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Royal Decree 380/2015, 14 May, Which Regulates Direct Grant-Making Of "incentive Program To The Efficient Vehicle (Pive-8)".

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 380/2015, de 14 de mayo, por el que se regula la concesión directa de subvenciones del "Programa de Incentivos al Vehículo Eficiente (Pive-8)".

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The renewal of transport fleets has been shown as one of the most efficient measures for reducing energy consumption, with additional positive environmental and road safety effects. In this sense, the experiences of the Efficient Vehicle Incentives Program, in its seven calls (PIVE, PIVE-2, PIVE-3, PIVE-4, PIVE-5, PIVE-6 and PIVE-7), established by the Resolutions of 28 September 2012 and 31 January 2013, of the Secretariat of State of Energy, for which they were published on September 24, 2012 and January 30, 2013, of the Board of Directors of the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy, as well as through the Royal Decree 575/2013, of 26 July, Royal Decree 830/2013 of 25 October, Royal Decree 35/2014, of 24 of In January, the Royal Decree 525/2014 of 20 June and Royal Decree 124/2015 of 27 February, with the aim of replacing an approximate total of 886,000 old vehicles with the same new vehicle units, and whose funds have been exhausted in a The time period much lower than the one initially foreseen in these calls, indicates the excellent reception that this programme has taken.

The aim of these programmes as a whole, once this edition is complete, is to replace a total of 1,185,000 old vehicles with the same new vehicle units, with annual savings of 412 million. Of liters of fuel, avoiding the import of 2,628,687 barrels of oil per year, and the reduction of the emission of 850,000 tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.

These plans have allowed the market to accumulate already nineteen months of continued growth, with growth of 40.5 per cent in passenger and passenger car registrations in the month of March. In 2014, about one million vehicles were registered. The impulse of the PIVE Plans, has been one of the architects to cushion the effects of the crisis and to continue with the growth of this segment, and has assumed other positive effects in sectors such as advertising, insurance, workshops, gestories, dealers, etc.

Given the importance that the successive plans have had for the market, and the forecasts of its behavior for these next few months, it is advisable to maintain this type of measures. In this regard, the Government has taken the decision to carry out a new and final edition of the Efficient Vehicle Incentives Program in its eighth call (Plan PIVE-8) with a budget of 225 million euros, which will allow continue to support the sector up to the current deadline of 31 December 2015, or, if appropriate, until the available budget of the programme is exhausted.

Since the last edition of the program is intended to be the last edition of the program, the program has a continuing character with respect to the previous PIVE-7, with the only notable change referred to the minoring of the economic support per vehicle, which passes from 1,000 euros to 750 euros for the general case.

Thus, in this royal decree, most of the criteria that already included in the previous calls for the program, related to the inclusion of the models of lower relative consumption, the inclusion of those models, are maintained. with increased capacity for the transport of persons and special support for those applicants who are persons with disabilities who credit their reduced mobility and who acquire an adapted vehicle, as well as the communication and advertising requirements of the New Plan to be met by dealers or sales outlets attached.

The obligation of sales outlets or concessionaires attached to the Program to inform beneficiaries about the awareness of the efficient driving associated with the sale of the product is maintained in this call. new vehicle, by means of the delivery of a prospectus with information of these techniques together with the vehicle documentation, as well as a brief explanation by such outlets.

It is continued to require that the achatarrado vehicle count with the Vehicle Technical Inspection in force at the date of entry into force of this program for vehicles category M1 and category N1. It is also required that the beneficiary has been the holder of the vehicle in question during the 12 months preceding the date of application for the aid.

The maximum purchase price for vehicles under support of EUR 20,000, before tax, for passenger cars (category M1) of energy class B and which have been granted with approved CO2 emissions more than 120 g/km, in order to ensure greater efficiency in the use of public funds. The limit to the purchase price of pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids and extended autonomy of 40,000 euros is also maintained. Like the previous edition of the PIVE programme, the present aid is declared incompatible with any other aid from the General Administration of the State for the purchase of vehicles.

It will be required that when the beneficiary is a natural person, he or she is older, except in the case of disability, where there will be no age conditioning for the beneficiaries.

The subsidies regulated in this royal decree are granted to those applicants who meet the conditions for obtaining them. For the sake of carrying out the behaviour laid down in the standard and fulfilling the conditions and conditions required, the subsidy shall be granted provided that the aid previously awarded has not exceeded the amount of the budget available or the period of validity of the Programme has expired. This determines that they are procedures initiated at the request of the person concerned, in contrast to the competitive competition procedure, which is a procedure which starts on its own initiative, in accordance with Article 23 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November. General of Grants, which does not make its public call possible.

