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Resolution Of 26 Of February Of 2015, Of The Address General Of Productions And Markets Agricultural, By Which Is Publishes The Convention Of Mandates Of Management With The Government Of Aragon, For The Realization Of Them Mandatory Tests Technical Of...

Original Language Title: Resolución de 26 de febrero de 2015, de la Dirección General de Producciones y Mercados Agrarios, por la que se publica el Convenio de encomienda de gestión con el Gobierno de Aragón, para la realización de los preceptivos exámenes técnicos de ...

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As provided for in Article 8.2 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure, the publication is available in the Official Journal of the State of the Convention of Management with the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon, for the implementation of the mandatory technical examinations of varietal identification of cherry and peral for the registration of plant varieties, which is listed as an annex to this resolution.

Madrid, February 26, 2015. -Director General of Agricultural Productions and Markets, Fernando Miranda Sotillos.


Convention on the Management of Management by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Administration of the Autonomous Community of Aragon, for the performance of the work related to the technical examinations of varietal identification of cherry and peral for the registration of plant varieties

In Madrid, 11 December 2014.


On one hand, Don Carlos Cabanas Godino, Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, hereinafter MAGRAMA, under Royal Decree 319/2014, of 5 May, (BOE of the 6. by virtue of his appointment, acting on behalf of the Ministry and in accordance with Article 1 (c) of Order AAA/838/2012 of 20 April, on the delegation of powers of the MAGRAMA, as amended by Order AAA/1402/2012, of 19 June.

And from another, don Modesto Lobon Nephew, Counsellor of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon, by virtue of the Decree of 30 December 2011, of the Presidency of the Government of Aragon, being expressly authorised for this act by the Agreement of the Government of Aragon of 6 October 2014.

Both parties recognize each other's legal capacity to force themselves in this act, and to that effect



That Royal Decree 401/2012 of 17 February, for which the basic organic structure of the MAGRAMA is developed, establishes, in Article 8 (2) (e), that the Subdirectorate General of the Agricultural Production and Spanish Office of Plant Varieties, hereinafter MPAyOEVV, attached to the General Directorate of Production and Markets of the MAGRAMA, it is up to him to develop the competences of the Department in matters of control of the production, import, certification and marketing of seed and nursery plants, protection of rights plants, and the registration of varieties through the registers of protected varieties and commercial varieties, as well as the application of the international systems for the certification and marketing of seeds, nursery plants and certification materials.


That according to Law 3/2000 of 7 January, of the Legal Regime of the Protection of Plant Varieties and Law 30/2006, of 26 July, of seeds and plants of nursery and plant genetic resources, it is established that previous To the grant of the plant variety right and its registration in the Register of Commercial Varieties, in advance RV, any variety will be submitted to a technical examination. The technical examination will be carried out under the responsibility of the MAGRAMA, which may be carried out directly or by agreement with the Autonomous Communities or other Spanish or foreign institutions that develop similar tasks.


Which, the OEVV, currently MPAyOEVV is "examination office" as regards the Community protection of plant varieties for various plant species, in accordance with Article 55 of Council Regulation (EC) 2100/94 of 27 July. Therefore, the Community Plant Variety Office, hereinafter referred to as OCVV, may instruct MPAyOEVV to carry out technical examinations for varieties which have applied for Community protection.


Which, in order to process the registration procedures in the variety registers, a technical examination of comparison with the reference collection or the witnesses to be determined is necessary, according to the protocol The technical specifications of the MPAyOEVV for each species, taking into account the international specifications of the International Union for the Protection of Plant Varieties (hereinafter UPOV) and the CPVO.


That, in order to carry out the technical examinations, it is necessary to have a suitable location, as well as of the reference collection or of the witnesses mentioned above and of the human and material means and also of sufficient agility of procurement, procurement and management that require field work in their crucial epochs and that these conditions are not met in the current structure of the MAGRAMA MPAyOEVV.


That the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Autonomous Community of Aragon, through the Center for Plant Health and Certification, hereinafter CSCV, has the human and material resources, as well as a appropriate agroclimatic location and experience in the matter, to perform the technical examinations of the species: cherry and peral. This centre has been carrying out technical examinations of these species for the MPAyOEVV, and is thus included in the General Regulation of the Register of Trade Varieties (Order AAA/1170/2013 of 21 June and amendments) and in the Regulation of Protection of plant variety (Royal Decree 1260/2005 of 21 October and amendments). In addition, this centre has been approved by the CPVO as a test centre for: cherry and pear.

