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Order Ecd/699/2015, By April 15, That Amending The Annexes Of The Royal Decree 1619 / 2011, Of 14 November, Which Establishes The New Regime Of Equivalence Of Studies And Degrees Of Ecclesiastical Sciences Of Level Univer...

Original Language Title: Orden ECD/699/2015, de 15 de abril, por la que se modifican los anexos del Real Decreto 1619/2011, de 14 de noviembre, por el que se establece el nuevo régimen de equivalencias de los estudios y titulaciones de ciencias eclesiásticas de nivel univer...

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Royal Decree 1619/2011 of 14 November establishing the new system of equivalences of studies and degrees of Ecclesiastical Sciences at the university level in respect of official university degrees In compliance with the provisions of the Agreement between the Spanish State and the Holy See of 3 January 1979 on Teachings and Cultural Affairs, the Spanish Government established the new system of equivalence of studies and qualifications in science University-level church officials with regard to official university degrees in compliance with the provisions of the Agreement between the Spanish State and the Holy See of 3 January 1979 on Teachings and Cultural Affairs.

The titles awarded by the Higher Centers of Ecclesiastical Sciences, to which these civil effects are recognized, and the Faculties of Ecclesiastical Sciences of the Catholic Church in Spain, were included in Annexes I and II of that standard.

However, the creation of a new centre, as well as the development of existing ones and the establishment of new degrees, makes it necessary to update these annexes.

The final provision of Royal Decree 1619/2011 of 14 November enables the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport to amend, correct or update its annexes.

In the elaboration of this order the Council of Universities and the General Conference of University Policy have been consulted, the competent authority of the Catholic Church in Spain has been heard, and the reports have been issued Ministries of Finance and Public Administration, Justice, and Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

In its virtue, I have:

Single item. Amendment of Annexes I and II to Royal Decree 1619/2011 of 14 November establishing the new system of equivalence of studies and qualifications in the field of ecclesiastical sciences at university level Spanish officers, in compliance with the provisions of the Agreement between the Spanish State and the Holy See, of 3 January 1979 on Teachings and Cultural Affairs.

One. Annex I to Royal Decree 1619/2011 of 14 November is amended by adding in the list of titles awarded by the High School of Ecclesiastical Sciences to which the following titles are recognised:

" I. Titles equivalent to the official graduate or graduate degree (they will have to prove a minimum duration of 240 ECTS credits).

Title of Baccalaureatus in Litterature Christiana et Classica, awarded by the Ecclesiastical Faculties of Christian and Classical Literature.

Title of Baccalaureatus in History, Archaeology et Artibus Christianis, awarded by the Ecclesiastical Faculties of History, Archaeology and Christian Arts.

Title of Baccalaureatus in Musica Sacra/in Cantu Gregoriano/in Organ/in Directione Chorali/in Disciplinis Musicae Sacrae/in Discipline Machinale [engineering] et fabricatione Organi/in Technica et Didactica Canti Liturgici/in Sacra compositione, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties or Institutes '' ad urge Facultatis ''.

II. Titles equivalent to the official title of the Master's degree (they will have to prove a minimum duration of 300 ECTS credits).

Title of Licentiatus in History, Archaeology et Artibus Christianis, awarded by the Ecclesiastical Faculties of History, Archaeology and Christian Arts.

Title of Licensatus in Discipline Musicae Sacrae/in Discipline Machinale [engineering] et fabricatione Organi/in Technica et Didactica Canti Liturgici/in Sacra compositione, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties or Institutes " ad urge Facultatis ".

III. Titles equivalent to the official college degree of Doctor or Doctor.

Title of Doctor in History, Archaeology et Artibus Christianis, awarded by the Ecclesiastical Faculties of History, Archaeology and Christian Arts.

Title of Doctor in Directione Chorali/in Disciplinary Musicae Sacrae/in Discipline Machinale [engineering] et fabricatione Organi/in Technica et Didactica Canti Liturgici/in Sacra compositione, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties or Institutes "ad urge Facultatis". "

Two. Annex II to Royal Decree 1619/2011 of 14 November is amended, adding in the relationship of Faculties of Church Sciences of the Catholic Church in Spain the following center:

" IV. Other Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Faculty of History, Archaeology and Christian Arts "Antonio Gaudi" of Catalonia (Barcelona). "

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This order will take effect the day following your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, April 15, 2015. -Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, José Ignacio Wert Ortega.