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Order Ess / 619 / 2012, Of 22 Of March, By Which Is Delegated And Is Approve Them Delegations Of The Exercise Of Powers In Them Organs Administrative Of The Ministry Of Employment And Security Social And Its Organisms Public.

Original Language Title: Orden ESS/619/2012, de 22 de marzo, por la que se delegan y se aprueban las delegaciones del ejercicio de competencias en los órganos administrativos del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social y sus organismos públicos.

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The departmental restructuring approved through the Royal Decrees 1823/2011, of December 21, and 1887/2011, of December 30, which established the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments, has been developed by Royal Decree 343/2012 of 10 February, as regards the Ministry of Employment and Social Security.

This new organization of the Ministry, along with the desirability of improving the internal functioning of the Department, makes it necessary to dictate an order of delegation of competences that, according to the new structure, allows achieve maximum agility, coordination and efficiency in the management of services.

This Order includes both competencies delegated by the person who holds the Department in different bodies, as well as delegations made by the different senior organs and managers of the Department in other bodies, with the need, in the latter case, for the approval of the higher body to be delegated by the delegation.

Moreover, privileges are also delegated to the Public Bodies attached to the Department, in which case the approval of the person holding the Ministry is not only necessary, but also the acceptance itself. the exercise of such functions by the delegated body that receives them.

Also included are the delegations made, by the appropriate resolution, by other bodies of the Department whose approval does not correspond to the Minister, in order to fulfill the requirement of publication foreseen in the Article 13 (3) of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure, in the additional 13th provision of the Law 6/1997, of 14 April, of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State, and in Article 20 of Law 50/1997, of 27 November, of the Government, I have:


Competencies delegated by the Minister

Article 1. Secretary of State for Employment.

The exercise of the following powers is delegated to the Secretary of State for Employment:

1. The sanctioning power in the matter of grants in those cases where the same corresponds to the Minister when they are granted by the agencies attached to the Secretariat of State.

2. Those relating to the exercise of the protectorate of labour foundations of state competence.

3. The resolution of the appeals brought against decisions of the Director General of Employment and the Director General of the Autonomous Labour Office, the Social Economy and the Social Responsibility of the Companies, as well as the resolutions of the Secretary-General of the Salarial Guarantee Fund and the Directors of the State Employment Public Service and the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work in the cases in which the legal provisions establish before the Minister administrative review of the same.

4. The resolution of the potential remedies for replenishment against decisions given by the Secretariat of State for Employment by delegation.

5. Those which the legal system attributes to the Minister for Employment and Social Security in the exercise of the power of sanction in matters of employment, employment and unemployment benefits and the administrative review of the acts dictated by the material.

6. The administrative review of acts issued in the exercise of the power of sanction in the field of cooperatives.

7. Prior authorisation for the conclusion of contracts by the State Employment Public Service, the National Institute for Safety and Hygiene at Work and the Salarial Guarantee Fund, where the amount of such contracts exceeds 900,000 euro.

Article 2. Secretary of State for Social Security.

The exercise of the following powers is delegated to the Secretary of State for Social Security:

1. Those attributed by the legal system to the Minister of Employment and Social Security in relation to the Management Entities and the Common Services assigned to the Secretariat of State of Social Security, collaborating entities and entities that act as a replacement for Social Security.

Except for this delegation:

(a) The powers conferred on the Minister under Articles 16, 29 and 36 of Royal Decree 706/1997 of 16 May 1997 on the internal control system exercised by the General Intervention of Security Social.

(b) Other than those delegated to other administrative bodies of the Ministry, as well as to the Management Entities attached to the Secretariat of State and the General Treasury of Social Security.

2. Those attributed by the legal system to the Minister of Employment and Social Security in relation to the Social Security Heritage.

3. The appointment and termination of the Deputy Directors General, other level 30 jobs, and the Provincial Directors of the National Institute of Social Security, the Social Institute of the Navy, the General Treasury of Security and of the Social Security Informatics Manager and other positions of free designation of that Joint Service.

4. The call for and resolution of the competitions for the provision of posts of staff of the National Institute of Social Security, General Treasury of Social Security, Social Institute of the Navy, General Intervention of Social Security, Social Security Management and Legal Service Management of the Social Security Administration, except for the responsibilities delegated to the Assistant Secretary in this field.

5. Those attributed by the legal system to the Minister of Employment and Social Security in the exercise of the sanctioning power in the field of Social Security.

6. The resolution of the potential remedies for replenishment against decisions given by the Secretary of State for Social Security by delegation.

7. Those attributed to the Minister for Employment and Social Security by Articles 14 and 18 of the Regulation of the Legal Service of the Administration of Social Security, adopted by Royal Decree 947/2001 of 3 August 2001, in the field of interests between Management Entities or Common Services, and intervention in the arbitral proceedings.

8. The setting of criteria for the evaluation of staff and for the distribution of the productivity supplement in relation to the staff assigned in the Management Entities, Common Services and General Intervention of Social Security.

9. Prior authorisation for the conclusion of contracts by the Management Entities attached to the Secretariat of State and the General Treasury of Social Security, when the amount of the contracts exceeds EUR 900,000.

10. The sanctioning power in the matter of grants awarded by the Social Institute of the Navy in those cases in which it corresponds to the Minister.

Article 3. General Secretary for Immigration and Emigration.

The following competencies are delegated to the General Secretariat for Immigration and Emigration:

1. The conclusion of cooperation agreements or similar instruments in matters relating to their field of action, including those relating to the Spanish Observatory on Racism and Xenophobia, with natural or legal persons subject to the right of private and public entities, as well as the approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligations and the proposal for the management of the corresponding payments, except in cases expressly delegated to other bodies.

The collaboration agreements with the Autonomous Communities are excepted from this delegation.

2. The celebration of management and legal business analogous in matters related to its scope of action, including those referred to the Spanish Observatory of Racism and Xenophobia, with public entities, as well as the approval and the expenditure commitment, the recognition of the obligations and the proposal for the management of the corresponding payments, except in cases expressly delegated to other bodies.

3. The procurement, with the powers inherent in the contracting authority established in the current rules, including the approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligations and the proposal for the management of payments in matters of their competence, where the tender budget exceeds EUR 1,000,000, and in any case in respect of matters relating to the Spanish Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia, except in matters which be the responsibility of the Secretariat.

4. The granting of long-term residence and residence permits, as provided for in Articles 36 and 148. 3 g) of the Regulation of Organic Law 4/2000, of Rights and Freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration, approved by Royal Decree 557/2011, of April 20.

5. The resolution of the appeals against the resolutions of aid and grants in matters specific to the functional scope of action of the General Secretariat of Immigration and Emigration.

Article 4. Deputy Secretary for Employment and Social Security.

The following competencies are delegated to the Under-Secretary for Employment and Social Security:

1. In the field of personnel:

(a) The appointment and termination of the Deputy Directors-General and the provision of the other free designation posts, where this competence corresponds to the Minister and has not been delegated to other bodies.

