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Royal Decree 665/2015, 17 July, Whereby Certain Provisions Relating To The Exercise Of The Teaching In Compulsory Secondary Education, Secondary Education, Vocational Training And The Teachings Of Regime Develop Spice...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 665/2015, de 17 de julio, por el que se desarrollan determinadas disposiciones relativas al ejercicio de la docencia en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, el Bachillerato, la Formación Profesional y las enseñanzas de régimen especia...

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Royal Decree 1834/2008 of 8 November, defining the conditions of training for the exercise of teaching in compulsory secondary education, the baccalaureate, vocational training and the teaching of special arrangements and the specialties of secondary school teaching bodies, established the specialties of secondary school teachers, assigning in their annexes the subjects of the curriculum which corresponded to impart to each of these.

For its part, Royal Decree 860/2010, of July 2, which regulates the conditions of initial teacher training of private institutions to exercise teaching in the teaching of compulsory secondary education or In the case of baccalaureate, the conditions of initial training required of the teachers of such centres are regulated in relation to the exercise of teaching in private institutions.

The new configuration of the compulsory secondary education curriculum and Baccalaureate is one of the fundamental aspects of the educational reform that begins after the publication of the Organic Law 8/2013, 9 of December, for the Improvement of Educational Quality. According to this, Articles 24 and 25 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of Education, referring to the organization of the first cycle and the fourth course of compulsory secondary education, are amended, new wording is given to Article 34 and added two new articles governing the organisation of the first and second courses of Baccalaureate. As a result of these changes, some subjects disappear from the curriculum or some subjects are changed and new ones are introduced. In addition, the organization of compulsory secondary education and the Baccalaureate is no longer based on the provision of compulsory, modality and optional subjects, in order to group the subjects into three blocks: free autonomic configuration.

In addition, the Organic Law of 9 December 2013 establishes a new organization of vocational training and, as a measure to facilitate the permanence of students and students in the educational system and offer them greater (i) the possibility of developing vocational training courses within the vocational training system, and provides for the gradual disappearance of vocational training programmes; and the introduction of vocational training programmes. initial.

It is therefore necessary to proceed with the modification of Royal Decree 1834/2008, of 8 November, in order to adapt its provisions to the modifications that the Organic Law of 9 December 2013, introduced in the of the different teachings, and assign each of the specialties of the teaching bodies the subjects that make up the curriculum.

With this same purpose, the Royal Decree 860/2010 of 2 July 2010, incorporating the necessary qualification requirements for the delivery of the professional modules associated with the common blocks of the new Basic Vocational Training.

Finally, it is also necessary to establish correspondence between those subjects of the curriculum prior to the Organic Law 8/2013 of 9 December, which change the name and those that make up the curriculum derived from their implementation.

For the elaboration of this royal decree the Autonomous Communities have been consulted within the Sectoral Conference of Education, and the citizens through a process of public information, the Council has delivered an opinion School of State and has issued report the Superior Commission of Personnel.

By virtue of the above, on the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, after approval by the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, in agreement with the Council of State and after deliberation by the Council of Ministers at their meeting on 17 July 2015,


Article first. Amendment of Royal Decree 1834/2008 of 8 November laying down the conditions of training for the exercise of teaching in compulsory secondary education, baccalaureate, vocational training and training courses special and the specialties of secondary teaching bodies are established.

One. Article 3 (5) and (6) are worded as follows:

" 5. The specific areas which may be set up under the apprenticeship and performance improvement programmes, as laid down in Article 27 of Law No 2/2006 of 3 May, those resulting from the grouping of subjects in the first course in the field of the knowledge provided for in Article 24.7 of the said Organic Law, and the specific offer for adults, shall be given by officials of the bodies of professors and teachers of secondary education of any of the (a) special training courses for the provision of teaching materials for any of the subjects in the those areas.

6. In terms of determining the educational administrations, the technical teachers of vocational training, of the specialties that in each case correspond, they will be able to impart the subject of Technology and to assume functions of attention to the diversity, without any of these possibilities being entitled to the ownership of the respective specialties or to the membership of a body other than that to which they belong. "

Two. Article 5 is worded as follows:

" Article 5. Allocation of autonomic configuration free subjects.

The educational administrations will determine the attribution of the subjects of free autonomy that they establish in the compulsory secondary education and the Baccalaureate to the different teaching specialties. "

Three. A new additional provision, ninth, is added, which is worded as follows:

" Additional provision ninth. Training cycles of Basic Vocational Training.

The professional modules of the training cycles of Basic Professional Training associated with the common blocks established in Article 42.4 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May will be imparted by official staff of the bodies of lecturers and teachers of secondary education in any of the specialties which have the teaching assignment to impart any of the materials included in the relevant common block as set out in the Annex VI ".

Four. Annex III is amended, which is worded as follows:


Allocation of subjects from secondary education compulsory to the teaching specialties of the bodies of high school teachers and secondary school teachers


Required Secondary Education Materies


First German Foreign Language.

Second German Foreign Language

Biology and Geology.

Biology and Geology.


, Visual, and Audiovisual Education



Getting Started with Business and Business Activity.

(In the centers where you exist Teachers in the field of Economics, Training and Employment Guidance, and Organisation and Management Commercial, this order of precedence will be followed to impart the subjects Economy and Initiation to the Business and Business Activity.




Philosophy Values.

Physical and Chemical.

Applied Sciences to Professional Activity Physics and Chemistry.

Training and employment guidance.

Getting Started with Business and Business Activity


French Foreign Language.

French Second Foreign Language

Geography and History.

Geography and History.


Classic Culture.


Information and Communication Technologies.

(In the centers where there are teachers of the IT specialty, this will take precedence over that of the Technology specialty. to impart Information and Communication Technologies.


English Foreign Language.

Second English Foreign Language.


Italian Foreign Language.

Second Italian Foreign Language

Castilian Language and Literature.

Castellana Language and Literature.



Classic Culture



Mathematics Oriented to Academic Teachings.

Applied Teaching Mathematics.




Performing Arts and Dance.

(To impart the subject Performing Arts and Dance will take precedence Music specialty faculty.)

Organization and business management.

Getting Started with Business and Business Activity.


First Portuguese Foreign Language.

Second Portuguese Foreign Language



Information and Communication

Five. Annex IV is amended, which is worded as follows:


Allocation of Baccalaureate subjects to the teaching specialties of the bodies of high school and secondary school teachers











The_table_table_izq"> First German Foreign Language.

second German Foreign Language.

Biology and geology.

Earth and Environment Sciences.


Biology and Geology.

Scientific Culture Geology.

Applied Anatomy.

(The Applied Anatomy material may also be attributed to those in possession of the Top Dance Title.


Artistic Drawing I and II.

Technical Drawing I and II.


Fundamentals Art I and II.

History of Art.

Graphic-Plastic Expression Techniques Volume.

(The History of Art may be taught by professors or Drawing teachers who are in possession of a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts or Equivalent Degree.)



Company Economics.

Management and Management


Physical Education.



History of Philosophy.


Physical and Chemical.



Physical and Chemical.

Scientific Culture.


First French Foreign Language.

Second Language French Foreign

and history.


History of Spain.

History of the Contemporary World.

(The subject matter History of Art may be taught by professors or drawing teachers who are in possession of a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts or equivalent Grade.

Griego I and II


Information Technologies and Communication I and II.

English First Foreign Language.

Second English Foreign Language.


First Italian Foreign Language.

Second Italian Foreign Language


Latin I and II

Language and Literature.

Performing Arts.

Castilian Language and literature I and II.

Universal Literature.

(Matter Performing Arts may also be attributed to those in possession of the superior title of Dramatic Art.


Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences I and II.

Mathematics I and II

Musical Analysis I and II.

History of Music and Dance Language and Musical Practice.

(The subjects Musical Analysis I and II and Language and Musical Practice may also be attributed to those in possession of the higher title of Music.)

(The History of Music and The Dance may also be attributed to those in possession of the top title of Music or the top title of Dance.

First Portuguese Foreign Language.

Second Language Portuguese Foreign.

Information and Communication Technologies I and II.

Technology Industrial I and II Image and Sound.


Where the same subject matter is assigned to several specialties, the order of precedence in the award shall be determined by what the educational administrations establish for the field of their competence or, failing that, for the allocation that the centres perform in their Annual General Programming. "

Six. Annex V is amended, which is worded as follows:


Allocation of materials referred to in Article 3 (3

Organization and vehicle maintenance processes.




Economics (ESO and Baccalaureate).

Business Economics.

Getting Started with Business and Business Activity.

