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Royal Decree 536/2015, 26 June, Amending The Royal Decree 1160 / 2010, 17 September, Which Regulates The Institute Of Spain, For The Integration Of The Royal Academy Of Engineering.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 536/2015, de 26 de junio, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 1160/2010, de 17 de septiembre, por el que se regula el Instituto de España, para la integración de la Real Academia de Ingeniería.

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By Royal Decree 1160/2010, of 17 September, a new regulation of the Institute of Spain was approved, as a corporation of public law that brings together the Royal Academies of national scope integrated in the same for the coordination of the tasks to be carried out in common. The main objective of this regulation was the modernization of the Institute, preserving and enhancing the most valuable aspects of its trajectory, dynamizing its organization, defining again its functions and objectives to serve society. of the 21st century, giving it greater internal autonomy and reinforcing the involvement of the Royal Academies integrated in it.

This royal decree also contemplates the eventual integration into the Institute of Spain, whose composition has remained unchanged since 1947, of other national Academies that have been able to consolidate later and whose This can be a relevant contribution to the Institute itself. But this possible integration must be done with rigour and prudence, in every case, and in a measured and motivated manner. To guarantee this, the Royal Decree 1160/2010 requires requirements (the valuation of the trajectory of the entity whose integration is intended, and the quality and excellence of its members and activities) and establishes a procedure, by royal decree of the Government, on the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, prior to the report of the Institute of Spain and the Academies integrated into it.

It is, in short, the case that the integration into the Spanish Institute of a new Academy is a recognition of the trajectory, members and activities of the new Academy, but also represents a benefit for the Institute, a enrichment and extension of its capabilities, to continue to act in compliance with its public interest objectives and objectives.

The Academy of Engineering was created by Royal Decree 859/1994 of 29 April, which also approved its first Statutes, to respond to the desirability of establishing a national institution capable of advising and orienting with the greatest competition to the State and society in technological matters. Their need was justified because Engineering is a field of human activity with decisive influence on the well-being of society. On July 14, 2003, he was granted the title of Real, thus being protected by the High Patronalty of S.M. the King, which is enshrined in Article 62.j) of the Constitution.

The consideration of this Royal Academy has allowed us to ascertain the category of its members, the relevance of its activities and publications, and the value of its trajectory. Since its creation, the Academy has been working with continuity and rigor, in compliance with the aims it has entrusted: to promote the quality and competence of the Spanish Engineering, encouraging the study, the research, the discussion and the dissemination of techniques and their scientific and social foundations. The Royal Academy of Engineering is an institution that promotes excellence, quality and competence of Spanish Engineering in its various disciplines and fields of action. Its members cover a wide spectrum of different areas of Engineering and Technique, and in them the researchers and teachers who work at the forefront of their fields are represented. The Academy maintains an important scientific and cultural activity, highlighting its excellent and caring publications, and has managed to integrate the support of the Public Administrations, including the Universities, together with civil society and the more prominent business groups.

Moreover, in the years since 1994, the presence of technology in human life and its economic, social, educational and cultural relevance have only grown. The new perspectives, experiences and knowledge that the Royal Academy of Engineering will bring within the Institute of Spain, conceived as a meeting point and scope of collaboration and exchange of the Royal Academies, will be very beneficial for the fulfilment of the public interest purposes attributed to the Institute, in relation to an essential material for the well-being of persons.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, prior to the report of the Institute of Spain and the Royal Academies that integrate it, and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of the 26th of June 2015,


Single item. Amendment of Royal Decree 1160/2010 of 17 September, governing the Institute of Spain.

A new letter (i) is added to Article 1.2 of Royal Decree 1160/2010 of 17 September, which regulates the Institute of Spain, with the following wording:

"i) The Royal Academy of Engineering."

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on June 26, 2015.


The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport,