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Royal Decree 176/2015, 13 March, Amending Royal Decree 508/2001, Of 11 May, Which Approves The Statute Of The National Institute Of Statistics, As Well As The Royal Decree 1036 / 1990 Of 27 July, Which Regulates...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 176/2015, de 13 de marzo, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 508/2001, de 11 de mayo, por el que se aprueba el Estatuto del Instituto Nacional de Estadística, así como el Real Decreto 1036/1990, de 27 de julio, por el que se regula ...

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Following the changes in the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Royal Decree 226/2014 of 4 April and Royal Decree 672/2014 of 1 August, both of which were amended by Royal Decree 345/2012 of 10 February 2012, by that the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness is developed and the Royal Decree 1887/2011, of 30 December, is amended, establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments, and the principles of efficiency in the allocation and use of public resources, rationalisation of the material activities of management and effective service to the citizens who inspire the operation of the Public Administrations, it is appropriate to address at this time a restructuring of the National Institute of Statistics, Autonomous body dependent on the Ministry.

In the framework of the reform program promoted by the Government of Spain, of rationalization and improvement of public administration, the National Statistics Institute (INE) should continue producing statistics of the most high quality at the lowest possible cost, deepening the achievement of higher levels of efficiency, this being one of the basic principles on which the official statistical production of the next few years has to be pivoted.

Key to achieving this efficiency is the coordination between all the producers of the statistical system in Spain, and also within the INE itself, avoiding duplication and taking advantage of synergies in the production processes internal.

In line with the new model of statistical production promoted by the European institutions, a model of standardization of statistical production must be developed, with statistics integrated into a single system of production, with a unique technical infrastructure, standardized software supports, common exploitation of data sources, and special preeminence in the use of administrative records, provided that this is possible.

The new structure of the INE that is approved by this royal decree does not imply an increase of either organic units or costs, but in response to the model described above, it maintains the general subdirectorates producers of the various statistics, with slight changes in name and content, and transforms two sub-directorates-general that will integrate the production model.

Thus, first, the General Sub-Directorate of Data Collection and Collection is transformed into the Department of Control of Statistical Production and Sampling, with a rank of general sub-direction, which has as its main task the planning of the statistical activity of the INE and the coordination of the production processes of the operations. This sub-directorate-general shall coordinate the General Data Collection Subdirectorate and the General Information and Communications Technology Subdirectorate.

Also, second, the General Subdirectorate of Standards and Training is transformed into the Department of Methodology and Development of Statistical Production, with a rank of general subdirection, and aims to, through the elaboration of methodologies and the design of the production processes, the standardization as well as the impulse of the use of the administrative registers is guaranteed.

In addition, it is made of more content and, consequently, the name of the two existing Directorates-General is changed so far, to be called the General Directorate of Statistics and Statistics Coordination. Labor and Prices and Directorate General of Statistical Products, to which some of the subdirectorates general are attached, which in the previous structure were directly dependent on the Presidency of the INE. Both the Department of Control of Statistics and Sampling and the Department of Methodology and Development of Statistical Production will maintain close collaboration and coordination with the Directorate-General for Coordination. Statistics and Labor and Price Statistics.

Additionally, the importance that the European component is acquiring in the statistics and its impact at the national level, seems to advise that the Presidency of the INE is in contact more directly with the international. For this reason, the organic suppression of the General Subdirectorate of International Relations has been decided, leaving to be subordinate to a General Directorate, and the Cabinet of the Presidency of the INE to assume its functions directly. For its part, given the importance of national accounting, the Subdirectorate-General for Economic Accounts and Employment is transformed into the Department of National Accounts, with a rank of general sub-directorate, although this does not alter its approved structure. in Royal Decree 950/2009 of 5 June amending Royal Decree 508/2001 of 11 May 2001 on the Statute of the National Statistics Institute.

Finally, the greater efficiency in the organization of the work of collection of the statistical operations carried out by the provincial delegations of the INE, favored by the use of new technologies, demands not to restrict the scope of collection of the statistical operations assigned to a given Delegation to the territory of the province in which it is situated. To this end, it is necessary to amend the provisions of Royal Decree 390/1998 of 13 March 1998 regulating the functions and organizational structure of the delegations of the Economy and Finance, including the powers of the delegations. Provincial statistics at provincial and supra-provincial level.

The Royal Decree 1036/1990 of 27 July, which regulates the nature, functions, composition, organisation and functioning of the Inter-Ministerial Statistics Committee, as well as the Royal Decree of 27 July 1990, is amended. Decree 390/1998 of 13 March 1998 regulating the functions and organizational structure of the delegations of the Economy and Finance, and Royal Decree 508/2001 of 11 May, approving the Statute of the National Statistics Institute, to proceed with the modification of its structure.

In its virtue, at the initiative of the Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, on the proposal of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of March 13, 2015,


Article first. Amendment of the Statute of the National Statistics Institute, approved by Royal Decree 508/2001 of 11 May.

The Statute of the National Statistics Institute, approved by Royal Decree 508/2001 of 11 May, is amended as follows:

One. Article 2 (2) is worded as follows:

" 2. For the purposes of the development of its technical competence and the preservation of statistical confidentiality, it shall enjoy the functional capacity necessary to ensure its operational neutrality. It shall ensure compliance with the principles laid down in Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 of 11 March 2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning European statistics and their subsequent development in the Code of Good Practices of European Statistics. "

Two. Article 4 (1) is worded as follows:

" 1. The Governing Board shall be composed of the persons holding the Presidency of the National Statistics Institute, the Directorate-General for Statistical Coordination and Labour and Price Statistics, the Directorate-General for Products Statistics, the Department of Statistics and Sampling Production, the Department of Methodology and Development of Statistical Production, the Department of National Accounts, the General Secretariat and the Cabinet Office of the Presidency, whose He shall act as Secretary of this collegiate body. "

Three. The content of Article 5.2 (h) shall become the new paragraph (i) having the following content:

" (h) Represent the National Statistics Institute in the international statistical forums of high level of the European Union, United Nations and other international bodies. In particular, the holder of the Presidency shall be a member of the Committee of the European Statistical System and of the United Nations Statistical Commission, in accordance with the terms laid down in Article 47 of Law 12/1989 of 9 May 1989. Public Statistics. "

Four. Article 5 (3) is worded as follows:

" 3. In case of absence, vacancy or illness, it shall be made up by the holders of the Directorates-General in the order in which they appear in the structure established in the Statute of the National Institute of Statistics, without this implying alteration of the jurisdiction, in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November 1992, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure. "

Five. Article 6 is worded as follows:

" Article 6. Management bodies and other bodies.

1. The organic structure of the National Statistics Institute is made up of the following governing bodies, which are dependent on the Presidency of the body:

a) Directorate General for Statistical Coordination and Labour and Price Statistics, on which they depend:

1. Subdirectorate General for Price Statistics and Family Budgets.

2. No. General Subdirection of Labor Market Statistics.

3. º General Subdirection of Statistics Broadcast.

The Directorate-General will also carry out coordination work on the Department of Control of Statistical Production and Sampling, the Department of Methodology and Development of Statistical Production and the Secretariat. General.

b) General Address of Statistical Products, of which they depend:

1. Subdirectorate General for Socio-demographic Statistics.

2. Subdirectorate General for Statistics on Tourism and Science and Technology.

3. Subdirectorate General of Industrial and Services Statistics.

4. Subdirectorate General of Sectoral Social Statistics.

5. Subdirectorate-General for Environmental, Agricultural and Financial Statistics.

2. The following units of the National Statistics Institute are also part of the organic structure of the National Statistics Institute, all of them with the rank of Subdirectorate General:

a) Department of Control of Statistical Production and Sampling.

b) Subdirectorate General of Information and Communications Technologies.

c) General Data Collection Subdirection.

d) Department of Methodology and Development of Statistical Production.

e) Department of National Accounts.

f) General Secretariat.

g) Electoral Census Bureau.

h) Cabinet of the Presidency.

3. The internal control of the economic and financial management of the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, in the terms established by the current regulations, corresponds to the Intervention Delegate in the Agency that is functional and organically dependent on the General intervention of the State Administration.

4. The advice and representation and defense in the judgment of the National Statistics Institute will correspond to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness's State Advocacy, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1.1 of Law 52/1997, 27 of In November, Legal Assistance of the State and other Public Institutions, and Article 6.2 of Royal Decree 997/2003, of 25 July, approving the Regulation of the State Legal Service.

5. They form part of the structure of the National Statistics Institute, their Provincial Delegations and Delegations of Ceuta and Melilla, in the manner provided for in Article 10 of this Statute.

6. As a collaboration organ of the Board of Directors, the Commission of Provincial Delegates of the National Statistics Institute will function, of which the provincial delegates of the National Institute of Statistics will be included. discuss matters which the Board of Directors itself considers to affect the proper functioning of the Provincial Delegations. The Commission of Provincial Delegates shall operate in plenary and/or through a Standing Committee. "

Six. Article 7 is worded as follows:

" Article 7. Directorate-General for Statistical Coordination and Labour and Price Statistics.

1. The following functions are the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Statistical Coordination and Labour and Price Statistics:

a) The planning, coordination and control of the statistical production of the National Statistics Institute, together with the Departments of Coordination of Statistical and Sampling Production, and of Methodology and Development of the Statistical production and the General Secretariat, and in collaboration with the other units of the National Statistics Institute.

b) Identification, research and validation of methods, boost of statistical use of administrative records, maintenance of directories and statistical frameworks, monitoring and control of the quality of results and the processes, and the promotion and fulfilment of good practices in the statistical system, as well as, where appropriate, participation in the dialogue with the European institutions in these matters.

c) The promotion and coordination of the statistical activity of the General Administration of the State, as well as the development of cooperation with the statistical offices of the Autonomous Communities and the relationship with the services statistics of the other public administrations. In this area, it will be responsible, in particular, for the preparation and monitoring of the National Statistical Plan and its annual programmes.

d) The execution and analysis of family price and budget statistics.

e) The execution and analysis of labour market statistics.

f) The information, promotion and dissemination of the products and services of the National Statistics Institute.

g) Statistical training, through the School of Statistics of Public Administrations.

h) The maintenance and management of the national standard base, as a basic source for obtaining the framework of individuals, the result of the coordination tasks of the municipal rolls.

i) The safeguarding of the quality of the official statistics produced by the National Statistics Institute and, in particular, by the application of the Code of Practice of European Statistics in the activity of the National Statistics Institute Institute.

(j) the management of the coordination working groups set up by the Governing Board on the basis of the subjects covered by its competence.

2. They correspond to the General Subdirectorate for Price and Family Budget Statistics:

(a) The execution and analysis of consumer price statistics, prices of different economic sectors and the parities of purchasing power.

b) The execution and analysis of family budget surveys and other surveys derived from family budgets.

3. The implementation and analysis of the economic and structural statistics relating to the labour market, including labour and structural cost statistics, are the responsibility of the General Secretariat for Labour Market Statistics. salary.

4. They correspond to the General Subdirection of Statistics Broadcast:

a) The functions of planning the dissemination of the products of the National Statistics Institute and the normalization of institutional designs.

b) The development of publications and the development and maintenance of the website and services to users.

c) The placing on the market of the organism's products and services. "

Seven. Article 8 is worded as follows:

" Article 8. General Direction of Statistical Products.

1. The following functions are the responsibility of the General Directorate of Statistical Products:

(a) Participation in the dialogue and coordination with the European institutions of the various statistical products, macroeconomic and public finance statistics.

b) Participation in the dialogue and coordination at national level of the various statistical products, macroeconomic and public finance statistics.

c) The implementation and analysis of agricultural, industrial and service statistics, as well as the investigation of new statistical products in this field.

d) The implementation and analysis of environmental statistics (or related to the green economy), and of their satellite accounts, as well as the investigation of new statistical products related to this area.

e) The execution and analysis of financial statistics, as well as the investigation of new statistical products related to this area.

f) The execution and analysis of statistics and indicators of science and technology, research and development and innovation, as well as research into new statistical products in this field.

g) The execution and analysis of statistics and indicators of tourism and its satellite account, as well as the investigation of new statistical products related to this area.

h) The execution and analysis of demographic and social statistics and indicators, as well as the investigation of new statistical products related to this area.

i) The execution and analysis of statistics related to quality and living conditions, as well as the investigation of new statistical products related to this area.

(j) The management of the coordination working groups set up by the Governing Board on the basis of the subjects covered by its competence.

2. They correspond to the General Secretariat for Socio-demographic Statistics:

a) The execution and analysis of population-related statistics and their demographic characteristics, and Population and Housing Censuses.

b) The elaboration of population estimates and the statistics of the Natural Population Movement.

c) The elaboration of urban indicators.

d) The elaboration of the Living Conditions Survey.

3. They correspond to the General Subdirectorate for Statistics on Tourism and Science and Technology:

a) The execution and analysis of statistics related to research and development and innovation.

b) The implementation and analysis of structural and economic statistics in the tourism sector.

The preparation of the satellite accounts for these areas is included.

4. They correspond to the General Subdirection of Industrial and Services Statistics:

(a) The implementation and analysis of structural statistics on the activities of the Industrial and Services Sectors.

b) The execution and analysis of statistics and indicators that measure the evolution of the activity of the Industrial and Services Sectors.

5. The implementation and analysis of statistics linked to the education, culture, health and safety of persons and other subjects of social interest are the responsibility of the Subdirectorate-General for Sectoral Social Statistics.

It is also up to you to draw up the possible satellite accounts for these areas.

6. The implementation and analysis of environmental statistics, including their satellite accounts, and those relating to agricultural and financial activities, shall be the responsibility of the Subdirectorate-General for Environmental, Agricultural and Financial Statistics. '

Eight. Article 9 is worded as follows:

" Article 9. Functions of the other units of the organic structure of the National Institute of Statistics.

1. They correspond to the Department of Control of Statistical Production and Sampling:

a) The design and selection of sample surveys, as well as determine the expression of the estimators and their accuracy.

b) To collaborate especially with the Directorate General for Statistical Coordination and Labor and Price Statistics in the planning of the statistical activity of the National Statistics Institute and the coordination of productive processes of operations.

c) The promotion of new statistics, in collaboration with the other units of the National Statistics Institute.

d) Coordination with other statistical bodies in the preparation of those operations that advise them.

e) Coordination with respect to the General Subdirectorate of Information and Communications Technologies and the General Data Collection Subdirection.

2. They correspond to the General Secretariat for Information and Communications Technologies:

a) The development and maintenance of computer systems and applications.

b) The management and coordination of communications and IT services.

c) Technical assistance to other units of the body.

3. They correspond to the General Data Collection Subdirection:

a) The planning, tracking, control, and execution of primary data collection operations.

b) The elaboration of the questionnaires and the determination of the collection method.

c) Maintaining the load, quality, and resource indicator system in data collection.

4. They correspond to the Department of Methodology and Development of Statistical Production:

a) The elaboration of methodologies and the design of the production processes of all those statistical operations carried out by the National Statistics Institute itself.

b) The adaptation and maintenance of nomenclatures, directories and their statistical exploitation.

c) Research and promotion of the use of administrative registers for statistical purposes and of how many other production methods are appropriate, as well as the coordination of innovations needed to improve continuously the efficiency and quality of the statistical operations.