There are peculiar reasons of public, social and economic interest for the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism to carry out continuity actions of the Efficient Vehicle Incentives Program by granting direct grants. Therefore, these subsidies are applicable to the provisions of Article 22 (2) (c) of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, relating to aid under direct concession, with a real decree being required which, in accordance with Article 28 (2) of that law, approve the special rules of the subsidies referred to in Article 22 (2) (c)

This royal decree is dictated by the state competence in terms of bases and coordination of the general planning of economic activity provided for in Article 149.1.13. of the Constitution.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, prior to the report of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers, at its meeting of May 14, 2015,


Article 1. Object and scope of application.

1. It constitutes the object of this royal decree the regulation of the procedure for the direct grant of grants for the "Program of Incentives to the Efficient Vehicle (PIVE-8)" consisting in potentiating a decrease of the national energy consumption by encouraging the modernisation of the tourism (M1) and commercial (N1) vehicles with high energy efficiency models, with lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, all in the framework of the Savings Plan and Energy Efficiency 2011-2020.

2. To this end, the subsidies referred to in this royal decree will be granted for the purchase of new vehicles of categories M1 and N1, which will be accompanied by the definitive reduction in the Vehicle Registry the General Directorate of Traffic vehicle, provided that one and the other meet the requirements set out in this royal decree.

Article 2. Characteristics and compatibility of grants.

1. The grants covered by this royal decree shall be granted by the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy as a grant body in accordance with the provisions of the first subparagraph of Article 3 (2) of the Treaty. Law 38/2003, of November 17, General of Grants, to applications that comply with each and every one of the requirements set forth in this royal decree, by order of activation of the reserve of budget, until the deadline of validity of this call specified in Article 7, or, if it occurs before, until exhausted the available budget.

2. The grants provided for in this royal decree are declared incompatible, for the same vehicle, with any other aid or grant granted by the General Administration of the State.

3. Furthermore, these grants, with the exception of those whose beneficiaries are private individuals, entities and non-profit institutions which are unable to undertake economic activities which have an impact on third parties, will be subject to the the limits laid down in Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to aid for de minimis (OJ L 352, 24. December 2013), as well as any other provision that may be applicable and be approved for the duration of this programme, respecting the rules of cumulation which prevent the aid limits laid down in that regulation from being exceeded.

For these purposes, applicants must submit a responsible declaration for all aid granted, making special mention of de minimis aid received during the previous two fiscal years. and during the current fiscal year, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant aid application.

Article 3. Funding.

1. The financing of the grants covered by this royal decree will be carried out in charge of the contributions received by the IDAE from the budget of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, the Ministry of Energy, Item 20.18.425A.746 "Al IDAE for the Efficient Vehicle Incentive Program (PIVE-8)", amounting to EUR 225,000,000.

2. In the event of any remaining in the Efficient Vehicle Incentive Program (PIVE-7), they will be incorporated into the "Efficient Vehicle Incentive Program (PIVE-8)".

3. In any event, the budget available for the implementation of this programme shall be deemed to be exhausted, where the last budget reserve is made available for the amount corresponding to it.

After that time, the sales outlets attached to the program may continue to temporarily activate budget reserves in the corresponding computer application, which will be served by strict order of activation of the same, subject to the fact that cancellations have occurred in previous reservations that release the budget. The possibility of continuing to activate these provisional reserves will end definitively, with a deadline of December 31, 2015, by resolution of the Director General of IDAE that will be communicated to all the points of sale attached. On the other hand, the selling points will receive confirmation from IDAE of the inclusion of each provisional reserve, subject to the cancellation of reserves that release the budget, as well as, if necessary, of the moment in which the same may be attended. In no case, the budget reserve, as set out in this paragraph, will generate the right to receive subsidies.

Article 4. Eligible vehicles.

1. The grant of applications to the PIVE-8 Plan shall be used for the purchase of new vehicles of category M1 (motor vehicles with at least four wheels designed and manufactured for the carriage of passengers, having, in addition to driver's seat, maximum eight seats) or category N1 (vehicles the maximum mass of which does not exceed 3.5 tonnes, designed and manufactured for the carriage of goods), registered in Spain, and which meet the following requirements:

a) Turisms of category M1:

1. Conventional, hybrid, plug-in hybrid and electric extended autonomy (fully or partially propelled by internal combustion engines of petrol or diesel and electric), which at the date of activation of the Reserve of budget are classified as class A or B in the "Database of the IDAE of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions in new cars" published on the website of the IDAE, according to the provisions of the Royal Decree 837/2002, of 2 The Commission is also responsible for the implementation of the programme for the development of the European Community's energy policy. CO2 of new passenger cars that are put up for sale or offered on lease in Spanish territory.

2. Pure Electrical.

3. º powered by internal combustion engines that can use alternative fossil fuels (self-gas -GLP-and natural gas) that appear in the aforementioned " Database of the IDAE of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions in new cars", and in addition, credit for CO2 emissions not exceeding 160 g/km (grams per kilometre


b) Light commercial category N1:

1. Conventional, hybrid, plug-in hybrid and electric extended-range electric vehicles fully or partially propelled by internal combustion engines of gasoline, diesel, LPG and natural gas, which also provide proof of with approved CO2 emissions not exceeding 160 g/km (grams per kilometre).

2. Pure Electrical.

(c) passenger cars (M1) and commercial vehicles (N1) with CO2 emissions equal to or less than 120 g/km and that at the date of activation of the budget reserve are classified as Class A, B, C or D, in the "Fuel consumption IDAE database and CO2 emissions in new cars".

(d) Only in cases where the applicant is a natural person, a large family member (a vehicle with more than five seats), or disabled with reduced mobility and a vehicle adapted or adapted for driving, provided that the adaptation consists of the technical information sheet of the purchased vehicle, which acquires a vehicle of the category passenger cars (M1) of petrol or diesel, which at the date of activation of the budget reserve is classified as Class A, B and C, in the "Database of the IDAE of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions in new cars", cited at the same point in paragraph (a). In the case where the previous beneficiaries acquire an M1 or N1 vehicle powered by natural gas and LPG, those that do not exceed the limit of 180 g CO2/km. shall be permitted.

e) It will also be necessary for the purchase price of the vehicles to be supported, at the time of application for the grant, not to exceed, before VAT or IGIC:

1. º EUR 25,000, except in the cases referred to in paragraph (d), where the price shall not exceed EUR 30,000.

2. º 40,000 euros, in the particular case of subsidies for the purchase of pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids and extended autonomy.

3. € 20,000, in the case of grants for the purchase of conventional cars (petrol or diesel) that are classified as energy class B and have CO2 emissions approved higher than 120 g/km (grams per kilometre).

2. It shall be necessary for the acquiring holder of the eligible vehicle to prove the final discharge in circulation of the vehicle to be carried out in the Register of Vehicles of the Directorate-General for Traffic, by means of the corresponding certificate of the final discharge of the vehicle, as set out in Article 9 of this royal decree.

The vehicle to be carried out must be, without distinction, category M1 or N1, and be registered in Spain before the date on which this programme takes effect. The age of the vehicle shall be greater than 10 years in the case of category M1, and greater than seven years in the case of category N1. For the purposes of the seniority of the vehicles, it shall be considered from the date of first registration until the date of activation of the corresponding reserve of budget of the aid application or up to the date of registration of the new vehicle acquired if the latter was earlier. Additionally, and regardless of its category, the vehicle to be achatarrar must have had in force the Technical Inspection of Vehicles (ITV) to the entry into force of this royal decree.

The holder of the vehicle liable for payment must also be entitled to the ownership of the vehicle at least during the 12 months preceding the date of application for the aid, and to present the last receipt. of the Mechanical Traction Vehicle Tax, duly paid, at least since 2014.

3. Grants shall be awarded for one time, without duplication in the case of successive transmissions of the same vehicle.

4. Vehicles of category M1, conventional, hybrid, plug-in hybrid and extended-range electric vehicles (fully or partially propelled by internal combustion engines of petrol or diesel and electric), capable of being supported In the framework of this programme they must appear in the database of the fuel consumption IDAE and CO2 emissions in new cars for sale in Spain which, for this purpose and while the programme is in force, will be kept up to date and published on the website of IDAE (, in accordance with the provisions of the Royal Decree 837/2002 of 2 August, for which information on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions is regulated for new passenger cars that are put up for sale or offered on lease in Spanish territory. The information contained in this database may not be used for any other purpose than for the purpose of applying for aid under this programme, without prejudice to the infringements and penalties provided for by the said programme. a decree concerning non-compliance with any of its provisions.

5. Manufacturers and importers of vehicles that appear in the Data Base of the fuel consumption IDAE and emissions of CO2 in new cars, will be responsible for the veracity of the information provided to IDAE in order that their vehicles appear in that database, committing to provide the IDAE with the evidence and documentation that it may require for verification.

6. Those acquisitions of vehicles which are not carried out in accordance with the above requirements, and in particular those carried out outside the time limit laid down in Article 7 of this royal decree, shall not be eligible for such acquisitions. attached to the programme or those not accompanied by the documentation referred to in Article 9.

7. The aid shall be limited to the purchase of a single vehicle per beneficiary.

8. In any event, both the registration of the eligible vehicle and the issue of the certificate of the final discharge in the Register of Vehicles of the Directorate-General for Traffic in the vehicle to be carried out must not have been produced. prior to the date on which the programme takes effect, in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of this royal decree.

Article 5. Amount.

1. The grants covered by this Royal Decree for the purchase of vehicles of category M1 and N1 specified in Article 4 shall be subject to the application on the relevant sales invoice by the point of sale. adhered to the programme, of a minimum discount of 750 euros per vehicle, made by the manufacturer/importer or point of sale of the purchased vehicle. The amount of public aid provided by the IDAE in this programme shall be EUR 750 per vehicle.

This aid will amount to EUR 1,500 per vehicle in the case of passenger cars (M1) of more than five seats and light commercial category (N1), as referred to in Article 4.1.d), provided that the applicant is a a natural person who is a member of a large family, in accordance with Articles 2 and 3 of Law 40/2003 of 18 November of the Protection of Families, and is accredited as such in accordance with the provisions of Article 9. Similarly, this aid will be applied in the event that the applicant is a person with a disability who accredits his or her reduced mobility and who acquires a vehicle adapted or adapted for driving, provided that the adaptation is recorded in the Technical tab of the purchased vehicle.

2. Taking into account the above paragraphs in this article, the total discount to be shown on the invoice under the programme will be at least EUR 1,500: a minimum discount of EUR 750, applied before tax and the manufacturer/importer or marketer/point of sale of the purchased vehicle, to which EUR 750 per vehicle after tax is added, in charge of the aid budget.

In the case of persons with disabilities who credit their reduced mobility and acquire vehicles (M1) and (N1) adapted or adapted for their driving, provided that the adaptation is on the technical tab of the vehicle acquired, referred to in Article 4.1 (d), and in the case of applicants who are members of large families, who purchase M1 vehicles with more than 5 seats, the total discount to be shown on the invoice under the programme shall be, as minimum, of 3,000 euros; a minimum discount of 1,500 euros, applied before taxes and in charge of the manufacturer/importer or marketer/point of sale of the purchased vehicle, to which a further EUR 1,500 per vehicle after tax is added, in charge of the budget of the programme.

Article 6. Beneficiaries.

1. They may be beneficiaries of the grants provided for in this programme:

(a) Senior physical persons, with the exception of cases of disability who may be less than that age. In the case of self-employed professionals, they will have to be discharged from the Census of Employers, Professionals and Reholders.

(b) Micro-enterprises, with the understanding of those enterprises which occupy less than 10 persons and whose annual turnover or annual balance sheet does not exceed EUR 2 million, the limits being computed according to the Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market pursuant to Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty (general Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council) block exemption).

(c) Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) defined in accordance with that set out in Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 and meeting the following requirements:

1. º That employ less than 250 people.

2. º that its annual turnover does not exceed 50 million euros, or whose annual balance sheet does not exceed 43 million euros.

The criteria set out in the above points for micro and small businesses, which should be met by potential beneficiaries, should be those for the last accounting year closed before the date of application. The subsidy. If, at the date of publication of this notice, any undertaking does not have a closed accounting year, the grant of the grant shall be conditional on the fact that, on the first date of the closing of the accounts, the above limits were met.

2. Applicants in which one of the circumstances provided for in Article 13 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, shall not obtain the status of beneficiaries. The beneficiary shall, together with the application for a grant, sign a responsible statement.

3. The beneficiary must be aware of the compliance with its tax obligations and social security, which will be credited by a responsible declaration which will be signed together with the application for the grant, without prejudice to the the provisions of Article 11.

Article 7. Deadlines.

The program shall have effect from the day following the date of publication in the "Official State Gazette" of the royal decree and end on December 31, 2015, or, if it occurs before, when the budget is exhausted. available as set out in Article 3.

The telematic system for the management of aid which allows applications for aid to be submitted will be activated at the date and time notified by the IDAE to the concessionaires attached to the PIVE-8 programme, by means of the website of the same, hosted on the website of the IDAE These operations will be validated as long as their budget reserves are activated and the corresponding requests for aid are made for the point of sale adhered to the program, in accordance with the terms and conditions established by this royal decree.

Article 8. Procedure.

The applications for the grants established in this royal decree will necessarily be channelled through the points of sale of vehicles previously attached to the program, according to the following procedure:

(a) The points of sale of vehicles that wish to participate in the present program are to be attached to it, as established in article 12 of this royal decree. The use of the keys of access to the computer application of the "Program of Incentives To Efficient Vehicle (PIVE-8)", facilitated by the IDAE to the dealers already attached prior to the " Program of Incentives to the Efficient Vehicle (PIVE-7) ", will be confirmed by its accession to the PIVE-8 Programme. With such accession, the points of sale accept and commit to the fulfillment of the full content of the present royal decree.

(b) Grants interested in grants may know, for each postal code, the updated listing and location of the sales points attached to the "Efficient Vehicle Incentive Program (PIVE-8)" as well as the vehicles susceptible of aid in the Database of the IDAE of fuel consumption and emissions of CO2 in new cars, in the web page of the IDAE.

(c) The potential beneficiary shall be directed to a point of sale adhered to the programme and shall choose any of the vehicles that meet the requirements set out in Article 4 of this royal decree. The point of sale of vehicles, with their access keys that identify them as adhering to the "Program of Incentives To Efficient Vehicle (PIVE-8)", will be able to check, in real time through the computer application created to the effect and located in the the IDAE website, the amount of funds available under the programme and, where appropriate, the corresponding reserve of budget and request for assistance.

(d) To make the budget reserve, the point of sale shall, in electronic form, complete the basic data of the operation relating to the beneficiary, the vehicle acquired and the vehicle to be carried out by the application. Computer software designed for this purpose will ask you to make the grant application. Once the reservation has been made, the signed point of sale will receive an email, addressed to the address provided for this purpose, confirming the reservation of the budget made for the corresponding application.

Each budget reserve may not comprise more than one vehicle or more than one beneficiary.

e) In the confirmation email of the budget reserve, the point of sale will receive, as an accompanying document, the pdf of the form of the request for assistance for the purchase of the vehicle corresponding to the operation raised. The point of sale shall be printed in triplicate.

f) The point of sale of vehicles adhered to the program must offer the price of the vehicle applying on the invoice, before taxes, the corresponding discount made by the manufacturer or importer, collected in the article 5.1 of this royal decree and then, after tax, the aid of the PIVE-8 Programme, as set out in Article 5.2.

g) The point of sale adhered will proceed to verify that the buyer is a subject that meets the requirements of Article 6 of this royal decree with character prior to the sale of the vehicle to the potential beneficiary.

The point of sale shall collect from the beneficiary all the documentation determined in Article 9. Once it has been done, it must be loaded into the software application of the programme and the records which were not previously included in the activation of the budget reserve of the aid application, corresponding to the registration, selling price before VAT or IGIC and date of registration of the new vehicle purchased.

This application must be signed by the beneficiary and signed and sealed by the point of sale adhered to the program, each one being left with an original. The third original copy shall also be kept by the point of sale adhered to for the purposes of Article 10.6.

(h) Taking into account that the maximum period between the activation of the budget reserve and the provision of the beneficiary of a new vehicle must not exceed 90 working days, any reserve of aid with duration exceeding 105 working days, counted from the date of activation of the budget reserve, shall be automatically cancelled, after information to the point of sale.

i) In the event that the documentation loaded telematic in the application does not meet the required requirements, the applicant and/or point of sale may be required to subsane the deficiency within 15 working days. The lack of any remedy within the given time limit will result in the inadmission of the corresponding application and the automatic cancellation of the activation of the budget reserve.

(j) Approved full compliance with the conditions, the Director-General of the IDAE shall give a decision granting the grant and shall agree to the transfer of the amount of the subsidy to the point of sale adhered to, through the bank current account established for that purpose.

k) The justification for the aid shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IV, Article 30 and successive, of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants. In this context, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 (7), however, the subsidies which are the subject of this royal decree are granted in the light of the concurrence of a particular situation in the recipient, require further justification than the accreditation by any means admissible in law of such situation, prior to the grant, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 10.6 of this royal decree.

Article 9. Documentation to be delivered by the buyer/beneficiary to the point of sale of vehicles.

The applicants for the aid must supply to the point of sale adhered to, at the time of the purchase of the vehicle susceptible of aid, their name or full social reason, nationality, national identity document (DNI), Foreign Identity Number (NIE) or Fiscal Identification Number (NIF), and address, to be incorporated into the IT application, additionally providing the following documentation:

a) A photocopy of the DNI or NIE of the individual or natural person or of the tax identification card where the NIF of the legal person is established (in force).

b) In the case of self-employed professionals, certificate of discharge in the Census of Employers, Professionals and Reholders.

(c) In the case of an applicant, a natural person, a large family member, photocopy of the official title of large family. In the case of a disabled person who has evidence of their reduced mobility, a certificate issued by the competent assessment bodies of the Institute of Senior and Social Services (IMSERSO) or the Autonomous Communities.

d) photocopy of the "Certificate of the final discharge of the vehicle", by the corresponding Authorized Vehicle Treatment Center (CAT), on behalf of the General Directorate of Traffic or, failing that, report of the General Registry of Vehicles of the corresponding Provincial Traffic Headquarters, which accredits the definitive discharge.

e) Photocopy of the front and back, of the Technical Sheet (ITV card) of the vehicle where the date of the last Technical Inspection of Vehicles is recorded and the date of expiry of the same, so that the Technical Inspection is in force at the date of entry into force of this programme, and photocopies of the Vehicle Circulation Permit where the date of first registration, the date of registration in Spain and the date of issue is recorded. In the absence of any of these documents, the Traffic Directorate General Report will be provided with the vehicle's history.

The IDAE will verify, in a telematic manner, with the General Directorate of Traffic, the expiration date of the last Technical Inspection passed by the achatarrado vehicle, as well as the age in the ownership of the vehicle.

f) Photocopy of the receipt of the Mechanical Traction Vehicle Tax of the achatarrado vehicle, duly paid, at least since the financial year 2014.

G) Photocopy of the Technical Sheet of the purchased Vehicle. In those vehicles where the number of CO2/km in the Technical Sheet is not mandatory, as well as in the LPG and Natural Gas vehicles, an official Certificate of CO2 emissions from the manufacturer must be provided. In the case of vehicles adapted for persons with reduced mobility, the technical information sheet of the vehicle purchased shall reflect the adaptation made.