In their virtue, both parties agree to the subscription of this Convention, in accordance with and subject to the following


First. Object.

The purpose of this management mandate is to carry out the necessary technical examinations for the varietal identification of cherry and peral, in accordance with the protocols established by the UPOV and approved by the CPVO. In addition, tests for the identification of fruit varieties by molecular markers are included.

The required examinations will be carried out in the fields and facilities of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon and collaborating entities with this one, located in the Province of Zaragoza. Such work shall not, under any circumstances, involve the transfer of ownership of the competition, with the responsibility of the MAGRAMA to dictate how many acts or resolutions are necessary for the activity to be entrusted to it.

The Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon will carry out the technical work mentioned, according to the Work Plan set out in Annex 2 to this collaboration agreement.

Second. Actions of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon.

The Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Autonomous Community of Aragon undertakes the following actions:

Perform all field and laboratory work, maintenance of reference collections, etc., following the protocols set out in Annex 2.

Draw up the necessary reports, during the period of duration of the agreement, with the data, results and final conclusions of the tests and analyses carried out, which will be forwarded to the MPAyOEVV, within the shortest time possible after completion, and always within the time limits set out in Annex 2. Also, draw up a report on the exercise, with the summary of the data, results and conclusions of the tests and analyses carried out that year, and send them to the MPAyOEVV, one month before the end of each financial year.

Participate with the MPAyOEVV, when requested, in those national, community or international forums deemed necessary, in which certain aspects related to the execution of the technical examinations.

Ensure the confidentiality of the information provided by the MPAyOEVV, as well as the tests and results obtained in the trials, except prior and express authorisation of the MPAyOEVV, for disclosure.

Ensure the custody of plant material, provided pursuant to this Convention, by limiting its use to the performance of the technical examination, under the conditions specified in Annex 2.

Limit access to the test fields of personnel not related to the execution of the personnel, unless expressly authorized by the MPAyOEVV, which determines the scope and conditions in which the visit must be performed.

To provide technical assistance, at the request of the MPAyOEVV and in collaboration with it, in matters related to this convention, for cases of violation of rights, reporting, lifting of minutes and expert opinion in cases of infringements of the rights of the breeder.

Third. MAGRAMA performances.

The MAGRAMA through the MPAyOEVV will perform the following operations:

Carry out and manage all direct relationships with registrants of varieties and in particular information on the conditions of registration, the sample of plant material and the procedure of record.

Refer to the Center for Plant Health and Certification of the Government of Aragon all the information of the applications for registration received, varietal names accepted, request for examination or report of the CPVO, necessary for the correct execution of the jobs to be performed.

Set and facilitate the criteria and protocols to be used in and participate in the work. This participation will be carried out through regular visits by specialists from the MPAyoEVV and meetings related to the execution of the work.

Use the results of the work relating to the technical examination for the resolution of the registration files of varieties, as well as for any other use that may be of use.

In any case, the information and results resulting from the work carried out pursuant to this agreement shall be confidential and shall be for the exclusive use of the MPAyOEVV.

In the case of publications, it will be noted the joint performance of the works by the MPAyOEVV and the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon.

In any case, the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon will only be able to disseminate the information and results that result from the works carried out with prior and express authorization of the MPAyOEVV.

Fourth. Obligations of the parties.

1. Obligations of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon. To have the necessary personnel, material and resources, either directly or indirectly, to carry out the technical examination of varieties as indicated in the second clause and Annex 2.

2. The MAGRAMA's obligations. Transfer to the Government of Aragón the annuities of the budget with a maximum of two hundred and seventy thousand one hundred and eighty-seven euros and eighty-four cents (270,187,84 €) under budget heading 23.12.412C.640.08 or to which it can replace it in the corresponding State General Budget Laws for the relevant years.

Fifth. Budget and funding.

The work will begin on August 1, 2014 and will be paid after the certification of the same by the Head of the Plant Area of the Plant and Plant Genetic Resources. The work and documentation shall be carried out and delivered in accordance with the provisions of Annex 2.

Annuities may be paid in two instalments after the work done and detailed in the memory has been verified. The second instalment of the annuity shall be paid before the end of the current year. Exceptionally, during the 2014 annuity, it shall be paid only within a period.


