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Royal Decree 537/2015, 26 June, Laying Down The Statutes Of The Royal Academy Of Moral And Political Sciences.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 537/2015, de 26 de junio, por el que se aprueban los estatutos de la Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas.

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The Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, created by Royal Decree of 30 September 1857, aims at the cultivation of these sciences, illustrating the most important issues, transcendence and application, according to the times and circumstances. It is currently governed by the Statutes approved by Decree 314/1970 of 29 January, which were partially modified by the Royal Decrees 1648/1990 of 20 December 2003, 1045/2003 of 1 August, and 749/2011 of 27 May.

Given the time since the adoption of these Statutes, which has revealed certain inadequacies and mismatches in relation to the functioning of the Academy, it is necessary to update it, which seeks to to address two different types of problems. On the one hand, the Statute has been incorporated into the Statutes so far in the Rules of Procedure which, by their nature and relevance, are considered to be more appropriate to provide them with statutory status. On the other hand, numerous modifications and improvements are introduced, as a result of the experience observed during the validity of the previous Statutes, and of the adaptation to the new institutional reality of Spain. Overall, the changes made are in line with an experience in which deficiencies have been found to be remedied with this new version, while at the same time clarifying the issues at issue in order to achieve a text which will allow greater clarity and better operability to the day-to-day functioning of the Royal Academy of Morales and Political Sciences.

The first paragraph of the second provision of Royal Decree 1160/2010 of 17 September 2010, for which the Institute of Spain is regulated, establishes the following minimum content of the Statutes of the Royal Academies of national scope: name, objectives and functions, organisation, rights and duties of the Academicians and economic means for their operation. Moreover, the fifth paragraph of the said additional provision provides that the amendments to the Statutes of the National Academies must be proposed by the Academy in question and approved by Royal Decree of the Government, Proposal of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, prior to the report of the Institute of Spain.

These new Statutes have been proposed by the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences and have been favourably informed by the Institute of Spain.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on June 26, 2015,


Single item. Approval of the Statutes of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences.

The Statutes of the Royal Academy of Political and Morales Sciences are approved, the text of which is included below.

Single additional disposition. Promotion of women.

1. The Rules of Procedure of the Academy will seek to include measures aimed at promoting a greater presence of women in both the academic community and the governing bodies.

2. All the precepts of the Statutes must be interpreted as meaning that academic status and academic positions can be held by both men and women.

First transient disposition. Current positions of the Board of Directors.

Academics and Academicians who, at the entry into force of this royal decree, are part of the Board of Directors, will continue to hold their posts until the end of the mandate for which they were elected. The renewal of the charges will be done in accordance with the provisions of these new Statutes that are approved, as well as the Rules of the Interior Regime that will develop it.

Second transient disposition. Current Academy employees.

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 44 of the Statutes that are approved, the rights that may be conferred from the respective source or from the conditions of the appointment of the current employees shall be saved.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

The Statutes of the Royal Academy of Morales and Policies, approved by Decree 314/1970, of January 29, as well as the other norms of equal or lower rank that oppose the provisions of the actual present, are repealed. decree.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on June 26, 2015.


The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport,



Statutes of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences


Nature, purpose and composition of the Academy

Article 1. Nature of the Royal Academy of Moral Sciences and Policies.

The Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences is a corporation of public law, with its own legal personality and capacity to act, at national level, integrated in the Institute of Spain and domiciled in the historic House of the Lujanes, Plaza de la Villa, numbers 2 and 3, of Madrid.

Article 2. Fines and functions of the Academy.

1. The Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences aims at the cultivation of these sciences, illustrating the issues of greater importance, transcendence and application, according to the times and circumstances.

2. It is also up to the Academy to evacuate public-interest consultations, related to their own purposes, which may be formulated by the ministerial departments and other public bodies.

3. You should refrain from answering particular queries.

4. It may raise initiatives related to the Academy's peculiar scientific competence to the Government.

Article 3. Composition and symbols.

