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Royal Decree 197 / 2015, Of 23 Of March, By Which Is Modifies The Real Decree 1850 / 2009, Of 4 Of December, On Expedition Of Titles Academic And Professional Corresponding To The Teachings Established By The Law Organic 2 / 2006, Of 3 Of...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 197/2015, de 23 de marzo, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 1850/2009, de 4 de diciembre, sobre expedición de títulos académicos y profesionales correspondientes a las enseñanzas establecidas por la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de ...

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Royal Decree 1850/2009, of 4 December, on the issue of academic and professional qualifications corresponding to the teachings established by the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, has established the rules (a) the conditions under which the competent educational authorities shall carry out the issue of the securities corresponding to the teachings governed by the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May of Education.

The ordination of the higher artistic teachings established by the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, structure the higher artistic teachings in two levels: teachings conducive to the Higher Title of Teachings Artistic and postgraduate teaching. These certificates shall be approved by the State and issued by the educational authorities under the conditions laid down in Article 6 bis.6 of Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May.

The implementation of the teachings leading to the respective higher degrees of Artistic Teachings has been carried out in accordance with the provisions of the first provision of the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May, and Article 23 of Royal Decree 806/2006 of 30 June 2006 laying down the timetable for the implementation of the new management of the education system governed by that organic law. In the course of the year 2010/2011, the higher artistic learning centres started the progressive implementation of higher artistic teachings, so that they incorporated their new training offerings, it is now up to them to lay down the basic requirements. on the format, text and procedure for the issue of the titles to which the superior artistic teachings are to be obtained.

This standard includes the formats of the Higher Titles of Art Teachings and of the titles of Master's in Artistic Teachings, corresponding to the teachings regulated by the Law of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3. Likewise, in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of Royal Decree 1614/2009 of 26 October, establishing the ordination of higher artistic teachings governed by the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May of Education, in the content of the model of the European Supplement to the Title of the higher artistic teachings is determined as a document accompanying each of the titles of higher education of an official character and valid throughout the national territory.

In the process of drawing up this royal decree, the autonomous communities have been consulted within the Education Conference and the Higher Council of Artistic Teachings, and the Agency has been requested to report to the Agency. Spanish de Protección de Datos.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, with the prior approval of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, in agreement with the Council of State and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at their meeting on 20 March 2015,


Single item. Amendment of Royal Decree 1850/2009 of 4 December on the issue of academic and professional qualifications corresponding to the teachings established by the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.

Royal Decree 1850/2009 of 4 December on the issue of academic and professional qualifications corresponding to the teachings established by the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May, of Education, is amended in the following terms:

One. Article 1 (1) is amended and a new paragraph 4 is added in the following terms

" 1. The present royal decree aims to regulate the requirements and procedure for the issue of official titles corresponding to the teachings regulated by the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, of Education, according to the established in Article 6a 6 of that organic law. '

" 4. The conditions and the procedure by which the educational authorities may issue, where appropriate, together with the academic and professional titles corresponding to the teachings established by the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 of May, the European Supplement to the Title, in order to promote the mobility of graduates in the European Higher Education Area. "

Two. Article 2 (1) is worded as follows:

" 1. The titles shall be issued on behalf of the King, by the Minister for Education, Culture and Sport or by the holder of the relevant organ of the Autonomous Community concerned, in accordance with the models set out in Annexes I, Ia and Ib, and with the totality of the identifying elements contained therein. The title of the securities shall be reserved exclusively for each of them. "

Three. A paragraph 4 is added to Article 3 with the following wording:

" 4. Where the person concerned meets the conditions for obtaining the title, has applied for the title and paid the corresponding fees, the teaching centre, on application by the person concerned, shall issue a provisional supplementary certification to replace the title and shall enjoy the same value for the exercise of the rights inherent in it, including the essential particulars of the title and, where appropriate, of the European Supplement to be attached to the title. '

Four. A new Article 8 is added with the following wording:

" Article 8. European Supplement to the Title of Higher Art Teachings.

Once the studies leading to the higher degrees of artistic teaching and masters degrees in artistic teaching have been exceeded, the European Supplement to the Title will be issued by the Education Administration, according to the model set out in Annex IV of this royal decree. The European Supplement to the Title shall be issued in the official language, if any, and in English. The issue of such a document shall be free of charge.

The supporting document for European Supplements to the titles to be issued will be of the same size for all of them, standard in the format of UNE-A3 (folding A4). "

Five. A new Annex I, with the following wording, is added:


Models of the titles of higher artistic teachings



and on your name (1)

Whereas, in accordance with the provisions and circumstances prevented by the legislation in force,

Don/Dona, born/to day ....... of ............... of ..................... In ..........................., of nationality ................................., with identity document n. ° .............., has exceeded the regulated studies in (2) .............. and in (3) ................, in (4) ................, in (5) ............ issues in your favor, this Title Superior of ................................................ specialty ......................................... with official character and validity in all the Spanish territory, which entitles you to exercise the rights conferred on this title by the provisions in force.

Place, to ................ from .........................................

The person concerned, El/la (1) The holder of the competent body.

(1) The holder of the competent organ of the respective educational administration.

(2) Royal Decree laying down basic contents.

(3) Standard approving the curriculum.

(4) Teaching center where the student completed the corresponding studies (with the expression of their denomination, municipality and province) or, where appropriate, educational centers, national or foreign, where the student is the course.

(5) Month and year of completion of studies.



and on your name (1)

Whereas, in accordance with the provisions and circumstances prevented by the legislation in force,

Don/Dona, born/to day ....... of ............... of ..................... In ..........................., of nationality ................................., with identity document n. ° .............., has exceeded the regulated studies in (2) .............. and in (3) ................, in (4) ................, in (5) ............ issues in its favor, this Title of Master in Artistic Teachings (6) ................................................ with official character and validity throughout the Spanish territory, which empowers him to exercise the rights that he title gives the existing provisions.

Place, to ................ from .........................................

The person concerned, El/la (1) The holder of the competent body.

(1) The holder of the competent organ of the respective educational administration.

(2) Royal Decree on which Master's teachings are regulated in Art Teachings.

(3) Date of publication in the BOE of the approval order of the curriculum by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

(4) Teaching center where the student completed the corresponding studies (with the expression of their denomination, municipality and province) or, where appropriate, educational centers, national or foreign, where the student is the course.

(5) Month and year of completion of studies.

(6) Specific title of Master's Degree in Artistic Teachings.

Six. A new Annex IV is added with the following wording:


European Supplement to the Title of Higher Art Teachings

Imagen: img/disp/2015/088/03937_001.png



This Title Supplement is in line with the model developed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. Its purpose is to provide the independent information needed to improve international transparency and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, diplomas, certificates, etc.). It is designed to describe the nature, level, context, content, and range of the studies followed and successfully completed by the person mentioned in the title to which this supplement accompanies. Value judgments, possible equivalences or suggestions for recognition should be avoided. All sections must be completed and otherwise explain why it has not been done.

This Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the supply is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international transparency and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates, etc.). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were purified and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this supplement is applied. It should be free from any value judgements, equivalent statements or suggestions about recognition. Information in all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should give the reason why.



1.1 Apellids/1.1 Family name (s)

1.2 Name (s) /1.2 Given name (s)

1.3 Date of birth (day/month/year) /1.3 Date of birth (day/month/year)

1.4 Identification Number/1.4 Identification number

National Identity Document/Passport/NIE.



2.1 Name of title conferred (in original language) /2.1 Name of title conferred (in original language)

• Name of the title given to the holder of the title, with the name which, in each case, appears in the Central Register of Titles, as well as the date of the standard or of the approval, if any, which establishes the Title officialdom. Where appropriate, mention professional competence.

• Information regarding quality mentions of the titration.

2.2 Main fields of study of the title/2.2 Main fields of study for the qualification

Indicate the branch of knowledge in which the title and, if any, specialization are incarnated.

2.3 Name and status of the institution granting the title (in original language) /2.3 Name and status of awarding institution (in original language)

The name of the educational administration that grants the title.

2.4 Name and status of the institution (s) that give the program in case it is different from the institution issuing the title (in original language) /2.4 Name and status of institution (s) (if different from 2.3) administering studies (in original language)

2.5 Language (s) used in teaching and assessment/2.5 Language (s) of instruction/examination

According to the approved study program.



3.1. Level of titration/3.1 Level of qualification

Indicate the appropriate level in accordance with the European framework of higher education qualifications (the Bologna cycles) and place it in the Spanish education system (Spanish Framework for Qualifications of Education) Above-MECES) and, where the legislative framework allows, to mention its level within the Spanish Framework for Lifelong Learning Qualifications (MECU). Reference also the level of qualifications within the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), where the legislative framework permits it.

-For more information, refer to the Spanish Higher Education system described in paragraph 8.

3.2 Official Program Duration/3.2 Official length of program.

In full-time ECTS and academic years.

3.3 Access requirements/3.3 Access requirements

Include general and specific requirements for each degree.



4.1 Study Mode/4.1 Mode of Study

4.2 Program Requirements/4.2 Programme requirements

• Credits, distinguishing practice theorists, if possible,/practices in companies/institutions or research centers/end studies and master's.

• In the case of international joint programs, provide details on the minimum requirements for obtaining the title.

• Main learning outcomes: Knowledge, skills and competencies acquired at the completion of the degree and objectives associated with it.

4.3 Programme description (modul/units/subjects studied/practices in companies, work end of studies/master), and absolute qualifications obtained/4.3 Programme details (e.g. modules or units studied, internships, final year dissertation), and the individual grades/marks/credits obtained


4.4 Rating System/4.4 Grading scheme

In the Spanish university system the modules/subjects are qualified with an absolute score according to a scale from 0 to 10, with the following qualitative equivalences:

0-4.9: suspense; 5-6.9: approved; 7-8.9: notable; 9-10 outstanding. The mention of "Honor Matriculation" may be given to students who have obtained a qualification equal to or greater than 9.0. Their number may not exceed five per cent of students enrolled in a course in the relevant academic year, unless the number of students enrolled is less than 20, in which case a single "Matriculation" may be granted. of Honor ".

In the case of recognition of ECTS, of professional experience, cultural, sports, student representation or other activities, no punctuation will be recorded but, where appropriate, the word "Apto".

In the Spanish university system, modules/subjects are graded on a scale of 0 to 10 points with the following qualitative equivalent:

0-4.9: Fail; 5-6.9: Pass; 7-8.9: Remarkable; 9-10: Outstanding. The mention of Distinction can be awarded to students who achieve a score of 9.0 or above. The number of Distinctions granted will not exceed 5% of students enrolled in a subject in the relevant academic year unless enrollment is under 20, in which case only one Distinction may be granted.

In cases of recognition of ECTS-credits, professional experience, cultural or sports activities, or student representation no grading will be recorded but, where appropriate, the word "Apto".

4.5 Overall rating of the//4.5 Overall classification of the qualification (in original language)

Explanatory note: the average global rating is obtained by adding the exceeded credits, and multiplying each of them by the obtained rating expressed from 0 to 10 and dividing it by the number of credits exceeded.

Explanatory note: the grade point average is obtained by adding the credits obtained, and multiplying each by the grade obtained on the scale 0-10 and dividing by the total amount of credits.

Include the national awards obtained by the student.



5.1 Access to further studies/5.1 Access to further study

5.2 Degree objectives (including skills profile, wherever possible) and Professional qualification (if applicable) /5.2 Stated objectives associated with the qualification and professional status (if applicable)

• Synthesis of the general objectives and competencies contained in the curriculum. View information in section 4.2.

• Specify whether the qualification grants competence for the exercise of a profession or grants a professional status, in accordance with national law, and whether it gives access to a regulated profession.



6.1 Additional Information/6.1 Additional information

Information that has not been included in the previous paragraphs, in accordance with the current regulations on contents that can be incorporated into the European Supplement to the Title. (For example, information on extracurricular practices, transfer of credits, etc.)

6.2 Additional information sources/6.2 Further information sources

Forward to sources where more details about the titration are provided

6.3 Correspondence between the degree of higher artistic teaching and the European framework level of qualifications to be undertaken



7.1 Issue Date/7.1 Date of issuing

Date of issue of the supplement to the title (day/month/year).

7.2 Signers ' names and signatures/7.2 Names and signatures

Signature of the competent organ of the educational administration of the title, which could be printed in the document, and the administrative officer responsible for the information that is reflected in the supplement, which will not be able to go stamped.

7.3 Charge of signatories/7.3 Capacity of the certifying individuals

7.4 Sello official from the expedited administration/7.4 Official stamp or seal



In the case of Spanish qualifications, this section will be completed by transcribing the uniform model of the Spanish system, providing information regarding access requirements, type of institutions, insurance system of the quality of qualifications and institutions. In addition, the Spanish Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (MECES), as well as the Spanish Framework for Life Learning Qualifications (MECU), will be described when the legislative framework permits. This latter framework must be compatible with the European Qualifications Framework and should therefore be referred to. All of this will help to provide the context and locate the titration and its level throughout the description.



RELATIVE TO SECTION 4.3 "Description of the programme (modul/units/subjects studied/practices in companies, work end of studies/master), and absolute qualifications obtained"

4.3 Programme details (e.g. modules or units studied, internships, final year dissertation), and the individual grades/marks/credits obtained

• Access to the program.

• Description of the program leading to the title/Programme details

Name of the Module or Allocature Assignatures (Code, optional).

Type: Optional Optional Basic Training, practices and end of master studies/end work

Level *.


Absolute Rating * *.

Academic year.

Name and status of the institution where the module, subject, practices, end-of-study jobs, or master * **.

Language of instruction and assessment has been submitted.

Remarks * ***.

* Level must be indicated in reference to the Bologna cycles (MECES).

** In the case of international joint programmes, the absolute qualification may be provided in the national system applied by each institution of the consortium (numbers, letters, ECTS credits, etc.) in which the completed the module, subject, end of study or master's work, etc.

*** When a module/subject has been studied in another Spanish or foreign institution other than the institution of origin, this information must be provided, mentioning the name of the institution (this is the case subjects, modules, etc., in other universities through programmes such as Erasmus, Tempus, Seneca, Erasmus Mundus, Atlantis, etc., as well as national or international joint degrees.

**** Include ECTS credits and, where appropriate, professional experience.

Name of the course or module (Code, optional).

Type: Core, compulsory and optional courses internship, final year dissertation.

Level *.


Grade * *.

Academic year.

Name and status of the institution where the course, module or internship have been taken * **.

Language of instruction and examination.

Observations * ***.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This royal decree is issued under Article 149.1.30. of the Constitution, which attributes to the State the powers for the regulation of the conditions for obtaining, issuing and approval of the academic titles and professionals.

Final disposition second. Development.

The head of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport is empowered to dictate how many provisions will require the application of the provisions of this royal decree, without prejudice to the powers of the Ministry of Education, Autonomous communities.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

The models included in this royal decree will have to be used in the teaching of the 2014-2015 course, although they can also be used in the lessons learned in the course of 2013-2014.

Given in Madrid, on March 23, 2015.


The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport,