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Royal Decree-Law 7/2015, May 14, Which Are Granted Special Credits And A Supplement Of Credit Amounting To 856.440.673,35 Euros In The Budget Of The Ministry Of Defence, To Cater For The Payment Of Obligations...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto-ley 7/2015, de 14 de mayo, por el que se conceden créditos extraordinarios y un suplemento de crédito por importe de 856.440.673,35 euros en el presupuesto del Ministerio de Defensa, para atender al pago de obligaciones correspondientes...

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The purpose of this royal decree is to grant several extraordinary credits and a credit supplement in the Ministry of Defense's budget for the total amount of 856,440,673.35 euros to pay for the payment of the "Gomez Ulla", in the framework of the "Gomez Ulla" Military Hospital, to cover the needs of the General Plan of Armament and for the construction of works at the Central Military Hospital of the Defense "Gomez Ulla." actions related to the outbreak of Ebola in Spain.

1. Contractual obligations for Special Armament Programs (PEA, s).

The Special Programs (PEA, s) are those derived from the Agreement between the Ministries of Defense and Industry, Energy and Tourism, aimed at the development and manufacture of equipment and weapons systems in which two key characteristics: to be pre-financed in whole or in part with credits from the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and to make payments from the Ministry of Defense from the moment of its reception and commissioning. The choice is determined by a combination of political, economic, industrial and technological needs; they are also of enormous importance to the Spanish industrial fabric and require a great deal of financial resources.

With these weapons equipment and systems are intended to meet the needs of the modernization of our Armed Forces, equipping them with the best weapons systems, equipment and infrastructure to support their missions, looking primarily:

(a) Reach an operational standard that will allow to respond to and address the risks and threats related to the defense of Spanish sovereignty.

(b) Meet the commitments made between the EU Member States in the development of the Common Security and Defence Policy to fulfil the tasks listed in Article 28 of the Treaty of Lisbon.

c) Responding to the international commitments acquired by Spain contained in the NATO Defense Capabilities Initiative (DCI), subsequently redefined "Commitments of the Capabilities of Prague".

The financing system is based on advances from the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism for research and development; the payment of purchases is made on the budget of the Ministry of Defense, in which the manufacturer returns the advances to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

The evolution of the world economy and particularly the Spanish economy has caused the continued reduction of the financial resources of the different sections of the State Budget. As a result, the levels of commitment of payments made in the accession and/or the procurement of modernisation agreements and in particular the PEAUs have been diverging from the financial capacity of the Department. This has led to successive reprogramming in order to adapt the forecasts, retaking the appropriations towards those items with the highest priority, all in order to ensure the maintenance of the minimum levels guaranteed by the The operation of the units will give greater attention to the forces displaced in conflict scenarios and to the support of the means that improve their security.

The insufficient budgetary allocation requires additional funding to be provided to cover the financial commitments arising from the adjusted contractual commitments. Since the Administration is obliged to pay for contractual obligations, and, together with this, the need not to delay its payment in order not to cause harm to third parties, constitute the reasons of extraordinary and urgent need justify the granting of the extraordinary credit by actual decree-law.

2. General Plan for Munitiing.

The General Plan for Munitiating defines and collects all the ammunition needs to be obtained within the duration of the Plan until 2025.

The annual investment capacity that has been available in recent years is insufficient to meet the needs of ammunition, while in order to maintain the contractual commitments acquired and the maintenance of the weapons and material currently in inventory. As a result, the current investment capacity is intended to cover the needs of ammunition for training and the preparation of the force, with the financing of the constitution and the maintenance of the reserve being relegated to the background. " War.

This is why it is necessary to have an extraordinary credit that allows to remedy some of these deficiencies in the present year 2015, focusing the acquisitions towards specific needs, seeking to resolve the deficiencies that present the levels of certain types of ammunition.

3. Actions related to the outbreak of Ebola in Spain.

By Royal Decree-Law 14/2014 of 7 November, granting extraordinary credits and credit supplements to finance performances of different ministerial departments, extraordinary credits were approved in the budget of the Ministry of Defense in the amount of EUR 7,472,003.38 to meet needs arising from the outbreak of Ebola in Spain. This amount includes the amount of 2,500,000 euros to carry out the refurbishment of plant 22 of the Central Hospital of Defense "Gómez Ulla", in the years 2014-2015.

According to the preamble of the actual decree-law, the cost of the measures not covered by the extraordinary credits would be implemented in the budget for 2015.

The amount of the refurbishment of the Central Hospital of Defense for the year 2015 amounts to 4,000,000 euros, amount by which the credit supplement is processed.

In its virtue, in use of the authorization contained in article 86 of the Constitution, on the proposal of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, according to the Council of State and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at their meeting on 14 May 2015,


Article 1. Grant of extraordinary credits in the Ministry of Defense budget.

1. Special credit is authorized in the budget of Section 14 "Ministry of Defense", Service 03 "Secretary of State of Defense", Program 122B "Special modernization programs", Chapter 6 "Real Investments", Article 65 "Military investments in infrastructure and other goods", Concept 659 "To pay for the payment of obligations corresponding to special arms and material programmes", for an amount of EUR 846,440,673,35, with the following details subconcepts:



Amount (in Euro)


F-100 Fragats



Leopard C. Leopard



Avion EF-2000



Avion A-400



Bulque LLX



Tiger Helicopter



Vehicle C. Pizarro







Obus Rema 155/52






NH-90 Helicopter



SPIKE missile



F-105 Fragata



BAM buque



UME helicopter


UME Aircraft



CIS Nodes




2. Special credit is authorized in the budget of Section 14 "Ministry of Defense", Service 03 "Secretary of State of Defense", Program 122A "Modernization of the Armed Forces", Chapter 6 "Real Investments", Article 65 "Military investments in infrastructure and other goods", Concept 651 "Plan of Munitiing", amounting to 6,000,000 euros.

Article 2. Concession of a credit supplement in the budget of the Ministry of Defense.

A credit supplement is authorized in the budget of Section 14 "Ministry of Defense" Service 03 "Secretary of State of Defense", Program 122A "Modernization of the Armed Forces", Article 65 " Military investments in infrastructure and other goods ", Concept 656" Military investments in infrastructure and other goods for needs arising from the Ebola outbreak ", amounting to EUR 4,000,000.

Article 3. Financing of extraordinary appropriations and of the credit supplement.

The extraordinary credits provided for in Article 1 and the credit supplement provided for in Article 2 shall be financed with Public Debt.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This royal decree-law shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette of the State.

Given in Madrid, on May 14, 2015.


The President of the Government,