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Order Def / 923 / 2012, Of 23 Of April, By Which Is Created And Deleted Files Of Data Of Character Personal In The Field Of The Clinical Military In Ceuta.

Original Language Title: Orden DEF/923/2012, de 23 de abril, por la que se crean y suprimen ficheros de datos de carácter personal en el ámbito de la Clínica Militar en Ceuta.

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Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data sets out a set of measures to ensure, and protect, in the treatment of personal data, public freedoms. and the fundamental rights of natural persons, and especially their personal and family honor and intimacy.

Article 20.1 of the aforementioned law determines that the creation, modification or deletion of files of the Public Administrations may be made only by means of a general provision published in the "Official Gazette of the State" or Corresponding Official Journal. Similarly, the additional provision of this law directs the Public Administrations responsible for files to approve the provision of the creation of such files.

In the Ministry of Defense, the Military Clinic in Ceuta manages certain files that were created under Royal Decree 1332/1994, of 20 June, for which certain aspects of the Organic Law 5/1992 are developed, 29 October, Regulation of the Automated Treatment of Personal Data and of Royal Decree 994/1999 of 11 June, approving the Regulation on the Security Measures of Automated Files containing Data Personal Character.

The entry into force of the Implementing Regulation of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, which repeals the aforementioned royal decrees, obliges the Ministry of Defense to adapt these files to the provisions of this regulation.

Finally, in accordance with the provisions of Article 26 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, this project has been previously reported by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

In its virtue, I have:

Article 1. Creating files.

The personal data files of the Military Clinic in Ceuta, described in Annex I of this order, are created.

Article 2. Deleting files.

The personal data files listed in Annex II of this order are deleted.

Single additional disposition. Data integration.

The person responsible for the files in Annex II will integrate the data contained in these files into the new files created, keeping, properly blocked, the backups that may exist.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

All provisions of equal or lower rank that are opposed to the provisions of this ministerial order are repealed.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This ministerial order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, April 23, 2012. -Minister of Defense Pedro Morenes Eulate.


Relation of files with personal data of the Military Clinic in Ceuta

1. Management of Clinical Stories of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

2. Previous quotes from the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

3. Agenda contacts and institutional acts of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

4. Qualifications and Military Service Sheets from the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

5. Personnel control file of the Nursing Area of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

6. Management of suppliers of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

7. Record of documentation of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

8. Parking cards of the staff of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

9. Employee cards autonomous companies of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

10. Admission of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

11. General archive of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

12. Documentation of the JMPO No. 81 of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

13. Evacuations and referrals from the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

14. Billing of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

15. Laboratory management and clinical analysis of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

16. Management of patients from INGESA of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

17. Personnel management of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

18. Recognition of the JMPO No. 81 and the URMO of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

19. Psychiatric Service of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

20. Service of the Military Clinic's Quirofan in Ceuta.

21. Service of Telemedicine of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

22. Stabilization Unit of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

1. Management of Clinical Stories of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: the control, management and distribution of the medical records of patients for the delivery of the various health services of the Hospital. Documentation with data on assessments and information on the patient's clinical situation and evolution and citations for consultation.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended or required to be supplied: employees, patients and beneficiaries of the medical insurance of ISFAS.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: Directly through the person himself or his legal representative or by medical referrals of patients from other private medical centers.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Address, Telephone, Signature/Footprint, Image/Voice, No. Social/Mutual, Health Card, No. Staff Registration.

2. ° Personal Characteristics: Family Data, Physical Characteristics, Age, Sex, Date of Birth, Place Birth, Anthropolometric, Civil Status Data.

3. º Social Circumstances: Afitions, Lifestyle, Military Situation.

