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Royal Decree 521/2015, Of 19 June, Whereby Creates Governing Board Of Management Administrative Means Of Autonomous Bodies Center Of Political And Constitutional Studies Institute Of Fiscal Studies, National Institute For Admin...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 521/2015, de 19 de junio, por el que se crea la Junta Rectora de Gestión de Medios Administrativos de los organismos autónomos Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Instituto Nacional de Admin...

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The report of the Commission for the Reform of Public Administrations (CORA) on "Reform of Public Administrations" includes among its measures the integration of certain services or administrative activities of state bodies specialised in training and research activities such as the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies, the Institute for Fiscal Studies, the National Institute of Public Administration and the Centre for Research Legal.

This report shows that the structure of certain aspects of the management of training and research bodies in the field of public law of the General Administration of the State (CEPCO, IEF, INAP and CEJ), specifically, file and library organization and maintenance services, web page design, horizontal application maintenance, virtual libraries, and e-Iearning, platforms similar characteristics, so it seems appropriate to consider the integration of these activities.

The proposal contained in the report consists of the shared management of administrative resources for the activities mentioned, carried out by personnel of the agencies whose management is integrated and co-led by their owners. Such a centre-will encourage joint planning of activities and courses, in order to achieve cost savings and avoid overlaps.

The purpose of the rule is to enhance the activity that constitutes the essential object of the organisms, so that more resources can be used for the investigation and dissemination of knowledge in the field of law public and the formation of officials, members of the Prosecutor's Office and persons outside the Administration. This will be possible on the basis of efficiency gains in managing the general services of the agencies, which present remarkable common elements.

With this objective, it is created by this royal decree an inter-ministerial collegiate body that has as mission the joint and cooperative processing of the actions and administrative procedures related to the resources and services of the aforementioned bodies, in order to improve their effectiveness, efficiency and quality through the approval, deployment and evaluation of common plans, projects and activities.

The Office for the Implementation of the Reform of the Administration is entrusted with the establishment and supervision of the deadlines for implementing the measures adopted by the Governing Board of Administrative Media Management.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Vice President of the Government and Minister of the Presidency, the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, after deliberation by the Council of Ministers at its meeting of the day 19 June 2015,


Article 1. Creation of the Board of Directors of Administrative Media Management of the autonomous organizations Center for Political and Constitutional Studies, the Institute of Fiscal Studies the National Institute of Public Administration and Center for Studies Legal.

In accordance with Chapter IV of Title II of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State, the collegiate body of an inter-ministerial nature is hereby established. Rector of Management of Administrative Media, who will carry out his duties in relation to the organizations Center for Political and Constitutional Studies, Institute of Fiscal Studies, National Institute of Public Administration and Center of Studies Legal.

Article 2. Subscription and legal status.

1. The Board of Management of Administrative Media is attached to the Ministry of the Presidency, through its Secretariat.

2. As not provided for in this royal decree, the Board of Directors of Administrative Media Management will adjust in its constitution and function as provided for in Chapter II of Title II of Law 30/1992, of November 26, of the Legal Regime of the Public administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure.

Article 3. Chair of the Administrative Media Management Board.

1. The Chair of the Governing Board is the holder of the Chair of the Deputy Chair.

2. They are the functions of the Presidency:

a) Ostend the ordinary representation of the Board of Directors.

b) Agree to the convening of the meetings of the Governing Board and set its agenda. The Governing Board shall meet once a quarter in an ordinary session, and in extraordinary session, when the Chair decides or requests it, at least half of its members.

c) Chair and moderate Rector Board meetings.

d) Give the go-ahead to the minutes and certifications of the Board of Directors ' agreements.

Article 4. Composition of the Administrative Media Management Board.

1. They are members of the Board of Directors, in addition to its president, the persons who hold the Directorates of the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies, the Institute for Fiscal Studies, the National Institute of Public Administration and the Center for Legal Studies.

2. The Secretariat of the Governing Board, with a voice but without a vote, shall be held for periods of one calendar year and shall be held by the holders of the Secretaries-General or similar bodies of the self-governing bodies that make up the Governing Board.

3. Meetings of the Management Board of Administrative Media may be attended, with a voice but without a vote, by other members or staff of the bodies represented in it when the Chair of the Board so agrees.

Article 5. Mission of the Board of Management of Administrative Media.

