies he holds, the Tariff Board and the Inter-Ministerial Commission for the Coordination of Spanish Participation at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

7. The Secretary of State of Commerce shall be responsible for the supervision of the management of the export credit insurance for the State account made by the Spanish Export Credit Insurance Company, in accordance with the regulations in force in matter.

8. The Territorial and Provincial Trade Directorates, regulated by Royal Decree 1456/2005 of 2 December, are organically dependent on the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Secretariat of State for Trade and, functionally, the higher bodies or managers of this Ministry for the purposes of their action.

9. The Economic and Commercial Offices abroad are functionally and administratively dependent on this Ministry through the Secretariat of State of Commerce, without prejudice to the hierarchical dependence of the Heads of the respective Diplomatic Mission. Their organization and functions are those set out in Royal Decree 2827/1998 of 23 December.

10. The General Inspectorate of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations shall be functionally dependent on the holder of the Secretariat of State of Trade for the exercise of its powers in respect of organs and matters within the scope of The Secretariat of State.

Article 8. Directorate-General for Trade and Investments.

1. The Directorate-General for Trade and Investment is the executive body to which, under the immediate dependence of the Secretary of State for Trade, the following functions are:

a) In terms of design, coordination and execution of trade policy:

1. Participation in the formulation of the bilateral, regional and multilateral trade policy of goods, services, investments and intellectual property in the Council of the European Union and its corresponding groups of work. The detection and elimination of barriers to trade, investment and public procurement in third countries and in the internal market of the European Union.

2. The coordination and representation of Spanish interests within the World Trade Organization and before the Trade Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Coordination on trade, monetary and financial policy at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

(b) In the field of support for the Internationalisation and Financing of export and investment firms abroad:

1. The definition and monitoring of trade and economic relations between Spain and the rest of the world, as well as the direction of economic and commercial offices in this area. The coordination of business activities that are organised on the occasion of official travel or visits without prejudice to the powers conferred on other ministerial departments or bodies of the General Administration of the State.

2. The definition and management of the instruments that integrate the Spanish system of official financial support to the internationalization of the Spanish company, as well as its coordination and supervision and that of its management entities, to ensure consistency with the objectives of the Spanish trade policy. This support system is composed of the following instruments: the export credit insurance for the State, the FIEM, the mutual interest adjustment agreement, the FIEX and FONSME funds, as well as the ICO's credit lines. attributed to this general direction. It will also be understood as part of this system how many instruments of official financial support for internationalisation can be created in the future and are attributed to the competition of this general direction.

3. The monitoring and negotiation of official financial support for internationalisation in international fora on export credit, in particular in the OECD and in the European Union.

4. The negotiation, where appropriate, of international, bilateral or multilateral treaties or conventions concerning the promotion and protection of foreign investments, as well as the coordination and representation of interests Spanish in international bodies acting in this field.

5. The promotion of collaboration with the associations of exporters and the dissemination and advice to Spanish companies on trade policy and business opportunities.

6. Support for out-of-court conflict resolution systems for exporting companies and investors abroad.

c) In terms of regulatory management and administrative management:

1. Management of Community and national procedures on import and export authorisations, introduction and dispatch of agri-food and industrial products, as a responsible national authority. The development and management of trade policy in relation to commodity agreements.

2. Participation in the Community procedures for the management and modification of the Common Customs Tariff, including tariff suspensions and quotas, as well as the analysis and evaluation of the commercial implications of the the rules of origin for Spanish companies and the authorisation of inward processing, passive and processing arrangements under customs control and temporary import and export, in the field of their powers.

3. Participation in the design of Community legislation in the field of commercial defence. The proposal, within the European Union, for the adoption of trade defence measures. The defense of the interests of the exporting companies affected by trade defense procedures.

4. The inspection and control of the commercial quality of products subject to external trade, including intra-Community trade. The conformity check with regard to the requirements laid down in the specific rules of the European Union for certain products covered by external trade, as well as the authorisation of operators authorised to carry out this trade. The actions resulting from the implementation of Royal Decree 175/2004 of 30 January 2004 designating the coordinating authority for the purposes of Commission Regulation (EC) No 543/2011 laying down detailed rules for the application of the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 175/2004 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 in the processed fruit and vegetables sectors.

5. Control of conformity in the field of safety and labelling of certain industrial products to be imported from third countries, without prejudice to the powers conferred on other departments.

6. Participation in national and international standardisation fora, without prejudice to the participation of other ministerial departments in the field of their competences. Participation and management in the field of the Agreements on Health and Phytosanitary Measures and on Technical Barriers to Trade in the World Trade Organization.

7. The representation of Spanish interests in the European Union and international fora in the area of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The actions in quality of the CITES Management Authority and the main management body of the Cites Convention.

8. The elaboration of the provisions on foreign investments, prior to the report of the General Secretariat of the Treasury and Financial Policy. Collaboration with other bodies of the General Administration of the State in matters of promotion of foreign investments.

9. The authorisation, control and monitoring of foreign investments in the terms of Royal Decree 664/1999 of 23 April 1999 on foreign investments, as well as the charges and payments resulting from them, It is necessary to provide for specific rules on foreign investments and the statistical recording of flows and stocks of foreign investments in Spain and Spanish investments abroad. It will also be up to the Chair of the Foreign Investment Board.