4. Job Details: Profession.

5. Economic, Financial and Insurance: Insurance.

6. Transactions of goods and services: Compensation/Compensation.

7. Data relating to criminal and administrative offences.

8. Data specially protected: Health, Sexual Life, Racial or Ethnic Origin and Religion.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: INGESA (Social Security of the Autonomous City of Ceuta). Judicial bodies. Health entities and legitimate stakeholders with the limits established by Law 41/2002, of the Autonomy of the Patient, and in Law 16/2003, of the Cohesion of the National Health System, article 56.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

2. Previous quotes from the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: Annotation and registration of the appointments of each service, and then distribute them internally in the Hospital.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended or required to be supplied: patients and beneficiaries of the medical insurance of ISFAS.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: through the data subject or who accredit your legal representative.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Telephone, No. Social/Mutual, Health Card.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Personal data and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: No disposals are foreseen.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: entry level.

3. Agenda contacts and institutional acts of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: Maintain communication and correspondence for the celebration of institutional acts and analogous activities inviting the military and civil authorities, as well as another authorized personnel.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended to be obtained or which are required to supply such data: Military and civilian employees. Associates or members of cultural associations, religious of local order. Contact persons and public charges.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: The data subject himself or his legal representative. Sources accessible to the public (local press or bulletins). Public records. Public or private administrations.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Address, Phone, Image/Voice.

2. º Personal characteristics: age, gender.

3. º social circumstances: Military situation, Membership of clubs, associations.

4. Job Details: Profession, Job Position.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Personal data and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: No disposals are foreseen.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: average level.

4. Qualifications and Military Service Sheets from the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

(a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: Control and custody operations of the information concerning the periodic evaluation of the active military personnel or the reserve assigned to the Hospital. Service sheet files of military personnel (service commissions, surplus, destinations, etc. ..).

(b) Persons or collectives on which they are intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them: Employees.

(c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: the data are collected through the personal files of the data subjects themselves, who have previously been provided by themselves. Data obtained from the Official Defense Bulletins.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Signature/Footprint, Image/Voice.

2. º Personal characteristics: age, gender, Date of birth.

3. º Social Circumstances: Military Situation, Licenses, Permissions, Authorizations.

4. Academic and professional: Training, qualifications, Professional experience.

5. Job Details: Profession, Job Position, Worker's History.

6. Data relating to criminal and administrative offences.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Personal data and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: No disposals are foreseen.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: average level.

5. Control of staff of the Nursing Area of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: Control of the nursing staff in terms of holidays, casualties, absences and working hours.

(b) Persons or collectives on which they are intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them: Employees.

c) Procedure for collecting personal data: The data subject himself.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Address, Telephone, Image/Voice, N. Seg. Social/Mutual.

2. º Personal Characteristics: Civil Status Data, Place Birth, Date of Birth, Age, Sex.

3. º Social Circumstances: Licenses, permissions, authorizations.

4. Academic and professional: Training, qualifications.

5. Job Details: Profession, Job Position, Worker's History.

Treatment System: Manual.

e) Personal data and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: No disposals are foreseen.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: average level.

6. Management of suppliers of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: the management and relations with suppliers of both commercial and maintenance sanitary products of the Hospital.

(b) Persons or collectives in respect of which data are intended to be personal or which are required to supply data: Suppliers. Contact persons of the companies.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: The data subject himself or his legal representative.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Address, Telephone, Signature/Footprint, Image/Voice.

2. º Personal Characteristics: Place birth, Age, Date of birth, Nationality.

3. Job Details: Profession, Job Position.

4. Business Information: Activities and Business, Commercial Licenses.

5. Economic, Financial and Insurance: Banking Data, Insurance.

6. Transactions of goods and services: Goods and services supplied by the affected person.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, data transfers that are provided to third countries: Banks, savings banks and rural boxes.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: average level.

7. Record of documentation of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) The end of the file and the intended uses for it: Control of the documentation that enters the center and leaves it.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data are intended to be personal or which are required to supply data: any category of affected persons interested in the administrative processes.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: the data are collected through the files and documentation submitted by the interested parties to the HM of Ceuta.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names.

