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Resolution Of April 25, 2012, Of The Directorate-General Of Employment, Which Is Recorded And Published The Modifications To Salary Level And Definitions Of Various Occupational Categories, Act As Well As The Creation Of New Ones, Correspond...

Original Language Title: Resolución de 25 de abril de 2012, de la Dirección General de Empleo, por la que se registra y publica el acta de modificaciones de nivel salarial y definiciones de varias categorías profesionales, así como la creación de otras nuevas, correspond...

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Having regard to the text of the minutes where the changes in the salary level and definitions of several professional categories are approved, as well as the creation of new ones, corresponding to the arbitration of the Provincial Labour Inspectorate of the valuation of the first half of 2008 of the company Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda, (Convention Code n °: 90002052011987) minutes that was signed on 16 February 2012 by the Joint Commission of the Valuation of the which are representatives of the Directorate of the Company and the Committee of Enterprise in representation of the entity and its employees, which is accompanied by a favorable report issued by the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations (Executive Committee of the Inter-Ministerial Commission on Remuneration), in compliance with the As provided for in Law 39/2010 of 22 December 2010 on the General Budget of the State for the year 2011 and in accordance with Article 90 (2) and (3) of the Law on the Status of Workers, Recast Text approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1995 of 24 March and Royal Decree 713/2010 of 28 May 2010 on registration and deposit of collective labour agreements and agreements,

This Employment General Address resolves:


Order the registration of the said Act in the corresponding Register of collective agreements and agreements working through electronic means of this Steering Center, with notification to the Commission Negotiator and with the warning to the same of the mandatory compliance of the Law 39/2010, of December 22, of the General Budget of the State for the year 2011, in the execution of those Agreements.


Arrange your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, April 25, 2012. -Director General of Employment, Xavier Jean Braulio Thibault Aranda.

Final Act

Address Representatives:

D. ª Azucena Barco Rodrigo.

D. José Jesús Pereira Fernández (advisor).

Workers ' Representatives:

D. Antonio Santiago Morales.

D. Daniel Sierra Quiles (advisor).

In Madrid, on 16 February 2012, the members of the Joint Committee on Valuation are meeting, drawing up this final report, which sets out the results of the assessment of the employment positions of the Joint Committee. first semester of 2008 which were submitted to the arbitration of the Provincial Labour Inspectorate.

Posts valued or reviewed at the request of the departments:

Since it does not rise level:

Operational Staff.

Official 1. Cad Mechanical Engraving. Currency: 10.

Reviewed posts by claim of occupants:

Position that goes up level:

Operational Staff.

Official 1. Recorded Mechanical. Currency: 9.

Because there will be a review for a change of functions:

Administrative Staff.

Administrative Areas and Maintenance Workshops. Maintenance.

Person relationship and effect date:

The relationship of the staff affected by this review and the dates of application is published internally in the FNMT-RCM's work centers.

All valuations will be applied once the mandatory ministerial authorization is obtained and published in the BOE as an integral part of the Collective Agreement and with the effects of the aforementioned application dates.

Official 1. of mechanical engraving cad.

It is the operator who, with full knowledge of his profession, and of the equipment of assisted design and machine of mechanical reproduction in his position, has as mission the obtaining of dies, useful, elements of deformation or cutting, milling work, parts, profiles or any element capable of being obtained by the previous means from drawings, models, sketches or verbal specifications. For the purposes of preparing and managing the equipment at its disposal, taking care of the auxiliary systems, including control and safety systems, to obtain the product according to the required requirements, taking responsibility for the correct quality and production. For this, perform the following functions:

Study of the work to be carried out, preparation of models, confection of moulds or obtaining of the design in the computer using the equipments and applications that it has, supplying the characteristics of the job to execute and post-processing of the same. It also makes modifications to the design for the manufacture of direct dies and interventions in matrices and punches. Calculation of the working arrangements, volumes and areas, according to formulas or tables, applying the necessary corrections. Completion of matees according to the design specifications received.

Realization of the design of medals and coins based on the instructions received.

Making of contrast punches and matrices for the same, conducting tests on their duration.

Preparing the machine, tools and work, making adjustments and corrections of software, as well as the necessary tests and checks. It schedules certain work according to its difficulty, fixing the work regime and taking care of the correct development of the process.

Preparing, adjusting and handling any of the machines for mechanical reproduction: mechanical or manual pantographs and presses.

Performing the elementary maintenance of machinery, solving small breakdowns, making useful simple tools that you may need in the development of your work, control and storage of the parts of machinery in your office, cleaning machines, tools and area of action, working with the maintenance staff as long as they are required.

Official 1. of mechanical engraving.

It is the operator who, with full knowledge of his profession and the electro-eroding machine, strawberries, equipment of assisted design and mechanical reproduction has as mission the obtaining of dies, useful, elements of deformation or cutting, milling work, parts, profiles or any element capable of being obtained by the previous means from drawings, models, sketches or verbal specifications. It must prepare and operate the equipment at its disposal, taking care of the auxiliary systems, including the control and safety systems, to obtain the product according to the required requirements, taking responsibility for its correct quality and production. For which you will perform the following functions:

Study of the work to be carried out, preparation of models, confection of moulds or obtaining of the design in the computer using the equipments and applications that it has, supplying the characteristics of the job to execute and post-processing of the same. Calculation of the work arrangements, volumes and surfaces, according to formulas or tables, applying the necessary corrections.

Preparation of machines and auxiliary systems, tools and work, making adjustments and corrections of software, as well as necessary tests and checks. In case of simple jobs, the program directly. It shall fix the working arrangements, taking into account the proper development of the process.

Preparing, adjusting, and handling any of the machines intended for mechanical reproduction.

Performing the elementary maintenance of the machinery, solving small breakdowns, manufacturing useful that may need in the development of its work, cleaning all its elements and area of action, collaborating with the Maintenance personnel, whenever required.

Storage of jobs that you are instructed to, by working out the catalog of the same and the precise databases for your management.