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Resolution Of 17 March 2015, Of The Directorate-General Of Employment, Which Is Registered And Published The Collective Agreement For Hairdressers, Beauty Institutes And Gyms.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 17 de marzo de 2015, de la Dirección General de Empleo, por la que se registra y publica el Convenio colectivo para peluquerías, institutos de belleza y gimnasios.

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Having regard to the text of the collective labour agreement for hairdressers, beauty institutes and gymnasiums (Convention Code No 99010955011997) which was signed on 28 January 2015 by the Spanish Federation of Personal image (hairdressing and beauty), the National Association of Personal Image Companies, the National Federation of Etheticians and the Spanish Confederation of Peluqueries and Estethicists representing companies in the sector, and the other UGT State Service Federation (FES-UGT) and Construction and Services Workers ' Commissions in representation of workers, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 90 (2) and (3) of the Law on the Status of Workers, recast adopted by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1995 of 24 March, and in the Royal Decree 713/2010, of 28 May, on the registration and deposit of collective agreements and agreements of work,

This Employment General Address resolves:


Order the registration of the aforementioned collective agreement in the corresponding Register of collective agreements and agreements working through electronic means of this management center, with notification to the Negotiating Commission.


Arrange your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, March 17, 2015. -Director General of Employment, Xavier Jean Braulio Thibault Aranda.



Convention configuration rules

Article 1. Signatory parties.

This collective agreement is signed: on the one hand, the Spanish Federation of Personal Image (Barber and Beauty), with a business representation of the sector of 44%. The National Association of Personal Image Companies, with a business representation of the 30% sector. The National Federation of Etheticians with a business representation of the sector of 12% and the Spanish Confederation of Peluqueries and Estethicists, with a business representation of the sector of 14%.

And on the other hand, the unions: the State Federation of UGT Services (FES-UGT) with a union representation of the 50% sector, and the Construction and Services Workers ' Commissions, with a union representation of the 50% sector.

Both parties recognize each other sufficient legitimacy to conclude this Convention, and establish that the agreements on it will be adopted by the majority of the business representation and by the majority of the trade union representation, in accordance with the proportions defined in the preceding paragraph for each business and trade union organisation.

Article 2. Functional application scope.

This Convention will regulate the working conditions of all companies, whatever the legal form they adopt, the activity of which is:


Beauty institutes and aesthetics cabinets.

Manicure, pedicure and hair salons.

Baths, saunas and gyms establishments.

In addition, the staff who perform characteristic functions of these activities in sanatoriums, schools, recreation circles, hotels, spas, public shows, clinics, etc., are included in this Convention. such staff were included in other collective agreements which would have a general effect on the undertakings on which they are dependent.

Article 3. Scope of territorial application.

This Convention shall be mandatory for the entire territory of the Spanish State.

It will also be applied in accordance with the specific rules established in it, to workers hired in Spain at the service of Spanish companies abroad.

Article 4. Scope of personal application

All workers without exclusions and all employers shall be governed by this Convention, whether they are natural persons or legal persons, including in the functional and territorial areas established in the Articles above.

The term 'workers' is hereinafter used to designate women and men falling within the scope of this Convention, which guarantees their equality in rights and obligations and non-discrimination in respect of men and women. Reason for sex.

Article 5. Scope of temporary application.

This Collective Agreement shall enter into force on 1 January 2014, whichever is the date of its publication in the "Official Gazette of the State" and shall remain in force until 31 December 2017.

The economic effects will begin in effect on January 1, 2014.

During the validity of the agreement, the members of the negotiating commission may negotiate their review, provided that they are requested either by the entire business or the entire union party.

The requesting party will communicate to the rest of the members its intention of which article, articles or issues it wants to negotiate the review. The meeting must be held within 15 days after the request is made.

In order for an agreement to exist, it will be required, in any case, for the favorable vote of the majority of each of the union and business parties.

If an agreement is not reached, the parties shall have recourse to the procedures laid down in Article 39 of this Collective Agreement.

Article 6. Extension and withdrawal.

At the end of the period of validity of this Convention established in the previous article, if the denunciation of the present Convention has not occurred by any of the parties legitimized, in accordance with the provisions of the paragraph The following shall be understood to be extended from year to year, up to a maximum of two extensions.

The denunciation of the Convention shall be made at least thirty days before the original or any of its annual extensions. Once reported, the parties shall initiate the negotiation in accordance with the provisions of Article 89.2 ET.

Denounced this Convention and until later, its full content will remain in force.

Article 7. Structure of collective bargaining.

The structure of collective bargaining in the hairdressers, beauty institutes and gyms sector is based on the following levels:

1. Collective bargaining agreement for hairdressers, beauty institutes and gyms. This Convention is an effective reference for the establishment of homogeneous industrial relations in the sector as a whole and as the minimum required framework for all undertakings within its scope of application, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 84.2 of the Staff Regulations.

2. Collective agreements with a lower territorial scope (autonomous and provincial). They aim to develop the subjects of each field of negotiation as well as to apply the contents of this convention in each province or autonomous community.

They are considered non-negotiable in this area in addition to the requirements set out in Article 84.4 of the ET the other matters, except those related below which are reserved for the lower areas and which will affect only the companies and workers in this field:

Pay increases agreed.

Distribution of the annual day.

Business hours.

Holiday enjoyment period.

However, in the event of the latter not being regulated specifically in the lower-scope collective agreements, the provisions of this Convention shall be governed by the provisions of this Convention.

The opening of new business areas should be communicated to the Joint Committee of the present Convention.

Article 8. Concurrency of Conventions.

Concurrency assumptions of different scopes will be resolved by applying the following principles:

1. Principle of supplementation. In all matters which, in accordance with Article 7.2 of this Convention, are reserved for the lower level, this Convention shall act as a substitute for collective agreements at a lower level.

2. Principle of more beneficial conditions. The most favourable conditions for workers laid down in the lower-level collective agreements considered as a whole and in annual accounts must be respected.

In addition, the most beneficial conditions for workers to be recognized in a personal capacity by companies, considered globally and in annual computation, will be respected.

Any provision of a higher rank to this Convention which represents an improvement in favour of workers, by way of exceeding the agreements of this Convention, shall apply to this General Convention as from its entry into force. in effect.

3. In general, and without prejudice to the provisions of Article 84.2 of the Staff Regulations, all the provisions of this Convention shall be of a minimum in respect of the provisions of the collective agreements at the level of the lower as the provincial and the autonomous ones.

Article 9. Procedure for the implementation of agreed working conditions.

This collective agreement obliges all employers and employees within their scope and throughout their lifetime.