(h) Photocopy of the Circulation Permit of the purchased vehicle or photocopy of the Provisional Circulation Permit issued by the General Directorate of Traffic. In cases where a temporary permit is issued for vehicles whose registration begins with the letter P, the contribution of photocopy of the definitive Circulation Permit shall be required within the time limit of the correction provided for in Article 8 (i) of this Royal decree.

(i) photocopy of the purchase invoice, in the name of the beneficiary (except in the case of leasing in which the invoice for the relevant leasing contract is accompanied), in which it is broken down: ex-works price, other costs, discount from the manufacturer or point of sale for the "Efficient Vehicle Incentive Program (PIVE-8)" (minimum 750 euros), other discounts, car price before VAT or IGIC, after tax, public aid in the amount of 750 euros provided by the "Efficient Vehicle Incentive Program (PIVE-8)" and total to pay for the beneficiary.

In the case of persons with disabilities who credit their reduced mobility and the potential beneficiary is a large family member, and the vehicle acquired is framed in the typology referred to in Article 4.1 (d), the Photocopy of the vehicle purchase invoice shall reflect the following breakdown: ex-works price, other costs, manufacturer's discount or point of sale for the "Efficient Vehicle Incentive Program (PIVE-8)" (minimum 1,500 euros), other discounts, price of the vehicle before VAT or IGIC, price after tax, subsidy The amount of EUR 1,500 per person charged under the "Efficient Vehicle Incentive Scheme (PIVE-8)" and total payable by the acquiring beneficiary.

On the invoice, the registration number or the number of the frame, mark, model and version of the purchased vehicle, as well as its energy class (in M1 vehicles) or its CO2/km emissions (in vehicles) must also be stated. N1).

In cases where a rectifying invoice is issued, which involves a return to the customer, a "Recibi" signed by the customer on which the corresponding return is made must be provided.

Article 10. Processing of the aid by the point of sale of vehicles.

1. The points of sale of vehicles attached to this programme shall, at the time of the sale of the eligible vehicle, carry out the discount and deduction on the purchase price referred to in Article 5.2. The deduction of the amount of the subsidy shall be considered as an advance payment of the subsidy, subject to the verification of the required documentation.

2. The activation of the budget reserve for the aid application shall be completed by the point of sale through the IT application established for the purpose, by checking and filling in the application the identifying data of the applicant who appears in your DNI, NIE or NIF. The validity of the activation document of the reservation is conditioned to the veracity of each and every one of the data completed in it. The information contained in the key fields of the reservation such as DNI, NIE or NIF of the beneficiary and the registration of the vehicle shall not be subsable. In the event of voluntary cancellation of the budget reserve by the beneficiary, the point of sale shall send the IDAE an e-mail with the identification of the reservation and the data of the applicant (name and DNI, NIE or NIF) to the pive8 address

3. When making a budget reservation, the point of sale must follow the directions of the application, by entering the data requested in relation to the vehicle to be reached and the type of vehicle to be purchased.

In relation to the marking of the lockers of "Aid to disability" or "Large family aid", it will not be possible to modify what is indicated in the reserve, not being therefore subsanable. The documentation to be loaded into the application must be consistent with the marking of the appropriate box.

Additionally, you will collect from the buyer the documentation referred to in Article 9.

4. After completing the data requested by the application for the aid application, the point of sale will receive by e-mail the corresponding confirmation of the activation of the budget reserve, corresponding to the request of the help.

5. After the sale and after verification of compliance with the provisions of the previous paragraphs, the point of sale will charge, in the corresponding spaces enabled for this effect in the computer application, pointing to the effect that the only one Supported format for document loading is the pdf, the following documentation duly scanned:

(a) The beneficiary relative to the beneficiary referred to in Article 9.

(b) The sales invoice, which must comply with the provisions of Royal Decree 1619/2012 of 30 November, approving the Regulation governing the obligations of invoicing and other rules in force. On that invoice, it must, in addition, explicitly state:

1. Acquired vehicle data: registration or rack, brand, model, version and energy class or CO emissions2/km.

2. Vehicle cost breakdown: ex-works price, other costs or taxes, manufacturer's discount associated with the "Efficient Vehicle Incentive Program (PIVE-8)", other discounts, vehicle price before VAT or IGIC, after-tax price, aid applied in accordance with the amounts mentioned in Article 5, specifying for this concept the grant of the "Program of Incentives To Efficient Vehicle (PIVE-8)" and Total to Pay or Total Invoice.

After loading into the application the documentation provided and completing the possible additional data required for the grant application (registration number, frame number and registration date of the new vehicle) acquired), the point of sale will receive by e-mail the application document. The point of sale will then print three copies of the application document and proceed to its signature and seal, also collecting the buyer's signature.

