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Royal Decree 401/2012, On February 17, Which Develops The Basic Organizational Structure Of The Ministry Of Agriculture, Food And Environment.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 401/2012, de 17 de febrero, por el que se desarrolla la estructura orgánica básica del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente.

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The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, created by Royal Decree 1823/2011 of 23 December, which restructured the ministerial departments, is the department of the General Administration of the State to which it corresponds, within the constitutional order of distribution of competences between the State and the autonomous communities and in collaboration with the other ministries and public administrations, the proposal and execution of the politics of the Government of the Nation in environmental, agricultural, fisheries and food matters.

According to a cross-cutting approach to environmental policy that advocates the integration of environmental considerations into the different sectors of socio-economic and cultural activity, to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment is the responsibility of the formulation of policies of environmental quality and prevention of pollution and climate change, environmental impact assessment, the promotion of the use of clean technologies and consumption habits less pollutants and more sustainable, the protection of the natural environment, biodiversity, and conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and their proper preservation and restoration.

Likewise, it is up to the department to define, propose and implement Community water policy, which, in the face of a traditional conception limited almost exclusively to the management of public domain Hydraulic and works of this nature, prioritizes, in accordance with the Water Framework Directive, the objective of achieving a good ecological state of the waters, for which it is necessary to address a complex process of hydrological planning.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment is also responsible for the proposal and implementation of the Government's policy on the protection and conservation of the sea and the maritime-terrestrial public domain, as well as the participation in the planning of the research policy on biodiversity of marine ecosystems, all from a perspective that supports the strategic importance of the Spanish coast for economic development and The Commission is also aware of the need to preserve the marine environment and to prevent its degradation. Community policy on integrated coastal zone management.

On the other hand, the new structure of the ministry intends to provide an adequate response, from an organizational point of view, to the framework in which the agricultural and fisheries policies, as well as the policies, will be developed. The food to be promoted. In this area, the department is responsible for the proposal and implementation of the Government's action in the field of primary production and agricultural markets, agricultural production, food industry and rural development and forestry policy. planning and implementation of policies for maritime fisheries in the external waters and aquaculture, basic management of the fisheries sector, bases for the marketing and processing of fishery products and participation in planning of the fisheries research policy.

The development of the basic structure of the ministry, established by Royal Decree 1887/2011, of December 30, to adapt its organization to the requirements of public policies whose promotion it is responsible for, has been addressed with criteria of efficiency and rationality, with a significant decrease of units with organic level of general direction and general sub-direction that also affects the public bodies attached. Thus, the autonomous body Fund for Regulation and Organization of the Market for the Products of Marine Fisheries and Crops (FROM) is abolished, when its functions are entrusted to the Autonomous Agency of the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA) and to the the General Secretariat for Agriculture and Food, in an effort to simplify administrative structures and reduce their operating costs.

Royal Decree 1441/2001 of 21 December 2001 amending the Statute of the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA) is amended by assigning it the status of a paying agency referred to above, and also certain certification and control powers of the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) up to now exercised by the Directorate-General for Fisheries Management. On the other hand, the FEGA, traditionally attached to the Ministry through the Secretariat, is attached through the General Secretariat of Agriculture.

In its virtue, at the initiative of the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, at the proposal of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on February 17 2012,


Article 1. General organization of the department.

1. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment is the department responsible for the administration of the State for the proposal and implementation of the Government's policy on the fight against climate change. protection of natural heritage, biodiversity and the sea, water, rural development, agricultural and livestock farming resources, and food.

Corresponds to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, in the field of State competence, the elaboration of State legislation in the field of waters and coasts, environment and mountains, meteorology and climatology; the proposal and implementation of the Government's general guidelines on agricultural, fisheries and food policy; direct management of the public water domain; public maritime domain; representation of the State in the international bodies corresponding to these matters, without prejudice to the powers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, as well as the coordination of actions, cooperation and consultation in the design and implementation of all policies affecting the area of competence of the communities (a) autonomous and other public administrations, promoting their participation through the appropriate bodies and instruments of cooperation.

The allocation of the above powers to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment is without prejudice to the provisions of the Staff Regulations of the State Agency of Meteorology in relation to the Potestades administrative procedures for the Agency.

2. The powers conferred on this royal decree will be understood in coordination and without prejudice to those corresponding to other ministerial departments. In particular, all powers related to the institutions of the European Union or to international bodies shall be exercised in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and, where appropriate, with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Economy and Competitiveness.

3. They are senior organs and managers of the department, directly dependent on the Minister:

a) The Secretary of State for the Environment.

b) The Undersecretary of Agriculture, Food and Environment.

c) The General Secretariat for Agriculture and Food, with the rank of Undersecretary

(d) The General Secretariat for Fisheries, with the rank of Sub-Secretariat.

4. As an organ of support and immediate assistance, it is directly dependent on the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment a Cabinet, with the rank and composition set out in Article 14 of Royal Decree 1887/2011, of December 30, for which the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments is approved.

5. The autonomous body Parks National is attached to the Minister, who will preside over it.

Article 2. Secretary of State for the Environment.

1. The Secretary of State for the Environment is the top organ of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, which, under the Ministry's dependency, directs and coordinates the implementation of the competencies that correspond to this department in relationship to the formulation of environmental quality policies and the prevention of pollution and climate change, environmental assessment, promotion of the use of clean technologies and less polluting and more sustainable consumption habits.

It also corresponds to the definition, proposal and implementation of the Ministry's policies concerning the protection of the natural environment, without prejudice to the powers of the General Secretariat of Agriculture and Food and the General Secretariat for Fisheries in the field, biodiversity, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and their proper preservation and restoration; conservation of wildlife, flora, habitat and natural ecosystems in the environment. land and sea, as well as the integration of territorial considerations, environmental and ecological in the actions of their competence.

The Secretary of State for the Environment is directly responsible for the definition, proposal and implementation of the ministry's policies regarding the definition of the objectives and programmes derived from the framework directive. of water, direct management of the hydraulic public domain.

The Secretary of State for the Environment will exercise the department's own powers on the planning and implementation of policies on the protection and conservation of the sea and the maritime-terrestrial public domain, and participation in the planning of the research policy on biodiversity of marine ecosystems.

In the field of its powers, it is also responsible for the exercise of the monitoring functions of the meteorological services in support of air navigation, in order to organise inspections, controls and inspections. accurate studies to verify that the provision of such services is carried out under the appropriate safety and efficiency conditions and shall issue the certificates of air navigation meteorological service providers subject to the provision of by Regulation (EC) No 550/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 March 2004, on the provision of air navigation services in the single European sky. It is also up to the Council of Ministers of the European Union to prepare itself in the field of competence of the Secretariat of State.

2. The following management bodies are dependent on the Secretary of State for the Environment:

a) The Spanish Office of Climate Change, with a rank of general direction.

b) The Environmental and Environmental Quality and Evaluation Directorate General.

c) The General Direction of Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea.

d) The General Direction of Water.

3. As an organ of support and immediate assistance to the Secretary of State, there is a Cabinet with an organic level of general sub-management, with the structure established by Article 14.3 of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011.

4. For the legal advice of the Secretary of State for the Environment there will be a State Advocate, organically integrated in that of the department.

5. The State Agency of Meteorology is attached to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment through the Secretary of State for the Environment.

6. The Secretary of State for the Environment shall be the Vice President of the Autonomous Body.

Article 3. Spanish Climate Change Office.

1. They correspond to the Spanish Office of Climate Change, with a general direction rank, the following functions:

(a) Formulate national climate change policy, in accordance with international and community law on the subject, as well as propose legislation and develop the planning and administrative instruments that allow you to meet the objectives set by that policy.

b) Exercise the technical and management functions of the secretariat of the collegiate bodies on climate change.

c) Provide advice to the various bodies of the General Administration of the State in matters related to climate change.

d) Promote and conduct information and outreach activities on climate change, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the United Nations Framework Convention against Climate Change.

e) Relating to European institutions, public administrations, non-governmental organisations, public and private institutions and entities and other social partners to collaborate on initiatives related to the fight against climate change.

f) To participate in the representation of the ministry in international organizations and to assume the follow-up of the international conventions in the matters of its competence and, in particular, to exercise as national focal point to the The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

g) Analyze and promote research activities on climate change and climate observation.

h) Promote assessments regarding impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.

i) Promote the integration of adaptation to climate change in the planning of sectoral policies.

j) Coordinate how many plans and programs are developed in relation to climate change adaptation measures and strategies.

k) Analyze and promote policies and mitigation measures to combat the causes of climate change, as well as coordinate how many plans and programs are developed in relation to mitigation measures.

l) Analyze and promote measures to promote the development and sustainable management of carbon sinks.

m) Promote both the development and implementation of technologies that make it possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the integration of the transfer of such technologies into development policies and cooperation.

n) To exercise the functions attributed to the Ministry by Law 1/2005 of 9 March, which regulates the regime of trade in greenhouse gas emission rights and, in general, to apply the rules of trade emission rights.

n) Exercise as many functions as the National Registry of Rights of Emission, attached to this Directorate General. In particular, it corresponds to the direction of the activity of the register, the coordination with the competent bodies for the implementation of Law 1/2005 of 9 March; the relations with the entity entrusted, where appropriate, its administration and the approval of any acts or resolutions of a legal nature should support the specific activity of the Registry.

o) Exercise as many functions as the Ministry has attributed to the Ministry in relation to the systems of monitoring and verification of greenhouse gas emissions of the facilities included in the scope of the Law 1/2005, 9 March.

p) Promote the use of international carbon mechanisms through the mechanisms of flexibility of the Kyoto Protocol and mechanisms created under other international and community law standards, in in order to meet the international commitments made by Spain on climate change. Promote the coordination of carbon financing with other instruments and support lines for the internationalization of the Spanish company.

q) Exercise the functions attributed to you by Royal Decree 1494/2011 of 24 October in relation to the Spanish Carbon Fund for a Sustainable Economy.

2. From the Spanish Office of Climate Change the following organs depend, with organic level of general sub-direction:

(a) The General Sub-Directorate for the Coordination of Actions against Climate Change, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (g) to (l) of the previous paragraph, as well as those listed in paragraphs (a) to (f) in matters related to adaptation to climate change and the mitigation of its causes.

(b) The General Subdirectorate for Trade in Emissions and Flexibility Mechanisms, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (m) to (q) of the previous paragraph, as well as those listed in paragraphs (a) to (f) above. emissions trading and flexibility mechanisms.

Article 4. Directorate General for Quality and Environmental Assessment and Natural Environment.

1. The following functions correspond to the General Directorate of Quality and Environmental Assessment and Natural Environment:

(a) The formulation of the national policy for the prevention of pollution and control, quality and environmental assessment, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and with European Union and other regulations international bodies that are applicable.

b) The proposal, elaboration, coordination and programming of national plans and actions concerning the prevention and integrated control of pollution, in particular, of the residues, the contaminated soils, the contamination air and noise and environmental impact, including indicator systems and environmental assessments. The management of the National Register of Lodths.

c) Monitoring and monitoring of plans, programmes and projects of state competence in the field of integrated pollution prevention and control and environmental quality and assessment.

d) Participation in the representation of the ministry in international bodies and the follow-up of international conventions in the areas of its competence and, where appropriate, the exercise of the function of the point national focal point.

e) The exercise of the function as a focal point in matters of State competence in Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on substances that deplete the layer of ozone.

f) Instrumentation of the necessary mechanisms for the integration of environmental and sustainability aspects in the different economic and productive sectors; the promotion of projects for experimental development of the environment The European Council, the European Commission, the European Commission, the Council, the European Economic and Social Council, the European Economic and Social Council, the European Economic and Social Council, the European Economic and Social Council, the European Economic and Social monitoring the environmental impact of the activities of these sectors.

g) The elaboration of information and accurate projections to guide policies aimed at preventing pollution and ensuring environmental quality, in particular as regards technologies, production, waste management and shipments, air pollution and environmental assessment; the exercise of the role of the competent authority of the Spanish Inventory System under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; and Geneva Convention on long-distance transboundary air pollution, without prejudice of the technical functions of a statistical character corresponding to the Technical General Secretariat.

h) Coordination and cooperation with the autonomous communities in the field of environmental policies developed by the Directorate-General, without prejudice to the competencies of those communities.

i) Relations with the European Environment Agency, in particular with regard to development and momentum in the design of environmental indicators, with a national focal point and the coordination of the EIONET Network.

(j) The environmental risk assessment of chemicals and other substances, the exercise of the role of competent authority in the environmental aspects, both of the REACH Regulation and of the Regulation on the classification, labelling and packaging of chemical substances and mixtures, as well as the promotion and promotion of traceability measures in accordance with the provisions of the European Union; the national focal point exercise of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants in the light of the Rotterdam Convention for the implementation of Informed consent procedure prior to certain pesticides and dangerous chemicals subject to international trade, and to the Strategic Approach to the Management of Chemicals at the international level.

(k) The implementation of the environmental impact assessment procedures for projects and the strategic environmental assessment of plans and programmes, of state competence; the respective elaboration of the proposed resolution of the statement of environmental impact and joint environmental memory; and participation, where appropriate, in the relevant environmental monitoring committees.

l) The scientific authority of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

m) The elaboration of the Spanish Inventory of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, in accordance with Article 9 of Law 42/2007, of December 13, of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity; the accounting of natural heritage; the development of the EIONET-Nature Network and the role of the national reference centre of the European Environment Agency in these matters.

n) Reports prior to the environmental impact statement, when required by the application of natural environment regulations.

n) The development of common criteria for the development, conservation, management and financing of the Natura 2000 Network and protected natural areas, including wetlands and their integration into sectoral policies, in In coordination with the General Secretariat for the Sustainability of Agriculture and Food, in coordination with the General Secretariat of Agriculture and Food, special regional and regional development, in coordination with the General Secretariat of Agriculture and Food the Costa and the Sea, as regards the Natura 2000 network in the marine environment.

o) Planning, formulation of common basic strategies and guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of natural heritage and biodiversity, in accordance with national and international programmes of conservation of biodiversity. In relation to the State Strategic Plan for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, the implementation momentum of its functions, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of its implementation and the elaboration of its sectoral plans.

p) The programming of biodiversity projects eligible for funding from European funds and the development of the necessary documentation, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of such projects.

q) The functions that Law 42/2007, of December 13, of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity attributes to the General Administration of the State, without prejudice to the competences that correspond to other organs or departments.

2. The following organs depend on the General Directorate of Environmental and Environmental Quality and Evaluation, with an organic level of general subdirection:

(a) The General Subdirectorate of Waste, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (a) to (i) of the previous paragraph, in the field of waste prevention and management, sustainable use of products and materials and soils contaminated.

(b) The General Subdirectorate for Air Quality and Industrial Environment, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (a) to (j) of the previous paragraph in respect of air quality, industrial environment, and indicators.

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Environmental Assessment, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraph (k) of the previous paragraph, as well as those referred to in paragraphs (a) to (h) of the previous paragraph, in the field of assessment environmental.

(d) The Subdirectorate-General of the Natural Environment, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (d) and (l) to (q) of the previous paragraph.

Article 5. General Direction of Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea.

1. The following functions correspond to the General Direction of Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea:

a) Coordination with autonomous communities, local entities and public bodies of actions or projects that contribute to the improvement of the sustainability of the coast and the sea.

b) The determination of land-based maritime public domain through the deslinde procedure, as well as the adoption of the necessary measures to ensure their integrity and adequate conservation.

c) The management of land-based maritime public domain, in particular occupation or exploitation, and its guardianship and policing.

d) The issuance of the report on the reserve of the public maritime domain and the representation of the Ministry in the subscription of the corresponding record.

e) The attachment of maritime-terrestrial public domain goods to the autonomous communities for the construction of new ports and routes of transport of ownership of those, or of extension or modification of the existing ones.

f) The management of the economic and financial regime of land-based maritime public domain.

g) The functional direction of the provincial coasts and services.

h) The protection and conservation of the elements that integrate the terrestrial maritime public domain, in particular the sustainable adaptation of the beaches, dune systems and coastal wetlands, as well as the drafting, implementation, supervision, control and inspection of studies, projects and defence works.