The Board of Management of Administrative Media has as its mission to define the criteria for a shared and cooperative management of resources and services among the agencies represented in it to improve its effectiveness, efficiency and quality through the promotion, approval, deployment and evaluation of common plans, projects and activities.

Article 6. Competencies of the Board of Management of Administrative Media.

These are the competencies of the Board of Directors, which will be exercised without prejudice to the powers that correspond to the Subsecretariats of the Ministries of Justice, Finance and Public Administrations and the Presidency:

a) Approve the management programs of the common services of the agencies that compose it and establish the general principles to which these programs must respond.

b) Co-plan activities to achieve cost savings and avoid inefficient duplication.

c) Be informed of the research and training criteria of each autonomous body.

d) Setting criteria for shared management of file and library services, web page design, horizontal application maintenance, virtual libraries, publication distribution, and e-Iearning platforms of the represented organisms.

e) The formation of groups or teams of work integrated by resources, jobs or employees of the represented agencies, for the elaboration and execution of projects of common interest.

f) Propose to the competent bodies the disconcentrations of positions between the four organisms.

g) Potentially the provisional and definitive mobility of the staff of the four organisms to each other.

h) Approve the criteria and proposals for reallocation of resources and personnel, where appropriate, among the various agencies.

i) Propose the revision of the structures, relations of jobs or templates of the member agencies that respond to approved reorganizations or restructurings.

Article 7. Resources attached to the Administrative Media Management Board.

For the exercise of the management powers provided for in paragraph (e) of the previous article, the Board of Directors shall have at its disposal the assets and services, and other material resources assigned to it. between those of each organism. The allocation shall be approved by agreement of the Governing Board on the proposal of its Presidency. These resources shall include the human resources of the autonomous bodies which, in accordance with the rules on public service, are assigned to it on a temporary basis.

Article 8. Cooperation between agencies.

Cooperation between the bodies may be formalized by means of collaboration agreements, as provided for in Law 30/1992 of 26 November 1992, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Procedure Joint Administrative. Such agreements may be concluded between all or only some of the bodies, depending on what the Governing Board determines.

Additional disposition first. Shifts to exercise the secretary of the Board of Directors.

The secretariat of the Board of Management of Administrative Media will be exercised, first, by the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies and, subsequently, by this order, by the Institute of Fiscal Studies, by the National Institute of Public Administration and the Center for Legal Studies.

Additional provision second. Action plan for streamlining the management of common administrative means.

Without prejudice to the decisions taken by the Governing Board in the field of its powers, an action plan for the rationalization of the management of common administrative resources is contained, as an annex to this royal decree. those bodies which include a forecast of action measures and their deadlines for implementation. Such forecasts will be incorporated into a collaboration agreement to be signed by the autonomous bodies concerned and by the Ministry of the Presidency.

Additional provision third. Monitoring of the measures taken.

The Office for the Implementation of the Reform of the Administration will establish and supervise the implementation of the deadlines for the implementation of the measures adopted by the Governing Board of Administrative Media Management, in particular the the allocation of material and personal resources among the various bodies that make up the body, taking into account the criteria for the mobility of staff driven by the Governing Board.

Final disposition first. Development and execution faculties.

By joint order, on the proposal of the Ministers of Justice; Finance and Public Administrations and the Presidency, the necessary provisions will be made for the fulfillment and development of what is established in this real decree.

Final disposition second. No increase in public spending.

The application of the provisions contained in this royal decree will not increase public spending. Specifically, it will not entail an increase in appropriations, remuneration or other personnel costs.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on June 19, 2015.


The Vice President of the Government and Minister of the Presidency,



Plan of action for the rationalization of the management of common administrative resources of the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies, Institute of Fiscal Studies, National Institute of Public Administration and Center of Legal Studies

The areas of cooperation in common administrative means between the four autonomous bodies are set out below. Their aim is to rationalise their management. To this end, they may be carried out by means of enhanced cooperation between two or more bodies, not being compulsory for the four at the same time. This is given so much by the different development and capacity of each one of them, how much by the disparate needs they present in each field.

To implement these partnerships, the corresponding collaboration agreements will be signed, in accordance with Article 8 and the additional provision second.

