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Resolution Of 29 Of March Of 2012, Of The Address General Of Political Energy And Mines, By Which Is Modifies The Standard Of Management Technical Of The System Gas Ngts-02 "conditions General On The Use And The Capacity Of The Facilities Of The..."

Original Language Title: Resolución de 29 de marzo de 2012, de la Dirección General de Política Energética y Minas, por la que se modifica la norma de gestión técnica del sistema gasista NGTS-02 "condiciones generales sobre el uso y la capacidad de las instalaciones del...

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Royal Decree 949/2001, of 3 August, which regulates the access of third parties to gas installations and establishes an integrated economic system of the natural gas sector, develops the basic lines that must contain the Technical Management Standards of the Natural Gas System, establishing in its article 13.1 that the Technical Manager of the System, in collaboration with the rest of the subjects involved, will draft a proposal of Standards of Technical Management of the System, which raise the Minister for approval or amendment.

In compliance with the above, the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Commerce issued Order ITC/3126/2005 of 5 October, approving the Technical Management Standards of the Gas System. That order, in its final provision, empowers the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines to take the necessary measures for the implementation and enforcement of the order, in particular to approve and amend the detailed protocols. of the Technical Management Standards and other requirements, rules, documents and operating procedures established to enable the correct operation of the system.

This order, in the NGTS-12 management standard, establishes the creation of a working group for the updating, revision and modification of the rules responsible for the presentation for approval by the General Directorate of Energy Policy, proposals for updating, reviewing and amending the management standards and protocols for the gas system.

On the basis of the above, a proposal for a new detailed protocol "Management of the Natural Gas Market by LNG tankers" and modification of the system was received by the Technical Manager of the System on 26 July 2007. Paragraph 2.6.6 of the NGTS-02 and dated 13 February 2008 a proposal for a new detailed protocol "Management of the Natural Gas Market by LNG tankers bound for satellite distribution plants".

In accordance with the foregoing and with the additional provision of the third paragraph of Law 34/1998 of 7 October, of the Hydrocarbons Sector, in its wording given by Law 12/2007 of 2 July, which amends the Law of In order to adapt it to the provisions of Directive 2003 /255/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2003 and Article 13 of Royal Decree 949/2001 of 3 August 2003, these proposals have been submitted to the report of the National Energy Commission, which has been approved by its Board of Directors in its session of 5 of June 2008.

In addition, it has been received with the date of January 5, 2012, by the Technical Manager of the System, a document in which it is considered appropriate to extend the range of the diameters of the gauges of the measuring systems established in paragraph 4.4.5 of the Resolution of 22 September 2011, of the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, amending the Protocol of Detail PD-01 'Measurement' of the Technical Management Standards of the Gas System.

In its virtue, this General Address resolves:

First. Modification of the Technical Management Standard of the Gassist System NGTS-02.

The content of paragraph 2.6.6 "Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) tanker load requirements" of the Technical Management Standard of the Gassist System NGTS-02 " General conditions on the use and capacity of the installations of the gas system ', by the following:

" 2.6.6 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Tanker Load Requirements. For the purposes of these rules,

following definitions shall apply:

• Charger-Descharger: the natural or legal person under whose responsibility the cargo and unloading operations of the goods are carried out. The holder of the regasification plant where the load takes place shall be understood by Cargator. The holder of the LNG plant where the discharge takes place shall be understood as a Discharger.

• Expedite: the natural or legal person whose order and account is made the shipment of the dangerous goods, for which the transport is performed figuratively as such in the transport document.

• Carrier of tanks: the natural or legal person who assumes the obligation to carry out the transport, counting to this end with his own business organization.

• Transport of tanks: any road tanker transport operation carried out in whole or in part on public roads, including the loading and unloading of dangerous goods. The transport operations carried out in full within the perimeter of a closed site are not included.

• Order: confirmation of the feasibility of a charge request, either in written or electronic form, involving the allocation of a code, by the Charger, so that the Expedidor can load an LNG tanker.

The transport and handling of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in tanks, as well as the relations between the interveners, must comply with the current legislation.

The Charger will deny the load in case of not having the carrier of the order of the order declared viable by the Charger and duly authorized by the Expedidor, as well as in the case of not being accredited due and feacently which, both driver and vehicle, have the necessary permits and authorisations to be able to carry out the intended transport, in accordance with the applicable rules for the transport of dangerous goods by road.

Before carrying out the first LNG load by means of a new tank, the tanker carrier must make available to the Loader all the documentation established in the regulations in force and in the agreements between parts.