2. º Social Circumstances: Military situation, Licenses, permissions, authorizations.

3. Job Details: Profession, Job Position.

4. Issue of the sender-related shipment.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Personal data and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: Legitimate stakeholders.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: average level.

8. Parking cards of the staff of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

(a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: Control of the parking cards of the authorized personnel for the purpose of having information of the vehicle and its owner.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended to be obtained or which are required to supply such data: Authorized employees, authorised visits and regular hospital providers.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: The data subject himself or his legal representative.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: NIF/DNI, Address, Phone, Image/Voice, Vehicle Data: itv.

2. º Social Circumstances: Military situation, Licenses, permissions, authorizations.

3. Job Details: Profession.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: To the interested parties themselves so that the cards can be displayed from inside their vehicle, in each access.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: average level.

9. Employee cards autonomous companies of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: File with information concerning the identification cards of the personnel belonging to external companies that provide services in the hospital, with the purpose of be able to identify them.

(b) Persons or collectives on which they are intended to obtain personal data or are obliged to supply data: Suppliers.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: The data subject himself or his legal representative. The service provider of the service facilitates the data of its employees.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Signature/Footprint, Image/Voice, No. Social/Mutual.

2. Job Details: Job position.

Treatment System: Manual.

e) Personal data and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: No disposals are foreseen.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: average level.

10. Admission of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: Control and recording of the medical care provided to the patients (military personnel), as well as admission data for hospitalization and/or surgical procedures of the staff of ISFAS or conventions. Managing the revenue and high of the entire Hospital.

(b) Persons or collectives on which they are intended to obtain personal data or which are obliged to supply them: Employees of the Hospital themselves who can be cared for. Patients and beneficiaries of ISFAS health insurance.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: through the data subject himself or his legal representative, where appropriate.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Address, Telephone, Signature/Footprint, Image/Voice, No. Social/Mutual, Health Card.

2. ° Personal Characteristics: Age, Physical Characteristics, Date of Birth, Nationality, Anthropometric.

3. º social circumstances: Military situation.

4. Job Details: Job position.

5. Economic, Financial and Insurance: Insurance.

6. Data specially protected: Health.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: Judicial organs. Legitimate stakeholders.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

11. General archive of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: Custodian the file with information concerning the various services and negotiated from the center. Protect the historical archive of the former hospitals of the Spanish protectorate in Morocco.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended or required to be supplied: Employees, patients and beneficiaries of the medical insurance of ISFAS.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: The data subject himself or his legal representative.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Address, Telephone, Signature/Footprint, Image/Voice, No. Social/Mutual, Health Card.

2. ° Personal Characteristics: Civil Status Data, Place Birth, Age, Sex, Family Data, Physical Characteristics, Date of Birth, Anthropometric.

3. º Social Circumstances: Afitions, Lifestyle, Military Situation, Membership of Clubs, Associations, Licenses, Permissions, Authorizations.

4. Academic and professional: Professional experience.

5. Job Details: Profession, Job Position.

6. Economic, Financial and Insurance: Insurance.

7. Transactions of goods and services: Compensation/Compensation.

8. Data relating to criminal and administrative offences.

9. Data specially protected: Health and Religion.

Treatment System: Manual.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: Social security agencies. Judicial bodies. Other organs of state administration. Health entities. Legitimate stakeholders.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

12. Documentation of the JMPO No. 81 of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: Control of the documentation to locate employees and to monitor the visits and medical examinations. Managing the minutes of meetings held in the JMP.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended to be obtained or which are required to supply them: Employees (military to whom the recognition is made, as well as the beneficiaries of the insurance of the ISFAS. Personnel belonging to the State security corps (Civil Guards).

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: through the internal files of the military personnel and the information provided by the Ministry of the Interior (for the files of the Civil Guards).

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI.

2. º Personal characteristics: age, Date of birth.