Annual Total











Total convention


The amount of each annuity amounts to fifty-four thousand six hundred and seventy-seven euros and forty-three cents, the year 2014 (54,677.43 €); seventy-eight thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven cents, the year 2015 (78,880.27 €); and sixty-eight thousand three hundred fifteen euros and seven cents (68,315,07 €) the years 2016 and 2017.

Annual items will be entered, by bank transfer, into the current account indicated by the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment of the Government of Aragon.

Sixth. Monitoring and Control Committee.

A Monitoring and Control Commission is set up, in order to resolve the issues of interpretation and compliance that may arise from the present Management Commendor Convention.

The Monitoring and Control Commission will be constituted by two members: one appointed by the MAGRAMA and another appointed by the Government of Aragon. It will also be part of the Commission, by the General Administration of the State, a representative of the Government Delegation in the Autonomous Community, provided that the monitoring is carried out at the peripheral level.

This Commission shall meet at least once a year and, in any event, when one of the parties to this Convention requests it.

Seventh. Duration, causes of extinction and modification.

The Management Encomienda Convention shall be effective from 1 August 2014 and its duration shall be established until 31 December 2017, unless the MAGRAMA considers extinguishing it for reasons of general interest or non-compliance. by the Government of Aragón from the obligations contained in the foregoing clauses.

This Convention on the Management of Management may be amended or terminated by mutual agreement between the parties or by a reasoned decision of one of the parties, by means of a subscription to the appropriate modification or termination agreement which must be subscribed before the expiry of the period of time of the same period.

Eighth. Competent jurisdiction.

This Convention is of an administrative nature, with the application of the provisions of Article 15 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Administrative Procedure Common.

This Convention is excluded from the scope of the Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011 of 14 November, approving the recast text of the Law on Public Sector Contracts, in accordance with the provisions of this standard in Article 4 (1) (c). However, they should apply the principles of this to resolve any doubts and gaps that may arise.

The resolution of differences in interpretation and compliance that may arise in their implementation shall be the responsibility of the Monitoring Committee. In accordance with the provisions of Law 29/1998 of July 13, the regulator of the Jurisdiction-Administrative Jurisdiction will be resolved in accordance with the provisions of Law 29/1998.

And for the record and proof of conformity with the above, both parties sign the present Convention of Management, in triplicate, at the place and date at the beginning indicated. Agriculture and Food, Carlos Cabañas Godino. -Adviser to the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment, Modesto Lobon Nephew.


Budget for the Management Commendal Convention for the realization of the work related to technical examinations for varietal identification of cherry and peral for the registration of plant varieties (2014-2017)

The Budget for the implementation of these works, which will begin on 1 August, amounts to a total of two hundred and seventy thousand one hundred and eighty-seven euros and eighty-four cents (270,187.84 €) for the four years. Budget implementation 23.12.412C.640.08, of the General Budget of the State, according to the following distribution:

1. Maintenance of the reference collection and the DHE examination item.

It includes expenses related to the preparation, maintenance, cultivation and treatment of the test plot and the plot of the reference collection, estimated at 3,500,00 euros/ha. Estimated at about 11,562.95 euros/year.

The surface occupied by the reference collection and the test item is 3,3037 ha in the duration of this contract.


Unit Cost by Surface



ha/year #

Concept Budget (€/year), excluding VAT

Collection Manto and Test Item DHE




Maintenance of reference collection year 2014

Task to perform

Num. tasks

Unit price



Unit price








1.040, 6655

Plant Treatments









2.332, 4122



Term_table_der"> 280,8145


cleansing and Maintenance of the Irrigation System







During the year 2014, in relation to a normal year, the operations resulting from the signing of the contract are delayed, beginning operations on 1 August 2014.

Maintenance of reference collection years 2015, 2016 and 2017

Task to perform

Num. tasks

Unit price



Unit price








1.040, 6655

Plant Treatments










Siega in streets





cleansing and Maintenance of the Irrigation System







2. Technical examination DHE.

The cost depends on the number of varieties to be described, including the varieties of study and those of the reference collection required for comparisons or their update. It includes expenses derived from fieldwork, laboratory and cabinet: sampling, observations, records and data on plant material, variety characterization, reporting.

The average number of varieties of study each year is estimated at sixty-two varieties/year.