1. The Academy is composed:

(a) Forty-four Academicians of Number of Spanish nationality.

b) Supernumeraries from the Number Academics class.

c) Of 50 Corresponding Spaniards.

d) Foreign Fees and Corresponding.

2. The Academy has as seal and shield of its medals a matron with the flame of the intelligence and the symbolic attributes of the Truth and this motto: "Verum, Justum, Pulchrum".

Article 4. Duties of Number Academicians.

1. It will be the obligation of the Academicians of Number to carry out the work entrusted to them by the Academy, to attend the Boards, to cast a vote in the matters that require it and to contribute their greatest efforts to the fulfillment of the ends of the Academy.

2. When they do not attend the sessions, they shall be excused before the President, who shall give the plenary session.

Article 5. Rights of the Academicians.

1. For justified reasons or legitimate impediment, the Academicians may be excused from fulfilling the functions entrusted to it by the Academy.

2. Everyone will have the right to present and read the works and works related to the topics that the Academy cultivates and to which it examines them and can include them in their publications.

Article 6. Academic Supernumeraries.

1. Every Academic of Number may request from the Academy, causing vacancy, his pass to the class of Academic Supernumerary.

2. They must pass to Supernumerary, producing accordingly vacant, the Academicians of Number in which I know of any of these two situations:

(a) Not to meet for two courses followed by a minimum of thirty assists to the Boards of the Academy, number which may be subject to reduction, in the judgment of the same, when the Academic resides outside the Villa of Madrid for reason

b) Not having presented, along two courses in a row, a topic of the moral and political sciences.

3. The precept contained in the preceding number shall not apply to the Academicians in which one of the following conditions is present:

a) Haber turned 75 years old.

b) Count with more than five hundred assists.

c) Play the positions of President, Vice President or Minister of Government or President of any of the Chambers.

d) Ostend diplomatic representation or temporarily exercise official, academic or cultural activities abroad.

4. The precept contained in No 2 of this Article shall also not apply to those who, even in the situation defined therein, have suffered a disease which prevented them from attending academic sessions or who have claimed another reason serious, to be estimated by the Academy.

5. At the beginning of the academic year it will be formalized, for knowledge of the plenary and subsequent publication, the relation of assists and dissertations and, in the odd years, will be determined, by secret ballot, with the concurrence of the two thirds in first call and the absolute majority of the Number Academicians in second if the alleged serious motive exempts from the pass to the situation of Supernumerary.

6. The Censor, on its own initiative, shall propose to the Academy, at one of the sessions of October of the odd years, the specific applications required by the fulfilment of this Article or, where appropriate, to show that they do not provide reasons for this.

Article 7. Reintegrated into the Numeric condition.

1. After five years from an Academic's pass to the Supernumerary situation, you may be required to return to the status of Numeric, with the right to fill the first vacancy that occurs.

2. The Academy, acting by a two-thirds majority of its constituents, shall agree as appropriate, subject to information on the assistance, academic work and other scientific activities carried out by the applicant during the period in which the remained as Supernumerary.

3. The right to be reintegrated into the class of Numeraries may not be exercised more than once.

Article 8. Corresponding Academics and Fees.

1. The Corresponding Academics shall contribute to the purposes of the Academy, maintaining normal relationship with it and fulfilling the orders it gives them, and both they and the Fees may submit their works and writings.

2. The Corresponding Academics and the Fees may attend, with the President's consent, the Ordinary Boards of the Academy.

3. The Supernumerary Academics will not require the presidential consent to attend the ordinary Juntas; they will be able to present in them their works, to lecture on issues related to the moral and political sciences and to intervene in the debates purely scientific, but they shall not have the right to vote.

Article 9. Using the Academy's Academic and Assignments Title.

1. The Academics, with the obligation to record the class to which they belong, may use this title in the writings and works they publish and on the occasions when they consider it appropriate to display it as a stamp that grants social and scientific rank.

2. The Commissions and the Academicians who have received from the Academy any verbal or written orders, shall be aware that they have complied with the time limits specified in them.

3. The Academy will be responsible for the final resolution of all its scientific, governmental and economic matters.


Academic Elections

Article 10. Eligible people.

The Academy will choose its members from all classes among people who in the sciences it cultivates, are distinguished by their knowledge and consider it more worthy to belong to it, according to the norms contained in the The following items.

Article 11. Requirements to be Academic of Number.

To be Academic of Number the following conditions are required:

1. Being Spanish.

2. Have a reputation for public exemplarity.

3. To have distinguished himself, with public notoriety, for his knowledge in the subjects of the Academy.

Article 12. Publication of vacancies and submission of applications.

1. When a Number Academic vacancy occurs, it shall be declared at the first ordinary meeting that the Academy celebrates and, within the maximum period of three months, shall be brought to the attention of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport for publication in the "Official State Gazette".

2. Published the announcement, the proposals that will be presented, that will have to be signed, precisely, by three Academicians of Number and that must be accompanied by a written report of the relevant relevant merits in the candidate, will be accepted. whose consent if elected will respond to the proposers.

Article 13. Reports on nominations.

1. After one month after the publication of the vacancy notice, the corresponding Section shall be convened in accordance with Article 33 of these Statutes, which shall be extended to these effects with two members from each of the other Sections, designated by automatic rotation order.

2. The Section will be aware of the proposals put forward and of which three Academicians may be present during the meeting and will submit a report to the House of the Academy on the correct formulation of all the proposals. proposals and any comments it deems appropriate. To issue such a report, at least five of the Section's Vocals will be required, and three, in total, for the remaining ones.

3. The following plenary session will take account of the proposals presented and the section report. One of the Academicians who has signed the presentation of the candidate will present to the plenary the merits of the candidate. If there is more than one candidate, the presentation of their merits shall be made in the same plenary session, with the order of the candidates being ordered. The voting period will then be declared open, during which no new proposal will be accepted. The same board shall determine the date of the immediate session in which the election is to be held.

Article 14. Votes.

1. The session of the duly convened plenary session shall be validly constituted when one or more of the number of Academics of Number are present. The election shall be held, in which all the Academicians holding the position who have attended ten of the sessions held by the Academy in the 12 months preceding the vote shall be eligible for the election, which shall be waived. only to those admitted during them. Those who justify not being able to attend may participate by letter in the first vote, under the conditions laid down in the Rules of Procedure.

2. To be elected as a first-vote Academic, the candidate will have to obtain the favorable vote of the two-thirds of the Numeric Academicians in office.

3. If, on the first ballot, no candidate is elected, the same session will be held for a new vote and the one who wins the two-thirds vote of the Academicians present will be elected.

4. If no candidate is elected on the second ballot, a third vote will be held in the same session, in which the votes of the absolute majority of the Academicians present will suffice to obtain a candidate. the vacancy shall be announced again in accordance with the provisions of Article 12.1 of this Statute.

Article 15. Reception of new academics.

1. The Academic-elect must necessarily submit within one year, from the day of the election and unextendable any circumstances of residence, performance of office, health or occupation that he may allege, the speech to be read at your reception on some important topic of the moral and political sciences.

2. If the time limit has not been submitted, the address shall be declared vacant and a new election shall be made to cover it. The Academic-elect who will be in this case may, however, present his or her speech at any later time, and this formality shall have the right to enter the Academy occupying the first vacancy.

3. The President shall be responsible for the speech of defence to an Academic of Number, who shall submit it within the also unextendable three-month period. If the time has not passed, no such procedure shall be dispensed with, which shall be replaced by the President, with the words of welcome which he or she has to pronounce when he or she holds the place of the recipient.

4. The chosen one for Academic of Number shall take possession of its place in Public Board, within the maximum and unextendable period of eighteen months to count from the day of the election.

Article 16. Choice of Academic Fees and Corresponding.

The election of Honorary and Corresponding Academics is a matter for the Plenary of the Numeraries by a majority of those who are in the exercise of the position and on the proposal of three of them and report of the corresponding Section and of the Table.


Academic charges

Article 17. Board of Directors.

1. The Board of Directors of the Academy will be composed of the persons who hold the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Censor, Librarian, Treasurer and by an Academic of Number elected annually.

2. Two academic positions may not be held in the same person.

Article 18. Choice of academic positions.

1. The provision of the charges referred to in the previous article corresponds to the Number Academicians, unique to which they may hold them.

2. The vote will be secret. The vote shall be valid by letter from the Academicians of Number who justify not being able to attend, under the conditions laid down in the Rules of Procedure. The appointees shall obtain the vote of the absolute majority of the Number Academicians.

Article 19. Term of office and re-election.

1. The charges referred to in the preceding two articles shall be of three-year duration and shall not be carried out by a single person more than nine years in a row.

2. The President, in order to be re-elected, will need to obtain two-thirds of the votes cast and will not be able to carry out more than two three-year terms consecutively.

Article 20. Powers of the President.

1. The powers and duties of the President shall be:

a) Represent the Academy.

b) Taking care of the observance of the Statutes, Regulations and Agreements.

c) Distribute academic tasks.

d) Chair the Academy Boards.

e) To point out the days and times when the extraordinary Juntas will have to be held, if necessary.

f) Appoint the Vocals of the Sections and Commissions and preside over them, as long as it is convenient to attend them.

g) Designate the surrogates of the owners of the charges or those appointed for any commissions, in the cases of vacancy, sickness or absence.

h) Dictar providences, in urgent case, about all the affairs of the Academy, later giving an account to it.

2. The former functions shall be performed by the Vice President in the event of vacancy, absence or illness of the President.

3. In the event of the death or resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall accidentally perform the Presidency and shall immediately proceed to the election of a new President, in accordance with Articles 18 and 19.

4. If the vacancy is to be affected by another academic post and before the half of the year in which a three-year term of office is concluded, a partial election shall be verified and the elected official shall take up his post until the end of that period. If the vacancy occurs after the middle of the indicated year, the President shall appoint an Academic of Number until the end of the triennium.

Article 21. Powers of the Registrar.

1. The duties and duties of the Secretary shall be:

a) Inform the Academy of how many issues concern you.

b) Set and authorize correspondence.

c) Extend and sign the Academy documents on how many issues they require.

d) Compose and certify the minutes, and

e) To direct the publishing of publications, except that the Academy will designate a special person or commission to the effect.

2. He will be chief of the administrative staff and deputy and executor of how many matters, concerning the conservation of the building and works on it, the Governing Board agrees.

Article 22. Sensor competencies.

The duties and obligations of the Censor shall be:

a) Velar for the observance of the Statutes and agreements.

b) To remind the Academicians of the performance of the commissions and works they hold.

c) Report the writings and matters that the Academy submits to its examination.

d) Intervening in Treasury accounts; and

e) Exercise the power conferred on you by Article 6.6 of these Statutes.

Article 23. The Librarian's competencies.

The privileges and obligations of the Librarian will be:

a) Understanding the acquisition, arrangement, cataloging, and conservation of the books; and

(b) to provide the Number of Academicians with the works they ask for, taking care to return them within the time limit and with the formalities laid down in the Regulation.

Article 24. Responsibilities of the Treasurer.

Treasurer's duties and obligations will be:

a) Elaborate and present the quote.

(b) Extend the collection of amounts of the amounts which for any concept correspond to the Academy; and

c) Authorize the bookings and make the corresponding payments, bearing account and reason in the form that is established.


Academy boards

Section 1-Internal Boards of the Academic Plenary

Article 25. Classes of Juntas.

The plenary will hold ordinary and extraordinary internal Juntas.

Article 26. Ordinary joints.

1. The ordinary boards will take place on a fixed day of each week, dedicated to the current work of the Academy.

2. In the months of July, August and September, the Academy will suspend its sessions.

3. Whenever necessary, the Academy shall hold extraordinary meetings, which may only be convened by the President of the Academy on his own initiative or on the proposal of ten Numeric Academics.