However, the procedure laid down in Article 82.3 of the Staff Regulations for the unimplementation of the conditions agreed in this Convention shall apply.

In the event of disagreement during the consultation period, the parties shall submit the discrepancy to the Joint Committee as referred to in Article 10, which shall have a maximum of seven days to decide.

Article 10. Joint Commission.

1. A Joint Committee composed of four members is set up, two of which are appointed by the business organisations and two by the trade union organisations, with the following functions:

a) Interpretation of this Convention.

b) Surveillance and adoption of the necessary measures for the development and fulfillment of the agreed upon.

(c) Intervention in the event of disagreement in the period of consultations for the implementation of the conditions agreed in this Convention in accordance with the provisions of Article 9.

Also, when the period of consultations is terminated, the same shall be notified to the Joint Committee of the Convention.

(d) Resolution of the discrepancies raised by the application of the professional classification established in this Convention.

e) Planning and management of sectoral actions in the field of occupational risk prevention, and in particular those arising from the implementation of collaboration agreements signed with the Foundation for the Prevention of Occupational Risks.

(f) How many others are derived from the rules and precepts provided for in this Convention.

g) Incorporate if the agreements reached in the different work commissions are appropriate.

2. It shall meet as necessary for the purposes provided for in this Convention, at the request of either party and within 15 days of the request for a meeting, and with maximum urgency when it receives any consultation on the application of the Convention, as indicated in Article 82.3 of the Staff Regulations in conjunction with Article 9 of this Convention.

For the purpose of speeding up the proceedings of the Joint Commission, unless one of the parties requests in the call for meetings to be made with the physical presence of its members, it may be carried out in a telematic manner, in which The deadlines for resolution will be shortened to seven days. In no case shall the telematic procedure apply to the cases referred to in Article 91.3 of the ET

The Commission's agreements will, in any event, require the favourable vote of the majority of each of the two representations.

Reached the agreement and without it affecting its effectiveness and validity, may be incorporated into it the particular votes that could be issued by the dissenting representations with the agreement adopted.

If an agreement is not reached, the parties shall have recourse to the procedures laid down in Article 39 of this Collective Agreement.

3. They are fixed as addresses of this Joint Committee for the purposes of notification of any of the organisations which have signed this Convention:

UGT, at the headquarters of the State Federation of Services, on the Avenue of America, number 25, 7. º, 28002 Madrid.

Construction and Services Workers ' Commissions, Ramírez de Arellano, 19, 2. ª, 28043 Madrid.

Plaza Cristino Martos, 4, 1. ª, 28015 Madrid.

Spanish Federation of Personal Image, Pinzón Street, 6, 1-2. º, 46003 Valencia.

National Association of Personal Image Companies, Paraiso Street, 1, 1. º dcha., 47003 Valladolid.

National Federation of Association of Aestheticians, Calle Gran Via, 40-8. º pta.4., 28013 Madrid.

Spanish Confederation of Pellueros and Estéticists, Calle Paseo del Rey, 10-1, 28008 Madrid.

The Permanent Secretariat of this Joint Commission will hold it throughout the period of validity of the Convention the technical services of the patron saint in the street Pinzón, 6, 1-2. º, 46003 Valencia.

Article 11. Binding to the entire.

The agreed conditions form a whole organic and indivisible.

For the assumption that any article is wholly or partially declared null, it shall become unenforceable, irrespective of the application of the remainder of the Convention, until the parties to this General Convention give it content in accordance with the review procedure laid down in Article 5 of the Convention.


Getting started, determining and organizing work

Article 12. Income.

For the entry of the personnel covered by this Convention, the provisions of Chapter VIII of this Convention, in the collective agreements of lower scope and in the legislation in force.

Priestán, will be considered the income in the companies of those workers in unemployment who come from the sector, given their experience in the same.

Article 13. Test period.

1. The entry shall be deemed provisional, provided that it is written in writing, until the test period for each professional group has been completed:

Professional group O, six months.

Professional Group I, one month.

Professional Group II, 45 days.

Professional Group III, two months.

Professional Group IV, 75 days.

During the trial period, both the worker and the company may unilaterally terminate the work contract without notice or compensation.

Article 14. Professional promotion and promotions.

The provision of vacancies for management posts or which implies command, shall be the free designation of the employer. However, it may call for competition among the group's employees.

For other workers, companies will establish systems that, among others, may take into account the following circumstances:

Successfully overcome the tests that are proposed to the effect.

Certification or certificates of competent bodies.

Knowledge of the job position.


Continuous training and recycling.

In the development of the basis for the tests, as in the qualification courts, the representation of the workers must be involved.

Article 15. Organization of work

The organization of work, as prescribed in this Convention and in the legislation in force, is the faculty and responsibility of the Company's management.

The company will, in any case, facilitate the work tools.

Article 16. Professional classification.

Workers affected by this Convention, in accordance with the definitions specified in the following Articles, shall be classified in professional groups.

Each professional group shall unilaterally group the professional skills, qualifications and general content of the benefit and may include different tasks, functions, professional specialties or assigned responsibilities. to the worker.

By agreement between the worker and the employer will be assigned to the worker a professional group and will be established as content of the work supply object of the contract of work the realization of all the functions corresponding to the professional group assigned or only one of them.

When functional multipurpose is agreed upon or the performance of functions of more than one group is agreed, the equalization shall be performed by virtue of the functions that are performed for the longest time. The assignment to a professional group will be done by agreement between company and worker by assigning all the functions.

This professional structure aims to obtain a more reasonable productive structure, facilitating internal flexibility, all without merit of the dignity, opportunity of promotion and fair remuneration corresponding to each worker.

The classification will not in any case imply that the completion of complementary tasks, which would be essential for positions included in lower professional groups, will not be excluded in the jobs of each professional group.

Article 17. Definition of professional groups.

1. This article defines the professional groups that group the various tasks, functions, professional specialties or responsibilities assigned to the worker that are performed in the functional scope of this Convention.

2. The factors that influence the determination of membership of a particular professional group are as follows:

A) Autonomy: Factor for which the highest or lowest hierarchical dependency on performance of the function to be developed should be taken into account.

B) Command: Factor for which the valuation shall be taken into account:

Degree of monitoring and ordering of tasks.

Relationship capacity.

Nature of the collective.

The number of people on which thecommand is exercised.

C) Responsibility: Factor for the assessment of which shall take into account both the degree of autonomy of the operator of the function and the degree of influence and importance of the consequences of the management.

D) Knowledge: Factor for whose assessment it must be taken into account, in addition to the basic training required to be able to fulfil the task correctly, the degree of knowledge and experience acquired, as well as the difficulty in the acquisition of such knowledge or experience.

E) Initiative: Factor for which the highest or lowest submission to guidelines or standards for the execution of the function will have to be taken into account.

F) Complexity: Factor whose valuation will be based on the largest or smaller number, as well as the greater or lesser degree of integration of the various factors listed above in the task or given.

3. It should also be taken into account when qualifying the jobs, the size of the company or the productive unit in which the function is developed, as it has a decisive influence on the assessment of each factor.

Article 18. Professional groups.

1. Professional group O. managerial staff.

The workers belonging to this group plan, organize, direct and coordinate the various activities of the company's development. Its functions include the elaboration of the organizational policy, the general approaches to the effective use of human resources and the material aspects, the orientation and the control of the activities of the organization as the established programme, the policy adopted; the establishment and maintenance of productive and support structures and the development of business, financial or commercial policy.

Make decisions or participate in their elaboration. They have senior management or execution positions of the same levels in the departments, divisions, groups, establishments, etc., in which the company is structured and which always respond to the particular ordination of each.

This professional group includes all those tasks or responsibilities assigned to the worker who, by analogy, are similar to the following:

The technical-artistic direction of the salon.

2. Professional Group I.

General Criteria: Tasks that are executed according to specific instructions, clearly established, with a high degree of dependency, that require preferably physical effort and/or attention and that do not need training specifies and occasionally a period of adaptation.

Training: General, School Graduate or School Certificate, or Undergraduate in Compulsory Secondary Education, or auxiliary tasks in the workplace and knowledge recognized by the Administration in each time.

This professional group includes all those tasks or responsibilities assigned to the worker who, by analogy, are comparable to the following:

Manual tasks, elementary operations related to your profession, understanding for those that require little training and specific knowledge (head washing, application of creams, masks, manicure basic, hair removal with interlock wax and upper lip).

Receiving, sorting, and distributing products and materials to the various sections of the company.

Tasks that consist of recesses, assignments, manual transport, carrying, or collecting correspondence.

Cleaning tasks, linked exclusively to your job.

Hygiene, disinfection, and sterilization tasks of tools and tools.

Auxiliary tasks for maintenance of machines and technical appliances in gyms and saunas.

Ticket dispatch tasks and other operations concerning the box office service in gyms and saunas.

Complementary customer care tasks.

Receive tasks that do not require special qualification or language knowledge.

Telephone and/or receptionist.

The staff belonging to this group will automatically move to Group II within two years of staying in the company.

3. Professional Group II.

General criteria: Jobs whose planning depends on a higher group, but which can be done in an autonomous way that they usually require, initiative and reasoning by the workers in charge of their execution, behaving, under supervision, the responsibility of the same, being able to be helped by other workers.

Training: Title of assistant, assistant or apprentice of basic vocational training, or Certificates of Professional Level 1 of this sector or training at the level of school graduate or ESO certificate, supplemented by specific training in the job or work experience.

This professional group includes all those tasks or responsibilities assigned to the worker that are necessary to collaborate in the performance of the activities of group III and in addition, the following functions:


Color changes in hair.

Receiving clients.

Cleaning tasks, linked exclusively to your job.

Preventive tasks necessary to prevent accidents in bathroom facilities.

Preparing and caring for toilets and saunas.

Auxiliary tasks to theoretical and practical teaching in gyms and saunas.

Personnel dedicated to the commissioning and conservation of all kinds of machines and technical equipment in gyms and saunas.

Perform sales operations of cosmetic products, utensils and appliances in hair, beauty and service delivery in the field of personal aesthetics.

Telex or facsimile equipment operation tasks.

Order fulfillment, merchandise review, and distribution tasks with record in books or mechanics, to the effect of daily movement.

Computer Operator.

Drafting business correspondence, pricing, order fulfillment, and response proposals.

Tasks that consist of establishing based on accounting documents, a part of the accounting.

4. Professional Group III.

General criteria: Works for the execution of the company's specialties, which require, after training the worker, the knowledge of their techniques as well as the products and equipment necessary for their performance, being able to be assisted by another or other group II workers.

Training: Technical in Vocational Training Grade, Middle Grade and Certificates of Level 2 Professionalism or training at the level of School Graduation or ESO Certificate, or Professional Diploma issued by any of the Organisations which have signed this Convention through the Tripartite Foundation for Training in Employment, supplemented by specific training in the workplace or work experience.

This professional group includes all those tasks or responsibilities assigned to the worker who, by analogy, are comparable to the following:

Hair cutting, shaving and shaving of beard and moustache and complementary techniques.

Temporary or permanent change in the shape of the hair, comb it, and pick it up based on the selected style.

Perform specific hand and foot treatments, sculpture, and nail prosthesis placement.

Application of cosmetological and capillary treatments, without intervening in their diagnosis.

Application of complementary electroaesthetics to hygiene and facial, body and hair hydration.

Mechanical removal and complementary techniques.

Facial and body hygiene techniques.

Apply customer-adapted makeup, facial and body decorative makeup.

Social makeup.

Makeup for audiovisual and scenic media.

Perform sales operations of cosmetic products, utensils and appliances in hair, beauty and related services and the provision of services in the field of personal aesthetics. Placement and adaptation of all kinds of hair prostheses without intervening in the diagnosis and design of these.

Application of facial and body treatments in beauty institutes, aesthetics cabinets, cabins, hair salons, gyms and sauna.

Image Advisor: person in charge, in every change of fashion trend, to plan the image of the salon, both in the services that are provided to the clients and in the preparation for competitions and for the cyclical changes of fashion.

5. Professional Group IV.

General criteria: Functions that assume full responsibility for the management of one or more functional areas of the company, based on broad broad guidelines directly emanating from personnel belonging to the company. Professional group 0, or of the Directorate itself, according to the size of the company, to which they must account for their management.

Functions that involve performing technical tasks of higher complexity, and even participation in the definition of the concrete objectives to be achieved in their field, with very high degree of autonomy, initiative and responsibility for that technical craft charge.

Training: Technical Specialists or Superiors in Vocational Training 2. Degree, Higher Grade, Certificates of Professional Level 3, or BUP, or Baccalaureate, or Professional Diploma issued by any of the Organizations signatories to this Convention through the Tripartite Foundation for Training in Employment, along with proven experience in similar positions

This professional group includes all those tasks or responsibilities assigned to the worker who, by analogy, are similar to the following:

Diagnosis of capillary alterations with indication of aesthetic treatments for the application of hair hygiene techniques.

Diagnosis and design for the performance of the various hair prostheses.

