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Royal Decree 454/2012, Of 5 March, Whereby The Basic Organizational Structure Of The Ministry Of Defence Is Developed.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 454/2012, de 5 de marzo, por el que se desarrolla la estructura orgánica básica del Ministerio de Defensa.

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Royal Decree 1823/2011 of 21 December, which restructured the ministerial departments, amended the existing structure and that of its autonomous bodies in order to develop the political programme. reform of the government, achieve maximum austerity and effectiveness in action and greater efficiency in the operation of the General Administration of the State.

According to these principles, Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December, establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments, approves a new organization for all ministries, In the Ministry of Defense, the General Directorate of Institutional Relations of the Defense Department.

This royal decree continues with the process of optimization, in compliance with the provisions of the final provision of the aforementioned Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011, completing the basic structure of the Department.

In the Armed Forces, the Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies has become an organic dependency of the National Defense Studies Center of the General Secretariat of Defense Policy in relation to the the dissemination of the culture of security and defence and the promotion of national defence awareness.

Two important modifications are being made in the Secretariat of State of Defense; the abolition of the General Subdirectorate of Historical-Artistic Heritage, whose functions are assumed by the Undersecretary of Defense and the recast of the planning, control, typing and monitoring functions of the General Infrastructure Directorate in a single general sub-direction.

On the other hand, within the Secretariat of Defense, the functions of the General Secretariat of Publications will again be the responsibility of the General Technical Secretariat, which, when it also assumes the responsibility for the dissemination of the cultural heritage of the defence, is reorganized to unify all of them in a single management body. Likewise, it is placed under its organic dependence on the Military Prison Establishment of Alcala de Henares. In the Directorate-General for Personnel, the functions of planning, coordination and management of military personnel are reunified in a single general sub-directorate.

Finally, the General Secretariat of Defense Policy assumes the momentum of institutional relations and the dissemination of the culture of security and defense, as well as the promotion of national defense awareness.

On the other hand, in relation to the Directorate-General for Infrastructure, which is entrusted with planning functions in fields as diverse as infrastructure, environmental and systems, technologies and Information security, its development requires knowledge in the various fields of activity that comprise these functions and experience in relation to the administrations and entities that have competence in these matters. Taking into account the specific characteristics of this general direction, it is considered appropriate to allow the appointment of the holder to be limited to officials, extending it to other persons who may be suitable for their performance.

Finally, the change of membership of the National Intelligence Center established in the second provision of Royal Decree 1823/2011, of 21 December, requires that an express reference be made to the inclusion of the aforementioned a body in the field of application of Royal Decree 1265/2007 of 21 September 2007 laying down special rules on grants in the field of international cooperation in the field of defence, security and intelligence.

In view of the numerous changes that are introduced in the organization of this ministerial department and in the interest of the regulatory non-dispersion, the drafting of a new royal decree of structure has been chosen, repealing the currently in force.

In its virtue, at the initiative of the Minister of Defense, at the proposal of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of March 2, 2012,


Article 1. General organization of the Department.

1. The Ministry of Defense is the department of the General Administration of the State to which it is responsible for the preparation, development and implementation of the defense policy determined by the Government and the management of the military administration.

2. The powers conferred on this royal decree shall be understood in coordination and without prejudice to those corresponding to other ministerial departments.

3. The Ministry of Defense, under the direction of the head of the Department, is structured in:

a) The Armed Forces.

b) The Secretary of State of Defense.

c) The Deputy Secretary of Defense.

d) The General Secretariat for Defense Policy.

4. The Civil Guard depends on the Minister of Defense in the terms provided for in the Organic Law 2/1986, of March 13, of Forces and Security Corps, in Law 42/1999, of 25 November, of the Staff Regulations of the Civil Guard Corps, in the Organic Law 5/2005, of 17 November, of National Defense and in Organic Law 12/2007, of October 22, of the disciplinary regime of the Civil Guard.

5. They are advisory and advisory bodies to the Minister of Defence:

a) The Higher Council of the Army of the Earth.

b) The Superior Council of the Navy.

c) The Upper Air Force Council.

d) The Higher Boards of the common bodies of the Armed Forces.

6. As an immediate assistance body to the Minister, there is a Cabinet, with a general management rank, and it also provides, as an organ of support, advice and immediate assistance, from a Technical Cabinet whose director will be a general officer, with a rank of director general, in accordance with Articles 14.2 and 3.1.d) of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011 establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments.

7. It is up to the Cabinet of the Minister of Defense, with an organic level of general sub-directorate, the Office of Communication of the Ministry of Defense that will act as the official spokesperson of the Department and to which it is responsible to direct and maintain the relations information and institutional publicity, as well as coordinating the communication offices of the headquarters, command and units of the Armed Forces. The posts for this office shall be covered in accordance with Article 14.4 of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011.

Article 2. Armed Forces.

1. The Armed Forces, integrated in the Ministry of Defense, are the fundamental element of the defense and constitute a unique entity, which is conceived as an integrative set of the specific forms of action of each of its components: the Army of Earth, Navy and Air Force.

2. The Armed Forces are organized in two structures: an organic one, for the preparation of the force, and another operative, for their use in the missions assigned to it, regulated in a specific way in Royal Decree 787/2007, of June 15, for which the operational structure of the Armed Forces is regulated. The organic structure will enable the generation of the operational structure.

3. The operating structure, configured as a chain of military authorities located on three levels: the strategic, operational and tactical, as established in Royal Decree 787/2007, of June 15, is concrete in the General Staff the Defence which, according to the Organic Law 5/2005 of 17 November, constitutes the auxiliary organ of command and support to the Chief of Defence Staff and will have:

a) A Headquarters, in which they are grouped:

1. The Joint Chiefs of Defense, the auxiliary command of the Chief of Defense Staff, which supports the definition and development of the military strategy, the planning and strategic management of the operations and in the rest of their competencies.

2. The Intelligence Center of the Armed Forces, a body responsible for facilitating military intelligence to alert situations of military interest with potential risk of crisis, from abroad, and to provide the support required for operations.

3. The other auxiliary, assistance and advisory bodies needed to support the Chief of Defence Staff in the performance of their duties.

b) The Operations Command, as the body of the operational structure, subordinate to the Chief of Staff of the Defense, responsible for carrying out the planning and operational management, as well as the monitoring of the plans operational and military operations assigned to it and the functions entrusted to it in the specific regulation concerning the operational structure of the Armed Forces, in which it is permanently integrated.

c) Unified services that are created.

4. The organic structure, in accordance with the Organic Law 5/2005, of 17 November, consists of the Army of Land, the Navy and the Air Force, which provide the basic capabilities for the operational structure. Each of them consists of:

(a) The Headquarters, constituted by the set of organs that cover the human and material resources necessary to assist the Chief of Staff in the exercise of command over their respective army.

b) The Force, established as the set of human and material means that are grouped and organized with the main task of preparing for the realization of military operations. In its field, the training, preparation and evaluation of its units shall be carried out and the specific permanent missions assigned to it shall be carried out in time of peace.

c) Support for the Force, understood as the set of organs responsible for the management, management, administration and control of human, material and financial resources, assigned to each of the armies. In its field, the maintenance of the Force will be directed and controlled and the activities of the logistic support will be carried out that enable the life and functioning of the units, centers and organisms.

5. It is up to the Chief of Staff of the Defense, with the rank of Secretary of State, under the authority of the Minister of Defense, to exercise command of the General Staff of Defense and the functions established in Royal Decree 787/2007, of June 15, and other applicable rules.

6. They depend on the Chief of Defense Staff:

a) The Higher Center for National Defense Studies, in which the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies is organically integrated.

b) Military representations in international bodies.

7. In addition to the Technical Cabinet of a military nature, the Chief of Defence Staff has a Cabinet with an organic level of sub-directorate general, with the structure set out in Article 14.3 of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011.

8. The Chief of Defence Staff shall hold the representation of the Department, by delegation of the Minister, in cases where the Department is entrusted and the national military representation to international security organizations and defense.

9. The Chiefs of Staff of the Army of Land, Navy and Air Force, with rank of undersecretaries, under the authority of the Minister of Defense, exercise command of their respective armies and in particular it is up to them:

a) Develop the organization, in accordance with the provisions of the Minister of Defense, as well as instruct, train, administer, provide logistical support and ensure the motivation, discipline and well-being of their respective army to maintain maximum efficiency at all times, according to the resources allocated.

b) Develop and execute missions that, at peace time, are permanently assigned to them.

c) Ensure the proper preparation of the Force of its respective army for its making available to the operational structure of the Armed Forces.

d) To advise the Chief of Staff of the Defense in the employment of the units of his army, as well as in the elaboration and formulation of the specific aspects of their respective capabilities.

e) Define the military specifications of the weapons and support systems needed for their armies and technically inspect the execution of the corresponding military equipment and infrastructure programs.

f) Advise the Secretary of State of Defense in the preparation, direction and development of the economic policy, armaments and material and infrastructure of his armies and inform him about his execution.

g) In the field of personnel, those functions set out in Law 39/2007 of 19 November of the military career and other applicable regulations.

10. The Military Emergency Unit, which is organically dependent on the Minister of Defense, operationally of the Chief of Staff of the Defense and functionally of the higher and managerial organs that his specific regulations determine, is a force joint action, which is intended to intervene anywhere in the national territory and in operations abroad, in order to contribute to the safety and well-being of citizens in situations of serious risk, disaster, calamity or other public needs, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 416/2006 of 11 April 2001, for which the establishes the organization and deployment of the Army of Land, Navy and Air Force, as well as the Military Emergency Unit, in Royal Decree 1097/2011 of 22 July, approving the protocol of Intervention of the Military Emergency Unit and the regulations that develop them.

Article 3. Secretary of State for Defense.

1. The Secretary of State of Defense is the top organ of the Department to which it belongs, in addition to the powers conferred upon it by Article 14 of Law 6/1997, of April 14, of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration the State, the direction, impetus and management of the policies of armaments and material, research, development and innovation, industrial, economic, infrastructure, environmental and systems, technologies and information security in the Scope of the defence.