(b) Call for and resolution of competitions for the provision of posts of official staff in the Ministry and its self-employed bodies, as well as those who exceed the competence of a Secretariat of Status.

(c) The appointment and termination of any dependent staff of the Minister.

(d) The disciplinary authority for the commission of very serious or serious faults in accordance with the legislation in force, except for the separation of service.

e) The grant or proposal, if any, of prizes and rewards.

f) The setting of the criteria for the assessment of staff and for the distribution of the productivity supplement and other legally intended performance incentives, except those expressly delegated in other organs.

g) The call for evidence of access to the State Bodies and Scales, the autonomous agencies and the Social Security Administration attached to the Ministry; the implementation of the agreed by the Government for the call for unit testing of access to such Bodies and Scales; appointment of trainee officers, as well as the proposed appointment of career officials.

h) The proposal for approval and modification of the relations of jobs.

i) The proposal and implementation of the employment plans of the Ministry and the public agencies of the dependents.

2. In the field of collaboration agreements:

The conclusion of collaboration agreements or similar instruments with natural or legal persons subject to private law and with public entities, where the contribution of the Ministry or the amount of the obligations of economic content to be assumed does not exceed EUR 1,500,000, as well as those which do not involve the assumption of obligations of economic content.

The collaboration agreements with the Autonomous Communities and the delegates in other bodies are excepted from this delegation.

3. In the field of procurement:

(a) The procurement, with the powers inherent in the contracting authority established in the rules in force, when the amount of the invitation to tender exceeds 1,000,000 euros.

In the case of hiring linked to credits from the General Secretariat of Immigration and Emigration, the former delegation shall be understood as referring to matters related to the exercise of the functions assigned to it by the Deputy Secretary in Royal Decree 343/2012 of 10 February, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security is developed.

(b) The conclusion of supply and service contracts affecting the scope of more than one contracting authority of the Ministry without prejudice to Articles 206 and 207 of the recast of the Law on Contracts of the Public Sector, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011 of 14 November, with respect to centralised procurement at the State level, for its specific use by the Department's services.

(c) The referral to the Court of Auditors of the annual relations of contracts referred to in the rules in force concerning the referral to the Court of Auditors of the extracts of the procurement files and of the contracts and agreements concluded by the State and Autonomous Public Sector Entities, where the original competence resides in the Minister.

4. In the field of economic, financial and budgetary management:

(a) The approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligation and the proposal for the management of payments not attributed or delegated to other bodies, which are dealt with under Chapters I, II, III, VI and VIII of the Department budgets and the amount of which exceeds 1,000,000 euros.

In relation to the appropriations linked to Chapter II of the General Secretariat of Immigration and Emigration, the former delegation will only include expenses related to the exercise of the functions that Royal Decree 343/2012, February 10, attributed to the Undersecretary.

b) The approval or conformity to the accounts that the Ministry has to render to the Court of Auditors through the General Intervention of the State Administration.

(c) The approval of the dossiers for budgetary changes in cases where the competence corresponds to the Minister, except those expressly delegated to other bodies.

d) The adoption of the private debt compensation agreements.

(e) The authorisation, after a favourable report by the Directorate-General for Budgets, of the allocation to the appropriations for the current year of obligations arising from previous financial years as a result of expenditure commitments acquired in accordance with the legal order.

(f) The exceptional extension of the time limit for accountability to be justified, except those for Service 07 of the Department's expenditure budget, as referred to in Article 79 (4) of Law 47/2003, of November 26, General Budget.

g) Agree on internal transfers that appear in the appropriations of the Ministry's budget not allocated to the Secretaries of State.

h) The establishment of the Department's fixed cash advance system and the modification or cancellation of the fixed cash advances allocated to the paying boxes, in accordance with the provisions of Article 78 of the Law 47/2003, of 26 November, General Budget.

5. In the field of grants:

(a) The grant, and other powers inherent in the awarding body, of grants and economic compensation to trade unions and employers ' associations for their participation in the advisory bodies of the Ministry, autonomous agencies and the Social Security Management Entities, as well as trade union organizations in proportion to their representativeness for the performance of union activities.

(b) The sanctioning power in respect of grants in cases where the same applies to the Minister and is not delegated to other bodies.

6. In matters of wealth management:

The request to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations for the affectation of real estate and all those powers relating to the patrimony, including the Trade Union Heritage and those of autonomous organizations, except those delegated to the Secretary of State for Social Security.

7. In relation to other competencies:

(a) The resolution of the procedures for the revision of the trade, the procedures for the patrimonial liability of the Public Administrations, and the extraordinary resources for review.

(b) The resolution of the potential remedies for replenishment against the resolutions handed down by the Deputy Secretary of State in matters of personnel and patrimonial responsibility.

c) All those powers that the legal system attributes to the Minister of Employment and Social Security in the exercise of the sanctioning authority that result from the practice of acts of infringement for obstruction of work inspector, in the field of the powers of the General Administration of the State, as well as the resolution of the replenishment resources that are brought against the resolutions that impose them.

d) The approval of the inclusion of publications in the Editorial Program of the Ministry for reasons of necessity and urgency, through the exceptional procedure provided for in the second provision of the Royal Decree 118/2001, dated 9 February, for the Management of Official Publications.

e) The decision on the representation of the Ministry in the collegiate bodies or working groups in which the head of the higher or managerial body that is to represent the Ministry is not previously determined.

(f) acts of an administrative nature outside the jurisdiction of the Minister for Employment and Social Security, except those expressly delegated to other bodies.

(g) Those relating to the internal regime or the management of administrative services and personnel management which are attributed by the legal system to the Minister and have not been expressly delegated to other bodies.

(h) The resolution of the procedures for the recognition of the professional qualification that he enables to exercise in Spain the activity of social graduate, graduated social graduate or diploma in employment relations to all the Citizens of the European Union.

Article 5. Delegations in the bodies dependent on the Secretary of State for Employment.

It is delegated to the Director General of the Autonomous Work, the Social Economy and the Social Responsibility of the Companies to exercise the following powers:

1. The power of sanctioning in the matter of cooperative societies in those cases in which it corresponds to the Minister, including disqualification.

2. The resolution of the potential resources for replenishment against resolutions dictated by delegation by the Director General of the Autonomous Work, the Social Economy and the Social Responsibility of Enterprises.

3. The resolution of requests for cooperative societies to carry out or expand activities with third parties in accordance with the provisions of Article 4.2 of Law 27/1999 of July 16, of cooperatives.

Article 6. Delegations in the organs of the Secretariat of State of Social Security, the Management Entities and the General Treasury of Social Security.

1. The Director-General for Social Security and Social Security is delegated the exercise of the powers conferred on the Minister for Employment and Social Security on budgetary changes in the field of mutual work accidents. and occupational diseases of Social Security and those of their joint institutions and institutions.

