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Royal Decree 660/2012, Of 13 April, Whereby Amending Certain Annexes Of The Royal Decree 368/2005, Of 8 April, Which Regulates The Official Performance Control Dairy For The Genetic Evaluation In Bovine, Ovine Species And...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 660/2012, de 13 de abril, por el que se modifican determinados anexos del Real Decreto 368/2005, de 8 de abril, por el que se regula el control oficial del rendimiento lechero para la evaluación genética en las especies bovina, ovina y ...

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The basic regulation governing the official control of milk yield in Spain is Royal Decree 368/2005 of 8 April, which regulates the official control of milk yield for genetic evaluation in the species. bovine, ovine and caprine animals, the purpose of which was to establish the basic rules for the coordination and operation of the official control of milk yield in bovine, ovine and caprine animals in Spain, the purpose of which is the genetic assessment of players through the approved selection schemes for the different races.

The rule itself enables the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (the current Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Environment) to dictate how many provisions are necessary for his/her own final disposal. development and implementation, and even to amend the content of the Annexes to be adapted to Community legislation or to the recommendations of the International Committee for Animal Performance Control (ICAR).

In the time since its approval, numerous progress has been made in the field of the verification of livestock yields, to which livestock breeders ' organizations have not been alien. our country, as well as its representative bodies in the autonomous area and the regional dairy control centres.

In addition, and in response to the request from the sector and various regional administrations, it is necessary to make the margins of discrepancy between the measurements of controls performed by a controller more flexible. authorised and those carried out in the audits, in order to take into account the particularities which may affect the milk production of a producer in particular and to take decisions with regard to its results, with which Annex I of the Royal Decree 368/2005 of 8 April 2005.

On the other hand, the use of methods of calculating much simpler and more efficient lactations has promoted the simplification of the systematic dairy control, as well as the computerization and automation in the management of the 'livestock farming' means methods which must be referred to in Annexes II, III and IV to Royal Decree 368/2005 of 8 April 2005 and which, in any event, serve to simplify the methodology.

For the best achievement of these purposes, it has been chosen to refer to the recommendations of the International Committee for the Control of Animal Performance, in accordance with the instructions for the implementation of the same established by the National Commission for Official Dairy Control, which shall be made public by means of a resolution of the Directorate-General for Agricultural Productions and Markets, the publication of which shall be guaranteed by publication in the Official Gazette of the State.

In the elaboration of this royal decree, the autonomous communities and representative entities of the sectors affected have been consulted.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, in agreement with the Council of State, and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of April 13, 2012,


Single item. Amendment of Royal Decree 368/2005 of 8 April 2005 regulating the official control of milk yield for genetic evaluation in bovine, ovine and caprine species.

Royal Decree 368/2005 of 8 April 2005 regulating the official control of milk yield for genetic evaluation in bovine, ovine and caprine species is hereby amended as follows:

One. Annex I is replaced by the following:


Common specifications for the official dairy control regulations for bovine, ovine and caprine species

The recommendations published periodically by the International Committee for the Control of Animal Performance (ICAR) shall apply to the regulations of the official dairy control of the bovine, ovine and caprine species. In accordance with the instructions for the application of the same ones established by the national commission of official dairy control, which will be made public by Resolution of the Directorate General of Agricultural Productions and Markets, which will be published in the "Official State Gazette". "

Two. Annex II is replaced by the following:


Official dairy dairy control regulation

The recommendations published periodically by the International Committee for Animal Performance Control (ICAR) will be applied to the bovine species, as an official dairy control regulation, according to the instructions for the application of the same ones established by the national commission of official dairy control, which shall be made public by means of a Resolution of the Directorate General of Agricultural Productions and Markets, to be published in the " Official Journal of the Status "."

Three. Annex III is replaced by the following:


Sheep cattle official dairy control regulation

The recommendations published periodically by the International Committee for Animal Performance Control (ICAR) will be applied to the sheep species, as an official dairy control regulation, in accordance with the guidelines. instructions for the application of the same ones established by the national commission of official dairy control, which shall be made public by means of a Resolution of the Directorate General of Agricultural Productions and Markets, to be published in the " Official Journal of the Status "."

Four. Annex IV is replaced by the following:


official dairy control regulation of goat livestock

The recommendations published periodically by the International Committee for Animal Performance Control (ICAR) will be applied to the goat species, as an official dairy control regulation, in accordance with the guidelines. instructions for the application of the same ones established by the national commission of official dairy control, which shall be made public by means of a Resolution of the Directorate General of Agricultural Productions and Markets, to be published in the " Official Journal of the Status "."

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on April 13, 2012.


The Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Environment,