The price of the report has been adopted on the basis of the rate established by the implementation of the mandatory tests for the inclusion of a variety in the commercial variety register (as established in the Article 54-for the third group-of Law 30/2006 on seed and nursery plants and plant genetic resources, as amended by the current General Budget Law, Article 73 Law 17/2012 of PGE for the year 2013): € 528.26 /variety study.

During the year 2014, 20 reports are foreseen at least because the delay in the work prevents the examination of the parameters to be evaluated in the spring. These will be retaken in the first following, 2015, assuming an increase to what is normally estimated.

Concept: Study Variety Reports

Unit cost per report



Number of Reports/Year

Concept Budget











2016 and 2017




3. Identification assays by molecular markers.

The cost of the analysis of each molecular marker is 60 euros/marker. The cost for each variety is calculated by multiplying the number of markers used for each variety to be studied (variable according to each species) by 60 euros/marker. The sum of all markers used annually by the unit cost per marker, is estimated at about 24,000 euros/year.


Unit cost


Euros by bookmark

Number of Bookmarks/Year

Concept Budget



Identification by Molecular Markers




Summary by Exercise of the Budgets of this Convention

to be performed





Total €

Manto. of the reference collection and the DHE examination item






Variety Reports

22.186, 92


32.752, 12



Identification by Bookmarks molecular













Job Methodology

1. Protocol for action. For the completion of the technical examinations the following working procedure will be followed:

1) Technical responsables: each of the parties shall appoint a technical officer to monitor the activities of the work plan for each group of species. The exchange of documentation between the parties shall be carried out through the designated decision-makers or persons delegated by them.

2) Registration applications: MPAyOEVV shall forward to the examination centre information on the registration applications received, accepted varietal names, application for examination or report of the CPVO, and in general all information affecting the technical examination of the variety.

3) Reception of plant material for the technical examination: the entrance of the plant material sent for the technical examination will be carried out at the examination centre, proceeding to its registration. Subsequently, verification shall be carried out that the material delivered meets the conditions laid down in the technical protocol of the MPAyoEVV, in particular with regard to time limits, external quality, identification and health for that species.

Material that does not meet the conditions set will not enter the examination process, and this incident will be immediately communicated to the MPAyOEVV. In turn, this unit will communicate the incident to the person concerned and may, according to the examination centre, admit the failure of the errors in the referral of the material or otherwise proceed with its rejection.

The reasoned rejection of a sample will be communicated by the MPAyOEVV to the interested party, which will have a period of one month to withdraw the sample. After that deadline, the sample will be destroyed. In any case, if the rejection is due to health reasons, the sample will be destroyed immediately.

The material received under acceptable conditions will be stored properly until planting or grafting, which will be done in the shortest time.

4) Registration of entries. A log book of entries for each species will be taken at the examination centre. This book shall include at least the following data:


Request reference number.


Material receipt date.


The varieties from which the examination centre has received, from the MPAyOEVV, a copy of the application (see point 2), shall be included in the book, even if the corresponding plant material has not been received. In the case of not receiving material, this fact will be noted as an incident.

Each entry of plant material shall be annotated together with its date and its incidences.

5) Report of entries: the examination centre shall, within 10 days from the date of the receipt of the material, send a copy of the Book of Record of entries for the financial year, which shall be called " entries. ' In addition, and only for each new entry of variety material requested for Community protection, it will submit a preliminary, bilingual, English and Spanish report, as set out by the MPAyOEVV.

6) List of varieties to be tested: within the same time limit as described in point 5, the examination centre shall, in order to forward the report of entries, forward a relationship, by species, to the varieties to be tested for that exercise, which will comprise both the new entries and the varieties which have begun their technical examination but are not yet finished. This relationship shall be referred to as a list of varieties to be tested and shall contain at least the following data:


Request reference number.


7) Examination parcela: at the appropriate time, the material received will be planted or grafted onto the examination plot for observation. The plants will be cultivated under the best conditions, applying the precise techniques and treatments to have suitable plants to perform the observations of the technical examination.

8) Confidentiality: access to the test fields shall be limited to personnel related to the execution of the test fields, unless the MPAyOEVV is expressly authorised, which shall determine the extent and conditions under which the visit must be performed.

Plants will not have visible information about their varietal denomination or any other identifying signs that relate to the registration request.

The plant material received by the examination centre shall be considered as a deposit, with the sole purpose of carrying out the technical examination and subsequent preservation in the reference collection. The sampling of the sample is permitted only for the work of the technical examination and for any other purpose it shall require permission from the breeder and the MPAyOEVV.

9) Reference collection: the examination centre shall keep the reference collection, which shall be incorporated in all the entries of varieties applied for. Other new entries in the reference collection will be agreed with the MPAyOEVV. The varieties which are required to be incorporated into the reference collection in order to be able to carry out the technical tests of varieties applied for registration shall be examined ex officio.

10) Review of the variety: the observations of the variety, taking of data of the characters, levels of expression and methodology will be carried out according to the technical protocol approved by the MPAyOEVV. Digital photographs shall be taken of the most important characteristics of all varieties in at least the following stages:

Whole fruit, in three positions.

Sectioned fruit.


The photographs will have homogeneous format and background, and will be selected according to the MPAyOEVV. A measurement scale and the name of the variety shall be shown in each photograph of the fruit.

When the MPAyOEVV receives a request for observations in adult plants existing in Spain and different from those of the examination plot, the application will be submitted to the examination centre, which, when it is technically feasible, it shall be responsible for carrying out such observations and taking of data.

Any incident affecting or preventing the taking of data or the performance of the technical examination shall be communicated immediately to the MPAyOEVV.

11) Identification trials using molecular markers: the execution of these analyses is based on the identification of the varieties using microsatellites. The realization of the same comprises the following stages:

Take samples of the varieties under examination and the varieties of the reference collection.

Record the samples taken.

Conducting analysis, as soon as possible, using the microsatellite technique, using a minimum number of microsatellites, according to the MPAyOEVV.

Completion of internal and external controls, both negative and positive, necessary to verify that the results obtained are within the range of acceptance (specificity, sensitivity, reproducibility and accuracy).

To carry out the complementary studies, grouping of varieties and genealogy that are necessary, according to the MPAyOEVV.

Sending the data from the sample record and the results of the analysis and complementary studies to the MPAyOEVV, together with the IT support.

12) Re-issue of the Exercise Report: the examination centre shall send to the MPAyOEVV an exercise report, before 30 November, which shall include the following information:

12) .1 Report on the situation of the work carried out. The status report shall be referred to and shall contain at least the following data:

Exam Center.


Exercise Situation Report.


Request reference number.


Date of planting on plot examination.

Incidents and observations on the exam plot.

Analysis of molecular markers.

Exercises in which morphological observations have been made.

Exam completion exercise.

In this connection also those varieties which, by registration of trade, provisional registration or otherwise, have not been the subject of a request of party but have been the object of works of description and examination.

12) .2 Interim report of each variety requested for Community protection and which is still under examination. This interim report will be in line with the official model set by the MPAyOEVV, bilingual, in English and Spanish.

12) .3 Final report of the technical examination of distinction, homogeneity and stability, to be called the final report of the varieties which have ended their period of observations, in accordance with the official model set by the OEVV, bilingual, in English and Spanish. This final DHE report may be sent independently of the exercise report, in the case of the completion of the study of the variety before 31 May of the current year.

The DHE Final Report will be accompanied by:

The description of the characters of the variety, in the model that points to the MPAyOEVV, bilingual, in English and Spanish.

The report concerning similar varieties, in the official model that I pointed out to MPAyOEVV, bilingual, in English and Spanish.

The database, in computer file, of that descriptive tab.

The comparison studies between varieties to be agreed, if any.

The result of molecular marker analyses, if any.

Representative photographs of the variety, at least:

Whole fruit, in three positions.

Sectioned fruit.

Bone and seed.


12) .4 Annual partial report. For each variety in study except for those varieties corresponding to the final report DHE. It shall include all the data set out in the progress report and the observations of the characteristics of the variety that have been assessed in the campaign. Where appropriate, it shall include the justification for repeating comments made in previous years. The results of the molecular marker identification examinations shall be included if they were carried out.

12) .5 On the other hand, both the final report, and the report on similar varieties, the fact sheets with the photographs, must be introduced into the GERMEN computer application of the MPAyOEVV, in the framework of the harmonisation and homogenisation of the work of all the centres required by the CPVO for the accreditation of these centres.

13) Annulations: the MPAyOEVV shall inform the examination centre of all cancellations of applications for the registration of varieties and the reasons for such cancellation, so that the examination centre can paralyse the work related to the technical examination.