Diagnosis and indication of aesthetic treatment, specific to hands and feet.

Permanent makeup and micropigmentation, fantasy makeup and characterization, visagism, and counseling in personal image change.

Physical hair removal (waxes and tweezers), electrical, laser hair removal, photo depilation and pulsed light.

Skin tanning.

Specific facial and body treatments in beauty institutes, aesthetics cabinets, cabins, hair salons, gyms and saunas.

Massage applications for aesthetic purposes.

Applications of manual and circulatory lymphatic drainage techniques.

Oriental and pressure massage applications.

Applications of hydrothermal techniques in beauty institutes, aesthetics booths, gyms and saunas.

Finished and collected hairstyles.

Control the promotional action to optimize sales and achieve the intended goals.

Tasks that consist of the direct command exercise at the head of a set of operators.

Professor of theoretical-practical teachings in gyms and saunas.

Translation tasks, correspondent, taquimecanography and personal communications attention with sufficient domain of a foreign language and high confidentiality.

Accounting tasks consistent with gathering the items provided by the helpers and making statements, costs, treasury provisions, and other similar work, based on the company's accounting plan.

Computer application analysis functions.

Procurement management tasks, with authority over the final decision within a budget and a pre-set general rule.

Inspection, monitoring, or management tasks for the sales network.

Purchase Advisor.

Article 19. Social security contribution according to the assigned professional group.

In the meantime, a table of equivalences is not legally available, which allows the Social Security to be listed according to the classification by the present professional groups, it is established for guidance and according to the criteria of the Commission Negotiator of the Convention, to which social security contribution group of those established in Royal Decree 2064/95 of December 22, each professional group of those defined in article 18 of this Convention is attached:

The workers in the professional group 0 must be discharged from the listing group of S. S: 1.

The workers in the professional group I shall be discharged from the listing group of S. S: 10.

The workers in the professional group II must be discharged from the listing group of S. S: 9.

The workers in the professional group III must be discharged from the listing group of S. S: 8.

The workers in the professional group IV must be discharged from the listing group of S. S: 3.

Workers under the age of 18 must be discharged from the listing group of S. S:11.

High in the listing group will be the responsibility of the employer who will assume that the labour inspectorate or any other public body, can collect from any company the membership of another or other trading groups different.

Article 20. Work in a different professional group.

1. The undertaking may, for technical or organisational reasons, entrust the worker with his or her own functions as a professional group other than his own, reintegrating himself into his former post at the end of the cause of the change. The employer must communicate his/her decision and the reasons for it to the employees ' representatives.

2. The assignment of work to a higher professional group, which exceeds six months for one year or eight for two years, shall entitle the worker to claim the vacancy, unless the business decision is the replacement by temporary incapacity, in which case it may not be claimed and provided that the time limits listed above have been exceeded, until the final discharge of the replacement.

Remuneration, while developing these higher professional group functions, will be the same for the same professional group as you develop.

3. In the event that the worker is entrusted with his or her own functions of a lower professional group, the economic remuneration shall be that corresponding to the professional group of origin, unless the situation is motivated by the application of the worker.

Article 21. Template.

Companies covered by this Convention, within three months of the date of their publication in the "Official State Gazette", shall form, for each work centre, the establishment plan and staff of the staff. by professional groups, specifying:

Name and last name of the worker.

Social Security worker membership number.

Professional Group or Listing Group.

Center or job centers where you provide your services.

Address of the previously cited center or job centers.

Date of entry into the company or high in Social Security.

Such templates, once made up, will be delivered to the workers ' representatives, and will be displayed in all the job centers for verification. If any claim is made, the company shall be written in writing and the decision of the undertaking may be sought by the arbitration or mediation of the relevant Joint Committee.


Day rest and holidays

Article 22. Day.

1. The working day shall be 1,750 hours effective on an annual basis, not including for the calculation of the days for own affairs, which shall therefore be recoverable.

2. The worker, regardless of the duration of his/her day, will remain in the establishment to attend to those clients who have entered before their departure time to terminate the service, without this obligation being able to exceed thirty years. minutes. In this case, by mutual agreement, company and worker will solve this time of more, either by reducing the working day in identical times in later days or by accumulating it during the month and enjoying it later as a free day in the following month.

In case of disagreement, this time will be paid according to the agreed salary, for which you will have to take a monthly record of these times and pay at the end of the month.

3. Irregular distribution of the day: The company will be able to distribute in an irregular manner throughout the year twenty-eight percent of the working day. In accordance with Article 7.2 of this Convention, collective agreements with a lower territorial scope may agree to a distribution of the annual working day other than that laid down in this Article, which shall affect only companies and workers in their field of action.

4. Undertakings shall take measures on the duration and distribution of the day, in order to enable workers and workers affected by this Convention to make the right to the reconciliation of personal, family and family life effective. work.

Article 23. Schedule.

Working time, such as the distribution in the hours of the day of the workday, should be fixed to the employer in any of the following ways:

1. Continuing schedule: when working without interruption, except for breaks laid down in Article 34.4 of the Workers ' Statute, which shall be considered as effective working time.

2. Match schedule: When working on two separate time periods usually for time spent on food.

In this case, the workers will have a minimum of one and a half hours to eat, within the period of 13 to 16 hours, the same being fixed by the employer according to the needs of the company.

3. The time arrangements may affect all or part of the template and can coexist both. The employer will be able to make a change in the time of the year or its distribution, depending on the needs of the company, without further processing than the communication to the affected workers.

This change will not be able to modify the distribution of the previous hours of the worker or workers affected, more than in one hour, with respect to the time of entry or exit of the company and will not have the consideration of modifications substantial working conditions of Article 41 of the Staff Regulations.

4. The maximum number of ordinary hours of work shall not exceed nine hours per day except in the case of irregular distribution of the day, always respecting the minimum rest of 12 hours between the end of a day and the start of the next.

5. As a general rule, the weekly minimum rest period will be one and a half consecutive days, it will comprise the Saturday afternoon, or, if applicable, the morning of Monday and the full day of Sunday. In the case of work on Sunday, the rest shall comprise the immediate working day.

6. In accordance with Article 2 (2) of this Convention, collective agreements with a lower territorial scope may agree on a working timetable other than that laid down in this Article, which shall affect only undertakings and employees. of its scope of action.

Article 24. Holidays.

1. The annual paid leave period, not substitutable for economic compensation, shall be 30 calendar days for each year worked. In the case of suspension of the contract authorised by the employment regulation file, the period of time not worked fixed in that file shall result in the proportional reduction of annual leave.

The period or periods of enjoyment shall be fixed by common agreement between company and worker.

In the absence of a pact, holidays, may occur in any period of the year, respecting that at least, fifteen days are enjoyed between the months of June to September.

The company will make the holiday calendar, exposing itself in the bulletin board. The worker will have the right to know two months in advance, the dates that correspond to him, as well as to demand that he be issued, certification by the company of the holiday period for the purpose of reconciling his family and personal life.

2. Workers who would not have been able to enjoy their holidays on the dates provided for by being in a situation of temporary incapacity, arising from pregnancy, childbirth or natural breastfeeding or by agreeing with the period of suspension of the employment contract provided for in Article 48.4 and 48a of the Staff Regulations, shall have the right to enjoy the holidays on a date other than that of the temporary incapacity or the enjoyment of the permit at the end of the period of suspension, even if the calendar year is over.

3. Workers who have not been able to fully or partially enjoy the calendar year to which they correspond, their holidays on the dates planned to be in a situation of temporary incapacity, for contingencies other than those laid down in the preceding paragraph, they shall be entitled to the enjoyment of the outstanding part, after the termination of the incapacity and provided that no more than 18 months have elapsed from the end of the year in which they originated.

4. In accordance with Article 7.2 of this Convention, collective agreements with a lower territorial scope may agree to a period of holiday enjoyment other than that referred to in this Article, which shall affect only undertakings and workers in their field of action.

Article 25. Licenses.

1. The worker, after warning and justification, may be absent from work entitled to remuneration for any of the reasons and for the following time:

a) Fifteen calendar days in case of marriage.

b) Two days for the birth of a child and for the death, accident or serious illness, hospitalization or surgical intervention without hospitalization requiring home rest, from relatives to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity. Where the worker is required to make a posting to the effect, the time limit shall be four days. In the case where the movement is outside the national territory and the death is of a first-degree relative, the licence shall be a total of six days, four of which shall be paid.

The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to duly registered couples in the relevant public register.

c) One day per usual home move.

d) For the time indispensable for the fulfilment of an inexcusable duty of public and personal character, the reasons and circumstances of the same must be verified by the same.

e) Breastfeeding of a minor child until the age of nine months, workers shall be entitled to an hour of absence from work which may be divided into two equal fractions of thirty minutes each.

Who exercises this right, by its will, may replace it with a reduction of its working day in half an hour or by mutual agreement between company and worker for a paid leave of twelve working days which will be enjoyed by continued form following the termination of the maternity or paternity contract.

The duration of the breastfeeding permit will be increased proportionally in the cases of multiple birth, multiple adoption, but there will be no accumulation in the case of being replaced by the paid leave of twelve days. work, which will be unique, regardless of the number of children.

This may be an individual right of workers, men or women, but may only be exercised by one parent in case both work.

f) Four days for own matters, which shall be considered as recoverable in any event, shall not require any justification, shall be communicated with a minimum of twenty-four hours prior to their enjoyment and shall not be in Friday, coincide with the previous one or after a local, regional or national holiday, neither with the beginning nor the end of the holiday, as well as in the month of December or coincide with free day companions.

The form and time of recovery of these days will be fixed by the employer who will prewarn the worker with a term of twenty-four hours for his recovery.

However for the year 2017 and successive, of the four days of own affairs that the workers have annually, only two of them will be recoverable, considering the other two remaining, working time cash. In case of disagreement over which ones are recoverable or not, the first and third day of own affairs will not be recoverable, thus being the second and fourth recoverable.

g) The necessary permits will be granted to pregnant workers for the conduct of prenatal examinations and preparation techniques for delivery, prior notice to the employer and justification of their realization within the job.

h) The time required to accompany first-degree relatives who have their physical or mental faculties impaired and thus accredited. The use of this licence must be pre-notified to the employer in good time, except for reasons of force majeure or urgency.

i) One day for marriage of children.

Article 26. Suspension of the contract with the reserve of the maternity or paternity job.

The effect on the Workers ' Statute and other applicable regulations will be provided.

Article 27. Excess.

1. Classes of excess. Leave of absence may be forced or voluntary:

(A) Force Excess: It shall be granted to a worker who is designated or elected to a public office which makes it impossible for him to attend work. The duration of the leave shall be that of the year of office.

The reinstatement of the worker must be carried out within the maximum period of thirty days from the end of his/her situation. This excess shall be entitled to the preservation of the post and to the calculation of the age of its validity.

B) Voluntary leave: Workers with an age of at least one year may be required to apply for leave on a voluntary basis. The application shall be made in writing with the expression of the reasons, which may in no case be used to work in another activity identical or similar to that of the company of origin.

The time of excess shall not be less than four months and not more than five years. The surplus worker retains the right to return to the vacancies of the same or similar category as there were or were to be produced in the undertaking, to which effect he must apply during the period within the month following the end of the month. of the excess.

To benefit from other voluntary leave, the worker must meet a new period of at least four years of effective service at the company.

2. Child care leave: Workers shall be entitled to a period of leave of absence of not more than three years in order to take care of the care of each child, whether by nature or by adoption or in the case of a child. welcoming, permanent and preadoptive, even if these are provisional, to be counted from the date of birth or, where appropriate, of the judicial or administrative decision.

The period in which the worker remains in a situation of leave of absence shall be computable for the purposes of seniority and the worker shall be entitled to attend vocational training courses, to whose participation he must be convened. by the employer, especially on the occasion of his/her reinstatement

During the first year, you will be entitled to the reservation of your job. After that period, the reserve shall be referred to a post of the same professional group or equivalent category.

3. Leave of absence for family care: Workers shall be entitled to a period of leave of absence of two years in order to care for the care of a family member up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity, which for reasons of age, accident, disease or disability cannot be used by itself, and does not carry out paid activity.

The period in which the worker remains in a situation of leave of absence shall be computable for the purposes of seniority and the worker shall be entitled to attend vocational training courses, to whose participation he must be convened. by the employer, especially on the occasion of his/her reinstatement.

During the first year, you will be entitled to the reservation of your job. After that period, the reserve shall be referred to a post of the same professional group or equivalent category.


Economic Regime

Article 28. Wage structure.

The following concepts will be considered for salary:

-Base salary: It is the remuneration fixed exclusively for the unit of time, which is established in the tables annexed to this Convention according to the professional group to which the worker belongs.

According to the provisions of Article 7.2 of this Convention, the lower territorial collective agreements may agree to pay increases higher than that raised in this article, which will affect only the companies and workers in their field of action.

In the absence of a pact, it will be set to the attached tables.