When a cistern returns to carry out a new load, the Charger will require the carrier of cisterns the documentation established in the regulations in force and not due in time, with the return albaran signed by the Consignor, identifying that it transports LNG and specifying whether or not the cistern is innertized. It will also ask the tanker carrier, before the start of each load, by the Order, the destination/s of the load (identification and location of the satellite plant). Without such documentation the operation cannot be performed.

The Loader will deliver to the tanker carrier, for each load:

• LNG delivery Albaran, where the weight and quality of gas delivered, Charger, recipient, carrier data, and plant departure time is specified.

• Carte de Porte, signed between the carrier of cisterns and the Expedidor.

• Checklist, signed between the tanker carrier and the Loader. "

Second. Approval of the PD-12 Detail Protocol.

The PD-12 Detail Protocol "Procedures to Apply to Liquefied Natural Gas Tankers for Satellite Plants" is approved, included in the Annex to this resolution.

Third. Modification of the PD-01 Detail Protocol.

The table in section 4.4.5 "Schemas of the measurement systems according to the maximum flow rate and the annual consumption" of the Protocol of Detail PD-01 "Measurement, quality and odorization of gas" of the Management Standards is replaced. Technique, by the following:

Pr ≤ 0.08 bar

dial 80-100 mm and class 1.6 or 100 mm and class 1 sphere.

0.08bar < Pr ≤ 0.4 bar

sphere of 100 mm and class 1, or sphere of 150-160 mm and class 0.6.

Pr > 0.4 bar

sphere of 150-160 mm and class 0.6.

Fourth. Entry into force.

This resolution shall enter into force nine months after its publication in the "Official Gazette of the State", with the exception of the paragraph concerning the amendment of the Protocol of Detail PD-01 which shall enter into force on the following day of its publication.

Madrid, March 29, 2012. -Director General of Energy Policy and Mines, Jaime Suarez Perez-Lucas.


PD-12 detail protocol. "Procedures to be applied to liquefied natural gas tankers for satellite plants"

1. Object.

This detail protocol aims to establish the coordination methodology and the obligations applicable to the different subjects that act in the market for liquefied natural gas (LNG) tankers for the purposes of the satellite plants, in order to ensure the necessary continuity, quality and security of supply.

For the purposes of this protocol, two types of plants are distinguished:

• Monoclonal satellite plants that feed a single final consumer.

• Satellite distribution plants that feed one or more distribution networks.

2. Scope of application.

This protocol is applicable to all the agents of the gas system and operations described in paragraph 2.6.6 of the Technical Management Standard of the NGTS-02 System. " General conditions on the use and capacity of the facilities of the gas system. " In particular, in the case of a single satellite plant or a satellite distribution plant, the following shall apply:

Monoclient satellite plants: In the case of the final customer acting as a direct consumer on the market, the consignor shall be the customer himself, whereas in the case of the final customer supplied by a marketer, the consignor shall be the marketer, which may delegate to the final customer the issue of the cisterns upon written agreement. The communication of this agreement and its cancellation must be made prior to the beginning and completion of the supply to the holder of the regasification plant.

Distribution satellite plants: Satellite plants that are owned by a distributor are included in this category. In this case the vendor acts as the shipper.

3. Allocation of satellite plants to regasification plants.

In the case of a new satellite plant, the System Technical Manager (GTS), on a proposal from the shipper, will designate one of the regasification plants available in the system as a tank loading plant, which will be linked, under normal operating conditions, to the new satellite plant for LNG shipments, being in general the lowest road distance.

In the case of a satellite plant in service to the entry into force of this protocol, it will initially be assigned the load plant used today. The GTS, on its own initiative or at the request of other actors involved in the operation of the satellite plant, will study and, where appropriate, propose the reallocation of the loading plant under the same principle applied in the allocation of new plants. satellites, and the satellites will be carried out by agreement of the parties involved. The allocation of satellite distribution plants to tank loading plants will be available in the SL-ATR and will be published on the GTS website.

In the event that the loading plant assigned to a satellite plant is out of service, present technical restrictions or is inaccessible, the GTS, after consulting the Chargers, shall establish an alternative loading plant, with independence from existing contractual conditions, in order to ensure continuity of supply. In general terms, the criterion of a shorter distance will also apply. In this case the operator of the satellite plant shall send to the new Charger a copy of the documentation referred to in paragraph 4, provided that the latter does not belong to the same business group of the original Charger.

The marketer must have contracted capacity at the load plant assigned to the corresponding satellite plant.

4. Documentation to be presented before the first load.

Prior to the first delivery of LNG to a new satellite plant and at least one week before the first shipment, the holder of the LNG must deliver the following documentation to the Loader:

1. Supporting documentation of the LNG satellite plant commissioning authorisation granted by the competent authority of the relevant Autonomous Community.