14. Other performances. The CSCV undertakes to do the following:

Provide the MPAyOEVV with access, at any point in the execution of the study, to all the updated information that it generates. This information shall be deemed to be the property of MAGRAMA for the purpose of continuing similar studies in successive or future periods.

Ensure the confidentiality of the information provided by the MPAyOEVV, as well as the tests and results obtained in the trials, except prior and express authorisation of the MPAyOEVV for disclosure.

Participate with the MPAyOEVV, when requested, in those national, community or international forums deemed necessary, in which certain aspects related to the execution of the technical examinations.

Maintain the scope of the corresponding accreditation as an MPAyOEVV Test Center needed to be part of the Examination Office group accredited by the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), based on the Standard Entrustment requirements for CPVO Examination Offices (CPVO, March 2009), as only those Offices that meet the requirements imposed in that Standard, may be accredited to carry out the tests of the species for which they are training. In this regard, audits, both internal (carried out by the same MPAyOEVV), and external audits (those of the CPVO) will be carried out.

2. Address of the management office. The management of this management mandate shall be carried out by the Head of Plant Area of the Plant and Plant Genetic Resources of the General Subdirectorate of Agricultural Production Media and the Spanish Plant Variety Office.

It will be up to the Managing Director to accept the work team proposed by the concessionaire, to set the necessary meetings, to monitor the activities and to receive the work done.

3. Human and material means. The CSCV shall make available to it the human and material resources sufficient to properly carry out the scheduled work within the prescribed time-limits, apart from ensuring that sufficient own resources are available. for the good execution of the project.

The following are the human and material resources that will be available as a minimum.

Human media:

Engineer Agronomo, responsible for the Center for Plant Health and Certification (CSCV). Responsible for planning, organisation and management of the Convention. Part-time dedication.

Agricultural Technical Engineer, specialist with experience in varietal and peral varietal characterization. Part-time dedication.

Agricultural Technical Engineer, specialist with expertise in the molecular characterization of cherry and peral. Part-time dedication.

Laboratory analyst, specialist in the morphological characterization of cherry and peral varieties. Full-time dedication.

Lab Auxiliary. I support the lab analyst. Part-time dedication.

An Agricultural Capataz or specialist operator with proven experience.

Material media:

varietal collections of cherry and peral located in the fields of the Government of Aragon in the district of Montanana, Alfranca and Caspe (Zaragoza), as well as, in the fields of collaborating entities in Caspe (PLAVISE, SAT 4920) and the Almunia de Dona Godina (Viveros Mariano Soria, S.L.).

Laboratory of plant material, located in the CSCV facilities on Montanana Avenue (50059 Zaragoza).

Laboratory of molecular characterization, site at CSCV facilities on the Avenue Montanana (50059 Zaragoza).

4. Advertising. As a measure co-financed at 50% by the EAFRD, compliance with the rules laid down in the field of information and publicity, detailed in paragraphs 3 and 4 of Annex VI to Commission Regulation (EC) 1974/2006, shall be complied with.

5. Description of the work. The work to be paid is the following according to the tasks or characteristics described in Annex I, Budget:

1. Technical examination of varieties. It breaks down into:

1.1 Maintenance of the reference collection and the DHE examination item. It shall comprise expenditure for the preparation, maintenance, cultivation and treatment of the test plot and the parcel of the reference collection, as well as the costs for the recruitment of support staff.

1.2 Technical Review DHE. It is specified in the following reports:

1.2.1 Annual partial report. The price to be paid for each report shall include: the cost of drawing up the report plus the cost of the characteristics assessed in the current year. The characteristics already assessed in the preceding years shall not be included in the price, unless the comments are repeated.

1.2.2 Final Report. The price to be paid for each final report shall include: the cost of drawing up the report plus the cost of the characteristics assessed up to the date of signature of the report. The characteristics already assessed in the preceding years shall not be included in the price, unless the comments are repeated.

2. Tests for the identification of fruit varieties using molecular markers. They will be paid on the basis of the three molecular markers studied for each variety and complement both the annual partial report and the final DHE report.

6. Timeline. The working methodology has been described in point 1 of this Annex. It is necessary to mention that the technical examination works of varieties and the maintenance of the reference collection are subject to the crop cycle of each of the tested species.

The detailed schedules scheduled for each year of work are presented below.

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.