(i) The programming, monitoring and evaluation of projects financed by European funds.

j) The coordination of the application in Spain of integrated coastal zone management.

k) The functions deriving from the competences that Law 41/2010, of 29 December, of protection of the marine environment, attributes to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, in particular regarding the strategies marine, the Marine Protected Areas Network of Spain, marine species and habitats and the mandatory reports concerning discharges, activities and projects in the marine environment.

(l) The functions deriving from the powers that Article 6 of Law 42/2007, of December 13, of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity attributes to the General Administration of the State in relation to spaces, habitat or marine areas and marine species, as well as the elaboration and updating of the Spanish Habitat and Marine Species Inventory.

m) The proposal for the declaration and management of marine protected areas, sites of the Natura 2000 marine network, marine protected areas under an international figure and other marine protected natural areas corresponds to the General Administration of the State.

n) Participation in representation of the ministry in international bodies and monitoring of international conventions on the protection of the marine environment.

n) The formulation, adoption and monitoring of strategies, plans, programmes and measures for the conservation of biological diversity and resources of the marine environment, particularly as regards species and habitat threatened seafarers, in coordination, where appropriate, with other bodies of the department with competence in the field.

o) The preparation of previous reports in the environmental impact assessment procedure concerning the coastal and marine environment.

p) The elaboration or direction of studies, proposals and plans, in terms of protection of the coast against accidental maritime pollution and, in particular, the proposal of a comprehensive contingency plan on actions in the coastline and training in the field of protection against maritime pollution.

q) The collaboration with the Ministry of Development to strengthen the actions on the protection of the sea bank.

2. From the General Direction of Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea, the following organs depend, with organic level of Subdirección General:

(a) The General Subdirectorate of Public Domain Maritime, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (b) to (g) of the previous paragraph.

(b) The General Subdirectorate for the Protection of the Coast exercising the powers referred to in paragraphs (h) to (i) of the previous paragraph.

3. It also depends on the Directorate-General for Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea, the Division for the Protection of the Sea, with the level to be determined in the employment relationship, which exercises the powers set out in paragraphs (k) to (q) of the Previous section.

Article 6. Directorate General for Water.

1. The following functions are the responsibility of the Directorate General for Water:

a) The elaboration, monitoring and review of the National Hydrological Plan, as well as the establishment of homogeneous criteria and systematization for the revision of the hydrological plans of the organisms of the demarcations hydrographic, under the principle of sustainability.

b) Coordination with sectoral or regional plans affecting hydrological planning.

c) The development of information on water and water quality data and, in general, from that which allows for better knowledge of the resources, the state of the infrastructure and the hydraulic public domain.

d) The coordination of emergency plans and actions to be carried out in drought and flood situations.

e) Participation in the representation of the ministry in international bodies and the follow-up of international conventions in the areas of their competence.

f) The preparation of the draft budget of the Directorate-General, as well as its implementation, monitoring and monitoring.

g) The processing and management of contracts, the review and control of works certifications and the inherent accounting documentation.

h) The programming of the projects financed by European funds, the preparation of the necessary documentation and the monitoring and evaluation of these projects.

i) The realization, supervision and control of studies, projects and works of exploitation, control and conservation of the hydraulic public domain and the heritage of the hydraulic infrastructures of its competence.

(j) Inspection and control of the safety of hydraulic infrastructures; the updated maintenance of the inventory of Spanish dams, as well as the promotion and promotion of technical recommendations, manuals or standards good practice in relation to project safety, construction, operation and maintenance of dams.

k) The formulation of criteria and the carrying out of studies, projects and works of exploitation, control and conservation of aquifers and surveillance.

(l) Monitoring, monitoring and control of the quality levels of inland waters and activities likely to lead to pollution or degradation of the public hydraulic domain; the promotion and promotion of purification activities aimed at improving and, where appropriate, eliminating pollution from inland waters; the promotion and promotion of measures to facilitate the reuse of sewage and, in general, all measures to be carried out in the encouraging water saving, and the drawing up of plans and programmes in these areas, in the review and monitoring of the implementation of the National Water Quality Plan.

m) The monitoring and control of the good status of renewable groundwater.

n) The granting, review and cancellation of water concessions and discharge authorizations that fall within the competence of the ministry; coordination of the establishment and maintenance of water records and census discharges into the hydrographic demarcating bodies.

n) The elaboration of studies and the determination of the criteria of the economic-financial regime of the use of the hydraulic public domain.

o) Develop the department's powers arising from the application of water regulations, especially those arising from the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and its transposition into legislation national.

2. The following bodies are dependent on the Water Directorate-General, with an organic level of general sub-direction:

(a) The Subdirectorate-General for Planning and Sustainable Use of Water, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (a) to (e) of the previous paragraph as well as those referred to in the paragraph (o) in the field of such privileges. It shall also perform the duties of the Secretary-General of the National Water Council, provided for in Article 13 of Royal Decree 927/1988 of 29 July.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Economic Programming, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (f) to (h) of the previous paragraph.

(c) The General Subdirectorate for Infrastructure and Technology, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (i) to (k) of the previous paragraph, as well as those referred to in the paragraph (o) in the field of such privileges.

(d) The General Subdirectorate of Integrated Management of the Public Hydraulic Domain, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (l) to (n) above, as well as those referred to in the paragraph (o) in the field of such attributions.

3. Under the top management of the Secretary of State for the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, through the Directorate General of Water, are assigned the following autonomous bodies:

a) The Hydrographic Confederations.

b) The Commonwealth of the Taibilla Channels.

4. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment exercises the protection of state societies governed by Article 132 of the recast of the Water Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2001, of July 20.

Article 7. General Secretariat for Agriculture and Food.

1. The General Secretariat of Agriculture and Food is, under the minister's office, the executive body of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment directly responsible for the Common Agricultural Policy, development and coordination of multilateral relations in the framework of agri-food policies, research and innovation in the agri-food and irrigation fields, the agri-food system and the sustainable development of rural and territory and the forestry policy. It also corresponds to the definition, proposal and implementation of the Ministry's policies concerning food industries and markets, agricultural and livestock resources, animal and plant health, sanitary and phytosanitary agreements with third parties. countries, spatial planning, sustainable development of the rural environment, horizontal issues of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and bilateral and multilateral relations in agri-food matters.

The General Secretariat of Agriculture and Food will also be responsible for the competitions.

The Secretary General of Agriculture and Food chairs the Council for the Rural Environment.

2. It is also for the General Secretariat of Agriculture and Food:

(a) The exercise of the functions attributed to the Ministry in the field of agricultural and livestock production and markets, concentration of supply, animal and plant health, as well as the planning, management and coordination of active policies of the department for the modernization of agricultural holdings, rural development, territorial development, industries and food markets.

(b) The determination of the criteria for establishing the Spanish position vis-à-vis the European Union and in the Agreements with third countries which have agricultural and food content, without prejudice to the powers of the other ministerial departments.

c) The development of actions aimed at promoting agroenergy crops with sustainability criteria.

(d) Institutional relations with professional organizations and other entities representing the agricultural and food sectors, without prejudice to the responsibilities of the Department's Secretariat, and the determination of the criteria for establishing the Spanish position vis-à-vis the European Union and other international organisations and fora in the fields of competence of the General Secretariat. It is also up to the promotion of studies and sectoral advertising campaigns.

e) The development and coordination of the horizontal issues of the CAP, in particular those concerning the Common Organisation of the Single Market and the single payment scheme.

3. The Secretary-General for Agriculture and Food shall chair the Inter-Ministerial Council of Genetically Modified Organisms, which is governed by Royal Decree 178/2004 of 30 January 2004 adopting the General Regulation on Development and implementation of Law 9/2003 of 25 April establishing the legal regime for the contained use, voluntary release and placing on the market of genetically modified organisms.

4. The following management bodies depend on the General Secretariat for Agriculture and Food:

a) The General Directorate of Agricultural Productions and Markets.

b) The Directorate-General for Health in Agricultural Production

c) The Directorate-General for Rural Development and Forestry Policy.

d) The General Directorate of the Food Industry.

5. The General Secretariat for Support and Coordination, to which the institutional relations correspond, the functions of planning and programming of the activities of the Secretariat, depends on the General Secretariat of Agriculture and Food. General as well as support to the competent units of the Secretariat in the field of economic, financial, budgetary, human resources and internal governance.

6. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, through the General Secretariat of Agriculture and Food with the functions and structure currently in force, is assigned the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA).

7. The functional areas of agriculture and fisheries, integrated in the Government Delegations, will exercise the functions they have under the functional dependence of the General Secretariat of Agriculture and Food, according to its sphere of competence of action.

Article 8. General Directorate of Agricultural Productions and Markets.

1. The following functions are the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Agricultural Productions and Markets:

(a) Develop the department's competence in agricultural and livestock production, the means of production and sectoral management of agricultural production, the management and operation of agricultural markets.

b) Establish and develop guidelines for the management policies of agricultural production.

c) Set the guidelines for agricultural and livestock production, in particular integrated production; develop, coordinate, evaluate and promote the use of the best available techniques in the field of agricultural production which is more environmentally friendly; the development of the geographical information system for agricultural data (SIGA), without prejudice to the powers of other management bodies of the department.

d) Develop the expertise of the department in the field of genetically modified organisms, in seed and plant reproductive material and feed.

e) Develop the department's competencies related to the agricultural production facilities and their use and, among others, the agricultural machinery and fertilizers.

f) Develop the department's competencies in animal welfare.

g) Develop the department's competencies in conservation, selection, improvement, reproduction, and genetic material of livestock species.

h) Develop, coordinate and ensure the conservation of the genetic heritage of Spanish livestock breeds and plant genetic resources.

i) Develop the department's competence in the field of production control, import, certification and marketing of seed and nursery plants, the protection of plant varieties, and the registration of varieties through the registers of protected varieties and commercial varieties, as well as the application of international systems for the certification and marketing of seed, nursery plants and propagating material.

(j) Develop the department's competence in the design and establishment of direct CAP aid as well as those related to the measures laid down in the Common Organisation of the Market, in the field of powers of the Directorate-General and without prejudice to those of other management bodies of the department.

k) Develop the department's competence in feed, raw materials and other products involved in animal feed.

(l) Cooperating with the autonomous communities and the most representative entities in the sector in the areas mentioned above, as well as preparing proposals to establish the Spanish position on these matters with the Union European and other international organizations or forums, and represent and act as interlocutor before such international bodies, without prejudice to the competences of other management bodies of the department.

2. The following bodies are responsible for the General Directorate of Agricultural Productions and Markets, with an organic level of sub-direction:

(a) The Subdirectorate-General for Fruit and Horseshoes, Olive Oil and Viapiculture, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (a), (b), (j) and (l) of the previous paragraph in the field of fruit and vegetable products of the vine and of fats.

(b) The General Subdirectorate of Herbaceous and Industrial Cultures, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (a), (b), (d), (j) and (l) of the previous paragraph in the field of cereals, oilseeds, protein products, agroenergy, industrial and forestry.

(c) The General Subdirectorate of Livestock Products, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (a), (b), (f), (j) and (l) of the previous paragraph in the field of livestock production.

(d) The General Subdirectorate of Livestock Production Means, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (c), (d), (g), (h), (k) and (l) of the previous paragraph in the field of livestock production.

(e) General Subdirectorate of Agricultural Production Means and Spanish Plant Variety Office, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (c), (d), (e), (h), (i) and (l) of the previous paragraph in the field of production agricultural.

Article 9. Directorate-General for Health of Agricultural Production.

1. The following functions are the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Health in Agricultural Production:

(a) Develop the competencies of the department in the field of agricultural and forestry production, in accordance with the provisions of Law 8/2003 of 24 April, Animal Health and Law 43/2002 of 20 November, Plant Health.

b) Establish and develop policy guidelines for the health of agricultural and forestry production.

c) Exercise the necessary functions for the removal of technical obstacles to the opening of markets abroad, including the definition of criteria for the establishment of lists of establishments authorised for export, where the third country so requires, and from the point of contact with the Veterinary and Food Office of the European Commission and other international bodies, forums or entities in those matters, and the powers of plant health and animal health prevention and surveillance and controls; and coordination at borders, ports and airports, without prejudice to the powers of other ministerial departments.

d) Coordinate and manage the functioning of animal health, plant health and veterinary alert networks, including actions at the border with third countries, and their integration into alert systems Community and international.

(e) Develop the department's powers in the field of plant and animal health, and official control of agricultural production, designed to ensure animal health, plant health, forestry and control of agricultural products. feed.

f) Exercise the functions attributed to the ministry in the field of veterinary medicinal products in Law 8/2003 of 24 April, Animal Health, and other legislation in force.

g) The planning, coordination and technical direction of the laboratories attached to or dependent on the Directorate-General, as well as the coordination and monitoring of the relevant reference laboratories, powers of the Directorate-General.

(h) The management of the Register and the authorisation of animal health products in accordance with the terms of Royal Decree 1054/2002 of 11 October 2002 regulating the evaluation process for registration, authorisation and the placing on the market of biocidal products, as amended by Royal Decree 1114/2006 of 29 September; and the plant health protection means of plants, including aspects relating to their waste which fall within the competence of the department.

i) of traceability systems, which allow the monitoring of agricultural production from the agricultural holding to its marketing, as well as the coordination of the units with competence in the field of official control of primary production of feed and food, and to act as a partner for other entities or departments with powers in that control.

(j) Cooperating with the autonomous communities and with the most representative entities in the sector in the areas mentioned above, as well as making proposals to establish the Spanish position on these matters with the Union European and other international organisations or forums, and represent and act as interlocutor in the case of such international bodies, without prejudice to the powers of other management bodies.

2. The following bodies with an organic level of Subdirección General depend on the Directorate-General for Health of Agricultural Production:

(a) The Subdirectorate-General for Animal Health and Hygiene and Traceability, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (a), (b), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j) of the previous paragraph in the field of livestock production.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Health Agreements and Border Control, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (c) and (j) of the previous paragraph in the field of its privileges.

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Plant and Forestry Health and Hygiene, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (a), (b), (d), (e), (g), (h) and (j) of the previous paragraph in the field of plant and forestry production.

Article 10. Directorate-General for Rural Development and Forestry Policy.

1. They

to the Directorate-General for Rural Development and Forestry Policy.

a) Designing sustainable rural development instruments in the framework of planning the overall management of the economy.

b) Exercise the functions that correspond to the ministry in relation to Law 45/2007, of December 13, for the sustainable development of the rural environment.

c) To perform the functions of design, monitoring, evaluation and management of the National Strategic Plan for Rural Development and the National Framework for Rural Development.

d) Develop practices that promote the participation of women and young people in rural development, in particular those relating to Law 35/2011 of 4 October on the shared ownership of agricultural holdings, encouraging their full incorporation, as well as early retirement in agricultural activity.

(e) The exercise of the department's powers, relating to the modernisation of agricultural holdings, farm advisory services and the promotion of the incorporation of new technologies in the field rural.

f) Develop practices that promote the improvement of the competitiveness of farms in terms of land tenure and, in particular, those related to Law 26/2005 of 30 November, for which amend Law 49/2003 of 26 November on rustic leases.

g) The development of the department's competences on the generation of environmental, economic and social externalities by agricultural holdings and, in particular, those relating to agri-environmental measures, afforestation of agricultural land and compensation for agricultural incomes in less-favoured areas and with environmental constraints.

h) The development of the competencies related to the Renewable Energy Promotion Plan for the promotion of biomass and biofuels in the agricultural sector, as well as the establishment of savings and efficiency measures energy in the agricultural sector.

i) To perform the functions of the management authority of the National Rural Network and the functions of diversification and cooperation between rural territories.

(j) Exercise the competence of the department in the field of training of professionals in the agricultural sector.

k) The elaboration, implementation and follow-up of the National Plan of priority actions of hydrological restoration, in collaboration with the autonomous communities.

l) Participation in the preparation of the plans for the protection of forests and, in particular, in the defence against forest fires.

m) The functions that Law 3/1995, of March 23, of Paas Livestock, and 43/2003, of 21 November, of Montes, modified by Law 10/2006, of April 28, attribute to the General Administration of the State.

n) The development of the department's powers in the field of irrigation and, in particular, the coordination, implementation, modernisation and monitoring of irrigation plans and other infrastructure improvement plans, as well as plans, emergency works, catastrophic damage and regables areas of general interest of the Nation.

n) Environmental and economic studies of water consumption for irrigation and the operational relationship with state infrastructure societies.

o) The protection of the State Society of Agricultural Infrastructure (SEIASA) and the coordination of institutional relations and the department's performance in relation to it.

p) The programming of the projects financed by European funds, and the elaboration of the necessary documentation, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of them.

q) Participation in the representation of the ministry in international organizations and the follow-up of international conventions, as well as the promotion of actions of international cooperation in the fields of its competence.

r) Cooperation and collaboration with the autonomous communities and with the entities or corporations related to all these matters, and to prepare proposals to establish the Spanish position vis-à-vis the European Union and international organisations in relation to rural development.

s) The realization, supervision and control of studies, projects and works, of their competence.

2. The following bodies are responsible for the Directorate-General for Rural Development and Forestry Policy, with a general sub-directorate-general level:

(a) The General Programming and Coordination Subdirectorate, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraph (c) of the previous paragraph, as well as those referred to in paragraphs (a), (p), (q) and (r) in the field of such privileges.

(b) The General Subdirectorate for the Modernisation of Holdings, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (d), (e), (f), (j), (i) of the previous paragraph, as well as those referred to in paragraphs (a), (p), (q) and (r) in the field of such attributions.

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for the Development of Rural Development, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (b), (g) and (h) of the previous paragraph, as well as those referred to in paragraphs (a), (p), (q) and (r) in the field of such attributions.

(d) The General Subdirectorate of Forestry and Forestry, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (k), (l) and (m) of the previous paragraph, as well as those referred to in paragraphs (a), (p), (q) and (r) in the field of such privileges.

(e) The General Subdirectorate of Regadios and the Economy of Water, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (n), (n) and (o) and those referred to in paragraphs (a), (p), (q), (r) and (s) in the field of such privileges.

3. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment exercises the protection of farm management societies through the Directorate General for Rural Development and Forestry Policy, which will coordinate institutional and institutional relations. the department's performance in relation to them.

Article 11. Directorate-General of the Food Industry.

1. The following functions are the responsibility of the Food Industry Directorate-General:

(a) Develop the department's powers relating to the marketing and consumption of food products, including coordination with other units for the development of food products; the use and processing of genetically modified organisms. Develop the appropriate food planning.

b) Develop the department's competence in the field of quality control of food, feed and other means of production, in coordination with the autonomous communities and other units and departments involved in that control.

c) To set, within the framework of the general planning of economic activity, the guidelines on the management and promotion of agricultural and food industries and to disseminate and promote development, knowledge and access to technological innovation in them.

(d) To analyse the components of supply and demand at different stages of the food chain, for the different food sectors, and to propose and develop lines of action and commitment of the parties in the field of food. High-level training, marketing and distribution, both nationally and internationally.

(e) Develop the guidelines for the policy of sectoral vertebrate and contractual relations in the food field and facilitate the dialogue between the different components of the food chain, from the producer to the consumer, through actions that improve the transparency of the markets and the traceability of the products.

(f) Develop the department's powers in the establishment of guidelines on the differentiated quality of food policy and, in particular, with regard to protected designations of origin, protected geographical indications, traditional specialities guaranteed, traditional terms of wine and organic production, or any other system relating to the protection and development of foods of particular characteristics.

g) Propose and develop actions aimed at promoting and orienting the consumption of agri-food and fishery products, as well as the design and implementation of institutional advertising and communication campaigns, in coordination, where appropriate, with the General Secretariat of Fisheries and the Spanish Foreign Trade Institute.

h) Attend and collaborate with companies and associations of the agro-food and fisheries sectors to facilitate their participation in national and international fairs and exhibitions.

i) To collaborate with the autonomous communities in the field of food analysis and to carry out arbitrary analyses where appropriate; to participate in the study and elaboration of analytical methodology and in the proposal of official methods of analysis.

j) The planning, coordination and direction of the laboratories and centres attached to or dependent on the Directorate-General, as well as the coordination and monitoring of reference laboratories which are the responsibility of the Directorate General.

(k) Exercise the department's powers in the field of promoting agricultural associationism and the social economy, as well as in the sector's food sector.

l) Exercise the department's powers in relation to the Food Price Observatory, set up by Royal Decree 509/2000 of 14 April.

m) To exercise, in coordination with the other units and departments involved, the competences and commitments that for the department are derived from the membership of Spain to the OIV (International Organization of the Vina and the Wine).

n) Cooperate with the autonomous communities and representative entities of the developing sector of these functions. Prepare proposals to establish the Spanish position vis-à-vis the European Union and other international bodies or fora in relation to previous powers and to represent and act as a partner in these bodies international, without prejudice to the powers of other management bodies of the department.

2. The following bodies are dependent on the Food Industry Directorate-General, with an organic level of general sub-direction:

(a) The General Subdirectorate for Industrial Development and Innovation, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (c) and (k) of the previous paragraph, as well as those referred to in paragraph (n) in the field of such privileges.

(b) The General Subdirectorate of the Food Chain Structure, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (a), (d), (e) and (l) of the previous paragraph, as well as those referred to in paragraph (n) in the field of such attributions.

(c) The General Subdirectorate for Differentiated Quality and Ecological Agriculture, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraph (f) of the previous paragraph, in subparagraph (b), as regards the official control of the denominations of protected origin, protected geographical indications, traditional specialities guaranteed prior to marketing and organic farming, as well as those referred to in paragraphs (m) and (n) in the field of such privileges.

(d) The General Subdirectorate for Food Promotion, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraph (g) and (h) of the previous paragraph, as well as those referred to in paragraph (n) in the field of such privileges.

(e) The General Subdirectorate for Control and Food Laboratories, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (b), (i) and (j) of the previous paragraph, as well as those referred to in paragraphs (m) and (n) in the field of such attributions. Its holder will serve as the Spanish Delegate to the OIV.

Article 12. Deputy Secretary for Agriculture, Food and Environment.

1. It is for the Under-Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Environment to carry out the duties listed in Article 15 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State, and the management, promotion and supervision of public bodies that are attached to it.

2. In addition to those set out in the previous paragraph, and with the exception of cases reserved for the Minister's decision, the following functions are attributed to the Secretariat for the different areas of common services:

a) Attend the Minister in the functions of control of the activity of the department, carrying out those that allow to evaluate the operation, the efficiency and the performance of the personnel and the services of the ministry, as well as the monitoring of the procurement of public works of competence of the department in its technical, functional and administrative aspects. All this, without prejudice to the powers of the General Intervention of the State Administration.

b) Attend the Minister in the preparation of the sectoral conferences related to the department's own competences.

c) Maintain institutional relations with professional organisations and other representative bodies of interest in the environmental, agricultural, food and fisheries sectors, without prejudice to the powers of the Secretary of State and General Secretaries, as well as presiding over the liquidating commission of the defunct National Confederation of Agricultural Chambers.

d) Coordination, monitoring and reporting of issues to be submitted to the Government's Delegate Committee for Economic Affairs and other Government Delegation Commissions.

e) The coordination and analysis for the implementation of measures in exceptional situations in the agri-food sectors, involving the need to establish actions of a financial, labor or fiscal nature.

f) The elaboration of analysis reports and follow-up of those fiscal measures with impact on the department's competencies, and the elaboration of the annual proposal for the drafting of the net yield indices of the agricultural activities in the method of objective estimation of the Tax on the Income of the Physical Persons, for referral to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations.

g) The address of the Office of Climate and Environmental Adversities, in accordance with the provisions of Order APA/30 56/2003 of 29 October, for which the Permanent Bureau is constituted for situations of adversity climate or environmental; the dialogue with the Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Emergencies of the Ministry of the Interior in the face of climatic adversities that may affect the agri-food sector.

h) The monitoring, analysis and foresight of the social, economic and environmental aspects linked to the different strategic areas of the department, including the creation and dissemination of information related to the same.

i) The definition of the multiannual guidelines that guide the studies of the department, according to the lines of political strategy, as well as to coordinate the Program of Studies of the department, as established by the Order ARM/30 64/2010, of 26 November, which regulates the conduct of studies and creates the Advisory Committee of the Plan of Studies, as well as contributing to the dissemination of these studies.

j) Coordination of the functional areas and dependencies of the department integrated in the Government Delegations, without prejudice to the functional dependence provided for in Articles 5.1.g); 7.7 and 15.5 of this decree.

3. The following bodies, with an organic level of general direction, depend on the Department's Secretariat:

(a) The Technical General Secretariat.

b) The Services General Address.

4. They are also dependent on the Under-Secretary-General, with an organic level of sub-direction:

(a) The Technical Cabinet, as an organ of support and immediate assistance to the Assistant Secretary.

(b) The General Inspection of Services, which corresponds to the exercise of the powers referred to in Article 15.1.c) of Law 6/1997, of 14 April, the functions specified in Article 2 and additional provision The third is Royal Decree 799/2005 of 1 July, which regulates the general inspections of the departments of the ministerial departments, as well as the processing of disciplinary procedures and those entrusted to them in the case of the units in the current order.

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Analysis, Prospective and Coordination, which exercises the powers referred to in points (d) to (j) of paragraph 2 above.

5. They are also attached to the Secretariat, with the tasks assigned to them by their specific rules, and without prejudice to their dependence on the Ministries of Justice and Finance and Public Administrations, respectively, the following bodies: with general subdirection range:

(a) The State Advocate in the department, which is organically and functionally dependent on the State Advocate General-Directorate of the Legal Service of the State-in which it is organically integrated, and which also assumes the legal advice from the Secretary of State for the Environment.

b) The Intervention Delegate in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, organically and functionally dependent on the General Intervention of the State Administration.

6. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, through the Secretariat, the State Entity for Agricultural Insurance (ENESA), whose presidency is the responsibility of the Undersecretary, and the Agency for Olive Oil (AAO), with the functions and structures currently in place.

7. The National Center for Environmental Education (CENEAM-Valsain) is functionally dependent on the Undersecretary, without prejudice to its organic membership of the Autonomous Agency.

Article 13. Technical General Secretariat.

1. It is for the Ministry's Technical General Secretariat to exercise the functions listed in Article 17 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State.

2. The Technical Secretary-General will act as secretary of the sectoral conferences related to the department's competencies.

3. The following functions are assigned to the Technical General Secretariat:

(a) The processing and report, if any, of the matters to be submitted to the General Commission of Secretaries of State and Undersecretaries and to the Council of Ministers.

b) Actions related to the publication of the department's provisions and administrative acts in the Official State Gazette.

c) The report and processing, if any, of the projects of the agreements with the autonomous communities and with other public and private entities, as well as the deposit of the collaboration agreements that the different ones subscribe organs of the ministry.

d) The coordination of the actions of the different management bodies of the department regarding the transfer of functions and services to the autonomous communities.

(e) The processing and proposal for the resolution of the procedures for the recognition of professional qualifications issued by the Member States of the European Union and other States which are signatories to the Economic Area Agreement European in what affects the professions that are related to the department, according to the specific regulations in the matter.

f) The functions corresponding to the Protectorate of the department's competition foundations, in accordance with the provisions of Law 50/2002 of December 26, of Foundations, and its implementing regulations.

g) The coordination of regulatory production, comprising the report, the processing and the elaboration, if any, of the preliminary draft laws and draft general provisions to be issued or proposed by the Commission. department.

h) The issuance of reports on regulatory projects in other ministerial departments.

i) The legal monitoring and reporting of the acts and provisions of the autonomous communities in matters related to the department's competences.

(j) the processing and proposal of decisions of administrative resources, administrative complaints prior to the civil procedure, files for the ex officio review of acts and provisions; relations with the courts, as well as the handling and the proposal for a resolution of the claims in respect of patrimonial liability and the requests made by way of the right of petition.

k) The management of information to the public in the fields of competence of the department, as well as the monitoring and coordination of the actions of the various bodies and units, in compliance with their obligations as a result of Law 27/2006 of 18 July on the rights of access to information, public participation and access to justice in the field of the environment, and collaboration with them.

l) The coordination, programming and execution of the editorial and dissemination activity of the ministry's publications in the various media and in the department's website.

m) The address of the department's general archives, documentary centers, libraries, and mediateca.

n) Assistance to the other bodies of the ministry in the preparation of the Council of Ministers of the European Union; the monitoring of procedures related to the implementation of Community legislation, as well as the monitoring of their transposition into national law.

n) Assistance to the other bodies of the ministry in the field of international relations and external action; coordination, participation and monitoring, as the case may be, of the presence and initiatives of the department and its autonomous bodies in international bodies and conventions in matters of competence of the department; representation of the department in inter-ministerial commissions or bodies in the field of international relations; where such representation has not been attributed to another organ of the department; and coordination of the actions of the ministry's organs abroad.

o) Coordination, programming and monitoring of development cooperation initiatives, as well as the elaboration, processing and monitoring of bilateral agreements with other States or organizations international, in the field of the competences of the department and its autonomous bodies.

p) The realization and coordination, if any, of the statistical operations of the sectoral plans and those assigned to the department in the National Statistical Plan.

4. The following bodies are dependent on the Technical General Secretariat, with an organic level of general sub-direction:

(a) The Technical Vice-Secretary-General, who exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (a) to (f) and (k) of the previous paragraph, with the exception of reports on general provisions.

He will also provide administrative and technical support to the Technical Secretary-General as Secretary of the Sectoral Conferences, and will oversee the Secretariat of the Environment Advisory Board.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Legislation and Normative Planning, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (g) to (i) of the previous paragraph.

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Resources and Jurisdiction, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraph (j) of the previous paragraph.

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for International Relations and Community Affairs, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (n) to (o) of the previous paragraph.

(e) The General Statistics Subdirectorate, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraph (p) of the previous paragraph.

It is also up to the Technical General Secretariat, with the level to be determined by the employment relationship, the Division of Studies and Publications, which exercises the powers set out in points (l) and (m) of the previous.

Article 14. General Address of Services.

1. The following functions correspond to the General Services Directorate:

(a) The preparation of the preliminary draft budget, the coordination of the draft budgets of the autonomous bodies, the processing of budgetary changes and the evaluation of the various programmes expenses.

(b) The management, budgetary monitoring and verification of the certificates issued by the departments of the department benefiting from the aid co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Fund Cohesion, without prejudice to the programming and management functions of the competent management bodies.

c) The organization and management of the Secretariat of the Environmental Authorities Network.

d) The execution of works and the administration, conservation, maintenance and inventory of movable and immovable property.

e) The direction and organization of the Central Registry of the ministry, the unit of official public events and the other departments of the department.

f) Economic and financial management and administrative procurement.

g) The management and management of the department's human resources, as well as the relationship with trade unions and other staff representation bodies.

h) The resolution of pre-employment administrative complaints.

i) The exercise of the department's competencies in the field of social action and training, and the management of work risk prevention programs at work.

j) The elaboration of proposals, the implementation of plans and the coordination of the department's actions in the field of information and communications technologies, as well as the impetus and development of the guidelines issued of the Government in the field of eGovernment.

k) The proposal, coordination and monitoring of transfers of European Union funds in relation to the agricultural and fisheries sectors.

2. The following bodies depend on the General Directorate of Services, with an organic level of general sub-direction:

(a) The Budget Office, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (k) of the previous paragraph.

(b) The General Staff, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (d), (e) and (f) of the previous paragraph.

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Human Resources, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraphs (g), (h) and (i) of the previous paragraph.

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for Information Systems and Communications, which exercises the powers referred to in paragraph (j) of the previous paragraph.

Article 15. General Secretariat for Fisheries.

1. It is up to the General Secretariat for Fisheries, under the top management of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, to exercise the department's own powers on the planning and implementation of the policy on maritime fisheries in external waters and aquaculture, basic management of the fisheries sector, the basis for the marketing and processing of fishery products, and participation in the planning of research policy in the field of fishing. It also corresponds to the institutional relations with the professional organizations and other representative entities of interest in the fisheries sector, without prejudice to the competences of the Assistant Secretary of the department.

