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Resolution Of 19 Of February Of 2015, Of The Address General Of Employment, By Which Is Records And Publishes The Review Wage Of The Convention Collective State For The Industries Of Lasts, Heels, Wedges, Flats And Shanks Of Wood And Cork.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 19 de febrero de 2015, de la Dirección General de Empleo, por la que se registra y publica la revisión salarial del Convenio colectivo estatal para las industrias de hormas, tacones, cuñas, pisos y cambrillones de madera y corcho.

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Having regard to the text of the wage revision of the State Collective Agreement for the hormas, heels, wedges, floors and cambrillons of wood and cork (convention code No. 99002575011981) which was signed dated November 20, 2014, by the business association Manufacturers of Hormas and Tàcones, representing the companies of the sector, and, of another, by the trade union organizations MCA-UGT and CC.OO. Construction and Services, on behalf of the workers, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 90 (2) and (3) of the Law on the Status of Workers, Recast Text approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1995, of 24 March, and in Royal Decree 713/2010, of 28 May, on the registration and deposit of agreements and agreements work collectives,

This Employment General Address resolves:


Order the registration of the said salary revision in the corresponding Register of collective agreements and agreements working through electronic means of this Steering Center, with notification to the Negotiating Commission.


Arrange for publication in the Official State Gazette.

Madrid, February 19, 2015. -Director General of Employment, Xavier Jean Braulio Thibault Aranda.

Pay Review Act

In Elda, 12 hours on 20 November 2014, the Negotiating Commission of the State Convention for the Industries of Hormas, Heels, Wedges, Floors and Cambrillones de Madera y Corcho, made up of people, meets. which are then related.

On behalf of the Hormas and Tacks Manufacturers:

Don Manuel Garcia Agillo.

Doña María José Aguilera Ponce.

Don Antonio Aguilera Martinez.

Advisor: Don Ernesto Ortiz Arteaga.

On behalf of workers:


Don Jose Tura Tari.

Don Jose Tortosa Martinez.

Adviser: Dona Fini Tenza Poveda.

By CCOO Construction and Services:

Don Manuel de la Calle Albero.

Don José Antonio Cubero Pacheco.


Don Miguel Ángel Martínez Jiménez.

Don José Manuel Pérez Martínez.

In order to draft the salary table for the year 2014, pursuant to the provisions of article 17-b of the current State Convention for the Industries of Hormas, Heels, Wedges, Floors and Cambrillones of Wood and Corcho, published in the BOE of 3 October 2013



Set the salary table for the year 2014, with effects per day one of January, increasing from 2013 by 0.30%, amount of the CPI increase in that year.

So the following amounts are available:

Group 1: EUR 42.87.

Group 2: 38.16 euros.

Group 3: 34.34 euros.

Group 4: 30.83 euros.

Group 5: 30.13 euros.

Group 6: 29.57 euros.

Group 7: 27.76 euros.

Group 8: 21.46 euros.

Add-ons: (1):

* Group I: Chief: 5.49 euros.

* Group 3: Of. I admit. 1. ª: 8.88 euros.

* Group 4: Of. I admit 2. ª: 9.02 euros.

* Group 4: Aux Admitted.: 2.87 euros.

(1) In order to adapt the old categories to the Professional Groups agreed in this Convention, it is set out for those mentioned in Annex I with asterisk (*), the following personal supplements for those categories workers. These allowances shall be considered as a salary for the contract, being paid jointly with him and included in the remuneration of the extraordinary rewards.


To order either UGT, CCOO, or the Etrado Intervener by the business party in this Act, to process the application for publication of this wage table in the Official State Gazette.

And having no more issues to deal with, the session is lifted by 13.30 hours of the day at the expressed heading.