3. º social circumstances: Military situation.

4. Job Details: Profession, Job Position, Worker's History.

5. Data specially protected: Health.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Personal data and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: No disposals are foreseen.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

13. Evacuations and referrals from the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: File with information concerning the transfer from one center to another of a patient both military and civilian, for the medical diagnosis, or because of a specific request treatment. Control and registration of ambulances for referrals to other centers. Copy conservation of the medical records.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom they are intended to obtain personal data or who are obliged to supply them: Patients (military or civilian personnel who are transferred) and beneficiaries of ISFAS medical insurance.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: The data subject himself or his legal representative. Private health companies and the autonomous agency of defence (ISFAS).

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Address, Telephone, Image/Voice, No. Social/Mutual, Health Card, No. Staff Registration.

2. º Personal Characteristics: Data of marital status, age, sex, Date of birth, Nationality.

3. º Social Circumstances: Housing characteristics, housing.

4. Data specially protected: Health.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: INGESA (Social Security of the Autonomous City of Ceuta). Insurance entities, health entities and legitimate stakeholders.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

14. Billing of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: Management of billing related to health management to INGESA, to private entities and to ISFAS.

(b) Persons or collectives on which personal data are intended to be obtained or which are required to supply them: Patients.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: The data subject himself or his legal representative.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Telephone, Address, No. Social/Mutual, Health Card.

2. º Personal Characteristics: Place birth, Age, Date of birth, Nationality.

3. Economic, Financial and Insurance: Insurance.

4. Data specially protected: Health.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, data transfers that are provided to third countries: to the Social Institute of the Armed Forces, National Institute of Health Management, health entities and to the legitimate stakeholders.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

15. Laboratory management and clinical analysis of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: Control and management of the analytical test service for diagnostic use of the hospital.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended or required to be supplied: employees, patients and beneficiaries of the medical insurance of the ISFAS.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: The data subject himself or his legal representative.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Telephone, No. Social/Mutual, Health Card, No. Staff Registration.

2. Job Details: Profession, Job Position.

3. Data specially protected: Health.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: Judicial organs. INGESA (Social Security of the Autonomous City of Ceuta). Legitimate health entities and stakeholders.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

16. Management of patients from INGESA of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: Management of the patients ' lists hospitalized and the surgical waiting list, belonging to INGESA. Management and control of the care activity generated by the agreement with INGESA.

(b) Persons or collectives on which personal data are intended to be obtained or which are required to supply them: Patients.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: INGESA (Social Security of the Autonomous City of Ceuta).

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names.

2. Data specially protected: Health.

3. High and low hospital, other possible surgical interventions.

Treatment system: Automated.

e) Personal data and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: No disposals are foreseen.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

17. Personnel management of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: Management and coordination of information concerning the files of the civil and military employees of the center for administrative management, vacations, permits, applications for scholarships and commissions of service, among others. Management of Labor Risk Prevention service coverage.

(b) Persons or collectives on which they are intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them: Employees.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: The data subject himself or his legal representative.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Address, Telephone, Signature/Footprint, Image/Voice, No. Social/Mutual, Health Card.

2. ° Personal Characteristics: Civil Status Data, Place Birth, Age, Sex, Physical Characteristics, Date of Birth, Nationality.

3. º Social Circumstances: Military Situation, Licenses, Permissions, Authorizations.

4. Academic and professional: Training, qualifications.

5. Job Details: Profession, Job Position, Worker's History.

6. Economic, Financial and Insurance: Banking Data, Pension Plans, Retirement, Insurance.

7. Data relating to criminal offences.

8. Data specially protected: Health.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: Judicial organs. Insurance institutions. Health entities. Legitimate stakeholders. Ministry of labour and immigration.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

18. Recognition of JMP No. 81 and the URMO of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

(a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: Facilitate the unit of destination or command of personnel requesting the medical recognition of a military officer. Monitoring of visits and recognition. Minutes of meetings held in the JMP.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom they are intended to obtain personal data or which are obliged to supply them: Military employees. Beneficiaries of the ISFAS health insurance. State security corps (Civil Guards).