It shall also exercise the functions relating to the European Union's fisheries agreements with third countries, resulting from the participation of Spain, in itself or within the European Union delegation, in organisations international fisheries and international cooperation in fisheries and aquaculture matters in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. It is also for the Spanish position to be determined by the European Union in the matters referred to.

2. The Secretary-General of Fisheries shall chair the Advisory Committee of the Fisheries Sector and the Fisheries Sectoral Commission.

3. The following management bodies are dependent on the General Secretariat for Fisheries:

(a) Directorate-General for Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources.

b) General Management of Fisheries Management.

4. The following sub-directorates-general are directly dependent on the General Secretariat for Fisheries:

(a) General Management Subdirectorate, which corresponds to the functions of planning, programming and coordination of the activities of the General Secretariat of Fisheries, as well as the support to the corresponding units of the Deputy Secretary for Economic, Financial, Budgetary and Computer Management and Human Resources and Internal Regime.

(b) Subdirectorate-General for Legal Affairs, to which the advisory functions correspond and report to the General Secretariat for Fisheries. It also corresponds to the functions of coordination between the organs of the General Secretariat determined by the Secretary-General, the support to the Secretary General in the field of institutional relations, the elaboration of the sanctions resolutions in maritime fisheries and administrative resource reports against such decisions, for adoption by the competent body, and the coordination of peripheral services in this field.

5. The Functional Areas of Agriculture and Fisheries, integrated into the Government Delegations, will exercise the functions they have under the functional dependence of the General Secretariat of Fisheries under the functional dependence of the General Secretariat of Fisheries, according to their Competence scope of action.

Article 16. Directorate-General for Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources.

1. The Directorate-General for Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources exercises the following functions:

(a) Those arising from the exercise of powers in the field of sea fishing in the national fishing grounds and in Community waters.

b) The coordination of all activities related to the Community fisheries policy.

c) Coordination in the preparation of the Council of Ministers of the European Union, in the field of competence of the General Secretariat for Fisheries.

(d) Those arising from the exercise of the competence in the field of aquaculture assigned to the General Secretariat for Fisheries and, in particular, the coordination of national plans for aquaculture, participation in bodies and the coordination of Community policy in this field, as well as the operation of the National Marine and Continental Crop Advisory Boards.

e) monitoring of the negotiation and implementation of the fisheries agreements concluded between the European Union and third countries in the areas of competence of the General Secretariat for Fisheries.

f) The search for new fishing opportunities and fishing investments in these countries.

(g) Those arising from the participation of the European Union and, as the case may be, Spain in regional fisheries management organisations and other international fisheries organisations, without prejudice to the powers of the which correspond to other departments of the General Administration of the State.

h) The planning of the research activity in the field of fisheries, in coordination with other departments of the General Administration of the State responsible for the matter.

i) Monitoring the state of fishery resources in order to advise on the adoption of measures for the protection, management, conservation and regeneration of fishery resources, within the framework of the powers of the attributed to the General Secretariat for Fisheries.

j) The protection and proposal for the declaration of fishing protection zones in coordination, where appropriate, with the autonomous communities.

k) Participation in the development and monitoring of the Spanish National Basic Data Programme for the Spanish fisheries sector.

(l) The management of the research and cooperation vessels of the General Secretariat for Fisheries.

m) The planning and management of the scientific and cooperation campaigns of the vessels of the General Secretariat for Fisheries.

n) The follow-up of the relations of cooperation with third countries in the areas of competence of the General Secretariat of Fisheries, under the coordination of the Secretary General.

2. From the Directorate-General for Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources, the following sub-directions will be available:

(a) Subdirectorate-General of National Fisheries, Community Waters and Aquaculture, which exercises the functions referred to in points (a) to (d) of the previous paragraph.

(b) Subdirectorate-General for Regional Fisheries Agreements and Organisations, which exercises the functions referred to in points (e), (f) and (g) of the previous paragraph.

(c) Subdirectorate-General for the Protection of Fishery Resources, which exercises the functions referred to in points (h) to (n) of the previous paragraph.

Article 17. General Management of Fisheries Management.

1. The Directorate-General for Fisheries Management exercises the following functions:

a) The planning and sorting of the fleet.

(b) The management and monitoring of the census of sea fishing vessels, the fishing vessel register and the Official Register of Fisheries Enterprises in Third Countries.

c) Promoting the continuing training of professionals in the fisheries sector.

d) The management of the registry of industry professionals.

e) Institutional relations in the field of maritime fisheries training.

(f) The validation of fishing qualifications from non-EU countries, as well as the relations with national and Community bodies in the field of safety on board and maritime rescue in the fisheries sector.

g) The management and coordination of Community funds for fisheries, set out in the Common Fisheries Policy, including structural actions and the coordination of State aid and de minimis aid to the sector fishing.

(h) Exercise the role of managing authority of the European Fisheries Fund and any other Fund which in the future will replace it.

i) The planning of economic activity in the area of marketing and processing of fishery products, shellfish and aquaculture, in the field of the competencies of the General Administration of the State, and the Common organisation of the fisheries markets, as well as relations with the competent bodies in the field of external trade.

j) Promotion of the establishment and control of the activity of fisheries producer organisations and other representative entities in the sector within the framework of the Common Market Organisation.

k) The coordination of the official control of the hygiene of the primary fishery production in collaboration with the autonomous communities and other units and departments with such control.

l) Promotion of associations, cooperatives and companies of extractive, transformative and commercial nature of fishery products and marine crops.

m) The promotion of identification systems and new fishery products.

n) The management of aid resulting from the Common Organisation of the Markets of the European Union.

n) The performance of studies and reports on the economic plans of national fisheries production.

o) The development of market orientation functions.

p) Coordination and support for innovation in the fisheries and aquaculture sector.

q) Coordination and promotion of the economic diversification of the fisheries and aquaculture sector, in particular fisheries-tourism.

r) Planning and management of integration and equality policies in the fisheries sector.

s) Comprehensive control of fishing activity throughout its production, import and marketing chain, so that the General Secretariat of Fisheries complies with the obligations arising from the Common Fisheries Policy.

t) The collection, processing and verification of information on activities falling within the scope of the Common Fisheries Policy.

u) Fishing inspection functions and coordination of peripheral inspection services.

v) Those arising from Community legislation as the single liaison office in charge of the application of the Community Mutual Assistance System.

x) Coordination in the area of comprehensive control of activities within the scope of the Common Fisheries Policy, among the organs of the General Secretariat to be determined by the Secretary-General, with other bodies of the department, other ministerial departments or the autonomous communities.

2. The following general sub-directions depend on the General Management of Fisheries Management:

a) Subdirectorate General of Structural Policy, which exercises the functions set out in paragraphs (a) to (h) of the previous paragraph.

(b) General Sub-Directorate of the Fisheries Economy, which exercises the functions set out in paragraphs (i) to (r) of the previous paragraph.

(c) General Control and Inspection Subdirectorate, which exercises the functions indicated in paragraphs (s) to (x) of the previous paragraph.

Article 18. Agricultural Top Council.

1. The Agricultural Council is the highest collegiate advisory body of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment in matters of its competence.

2. The President of the Agricultural Superior Council shall have the level to be determined in the employment relationship.

3. The functions, composition and operating rules of the Agrarian Superior Council are those established by Order APA 1388/2005 of 6 May, which regulates the Organic Statute of the Agricultural Council.

Additional disposition first. Removal of autonomous bodies.

1. The following autonomous bodies are deleted:

-The Fund for Regulation and Organization of the Market for Fish and Marine Crops (FROM).

-Machinery Park.

2. The competences and functions of the FROM, assigned in Royal Decree 950/1997, of 20 June, establishing the basic organic structure of different Autonomous Bodies of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, are assumed:

(a) By the Directorate-General of the Food Industry, which shall assume the functions relating to the promotion of fishery and aquaculture products, as expressed in Article 11 (1) (g) of the Treaty; this royal decree.

(b) By the FEGA, which shall assume the functions arising from its status as a body for the payment of EAGF expenditure relating to the common organisation of the markets in the fisheries and aquaculture products sector, as Article 3 of Royal Decree 1441/2001 of 21 December 2001, approving its statute, in accordance with the wording given in the second provision of this royal decree.

(c) By the General Directorate of Fisheries Management, which shall assume the other functions attributed to the Agency, as reflected in Article 17 (1) (l) to (o) of this royal decree.

3. The competences and functions of the autonomous body Park of Machinery will be assumed by the Directorate General of Water, whose staff will be incorporated in the aforementioned Directorate General.

4. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment and the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations shall adopt the necessary provisions for the attachment of the material means and the official personnel of the suppressed and adequacy of the employment relationship.

5. The incorporation of the goods of the suppressed public bodies to the patrimony of the General Administration of the State shall be carried out in the manner provided for in Article 80 of the Law 33/2003, of 3 November, of the Patrimony of the Administrations Public. Without prejudice to the immediate use of the goods and rights of the self-employed, the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations shall, within three months, formally affect the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agriculture. Environment which are necessary for the exercise of their functions.

6. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, through the General Secretariat of Agriculture and Food and the General Secretariat of Fisheries, in accordance with the respective competences, is subrogated in all conventions and Contracts in force subscribed by the FROM.

Additional provision second. Removal of organs.

1. The following organs with general subdirection range are deleted:

-General Subdirection of Impacts and Adaptation.

-General Subdirection of Mitigation and Technologies.

-Sustainable Production and Consumption Subdirection.

-General Subdirection for Sustainability.

-Division of Rural and Water Regulations.

-General Subdirectorate of Citizen Information, Documentation and Publications.

-Subdirectorate General of the Interior and Heritage System.

-Financial Management and Hiring Subdirection General.

-General Subdirection of Production Media.

-Primary Production Healthcare Subdirection.

-Animal Resource and Resource Conservation Subdirection.

-Subdirectorate-General for Farm and Livestock Resources ' Traceability Systems and Systems.

-Spanish Plant Variety Office.

-Subdirectorate General for Rural Management.

-Equality and Modernization General Subdirection.

-Program and Coordination Subdirection General.

-Territorial Development Subdirection General.

-General Subdirection of Food Planning and Control.

-Subdirectorate General of Agro-food Laboratories.

-Subdirection General of Biodiversity.

-Subdirection of Forest Policy and Desertification.

-Subdirectorate General of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Inventory.

-General Management and Planning Subdirection.

-Subdirectorate General for Legal Affairs of the Marine Environment.

-General Subdirection of Fleet Planning and Planning and Training.

-Marine Resources and Aquaculture Subdirectorate General.

-Subdirectorate General of Community Fisheries Affairs.

-General Fisheries Inspection Subdirection.

-The General Secretariat of the FROM (Regulation and Organization of the Market for Fish and Marine Crops).

Additional provision third. Modification of the organic range of management bodies of certain autonomous bodies.

1. The presidents of the Júcar, Tajo, Guadiana, Duero and Ebro Hydrographic Confederations will rank as Subdirector General.

2. The organic levels of the General Directorate of the bodies referred to in the previous paragraph are deleted.

Additional provision fourth. Delegation of powers.

1. The delegations of powers granted by the various higher bodies and managers affected by this royal decree and by the Royal Decrees 1823/2011 of 21 December, which restructured the ministerial departments; 1829/2011, of 23 December, for which Subsecretariats are set up in the ministerial departments; and 1887/2011, of 30 December, establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments, will continue to be valid and effective, until they are expressly revoked or granted again.

2. Where the delegations of powers which maintain their effects under the preceding paragraph have been made in favour of organs removed by any of the actual decrees referred to above, the said delegations shall be deemed to be valid and effective. in favour of the bodies in whose field of action the relevant competence or function is framed.

Additional provision fifth. Supply of the heads of the management bodies.

In the cases of vacancy, absence or illness of the holder of a management body, and in default of appointment of an alternate as provided for in Article 17 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, the supply to the governing bodies dependent on it by the order in which they appear in the respective structure established in this royal decree.

Single transient arrangement. Units and jobs with lower organic level to General Subdirection.

1. The units and posts with an organic level lower than that of the General Subdirectorate, in the organs suppressed by this royal decree, will continue to remain and will be paid from the same budgetary appropriations, until the relations of jobs adapted to the organic structure of this royal decree are approved. Such adaptation shall in no case lead to an increase in public expenditure.

2. Pending the entry into force of the new employment relationship, the units and posts in the bodies removed by this royal decree shall be provisionally attached by means of a decision of the holder of the Secretariat to the regulated bodies in accordance with the powers assigned to them.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

As many provisions of equal or lower rank are repealed, this royal decree is opposed. In particular, the Royal Decree 1443/2010 of 5 November, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, is developed; the Royal Decree 1005/2010, of 5 August, for which it is approved the Statute of the Autonomous Agency of Machinery and Chapter III of Royal Decree 950/1997 of 20 June establishing the basic organic structure of different autonomous bodies of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Power.

Final disposition first. Development and execution faculties.

The Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Environment is hereby authorized to take the necessary measures for the development and execution of this royal decree, prior to the appropriate legal procedures.

Final disposition second. Budgetary changes.

The Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations will carry out the necessary budgetary modifications for the fulfillment of the provisions of this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Amendment of Royal Decree 1441/2001, of 21 December, approving the statute of the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA).

Royal Decree 1441/2001 of 21 December 2001 approving the status of the FEGA is amended as follows:

1. Article 1 (1) and (2) shall be worded as


" 1. FEGA is an autonomous agency of those provided for in article 43.1.a) of Law 6/1997, of April 14, of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State, attached to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment through the General Secretariat of Agriculture and Food.

2. It is for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, through the General Secretariat of Agriculture and Food, the strategic direction; and through the Department's Secretariat, the evaluation and the monitoring of results and effectiveness of its activity, without prejudice to the powers conferred on the General Intervention of the State Administration in the assessment and control of the results of public bodies in the state public sector. "

2. The following functions are added to Article 3:

" 12. Certification and control of the resources of the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) as a certification authority, as well as the certification of other Community funds for structural improvement in the fisheries sector.

13. Those arising from their status as a body for the payment of EAGF expenditure relating to the common organisation of the markets in the fisheries and aquaculture products sector. '

3. Article 4 (3) (d) and (g) shall be worded as follows:

" (d) General Subdirection of Market Regulation, to which it corresponds:

1. The elaboration of draft rules on the intervention of agricultural and livestock markets, in respect of which the General Administration of the State has jurisdiction, and the monitoring of the execution of such rules.

2. The proposal for the purchase and sale of intervention products in the form of public storage, as well as the monitoring of movement and public stock of those products.

3. The processing and management of export refunds and similar aid which may affect trade with third countries; the management of intra-Community traffic control documents, as well as the monitoring of the management of the aid provided for in the specific supply arrangements for the Canary Islands, without prejudice to the powers of other departments.

4. The management of annual plans for the supply of food from intervention stocks for the benefit of the most deprived persons in the European Union.

5. º The authorisation for payment, within the meaning of Article 6.1 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1290/2005 of 21 June 2005, in matters relating to its management in which the FEGA acts as a body payer.

6. Act as an intermediate body of the certifying authority in the actions assigned to it in accordance with Articles 58.2, 58.4 and 60 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 of 27 July 2006 on the European Fisheries Fund, with the exception of Article 60 (a) of that Regulation.

7. Act as a body for the payment of EAGF expenditure on the common organisation of the market in fishery and aquaculture products. "

" (g) Subdirectorate-General of Agricultural Funds, to which it is appropriate to ensure the application of the provisions of Article 2.2 and the tasks set out in Article 3 (4), (5), (9) and (11), as well as the coordination of the Article 3.1, the financial coordination of the actions of the paying agencies and the drawing up and referral to the Commission of the declarations of expenditure and the requests for payment, as provided for in point (a) of the Article 60 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 of 27 July concerning the European Fund for the Fishing. "

Final disposition fourth. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on February 17, 2012.


The Minister of Finance and Public Administrations,