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Resolution Of 8 Of June Of 2015, Of The Secretariat Of State Of Energy, By Which Is Approves The Procedure Of Operation Of The System Electric 14.12 "estimate Of The Cost Of The Components Of The Price Volunteer For The Small Consumer".

Original Language Title: Resolución de 8 de junio de 2015, de la Secretaría de Estado de Energía, por la que se aprueba el procedimiento de operación del sistema eléctrico 14.12 "Estimación del coste de los componentes del precio voluntario para el pequeño consumidor".

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Article 3.10 of Law 24/2013 of 26 December of the Electricity Sector establishes, among the powers that correspond to the General Administration of the State, to regulate the terms in which the management is to be carried out economic and technical system of the Electrical System, approving the market rules and the necessary instrumental and technical operating procedures.

For its part, Article 31 of the Royal Decree 2019/1997 of 26 December, for which the electricity production market is organized and regulated, establishes that the system operator and the National Energy Commission, National Commission of the Markets and the Competition, may propose for approval by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, current Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, the procedures of operation of technical character and necessary instruments to perform the proper technical management of the system, who will solve prior to the report of the Commission.

Royal Decree 216/2014 of 28 March 2014 establishing the methodology for calculating the voluntary prices for the small consumer of electrical energy and its legal system of procurement determines in its provision In addition, the proposals for technical and instrumental operating procedures proposed by the system operator must be accompanied by the report of the representatives of all the system subjects defined in the Article 6 of Law 24/2013 of 26 December of the Electrical Sector. This forecast was previously contained in the third additional provision of Royal Decree 485/2009 of 3 April 2009 regulating the implementation of the supply of last resort in the electricity sector, repealed by the aforementioned Royal Decree 216/2014 of 28 March 2014.

The purpose of this resolution is to approve the operating procedure that allows the cost of the components of the Voluntary Price for the Small Consumer (PVPC) to be estimated, a methodology established by Royal Decree 216/2014 of 28 March 2014 establishing the methodology for the calculation of voluntary prices for the small consumer of electrical energy and its legal system of procurement.

Article 7 of the aforementioned Royal Decree 216/2014 of 28 March sets out the general structure of the voluntary prices for the small consumer. In paragraph 7, it is established that the system operator will perform the calculations of those values of the components of the voluntary price for the small consumer that are determined in the royal decree, and will publish on its website the previous day For each of the 24 hours of the following day, the information in accordance with the provisions of Annex I thereto.

For its part, Annex I collects the information to be published by the system operator for the calculation of the voluntary price for the small consumer and in its second paragraph provides that by resolution of the Secretary of State Energy will determine the following aspects:

a) The time of publication of the values of the components required for the calculation of the voluntary price for the small consumer to be published on the day before the supply, for each of the 24 hours of the day.

b) The method of estimating the components of the terms Pmh (average hourly price), SAh (tuning services in hour h) and Och (other costs associated with the supply).

c) Any other aspect required for the estimation of the components of the voluntary price for the small consumer.

Thus, in the additional provision of Royal Decree 216/2014 of 28 March 2014, the mandate is given to the operator of the system of filing, within one month of the entry into force of the royal decree, to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism a proposal for a procedure for the estimation of each component of the voluntary price for the small consumer for the purposes of the adoption of the resolution provided for in Annex I, paragraph 2. royal decree.

In this regard, Red Eléctrica de España, S.A., as Operator of the System, submitted by date 30 April 2014 a proposal for the approval of a new procedure of operation called " Estimation of the components of the price voluntary for the small consumer. "

The above mentioned proposal was sent to the National Commission of the Markets and Competition for the issuance of report in accordance with the provisions of article 5.2 and the transitional provision of Law 3/2013, of 4 of In June, the National Commission of the Markets and Competition was set up, and Article 31 of the Royal Decree 2019/1997 of 26 December on the organisation and regulation of the market for the production of electrical energy.

On August 4, 2014, the Regulatory Supervisory Board of the National Markets and Competition Commission agreed to issue a report requested by the Secretary of State for Energy on the proposal of the system operator New Operation Procedure for estimating the components of the voluntary price for the small consumer.

View Law 24/2013 of 26 December of the Electrical Sector and Article 31 of Royal Decree 2019/1997 of 26 December on the organisation and regulation of the electricity production market.

View the proposal made by the System Operator of the operation procedure "Estimate of the components of the voluntary price for the small consumer".

Having regard to the report of 4 August 2014 by the CNMC on the proposal for a new procedure for the operation of estimating the components of the voluntary price for the small consumer.

This Secretary of State resolves:


Approve the procedure for the operation of the IP system. -14.12 "Estimate of the components of the voluntary price for the small consumer", the text of which is inserted below.


This resolution shall take effect on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, June 8, 2015. -Secretary of State for Energy, Alberto Nadal Belda.


Operation Procedure 14.12: "Estimating the cost of voluntary price components for the small consumer"

1. Object.

The purpose of this procedure is to set the method of estimating the cost of those components of the voluntary price for the small consumer (PVPC) that are not known at the time the system operator must publish them the day before the supply for 24 hours the next day.

2. Scope of application.

This procedure applies to the system operator (OS) and reference marketers (COR).

3. Publish time of the PVPC components.

Before 20h30 of each day, the system operator shall publish the values of the components necessary for the calculation of the PVPC for each of the 24 hours of the following day, according to the provisions of the present procedure.

4. Estimating the cost of PVPC components.

4.1 Average time price component estimate.

For the calculation of the average hourly price component Pmh, in addition to the results of the daily market, the marginal price and energy values married in the first session of the intraday market shall be considered.

4.2 Estimate of tuning services in hour h.

The value of the cost for the system adjustment services associated with the supply in hour h, SAh, shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula provided for in Article 11 of Royal Decree 216/2014 of 28 December 2014. March:



PMASh: The time price for all system tuning services whose cost is assigned to the demand.

CDSVh: Cost of hourly deviations per MWh consumed from reference marketers.

4.2.1 Adjustment Services Time Price Estimate (PMASh).

The time price of the system tuning services whose cost is assigned to the demand will be calculated using the following formula:



PMAS1h: Schedule price component of the adjustment services, PMASh, the cost of which is known before the time of publication of the PVPC the day before the supply, as determined in paragraph 3 of this procedure.

This component is the result of dividing the cost of technical constraints into the Base Operating Program (PBF), the fixed cost of the secondary throttling band, and the cost of the additional power reserve to be uploaded, between the scheduled demand on the market, with the data known at the time of the PVPC publication.

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.


ImpPMAS1h: Amount of tuning services called and the result of which is known before the PVPC publication time the day before the supply, in euros.

DemPHF1ua, h: End time schedule of demand for the ua marketer or direct consumer programming unit in central bars, for hour h, after the first session of the intraday market, in MWh.

PMAS2h: Schedule price component of the adjustment services, PMASh, the cost of which is not known before the time of publication of the PVPC the day before the supply, as determined in paragraph 3 of this procedure.

This unknown cost includes, among others:

-variation of the cost of restrictions for unrealized starts and non-compliance with scheduled power failures;

-variable cost of the secondary regulation band in real time;

-variation of the cost of the additional power reserve to be increased by default and by allocation of part of the cost to output measured deviations;

-cost of technical constraints in real time;

-cost per system deviations;

-income/cost of the balance of deviations.

The estimate of the PMAS2h time component will be, for each of the hours of the month m, the sum of two terms:


PMAS2Am: Estimated price of the components of the adjustment services whose amount in euro is not dependent on demand and settled in the last twelve months with full month closed settlement:

-technical constraints to the PBF and in real time,

-power reserve to be uploaded,

-high school band,

-detours between systems.

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.


ImppMAS: Monthly amount in euros cleared of technical constraints to the PBF and in real time, power reserve to be uploaded, high school band and deviations between systems.

ImpPMAS1: Monthly amount in euro of the adjustment services called and the result of which is known before the time of publication of the PVPC of the day before the supply (technical restrictions, power reserve to be raised and secondary band).

MBCua: Central bar-cleared demand to all direct marketers and consumers, in MWh.

DemPHF1ua: End-time schedule of demand for the ua marketer or direct consumer programming unit in central bars after the first session of the intraday market, in MWh.

PMAS2Bm: Estimated price of the component balance of deviations, the amount of which in euros depends on the demand measures. It shall be calculated with the amount settled in the last 12 months with closed settlement of a provisional or definitive closure of measures.

