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Resolution Of 21 Of Mayo Of 2012, Of The Address General Of Employment, By Which Are Records And Publishes The Act Of Modifications Of Level Wage And Definitions Of Several Categories Professional, As Well As The Creation Of Other New, Peel...

Original Language Title: Resolución de 21 de mayo de 2012, de la Dirección General de Empleo, por la que se registra y publica el acta de modificaciones de nivel salarial y definiciones de varias categorías profesionales, así como la creación de otras nuevas, correspondi...

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Having regard to the text of the minutes where the changes in the salary level and definitions of several professional categories are approved, as well as the creation of new ones, corresponding to the assessment of the second half of 2008 Factory Nacional de Moneda y Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda (Convention Code n ° 90002052011987) minutes that were signed on March 13, 2012 by the Joint Commission of Valuation of which representatives of the Directorate of the the company and the business committee representing the entity and the employees of the entity, to which it is accompanied by a favourable report issued by the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations (Executive Committee of the Inter-Ministerial Commission on Remuneration), in compliance with the provisions of Law 39/2010 of 22 December 2010 on Budgets General of the State for the year 2011 and in accordance with the provisions of Article 90 (2) and (3) of the Law on the Status of Workers, Recast Text approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1995, of March 24, and in the Royal Decree 713/2010, of 28 May, on the registration and deposit of collective agreements and agreements of work,

This Employment General Address resolves:


Order the registration of the said act in the corresponding Register of collective agreements and agreements working through electronic means of this Steering Center, with notification to the Commission Negotiator and with the warning to the same of the mandatory compliance of the Law 39/2010, of December 22, of the General Budget of the State for the year 2011, in the execution of those Agreements.


Arrange your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, May 21, 2012. -Director General of Employment, Xavier Jean Braulio Thibault Aranda.


Address Representatives:

D. ª Azucena Barco Rodrigo.

D. Fernando Lobo of God (adviser).

Workers ' Representatives:

D. Antonio Santiago Morales.

D. Daniel Sierra Quiles (advisor).

In Madrid, on 13 March 2012, the members of the Joint Committee on Valuation are meeting, drawing up this final act, where the results of the assessment of the employment positions are collected. second half of 2008.

Posts valued or reviewed at the request of the departments:

New creation position.

Technical Staff:

Engineering and Maintenance Prevention Technician. Maintenance: 14.

Post not valued for no change of functions.

Regarding the "Level B" Area Head job position. Laboratory. Engineering, R & D + i and Laboratories, there is agreement not to value the position of works because there is no change of functions.

Reviewed posts by claim of occupants:

The following job position has not been valued for no agreement on whether or not the claim submitted implies a review of the assessment of the claim, as reflected in the daily minutes:

Workshop Administrative. Value Documents.

According to the art. 90 of the current Collective Agreement, the position of working in disagreement will be submitted to arbitration, agreeing that it is the Provincial Inspection of Labor who will carry it out, accepting both representations the report that the Inspection. The position is:

Workshop Administrative. Value Documents.


As for the position of Head of Area "Level B" (Personnel Administration) belonging to the Human Resources Directorate, it is agreed to postpone the assessment because it is pending judgment.

Since they are integrated into categories listed in the Convention:

Studied the functions performed by the Computer Science Analyst (Computer Computer Science) belonging to the Information Systems Directorate, it has been proven that they are integrated in the category of the Analyst of Informatics Processes (level 12).

Person relationship and effect date:

The relationship of the staff affected by this review and the dates of application is published internally in the FNMT-RCM's work centers.

All valuations will be applied once the mandatory ministerial authorization is obtained and published in the "BOE" as an integral part of the Collective Agreement and with the effects of the aforementioned application dates.

Engineering and Maintenance Prevention Technician:

It is the top or assimilated title that, with full knowledge of its profession initiative and responsibility, has as its mission to inform, advise, plan, and supervise those activities related to the prevention of risks work within your Department and act as Safety and Health Coordinator in construction sites. In addition, it must collaborate in the complete development of projects under the coordination of its immediate head, or work autonomously in specific tasks and projects specific to its area. Coordinate the work of the engineering area where it is intended for the rest of the areas of its Department or other of the FNMT-RCM and must meet the demands for training or technical assistance that occur. For which you will perform the following functions:

Advice to the chain of command of your Department regarding the prevention of occupational risks, informing the Director of any event or situation with transcendence in the field of prevention.

To carry out activities aimed at reducing occupational risks within its Department, detecting training needs and providing precise training in the field.

Monitoring and control of working conditions, implementation of the control and risk reduction programme, and carrying out inspections, determining and managing accurate corrective actions.

Supervision of your Department's personal protective equipment, informed about the acquisition of the same. Establishment of the order and cleaning program, elaborating how many studies and reports are required in relation to your work.

Collaboration with the Occupational Risk Prevention Service in accident investigation, as well as with the Departments of Maintenance, Safety and Engineering in the areas of their competence.

Conducting the functions of the Safety and Health Coordinator in construction works on the terms set out in the legislation in force.

Collaboration with the development of projects, whether they are new implementation or modification of existing ones, in any field related to products, processes and installations, or relating to the application of new technologies or concepts.

Coordination of the works of the engineering area of your Department with the rest of the FNMT-RCM areas and external companies, as well as the programming, monitoring and control of the engineering works.

Participation and development of how many analyses and studies are carried out on productivity improvements, working methods, offers, facilities, machinery, etc.

Tailoring and drafting of technical documentation, specifications, technical specifications, manufacturing and maintenance manuals, etc.