2. It is delegated, with its prior acceptance, to the Director General of the General Treasury for Social Security to exercise the powers conferred on the Ministry of Employment and Social Security by the international social security instruments in authorisation of exemptions from the general principle of the obligation of affiliation to the social security of the place of employment for individual cases.

3. It is delegated to the General Social Security Controller, the Social Security Information Manager and the Director of the Legal Service of Social Security, the granting of bonuses for extraordinary services to the officials who perform them outside of the regulatory day, up to a maximum of eighty hours per year per official.

4. It is delegated, after approval by the maximum management body of each Agency, to the Secretaries-General or Deputy Directors-General of the Management Entities and the General Treasury of Social Security entrusted with the management of personnel, the granting of bonuses for extraordinary services to officials who perform them outside of the regulatory day, up to a maximum of eighty hours per year per official.

In the case of the Social Institute of the Navy, this competence is delegated to the Director of the entity.

5. It is delegated, after the approval of the maximum management body of each agency, in the Provincial Directors of the Management Entities and the General Treasury of Social Security, the granting of bonuses for extraordinary services to the officials posted in their Provincial Directorate, who perform them outside the regulatory day, up to a maximum of eighty hours per year per official.

Article 7. Delegations in the organs of the General Secretariat for Immigration and Emigration.

1. The following powers are delegated to the Director-General for Migration:

(a) The celebration, in matters relating to its scope, including those referred to the Permanent Observatory of Immigration, of collaboration agreements or similar instruments with natural or legal persons subject to private law and public entities, as well as the approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligations and the proposal for the management of the corresponding payments, where the contribution of the Ministry or the amount of the obligations of economic content which it assumes does not exceed EUR 900,000, as well as those of which do not involve the assumption of obligations of economic content.

b) The celebration, in matters related to its scope of action, including those referred to the Permanent Observatory of Immigration, Management and Legal Business analogous with public entities, as well as the approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligations and the proposal for the management of the corresponding payments, where the contribution of the Ministry or the amount of the obligations of economic content which it assumes does not exceed EUR 900,000.

(c) The procurement, with the powers inherent in the contracting authority established in the current rules, including the approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligations and the proposed management of the corresponding payments, in matters of their competence, including those referred to the Permanent Immigration Observatory, where the tender budget does not exceed EUR 1,000,000, except in the case of expressly delegated in the Directors of the Migration Centres and except in the matters which are competence of the Secretariat.

(d) the granting of aid, grants and benefits to be established in matters of its functional scope and other powers inherent in the administrative body and, where appropriate, the approval and the expenditure commitment, recognition of the obligations and the proposal for the management of the corresponding payments, with the exception of the powers delegated to them in the members and heads of the Section for Employment and Social Security abroad.

e) The extension of the deadline for accountability to justify, corresponding to Service 07 of the Department's expenditure budget, as referred to in Article 79 (4) of Law 47/2003, of 26 November, General Budget.

(f) The resolution of the appeals against the resolutions of the Government Delegates in the field of foreign affairs.

g) The resolution of the interposed resources on certificates of returned Spanish citizens.

2. It is delegated to the members and, on the same terms, to the Heads of the Employment and Social Security Section who are not dependent on a counsellor, the exercise of the competence to grant extraordinary assistance abroad, the aid for the promotion of education abroad, aid to associations for operating expenditure and aid for works and equipment in Spanish centres abroad established in the corresponding programmes for action in favour of the Spanish citizenship abroad, or of those who generally benefit from the grants, the amount to be determined in the orders laying down the regulatory basis for granting and, where appropriate, the approval, the commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligations and the corresponding payments, with the responsibility of the bookings to justify approved by the competent authority.

3. The following powers are delegated to the Directors of the Migration Centres:

(a) The procurement, with the powers inherent in the contracting authority established in the current regulations, as well as the approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligations and the proposed management of the corresponding payments, within the appropriations allocated to the Migration Centres, in respect of the following types of contracts:

1. Contract works, the amount of which is less than 50,000 euros, excluding Value Added Tax.

2. Service and supply contracts, whose estimated contract value does not exceed EUR 60,000.

(b) The approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligations and the corresponding payments in relation to the system of fixed-box advances, the exercise of the competence of issue of the corresponding accounting documents and how many acts make possible the replenishment of funds in the accounts of fixed cash advances, the approval of the relevant supporting accounts and their referral to the Court of Auditors. All this, in relation to the functions of the Migration Centers.

(c) The granting of financial aid to the beneficiaries of the Migration Centres, as well as the ability to give the order for payment of the aid, dealt with in respect of the appropriations allocated by the payment procedure to justify.

Article 8. Delegations to the subsidiary bodies of the Secretariat.

1. The following powers are delegated to the Technical Secretary-General:

(a) The subscription of agreements which, by application of the European Union Regulations on the coordination of social security systems, should be concluded with other Member States in the field of social security, applicable legislation, where they relate to certain categories or groups of persons, and reimbursement of health care costs, where the regulatory instrument is not subscribed by the other Member State or other Member States by an Authority of the same rank as the department holder, but by a lower rank authority.

(b) The resolution of the prior complaints to the civil and labour court and the administrative resources, except for the extraordinary review and the interpositions against resolutions of the Technical General Secretariat itself, except for those expressly delegated to other bodies.

2. The following powers are delegated to the Director-General of the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate:

(a) The setting of the criteria for the assessment of staff and for the distribution of the productivity supplement, in the field of their competence.

(b) The grant, and other powers inherent to the entity, of grants, grants or public aid granted under application 19.01.291A.481 of the Department's budget of expenditure.

3. She is delegated to the Deputy Director-General for Human Resources:

(a) The provision of free-designation jobs with a level of complement of destination 26 and below, in cases where this competence corresponds to the Minister, within the scope of the Ministry and excluding the Management Entities, Autonomous Bodies and the General Treasury of Social Security.

(b) Recognition of the right to the complement of destination provided for in Article 33.2 of Law 31/1990 of 27 December, except in the case of the alleged delegates to the Deputy Director-General for the Management and Development of Resources Humans of the Autonomous Bodies and of Social Security.

(c) The call for selective testing for the access of labour personnel, except in the case of the supposed delegates to the Deputy Director General for the Management and Development of Human Resources of the Autonomous Bodies and of the Social Security.

(d) Call for and resolution of transfers competitions and internal promotion of work staff, referred to vacancies of the Department.

4. It is delegated to the Deputy Director-General for the Management and Development of Human Resources of the Autonomous Bodies and Social Security, in the field of the Autonomous Bodies, the Gestoras and the Common Services of Social Security, the exercise of the following powers:

(a) The recognition of the right to the complement of destination provided for in Article 33.2 of Law 31/1990 of 27 December.

b) Call for selective testing for access to work staff.

5. Competence for the approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligation and the authorisation of payments in relation to the cash advance system are delegated to the Deputy Director-General for Administrative Information and Publications. The Office of the Official Journal of the Ministry of Education, the Office of the Official Journal of the European Communities, the Office of the Official Journal of the European Communities, the Office of the Official Journal of the European


6. It is delegated to the Deputy Directors-General for Information and Communications Technologies and Administrative Information and Publications, in the field of their respective powers, to exercise the powers relating to the procurement, with the powers inherent in the contracting authority laid down in the rules in force, where the amount of the invitation to tender does not exceed EUR 1,000,000, except for those expressly delegated by the Directors or Heads of Employment and Social Social security on the outside, when they are not dependent on a counsellor, on the Heads of Provincial Labour and Social Security Inspections and the Directors of the Migration Centers.

7. It is delegated to the Chief Officer, the exercise of the following powers:

(a) The procurement, with the powers inherent in the contracting authority established in the current regulations, in the field of construction projects and construction and reformation and repair of buildings, when the amount of the No more than 1,000,000 euros, except those expressly delegated to the Directors of the Migration Centers.

b) Legalization of documents that have to take effect abroad.

8. The following powers are delegated to the Deputy Director-General for Financial Management:

(a) The approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligation and the proposal for the management of payments, not attributed or delegated to other bodies, which are dealt with under Chapters I, II, III, VI and VIII of the Department budgets the amount of which does not exceed EUR 1,000,000, and without limit where they correspond to expenditure arising from the processing of staff remuneration to be charged to Chapter I.

In relation to Chapter II, in the case of the General Secretariat for Immigration and Emigration, the former delegation shall only include expenses related to the exercise of the functions assigned to it by the Secretariat.

(b) The procurement, with the powers inherent in the contracting authority established in the rules in force, where the amount of the invitation to tender does not exceed 1,000,000 euros, and provided that it is not expressly delegated to others organs.

c) The authorization of improper revenue returns.

(d) The approval and disposal of expenditure, the recognition of obligations and the authorisation of payments in relation to the system of fixed cash advances of the General Paying Fund of the Ministry, with respect to the credits previously authorized.

e) The approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligation and the payment of the costs managed through bookings issued to justify by the credits previously authorized, and provided that it is not expressly delegated to other bodies.

(f) the issuing of accounting documents necessary for the replenishment of funds, the approval of the relevant supporting accounts and their referral to the Court of Auditors; all in relation to the fixed cash advance of the General Paying Fund of the Ministry, the Fund paying for the Publications Centre and the Working Banks of the Provincial Labour and Social Security Inspections.

g) The provision of compliance with the judgments given in the resources in which the General Administration of the State-Ministry of Employment and Social Security would have been a party, as well as the economic obligations arising from the the same, including the payment of costs.

(h) The approval and referral to the Court of Auditors of the accounts of the payments made from funds provided to justify in favour of the various paying agencies of the Ministry, except those of the Migrations.

9. It is delegated to the members and heads of the Section for Employment and Social Security abroad, where they are not dependent on a Counselor, within the budgetary appropriations to be agreed in their favour, the exercise of the following powers:

(a) The approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligation and the payment of the costs managed through the bookings issued to justify by the credits previously authorized.

(b) The procurement, with the powers inherent in the contracting authority established in the rules in force, where the amount does not exceed the limits of the minor contract.

10. Within the budget appropriations that are agreed in their favour, it is delegated to the Heads of the Provincial Labour and Social Security Inspections or, in those provinces in which the Heads of the Provincial Inspections are dependent organically of the Administration of the Autonomous Community, in the Joint Chiefs or, failing that, Heads of the Specialised Units of Social Security, the exercise of the following powers:

(a) The approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligation and the payment of the obligations related to the fixed cash advance system, within the credits previously authorised.

(b) The approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligation and the payment of the costs managed through the accounts issued to justify the appropriations authorised.

(c) Procurement, with the powers inherent in the contracting authority established in the current rules, where the amount does not exceed the limits of the minor contract.

Article 9. Delegations in public bodies attached to the Ministry.

It is delegated to the Deputy Directors General and Secretaries-General of the Management Entities and the General Treasury of Social Security, which have the task of managing personnel, after approval of the maximum body of the management of each body and in respect of the staff assigned to them, the provision of the free-appointment posts with a level of complement of destination 29 and below, except for the delegation made to the Secretary of State of the Social Security. In the case of the Social Institute of the Navy, this competence is delegated to the Director of the entity.

It is delegated to the Deputy Directors General and Secretaries-General of the autonomous bodies attached to the Ministry, which have the task of managing personnel, after approval of the maximum management organ of each agency and with regard to the staff assigned to them, the provision of free-designation jobs with a level of complement of destination 29 and below.


Powers delegated by the Secretaries of State for Employment and Social Security

Article 10. Deputy Secretary for Employment and Social Security.

The delegation of the Secretaries of State for Employment and Social Security, under the Under-Secretary of State, to the exercise of the following powers is approved:

1. The approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligation and the proposal for the management of payments, not attributed or delegated to other bodies, which are dealt with under Chapters I, II, III, VI and VIII of the budgets of the State secretariats and the amount of which exceeds EUR 1,000,000.

In relation to Chapter II, only expenses related to the exercise of the functions that Royal Decree 343/2012 of 10 February, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Employment is developed, will be included. and Social Security, attributes to the Undersecretary.

2. The recruitment, with the powers inherent to the contracting authority established in the current regulations, related to the exercise of the functions assigned by the Subsecretariat in Royal Decree 343/2012, of 10 February, when the Amount of the invitation to tender exceeds 1,000,000 euros.

Article 11. Deputy Director General of Financial Management.

The delegation of the Secretaries of State for Employment and Social Security, in the Deputy Director General of Financial Management, is approved for the exercise of the following powers:

1. The approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligation and the proposal for the management of payments, not attributed or delegated to other bodies, which are dealt with under Chapters I, II, III, VI and VIII of the budgets of the State secretariats, the amount of which does not exceed EUR 1,000,000 and without limit when they correspond to expenditure arising from the processing of staff remuneration charged to Chapter I.

In relation to Chapter II, only expenditure related to the performance of the tasks assigned to the Secretariat shall be included.

2. Contracting, with the powers inherent in the contracting authority established in the rules in force, in matters falling within the competence of the Secretariat and provided that they are not attributed or delegated to other bodies, where the amount of the Tender does not exceed 1,000,000 euros.

Article 12. Delegations to other bodies under the Secretariat.

The delegation of the Secretaries of State for Employment and Social Security, in the Assistant Directors-General for Information and Communication Technologies and Administrative Information and Publications, of the financial year of the powers relating to the procurement, with the powers inherent in the contracting authority established in the rules in force, in their respective fields of action, where the amount of the invitation to tender does not exceed EUR 1,000,000, except the alleged delegates at the Directors of the Migration Centres.

The delegation of the Secretaries of State for Employment and Social Security is approved in the General Staff, the exercise of powers relating to recruitment, with the powers inherent in the contracting authority established in the current legislation, in the field of construction projects and construction and property reform and repair, where the amount of the invitation to tender does not exceed EUR 1,000,000, except for the expressly delegated acts in the Directors of the Migration Centers.