6. The IDAE may request, at any time, during the limitation period of the right of the Administration to recognize or to liquidate the drawback, the remission of the originals of the supporting documents or documentation provided that it considers appropriate. Where appropriate, the grant shall be reimbursed by the point of sale adhered to, in the terms laid down in Article 13, if the latter does not provide such originals within 15 working days of the day following the day on which the IDAE it would have been required in that regard, considering that such a circumstance would be a breach of the obligation to justify the award of the grant.

Article 11. Obligations of the beneficiaries and points of sale.

Will be obligations of beneficiaries and points of sale attached:

a) Follow the methodology and the procedure established in this royal decree, checking the fulfilment of the required requirements as well as the performance of the activity and the fulfillment of the purpose that determines the granting of the aid, while retaining the supporting documents and supporting documentation of such extremes, as provided for in Article 10.6.

(b) Submit to the actions of verification that the IDAE may carry out and, where appropriate, to the actions of financial control that correspond to the General Intervention of the State in relation to the aid granted.

(c) Meet the requirements of Article 13 (2) and (3) of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, among which are to be aware of their tax obligations and (a) with regard to social security, and not to have any obligation to reinstate aid with the General Administration of the State and its dependent public bodies and entities. For this purpose, the beneficiary and the representative of the point of sale shall subscribe, together with their respective requests for aid and accession, responsible statements.

However, in the case of points of sale attached, when they exceed an amount of EUR 3 000 in the set of applications for aid which they process, they shall be obliged to provide proof of their being in the ordinary of the obligations the tax issued to that effect by the State Administration of Tax Administration and to be aware of the obligations to the Social Security as provided for in Article 22 of the Regulation of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of July 21.

Article 12. Adherence of vehicle sales points and obligations.

1. They may be points of sale attached to the Efficient Vehicle Incentives Program (PIVE-8), the companies authorized for the marketing of vehicles operating in the Spanish State and who credit to be discharged for this purpose by means of the identification number of the establishment.

2. The points of sale interested in participating and collaborating in the "Program of Incentives to the Efficient Vehicle (PIVE-8)", must enter the page of the program that will be located on the website of the IDAE ( and register for this purpose following the indications of the computer application.

After registration, you will need to fill in the basic data that the application requires to generate the corresponding membership card. Once the process of entering the data into the application is completed, an email will be sent to the corresponding point of sale with a file containing the application for the adhesion of the point of sale of vehicles. The dealer or point of sale shall sign and seal the application and forward it by e-mail, including the documents indicated in the mail received with that request.

Dealers or points of sale already attached to the "Efficient Vehicle Incentive Program (PIVE-7)" established by Royal Decree 525/2014, of June 20, will be automatically considered to be attached, provided that they are current in the performance of their tax obligations and with the social security as well as not in any of the circumstances set out in Article 13 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, being committed to the fulfillment of each and every one of the requirements set forth in this royal decree, except express waiver.

However, dealers or outlets not previously attached to the "Efficient Vehicle Incentive Program (PIVE-7)" or that, having been attached to it, would have suffered, after their accession, changes in the data or documents provided, will have to send, in addition to the application form, the following documents:

1. The current account entitlement document.

2. A photocopy of the DNI in force of the signatory and proxy in case the point of sale is a legal person, unless the person concerned provides his/her express consent for his/her personal identity data can be consulted by IDAE through the Identity Data Verification System set out in Order PRE/3949/2006 of 26 December, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 522/2006 of 28 April 2006, for the deletion of the contribution of photocopies of identity documents in the administrative procedures of the Administration General of the State and its related or dependent public bodies.

3. Accredited Photocopy of the Industrial Registration Number identifying the establishment or certificate of discharge in the Census of Employers, Professionals and Reholders.

4. No Certificate to be aware of the tax obligations issued to that effect by the State Tax Administration Agency and to be aware of the obligations to Social Security.

They will be exempted from providing the documentation relating to the data contained in the Registry of the Requesting Entities of Aid (RESA) of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, regulated by the Order ITC/11/2010, 29 of April, all points of sale that would have been recorded in the application form, specifying the documentation and data that are entered in the application form.

3. If the documentation provided does not meet the required requirements, the point of sale shall be required to ensure that, within 10 working days, the necessary documentation is subsated or the necessary documentation is accompanied by an indication that if it does not will be given up on its application for membership of the programme.

4. Once the entry of the point of sale to the program has been accepted by the IDAE, the high point of sale will be made effective as a center attached to the PIVE-8, informing itself to this effect by e-mail. From this moment on, you can access the budget reservation activation computer system and help requests using your key and password.

5. The listing of the points of sale attached to the "Program of Incentives To Efficient Vehicle (PIVE-8)" will be published on the website of the IDAE and will be updated continuously, collecting the points of sale that will adhere, once it is validated by the IDAE the corresponding documentation to be submitted by them.

6. Additional obligations of the sales points attached to the "Efficient Vehicle Incentive Program (PIVE-8)" shall be without prejudice to the other obligations set out in this royal decree:

a) Inform applicants for grants of the benefits of eligible vehicles from the "Efficient Vehicle Incentive Program (PIVE-8)".

b) Make the marketer or manufacturer's discount as well as the deduction, after tax, of the amount of aid corresponding to the vehicle purchased on the occasion of the " Efficient Vehicle Incentives Program (PIVE-8) ", as provided for in Article 5.2; and to provide the beneficiaries with a supporting copy of the aid application made on their behalf, as well as the original invoice containing the discounts made.

c) Follow the methodology and procedures established in this royal decree as well as the instructions that, in case of doubt or conflict, could be carried out by the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy by means of Resolution of its Director General.

d) To actively collaborate in the dissemination and support of the objectives of the programme relating to the awareness and dissemination of the existence of high energy efficiency vehicles supported by the programme, as well as to the awareness of energy savings and energy efficiency in transport.

e) The point of sale shall present and deliver, together with the documentation of the purchased vehicle, a prospectus with information on efficient driving techniques.

f) Show in visible place, within each of the commercial premises of the dealer or point of sale adhered, the logo of the "Program of Incentives To The Efficient Vehicle (PIVE-8)", as well as the advertising supports that are indicated below. The IDAE will design the image of the Plan (logo, motto, uses, etc.) and its corresponding "Application Manual" in the necessary formats, variants and/or adaptations (color, B/N, vertical, horizontal, etc.), which will facilitate the concessionaires attached to the program for implementation.

Advertising media will be at least:

i. At the entrance of the establishment: Cartel in minimum size DIN-A3 with the expression "attached establishment" that will accompany the logo PIVE-8.

ii. Inside the establishment: DISPLAY on floor of dimensions 80 × 130 cm, in colour to 4/0 inks on 300 g cartoncillo with plasticised gloss on visible face and cardboard support for vertical fastening.

iii. In all the media used to transmit the communication (spots tv, press graphics, Internet, etc.), the logo "Plan PIVE-8".

iv. In sound media, as radio channels, clear reference will be made to it by using the expression (on or off) "PLAN PIVE EIGHT".

f) To process, complete and submit to the IDAE the corresponding requests for aid in accordance with the procedure, deadlines and requirements set out in this royal decree.

Article 13. Causes of drawback of grants.

1. Regardless of the returns to which there would have been in accordance with Article 36 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General of Grants, the total or partial refund shall be made and the requirement of interest for late payment from the date of payment of the grant until the date of the repayment of the grant is agreed, in the cases referred to in Article 37 of that law, as well as in the other cases provided for in the provisions referred to in Article 2 of this Regulation. decree.

2. In the case of partial defaults, the IDAE shall determine the amount to be reintegrated by the beneficiary in response to the principle of proportionality on the basis of the justified costs and the actions accredited, in accordance with the provisions of the Article 37 (2) of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, in conjunction with Article 17 (3) (n) of that Law.

Article 14. Advertising.

Any reference in any means of dissemination to the action covered by the grants covered by this royal decree, must include that it has been supported by the Institute of Diversification and Energy Saving to the "Efficient Vehicle Incentive Program (PIVE-8)" as provided for in Article 18.4 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General Grant.

Article 15. Confidentiality and protection of personal data.

1. In accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, the points of sale of vehicles attached to the "Program of Incentives For Efficient Vehicle (PIVE-8)" will be expressly required to maintain strict confidentiality on any personal data which they may obtain on the occasion of the activities to be carried out under this royal decree, and may therefore not be able to copy or use them for purposes other than those contained in the not even for other persons other than the IDAE, even for the purposes of conservation.

2. On the other hand, the information and personal data received by the IDAE from any applicant, beneficiary, interested party or point of sale adhered to the programme, in general, will also be of a confidential nature, and will be collected by the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE) to be incorporated, respectively, to the automatic files owned and held by the same: "PIVEPUNTOSVENTA", "PUNTOSVENTAVEHICLES" and "PIVEBENEFICIARIES", with the aim to verify compliance, control and monitoring of obligations established by these bases. Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition in writing to the General Secretariat of the IDAE, Calle Madera, number 8, 28004 Madrid.

3. The information on grant concessions made under this royal decree will be communicated to the National Grant Base in the terms of the said obligation under Article 20 of Law 38/2003, 17 of November.

4. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and with the formalization of their acceptance of these bases, in the form established by them, the corresponding vehicle sales points accept the publication of their identifying data on the website of the IDAE, for the purposes set out therein, as well as providing information on sales made in the framework of the PIVE 8 Plan to their respective brands.

Article 16. Legal regime.

These grants will be governed, in addition to the provisions of this royal decree, as appropriate, as provided for in Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants and in its Rules of Procedure, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of 21 July, in Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure, in Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to aid  de minimis, and other applicable provisions.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This royal decree is dictated by the provisions of article 149.1.13. of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State exclusive competence to lay the foundations and coordination of the general planning of the economic activity.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on May 14, 2015.


The Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism,