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Resolution Of 26 Of March Of 2015, Of The Presidency Of The Council Upper Of Sports, By Which Is Publishes It Modification Of The Statutes Of The Federation Spanish Of Orientation.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 26 de marzo de 2015, de la Presidencia del Consejo Superior de Deportes, por la que se publica la modificación de los Estatutos de la Federación Española de Orientación.

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In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 10.2.b) of Law 10/1990, of 15 October, of the Sport, the Commission of the Council of the High Sports Council in its session of 18 December 2014, has approved definitively the amendment of Articles 2, 3, 4, 6, 14, 44, 45, 46 and 48 of the Statutes of the Spanish Federation of Guidance, authorizing their registration in the Register of Sports Associations.

In compliance with the provisions of article 31.7 of the Law of Sport and article 12.3 of Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December, on Spanish sports federations and the Register of Sports Associations, I have the publication of the amendment of the Statute of the Spanish Federation of Guidance, contained in the Annex to this Resolution.

Madrid, March 26, 2015. -President of the Superior Council of Sports, Miguel Cardenal Carro.


Statutes of the Spanish Guidance Federation

Article 2.

1. The sports modality that the FEDO is responsible for is the Orientation in any of the specialties fixed by the International Federation of Orientation: O-Pie, O-Bicycleta of Montana, O-Precision, O-Ski. In addition, the Raids of Adventure, Ultrascore-Rogaine and activities in which the orientation is the basis of the competition are specialties.

Article 3.

The FEDO will be governed by the provisions of Law 10/1990, of 15 October, of the Sport; by Royal Decree 1835/1991, of 20 December, on Spanish Sports Federations and Registration of Sports Associations; by the Order ECI/3567/2007 of 4 December 2007 governing the electoral processes in the Spanish Sports Federations, as well as the other provisions applicable to it, by the present Statutes and by the Regulations that, respecting the above rules, be approved

Article 4.

1. The FEDO, in addition to its own activities of government, administration, management, organization and regulation of the Guidance, exercises under the coordination and tutelage of the Superior Council of Sports, the following public functions of character administrative:

(a) Qualify and organise, where appropriate, official activities and competitions at the State level. For these purposes, the organisation of such competitions is understood as referring to the regulation of the general framework of such competitions, as set out in the relevant federal rules.

b) To act in coordination with the Federations and Groups of regional scope for the promotion of the Orientation throughout the national territory.

(c) Design, develop and implement, where appropriate, with Federal and Regional Federations and Groupings, plans for the preparation of high level athletes, as well as participate in the preparation of the annual lists of same.

d) Collaborate with the State Administration and the Autonomous Communities in the training of sports technicians and in the prevention, control and repression of the use of prohibited substances and pharmacological groups and methods regulatory in sport.

e) Organize or protect the official international competitions to be held in the territory of the state.

f) Exercise the disciplinary authority of sport, in the terms established in the Law of Sport, its specific development provisions and the present Statutes and Regulations.

g) Exercise the control of grants to associations and sports entities under the conditions set by the High Council for Sport.

h) Execute, if applicable, the resolutions of the Administrative Court of Sport.

2. The FEDO plays with respect to its associates the functions of guardianship, control and supervision that it recognizes the sports legal system

3. The acts performed by the FEDO in the exercise of its administrative functions are subject to appeal to the Superior Council of Sports, whose resolutions deplete the administrative route.

Article 6.

1. The territorial organization of the FEDO is in line with that of the State in Autonomous Communities. Such an organization is made up of the following autonomic Federations and Pools:

Andalusian Federation of Orientation Sport (F.A.D.O.).

Federació de Curses D' orientació de Catalunya (F.C.O.C.).

Federation of Orientation of the Region of Murcia (F.O.R.M.).

Federación del Deporte de Orientación de la Comunidad Valenciana (F.E.D.O.C.V.).

Extremendous Federation of Orientation (F.E.X.O.).

Federació Balear d' Orientació (F.B.O.).

Federation of Orientation of Castilla y León (F.O.C.Y.L.).

Madrid Federation of Orientation (F.E.M.A.D.O.).

Aragonese Orientation Federation (F.A.R.O.).

Federation of Orientation of Castilla la Mancha (F.E.C.A.M.A.D.O.).

Galician Guidance Federation (FE.Ga.D.O.).

The following Territorial Delegations also exist:

Territorial Delegation of Euskadi.

Territorial Delegation of the Canary Islands.

Territorial Delegation of Rioja.

Territorial Delegation of Cantabria.

As they are being made up of Federations and Autonomous Groups, and once the integration agreement referred to in Article 9 has been formalized, they will become part of the organization of the FEDO.

2. Where the Autonomous Community does not exist in an Autonomous Community, or has not been integrated into the FEDO, it may establish in that Community, in coordination with the Sports Administration, a Territorial Delegation, respecting, in any case, the autonomic organization of the State.

3. Representatives of these Territorial Delegations shall be elected in that Community on the basis of democratic and representative criteria.

The competencies of the Territorial Delegates will be as follows:

3.1 In general, it will carry out all the competences attributed to the Spanish Federation in the Community, being the Territorial Delegate, the representative of the same in all those actions that are developed.

3.2 It shall represent the Spanish Federation in all acts to which the President does not attend, or any member of the Board of Directors in which the representation is expressly delegated.

3.3 constitutes the highest immediate authority for the Clubs of the Community, in everything related to the Spanish Federation.

3.4 Formara part of the General Assembly of the FEDO, showing the representation of the Clubs of the Community.

3.5 Will organize official territorial activities and competitions according to existing federal regulations.

3.6 Coordinate, in agreement with the Clubs of the Community, in the promotion of the Guidance, in the field of the Community.

3.7 Will collaborate with the Spanish Federation, and the Community Clubs, in the courses and training plans of the sports technicians.

3.8 Disenara, will develop and implement in agreement with the Spanish Federation and the Community Clubs, the preparation of high level and high performance athletes.

3.9 It should facilitate the approval of the Spanish Federation, its budget and the implementation thereof. It will send the supporting documents required by the FEDO's Treasury.

3.10 Tramitara the Licenses of the sportsmen of your Community.

Article 14.

1. For the participation of orientators, technicians and judges-controllers in activities or official sports competitions it will be necessary to be in possession of the corresponding license in force, according to the minimum conditions established in the Law 10/1990, of 15 October, of the sport, and its provisions of development, in the present Statute and in the Regulations which under it are approved. Also, the FEDO member condition is obtained with the sports license.

2. The licences of the orientators shall be issued by the Autonomous Federal Federations when they are integrated into the FEDO, and shall communicate the data from the holders of the same to the FEDO, which shall immediately register them.

The orientators will request through their Clubs the sports license to the corresponding Federation of regional autonomy or, if necessary, through the clubs affiliated to the FEDO, in the case of the absence of such Federation.

In those Autonomous Communities where there are no Federations of this scope or it is not integrated into the FEDO, material impossibility, or if this is determined by the Federation of Autonomous Region, the sports license issue the FEDO.

Without prejudice to the above, the FEDO will provide for each guide, through the Autonomous Federation or, where appropriate, the corresponding club, a card in which its name, category, Autonomous Community, number of license and logos of the Superior Council of Sports, the FEDO and the Autonomous Federation.

Orientors are classified into the categories established by the International Federation of Guidance as determined by the Delegation of the General Assembly of the FEDO.

3. The sports licence shall reflect three concepts: (a) The compulsory insurance referred to in Article 59.2 of Law 10/1990 of 15 October of the Sport; (b) the quota corresponding to the FEDO; and (c) the quota for the Federation of autonomic.

The total cost of the license will be the result of the sum of the three previous concepts.

FEDO will coordinate with the Federal Federations for the procurement of the insurance policies for sports accidents with the minimum coverage established by Royal Decree 849/1993 of 4 June, as well as those of civil liability, taking as a reference the amount to be established by the Delegated Commission of the General Assembly of FEDO.

4. The economic distribution system between the FEDO and the Autonomous Federations of the cost of the licence is set out in the following terms:

(a) By discounting the amount of the cost of insurance referred to in the preceding paragraph of this Article, the amount remaining shall correspond to FEDO 50% of the remaining quantity, constituting the resulting quantities, quotas referred to in the preceding paragraph of this Article.

(b) The revenue corresponding to the fee of the FEDO shall be primarily aimed at financing its structure and operation.

5. They will be disabled to obtain sports licenses who have been sanctioned for doping, both in the autonomous and in the state and in the international, while they are complying with the respective sanction.

6. The FEDO is responsible for the elaboration and permanent updating of the census of sports licenses, which must be available to all the Autonomous Federations, which may have their own censuses or registers of the licenses they issue, In any case, the data protection legislation shall be complied with.

Article 44.

1. The scope of the sport discipline in the case of official activities or competitions at the state level and, where appropriate, international, or affecting persons participating in them, extends to violations of rules of the game or competition and General rules of sport typified in Law 10/1990 of 15 October of the Sport, the Organic Law 3/2013, of 20 June, of protection of the health of the sportsman and the fight against doping in sport, Law 19/2007, of July 11, against the violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport, the Royal Decree 1591/1992, of 23 December, on Sports Discipline and other provisions of development of these, and in the present Statutes, without prejudice to the competences that Article 37 of the Organic Law 3/2013 attributes to the Spanish Agency of Health Protection in Sport.

2. The disciplinary regime in the FEDO will be regulated, through the Disciplinary Regime Regulation, which should provide for the following issues:

a) A standardized system of violations, graduating based on their severity.

(b) The principles and criteria which ensure the differentiation between the minor, serious and very serious nature of the infringements, the proportionality of the penalties applicable to them, the absence of double penalties for the same facts, the application of the favourable retroactive effect and the prohibition of penalties for non-classified offences prior to the time of their commission.

(c) A system of penalties corresponding to each of the infringements, as well as the causes or circumstances that exempt, attenuate or aggravate the liability of the offender and the extinction requirements of the offender.

(d) The various disciplinary procedures for the processing and imposition of sanctions, where appropriate.

e) The system of remedies against imposed sanctions.

Article 45.

1. The disciplinary authority attributes to its legitimate owners the ability to investigate, and where appropriate, sanction or correct the persons or entities subject to the sports discipline, according to their respective competences.

2. It is for the FEDO to exercise sports disciplinary authority over all persons who are part of their own organic structure, sports clubs and their athletes, technicians and managers, the judges-controllers and in general, all persons and entities that, being federated, develop the corresponding sports activity at the state level.

3. They all recognise the discipline of the FEDO and are obliged to comply with the decisions of the bodies of the competent authority in accordance with these Statutes and regulations which develop them.

Article 46.

1. They are disciplinary bodies, in the areas of their respective competences:

a) The Sports Discipline Committee.

b) The Technical Committee of Jues-Controllers.

(c) The Appeal Committee, which shall be heard on the basis of the resolutions of the Sports Discipline Committee and the Technical Committee of Controller Judges. Your resolutions will deplete the federative path.

2. Proceedings of the Appeal Committee may be brought before the Administrative Court of Sport of the High Council for Sport, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 53/2014 of 31 January 2014 on the composition, organisation and functions of the Administrative Court of Sport.

Article 48.

1. The offences relating to doping which may be committed by the subjects referred to in Article 45 (2) of these Statutes shall be addressed in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law No 3/2013 of 20 June 2002 on the protection of the health of the sports and the fight against doping in sport and its development regulations.

2. The athletes licensed to participate in official state-wide competitions are obliged to submit, in competition and beyond, to the controls determined by the Spanish Agency for the Protection of Health in Sport. terms and conditions established by the Organic Law 3/2013 and by the regulatory standards for the development of the Law.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, sportspersons seeking to obtain a sports licence may be subject, prior to their granting, to a doping control.

3. With regard to the doping controls to be carried out in international competitions held in Spain, outside Spain to sportsmen and women with Spanish licence and for the effects of the sanctions imposed by the international organizers Sportspersons and other persons with a Spanish licence, shall be subject to the provisions of the Organic Law 3/2013 and the regulatory standards for development, as well as and in their case to that established by the International Federation of Guidance.