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Resolution Of 14 Of March Of 2012, Of The University National Of Education To Distance, By Which Is Published The Regulation By Which Is Creates The Headquarters Electronic Of The University.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 14 de marzo de 2012, de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, por la que se publica el Reglamento por el que se crea la sede electrónica de la Universidad.

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Approved by the Governing Council of this University in session on March 7, 2012, the Regulation establishing the Electronic Headquarters of the UNED.

This Rectorate has resolved to order its publication in the Official Gazette of the State, being drafted as set out in the Annex.

Madrid, March 14, 2012.-El Rector, Juan Antonio Gimeno Ullastres.


Regulation by which the UNED Electronic Headquarters is created

Law 11/2007, of June 22, of Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services, known as the Law of Electronic Administration, recognizes the right of citizens to relate to the Administrations Public by electronic means. This right entails the obligation, on the part of the Administrations, to offer their services through the different channels that facilitate this possibility, proving indispensable for the fulfillment of this objective the adaptation of the resources human and material, as well as the administrative procedures that are being carried out by other channels.

The purpose of this Regulation is the development and adaptation of the provisions contained in Law 11/2007, of 22 June, of Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services, to the field of the UNED, facilitating the citizens exercising their rights. It is also intended to channel e-government towards the satisfaction of citizens by creating public value, facilitating the transition to a knowledge-based society based on sustainability policies.


About the Electronic Headquarters of the UNED

Article 1. Electronic Headquarters.

1. In accordance with the provisions of article 10.1 of Law 11/2007, of June 22, of Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services, the Electronic Headquarters of the UNED is the electronic address available to citizens through the telecommunications networks whose ownership, management and administration corresponds to the UNED in the full exercise of its powers.

2. The electronic reference address of the Electronic Headquarters will be

3. The Electronic Headquarters of the UNED will also be accessed by a link from the University's main website:

Article 2. Principles governing the Electronic Headquarters of the UNED.

1. The Electronic Headquarters of the UNED is subject to the principles of official advertising, responsibility, quality, safety, availability, accessibility, neutrality and interoperability, as set out in article 10.3 of Law 11/2007, of June 22, Electronic Citizens ' Access to Public Services, as well as the other principles set out in Articles 1.2 and 4 of the same legal text.

2. The establishment of the Electronic Headquarters of the UNED guarantees confidentiality in communications that may affect public security, honor, privacy and security of persons, in accordance with applicable law on archives, public databases and protection of personal data, in particular the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, of Protection of Personal Data.

3. The Electronic Headquarters of the UNED is governed, by virtue of the principle of normative hierarchy, by the directly applicable legal provisions, and in particular by the provisions of Laws 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of the Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure, 11/2007, of June 22, of Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services, and in Law 59/2003, of 19 December, of Electronic Signature; as well as the provisions of the This Regulation and in so many other regulatory provisions that are applicable.

4. The publication in the Electronic Headquarters of information, services and transactions shall respect the principles of accessibility and usability in accordance with the rules established in this respect, open standards and, where appropriate, those other that are of use General public.

5. One or more electronic venues may be created as derived from the Electronic Headquarters of the UNED. Derived electronic venues or sub-sites shall be accessible from the electronic address of the Head Office, without prejudice to the possibility of direct electronic access.

Article 3. Content of the Electronic Headquarters.

1. The Electronic Headquarters of the UNED shall contain:

a) Identification of the Headquarters, as well as of the titular body and those responsible for the management and administration of its contents.

b) System of Verification of the Certificate of the University's Electronic Headquarters.

c) Information necessary for the correct use of the Headquarters, including the map of the Electronic Headquarters, with specification of the navigation structure and the different sections available.

d) General and university regulatory standards, relating to the electronic processing of procedures.

(e) The catalogue of administrative procedures which may be processed electronically, with the specifications set out in Article 4 of this Regulation.

f) The Electronic Record of the UNED and its rule of creation.

g) The Official Gazette of the UNED (Internal Information Coordination Bulletin, BICI).

h) The Profile of the Contracting Parties and other services provided by the public sector contract rules.

i) The e-government e-address or e-mail address in which users can formulate complaints and suggestions about the operation of the eHeadquarters of the UNED.

j) The data protection and privacy policy of the UNED, including a link to the Electronic Headquarters of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

k) Information about accessibility to services by electronic means.

(l) General information on the means made available to the public for electronic access to the public services of the UNED, in particular on the electronic signature systems admitted in order to relate to it through electronic means, and on the general conditions of use and the tools necessary to verify the validity of the documents signed by this procedure.

m) The relationship of electronic seals used by the UNED in automated administrative action.

n) A system for checking the authenticity and integrity of documents originally issued electronically by the University.

o) Official date and time by which the eHeadquarters of the UNED is governed.

p) The relationship of days considered indeft, and the administrative academic calendar.

q) Electronic help and advice services for the proper use of the Electronic Headquarters.

r) Resolutions issued by the competent bodies of the UNED which are related to the matters covered by this Regulation.

s) Other services or information to be determined by Resolution of the Secretary General of the UNED, subject to the provisions of article 10 of Law 11/2007, of June 22, of Electronic Access of Citizens to the Public Services.

2. From the Electronic Headquarters you will be able to access by means of links to other information or services that, for not gathering the necessary requirements, are not part of it. In such cases, the user will be expressly advised of this fact, with the UNED being exempt from all responsibility for the consequences arising from the use of these links.

Article 4. Catalog of administrative procedures.

1. The catalogue of administrative procedures that can be processed through electronic means will be clearly visible on the website of the Electronic Headquarters.

2. The general information relating to it may be accessed in each procedure, which shall in any case contain the general instructions for the processing, the competent authority, the effects of the administrative silence and the resources that come from it. against the decision and the body before which they should be brought, with an indication of the time limits.

3. The incorporation or deletion of a new administrative procedure and the information application that will require it to be specified in the Resolution of the Secretary General of the UNED, prior to the report of the organ of those who depend the responsible units of the processing of the same.

Article 5. E-mailbox for e-administration.

1. A form will be provided for users to submit complaints and suggestions that they deem appropriate and are related to the electronic processing of administrative procedures. The link to this form must appear on the Site's page.

2. All enquiries concerning access via electronic means to the services of the UNED shall be answered within a maximum of 10 days; consultations covering matters other than those referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be be resolved, but they will be derived from the administrative organ or unit responsible for processing, the consultants being informed of this circumstance.

3. The lodging of a complaint or suggestion shall in no way entail the initiation of an administrative procedure; this circumstance shall be expressly advised to the person concerned at the time of his presentation, indicating the need to use the official records for the submission of administrative requests.

Article 6. Availability.

1. Electronic Headquarters shall be available every day of the year, during the twenty-four hours of the day, without prejudice to any technical interruptions which are essential, or to other interruptions caused by causes not attributable to the UNED, which will be communicated to the users as far as possible on the official website of the UNED and the same Electronic Headquarters.

Article 7. Management and administration.

1. The Secretary-General of the UNED is the body responsible for the supervision of the management, availability and security of the University's Electronic Headquarters, as well as the coordination and supervision of the implementation of the technological measures and Administrative provisions referred to in Law 11/2007 of 22 June 2007 on the Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services, in this Regulation and in the resolutions that are issued pursuant to it.

2. The Secretary-General of the UNED shall ensure the full effectiveness of the specifications set out in Article 2, by adopting the necessary legal and technological measures. It will ensure that measures of a technological and legal nature ensure a strict system of access to administrative information by the parties concerned, preventing persons who do not have this status in each case from being able to know the information held by the UNED.

3. The tasks of material administration and maintenance of the Electronic Headquarters, correspond to the Vicerrectorate responsible for the information and communications technologies of the UNED.


From the Official Journal of the UNED

Article 8. Official Newsletter of the UNED (BICI).

1. The Official Bulletin of the UNED (BICI) will be published exclusively in electronic support at the eHeadquarters of the UNED.

2. The BICI is the medium in which all the agreements approved by the Governing Council, under the provisions of the UNED Statute, as well as those issues affecting the general interest of the University, with the authorization of the Secretary-General.

3. The text of the BICI is considered authentic. If any provision appears to be published with errata that alter or modify its meaning, it shall be reproduced in the first number following its warning, reproducing it in its entirety or in the necessary part, with due corrections.

4. The BICI will be published weekly during the school period, with the Secretary-General being able to provide an exceptional change in the frequency or publication of extraordinary numbers.

5. The publication format of the Official Journal of the UNED (BICI), as well as its content, shall respect the principles of accessibility and usability in accordance with the rules established in this respect.

6. The BICI is the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the UNED.


From the identification and authentication of the University and the Citizens

Article 9. Identification of the Headquarters.

1. The Electronic Headquarters of the UNED shall be identified through a specific certificate of secure device or equivalent means. The Electronic Headquarters certificate shall have the sole purpose of identifying the certificate.

2. The security of the Electronic Headquarters shall be governed by the provisions of the National Security Scheme.

3. The interoperability of the Electronic Headquarters shall be governed by the provisions of the National Interoperability Scheme.

Article 10. Automated administrative action.

1. In the case of automated administrative action, the UNED shall use an electronic seal based on an electronic certificate, which meets the requirements of the electronic signature legislation, in such a way as to ensure authenticity and integrity of the acts.

2. Electronic seals must include the tax identification number and the corresponding name, which may contain the identity of the person in the case of the electronic seals of administrative organs. The creation of electronic seals linked to the UNED and organs or personnel thereof shall be carried out by resolution of the Rector of the University.

3. In addition, in the development of these automated actions, the UNED will use secure document verification systems. Such code shall bind the body or body and, where appropriate, the person who is a signatory of the document, allowing in any event the verification of the integrity of the document by means of access to the corresponding Electronic Headquarters.

4. The application of this system will require a resolution of the Rector, which will be published in the Electronic Headquarters. This resolution, in addition to describing the operation of the system, must contain unequivocally: the automated actions to which the system is applied; the bodies responsible for the implementation of the system; used for the generation of the code; the electronic seat to which the data subjects may have access for verification of the content of the action or document; the time limit for the availability of the verification system in respect of the authorised documents using this system.

Article 11. Identification of citizens.

1. In order to access the services offered from the Electronic Headquarters, citizens will be able to use any of the electronic signature systems established in Law 11/2007 and Royal Decree 1671/2009, dated November 6, whose information will be available at the Electronic Headquarters, using advanced signature systems based on a recognized electronic certificate (including, in any case, those incorporated in the electronic DNI) for the performance of those actions require to ensure the integrity and authenticity of electronic documents.

2. The certificates referred to in Article 7 of Law 59/2003 of 19 December, of Electronic Signature, in all those procedures and actions of the law, may be used for the actions and formalities to be carried out by legal persons. University for which they are admitted.

3. The use of other non-cryptographic electronic signature systems, or alternative systems based on prior registration or the provision of information known to both parties, may be authorised for certain procedures and actions. These systems should be published at the Electronic Headquarters together with the procedures and actions for which they can be used.

4. The UNED will provide its personnel with electronic signature systems based on the certificate of personnel attached to the administration or official (APE). In actions and procedures to be performed by the staff of the UNED, it may be established that the use of the certificate is mandatory.


from the UNED Electronic Record

Article 12. Electronic Registration.

1. The electronic register of the UNED must be enabled for the receipt and referral of applications, written and electronic communications. Its establishment, management and general operating arrangements shall be governed by its own Rules of Procedure, the full text of which shall be available for consultation at the Electronic Headquarters.

2. The Electronic Headquarters shall determine the days considered to be indeft for the purposes of Registration, not resulting from the application of Article 48.5 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of the Public and the Common Administrative Procedure.

Additional disposition first. Start up and minimum contents of the Electronic Headquarters.

1. The publication in the Electronic Headquarters of the elements provided for in this Regulation shall be carried out in a progressive manner.

2. The Secretary-General is enabled to take the necessary steps for the development and implementation of the electronic headquarters.

3. The Secretary-General may include in the Electronic Headquarters, in addition to the contents provided for in this Regulation, other services or contents, subject to the provisions of article 10 of Law 11/2007.

4. The Electronic Headquarters created by this Regulation shall begin to operate at the time determined by the Secretary-General.

Additional provision second. Gender equality.

In coherence with the assumed value of gender equality, all the denominations that in this regulation refer to unipersonal governing bodies, representation bodies and members of the university community, and perform in a male gender, where they have not been replaced by generic terms, shall be understood as being made indifferently in female gender according to the sex of the holder who performs them.

Final disposition.

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the State.