Article 27. Quorum and right to vote on election boards.

1. For the boards of elections, with the exception of the special arrangements for the designations of Academicians referred to in the second Chapter of these Statutes, the Academicians of Number who meet the requirement of the paragraph shall be expressly cited. next. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 19.2 for the election of President, it shall not be possible to resolve without the favourable vote of an absolute majority of the members of the Academy.

2. Academics who have not attended ten ordinary or extraordinary meetings, at least during the year immediately preceding them, shall not be entitled to vote in the elections of Academicians, academic positions and the Commissions that require them, the requirement to be dispensed only to those admitted during them.

Article 28. Chair of the boards.

When the President or the Vice-President will not attend, the Academy will preside over the Academy's oldest Academicians who were present at the time of the session, except the Secretary and the Censor, who will not leave the performance of your charges.

Article 29. Voting classes.

1. The votes shall be secret or public. Public votes shall be ordinary or nominal.

2. Secret ballots will be used for elections, when personal matters are discussed, or when five Academicians request it. The Academicians shall be deposited with the respective ballots in an urn. If a secret ballot results in a tie, it will be repeated on the immediate board.

3. Ordinary people will be voting by successively raising their hands, those who approve, those who approve and those who abstain. It will be enough for an Academic to claim it so that the vote is nominal

4. The roll-call votes will be carried out on their own or by no means, or by abstention, and to do so will ask the Secretary to the Academicians, starting with the most modern and ending by the Secretary and the President.

5. In public voting, the President shall have a vote of quality to resolve ties.

6. The scrutiny and the summary of votes shall be made, in all cases, before the Plenary, by the Secretary and the Censor, before the President, who shall proclaim the result.

7. The names of the Academicians shall be entered in the Minutes in the nominal vote, either in the affirmative or in the negative, and from those who abstain. In the secret ballots, the counting of the favorable votes, of the opposites and of the blank ballots, if any, will be established. Except for the cases of elections of Academicians and of the Academy in which the number of votes cast for or against, but only the result, shall not be expressed in the minutes.

8. Any Academic shall have the right to ask for the record of his vote against that of the majority and to submit in writing a particular vote, when he has taken part in the discussion. The announcement of the particular vote shall be made on the act of the vote and shall be presented at the immediate meeting, for reading. Any of the Academics may adhere to the particular vote.

9. The Academicians who have ceased to attend a given meeting will not be allowed to join the majority or the minorities, as well as the particular votes formulated.

Article 30. Abstention.

When in any meeting there will be a personal matter of any of the Academicians present, the person concerned will be withdrawn, after having exposed his opinion.

Article 31. Communication of opinions.

No opinions will be communicated without authorization from the Academy.

Article 32. Order of sessions.

The President will take care that in the discussions the order and consideration are kept, and can suspend them when he considers it necessary and leaving the question for another session to be pointed out.

Section 2. Sections of Sections and Commissions

Article 33. The Sections.

1. For the distribution of the duties of the Academy and to intervene in the election of Academicians in the form indicated in article thirteen of these Statutes, the Academy will be divided into the following four Sections, which will have a character permanent:

a) Philosophical Sciences;

b) Political and Legal Sciences;

c) Social Sciences; and

d) Economic Sciences.

2. The number of Academicians attached to each of the Sections shall be regulated.

Article 34. Commission of Government.

1. The Board of Directors of the Academy shall act as the Committee on Internal Governance and Finance.

2. Permanent, special and temporary commissions shall be designated, depending on the requirements of the work.

Article 35. Temporary commissions.

The Temporary Commissions shall be composed of the Number Academicians appointed by the President.

Article 36. Chair of the Commissions.

The Sections and Commissions shall be chaired by the oldest Scholar, when the President or the Vice-President is not present, and shall act as Secretary of the most modern, who shall forward the minutes to the Secretariat of the Academy.

Section 3. Public Boards

Article 37. Public boardroom classes.

The Academy will hold public meetings:

a) To give possession of their places to the Academicians of Number.

b) When I will remember it for the opening of the courses, the award of prizes or for any commemoration.

c) In any other case you consider it convenient.

Article 38. Call.

To the public boards will be cited as accurate all the Academics of Number. The Supernumerary, Honorary and Corresponding Academicians will be invited to be in Madrid, to those of the other Royal Academies and to the other persons whom the Academy deems appropriate.

Article 39. Protocol.

When the King, the Queen, the Prince or Princess of Asturias, the President or the Vice-Presidents of the Government or the Minister of the Industry, attend the public meetings, they shall preside over them, and then occupy the President of the Academy.

Article 40. Interventions on public boards.

On public boards only Academicians or persons who have been expressly invited by the Academy may intervene.


Works and publications

Article 41. Intellectual property and publication.

1. The Speeches, Memoirs, or Dissertations, read or uttered by the Academicians in any class of Academy meetings will be the property of the respective author, but the Academy will have the right to publish them.

2. However, opinions, studies or any kind of work to be conducted by the Academy as such to public or cultural bodies, or foreign or international entities, shall be the property of the Academy.

Article 42. Collections, periodicals, and other editions.

1. The collections will be designated with the titles that the Academy agrees.

2. The Academy will have, when it makes it convenient, a periodic publication intended to give written light or news of current interest to the Sciences of its institute.

3. The Academy itself may contract with the Academic Authors the editing of other works other than those of Article 41 and in this case the works will carry, with its title, the expression that they are published by it.

4. The works awarded in the competitions will be published separately and with this qualification. Of these, only the academic edition will be owned by the Academy.

Article 43. Responsibility, and use of the academic seal.

1. In the works that the Academy authorizes or publishes, each author will be responsible for his or her views and opinions; that will only be that the works deserve to be printed.

2. The mention of the Royal Academy as an editor or the use of its stamp in the publications of the Academicians will require the explicit authorization of the Academy, signed by the Censor.


Academy staff and funds

Article 44. Employees.

The Academy will have the employees it needs and the ability to name and separate them, in accordance with current legislation.

Article 45. Economic resources.

The Academy funds will consist of:

1. In the allocations and grants awarded to it by the Public Administration, where appropriate;

2. in donations, legacies or liberalities of all kinds, from Entities or individuals, once accepted by the Academy, and

3. in the products and utilities of their assets.

Article 46. Management of academic flows.

The flow rates belonging to the Academy will be administered by the Interior and Finance Committee. The revenue collection and payment shall be made by the Treasurer, with account and reason brought by the Censor.

Article 47. Application of the resources.

The Academy shall apply as it sees fit its assets to its own purposes, and consequently to the acquisition and preservation of books, to the printing of works, to the award of prizes and to remuneration for important works, payment of fees for the fees and assists of the Academicians, employee salaries, and desk, toilet, coat and decorum expenses.

Article 48. Accounting.

1. The Academy shall report to the corresponding Public Administrations of the allocations and grants awarded, in the form legally established.

2. You may establish your own particular accounting system with respect to other funds and arrange for the products and utilities of the works of your property to be appropriate.


Regulations and amendments to the Statutes

Article 49. Regulation and task plan.

1. The Academy will form and approve its Rules of Procedure and the plan of its tasks.

2. The Rules of Procedure shall include the provisions necessary to order in detail the activity of the Academy, within the limits prescribed in these Statutes. It will be approved by the Academy's plenary session on a proposal from the Board of Directors.

Article 50. Modification of Statutes.

1. Proposals for amendments to the Statute should be adopted by the plenary of the Academy on a proposal from the Board of Directors.

2. Once a proposal for the amendment of the Statute has been adopted, it will be forwarded by the Presidency of the Academy to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, accompanied by an explanatory memorandum to the proposed amendment, for the with paragraph 5 of the second provision of Royal Decree 1160/2010 of 17 September 2010 governing the Institute of Spain.