5. Corresponding to the Department of National Accounts:

(a) The compilation and implementation of the statistical operations of the national and regional accounts of the National Statistics Institute.

b) The representation of the National Statistics Institute in the fields of national and international discussion and decision related to the tasks of its competence.

6. The General Secretariat is responsible for the functions relating to:

(a) The management of the human resources of the agency, the selection of staff, the processing of the processes for the coverage of the jobs, the industrial relations, the training except in the field of statistics, the social action, the prevention of occupational risks, as well as the activities of internal regime, surveillance and control of services.

(b) Management and budgetary control functions, accounting and financial management, as well as the administration, management and conservation of assets and property rights of the National Statistics Institute, and those of Heritage the State that is affected or assigned in addition to the purchase of goods and services.

c) The instruction of disciplinary procedures in the field of personnel, and of the sanctioning procedure in statistical matters.

7. Corresponding to the Electoral Census Bureau:

a) Functions of electoral census training and review.

b) Functions related to the attention to electoral processes in terms established in electoral legislation.

8. They correspond to the Presidency Cabinet:

a) Immediate assistance to the Presidency of the National Statistics Institute.

b) The coordination of the international relations of the National Statistics Institute, without prejudice to the higher powers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in the coordination of the actions of the bodies of the General Administration of the State at international level.

(c) The exercise of the functions of the Secretariat of the Higher Statistics Council, the Inter-Ministerial Statistics Committee, the Interterritorial Statistics Committee and the Board of Directors of the National Institute of Statistics Statistics.

d) The management and coordination of the National Statistics Institute's relations with the press and the media in general. "

Nine. Article 9a is deleted.

Ten. The additional provision, first, is worded as follows:

" In all the references of Royal Decree 1036/1990, of 27 July, regulating the nature, functions, composition, organization and functioning of the Inter-Ministerial Statistics Committee, in all references Royal Decree 1037/1990 of 27 July, of Royal Decree 53/2005 of 21 January, regulating the composition, organization and operation of the Superior Council of Statistics and, finally, in all the references of Royal Decree 53/2005, of 21 January on the establishment of the State representatives in the Committee Interterritorial Statistics:

(a) The statements made to the Director-General for Planning, Coordination and Statistical Dissemination of the National Statistics Institute should be understood as references to the head of the Directorate-General for Statistical Coordination and Labor and Price Statistics;

(b) Those made to the Director-General for Methodology, Quality and Technologies of Information and Communications should be understood as being made to the holder of the General Directorate of Statistical Products;

(c) And those made to the Chief or Deputy Director of the Presidency and the Coordination and Statistical Planning Office or to the Deputy Director General of the INE, which exercises the functions of coordination and statistical planning, should To be understood as the holder of the Presidency's Cabinet. "

Article 2. Amendment of Royal Decree 1036/1990 of 27 July, regulating the nature, functions, composition, organisation and functioning of the Inter-Ministerial Statistics Committee.

Royal Decree 1036/1990 of 27 July on the nature, functions, composition, organisation and functioning of the Inter-Ministerial Statistics Committee is amended as follows:

One. Article 5 (3), (4) and (5) are worded as follows:

" 3. They are the Commission's vowels:

a) The heads of the Directorates-General of the National Statistics Institute.

b) A representative, with the rank of Subdirector-General, of each of the ministerial departments.

c) The Head of the Statistics Department of the Banco de España.

4. In the event of absence, sickness or vacancy, the President of this Commission shall be replaced by the holder of the Directorate-General for Statistical Coordination and Labour and Price Statistics.

5. He will act as secretary of the cabinet holder of the Presidency of the National Institute of Statistics, with a voice and without a vote. In the event of absence, illness or vacancy, the Secretary shall be replaced by an official assigned to the Office of the Presidency of the National Statistics Institute. "

Two. Article 7 (3) is amended as


" 3. The Standing Committee shall be composed of the following members:

(a) President: the head of the Directorate-General for Statistical Coordination and Labour and Price Statistics of the National Statistics Institute.