2. It will also contribute to the elaboration and implementation of the defense policy and will exercise the competencies that correspond to the planning of the defense.

3. The following management bodies are dependent on the Secretary of State for Defence:

a) The General Direction of Armament and Material.

b) The Directorate-General for Economic Affairs.

c) The Infrastructure General Address.

4. As organs of support, advice and immediate assistance to the Secretary of State of Defense, there is a Cabinet, with an organic level of general subdirección, with the structure established by article 14.3 of Royal Decree 1887/2011, of 30 of December, and a Technical Cabinet, whose director will be a general or official officer, also with the rank of deputy director-general.

5. The Secretary of State of Defense shall hold the representation of the Department, by delegation of the Minister, in the cases where the Minister is entrusted.

6. The National Institute of Aerospace Technique "Esteban Terradas" is assigned to the Secretary of State of Defense.

7. It is up to the Secretary of State of Defense to the Board of Disposal of Furniture and Defense Products.

Article 4. General Direction of Armament and Material.

1. The General Directorate of Armament and Material is the executive body responsible for the planning and development of the Department's armaments and material policy, as well as the supervision and management of its execution. For these purposes, the competent bodies in the areas of the Armed Forces and the autonomous agencies of the Department are functionally dependent on this general direction.

2. They correspond to this general direction, in the field of their competences, the following functions:

a) Propose the planning and programming of the armaments and material policy and direct its execution.

b) To promote the management and processing of the procurement records of the necessary systems and equipment for the Armed Forces and to harmonize and rationalize their support.

c) Exercise the powers conferred on it to negotiate and manage industrial cooperation, control transfers of national technology to third countries, as well as the obtained from programmes, agreements or conventions

d) To press, together with the Directorate General of Defense Policy, bilateral relations, exercising national representation in multinational forums.

e) To promote institutional support for the internationalization of the Spanish defense industry and, in coordination with the Directorate General of Defense Policy, to direct the actions of the aggregates and defense advisors.

(f) exercising the powers conferred on the control of the external trade in defence equipment and dual-use products and technologies and the management of foreign investments in Spain, related to the defense.

g) Propose and direct the research and development plans and programs of weapons systems and equipment of interest to the national defense, in coordination with the national and international agencies competent in this field. scope.

h) Propose the defense's industrial policy, coordinating its actions with other agencies.

i) Exercise the powers conferred upon it by laws and regulations in the following matters: Inspection of Industrial Activity and Industrial Safety related to defence; Assurance of the Quality of armaments and material; Standardisation, Catalogation and Approval of weapons systems, equipment and products of interest to the Armed Forces; manufacture, marketing and transport of weapons and explosives; certification of exemption for reasons of defense in the subject of registration, assessment, authorisation and restriction of chemical substances; Airworthiness; and the rest of the legal order.

3. The following management bodies depend on this general direction:

(a) The General Planning and Programs Subdirectorate, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2, paragraphs (a), (b) and (c).

(b) The Subdirectorate General for International Relations, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2, paragraphs (d), (e) and (f).

(c) The General Subdirectorate of Technology and Innovation, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2.g.

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for Inspection and Technical Services, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2 (h) and (i).

4. It is attached to the General Directorate of Armament and Material the autonomous agency Canal de Experiences Hydrodynamics of El Pardo.

5. The "La Maranosa" Institute of Technology is dependent on the General Directorate of Armament and Material.

Article 5. Directorate-General for Economic Affairs.

1. The Directorate-General for Economic Affairs is the management body responsible for the planning and development of the Department's economic and financial policy, as well as the supervision and direction of its implementation. For these purposes, all the competent bodies in the above areas of the Department and their autonomous bodies are functionally dependent on this general direction.

2. They correspond to this general direction, in the field of their competences, the following functions:

a) Take Department Accounting, Cost Analysis, and Spending Control.

b) Exercise of competence in budgetary matters and economic programming.

(c) Direct and monitor the economic management of the programmes which, due to their characteristics and importance, are determined by the Secretary of State of Defence.

d) Manage the financial resources allocated to it and those not expressly attributed to other bodies of the Ministry, as well as those for foreign acquisitions, peace and humanitarian aid operations, and functioning of the aggregators and the defense advisors and military representations.

e) To exercise national representation in the committees and decision-making bodies in financial matters, in coordination with the General Staff of the Defense and the Directorate-General for Defense Policy, as the case may be.

f) Manage the Department's comprehensive IT systems and management systems.

g) Develop and execute strategies and rules on procurement procedures.

h) To carry out the analysis of costs and prices of the supply companies or to participate in defense programs, as well as the costs of the life cycle of the weapons systems.

3. From the Directorate-General for Economic Affairs, the following management bodies depend, with a rank of sub-directorate-general:

(a) The General Accounting Subdirectorate, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2.a).

(b) The Budget Office, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2, paragraphs (b) and (c)

(c) The General Secretariat for Economic Management, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2 (d), (e) and (f).