Analysis and Industrial Chemistry.


Applied Sciences to Professional Activity

Image Advice and Processes.


(Teachers in the Specialty of Advisory and Personal Image Processes may impart the subject Biology provided that they are licensed or graduate in science with training in Biology.

Biology and geology.

Physics and Chemistry (ESO).

Applied Sciences to Professional Activity

and building constructions.

Technical Drawing I and II.

Physics and Chemistry.

Biology and Geology (ESO).

Scientific Culture (ESO)

Training and job orientation.

Economics (ESO and Baccalaureate).

Getting Started with Business and Business Activity.

(Teachers in the Training and career guidance may be provided by the Economics, the Economy of the Company, and Initiation to the Entrepreneurship and Business Activity, provided that they are graduates or graduates in some specialty of the branch of knowledge of Social and Legal Sciences with training in Economics.


Latin I and II.

Latin (ESO).



and Communication Technologies (ESO)

Organization and Commercial Management.

Economics (ESO and Baccalaureate).

Enterprise Economy

Technology Industrial I and II.

Organization and mechanical manufacturing projects.

Industrial Technology I and II

Organization and Energy Systems Projects.



The_table_table_izq"> Clinical diagnostic processes and orthoprosthetic products.


and products in wood and furniture.

Technical Drawing I and II




Technology Industrial I and II.

Electrotechnical and automatic systems.

Industrial Technology I and II

Seven. A new Annex VI is added, which is worded as follows:


Allocation of professional modules from the common blocks of the cycles of basic vocational training to the teaching specialties of the bodies of high school teachers and teachers of secondary education




Communication and Society Module





Language and Literature

-official language (if any).


Biology and Geology.

Applied Sciences Module.

Physics and Chemistry.



Article 2. Amendment of Royal Decree 860/2010 of 2 July 2010 governing the conditions for initial training of teachers in private institutions for the teaching of compulsory secondary or secondary education.

Un.Article 7 is worded as follows:

" Article 7. Programmes for the improvement of learning and performance, training cycles of basic vocational training and subjects of free autonomic configuration.

1. The specific areas which may be set up under the apprenticeship and performance improvement programmes, as laid down in Article 27 of Law No 2/2006 of 3 May, those resulting from the grouping of subjects in the first course in the field of knowledge provided for in Article 24 (7) of that Organic Law, and the specific offer for adult persons shall be provided by the teachers who meet the initial training requirements for the provision of any of the subjects which are are integrated into these areas.

2. The modules of the Basic Professional Training cycles associated with the common blocks set out in Article 42.4 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, will be taught by teachers with the qualifications and requirements established in the rules in force for the delivery of any of the materials included in the relevant common block, as set out in Annex II.

3. The educational authorities shall regulate the requirements for the accreditation of the appropriate specific qualification for the provision of the autonomic free-configuration subjects not covered by this royal decree and which are part of the curriculum of the Compulsory Secondary Education or Baccalaureate. "

Two. The fourth additional provision is worded as follows:

" Additional provision fourth. Reference to titles of the Spanish Educational System and the assignment of qualifications to branches or areas of knowledge.

1. All the references contained in this royal decree in respect of a particular degree of Licentiate, Engineer or Architect, will be understood extended also to those official university degrees of the Graduate of the ordination of the teaching Official university established in Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29 October, which accredit the obtaining of the appropriate competences to impart the curriculum of the relevant subject.

2. The references contained in Annex I to this royal decree to the different areas of the titles of the previous order, shall be construed as referring to the corresponding classification contained in the Annex to Royal Decree 1954/1994, 30 of September, on the approval of titles to those of the Catalogue of Official University Titles.

3. In the references made in Annex I of this royal decree to titles of the Spanish Educational System, all the titles declared equivalent to them must be understood as a minimum for the purposes of teaching. To these effects, they must be understood within the area of Humanities or Social and Legal Sciences or the branch of knowledge of Arts and Humanities or of Social and Legal Sciences, the higher titles of Music, Dance or Art. Dramatic (articles 42.3 and 45.1 of the Organic Law 1/1990, of October 3) or the degrees of Graduation in: Music, Dance, Dramatic Art, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, Design or Plastic Arts, as well as the titles of Sciences University-level ecclesiastical or Doctor's level, recognised for civil and/or civil duly completed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. "

Three. The Annex is amended, which is numbered as Annex I and is worded as follows:


Conditions for the provision of compulsory secondary education (ESO) and Baccalaureate (BTO) subjects in private centres

Language Foreign.