10. The Secretariat of the Spanish National Contact Point of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

11. The economic and financial management of the network of Economic and Commercial Offices in the Foreign Ministry. In the same way, it will be up to the technical inspection and evaluation of its operation, organization and performance, as well as the elaboration and development of actions that will allow the improvement of the network of Economic and Commercial Offices.

12. The official recognition, guardianship and relationship with the Spanish Chambers of Commerce abroad, in the terms established in Royal Decree 786/1979 of 16 March, laying down the rules governing the General Statute of the Spanish Chambers of Commerce officially recognized abroad, as well as the management of the measures to promote them.

13. The coordination of the Network of Territorial and Provincial Trade Directorates and their economic and financial management, their technical inspection, the evaluation of their operation, organization and performance, as well as the (a) the development and development of how many actions will enable the network to be improved, without prejudice to the powers conferred on other departments of the department.

14. The performance of the technical secretariats of the collegiate bodies of interterritorial cooperation in relation to the internationalization of the company dependent on the Secretariat of State of Commerce.

15. The tutelage, in coordination with the Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade, on the activities of the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation and of the Council of Chambers regarding internationalization.

(d) The other powers conferred upon it by the existing legislation on trade and foreign investment.

2. The Directorate-General for Trade and Investments is structured in the following Subdirectorates General:

(a) The European Union's Subdirectorate-General for Trade Policy, which will exercise the functions of coordination, evaluation, control and development of trade policies with third countries, and in particular those identified in the Paragraph 1.a) .1 and 2. of this Article. He will also be in charge of the secretariats of the Inter-Ministerial Commission for the Coordination of Spanish Participation at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the Consultative Commission on Trade Negotiations. International.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Trade Policy with Europe, Asia and Oceania, which shall exercise and participate in the functions listed in paragraph 1.a) .1. and 1.b) .1. ª. 2. 5. and 6. of this Article, in relation to the Europe, Asia and Oceania.

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Trade Policy with Latin America and North America, which shall exercise and participate in the functions listed in paragraph 1.a) .1. and 1.b) .1. ª., 5. and 6. of this Article, in relation to Countries from Latin America and North America.

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for Trade Policy with Mediterranean Countries, Africa and the Middle East, which shall exercise and participate in the functions listed in paragraph 1.a) .1. and 1.b) .1. ª. 2. 5. and 6. of this Article, in relation to: with the Mediterranean Countries of Africa and the Middle East.

(e) The Subdirectorate-General for Foreign Trade in Agro-food Products, which shall carry out the functions referred to in paragraph 1.a) .1. and 2. (1) (b). 5. and (1) (c) .1. of this Article as regards agri-food products.

(f) The Subdirectorate-General for Foreign Trade in Industrial Products, which shall carry out the functions referred to in paragraph 1.a. 1. and 2. (1) (1) (b) (5) and (1) (c) (a) of this Article, in respect of industrial products.

(g) The Subdirectorate General for International Trade in Services and Investments, which shall perform the functions referred to in paragraph 1.a) .1. and 2. of this Article in respect of services, trade-related investments, obstacles to trade in services and investments in the internal market of the European Union and other horizontal aspects which are the subject of trade negotiations; those referred to in paragraphs 1 (1) (b) and 5 (1) and (1) (c) .8. Secretariat of the Board of Foreign Investment.

(h) The Subdirectorate-General for Financial Promotion of Internationalisation, which shall exercise the functions listed in paragraph 1.b) .2. and 3. of this Article.

i) The General Subdirection of Tariff Policy and Commercial Defense Instruments, which shall exercise the functions referred to in paragraph 1.c) .2. and 3. of this Article.

(j) The Subdirectorate-General for Inspection, Certification and Technical Assistance of Foreign Trade, which shall carry out the functions referred to in paragraph 1.c. 4. '.'. 5. 6. and 7. '. of this Article and shall contribute to the provision of the Paragraph 1.a) .1. in relation to obstacles to trade in goods on the market of the European Union. It will also exercise the coordination and development of the above functions through the peripheral network.

k) The Subdirectorate-General of Economic and Commercial Offices in the Foreign and Trade Territorial Network, which shall exercise the functions listed in paragraph 1.c) .11., 12. ª., 13.........................................


Article 9. Directorate-General for Internal Trade.

1. The Directorate-General for Internal Trade shall be responsible for the following tasks:

(a) The elaboration and proposal of rules and actions for the coordination and development of internal trade in order to eliminate bureaucratic burdens and promote market unity. The promotion of initiatives for the improvement of regulation and administrative simplification of the commercial distribution sector.

b) The analysis, monitoring and evaluation of state, regional and local regulations with an impact on internal trade and cooperation with the Autonomous Communities and Local Entities in the field of commercial distribution.

c) The analysis, monitoring, participation and implementation, within the scope of the basic state competence, of the Community legislation and initiatives, to ensure the effective implementation of the same, and to promote the removal of administrative barriers and unjustified barriers to the exercise of commercial activity.

(d) Registration, monitoring and monitoring of those arrangements for placing on the market of a special nature at national level and the exercise of powers under Law 7/1996 of 15 January 1996 on the Management of Trade Retailer, and others that attribute the current legislation to you.

e) Legal assistance, reporting and resolution of trade distribution consultations.

f) The management of measures to promote the productivity and competitiveness of companies in the commercial distribution sector, by drawing up general plans and financial support for their development.

g) The management, in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities and the Official Credit Institute, of the ICO-Internal Trade finance line.

(h) The processing of requests for reimbursement of ERDF funds and relations with their administrative bodies.

i) The management of the National Internal Trade Awards, as provided for in their regulatory regulations.

j) Technical and administrative assistance to the Sectoral Conference of Internal Trade and to the Board of Directors-General of the Sectoral Conference.

k) Support and statistical advice concerning prices in the commercial distribution sector, perishable and consumer products, as well as the carrying out of studies, without prejudice to the powers of other bodies department managers.

l) The elaboration and proposal of the basic regulations in relation to the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Spain, as well as the collaboration with regional administrations to which the law grants the protection of Cameras.

m) The exercise of administrative protection in relation to the Superior Council of the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Spain, as well as the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

n) Technical and administrative assistance to the Commercial Distribution Observatory, the Retail Price Observatory, as well as the Electronic Card Payments Observatory.

n) The conduct of studies on commercial distribution and commercial structures.

or) In the framework of the current legislation, the impulse to the activity of the professional associations linked to the scope of action of the Secretariat of State of Commerce in respect of which the order attributes to this Ministry administrative powers of control and guardianship.

2. The Directorate-General for Internal Trade is structured in the following Subdirectorates General:

(a) The Subdirectorate General for Internal Trade, which shall exercise the functions listed in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of paragraph 1 of this Article.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for the Promotion and Modernisation of Internal Trade, which shall exercise the functions listed in paragraphs (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j) of paragraph 1 of this Article.

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Marketing and Institutional Relations, which shall exercise the functions listed in paragraphs (k), (l), (m), (n), (n) and (o) of paragraph 1 of this Article.

Article 10. Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation.

1. The Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation shall exercise the functions provided for in Article 14 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State in the field of its competence in the field of scientific and technical research, development and innovation, including the direction of international relations in this field and the Spanish representation in international and international programmes, forums and European Union of its competence.

2. The Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation depends on the Secretariat General for Science, Technology and Innovation, with a sub-secretariat rank.

3. The following sub-directorates-general are also directly dependent on the Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation:

a) The General Planning and Tracking Subdirection, which will perform the following functions:

1. The follow-up to the implementation of the National Plan for R & D & I and the State Innovation Strategy, as well as the coordination of the elaboration and follow-up of the Spanish Strategy for Science and Technology, of the Strategy Spanish of Innovation, of the State Plan of Scientific and Technical Research and of the State Plan of Innovation provided for in Law 14/2011, of 1 June, of Science, Technology and Innovation.

2. The coordination of studies on the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation and the development of national statistics on research, development and innovation.

3. The management and maintenance of the Science, Technology and Innovation Information System.

4. The impulse of scientific, technological and innovative dissemination, as well as of the centralized access to open access repositories to the publications of the research staff of the public agents of the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation and its connection with similar national and international initiatives.

(b) The Deputy Director-General for the Coordination of Public Research Bodies, which will carry out functions in support of the Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation in the field of impulse, development and coordination the activities of the public research bodies attached to the Secretariat of State.

c) The General Subdirectorate for Institutional Relations, which will perform the following functions:

1. General coordination, design, development and monitoring of cooperation with the Autonomous Communities in the field of R & D + i; the promotion of joint actions or programmes with the Autonomous Communities in the field of powers of the Secretariat of State and the strengthening and coordination, in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities, of the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation.

2. The administrative support of the General Council of Science and Technology, the Advisory Council for Science and Technology, the Advisory Council for Science, Technology and Innovation and the Council for Science Policy, Technology and of Innovation, as well as of the working groups that are formed within the same.

4. As an immediate assistance body to the head of the Secretariat of State, there is a Cabinet, with an organic level of general sub-direction, with the structure set out in Article 14.3 of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011.

5. For the legal advice of the Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation there will be a State Advocate, which is organically integrated in that of the department.

6. It is attached to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation, the National Museum of Science and Technology.

7. The following public research bodies are assigned to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation:

a) The Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC).

b) The Carlos III Health Institute.

c) The National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA).

d) The Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT).

e) The Spanish Oceanography Institute (IEO).

f) The Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME).

8. The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias will relate to the General Administration of the State through the Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation, whose head will preside over the Board of Directors of the Institute of Astrophysics of Canary Islands.

9. The General Inspectorate of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations shall be functionally dependent on the holder of the Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation for the exercise of its powers in respect of organs and the scope of the powers of that State Secretariat.

Article 11. General Secretary for Science, Technology and Innovation.

1. The Secretariat-General for Science, Technology and Innovation, with the rank of sub-secretariat, shall exercise, in respect of the units dependent on it, the powers provided for in Article 16 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and Operation of the General Administration of the State, in the field of scientific and technical research, development and innovation.

2. They depend on the General Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation:

a) The Directorate-General for Scientific and Technical Research.

b) The Directorate-General for Innovation and Competitiveness.

3. It is up to the General Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation, a Technical Cabinet, with an organic level of general subdirection, as an organ of support and immediate assistance to the Secretary General.

4. It is also directly dependent on the General Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation at the General Secretariat for International Relations and with Europe, which will perform the following functions:

a) The coordination of international and European issues in the areas of competence of the General Secretariat.