1. Common administrative media and service management

1.1 Joint Recruitment of the Services of the Service to Users of Microinformatics Services.

1.2 Joint procurement of maintenance and accommodation of existing websites and migration to similar languages, in accordance with the guidance of the Information and Communications Technology Directorate and, in their case, through the centralised procurement system of the Directorate-General for Streamlining And Centralisation of Recruitment.

The joint procurement referred to in the previous two paragraphs, where the implementation of the centralised procurement system of the Directorate-General for Rationalization And Centralisation of Recruitment does not apply, carry out in accordance with the provisions of article 316.5 of the recast text of the Law on Public Sector Contracts, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011 of 14 November.

1.3 The travel of the staff of the four agencies will be taken into account in accordance with the regulatory specifications of the centralised contract of travel agents.

1.4 In common with the spaces of all centres without public price payment, without prejudice to the priority for use by the agency itself, or by those to whom they have their own funds. spaces.

Explanatory table of the spaces that are put together:







Jose Barea Hall of Acts.




Aulas and Representative rooms.






Total IEF.


Class_table_table_izq"> INAP-Atocha.

Alejandro Olivan Room.


Room Javier.


Aula Magna.





Hall of Acts.






Total INAP.












Hall of Acts.



Library Room.


Juntas Room.






Total CEJ.


1.5 Elaboration of common criteria for the establishment of public and private prices for the activities and the private use of facilities and public domain spaces.

1.6 Enabling a single centralite and call attention service. Citizen care services will be done through the 060 technology infrastructure.

1.7 Impulse and coordination (indicators, parameters and common commitments) of the social responsibility measures of the centers of the Rector Board with the objective of establishing a unified plan of social responsibility The European Commission has also highlighted the importance of the European Union in the field of human rights, particularly in the field of gender equality, in the context of the Strategic Plan for Equal Opportunities and the reconciliation of family and work life.

1.8 Coordinated performance of the occupational risk prevention units and services of the four agencies, as well as other bodies performing functions in this field.

1.9 Elaboration of an ethical code and common good practices for the four organisms.

2. Training

2.1 The four bodies will draw up a joint proposal for remuneration for assistance for assistance in training and training activities referred to in Article 33 of the Royal Decree 462/2002, of 24 May, on compensation for the service, which will take into account the degree of specialization, complexity and effort of preparation required by the training activity, which will be sent to the Directorate General of Personnel and Public Pensions Costs (Ministry of Finance and Administrations) Public) for approval.

2.2 Integration and sharing of CEPC and CEJ tele-training platforms in the INAP, with job optimization.

2.3 Single curricular development for public employees of the training units of the four bodies within the Training Plans for the staff of the General Administration of the State, in line with the CORA measures in the field of performance evaluation.

2.4 Conclusion of an agreement between the four bodies for the organization of joint training and institutional activities.

3. Knowledge management, editorial activity and libraries

3.1 Development, based on the knowledge banks, resource centers and presentations repository of the four agencies, of a Unified Knowledge Bank, universal and free access, in the subjects of the centers, in which the existing ones will be integrated.

3.2 Single access portal to publications (catalog and sale on line) of the four agencies.

3.3 Identification of common commercial distribution processes for books and journals.

3.4 Creating a Single Access Portal to the library networks in which the four agencies participate.

3.5 Constitution of the Library of Social, Legal and Economic Sciences of the Public Administration and the Public Ministry, within the State Library Network. However, the legacies and donations made in their day to each of the autonomous bodies by natural and legal persons shall remain in the premises and in the custody of each of them.

4. Working groups

Within the deadlines set in the calendar of actions, the following working groups will be set up for those areas that require further development.

4.1 Computer and Telecom Service Optimization Working Group.

4.2 Working group for shared knowledge management.

4.3 Virtual library shared management work group.

4.4 Working Group for the Constitution of the Library of Social, Legal and Economic Sciences of the Public Administration and the Public Ministry.

4.5 Work Risk Prevention Working Group.

5. Calendar of actions

The cooperations provided for in this Annex shall apply within the time limits for the execution of the following table, counted from the day following the publication of this royal decree.

Action Calendar





In 9 months.


In 9 months.


In 3 months.


In 3 months.


In 6 months.


In 3 months.


In 9 months.


In 6 months.


In 6 months.


In 9 months.


In 6 months.


In 3 months.


In 9 months.



In 9 months.


In 3 months.