Competencies delegated by the Secretary of State for Employment

Article 13. Deputy Secretary for Employment and Social Security.

The delegation of the Secretary of State for Employment in the Under-Secretary for Employment and Social Security of the competition is approved to agree on the internal transfers that appear in the appropriations allocated to the Secretariat of State Employment.

Article 14. Director-General for Employment.

The delegation of the Secretary of State for Employment, in the Director-General for Employment, is approved for the exercise of the following powers:

1. The conclusion of cooperation agreements or similar instruments with natural or legal persons subject to private law and with public entities, in matters of their functional scope, which do not involve the assumption of obligations of content economic.

The collaboration agreements with the Autonomous Communities are excepted from this delegation.

2. The granting and other powers inherent in the administrative body of grants, as well as the approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligation and the proposal for the payment of payments of the quantities covered by the In the case of aid prior to ordinary retirement in the Social Security System, special economic assistance to workers, resulting from the restructuring of firms, amounts to EUR 300,500 and the amount of the aid granted to the economic compensation to the arbitrators appointed to resolve disputes in the field of union elections.

Article 15. Director General of Autonomous Labour, Social Economy and Corporate Social Responsibility.

The delegation of the Secretary of State for Employment, in the Director General of the Autonomous Work, the Social Economy and the Social Responsibility of the Companies, is approved for the exercise of the following powers:

1. Those relating to the remission of loans granted by the National Fund for the Protection of Labour and those which, after their extinction, were granted for the same purpose as the General Budget of the State.

2. The granting and other powers inherent in the administrative body of grants, as well as the approval and commitment of expenditure, the recognition of the obligation and the proposal for the payment of payments of the quantities covered by the grant aid for programmes to support employment in the self-employed, employment programmes in cooperatives and working societies, activities to promote the social economy, social responsibility for businesses and self-employment, and to cover the operating costs of associations of cooperatives, of companies labour, integration firms, self-employed workers and other representatives of the social economy, with a state level of cooperatives and associations of workers ' associations, with a level of up to EUR 300,500.


Competencies delegated by the Secretary of State for Social Security

Article 16. Director General of Social Security Management.

The delegation of the Secretary of State for Social Security to the Director-General for Social Security and the exercise of competence for the conclusion of Conventions on the promotion of social security is approved. research and those relating to the use of Social Security data for statistical or scientific purposes.

Article 17. Director General of the General Treasury of Social Security.

The delegation of the Secretary of State for Social Security is approved, with his prior acceptance, in the Director General of the General Treasury of the Social Security of the exercise of the functions attributed to him in the General Regulation on the collection of social security and other provisions on the subject, with the exception of the exemption from guarantees for deferrals referred to in Article 33.4 (d) of that Regulation, approved by Royal Decree 1415/2004, dated June 11.

Article 18. Director of the Legal Service of the Social Security Administration.

The delegation of the Secretary of State for Social Security is approved in the Director of the Legal Service of the Administration of Social Security, of the exercise of the following powers:

1. Article 4 (1) (c) of the Rules of Procedure of the Legal Service of the Administration of Social Security, adopted by Royal Decree 947/2001 of 3 August 2001, to authorize the raid against the claims made against the Social Security Administration, in the field of its Management Entities and Common Services; the withdrawal of the actions deducted by the lawyer of the Administration of Social Security; the withdrawal of resources and the departure of (a) a complaint by the lawyer of the Social Security Administration, subject to the prior report, in all cases; of the corresponding Gestora or Common Service.

2. The second paragraph of Article 14.1 of the Regulation of the Legal Service of the Administration of Social Security, to raise its criterion to the competent body as to the bid to be taken by the lawyer of the Administration of Social Security Social Security in the case of a counterposition of interest between the Management Entities or the Common Services.

3. Article 18 of the Regulation of the Legal Service of the Administration of Social Security, so that the lawyers of the same, can assume the representation and defense of the Management Entities and the Common Services of Security Social in arbitral proceedings.

Article 19. Deputy Director General of the Organization, Planning and Resources Management of the General Intervention of Social Security.

The delegation of the Secretary of State for Social Security is approved in the Deputy Director General of the Organization, Planning and Management of Resources of the General Intervention of Social Security and in respect of his staff, of the provision of free designation jobs with a level of complement of destination 29 and below, except for Territorial Delegated Interventors.


Competencies delegated by the Under-Secretary for Employment and Social Security

Article 20. General Secretary for Immigration and Emigration.

The delegation of the Undersecretary of Employment and Social Security is approved at the General Secretariat of Immigration and Emigration of the designation of the service commissions, in the case of commissions of service in the territory national, in relation to the dependent staff, except those delegated to other organs of the department.

Article 21. Technical Secretary General.

The delegation of the Under-Secretary of Employment and Social Security is approved in the Technical Secretary General of the designation of the commissions of service, with the right to the perception of financial compensation, in the following cases:

(a) In the case of commissions of service in the national territory of staff dependent on the Technical General Secretariat itself.

(b) In the case of commissions of service of the members and heads of the Section for Employment and Social Security on the outside, where the latter are not dependent on a counsellor, as well as the staff of the said units when, in This case has to be moved outside the accreditation territory.

(c) In the case of secondments of service abroad, of the cooperating experts of the Ministry, subject to the conformity of the department in which it provides its services, the affected and within the cooperation programmes approved by the Ministry.

Article 22. Ceos.

1. The delegation of the Under-Secretary of Employment and Social Security is approved in the Directors-General of the appointment of the service commissions, in the case of commissions of service in the national territory, in relation to the staff dependent on its Directorate-General or organ with equivalent level, except those delegated to other organs of the Department.

2. The delegation of the Under-Secretary of Employment and Social Security is approved in the Director General of the Autonomous Work, the Social Economy and the Social Responsibility of the Companies, the designation of the commissions of service abroad, of staff dependent on the Administrative Unit of the European Social Fund.

Article 23. Cabinet Directors.

1. The delegation of the Under-Secretary of Employment and Social Security is approved in the Directors of Gimas of the designation of the commissions of service in the national territory that are not delegated to another organ of the Department in the following cases:

(a) Dependent personnel directly, or through units of lower level to the Directorate-General, the Minister, the Secretaries of State, the General Secretariat and the Undersecretary.

b) Personal dependent on Ghols themselves.

2. The delegation of the Under-Secretary of Employment and Social Security is approved in its Director of Technical Cabinet of the appointment of the service commissions, entitled to the perception of financial compensation, in the following cases:

(a) In the case of commissions of service of Directors-General or holders of organs with equivalent level and Directors or Heads of Cabinet of the Secretaries of State, of the General Secretariat and of the Undersecretary.

(b) In the case of commissions of service abroad and any other jurisdiction attributed to the Under-Secretary by Royal Decree 462/2002 of 24 May on compensation for the service, which is not delegated to the other bodies, including, where appropriate, to fix the amount of the compensation for any residence, except in any case, the commissions of service of the senior officials of the Department and assumptions of the exercise of the option provided for in the Article 8.1 of that Royal Decree.

Article 24. Deputy Director General of the Organization, Planning and Resources Management of the General Intervention of Social Security.

The delegation of the Assistant Secretary for Employment and Social Security is approved in the Assistant Director General of the Organization, Planning and Management of Resources for the General Intervention of Social Security in the following year. competencies:

1. With regard to staff assigned to and within the scope of the General Intervention of Social Security:

(a) Recognition of prior services under Law 70/1978 of 26 December.

b) The declaration of voluntary retirements of officials belonging to the Corps or Escalas attached to the Ministry.

c) The temporary attribution of functions.

d) The granting of voluntary leave of interest.

2. With regard to staff assigned to the central services of the General Intervention of Social Security:

a) The disciplinary authority for minor faults.

b) The recruitment of labour staff within the procurement plans approved by the Ministry.

(c) The authorisation for assistance to courses in selection, training and further training.

d) The taking of possession and the cessation of the jobs to which they are intended.

e) The granting of permissions and licenses.

f) The declaration of forced retirements and permanent incapacity for service.

g) The recognition of trienes.

h) Control of day and time compliance.

(i) Provisional entry to a post of officials who have been terminated in posts of free designation, removed from those obtained by contest or whose post has been deleted.

j) The granting of voluntary leave when they are not for particular interest.

k) Recognition of excess care for child and family care.

Article 25. Director of the Legal Service of the Social Security Administration and Social Security Computer Manager.

The delegation of the Under-Secretary of Employment and Social Security is approved in the Director of the Legal Service of the Social Security Administration and the Manager of Social Security Informatics, in respect of the staff for these units, for the exercise of the following powers:

1. Recognition of prior services under Law 70/1978 of 26 December.

2. The declaration of voluntary retirements of officials belonging to the Corps or Escalas attached to the Ministry.

3. The opening of disciplinary proceedings and the exercise of disciplinary authority for minor offences for the official staff and the exercise of disciplinary authority, including dismissal, for the staff.

4. Recruitment of labour staff within the procurement plans approved by the Ministry.

5. The authorization for the attendance of courses of selection, training and improvement.

6. The taking of possession and the cessation of the jobs to which they are intended.

7. The granting of permissions and licenses.

8. The declaration of forced retirements and permanent incapacity for service.

9. The recognition of trienes.

10. Control of the fulfillment of days and schedules.

11. Provisional entry to a post of officials who have been terminated in posts of free designation, removed from those obtained by contest or whose post has been deleted.

12. The granting of voluntary leave when they are not for particular interest.

13. The recognition of leave of absence for the care of children and family members.

14. The designation of the service commissions inside with the right to the perception of financial compensation.

15. The designation of foreign service commissions entitled to the collection of financial compensation.

16. The temporary attribution of functions.

17. The acts of ordinary administration and management of the staff derived from the competition for which the exercise is delegated.

Article 26. Deputy Director General of Human Resources.

The delegation of the Undersecretary of Employment and Social Security is approved in the Deputy Director General of Human Resources, without prejudice to those delegated to the Deputy Director General of Organization, Planning and Management of Resources. of the General Intervention of Social Security, in the Director of the Legal Service of the Administration of Social Security and in the Manager of Social Security Information, of the exercise of the following powers:

1. In respect of personnel assigned to the Ministry, with the exception of public bodies attached to it:

a) Recognition of the acquisition and change of the personal grade.

(b) The powers conferred on the Under-Secretary for Employment and Social Security on the redistribution of service members and commissions, except those expressly delegated to other bodies.

c) The recruitment of labour staff, within the procurement plans approved by the Ministry.

d) The granting of voluntary leave of interest.

e) The declaration of voluntary retirements of officials belonging to the Corps or Escalas attached to the Ministry.

f) The recognition of prior services, under Law 70/1978, of December 26.

g) Call and resolution of Social Action Plans and Training.

(h) The granting of an extension of up to 20 days for the termination or incorporation, in the case of positions obtained by contest or free designation.

i) The declaration of the situations of special services and services in other public administrations.

j) Job swaps.

k) The granting of reentry to the active service on a provisional basis from the officials of the Corps and Escalations attached to the Ministry.

l) The assignment to a job of different administrative unit for reasons of health or rehabilitation.

m) The assignment to a job of a different administrative unit of the female victims of gender violence.

n) All competencies in the management of personnel not delegated to other bodies and all acts of administration and management.

2. For staff seconded to the Ministry's central services:

(a) Provisional entry to a post of officials who have been terminated in posts of free designation, removed from those obtained by contest or whose post has been deleted.

b) The opening of disciplinary proceedings and the exercise of disciplinary authority for minor faults for the official staff.

(c) The exercise of disciplinary authority, including dismissal, not delegated or assigned to other bodies, on labour personnel.

(d) The authorisation for assistance to courses in selection, training and further training.

e) The taking of possession and the cessation of the jobs to which they are intended.

f) The granting of permissions and licenses.

g) The recognition of trienes.

h) The granting of voluntary leave when they are not for particular interest.

i) Recognition of the care of children and family members.

j) The declaration of forced retirements and permanent incapacity for service.

k) Control of day and time compliance.

3. The delegation of the Under-Secretary-General for Employment and Social Security in the Deputy Director-General of Human Resources for the appointment of the Secretaries-General of the Employment and Social Security Councils is also approved.

Article 27. Deputy Director-General for the Management and Development of Human Resources of Autonomous Bodies and Social Security.

The delegation of the Undersecretary of Employment and Social Security is approved in the Deputy Director General for the Management and Development of the Human Resources of the Autonomous Bodies and the Social Security of the following year. powers, without prejudice to those that correspond to the Government's Delegates in the Autonomous Communities:

1. With regard to the officials of the Corps attached to the Ministry, who are themselves of the autonomous organizations, the Management Entities and the Common Services of Social Security, the granting of the re-entry to the active service provisional.

2. For all officials assigned to the self-employed, the Management Entities and the Common Services of Social Security:

a) In general:

1. The granting of re-entry to the active service, even if they do not belong to the Corps and Escalas attached to the Ministry, from the special services situations and in the case of leave for child care when it exceeds the time to book your job.

2. The granting of extension up to 20 days of the deadlines for the cessation or incorporation, in case of positions obtained by contest or free designation.

3. The recognition of the acquisition and change of the personal grade.

4. The declaration of special services and services situations in other public administrations.

b) When they assume change of body or entity:

1. The Redistribution of Effective.

2. The temporary attribution of functions.

3. The mobility for change of job membership.

4. The provisional assignment to a post of employment of officials who have been terminated in positions of free designation, removed from those obtained by contest or whose post has been deleted.

5. º The permuses of jobs.

6. The Service Commissions.

7. The assignment to a job of a different administrative unit for reasons of health or rehabilitation.

8. The assignment to a job of a different administrative unit for female victims of gender-based violence.

c) For work staff:

Management and management issues that affect more than one stand-alone body, management entity, or common service.

3. The delegation of the Deputy Secretary for Employment and Social Security in the Deputy Director-General for the Management and Development of Human Resources of the Autonomous Bodies and the Social Security of the appointment of officials is hereby approved. For posts belonging to the bodies attached to the Ministry which are themselves of the autonomous bodies, the Gestoras and the Common Services of Social Security.

4. All those powers in the field of personnel management relating to officials employed in the autonomous bodies and in the Management and Common Services of the Social Security, as well as those belonging to the Scales attached to the Ministry, not delegated to other bodies, and all acts of administration and management which are derived from the powers of which the exercise is delegated.

Article 28. Inspector General of Services.

The delegation of the Undersecretary of Employment and Social Security is approved in the Inspector General of Services, of the exercise of the designation of the commissions of service in the national territory with the right to the perception of economic compensation, of the staff dependent on it.

Article 29. Special Director of Inspection attached to the Central Authority and Territorial Directors of the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate.

1. The delegation of the Under-Secretary for Employment and Social Security is approved at the Special Director of Inspection attached to the Central Authority, for the exercise of the following powers:

(a) The authorization for the attendance of courses of selection, training and improvement, by the staff assigned in the Special Direction.

b) The designation of the service commissions entitled to the perception of economic compensation in the national territory in relation to the personnel dependent on the Special Directorate.

2. The delegation of the Under-Secretary for Employment and Social Security in the Territorial Directors of the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate is approved for the exercise of the following powers:

(a) The authorization for the attendance of courses of selection, training and improvement, by the staff assigned in the Territorial Directorate.

(b) The disciplinary authority over the work staff employed in the Territorial Directorate, except where the dismissal is carried out.

c) The designation of the service commissions entitled to the perception of economic compensation within each Autonomous Community, both the staff of the Territorial Directorate and the Provincial Inspections, except the delegations made to the Heads of the Provincial Labour and Social Security Inspections.

Article 30. Heads of Provincial Labour and Social Security Inspections.

1. The delegation of the Under-Secretary for Employment and Social Security in the Heads of the Provincial Labour and Social Security Inspections is approved for the exercise of the following powers with regard to the staff of the General Administration of the State for the relevant Provincial Inspection:

1. The authorization for assistance to courses in selection, training and improvement.

2. The disciplinary authority over work staff, except when it leads to dismissal.

3. The designation of service commissions entitled to the perception of financial compensation within each province.

2. In those provinces in which the Heads of the Provincial Inspections are organically dependent on the Administration of the Autonomous Community, the delegation approved in the preceding paragraph shall be understood as the Deputy Head or, failing that, in the Head of the Section for Social Security.

Article 31. Directors of the Migration Centers.

The delegation of the Under-Secretary of Employment and Social Security is approved in the Directors of the Migration Centers in relation to the staff of them directly dependent, from the exercise of the following competencies:

1. The formalisation, prior to authorization, of contracts for temporary and/or temporary employment staff, for the replacement of a worker entitled to a job, arising from sickness or temporary incapacity and in excess, as well as in the (i) cases of holidays, statutory permits and other similar situations, all of which are limited to the staff who provide their professional services as an employed person in the migration centres.

2. The designation of the service commissions of the staff of the centres, with or without the right to compensation, in the area of their locality.

Article 32. Members of Employment and Social Security.

1. The delegation of the Under-Secretary for Employment and Social Security is approved in the Employment and Social Security Directors and, on the same terms, in the Heads of Employment and Social Security Section who are not dependent on a Counsellor, the commissions of service entitled to the collection of financial compensation, in the territory in which they are accredited, of all the staff assigned to the Department, within the budget appropriations to be agreed in favour of the respective Counselor.

2. The delegation of the Under-Secretary for Employment and Social Security in the Employment and Social Security Directors of the disciplinary authority is approved for minor faults on the official and labor personnel assigned to the Department of Employment.

Article 33. Delegations to the central departments of the public bodies attached to the Ministry.

The delegation of the Undersecretary of Employment and Social Security is approved in the Director of the Social Institute of the Navy, in the Secretary General of the Guarantee Fund and, after approval of the maximum management body of the each Agency, in the Deputy Directors-General and Secretaries-General entrusted with the management of personnel of the other Autonomous Bodies, of the Social Security Management Entities and of the General Treasury of Social Security, of the exercise of the following powers:

1. With regard to staff assigned to the respective public bodies:

(a) The recognition of previous services under Law 70/1978 of 26 December.

b) The declaration of voluntary retirements of officials of bodies or scales attached to the Ministry.

c) The granting of voluntary leave of interest.

d) The temporary attribution of functions.

e) The opening of disciplinary proceedings and the exercise of disciplinary authority for minor faults for the official staff.

f) The exercise of disciplinary authority over work personnel, except those expressly delegated to other bodies, including dismissal.

g) The recruitment of labour staff within the procurement plans approved by the Ministry.

(h) The ordinary administrative and management acts of the staff derived from the competition for which the exercise is delegated.

2. With regard to staff assigned to the central services of the respective public bodies:

(a) The authorisation for assistance to courses in selection, training and further training.

b) The taking of possession and the cessation of the jobs to which they are intended.

c) The declaration of forced retirements and permanent incapacity for service.

d) The granting of permissions and licenses.

e) The recognition of trienes.

f) The granting of voluntary leave of absence that is not in the particular interest.

g) Recognition of child and family care allowances.

h) The acceptance or refusal of the extension of the stay in the active service to the officials who reach the retirement age and so request.

i) Control of day and time compliance.

Article 34. Delegations in the Provincial Directors of the public bodies attached to the Ministry.

The delegation of the Undersecretary of Employment and Social Security is approved, after approval by the maximum management organ of each body, in the Provincial and Territorial Directors of the autonomous organizations, of the Management and the General Treasury of Social Security, within its territorial scope, of the exercise of the following powers:

1. The authorization for the attendance of courses of selection, training and improvement.

2. The exercise of disciplinary authority over work staff, except where dismissal is carried out.

3. The recruitment of staff on a temporary basis that has been previously authorised.


Competencies delegated by other Ministry bodies

Article 35. Delegations to the Assistant Director General for Programming and Administrative Action, the Deputy Director General for Industrial Relations and the Deputy Director General for Normative Planning.

The delegation, from the Director-General for Employment, from the exercise of the following powers, is approved in the following bodies:

1. Managing Director General of Programming and Administrative Performance:

(a) The processing and, where appropriate, the adoption of agreements in the files relating to the deposit of collective statutes and covenants.

(b) The evacuation of consultations and the issuance of reports on questions of their competence, as well as the referral of actions and documentation to the judicial authority, to other administrative bodies of the Ministry of Employment and Social security and the functional areas and Provincial Dependencies of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security in Government Delegations and Subdelegations.

2. Deputy Director General of Labor Relations:

(a) Actions and resolution of the procedures for collective redundancies, suspension of contracts and reduction of working hours, dealt with in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for collective redundancies, suspension of contracts and reduction of working time, as well as any other files related to this subject.

b) The referral of actions and documentation to the judicial authority in cases of interposition of resources, the evacuation of consultations and the issuance of reports on issues of their competence, as well as the communication to the Provincial Labour and Social Security Inspections and Government Delegations, of the sentences passed for due compliance.

c) Actions in the field of collective conflicts.

(d) Intervention in the procedures for the settlement of collective disputes, in the exercise of the powers conferred upon the Director-General of Employment.

e) The resolution of the files dealt with in the field of collective agreements, with the exception of the agreements that order the registration and publication, in the "Official Gazette of the State", of the Conventions and other agreements with effectiveness of the Convention.

(f) The resolution of the dossiers on labour relations and working conditions.

3. Deputy Director-General for Normative Planning:

a) The evacuation of consultations and the issuance of reports on competition issues of the Directorate-General.

b) Request for reports, assessments, collaborations and other relations with the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work.

Article 36. Delegations to the Deputy Director-General for Legal Management of Social Security.

The delegation of the Director-General for Social Security Management in the Deputy Director-General for Legal Management of Social Security is hereby approved for the exercise of the right of appeal, on the right of appeal, to the files for the imposition of sanctions in the field of social security.

Article 37. Delegations to the Deputy Director General of Immigration, the Deputy Director General of Integration of Immigrants and the Directors of the Migration Centers.

The delegation of the Director-General of Migration for the exercise of the following powers is approved, in the following bodies:

1. Deputy Director-General for Immigration:

(a) The resolution of the procedures on temporary residence permits and the employment of an employed person when applications are submitted by companies which, having various work centres in several provinces, have a staff of more than 500 employees, as laid down in the first provision. 3 of the Implementing Regulation of the Organic Law 4/2000, as well as the valuation of the generic offers presented by large companies or business organizations under the regulations on Collective Management of Contracts in Origin, contained in Title VIII of the Regulation of the Organic Law 4/2000 of 11 January, approved by Royal Decree 557/2011 of 20 April 2011 and in the corresponding Order of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security and, where appropriate, the resolution of the procedures for the authorisations of temporary residence and work for the selected workers.

(b) The resolution of the procedures for temporary residence permits and for employed persons of a specified duration as provided for in Article 98.2 (a) and (b) of the Regulation of the Organic Law 4/2000 of 11 September 2000. January, approved by Royal Decree 557/2011 of 20 April, when the number of posts exceeds the figure determined by the corresponding Order of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security.

(c) The authorisation to process the authorisations of temporary residence and work for an employed person of a duration as determined in the cases referred to in Article 98.2 (a) and (b) of the Regulation of the Organic Law 4/2000 of 11 September 2000. January, approved by Royal Decree 557/2011 of 20 April, when the offer of employment is framed within a project of development cooperation financed with public funds.

(d) The resolution of the procedures on temporary residence permits and work carried out on the basis of the provisions of Title IX of the Regulation of the Organic Law 4/2000 of 11 January, approved by Royal Decree 557/2011, of 20 April.

(e) The resolution of the procedures for determining that the authorization of temporary residence and employment, requested on the basis of the ownership of a job search visa, may be granted for a territorial scope or occupation other than those provided for in that visa, in the terms laid down in Article 177.3 of the Regulation of the Organic Law 4/2000 of 11 January, approved by Royal Decree 557/2011 of 20 April 2011.

2. Deputy Director-General for Integration of Immigrants:

a) The initiation, ordering, instruction, and mandatory low resolution of beneficiaries at the Migration Centers.

b) The initiation, ordination, instruction and resolution of the transfers of residents between the Centers of Migration and between these and the subsidized centers.

c) The initiation, ordination, instruction, and resolution of applications for entry of residents in the Migration Centers, when reasons of urgency or need are advised to make such entry.

d) Initiation, ordination, instruction and resolution of income, transfer, extension and reduction of beneficiaries in the subsidized places to non-governmental organizations.

3. Directors of Migration Centers:

The initiation, ordination, instruction and resolution of administrative procedures relating to the entry, extension and ordinary low of the residents of the Migration Centers.

Article 38. Delegations to the Heads of Provincial Labour and Social Security Inspections.

1. The delegation of the Director-General of the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate to the Heads of the Provincial Labour and Social Security Inspections is approved of the powers conferred on the Director-General by the legal system. in the exercise of the sanctioning power resulting from the practice of infringement proceedings for obstruction of the inspector's work, with the exception of those qualified as very serious in their average and maximum degree.

2. In those provinces in which the Heads of Provincial Inspections are organically dependent on the Administration of the Autonomous Community, the delegations approved in the preceding paragraph shall be read as either the Deputy Chief or, in his defect, in the Head of the Social Security Unit.

Additional disposition first. Exercise of delegated powers.

The delegations made shall be governed by the provisions of Articles 13 and 14 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure and in the provision of Additional thirteenth of Law 6/1997, of 14 April, of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State. In the event of changes in the holders of the bodies referred to in this Order, the survival of the delegations shall be understood unless the delegated body expresses the express revocation.

Additional provision second. Replacements.

In the cases of vacancy, absence or sickness of the holders of the delegated bodies, they shall replace each other in the exercise of the delegated powers in accordance with the order laid down in the fourth, fourth, Royal Decree 343/2012 of 10 February, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security is developed.

For the purposes of the powers referred to in Article 7.2, in the case of a vacancy, absence or sickness of the members of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security, it shall take over the exercise of the competence of the the Secretary-General and, in the case of a vacancy, absence or sickness of the latter, this delegation shall be understood to be in favour of the General Secretariat for Immigration and Emigration.

Additional provision third. Competence in the field of Community funds.

1. Economic competition in the field of European funds, including the receipt of payments from the Commission and the management of payments to intermediate bodies or, where appropriate, to the beneficiaries of aid, shall be borne by the body. In each case, it has the responsibility of the responsible authority or, where appropriate, delegated authority, in accordance with the Community rules.

2. It shall be competent to order the proposals for payment orders in respect of Community funds by the management body which, in each case, has the consideration of a responsible authority or, where appropriate, delegated, in accordance with the rules community.

However, in the case of reintegrating of Community funds, the same authority which, by its own or delegated competence, has authorised the commitment of the corresponding expenditure shall have jurisdiction.

Single repeal provision. Scope of regulatory repeal.

All rules of the same or lower rank that are contrary to the provisions of this Order are repealed and, in particular, the following:

1. Order TIN/2254/2011 of 28 July, which delegated powers to the administrative bodies of the Ministry of Labour and Immigration and its dependent public bodies.

2. Order ESS/183/2012 of 3 February, for which powers are delegated in the field of the General Secretariat of Immigration and Emigration.

Single end disposition. Entry into force of the Order.

This Order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, March 22, 2012. -Minister of Employment and Social Security, Fatima Banez García.