The base salary will be collected in twelve monthly pages.

-Add-on-time consolidated "ad personam" before one of March 1997.

Deferred Remuneration: Such consideration will be given to seniority, holidays and Extraordinary gratifications.

Extraordinary bonuses: Two extraordinary payments of thirty days ' basic salary will also be paid each, which will be paid on a semi-annual basis, that of June, from 1 January to 30 June and December 1, from 1 January. from July to 31 December and shall be paid, at most, on June 30 of that month and on the day of December, on the 22nd of that month.

Companies will be able to agree with their workers, by mutual agreement, on the monthly pro rata of the extraordinary payments.

-Wage supplements: These are the amounts that, if any, will be added to the base salary, taking into account different circumstances of the unit of time, such as the job or quality of the job.

They will be considered in any case, non-consolidable supplements in the salary of the worker, the job and the quality of the work.

-Extrasalarial Perceptions: Extrasalarial perceptions will not have the consideration of salary.

They are the amounts of compensation for expenses incurred by the worker as a result of the provision of his or her work.

For the purposes of this Convention, an extra-wage bill of transport is established for all professional groups on the basis of the days actually worked.

It will be set to the attached tables.

-Extraordinary hours: Extraordinary hours are prohibited. Only the extension of the service time provided for in Article 22 of this Convention shall be permitted, which shall be compensated in accordance with the procedure laid down in that Article.

-The amounts paid to the Convention account will be compensated by the agreed wage increases.


Safety and Health at Work

Article 29. Prevention of occupational risks.

The provisions of Law 31/1995, of 8 November, of Prevention of Labor Risks, and provisions of development will be provided.

The protection of health is a basic and priority objective of the signatory parties and considers that to achieve this, the establishment and planning of a preventive action in the job centers that they have at last the elimination or reduction of the risks at source, based on its assessment, taking the necessary measures, both in the correction of the existing situation and in the technical and organizational evolution of the company to adapt the work to the person and protect their health.

The Joint Labour Health Commission will advance in the knowledge of the factors and causes of health risk, collaborate in its reduction or radication and provide advice and training to employers and workers.

This joint and collegiate body of participation and representation will have the following competencies and powers:

Ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter.

Perform actions to promote dissemination and knowledge on occupational risk prevention legislation.

Elaborate the Job Health Training Plan, according to the training needs that contribute strategy, contents and developments of the Prevention Delegates, oriented to the occupational risks detected in the centers of job.

Elaborate studies of occupational epidemiology, with investigation of the causes of occupational accidents and diseases, related to the profession, such as occupational allergic dermatitis.

Develop a job security study with special attention to work that includes professional displacements.

To achieve these goals, sectoral actions will be presented to the Foundation for the Prevention of Occupational Risks.


Social character enhancements

Article 30. Temporary incapacity.

In the case of accidents at work, the worker will receive up to 100% of the actual salary from the first day, on behalf of the company.

Article 31. Uniforms.

Companies will deliver all appropriate footwear workers annually.

Companies that determine as mandatory for workers during their working day, the use of the uniformity chosen by it, must annually deliver three uniforms, two summer and one winter.

The preservation and cleanliness of the same will be borne by the workers.

Uniformity will be adapted to the pregnancy status of the pregnant woman.



Article 32. Definitions and nature of contracts.

With the aim of providing us with a model of stable industrial relations, which will benefit both companies and staff, that will contribute to the competitiveness of companies, to the improvement of employment and to the reduction of the temporality and rotation of the same and in order to ensure that the customer's attention is of the highest quality and the most qualified possible are determined the following criteria on modalities of hiring:

Indefinite contract: It is the one that is designed without establishing time limits in the provision of services, always formalizing in written form.

Fixed-term Contracts: Any contracts for market circumstances, accumulation of tasks or excess orders will be required, contracts of this nature may be concluded as provided for in the article. 15.1.b) of the recast text of the Workers ' Statute Act.

They may have a maximum duration of twelve months, within a period of eighteen months, counted from the time such causes occur.

If you subscribe for a period of less than the maximum allowed duration, it may be extended once, without the total duration exceeding the maximum duration.

Exhausted the maximum duration, this type of contract cannot be performed for the same worker, in the same company or group of companies, regardless of the causality of the same.

Contract of work or service determined: It is intended to carry out services with autonomy and self-sufficiency within the business of the company and whose execution, although limited in time, is, in principle, uncertain duration.

They may have a maximum duration of three years, counted from the time of such causes. After this period the workers will acquire the condition of fixed in the company.

Likewise, workers who, in a period of thirty months, would have been engaged for more than twenty-four months, with or without a continuity solution for the same or different job at the company or group of undertakings, by means of two or more temporary contracts with the same or different forms of employment of a given duration, shall acquire the status of fixed workers.

In accordance with Article 15 (1) (a) of the ET, these contracts may only be carried out in the case of the Image Advisors whose functions are defined in the professional group III. Article 18 of this Convention.

Practices: Contracts can be concluded with those workers who have the required qualifications according to the professional group for which they are hired.

They will not be less than six months and are renewable up to the maximum of two years. The remuneration for such contracts shall be at least 60% and 75% for the first and second years respectively of the salary established in the professional group for the purposes of hiring them.

Contracts for training and learning: contracts for training and learning may be concluded with those workers who meet the age requirements laid down in the implementing legislation and who do not have the right to professional qualification recognised by the vocational training system for employment or the education system required to conclude a contract in practice. Workers who are trained in the vocational training of the education system may be eligible for this contract.

The minimum duration of the contract will be six months and the maximum of three years.

In the event that the contract has been concluded for a duration less than the legal or conventionally established maximum, it may be extended by agreement of the parties, up to twice, without the duration of each extension. may be less than six months and without the total duration of the contract exceeding that maximum duration.

Effective working time, compatible with the time spent on training, may not exceed 75% for the first year or 85% for the second year and third year.

The remuneration of the contract worker under this modality will be proportional to the effective working time, depending on the salary established in the professional group to be contracted.

In no case, the remuneration may be less than the interprofessional minimum wage in proportion to the effective working time.

The worker must receive the training inherent in the contract for training and learning directly at the sites set out in Article 11 (d) of the Workers ' Statute.

In case of being in-person you can accumulate the time of the same in a single day a week determined by the employer according to the needs of the company.

Part-Time Contract: Signatory Parties to the present Convention recognize that part-time hiring can be configured as an appropriate instrument to promote stable hiring at the juncture. current, as long as the partial character of the services provided is credited and is not used to precarity the full-time hiring.

Part-time workers will have the same rights as full-time workers. Where appropriate to their nature, such rights shall be recognised in the laws and regulations and in collective agreements in a proportional manner, on the basis of the time worked.

In those cases where the worker is hired for a number of hours less than three days, his or her day will be continued.

Only a supplementary hours pact may be formalized in the case of part-time contracts with a working day not less than ten hours per week in annual computation.

In this case, the number of additional hours agreed shall not exceed 30 per 100 of the ordinary working hours of the part-time contract.

For the purposes of the distribution of the ordinary hours and the complementary agreed hours, the following will be added:

The company will fix the schedules of each of the workers hired under this modality, the month before the realization of the same, bringing to knowledge in addition the way of realization of the complementary hours three days before by warning at his/her job, exposing himself on the job center's bulletin board.

Only in part-time contracts of indefinite duration with a working day of not less than ten hours per week in annual calculation, the employer may at any time offer the worker the hours of hours additional voluntary acceptance, the number of which may not exceed 15% of the ordinary hours covered by the contract.

These voluntary supplementary hours are not computed for the purpose of the percentage provided for in the previous paragraph.

The worker's refusal to perform these hours will not constitute sanctionable labor behavior.

The part-time workers ' day will be recorded day by day and will total monthly, giving the worker a copy, along with the receipt of wages, of the summary of all the hours carried out in each month, both the ordinary as the complementary ones.

The employer must keep the monthly summaries of the day records for a minimum period of four years.

In the event of non-compliance with the aforementioned registration obligations, the contract shall be presumed to be completed on a full-time basis, unless proof to the contrary that the partial nature of the services is accredited.


Disciplinary regime

Article 33. Minor fouls.

They will be minor faults:

1. The failure or delay in the execution of any service, as long as the client does not complain.

2. Three points of punctuality in the attendance at work during the period of one month, less in its entirety than thirty minutes, or as long as these delays do not result in serious damage to the service.

3. Do not cure and deliver to the company the medical part of discharge, confirmation or discharge within the statutory period.

4. The little ones neglected in the preservation of the material.

5. Do not communicate your home changes to the company.

6. Discussions with coworkers, provided they are not in the presence of the public or during the service delivery.

7. Missing work without proper authorization or cause, provided it is not on Friday, Saturday or eve of the holiday.

8. Do not communicate with the punctuality due the variations of situation for the purposes of the Social Security that must be brought to the knowledge of the enterprises. The malicious misconduct of these acts shall be deemed to be serious.

9. Do not communicate the enjoyment of the license to Article 27 (f).

Article 34. Serious fouls.

Serious faults will be considered:

1. More than three punctuality in attendance at work, not justified and committed in the one month period.

2. Missing two days of work without cause or one of the days mentioned in the previous article.

3. Leave the job without the employer's permission, even if for short time.

4. The lack of cleaning and cleaning required by the company in the establishment.

5. The simulation of illness or accident.

6. Disobedience to superiors that does not involve great bankruptcy at work.

7. Negligence or neglect in the service that produces justified customer claim.

8. Important neglect in the preservation of the material or articles of the establishment.

9. Lack of respect or consideration for the public.

10. Annoying discussions with colleagues in front of the public.

11. The recidivism in minor faults, although of different nature, within a trimester and having mediated admonition.

Article 35. Very serious fouls.

Very serious faults will be considered:

1. More than ten non-attendance at work unjustifiably over a period of six months or twenty for a year.

2. The usual drunkenness or drug addiction if they have a negative impact on the job.

3. The lack of grooming and cleaning that produces repeated customer complaints.

4. Self-employment or for another company in the functional scope of the convention, without written authorization of the one to which it belongs

5. Theft, theft or embezzlement.

6. The ill-treatment of words and deeds, abuse of authority, lack of respect and consideration for the bosses or their relatives, as well as the companions, subordinates and clients.

7. The usual profanity.

8. The voluntary and continuous decrease in the normal performance of the work.

9. Frequent squabbles and pendences with coworkers.

10. The recurrence of serious misconduct, even if they are of a different nature, provided that they are committed within a period of six months.

11. Acts of sexual harassment, morals and harassment on the basis of sex, as a crime in the current Penal Code.

Article 36. Penalties.

The maximum penalties that may be imposed on those who incur some of the above are the following:

For minor faults:

Verbal admonition.

Admonishment in writing.

For serious faults: Suspension of employment and salary of three to fifteen days.

For very serious faults:

Suspension of employment and salary from twenty to thirty days.

Dismissal with loss of all rights in the company.

Article 37. Prescription.

Minor faults will be prescribed at ten days, the serious ones, at twenty days, and the very serious ones, at the age of 60 days, from the date on which the company became aware of its commission and, in any case, six months after the committed.

Article 38. Penalties for companies.

It will be in compliance with current legislation and enforcement rules.


Other Provisions

Article 39. Mediation and arbitration.

The parties to this Convention agree to submit to the Interconfederal System of Mediation and Arbitration (SIMA) any conflicts that may arise in the field of this Agreement, adhering to the V Agreement on the Autonomous Solution of Conflicts (ASAC) as well as its Development Regulation.

However, the parties state that in order to attend the arbitration, which will always be voluntary, the agreement of both parties will be required.

Article 40. Continuing vocational training.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 23 of the Workers 'Statute and in order to facilitate their vocational training and promotion, the implementation of vocational training courses organized by the workers' own company or other bodies.

1. Vocational training in the company will be geared towards the following objectives:

a) Adapting the holder to the job and modifications to the job.

b) Update and update the professional skills required in the category and job.

c) Specializing, in its various degrees, in some sector or subject matter of the work itself.

d) Reconversion professional.

e) To expand the knowledge of personnel to enable them to thrive and to aspire to professional promotions and acquisition of the knowledge corresponding to other jobs.

(f) Theoretical and practical training in a sufficient and appropriate manner in the field of preventive action when changes are made to the functions performed or introduced by new technologies or changes in the work equipment and in the the conditions laid down in Article 19 of the Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks.

g) Homologation of the certification certificates of continuing training in the entire sector of application of this Convention and propose to the National Institute of Qualifications the approval of the certifications.

2. The Sectoral Commission for Training shall set out the priorities, which shall be carried out through the development of this Convention, in accordance with the objectives set out in the preceding paragraph and the implementation and outcome of which shall be reported with the periodicity and mode to be determined.

The signatory parties shall agree, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 2 of this Convention and where appropriate for each case, as set out in paragraph (b) of the second provision of the first Chapter of the Order TAS 2783/2004, of 30 July (RCL 2004, 1864), in respect of the subscription of contracts of the autonomous field.

3. The training of staff shall be carried out through the plans approved by the Sectoral Training Commission, the plans financed by the companies themselves or by means of a concert with official or recognised centres. Companies will facilitate the use of their facilities to develop the above activities.

4. The training will be provided, as the case may be, within or outside the working day. If such training has any cost, it shall be borne by the undertaking and shall be void of any agreement which obliges the worker to repay it even if he leaves the undertaking. This prohibition has no temporary limitation.

Staff assistance will be required when it is delivered within the working day, provided it is within its provincial scope, making it easier for the company to comply with that obligation.

5. The staff of the company, and in particular the one who performs the job of organic control, is obliged to lend its full support to the Training Plan, when required, in its activities, and in the area of its competence.

6. The staff of the company may present to the staff representation or directly to the management, suggestions for improving the specific aspects and activities of the Training Plan.

7. Staff who have participated on fewer occasions and who are performing a work position related to the subject matter of the course will be preferred to attend courses.

8. Within the framework of this Convention, the Sectoral Commission of the Third National Agreement on Continuing Training is constituted, which will be 100% composed of the parties to the Convention, 50% by the employers ' organizations, and 50% by the union.

9. Vocational training plans will be funded through the following channels:

(a) The training plans approved by the Sectoral Training Commission of the Convention to be developed under the National Continuing Training Agreements in force at any time. Undertakings, groups of undertakings, business associations and trade union organisations affected by this Collective Agreement may apply for the funds necessary for their financing in the form and conditions laid down in that agreement.

b) The training plans organised by the business associations and trade union organisations which are signatories to the Convention in collaboration with the Sectoral Commission for Training.

Article 41. Union rights of workers ' representatives.

Workers 'representatives shall be understood to be the Company's or Personnel's Delegates and Trade Union Trade Union Delegates' representatives, who shall have the powers, rights and obligations set forth for them. by the Organic Law on Freedom of Association, Workers ' Statute and the Collective Agreement itself.

Article 42. Definitions of sexual, moral and sexual harassment.

All workers have the right to be treated with dignity and sexual, moral and/or sexual harassment in the workplace will not be permitted or tolerated, and the right to file complaints will be provided.

Any conduct, proposals or requirements of a sexual nature that take place in the field of organization and management of the company, in respect of which the subject is subject, shall be considered to constitute sexual harassment. know or are in a position to know, that they are undesirable, unreasonable and offensive to those who suffer from them, whose response to them can determine a decision affecting their employment or their working conditions.

They are considered to constitute moral harassment, any conduct and behavior among colleagues or between higher or lower hierarchical ones, because the affected person is subjected to harassment and systematic attack for a long time. time, either directly or indirectly, by one or more people.

Are considered to be acts of sexual harassment on the basis of sex any behavior performed according to the sex of a person, with the purpose or effect of attacking his or her dignity and creating an intimidating environment, demeaning or offensive.

The finding of the existence of sexual, moral and/or sex harassment in the case reported will always be considered to be very serious, if such conduct or behavior is carried out by prevaliant a hierarchical position. it will constitute an aggravating circumstance of that.

Article 43. Prevention of sexual harassment and harassment on grounds of sex.

Businesses should promote appropriate working conditions and a healthy working climate that prevent sexual harassment and harassment on the basis of sex. To this end, with the participation of workers ' legal representation, companies will establish action protocols that will include:

1. The company's commitment to prevent and not tolerate sexual harassment and harassment on the basis of sex.

2. Instruction to all staff of their duty to respect the dignity of persons and their right to privacy, as well as equal treatment between women and men.

3. The reserved treatment of complaints of facts which may constitute sexual harassment or harassment on grounds of sex, without prejudice to the provisions of disciplinary rules.

4. The internal procedure for action, which must be agile and ensure confidentiality.

Article 44. Equal opportunities.

Companies with more than 150 workers with one or more workplaces will be required to develop and implement equality plans that provide for the establishment of positive action measures. The rest of the companies will have, within the framework of the Organic Law 3/2007 for the effective equality of women and men, to implement measures of positive action in order to contribute to the objective of equality and non-discrimination in the enterprises, always within the framework of what is determined by this collective agreement and in a negotiated manner with the legal representation of the workers.

Article 45. Equal Opportunity Commission.

In order to correctly interpret and implement Law 3/2007, for the effective equality of women and men that had its entry into force on March 24, 2007, a Joint Equality Commission is created with the functions described above. later.

The Joint Equality Commission shall be composed of four members by the business and four members of the trade union, under the same conditions as the Joint Commission of Interpretation and Surveillance of the Convention.

The Sectoral Commission for Equal Opportunities will be in charge of:

Make a diagnosis on the situation of equal opportunities and treatment in the sector.

Advise companies to apply for equality rights and obligations, as well as plans for implementation.

To act as a mediator in those cases that are voluntarily and jointly submitted to you by the parties concerned, and to deal with the application or interpretation of the Equality Plans, of the companies included in the present convention.

Gather information from the Companies about the incidents and difficulties that the implementation of the Equality Law can generate.

Track the evolution of agreed plans in companies in the sector.

Draw up the technical opinions on aspects related to equal treatment and opportunities among women and men in the sector, at the request of the Joint Committee, as well as conferences and events related to equality of treatment and opportunities between men and women in the personal image sector.

All companies in the sector will report to the Commission on Equal Opportunities at the beginning of the negotiations on the equality plan or measures to promote equality, and the outcome of these negotiations, by presenting the text of the agreement if it has been reached.

Companies that have the participation and advice of the Equality Commission in drawing up their plans will be able to advertise this fact on the terms that are agreed.

This Commission may be assisted by equal opportunity experts or advisers with the agreement of the parties.

Additional clause first.

The salary tables for 2014, 2015, and 2016 shall be as set out in Annex I to this Convention.

The wage increase for the year 2017 will be 0.6%, if Spanish GDP at constant prices in 2016 grows by less than 1%; an increase of 1% if Spanish GDP at constant prices in 2016 moves between 1% and 2%; and a 1.5% increase if Spanish GDP at constant prices increases in 2016 by 2% or more.

A fixed transport plus of 2 euros/day is established effectively worked for the years 2014, 2015, 2016 and of 2.10 euros/day effectively worked for the year 2017.


Year 2014

Euro amounts


Paga June



According to














Transport Plus: EUR 2.00/day effectively worked.

Year 2015

Amounts in Euro


Paga June



According to













Center_table_body"> 28.31



Plus transport: EUR 2.00/day actually worked.

Year 2016

Amounts in Euro


Paga June



According to

















Plus transport: EUR 2.00/day actually worked.