(b) The planning and negotiation of the European Union Framework Programme for research and innovation and other European R & D & I programmes.

c) The impetus, development, coordination, monitoring and representation of Spain in European Union programmes, forums and organisations in the field of scientific research and planning.

d) The planning, coordination, development, monitoring and representation of Spanish participation in large international scientific and technological facilities and facilities, as well as the optimization of such participation.

e) The planning and coordination of strategic international scientific and technical research programs and agreements, in the bilateral and multilateral fields, aimed at strengthening the leadership and internationalisation of the Spanish science and technology.

(f) The planning and coordination of international cooperation in scientific and technical research, the formulation and coordination of the Spanish position in international forums, and the proposal or designation, in their case, of those who have to represent Spain in the international bodies responsible for the relevant programmes, without prejudice to the powers of other bodies.

5. It is attached to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the General Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation, the Enterprise Public Entity Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), whose presidency will hold the headline of that General Secretariat.

Article 12. Directorate-General for Scientific and Technical Research.

1. The following functions are the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Scientific and Technical Research:

a) The impulse, diffusion and orientation of scientific and technical activity in all areas of knowledge.

b) The implementation of the General Secretariat's plans and programmes of action in the field of scientific and technical research.

c) The promotion of research activity in all areas of knowledge through the financing of research projects and complementary actions of a national nature.

d) The development of actions to encourage the training of researchers.

e) The promotion of the incorporation and recruitment of researchers and technologists to the Spanish System of Science, Technology and Innovation.

f) The management of the National Research Awards.

g) The development of actions for the provision and enhancement of scientific and technological infrastructure and equipment, and other scientific and technical research activities financed from European funds.

(h) Economic and budgetary management and economic and financial control of the actions of the budgetary services corresponding to the Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation and to the Directorate-General General Scientific and Technical Research.

i) The prior and subsequent scientific-technical evaluation of the actions of the National Plan of R & D + i and of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research, and other scientific and technological policy actions, with objectivity and independence.

j) The management and financing of scientific and technical research projects, cooperation, improvement and mobility of researchers, as well as complementary actions, at international level.

2. The following general sub-directions depend on the Directorate-General for Scientific and Technical Research:

(a) The Subdirectorate-General for Research Projects, which shall perform the functions described in paragraph 1 (c).

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Human Resources for Research, which shall perform the functions described in paragraphs (d), (e) and (f) of paragraph 1.

(c) The General Subdirectorate of European Funds for Research, which shall perform the functions described in paragraph 1 (g).

(d) The Deputy Directorate-General for Economic Management of Aid to Research, which shall perform the functions described in paragraph 1 (h).

(e) The General Subdirectorate of the National Agency for Assessment and Prospective, which shall perform the functions described in paragraph 1 (i).

(f) The General Subdirectorate of International Projects, which shall perform the functions described in paragraph 1 (j).

Article 13. Directorate-General for Innovation and Competitiveness.

1. It is for the Directorate-General for Innovation and Competitiveness to perform the following tasks:

(a) The impetus, dissemination and orientation of innovative activity in all economic sectors.

b) The implementation of the General Secretariat's plans and programmes of action in the field of innovation.

c) The development, in collaboration with the General Planning and Monitoring Subdirectorate, and the development of the Spanish Innovation Strategy and the State Innovation Plan.

d) The design of the General Secretariat's programmes and plans for action in the field of innovation.

e) The coordination of innovation programmes at national and international level.

f) The promotion of collaboration with regional and regional innovation administrations.

g) The programming, execution and monitoring of technology transfer actions.

h) Support for the activities of Scientific and Technological Parks.

i) The promotion of the Technology Centers and the Technology Innovation Support Centers and the management of the Technology Centers and Technology Innovation Support Centers at the state level.

j) The promotion of technology transfer through the Research Results Transfer (OTRI) Offices and the momentum of patent generation.

k) The design, coordination and development of public policies in the field of the creation of technology-based companies, without prejudice to the activities of other ministerial departments in this field.

l) Strengthening public-private cooperation in the field of R & D + i, in a stable way, especially between the productive sector and the knowledge-generating agents and the contribution to the articulation of the Spanish System Science, Technology and Innovation.

m) The promotion, in the field of its competence, of the internationalization of the actions of R + D + i, contributing to the participation and integration of the companies in international technological projects sectorial.

n) The impetus, coordination and monitoring of technology platforms in the areas of national strategic interest and the promotion of their orientation towards innovative markets.

n) The management of national innovation awards.

or) The issuance of the reasoned reports provided for in Royal Decree 1432/2003 of 21 November, which regulates the issuance by the Ministry of Science and Technology of reasoned reports regarding compliance with requirements scientific and technological, for the purposes of the application and interpretation of tax deductions for research and development and technological innovation activities, without prejudice to the powers conferred on other bodies.

p) The promotion of the recruitment of staff specializing in innovation in the private sector.

q) The impulse of innovative public purchasing.

r) The elaboration of the reports relating to the fact that the employer has the right characteristics to carry out R & D + i activities, in order to authorize the residence and work in Spain of foreigners to which the Regulation of the Organic Law 4/2000, on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration, approved by Royal Decree 557/2011 of 20 April.

s) The impetus of joint actions or programmes with the Autonomous Communities and Local Entities in the field of innovation.

(t) Economic and budgetary management and economic and financial control of the actions of the budgetary services corresponding to the General Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation and the Directorate-General for Innovation and Competitiveness.

u) Planning, development and coordination, in particular with the Autonomous Communities, of the unique scientific and technical infrastructures, the great scientific-technical facilities and the strategic facilities national, as well as the promotion of their internationalisation.

2. The following sub-directorates-general depend on the Directorate-General for Innovation and Competitiveness:

(a) The General Subdirectorate for Competitiveness and Business Development, which shall perform the functions described in paragraphs (c), (d), (e), (f) and (p) of paragraph 1.

(b) The General Technology Transfer Subdirectorate, which shall perform the functions described in paragraphs (g), (h), (i), (j) and (k) of paragraph 1.

(c) The General Public-Private Partnership Subdirectorate, which shall perform the functions described in paragraph 1 (l), (m) and (n).

(d) The General Subdirectorate for the Promotion of Business Innovation, which shall perform the functions described in paragraph 1 (n) or (q), (r) and (s).

(e) The General Subdirectorate for Economic Management of Innovation Aid, which shall perform the functions described in paragraph 1 (t).

(f) The General Sub-Directorate of Scientific and Technological Infrastructure Planning, which shall perform the functions described in paragraph 1 (u).

Article 14. Deputy Secretary for Economic Affairs and Competitiveness.

1. The Secretariat for Economic and Competitiveness shall be responsible for carrying out the tasks listed in Article 15 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State, and in particular the following:

a) The ordinary representation of the Ministry.

(b) The institutional relations of the department, without prejudice to the powers conferred on other senior and managerial bodies.

(c) The proposal of the measures of organization of the Ministry and the management and exercise of the competences of the common services, being able to dictate the corresponding instructions or orders of service.

d) Support and technical assistance to the higher bodies of the department in the planning of the Ministry's activity and in the control of its effectiveness and its public bodies.

e) Responsible for legal advice to the Minister and those responsible for administrative management.

f) The coordination of the actions related to the participation of the department in the collective organs of the Government and in those of collaboration and support to the Government.

g) The top leadership of all staff in the department and the resolution of how many matters relate to that, except for cases reserved for the decision of the Minister or the Secretaries of State.

(h) Planning, management and administration of the human resources of the department, the elaboration of the relations of jobs, the management of the remuneration and the relations with the trade unions and the professional associations of officials.

(i) the establishment of plans for the training of staff, without prejudice to the powers of other management bodies of the department in this field, and the management of social action and risk prevention programmes; labor.

j) The management of the department's material resources; the adequacy and conservation of the buildings of the central services and the maintenance of its facilities; the general register of the Ministry; the technical services, security, reprographics and, in general, other general services and internal arrangements.

k) The processing of the procurement files not attributed to other departments of the department and the planning, coordination, elaboration and direction of the works projects.

(l) The processing of the rental files of the real estate, as soon as it does not correspond to other organs of the Ministry; the maintenance of the inventory of the buildings affected to the department; the financial and treasury management of the budgetary appropriations of the common services and the coordination of the various paying agencies of the department through the central unit.

m) The direction, momentum and coordination of the electronic administration in the department.

n) The impetus and coordination of the IT policy of the Ministry and its various agencies and the development of the information systems necessary for the operation of services.

n) The implementation of electronic administration in the department, management and administration of voice and data communication networks, administration of the Internet domain and portal of the Ministry and advice and assistance in the field of information technology.

(o) the drawing up of the proposal for an annual budget of the Ministry and the coordination of the Ministry's public bodies, as well as the monitoring of budgetary implementation and authorization; case, processing of its amendments.

p) The inspection of organs and agencies dependent or attached to the department.

q) Approval of the annual service inspection plan.

r) The protectorate of foundations whose purposes are linked to the department's privileges, in the terms established by the current regulations.

s) The coordination of department statistics and representation in inter-ministerial bodies in this field.

t) The management and maintenance of contents of the Internet and Intranet portal of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in coordination with the content managers of the management centers and agencies of the department.

2. The Technical General Secretariat is directly dependent on the Secretariat for Economic and Competitiveness.

3. With organic level of general sub-direction, the following bodies are directly dependent on the Secretariat:

(a) The Subdirectorate-General for Human Resources, which shall carry out the tasks referred to in paragraph 1 (h) and (i).

(b) The General Staff, which shall carry out the duties provided for in paragraphs (j) and (k) of paragraph 1

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Financial Management and Inspection of Services, which shall carry out the tasks referred to in paragraph 1 (l) and (p). The functions of inspection of services in the areas of Science and Innovation and Commerce will be performed in this Subdirectorate General and under the superior coordination of the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, without prejudice to the actions to be carried out directly by the General Inspectorate; all in accordance with the inspection plan approved by the Deputy Secretary.

(d) The General Subdirectorate for Information and Communications Technologies, which shall carry out the tasks referred to in paragraph 1 (n), (n) and (t).

(e) The Office of the Budget, which shall carry out the tasks referred to in paragraph 1 (o), and in particular those set out in Royal Decree 2855/1979 of 21 December 1979 establishing the Office for the Budget.

4. Depending directly on the Sub-Secretariat, with an organic level of general sub-direction, there will be a Technical Cabinet as an organ of support and immediate assistance to the Assistant Secretary.

5. They are also attached to the Secretariat, with the functions assigned to them by their specific rules, and without prejudice to their respective dependencies, the following bodies with a rank of general sub-direction:

(a) The State Advocate in the department, in which the legal advice of the Ministry's Secretaries of State is made up organically.

b) The Delegated Intervention of the General Intervention of the State Administration in the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, to which a Chief Executive Officer will exist and which is structured in three areas: Audit, Audit and Accounting, the first two with rank of general subdirection.

6. The Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs and Competitiveness is attached to the Permanent Advisory Board.

7. It is attached to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the Secretariat, the Accounting and Audit Institute of Accounts.

8. The General Inspectorate of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations shall be functionally dependent on the holder of the Secretariat for Economic and Financial Affairs for the exercise of its powers in respect of organs and matters in the field of privileges of that Sub-Secretariat.

Article 15. Technical General Secretariat.

1. The Technical General Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness shall be responsible for the tasks assigned to it by Articles 22.2 and 24.2 of Law 50/1997 of 27 November of the Government and Article 17 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April 1997. of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State, and in particular the following:

a) The provision of technical and administrative assistance to the Minister and other senior department officials.

b) Participation in the elaboration of normative projects.

c) The preparation of the documentation and reports, as well as the processing and coordination of the actions related to the participation of the department in the Council of Ministers, the Commission Delegated Commissions and the Commission General of Secretaries of State and Undersecretaries.

d) The follow-up and report of the acts and provisions of the Autonomous Communities; the processing of the agreements with the Autonomous Communities and the coordination of the actions of the various bodies Department managers regarding the transfer of functions and services to those.

e) The processing of the publication in the "Official State Gazette" of the general provisions and administrative acts of the Ministry and its public bodies.

f) The coordination of regulatory projects that promote the Ministry and the follow-up of the corresponding elaboration procedure, as well as the processing of requests for reports from other ministries.

g) The articulation of the Ministry's normative powers with the rest of the General Administration of the State and with the other public administrations, agencies and public entities, and the processing, if any, of the regulatory projects to approve or propose to the department.

(h) The issue of reports, in particular those of a mandatory nature for the preparation of the preliminary draft laws and general provisions, as well as the reports on proposals for conventions or agreements

i) the monitoring and coordination of questions referred to the European Union and the transposition of directives, as well as the exercise, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and (a) Cooperation, other powers in relation to the European Union and international bodies in matters of the department not expressly assigned to other management bodies.

(j) The study, processing and formulation of motions for resolutions in relation to the appeals against administrative acts of any department of the department, the ex officio reviews of the administrative acts nulls and nullibles, claims for damages for patrimonial liability, claims prior to the court, jurisdictional disputes and competition issues.

k) The Ministry's relations with the Administration of Justice.

l) Performing studies and reports of general interest to the department.

m) Preparation of compilations of existing provisions affecting the Ministry and the proposal of recasts or revisions of legal texts deemed appropriate.

n) The management of the department's editorial program and the coordination, promotion and dissemination of publications.

n) The organization, management, and maintenance of libraries, department files, and their documentation.

o) The provision of the department's administrative information service.

2. The Technical General Secretariat shall be composed of the following bodies with a rank of general subdirección, which shall perform the specific functions indicated:

(a) The Technical Vice-Secretary-General, who shall perform the duties provided for in paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) of paragraph 1.

(b) The General Subdirectorate for Reporting and Development, which shall carry out the tasks referred to in paragraphs (f), (g), (h) and (i) of paragraph 1.

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Resources, Claims and Relations with the Administration of Justice, which shall exercise the functions provided for in paragraphs (j) and (k) of paragraph 1.

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for Studies, Information and Publications, which shall carry out the tasks referred to in paragraph 1 (l), (m), (n), (n) and (o).

Additional disposition first. Removal of organs.

1. The following units with organic level of general sub-direction of the extinct Ministry of Economy and Finance are deleted:

a) The Technical Cabinet of the General Secretariat for Economic Policy and International Economics.

b) The Deputy Director General for International Economics.

c) The General Sub-direction of Macroeconomic Analysis and Modeling.

d) The General Subdirectorate for the Management of the State's Cobros and Payments.

e) The General Financial and Strategic Analysis Subdirection.

f) The General Subdirection of Extraordinary Economic Measures.

g) The General Subdirection of the International Financial System.

(h) The General Subdirectorate of European Financial Institutions.

i) The General Subdirectorate of Economic Affairs Reports.

2. The following bodies and units of the extinct Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade are deleted:

a) The General Subdirectorate of Territorial and Media Coordination.

b) The General Subdirectorate of Economic and Commercial Offices Abroad.

(c) General Subdirectorate of External Investment.

d) Subdirectorate General for International Trade in Services.

e) The Division of Foreign Trade of the Studies Unit.

f) The Division of Tourism and Internal Trade of the Studies Unit.

3. The following bodies and units of the extinct Ministry of Science and Innovation are deleted:

a) The General Secretariat of Innovation.

b) The Directorate-General for Research and Management of the National R & D & I Plan.

c) The General Direction of Technology Transfer and Business Development.

(d) The Cabinet of the Secretariat of State of Investigation.

e) The Technical Cabinet of the General Secretariat of Innovation.

f) The Economic and Budgetary Management Subdirectorate General.

g) The General Subdirection of Training and Incorporation of Researchers.

h) The General Subdirection of Scientific Infrastructure.

i) The General Planning, Studies, and Tracking Subdirection.

j) The General Subdirection of International Programs.

k) The General Subdirectorate of International Facilities and Organisms.

l) The General Subdirectorate for Cooperation with Autonomous Communities.

m) The General Subdirection of European Programs.

n) The General Subdirection of Technology Centers and Business Development.

n) The General Subdirection of Transfer and Valorization of Knowledge.

o) The General Subdirection of Public-Private Collaboration Strategies.

p) The General Economic Management Subdirectorate.

q) The General Subdirectorate of Financial Management, Internal Regime and Services Inspection.

r) The General Staff Subdirection.

4. References in the legal order to the bodies referred to in the preceding paragraphs shall be construed as having been made to those who, in accordance with this royal decree, assume the corresponding powers.

Additional provision second. Supply of the holders of certain higher and managerial bodies.

In the case of vacancy, absence or sickness of the holders of the following higher and managerial bodies, the supply shall be carried out as follows:

(a) The holders of the Secretaries of State shall meet each other according to the order of precedence derived from this royal decree.

b) The holders of the Secretariat, the Secretaries-General, the Technical General Secretariat or the Directorates-General of the department shall be supplied by the governing bodies which are dependent on each of them according to the order in which they appear quoted in this royal decree.

Additional provision third. Delegation of powers.

The delegation of powers granted by the various higher bodies and directors affected by this royal decree and by the Royal Decrees 1823/2011 of 21 December, which restructured the departments ministerial; 1829/2011, of 23 December, for which Subsecretariats are created in the ministerial departments; and 1887/2011, of 30 December, for which the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments is established, will continue until they are expressly revoked or granted again.

When the delegations of powers that maintain their effects under the previous paragraph have been made in favor of organs suppressed by any of the actual decrees cited, the referring delegations will be understood in force for the bodies in whose field of action the corresponding competence is framed.

Additional provision fourth. Functional dependency of the Economy and Finance Delegations.

1. The Economy and Finance Delegations will be organically dependent on the Secretariat of Finance and Public Administrations, without prejudice to its functional dependence on the General Secretariat of the Treasury and Financial Policy on the matters of its competition, in particular those relating to the General Deposit Box and the collection of non-tax or customs public resources.

2. The delegations of the National Statistics Institute are organically attached to the Economy and Finance Delegations, without prejudice to their functional dependence on the Autonomous Body to which they belong.

Additional provision fifth. Carlos III Health Institute.

1. The Carlos III Health Institute, a self-governing body of public research, assigned organically to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, will have a double functional dependency on the Ministries of Health, Services Social and Equality and Economic and Competitiveness, in the sphere of their respective competences.

In particular, the Carlos III Health Institute will be functionally dependent on the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality for the development of health, planning and health activities. health care and, in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, of those other applied research when they have translation into the National Health System. For the performance of the rest of the activities will depend functionally on the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Secretariat of State of Research, Development and Innovation.

2. Within three months from the date of entry into force of the Royal Decree 200/2012 of 23 January, the Royal Decree 785/2009 of 30 April 2009, which is the Joint Commission for Coordination between the Ministry of Education, will be amended. Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Health and Social Policy, in relation to the Institute of Health Carlos III, in order to adapt the same to the new ministerial structures and the competences of the Ministries of Economy and Competitiveness and of Health, Social Services and Equality in relation to that Institute.

Additional provision sixth. Membership of the Bioethics Committee of Spain.

The Carlos III Health Institute is attached to the Bioethics Committee of Spain.

Additional provision seventh. Accounting and Audit Institute of Accounts.

The Accounting and Audit Institute of Accounts will request a report from the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations regarding the proposals of the general accounting plan, the adaptations of this plan as well as all proposals for legislative or regulatory changes in relation to the continuous improvement and updating of the accounting planning referred to in paragraphs (a) and (c) of Article 2 of Royal Decree 302/1989, 17 of March, for which the Statute and the organic structure of the Institute of Accounting and Audit of Accounts.

First transient disposition. Temporary management of media and services by the Ministries of Finance and Public Administrations and Industry, Energy and Tourism.

Until the effective integration of the budgetary credits and the material and personal means attached to the functions assigned to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations and the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism will continue to provide the necessary support to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness to maintain the regular functioning of the services.

Second transient disposition. Units and jobs with lower organic level than general sub-direction.

1. The units and posts with a lower organic level than that of the general subdirección, which are in the organs suppressed by this royal decree, shall continue to remain and shall be remunerated from the same budgetary appropriations, until the relations of jobs adapted to the organic structure established in this royal decree are approved.

2. Until the new employment relationship has been approved, the units and posts in the organs removed by this royal decree shall be provisionally attached, by means of a resolution of the Deputy Secretary, to the bodies regulated in this royal decree based on the attributions assigned to them.

3. In the case of units and posts of an organic level lower than Subdirectorate General attached to the common services organs of the extinct Sub-Secretary for Economic and Finance, the membership shall be effected by joint resolution of the Subsecretariats of Finance and Public Administrations and of Economy and Competitiveness. Until then, they will continue to carry out, on a provisional basis, the functions assigned to them, under the direction of the organs created by the real decrees of development of the basic organic structure of the Ministries of Finance and Public and Economic Administrations and Competitiveness.

4. In the case of units and posts of lower organic level than the General Subdirectorate General attached to the common services bodies of the extinct Secretariat for Industry, Tourism and Trade, the membership shall be effected by means of joint resolution of the Sub-secretariats of Economy and Competitiveness and Industry, Energy and Tourism. Until then, they will continue to carry out, on a provisional basis, the functions assigned to them, under the direction of the organs created by the real decrees of development of the basic organic structure of the Ministries of Economy and Competitiveness and Industry, Energy and Tourism.

Transitional provision third. Collegiate contracting authorities.

Without prejudice to the provisions of the second transitional provision on the subsistence of units and jobs and until such time as the ministerial order is approved and the corresponding collegiate bodies of the In order to be adapted to the structure laid down in this royal decree, they shall, with the character of interministerial bodies, the Contracting Boards and the Single Tables of Contracting of the extinct Ministries of Economy and Finance, and Industry, Tourism and Trade, with the structure and powers attributed to them, respectively, Order EHA/2151/2010 of 29 July and Order ITC/2411/2011 of 5 September. The Single Contract Table of the extinct Ministry of Science and Innovation, set out in Order CIN/3537/2008 of 31 October, will also be temporarily subsisting.

Transitional disposition fourth. Chair of the Advisory Council for Science and Technology and the General Council for Science and Technology.

It is up to the head of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness to chair the Advisory Council for Science and Technology and the General Council of Science and Technology as long as these bodies continue to carry out their work. functions as set out in the first transitional provision of Law 14/2011 of 1 June of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

The Royal Decree 1042/2009 of 29 June 2009, which develops the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and, in general, all provisions of equal or lower rank, is repealed. established in this royal decree.

Final disposition first. Amendment of the Regulation of the Centre for Technological and Industrial Development, approved by Royal Decree 1406/1986 of 6 June.

The Regulation of the Centre for Technological and Industrial Development, approved by Royal Decree 1406/1986 of 6 June 1986, is amended as follows:

One. Article 5 (1) is worded as follows:

" 1. The CDTI Board of Directors is composed of:

a) The President, who will be the Secretary General of Science, Technology and Innovation.

b) The Director General of the CDTI.

c) A minimum of 10 and a maximum of 17 Vocals, of which, at least, two-thirds shall act on behalf of the General Administration of the State. The designation and cessation of the vowels is the responsibility of the Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, with the aim of reaching the equal representation of men and women.

One of the vowels will be the head of the General Directorate of Innovation and Competitiveness. Also, another of the vowels, with the category of director general of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, will act on behalf of the Government Delegation for Scientific and Technological Policy, and will be appointed by the Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, on the proposal of the cited Commission Delegate. "

Two. Article 8 is worded as follows:

" The Board of Directors may delegate any of its powers to the Executive Committees, to the President or to the Director General, as well as to confer special powers for specific cases without limitation. people.

The powers laid down in Article 6 (4) and (5) of this Regulation shall not be delegated. "

Three. Article 10 is worded as follows.

" 1. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall also be of the Entity and shall be responsible for:

(a) The representation of the Board of Directors and the exercise of the functions delegated to it by the Board.

b) Ensure compliance with the laws and regulations, as well as take care of the implementation of the agreements made by the Board of Directors and their Executive Commissions.

c) Propose to the Board of Directors the appointment and separation of the Secretary of the Board.

d) Address the tasks of the Board of Directors, order their calls, set the agenda for the meetings, preside over them, and direct the deliberations.

2. In cases of vacancy, absence, illness of the President, or where any other cause which prevents him from carrying out his duties, shall be replaced by the holder of the Directorate-General for Innovation and Competitiveness. '

Four. Article 11 is deleted.

Final disposition second. Amendment of the Statute of the National Competition Commission, approved by Royal Decree 331/2008 of 29 February.

The Statute of the National Competition Commission, approved by Royal Decree 331/2008 of 29 February, is amended as follows:

One. A new subparagraph is added to Article 14 (1), which is worded as follows:

" (e) Surveillance Subdirectorate, which shall exercise the functions of instruction in the procedures for monitoring compliance with the obligations, resolutions and agreements referred to in Article 41 of Law 15/2007 of 3 of July, and of the allocation procedures referred to in Articles 2 and 3 of Law 1/2002 of 22 February. "

Two. Article 23 is worded as follows:

" Article 23. Structure of the General Secretariat of the National Competition Commission.

1. The Secretariat-General of the National Competition Commission depends on the Subdirectorate of Information and Communications Systems, which shall carry out the functions referred to in Article 21 (k), and whose staff shall participate in the conduct of inspections in accordance with the powers conferred on Article 40 of Law 15/2007 of 3 July.

2. The holder of such a sub-address shall be appointed by the President of the National Competition Commission, on a proposal from the Secretary-General. "

Final disposition third. Amendment of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011 establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments.

Article 12.1.C of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011 establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments is worded as follows:

" C) The Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation, on which the General Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation, with a sub-secretariat rank, depends, on which they depend:

1. The Directorate-General for Scientific and Technical Research.

2. The Directorate-General for Innovation and Competitiveness. "

Final disposition fourth. Powers of development.

The Minister of Economy and Competitiveness is hereby authorized to take the necessary steps to implement and implement this royal decree, prior to the appropriate legal procedures.

Final disposition fifth. Budgetary changes.

The Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations will carry out the necessary budgetary modifications for the fulfillment of the provisions of this royal decree.

Final disposition sixth. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on February 10, 2012.


The Minister of Finance and Public Administrations,