2. Letter from the firm's delegation of signing the merchandise to the Charger.

3. Address of the site of the satellite plant.

4. Person responsible for the plant, telephone, e-mail and fax.

5. Name of the carrier of tanks.

6. Date of the first load.

7. Requested load site (associated for first and subsequent shipments).

5. Transport of tanks.

5.1 Transport costs in satellite distribution plants.

Prior to the access to a satellite distribution plant by a marketing operator, the latter must enter into an agreement to provide services with the distributor of the same, in which the costs of road transport to be passed on to the market.

The service delivery agreement model as well as the costs per satellite plant will be published on the distributor's website and will be governed by the principles of transparency, objectivity and non-discrimination. The model of agreement shall be common for the entire national territory and shall include at least the procedure for the allocation of the transport costs to each of the traders.

This model should be jointly developed between distributors and marketers prior to the entry into force of this Protocol.

5.2 Documentation to perform the load.

The Chargers must require the carriers of the necessary documentation to verify which vehicles, tanks and drivers comply with the current regulations related to the activity of the transport of goods dangerous by road, and that all permits and authorizations remain in force. This documentation must be up to date before you perform a load.

In addition, the Loader will issue for each load the documentation that is regulated, where it will be indicated, among other data, the time of departure of the load.

The carrier must have an Order to be able to load on the regasification plants as defined in section 2.6.6 of the Technical Management Standard of the NGTS-02 System.

6. Procedure for programming, nomination and reneation of cisterns.

In relation to schedules, nominations, and renominations, you must comply with the System Technical Management Standards and their Detail Protocols.

The common parameters must be included in the schedules to indicate in any exchange:

• Date of issue.

• Identification of the subject making the programming or nomination.

• Identification of the subject to which it is directed (loader).

• Identification of the tanker carrier.

• Type of programming.

• Facilities to which you apply (satellite plants).

• Amount of scheduled gas.

• In case the cistern has as its destination more than one satellite plant, percentage of distribution en route.

• Commercial allocation.

Schedules and nominations will be performed by full cisterns. In the case of satellite monollient plants, it will be made by marketing or direct consumer on the market, and in the case of satellite distribution plants, by distributor group, repairing in this case the energy as established in the Standard NGTS-06 System Technical Management "Repairs" and in the PD-02 Detail Protocol "Delivery Procedure in Transport-Distribution Connection Points (PCTD)".

The timing of the schedules, nominations and renominations will be the one set out in the PD-07 detail protocols "Programming and Nominations in Transport Infrastructure" and PD-08 " Programmes and Nominations of consumption in distribution networks ".

6.1 Annual and monthly programming.

The content of the annual and monthly schedules will be set to the PD-07 and PD-08 detail protocols.

6.2 Weekly programming, nomination, and renomination.

6.2.1 Information flow for single-lient satellite plants.

Once the programming has been agreed with the carriers of cisterns, the marketing or the direct market consumer will introduce into the SL-ATR that program within the deadlines set in the Protocol of Detail PD-07. The Charger will analyze the different schedules communicating the feasibility or not of the program.

On the day "n-1", the market or the direct consumer on the market, if necessary, will nominate the cisterns of the day "n". The Charger will analyze the different nominations and through the SL-ATR will assign a Order number for each cistern/destination it deems viable. Orders for the loads of cisterns planned for Sunday and Monday will be generated from the weekly programming. In the event that the programming/nomination is not viable in its entirety, the marketer must indicate which clients are assigned to them in respect of all the requested loads.

Once the orders have been obtained, the market operator or the direct consumer on the market will send these to the tanker carrier in order to be able to carry out the load.

Each Charger and on the site to which the load has been requested for the destination, will have a load management system that allows to validate the issued and accepted Order, order the loads throughout the day, and validate the presence of the driver for which the goods are required.

The carrier, in order to load, must present the documentation collected in section 5.2 of this protocol.

6.2.2 Information flow for distribution satellite plants.

The distributor, once considered the programming of the marketing companies, will introduce into the SL-ATR the program within the deadlines set in the Protocol of Detail PD-07, and will inform the carriers of the cisterns. The Charger will analyze the different schedules communicating the feasibility or not of the program.

On the day "n-1", the distributors, before nominations of exit from the satellite plant of the marketing companies that modify the initial programming or the detection by their own means of the need to modify those schedules to maintain supply continuity, will nominate the cisterns of the day "n".

The Loader will analyze the different nominations of the distributors and through the SL-ATR will assign a number of orders for each cistern/destination that it considers viable. Orders for the loads of cisterns planned for Sunday and Monday will be generated from the weekly programming. In the event that the programming/nomination is not viable in its entirety, the distributor must indicate to which charges the order is assigned to the total of the requested loads, indicating the possible restrictions to the nominations of exit of the satellite plant issued by the different marketing companies.

Once the orders are obtained, the distributor will send these to the tanker carrier in order to perform the load.

Each Charger and on the site to which the load has been requested for the destination, will have a load management system that allows to validate the issued and accepted Order, order the loads throughout the day, and validate the presence of the driver for which the goods are required.

The tanker carrier, in order to load, must present the documentation in section 5.2 of this protocol.

6.2.3 Weekly programming.

The content of the weekly programming will be set in the PD-07 and PD-08 detail protocols, and will include:

• Number of tanks to be loaded per day and regasification plant.

• The kWh/dia-regasification plant.

• The corresponding destinations (satellite plant) with their commercial allocation.

6.2.4 Nomination and renomination.

Nominations will be made on the "n-1" day and will be binding.

In the case of no nomination, the amount and targets scheduled and answered as viable in the weekly schedule will be considered as such.

As for single-lien satellite plants, in the event that the nomination involves a marketing or direct market consumer exceeding its contract, the holder of such plant shall execute it whenever there is a capacity available. If the loading plant could not assume this nomination, it would declare itself not viable in its entirety, a renomination being necessary. In the case of the marketer, the marketer must indicate to which clients the order is assigned to the total requested loads.

As for satellite distribution plants, in the event that the nomination implies that a marketer will exceed its contract, the holder of that plant will execute it whenever there is available capacity. If the loading plant could not assume this nomination, it would be declared not viable in its entirety, the distributor being the one to indicate to which customers they are assigned Order in respect of all the requested loads.

Nomination adjustments for contract topics may be entered into the SL-ATR after the "n-1" renomination period is opened.

In the event that it is several marketing and/or direct market consumers who will nominate above the contract at a loading plant and the number of cisterns/day of all nominations will exceed the possibilities Loading of the plant, the Chargers will proceed to allocate the number of tanks and the distribution thereof according to the capacity contracted by each marketing and/or direct consumer on the market.

For operational purposes of the demand, either the marketing or the direct consumer on the market, or the distributor, in the case of a single-monollient satellite plant or a satellite distribution plant, respectively, may request, within the prescribed period, a renomination sent on the day "n", referring to the day itself "n". Each Charger and via SL-ATR, after analysis of the application, shall provide feasibility for the modifications requested on the day "n" of the nominated charges.

Due to the existence of this period of renomination, the nominations of marketing and direct market consumers that still exceed the number of contracted cisterns would be viable on the "n-1" day, they may become non-viable. viable if the reindeer period exceeds the load capacity of a plant.

7. Repair procedure.

In the case of satellite distribution plants, each marketer shall be assigned the provisional allocation indicated by the Expedidor at the time of the allocation of the load.

The Shipper must send global regularizations to the provisional deliveries communicated at the time of loading, which must meet the following conditions:

• The algebraic sum of the regularizations must be zero.

• No regularisation can lead to a net emission of tanks from a negative marketer.

If this occurs, the regularization will be rejected and the Expedidor will be notified for rectification.

8. Communication procedure on maintenance and incidents.

The annual maintenance schedule shall include the scheduled maintenance operations of the cisterns load-loads, collecting all the requirements set out in paragraph 8.2 of the Technical Management Standard of the NGTS-08 "Maintenance Plan" system.

For corrective maintenance (force majeure contingencies), the Charger will immediately communicate the incident, with the following cases being reported:

1. Corrective maintenance only affects the capacity of the plant: In these cases the new load capacity of the plant will be divided according to the capacity contracted by each user.

2. Corrective maintenance poses a risk to the security of supply: In this case, the supply priorities set out in section 10.8.1 of the Technical Management Standard of the NGTS-10 System "Operation of the system in situation" will be followed. exceptional ".

9. Information available.

The cisterns load information available in the SL-ATR will be as follows:

• Date.

• Load plant.

• Load time.

• Marketing company or direct market consumer/distributor company.

• Albaran number.

• Target of the cistern.

• Kg. Assigned to the load.

• Energy (kWh) assigned to the load.

• Assigned energy (kWh per marketer or direct market consumer).

• PCS (kWh/kg).

• Status: provisional or definitive.

This information will be in the system within the time limits set in the System Technical Management (NGTS) Rules and their Detail Protocols.

An inventory of distribution satellite plants will also be available in the SL-ATR.