(b) Vice-President: the head of the General Directorate of Statistical Products of the National Statistics Institute.

(c) Vocals: six vocal representatives of the Ministries in the Commission's plenary, elected by the Commission.

(d) Secretary: the Secretary of the Inter-Ministerial Statistics Committee. "

Article 3. Amendment of Royal Decree 390/1998 of 13 March on the functions and organizational structure of the Economy and Finance Delegations.

A paragraph 6 is added to Article 11 of Royal Decree 390/1998, of 13 March, which regulates the functions and organizational structure of the Economy and Finance Delegations in the following terms:

" 6. The Provincial Delegations of the National Statistics Institute, following the guidelines of the central services, in those cases of collection of information from statistical operations that are carried out in the territorial scope of other Delegations may exercise the following functions of a supra-provincial scope:

a) Coordinate the implementation of the National Statistics Institute's work programmes and action plans.

b) Act as a communication body between the central services and other Provincial Delegations.

c) Participate in the tasks of training and perfecting the staff of the Provincial Delegations within the plans that will be established.

d) Direct and organize resources of all kinds for censuses, surveys, and other statistics, in particular, data collection and debugging.

e) To instruct and write the proposals for sanctioning resolution that will proceed for the failure to comply with the obligations laid down in Law 12/1989, of May 9, of the Public Statistical Function.

(f) Any other mission entrusted to them by the central services of the National Statistics Institute, in accordance with Law 12/1989 of 9 May, of the Public Statistical Office, in particular in the field of collection data and its debugging. "

Additional disposition first. Removal of organs.

The following bodies of the National Statistics Institute are deleted:

1. General Addresses:

a) General Directorate of Statistics Planning, Coordination and Dissemination of the National Statistics Institute.

b) General Directorate of Methodology, Quality and Technologies of Information and Communications of the National Statistics Institute.

2. General Subdirectorates:

a) General Subdirection of Standards and Training.

b) Subdirectorate General for International Relations.

(c) Deputy Director General of Economic Accounts and Employment.

d) General Subdirection of Business Statistics.

e) Subdirectorate-General for Structural and Environmental Statistics.

f) General Sub-Directorate of Population Statistics.

g) General Data Collection and Sample Subdirection.

h) General Sub-direction of Coyuntural and Price Statistics.

Additional provision second. No increase in staff costs.

The measures included in this royal decree will not be able to increase appropriations or salaries or other personnel costs.

Single transient arrangement. Units and jobs with lower organic level to General Subdirection.

1. The units and posts with a lower organic level than the general sub-directorate shall remain subsist, and shall be paid from the same budgetary appropriations until the employment relationship between the units in question has entered into force. new organic structure established in this royal decree. Such adaptation, in no case, may lead to increased public expenditure.

2. The units and posts of work in the organs removed by this royal decree shall be provisionally attached, by means of a resolution of the President of the agency, until the new relationship of posts, to the bodies regulated in this royal decree, depending on the powers assigned to them.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

1. The final provision of Royal Decree 508/2001 of 11 May 2001 on the Statute of the National Statistics Institute is hereby repealed.

2. The second transitional provision of Royal Decree 390/1998 of 13 March 1998 governing the functions and the structure of the Economic and Finance Delegations is hereby repealed.

3. All provisions of equal or lower rank are repealed or contradicted in this royal decree.

Final disposition first. Powers of development.

The Minister of Economy and Competitiveness is authorized to take the necessary steps to carry out this royal decree after the appropriate legal procedures have been completed.

Final disposition second. Budgetary changes

In order to comply with the provisions of this royal decree, no budgetary changes are necessary, as no increase in the budget of expenditure in force is foreseen in its contents.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on March 13, 2015.


The Minister of Finance and Public Administrations,