(d) The General Subdirectorate of Contracting, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2 (g) and (h).

4. It is also up to the Directorate-General for Economic Affairs to decide on the General Board of Directors and Liquidator of Material.

Article 6. General Address of Infrastructure.

1. The Directorate-General for Infrastructure is the management body responsible for the planning and development of infrastructure, environmental and systems policies, technologies and information security of the Department, as well as the supervision and direction of its implementation. For these purposes, the competent bodies in the areas of the Armed Forces and the autonomous agencies of the Department are functionally dependent on this general direction.

2. They correspond to this general direction, in the field of their competences, the following functions:

a) Address the management of property and property rights affected by the Ministry of Defense, take inventory, manage their acquisitions, expropriations and leases.

b) Address the territorial management of the infrastructure, propose plans and programmes and monitor their implementation.

c) Develop the typing of facilities and materials, as well as carry out project and work monitoring.

d) Control international programs and projects and relate, in coordination with the Directorate General of Defense Policy, with international infrastructure agencies.

e) To exercise the competences in relation to the aeronautical easements and to the areas of interest for the national defense, security of the facilities and restricted access to the property by foreigners.

f) Define, plan, and coordinate information, communications, and information technology policies and strategies.

g) Directing and managing information and telecommunications technologies in the general purpose domain.

h) Collaborate with the General Staff of Defense in the tasks of designing, obtaining and maintaining the information and telecommunications systems of corporate scope for command and control.

i) Provide assistance with information and telecommunications services and information security services.

j) Plan, direct, and, where appropriate, execute the mapping actions.

k) Develop the Department's environmental policy and direct and monitor the energy savings and efficiency plan.

3. The following management bodies depend on the General Infrastructure Directorate:

(a) The General Planning and Projects Subdirectorate, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2, paragraphs (b), (c) and (d).

(b) The General Subdirectorate of Heritage, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2, paragraphs (a) and (e).

(c) The General Subdirectorate of Information and Communications Technologies, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2, paragraphs (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j).

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2.k.).

4. It is attached to the Directorate General of Infrastructure the autonomous agency Institute of Housing, Infrastructure and Equipment of Defense.

5. They are directly dependent on the General Infrastructure Directorate:

a) The autonomous body of Military Building Services.

b) The Army Engineer Laboratory "General Marva".

Article 7. Deputy Secretary of Defense.

1. The Deputy Secretary of Defense is the management body of the Department to which the management, leadership and management of personnel, recruitment, teaching and health policy are responsible.

2. In addition to the powers referred to in Article 15 of Law 6/1997, of 14 April, in particular, the following functions correspond to:

(a) Develop and propose provisions on personnel and military education.

b) To direct the general management of the military personnel and the specific of the common bodies and of the military personnel who are not framed in one of the armies.

c) Directing and coordinating remuneration policy.

d) Address the planning and development of the recruitment policy and general regime of military personnel.

e) Lead and coordinate social policy.

f) Driving and coordinating legislative and regulatory development.

g) Maintain relations with the organs of military jurisdiction in order to provide the means and enforcement of judicial decisions.

h) Agreed to insert into the "Official Gazette of the Ministry of Defense" of the general provisions, resolutions and administrative acts.

i) To direct the organisms that constitute the peripheral structure of the Department.

j) Boosting equality policy.

k) Lead and coordinate work risk prevention services.

l) To promote the dissemination of the cultural heritage of the defence.

3. The Deputy Secretary of Defense shall hold the regular representation of the Department and, by delegation of the Minister, in the other cases in which he is entrusted.

4. The Assistant Secretary of Defense has a Technical Cabinet, as an organ of support, advice and immediate assistance. Its director shall be a general officer or officer, with an organic level of deputy director-general.

5. The following management bodies, with an organic level of general direction, depend on the Defence Secretariat:

(a) The Technical General Secretariat.

b) The Personnel Directorate General.

c) The General Directorate of Military Recruitment and Teaching.

6. The following management bodies also depend on the Department's Secretariat:

(a) The General Subdirectorate of the Internal Regime, which corresponds to the management of the internal regime and the general services of the central organ, as well as the general register and file.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Economic Services and Pagadurias, which is responsible for exercising the powers that, in respect of the implementation of the budget, contracting and economic management, gives it the responsibility of the regulations; how to manage and manage the central organ's payments and coordinate with the Directorate-General for Economic Affairs the development, monitoring and information of the Department's budget.

7. In addition, the following bodies depend on the Under-Secretary of Defense:

a) The General Legal Counsel of Defense.

b) The General Intervention of Defense.

c) The General Inspection of Defense Health.

8. The National Institute of the Armed Forces is assigned to the Subsecretariat of Defense.

9. The defence delegations in the autonomous communities and in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla are organically dependent on the Department's Secretariat, as set out in Royal Decree 308/2007 of 2 March on organization and operation of the Defence Delegations.

10. Under the terms of Article 11 of Law 39/2007 of 19 November, under the terms of the Subdirectorates General of Military Personnel, of the Management and Policy of Education and of Recruitment and of the General Inspection of Defence Health.

Article 8. Technical General Secretariat.

1. The Technical General Secretariat is the management body to which the functions attributed to it by Articles 22.2 and 24.2 of Law 50/1997, of 27 November, of the Government and of Article 17 of Law 6/1997, of 14 April. To this end, the competent organs of the Armed Forces and the autonomous agencies of the Department are functionally dependent on this management center.

2. The following functions are the responsibility of this management body in the field of its competences:

(a) To press and coordinate the regulatory development, as well as to inform the general provisions, to process the consultations to the State Council and to propose the revision and recasting of legal texts.

b) Develop studies and reports on how many matters will be submitted to the Council of Ministers, the Government's delegated committees, and the General Secretariat of State and Sub-secretaries.

c) Propose and develop standards on organizational reforms, procedures and working methods.

d) Coordinate and, where appropriate, execute the actions related to social studies, as well as plan and coordinate those related to statistics and operational research.

e) Insert into the "Official Gazette of the Ministry of Defense" the general provisions, resolutions and administrative acts that correspond.

f) Coordinate, manage and inspect the defense delegations and military residences under the Secretariat.

g) To deal with the conflicts of privileges to be resolved by the Minister, the Assistant Secretary or other top authority of the Department.

(h) to deal with and formulate proposals for the resolution of administrative resources, prior to judicial, civil or employment claims, claims for compensation and requests made under the right of petition, as well as to process the procedures for the review of trade.

i) Perform the actions derived from the administrative-administrative resources.

j) Direct the services of administrative information and attention to the citizen.

k) Manage the editorial program and publications.

l) Coordinate the libraries, archives and museums of the Department and its cultural heritage.

3. They depend on the Technical General Secretariat, with a rank of general sub-directorate, the following governing bodies:

(a) The Technical Vice-Secretary-General, who develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2 (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e).

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Resources and Administrative Information, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2 (g), (h), (i) and (j).

(c) The General Subdirectorate for Publications and Cultural Heritage, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2 (k) and (l).

4. The autonomous agency Cria Caballar of the Armed Forces is attached to the Technical General Secretariat.

Article 9. General Directorate of Personnel.

1. The Directorate-General for Personnel is the management body responsible for the planning and development of personnel policy, as well as the supervision and management of its implementation. For these purposes, the competent bodies in the areas of the Armed Forces and the autonomous agencies of the Department are functionally dependent on this general direction.

2. They correspond to this general direction, in the field of their competences, the following functions:

a) Plan the personnel and recruitment of military personnel and volunteer reservists, as well as prepare proposals for capacity building and control the updating of military positions.

b) Develop the rules and general criteria applicable to the management of military personnel, as well as exercise the inspector's function.

c) Manage the military personnel of the common bodies, the staff of the Armed Forces Religious Assistance Service, and the competencies attributed to the Minister and the Assistant Secretary to the military personnel as a whole.

d) Manage civil personnel, as well as their social action and training.

e) Develop the provisions on remuneration and manage the competencies attributed to the Minister and the Assistant Secretary.

f) Propose staff and staff costs for budgeting, as well as control spending.

g) Control, in the functional aspect, the Personnel Information System of the Ministry of Defense.

h) Recognize passive rights and grant passive classes of military personnel.

i) Plan the personnel of civilian personnel and the relationships of jobs.

j) Coordinate social policy for military personnel and the provision of continued support to the injured and the families of the deceased and injured in act of service.

k) Coordinate equality policy.

3. The following management bodies are responsible for the Directorate-General for Personnel:

(a) The General Subdirectorate of Military Personnel, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2, paragraphs (a), (b) and (c).

(b) The General Secretariat of Civil Personnel, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2.d).

(c) The General Subdirectorate of Human Resources Costs, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2, paragraphs e), f), g), h) and i).

4. They also depend on the Directorate-General for Personnel:

(a) The Division of the Personnel Support Service with the organic level to determine the corresponding employment relationship, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2.j.).

(b) The Military Observatory for Equality between Women and Men in the Armed Forces, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2.k.).

c) The Castrose Archbishopric.

d) The Administrative Unit of the Royal and Military Orders of San Fernando and San Hermenegildo.

Article 10. Directorate-General for Military Recruitment and Teaching.

1. The Directorate-General for Military Recruitment and Teaching is the leading body responsible for planning and developing the teaching policy of military personnel and volunteer reservists, their recruitment and selection, as well as the monitoring and management of its implementation. To this end, the Superior Center for National Defense Studies and the competent organs of the Armed Forces and the autonomous agencies of the Department are functionally dependent on this general direction.

2. They correspond to this general direction, in the field of their competences, the following functions:

(a) Plan and coordinate military education, in accordance with the provisions of Law 39/2007 of 19 November, concerning the teaching of training and training and those specific military courses which have the character of senior national defense studies.

b) Monitor the functioning of the university system of defense centers and promote relations and agreements with the different administrations, universities and private entities.

c) Develop and propose the general guidelines of curricula for the training of military personnel, as well as coordinate their drafting and the training plans of reservists.

d) Propose and coordinate the teaching structure of the Armed Forces, as well as the general regime of their centers, students and teachers.

e) Plan and coordinate, in the functional aspect, the Integrated Virtual Teaching System, as well as develop and coordinate the system of evaluation of the quality of the teaching.

f) Manage the teachings of the staff of the common bodies, the common character and the functioning of the teaching centers that are dependent on this general direction.

g) Develop, in coordination with the Directorate-General for Defence Policy, international cooperation programmes in the field of education and direct its implementation.

h) Plan and coordinate the functions of recruitment and selection of military personnel and volunteer reservists, as well as their incorporation into training centers.

i) Elaborate, propose and coordinate the plans of professional departures of the Armed Forces personnel.

3. The following management bodies are responsible for the Directorate-General for Military Recruitment and Teaching:

(a) The Subdirectorate-General for Management and Teaching Policy, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2, paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g).

(b) The General Subdirectorate for Recruitment, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2, paragraphs (h) and (i).

Article 11. General Legal Counsel of the Defense.

1. The General Legal Counsel of the Defense issues the mandatory legal reports, in accordance with the provisions in force, and evacuates those requested by the higher organs and directors of the Ministry.

2. The role of legal advice, which is a unique function within the Department, is exercised under the direction of the General Legal Counsel of the Defence who, for this purpose, may instruct the legal counsel of the headquarters of the the armies and any other in the department's field, as well as to evacuate the consultations which it gives them to ensure proper coordination and unit of discretion.

3. Without prejudice to the specific powers of the Minister and the Assistant Secretary of Defense, the General Legal Counsel is responsible for the relations of the Department with the governing bodies of the military jurisdiction, the Togolese Attorney General's Office and the Advocate General of the State-Directorate of the State Legal Service.

4. The functions referred to in the above paragraphs are developed by personnel belonging to the Military Legal Body.

5. The position of General Legal Counsel is performed by a general counsel, in active duty, who has precedence over the other charges of the Military Legal Body.

Article 12. General Defense Intervention.

1. The General Intervention of the Defense, functionally dependent on the General Intervention of the State Administration, exercises in the field of the Ministry of Defense and of the public agencies dependent on it, the internal control of the economic and financial management, through the exercise of the financial controller, the permanent financial control and the public audit, in the terms of the general budget law.

It is also up to you to exercise the military notary in the form and conditions laid down by the laws and the advice regarding your competence, to the higher bodies and managers of the Ministry of Defense.

2. The functions referred to in the previous paragraph are carried out by personnel belonging to the Military Intervention Corps, under the direction of the General Controller of Defense, who may issue instructions to any delegated intervention dependent, in order to ensure proper coordination and unit of criteria.

3. The position of the General Controller of the Defense is performed by an acting general, in active duty, who has precedence over the other charges of the Military Intervention Corps.

Article 13. General Inspection of Defense Health.

1. The General Inspection of Defence Health is the body responsible for the planning and development of health policy. It is also the advice of the Department's higher bodies in the field of military health. To these effects, the health addresses of the armies are functionally dependent on this General Inspection.

2. In particular, the following functions correspond to:

a) Coordinate health supports, logistic-operational according to the guidelines received from the Chief of Staff of the Defense and the Chiefs of Staff of the Army of the Earth, the Navy and the Army of the Air.

b) Managing the military health network and pharmaceutical management, as well as coordinating health-care and health prevention activities in the field of defense.

c) Coordinate with armies and, where appropriate, provide pharmaceutical, veterinary and psychological support.

3. The position of Inspector General of Health of the Defense is performed by a general of division of the Military Corps of Health, in active service situation, which takes precedence over the other charges of the Military Corps of Health.

Article 14. General Secretary for Defence Policy.

1. The General Secretariat of Defense Policy is the executive board of the Ministry to which it corresponds, under the direction of the head of the Department, the development and implementation of the defense policy, the relations in this field with others ministerial departments, in particular with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, bilateral relations with other states and with international security and defence organizations, under the principle of external action of the State, as well as the development of defense diplomacy and the contribution to the leadership of crisis and emergencies.

2. In particular, it is up to the General Secretariat for Defence Policy:

a) To monitor and evaluate the international situation in the field of security and defense policy.

b) Propose defense policy guidelines.

c) Lead the Defense Diplomacy Plan.

d) Driving bilateral relations with states in the field of defense policy.

e) To direct the participation of the Ministry in international security and defense organizations.

f) To direct the development of international treaties, agreements and conventions affecting the defence, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

g) Coordinate the Department's contribution to State action to deal with crisis and emergency situations.

h) Plan the Spanish contribution to the civil emergency planning in international security and defense organizations.

i) Dispose the Department's performance in the field of arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament.

j) Propose and coordinate the cultural policy of security and defense and the promotion of national defense awareness.

3. The Secretary-General of Defense Policy will hold the representation of the Department, by delegation of the Minister, in the cases in which it is entrusted and, in particular, to the international organizations of security and defense Spain is a party.

4. Likewise, it is up to the Secretary General of Defense Policy:

a) Chair of the Inter-Ministerial Defense Committee.

b) Acting as Secretary of the National Defense Council.

c) Chair of the International Activity Coordination Commission of the Ministry of Defense.

5. The Secretary-General of Defence Policy has a Technical Cabinet, as an organ of support, advice and immediate assistance, whose director will be a general or official officer.

6. The General Secretariat of Defense Policy is responsible for the General Directorate of Defense Policy.

7. It also depends on the Secretary-General of Defense Policy, the Division of Coordination and Security and Defense Studies, which corresponds to the coordination of the activities of the centers and institutes of studies that are dependent on the Department of Defense. aimed at the dissemination of the culture of security and defence, as well as the promotion of studies in this field.

8. They will also be attached to the General Secretariat for Defense Policy:

a) The Inter-Ministerial Defense Commission.

b) The Spanish Section of the Spanish-American Permanent Committee.

c) The Commission for the Coordination of International Activity of the Ministry of Defense.

9. The General Secretariat of Defense Policy depends on the defense aggregations in the diplomatic missions of Spain abroad and the defense advisors in the permanent representations to international organizations, in the terms regulated in your specific regulations.

10. In the exercise of its powers of dissemination of the culture of security and defense, the Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies is functionally dependent on the Secretary General of Defense Policy.

Article 15. Directorate General for Defence Policy.

1. The Directorate-General for Defence Policy is the leading body responsible for planning and developing defence policy. For these purposes, the competent bodies in the areas of the Armed Forces and the autonomous agencies of the Department are functionally dependent on this general direction.

2. They correspond to this general direction, in the field of their competences, the following functions:

a) Follow and assess the development of the international situation in the field of security and defence policy, especially in crisis areas and other areas of interest.

b) Develop the guidelines for defense policy and track them.

c) Control the development of the Defense Diplomacy Plan.

d) Develop the broad lines of development of defense policy guidelines for participation in international security and defense organizations.

e) Preparing, coordinating, controlling and supporting the development of international treaties, agreements and conventions affecting the defence and monitoring.

f) Develop the broad lines of development of the defense policy guidelines for the participation of other ministerial departments in national defense.

g) Prepare and manage the contribution to state action to address crisis and emergency situations.

h) Coordinate the contribution to civil emergency planning in international organizations.

i) Develop action in the field of arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament.

j) Coordinate the involvement of the Department in international security and defense agencies.

3. The following management bodies are responsible for the Directorate-General for Defence Policy:

(a) The General Subdirectorate of Plans and International Relations, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2, paragraphs (b), (c), (d) and (e).

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Cooperation and Civil Defence, which develops the functions referred to in paragraph 2, paragraphs (f), (g), (h) and (i).

4. It also depends on the general direction, through the General Subdirectorate of Plans and International Relations, the Office of Application of the Convention between the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty, concerning the Status of their Forces.

Article 16. Top tips from the Army of Earth, Navy and Air Force.

The Higher Councils of the Army of the Earth, the Navy and the Air Force are the advisory and advisory bodies of the Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff of the respective army, with the powers and the duties attributed to them by Law 39/2007 of 19 November, and other regulatory standards which are applicable.

Article 17. Senior Joint Chiefs of the Armed Forces Boards.

the Superior Boards of the Military, Military, Military and Military Legal Corps are the advisory and advisory bodies of the Defense Minister in those matters that he attributes to them. Law 39/2007 of 19 November, and other regulatory standards which are applicable.

Additional disposition first. Order of precedence of the Department's authorities.

The order of precedence of the higher authorities of the Department in the special acts referred to by the General Order of Precedence in the State, approved by Royal Decree 2099/1983 of 4 August, and in the internal regime of the Ministry, is as follows:

a) Minister of Defense.

b) Chief of Defense Staff.

c) Secretary of State of Defense.

d) Deputy Secretary of Defense.

e) Secretary General of Defense Policy.

f) Chief of Staff of the Army of the Earth.

g) Chief of Staff of the Navy.

h) Chief of Staff of the Air Force.

Additional provision second. Information and telecommunications networks and systems.

1. The Council of Ministers will determine the networks and systems to be managed and managed by the General Information and Communications Technology Subdirectorate.

2. Following agreement with the General Secretariat for Information and Communications Technologies, the Directorate General for Civil Protection and Emergencies of the Ministry of the Interior will be able to use, in emergency situations, the targeted networks and managed by the cited general sub-directorate.

Additional provision third. Alcala de Henares Military Prison Establishment.

The Alcalá de Henares Military Penitentiary Establishment will continue to be assigned to the Defense Secretariat, with an organic dependence on the Technical General Secretariat, without prejudice to logistical support that cannot be provided by the Ministry of Defense. Deputy secretary, who will be facilitated by the logistics chain of each army.

Additional provision fourth. Supply of the heads of the management bodies.

In the cases of vacancy, absence or illness of the holder of a management body, in application of the provisions of article 17 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of the Public and the Common Administrative Procedure, it will be up to the owners of the immediately subordinate organs, for the same order in which they appear quoted in the respective structure established in this royal decree.

Additional provision fifth. Removal of organs and units.

1. The following department management bodies are deleted:

a) The General Planning and Control Subdirection.

b) The General Subdirection of Tipification and Monitoring.

c) The Military Personnel Planning and Coordination Subdirectorate General.

d) The Military Personnel Management Subdirectorate General.

e) The General Subdirectorate of Historical-Artistic Heritage.

f) The General Subdirection of Publications.

2. It loses the organic level of general sub-direction the Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies.

3. The Division of Strategic Affairs and Security is also deleted.

Additional provision sixth. Collegiate bodies.

Collegiate organs of the Department, whose composition and functions are of a purely ministerial scope, may be regulated, modified or suppressed by the order of the Minister of Defense, even if their rules of creation or modification has royal decree range.

Additional provision seventh. No increase in public spending.

The application of this royal decree, including the creation and modification of the units without organic level of general subdirection provided for in their articles, will be done without increase of the operating costs of the respective organs management and will not increase public expenditure.

Additional disposition octave. Exception in general manager appointments.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 18.2 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April, the holder of the General Infrastructure Directorate shall not be required to be an official, in the light of the characteristics of the specific to that general address.

Additional provision ninth. References to the deleted organs.

The references that are made in the legal order to the organs that are deleted by this royal decree will be understood to be those that are created, replaced or assume their competences in this same norm.

Single transient arrangement. Units and jobs with the lower organic level than the general sub-direction.

The units and jobs with the lower organic level to the general sub-directorate will continue to remain and will be paid from the same budget appropriations until the corresponding relations are approved. or catalogues of jobs of the Department adapted to the organic structure of this royal decree.

The units and jobs surveyed in the deleted organs, or whose organic dependence has been modified by this royal decree, will be provisionally assigned, by means of a resolution of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, until the corresponding relations or catalogues of jobs, to the bodies regulated in this royal decree, are in force in accordance with the privileges assigned to them.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

1. Royal Decree 1287/2010, dated October 15, is hereby repealed and the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Defense is developed.

2. Likewise, the provisions of equal or lower rank are repealed as opposed to the provisions of this royal decree.

Final disposition first. Amendment of Royal Decree 1249/1997 of 24 July, governing the organization of the Higher Center for National Defense Studies.

Royal Decree 1249/1997 of July 24, which regulates the organization of the Higher Center for National Defense Studies, as amended by Royal Decree 1107/1999, of 25 June, is amended as follows:

One. The function number 3 of Article 2 is worded as follows:

" 3. To develop courses of high military studies for civilian and military personnel, training for the performance of Brigadier General's duties, for the preparation of Army of the Earth, Navy, Air Force, and Air Force officers. joint bodies of the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard, to carry out the functions of the Special States, Joint and Combined, and National or International Security and Defense Agencies, and High Management and resource management. "

Two. A new function, number 6, is added in Article 2, with the following wording:

" 6. To promote the research and dissemination of the culture of security and defense. "

Three. Article 3 (2) is worded as follows:

" 2. For the performance of the assigned tasks, the CESEDEN is structured in the following schools and agencies:

a) School of High Defense Studies (EALEDE).

b) High School of the Armed Forces (ESFAS).

c) Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies (IEEE). "

Four. Article 5 (2) is worded as follows:

" 2. It is up to the Higher School of the Armed Forces to investigate, analyze and disseminate results on those aspects related to the doctrines for joint and combined action, and to develop training courses for the performance of the duties of Brigadier General and the preparation of the officers of the Army of the Earth, the Navy, the Army of Air, the common bodies of the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard, to carry out their own functions in the States Greater Specific, Joint and Combined, as well as in national and international bodies Security and Defense. "

Five. A new Article 6 is introduced with the following wording:

" Article 6. Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies (IEEE).

1. The Directorate of the Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies will be placed in a general officer, official or career official who meets the requirements of the current regulations, with the organic level that determines the corresponding relation of jobs.

2. It is up to the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies to develop research and dissemination activities for the culture of security and defence, as well as the other activities set out in Ministerial Order 228/2001 of 24 October, for which they are developed. the functions of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies, as amended by Ministerial Order 188/2004 of 28 October. "

Final disposition second. Inclusion of the National Intelligence Center for the purposes of grants in the field of international cooperation in defense, security and intelligence.

For the purposes of Royal Decree 1265/2007 of 21 September 2007 laying down special rules on subsidies in the field of international cooperation in the field of defence, security and intelligence, the National Intelligence Center shall be understood to continue to be included among the public bodies of the Ministry of Defense, without prejudice to its current membership of the Ministry of the Presidency, according to Royal Decree 1823/2011, of 21 of December, for which ministerial departments are restructured.

Final disposition third. Powers of development.

The Minister of Defense is empowered to adopt the necessary measures for the development and execution of this royal decree, prior to the implementation of the appropriate legal procedures.

Final disposition fourth. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on March 5, 2012.


The Minister of Finance and Public Administrations,