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.


c: Most recent month with closed settlement of a provisional or definitive measure closure.

ImpEXD: Monthly amount in euros cleared from the balance of deviations.

4.2.2 Estimate of the cost of time deviations (CDSVh).

The estimate of the cost of the hourly deviations per MWh consumed of the reference marketers, CDSVh, will be for each of the hours of one month m, the average cost of the deviations of the demand of the commercializers of a reference in the last 12 months available with closed settlement of a provisional or definitive closure of measures.

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.


c: Most recent month with closed settlement of a provisional or definitive measure closure.

ImpCDSVcor: Monthly amount of the cost of the deviation of the demand for the reference marketers, in euros.

MBCcor: Demand settled on central bars of the units of the reference marketers, in MWh.

4.3 Estimate of other costs associated with provisioning.

According to the provisions of Article 12 of Royal Decree 216/2014 of 28 March 2014, the value of the cost corresponding to other costs associated with the supply in the tariff period, p.C, will be calculated according to the following formula:

Och = CComh + CCOSh + CAPh + INTH

The CComh, CCOSh, and CAPh values will be in force in accordance with the applicable regulations and known at the time of publication of the PVPC components the day before the supply.

The term INTH, the amount of time for the financing of the interruptibility service, shall be estimated in accordance with the provisions of this procedure.

4.3.1 Estimate of the cost of the interruptibility service.

The estimate of the amount of time for the financing of the service of interruptibility, INTH shall be, for each of the hours of one month m, the result of dividing the fixed cost of the service of interruptibility of the month m between the best estimate of the demand in central bars of the month m available before the Thursday before the first day of the month m.

It will be calculated with the following formula:

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.


CFINTDm: Total monthly fixed cost in euro of the remuneration of the service of interruptibility associated with the availability of power and defined in Article 12.2 of Order IET/2013/2013 of 31 October 2013 the competitive mechanism of allocation of the interruptibility demand management service.

EDEMBCM: Best estimate of the demand on central bars of the month m available before the Thursday before the first day of the month m, in MWh.

5. Estimate of the loss coefficient of the access toll.

5.1 Peninsular system.

For the purpose of the application of the provisions of the fourth Royal Decree 2016/2014, the loss coefficient of the application access toll to the supply at hour h, PERDh, as defined in that royal decree, will be calculated using the following formula:

PERDh, pa, nt = KEST * CPERNpa, nt


KEST: Estimated time adjustment coefficient.

CPERNpa, nt: Loss coefficient for consumer supply points with pa access toll and nt voltage level in the tariff period corresponding to hour h.

These loss ratios shall be those set out in the relevant regulations, to transfer the energy supplied to consumers to power supplied in central bars.

The estimated one-hour KEST adjustment coefficient will be calculated as:

a) Arithmetic mean of the time adjustment coefficients K of the same time and same day of the week of the same month of the previous year with positive K value and less than 2, except in the hours of the national holidays fixed date substitutable.

(b) Arithmetic mean of the time adjustment coefficients K of the same hour and the same non-replaceable national holiday with a fixed date of the previous three years with a positive K value and less than 2 in the hours of the public holidays non-replaceable national fixed date.

c) If in one hour all the historical values of K are negative or zero, KEST will be equal to 0. If in one hour all historical values of K are greater than or equal to 2, KEST will be equal to 2. If in one hour all historical values are negative, zero, equal to 2 or greater than 2, KEST will be equal to 1.

The time adjustment coefficient K will be calculated as the one corresponding to the last available measure closure according to the following formula:

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.


PERTRA: Time losses on the transport network.

PERDIS: Time losses measured across all distribution networks.

PEREXP: Time losses allocated to all export units.

PERN: Aúa úná espá på nt MPFCua, pa, nt x CPERNpa, nt


MPFCua, pa, nt: Sum of the energy measures consumed in hour h at the consumer border points of the direct consumer marketer or consumer programming unit with pa access toll and nt voltage level.

5.2 Electrical systems in non-peninsular territories.

The value of KEST in the electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories shall be the same as that set out in paragraph 5.1 for the peninsular system until the rules governing the production activity are developed of electrical energy and the procedure for dispatch in those territories with the particularities which, where appropriate, are established.