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: The data subject himself or his legal representative.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Telephone, Signature/Footprint.

2. Personal Characteristics: Age, Date of birth.

3. º social circumstances: Military situation.

4. Job Details: Profession, Job Position.

5. Data specially protected: Health.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Personal data and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: Legitimate stakeholders.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

19. Psychiatric Service of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: The internal management and coordination of the service. File with information regarding the patients ' clinical histories for the follow-up of the patients, the management of the care activity and the teaching and research activities. Citations for consultation. Medical reports.

(b) Persons or collectives on which personal data are intended to be obtained or which are required to supply them: Patients.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: The data subject himself or his legal representative.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Address, Telephone, No. Social/Mutual, Health Card.

2. º Personal characteristics: Data of marital status, place of birth, date of birth, gender.

3. º social circumstances: Military situation.

4. Job Details: Profession, Job Position.

5. Data relating to criminal offences.

6. Data specially protected: Health and sexual life.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: Judicial organs. Legitimate stakeholders.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

20. Service of the Military Clinic's Quirofan in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: internal management and coordination of the surgical services of the Hospital and planning of the surgical activity, management of books of the operating room. Patient care and special care during interventions and subsequent maintenance of their vital functions. Medical examinations of pre-anesthesia. Preservation of the informed consent and graphic of anesthesia. Recording of parts of the operating room, biopsies and dosimetry.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended or required to be supplied: Patients and beneficiaries of the medical insurance of ISFAS.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: The data subject himself or his legal representative.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last name, Address, Telephone, Signature/Footprint, No. Social/Mutual.

2. Personal Characteristics: Age, Sex, Anthropometric.

3. º Social Circumstances: Afitions, Lifestyle.

4. Job Details: Profession.

5. Data specially protected: Health.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: Social security agencies. Legitimate stakeholders.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

21. Telemedicine service of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: File with information concerning diagnostic tests, analytics and reports of patients to whom they are conducted teleconsults with other reference centers.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended or required to be supplied: Employees, patients and beneficiaries of the medical insurance of ISFAS.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: The person concerned himself through the collection of video and photographic images, interviews, documents and management files, assisted in health centres outside the hospital, both inside and outside the national territory, belonging to the Military Health.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, Image/Voice.

2. Personal Characteristics: Age, Sex, Physical Characteristics.

3. Data specially protected: Health.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Personal data and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: No disposals are foreseen.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

22. Stabilization Unit of the Military Clinic in Ceuta.

a) Finality of the file and the intended uses for it: File with information concerning the patients ' clinical histories for the follow-up of the same, the management of the care activity of the service of the UDE (Stabilization Unit) and record of income and high in the ESU.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended or required to be supplied: Employees, patients and beneficiaries of the medical insurance of ISFAS.

c) Procedure for the collection of personal data: The data subject himself or his legal representative.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

Description of data types:

1. Identifiers: First and last names, NIF/DNI, Image/Voice, N. Seg. Social/Mutual, Health Card.

2. ° Personal characteristics: Age, Family data, physical characteristics, date of birth, Anthropometric.

3. º Social Circumstances: Afitions, Lifestyle, Military Situation.

4. Job Details: Profession.

5. Data specially protected: Health.

Treatment system: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: Judicial organs. Legitimate stakeholders.

(f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: General Inspection of Defence Health. Military clinic in Ceuta.

g) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised: Military Clinic in Ceuta. Avda. Dr Maranon, s/n, 51002 Ceuta.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.


Relation of personal data files that are deleted

1. Personal data file of the homil Ceuta, created by the publication in the BOE No. 46 of 22/02/1996.

The data contained in that file become part of the various files listed in Annex I of this ministerial order.