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Royal Decree 226/2015 Of 27 March, The Title Of Technician Of Art And Design In Artistic Reproductions In Stone Belonging To The Artistic Professional Family Of Sculpture Is Set And The Corresponding Fixed Cur...

Original Language Title: Royal Decree 226/2015 Of 27 March, The Title Of Technician Of Art And Design In Artistic Reproductions In Stone Belonging To The Artistic Professional Family Of Sculpture Is Set And The Corresponding Fixed Cur ...

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The Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, defines in article 45 the professional artistic teachings of medium and higher grade of plastic arts and design and determines that the purpose of these artistic teachings is provide students with quality art training and ensure the qualification of future plastic arts and design professionals.

Article 46.1, in its wording according to the Organic Law 8/2013 of 9 December, for the improvement of educational quality, indicates that the curriculum of professional artistic teachings will be defined by the set out in Article 6a (3) of this Organic Law, according to which it is for the Government to set the objectives, competences, contents and criteria for the assessment of the basic curriculum of professional artistic teachings.

In Article 51, the law provides that these professional teachings will be organised in specific training courses, which will include a practical training phase in companies, studies or workshops, and refers to their regulation to Chapter V of Title I of the Law, with the provisos provided for in Articles 52 and 53 thereof.

Royal Decree 596/2007, of 4 May, establishing the general management of professional and plastic arts teaching, concrete in its article 6, which the professional teaching of plastic arts and design be ordered in medium-grade and higher-grade training cycles grouped in professional artistic families.

According to these forecasts and the provisions of Article 39.6 of Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May, and due to the nature of the matter and its markedly technical nature, it is up to the Government, after consulting the autonomous communities, establishing by means of royal decree the qualifications corresponding to the professional teaching of plastic arts and design, the basic aspects of the curriculum of each one of them and the artistic professional families in the which are grouped together.

Likewise, establishing state bases by regulatory standards, as is the case in this case, is in accordance with the exceptionality accepted by the Constitutional Court when " it is an essential complement to certain assumptions to ensure the lowest common denominator laid down in the basic legal rules " (thus, inter alia, in SSTC 25/1983, 32/1983, and 48/1988).

The teachings of plastic arts and design, concerning the teaching of applied arts and artistic crafts in our educational system, assume the transmission of the artistic practices essential for the renovation and improvement of products, environments and messages and for the growth of artistic heritage. To this end, these professional artistic teachings place technological innovation, artistic appreciation and solid training in the arts and design trades in the context of the aesthetic and creative dimension of man, quality determining for the growth of wealth and the values of identity, personal expression and social communication.

In this sense, the basic objective of this title is to meet the current needs of training technicians in artistic reproduction in stone and to combine the knowledge of materials, technical procedures and new technologies with the culture and the artistic sensibility to constitute the guarantee of quality demanded today by the artistic and cultural productive sectors linked to the scope of this specialty.

Royal Decree 596/2007, of 4 May, defines the title of Technician of Plastic Arts and Design as the official document certifying the level of training, qualification and specific professional competence of each specialty It sets out the structure to be given to these titles and the aspects to be covered by the minimum lessons, now basic curriculum, corresponding.

In this normative framework, this royal decree aims to establish the professional title of Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Artistic Reproductions in Stone corresponding to the professional artistic family of Sculpture and identification, the professional profile, the professional context, the basic curriculum and those other aspects of the academic and the institutions, without prejudice to the competencies attributed to the Administrations In this field, they constitute the basic aspects of training guarantee the validity of the securities in compliance with the provisions of the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May.

The access to other studies, the convalidations and exemptions and the teaching competencies for the delivery of the basic curriculum are also determined.

For the elaboration of this standard, the autonomous communities have been consulted within the Sectoral Education Conference and the School Council of the State and the Ministry of Finance and Administrations have issued a report. Public.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on March 27, 2015,


Article 1. Object.

1. This royal decree aims to establish the title of Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Artistic Reproductions in Stone of the professional artistic family of Sculpture with official character and validity throughout the national territory and set the relevant basic curriculum in accordance with Article 6a (3) of the Organic Law of 9 December 2013 for the improvement of educational quality.

2. The provisions of this royal decree replace the regulation of the title of Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Art Talla in Stone contained in the Royal Decree 1385/1995, of 4 August, establishing the titles of Technical Arts Plastics and Design belonging to the professional family of Applied Arts of the Sculpture and their minimum teachings are approved.

Article 2. Professional profile, professional context, and basic curriculum of the Technical Arts and Design Technical Title in Art Reproductions in Stone.

1. The professional profile, the professional context and the basic curriculum corresponding to the title of Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Artistic Reproductions in Stone are regulated in Annex I to the present royal decree.

2. The educational authorities, in the field of their competences, will extend the basic curriculum corresponding to this title to the completion of the school hours laid down in Article 6a (3) of the Organic Law 8/2013, 9 of December.

3. The extension of the basic curriculum may include an increase in the reading and content of the modules and the practical training phase laid down in this standard, and should provide for the observance of the basic rules of validation. in order to ensure the minimum matching of the modules constituting the basic curriculum. In addition, new modules may be proposed which will have the consideration of the educational administration's own modules.

Article 3. Teaching competence.

The teaching competencies of officials belonging to the Teachers 'and Teachers' Corps of Plastic Arts Workshop and Design for the delivery of basic modules of the basic curriculum of the arts training cycle plastic and artistic reproductions in Piedra are those referred to in Annex II to the present royal decree.

Article 4. Ratios.

1. In the teachings corresponding to the formative cycle of plastic arts and design of artistic reproductions in Stone the number of teacher-student ratio will be, at most, 1/30 in the theoretical and theoretical classes and 1/15 in the classes Article 13 of Royal Decree 303/2010 of 15 March 2010 laying down the minimum requirements for centres providing for the provision of artistic teaching within the meaning of the Organic Law No 2/2006 of 3 May 2006, of the Education and without prejudice to the fact that the educational administration determines smaller groups for the The distribution of certain workshops or modules in the own rules for curricular development.

2. For the purposes set out in the previous paragraph, the modules are classified according to their theoretical, theoretical-practical, practical or workshops in Annex III to this royal decree.

3. The final Work module will be provided with the individualized tutoring of the corresponding faculty that will provide teaching in the training cycle.

Article 5. Installations.

1. The teaching centres which provide the training cycle of plastic arts and design of artistic reproductions in Piedra must comply with, at least, the requirements of installations and material conditions set out in Royal Decree 303/2010, of 15 March.

2. The spaces shall have the necessary and sufficient surface to develop the teaching activities of the professional modules which are provided in them. In addition, they must meet the following conditions:

(a) The area will be established on the basis of the number of people who occupy the training space and the type of education and must allow the development of training activities with the ergonomics and mobility required within of the same.

b) They should cover the spatial need for furniture, equipment and auxiliary work instruments.

c) They must respect the spaces or safety surfaces required by the machines and equipment in operation.

d) Respect the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks, the regulations on safety and health at the workplace and how many other rules are applicable.

3. The equipment included in each space must be the necessary and sufficient to guarantee the quality of the teaching. In addition they must meet the following conditions:

(a) The equipment (equipment, machines, and others) shall have the necessary installation for its proper operation, comply with the safety and risk prevention standards and with the other applicable standards.

(b) The quantity and characteristics of the equipment must be based on the number of pupils and enable the acquisition of the learning outcomes, taking into account the evaluation criteria and the content that is include in each of the professional modules that are delivered in the referenced spaces.

4. The competent authorities shall ensure that the spaces and equipment are adequate in quantity and characteristics for the development of teaching and learning processes and ensure the quality of these lessons.

Article 6. Access to other studies.

1. The title of Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Artistic Reproductions in Stone will allow access to any other formative cycle of the middle grade of the professional artistic teachings, with the exemption of the specific test for those cases provided for in Article 15 of Royal Decree 596/2007 of 4 May, establishing the general management of professional and plastic arts and design teaching.

2. The title of Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Art Reproductions in Stone will allow those who are eighteen years old to have access by means of proof to the higher education courses related to it.

3. The title of Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Artistic Reproductions in Stone will allow access to any of the modalities of Baccalaureate in accordance with the provisions of article 22 of Royal Decree 596/2007, of 4 May.

Article 7. Validations and exemptions.

1. The training modules of the training cycle of artistic reproductions in Piedra regulated in the present royal decree will be the subject of validation by modules of higher-grade and middle-grade training cycles of the artistic professional family. of Sculpture, as provided for in Annexes IV and V respectively.

2. The training modules of the training cycle of artistic reproductions in stone regulated in the present royal decree will be the subject of validation by modules of training cycles of the professional family of applied arts of the regulated culture. in Royal Decrees 1843/1994 of 9 September 1994 and 1385/1995 of 4 August, as provided for in Annexes VI and VII respectively.

3. The vocational training and guidance module shall be subject to validation provided that it has been overcome in a form of plastic arts and design.

4. The validations referred to in this standard shall be recognised by the Directorate of the public teaching centre in which the student is registered, in accordance with the procedure and the requirements laid down in the basic rules of professional plastic arts and design teaching validations.

5. They may be exempted by their correspondence with work practice, in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 of Royal Decree 596/2007 of 4 May 2007, the training modules of the training cycle of plastic arts and design Artistic reproductions in Stone as determined in Annex VIII.

6. The total or partial exemption from the practical training phase may be determined in undertakings, studies or workshops, provided that a work experience of at least one year in a professional field directly related to the training cycle is established. regulated in this royal decree.

7. The educational authorities shall recognise the exemptions provided for in this standard in accordance with the procedure laid down therein. In any event, the presentation of the documentation referred to in Articles 15.4 and 24 of Royal Decree 596/2007, of 4 May, shall be required for the accreditation of the work experience.

8. In no case may it be the object of validation, recognition of credits or exemption of the final Work module in order to achieve the integration of the knowledge, skills and abilities obtained in the teachings that are submitted and to be oriented to the professional field of the specialty of the title that is obtained. In addition, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport for certain modules of the basic curriculum and the autonomous communities for those who are themselves of their curricular developments may establish other limitations for the purposes of validations.

9. Baccalaureate subjects which are validated by modules belonging to the formative cycle of plastic arts and the average grade design of artistic reproductions in Stone are those set out in Annex X.

Additional disposition first. Title reference in the European framework.

Once the national qualifications framework has been established, in accordance with European recommendations, the corresponding level of qualifications will be determined in the national framework and its equivalent in the European framework.

Additional provision second. Equivalent degrees from the previous sort.

The title of Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Art Talla in Stone, belonging to the professional family of Applied Arts of the Sculpture, obtained according to the Royal Decree 1385/1995, of August 4, will have the same academic and professional effects that the title of Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Artistic Reproductions in Stone established in the present royal decree.

Additional provision third. Regulation of the exercise of the profession.

The title established in this royal decree does not constitute a regulation of the exercise of regulated profession.

Additional provision fourth. Universal accessibility in the teaching of the training cycle of plastic arts and design of artistic reproductions in Stone.

1. The educational administrations, in the field of their respective competences, will include in the curriculum of the training cycle of plastic arts and design of artistic reproductions in Stone the elements necessary to guarantee that the people who the cursen develop the competences included in the curriculum in "design for all", as established by the final provision of Royal Decree 1/2013, of 29 November, for which the recast of the General Law of Rights of the persons with disabilities and their social inclusion.

2. They shall also take the measures they deem necessary to enable such pupils to access and pursue these professional artistic teachings in accordance with the principles of equal opportunities, non-discrimination and accessibility and universal design, as stated in Organic Law 8/2013 of 9 December.

First transient disposition. Applicability of other rules.

1. Until the introduction of the teachings laid down in this royal decree, as established by the second final provision, the Royal Decree 1385/1995 of 4 August, in its references to the title of Technical Arts Plastic and Design in Applied Arts of the Stone.

2. Furthermore, until such time as these teachings are implemented in the field of management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the provisions of Royal Decree 694/1996 of 26 April 1996 establishing the Curriculum and the test of access to the training cycles of the average degree of Plastic Arts and Design of the Professional Family of Applied Arts of the Sculpture, in their references to the title of Technical Arts and Design in Arts Applied from the Stone.

Second transient disposition. Extinction of the study plan of the training cycle of the medium degree of plastic arts and design of applied arts of the Stone regulated by the Organic Law 1/1990, of October 3, of General Ordination of the Educational System and incorporation into the new Medium-grade teaching of plastic arts and design of Artistic Reproductions in Stone.

1. In the academic course of implantation of the teachings arranged in this royal decree will begin the progressive extinction of the plan of studies of the title of Technical Arts and Design in Applied Arts of the Stone Regulated in the Royal Decree 1843/1994 of 9 September.

2. The educational authorities shall ensure the recognised rights and obligations imposed by Royal Decree 596/2007 of 4 May 2007 and the acquisition of the titles of the teachings which are extinguished under the conditions which they are due to set.

3. The educational administrations will proceed to the incorporation of the students of the training cycle of plastic arts and design of Applied Arts of the Stone of the system that is extinguished to the different courses of the formative cycle of the average grade of arts Article 21.3 of Royal Decree 806/2006 of 30 June establishing the timetable for the implementation of the new management of the system of the new organisation of the European Union in the field of the European educational system, established by the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May, and taking into account the modules they may be recognised in accordance with Annex IX to this royal decree and appropriate adaptations in accordance with their curricular extensions.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

All provisions of equal or lower rank are repealed to be opposed to the provisions of this royal decree.

Final disposition first. Competence title and basic character.

This royal decree is of a basic standard and is dictated by the powers conferred on the State by Article 149.1.1. and 30. of the Constitution, with the exception of the second paragraph of the provision First transient.

Final disposition second. Implementation of the new curriculum.

The educational administrations will begin the progressive implementation of the new curriculum of these teachings in the school year 2015 -2016.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on March 27, 2015.


The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport,


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