Initial Training

Musical Analysis.


Higher Music or Dance Title (Rule 54.3 of the Law Organic 2/2006, May 3).

Licensed in Musicology or History and Science of Music. Superior Music Title (Article 42.3 of Organic Law 1/1990, October 3) or declared equivalent to teaching effects


Musical Practice.

of Music and Dance.


Higher Title of Music or Dance (article 54.3 of the Law Organic 2/2006, May 3).

Licensed in Musicology or History and Science of Music. Superior Music or Dance Title (Article 42.3 of Organic Law 1/1990, October 3) or declared equivalent to teaching effects



Higher Title of Dance (Article 54.3 of Organic Law 2/2006, May 3).

Any Bachelor's Degree from the Experimental and Health Sciences or any official graduate or graduate degree from the branch of knowledge of Health Sciences, and also accredit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the curriculum of the subject.

Higher Title of Dance (Article 42.3 of the Organic Law) 1/1990, October 3) or teachings declared equivalent for teaching purposes

Performing Arts.


High Degree of Dramatic Art (article 55.3 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3).

Any degree of Bachelor's degree in the area of Humanities or Social and Legal Sciences or any official degree of Graduate or Graduate of the branch of knowledge of Arts and Humanities or of Social Sciences and Legal, as well as accrediting a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the curriculum of the subject.

Superior Title of Dramatic Art (article 45.1 of the Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 of October) or degrees declared equivalent for teaching purposes


Dramatic Art Top Title (Article 55.3 of Organic Law 2/2006, May 3).

Any degree of Bachelor's degree from the area of Humanities or Social and Legal Sciences or any official degree of Graduate or Graduate from the branch of knowledge of Arts and Humanities or Social Sciences and Legal, as well as accrediting a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the Curriculum of the subject.

Higher Title of Dramatic Art

(Article 45.1 of the Organic Law 1/1990, of October 3) or degrees declared equivalent for the purposes of teaching.



Top Music Title (article 54.3 of Organic Law 2/2006, 3 of May).

Any Degree of Licentiate, Engineer, Architect, Graduate o Undergraduate, and prove to be in possession of the Professional Title of Music (article 42.2 of the Organic Law 1/1990, of October 3, or article 50.1 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3) or the Title of Professor regulated in Decree 2618/1966, of 10 September, General Regulations of the Conservatories of Music.

Licensed in History and Music Sciences.

Superior Title of Music (article 42.3 of the Organic Law). 1/1990 of 3 October), or degrees declared equivalent for teaching purposes.

Audiovisual Culture.


Credit an appropriate higher education to impart the curriculum matter

Biology and Geology.


Any Bachelor's Degree in the Area of Experimental and Health Sciences or any official degree of Graduate or Graduate of the branch of knowledge of Science or Health Sciences, and also accredit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the curriculum of the relevant subject matter



Land and Environment

Applied Sciences to Professional Activity.


Any Bachelor, Engineer, or Architect title in the Area of Experimental and Health Sciences or Technical Teachings or any official degree of Graduate or Graduate of the branch of knowledge of Science, Health Sciences or Engineering and Architecture, and also accredit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the curriculum of the subject matter

Scientific Culture.


Any Bachelor, Engineer, or Architect degree in the Area of Experimental and Health Sciences or Technical Teachings or any official title of Graduate or graduate of the knowledge branch of Science, Health Sciences or Engineering and Architecture, and also accredit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the curriculum of the relevant subject matter.

Physics and Chemistry.


Any Bachelor, Engineer, or Architect title in the Area of Experimental and Health Sciences or Technical Teachings or any title Graduate or Graduate of the branch of knowledge of Science, Health Sciences or Engineering and Architecture, and also accredit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the curriculum of the subject matter corresponding.







Any Bachelor's degree from the Humanities or Social Sciences and Legal Sciences or any official graduate or Graduate degree from the branch knowledge of Arts and Humanities or Social and Legal Sciences, and also credit an experience teacher or an appropriate higher education to impart the relevant subject curriculum

and History.


History of Spain.


World History.




Any Bachelor's degree from the Humanities or Social Sciences and Legal Sciences or any official Graduate or Graduate degree from the branch of knowledge of Arts and Humanities, and also credit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the curriculum of the subject.

Licensed in Fine Arts

Art I and II Essentials.


Any title of Engineer or Architect of the Area of the Technical or Licensed Teachings of the Humanities area, or any official degree of Graduate or Graduate of the knowledge branch of Engineering and Architecture or Arts and Humanities, and also credit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the curriculum of the subject



Any Bachelor's degree in the area of Humanities or Social and Legal Sciences or any official title of Graduate or Graduate of the branch of knowledge of Arts and Humanities or of the Sciences Social and Legal, and also credit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the relevant subject curriculum




Etic Settings.




Any Bachelor, Engineer, Architect, Graduate, or Graduate, and also accredit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the

Bachelor of Science in Physical and Sports Activity, Physical Education.

Licensed in Medicine, accredited to be in possession of the Diploma of Specialist in Sports Medicine.



Any Bachelor of Area of Social and Legal Sciences or any official degree of Graduate or Graduate of the knowledge of Social and Legal Sciences, and also accredit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the curriculum of subjects

of the Company.


and Management Foundations.

Started to the Business and Business Activity.


Plastic, Visual, and Audiovisual Education.


Any Engineer or Architect Title of the Technical Teachings area or any official title of Graduate or Graduate of the branch of knowledge of Engineering and Architecture and of Arts and Humanities, or any higher degree of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, Design o Plastic Arts and also accredit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education for impart the relevant subject curriculum.

Licensed in Fine Arts.









and Sound.



Classic Culture.


Any Humanities-area Licensed Title or any title Graduate or Graduate officer of the Arts and Humanities branch of knowledge, and also accredit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the curriculum of the relevant subject matter




Spanish Language and Literature.


Any degree in the Humanities area or any official graduate or Graduate degree from the Arts and Humanities branch of knowledge, and also credit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the relevant subject curriculum

Universal Literature.



Any Bachelor's Degree from the Humanities or Graduate or Graduate of the Arts and Humanities branch and also credit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the curriculum, and the domain of the corresponding language *.

Licensed in Philology, Philosophy and Letters (Philology Section), Translation and Interpretation, in the corresponding language



Any Bachelor, Engineer, or Architect title in the Experimental and Health Sciences area or of the Technical Teachings or any official degree of Graduation or Graduation of the branch of knowledge of Science or Engineering and Architecture, and also credit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the curriculum matter.

Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences.


Any degree of Bachelor, Engineer or Architect of the Area of Experimental and Health Sciences, of the Teachings Technical or Social and Legal Sciences or any official degree of Graduate or Graduate of the branch of knowledge of Science, Engineering and Architecture, Health Sciences or Social Sciences or Legal, and also credit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to impart the curriculum of the subject.

Mathematics Oriented to Academic Teachings.


Any Bachelor's Degree, Engineer or Architect of the area of Experimental and Health Sciences or of the Technical Teachings or any official degree of Graduate or Graduate of the branch of knowledge of Science or Engineering and Architecture, and also accredit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education to deliver the curriculum of the subject corresponding.

Oriented Mathematics to Applied Teachings.



Any Engineer, Architect, or Licensed Title in the area of the Technical or Experimental or Health Sciences or any official graduate or graduate degree of the branch of the knowledge of Engineering and Architecture or of Science or any degree declared equivalent for the purpose of teaching to impart the materials of Technologies and also to accredit a teaching experience or an appropriate higher education for impart the subject curriculum.

Licensed or Engineer in Computer Science.



Any Engineer, Architect, or Graduate of the Technical Teaching or Experimental and Health Sciences area or any official graduate or graduate degree in the Engineering and Architecture or Science branch, and credit a teaching experience or a appropriate higher education to impart the relevant subject curriculum

Industrial Technology.


* The domain of the language can be credited with:

(a) There has been a cycle of studies leading to the obtaining of degrees in Philology, Philosophy and Letters (Philology Section), Translation and Interpretation, in the corresponding foreign language.

b) The Advanced Level Certificate or the Foreign Language Language Official Schools Aptitude Certificate.

(c) Any certificate attesting to the proficiency of the competences corresponding to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in the relevant language, in which such a level is expressly stated. other superior. "

Four. A new Annex II is added, which is worded as follows:


Conditions for the delivery of the professional modules of the common blocks of the training cycles of Basic Vocational Training in private centres


Initial training

Communication and Society Module.

Any teacher who meets the conditions set out in Annex I to impart one of the following subjects:

Spanish Language and Literature.

Official Language (if any).

Foreign Language.

Geography and History.

Science Module.

Any a teacher who meets the conditions set out in Annex I to deliver one of the following subjects:

Biology and Geology.

Physics and Chemistry.



Article 3. Correspondence between certain subjects of the curriculum prior to the implementation of the modifications introduced in the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, of Education, by the Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9, for the improvement of the quality educational, according to their final disposition fifth, and their equivalents in the curriculum derived from their implantation.

The following mappings are set:

Materies prior to the implementation of the modifications introduced in the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3,

of Education, by The Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9, for the improvement of the educational quality,

according to its final disposition fifth

Materies after the implementation of the modifications introduced in Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, by the Organic Law 8/2013, of 9 December, for the improvement of educational quality, according to their final disposal fifth

Required Secondary

nature sciences (1. ESO).

Biology and Geology (1. ESO).

Sciences (2. ESO).

Physics and Chemistry (2. ESO).

nature sciences (3. ESO).

Biology and Geology (3. ESO) and Physics and Chemistry (3. ESO).

Sciences, geography and history.

Geography and History.

Mathematics (3. º and 4. ESO).

Mathematics Oriented to Academic Teaching * Applied Teaching Mathematics *

Plastic and visual education.

Plastic, Visual and Audiovisual Education.




Information and Communication Technologies.

First Language Foreign.


culture (1. course).

and Environmental Sciences.

Earth and Environment Sciences.

Philosophy and citizenship.


and Communication Technologies

Information and Communication Technologies I.

Language I.

First Foreign Language I.

Language II.

First Foreign Language II.

Sciences for the contemporary world.

Scientific Culture.

* Depending on the option chosen.

Final disposition first. Implementation schedule.

The implementation of the modifications included in this royal decree will be carried out according to the implementation schedule established in the final disposition of the Organic Law 8/2013 of 9 December.

Final disposition second. Modification of the actual decrees that regulate the titles of Technical and Technical Superior of Plastic Arts and Design of the professional artistic family of Sculpture.

The second final provisions of the following actual decrees are modified:

a) Royal Decree 218/2015, of 27 March, which constitutes the professional artistic family of Sculpture, establishes the title of Superior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Sculpture Techniques belonging to the artistic professional family and the corresponding basic curriculum is fixed.

b) Royal Decree 219/2015, of 27 March, establishing the title of Superior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Artistic Ebanisteria belonging to the professional artistic family of Sculpture and the corresponding basic curriculum.

c) Royal Decree 220/2015, of 27 March, establishing the title of Superior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Sculpture applied to the Show belonging to the professional artistic family of Sculpture and is fixed the corresponding basic curriculum.

d) Royal Decree 221/2015, of 27 March, establishing the title of Superior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Artistic Foundry belonging to the professional artistic family of Sculpture and fixed the corresponding basic curriculum.

e) Royal Decree 222/2015, of 27 March, establishing the title of Superior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Moldes and Sculpture Reproductions belonging to the professional artistic family of Sculpture and is fixed the corresponding basic curriculum.

f) Royal Decree 223/2015, of 27 March, establishing the title of Superior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Dorado, Plateado and Policromia belonging to the professional artistic family of Sculpture and fixed the corresponding basic curriculum.

g) Royal Decree 224/2015, of 27 March, establishing the title of Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Islamic Ornamentation belonging to the professional artistic family of Sculpture and is fixed the corresponding basic curriculum.

(h) Royal Decree 225/2015 of 27 March, establishing the title of Technical Arts and Design in Artistic Reproductions in Madera belonging to the professional artistic family of Sculpture and fixed the corresponding basic curriculum.

i) Royal Decree 226/2015, of 27 March, establishing the title of Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Artistic Reproductions in Stone belonging to the professional artistic family of Sculpture and the corresponding basic curriculum.

j) Royal Decree 227/2015, of 27 March, establishing the title of Superior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Sculpture Techniques in Wood belonging to the professional artistic family of Sculpture and fixed the corresponding basic curriculum.

k) Royal Decree 228/2015, of 27 March, establishing the title of Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Artistic Forja belonging to the professional artistic family of Sculpture and the corresponding curriculum basic.

l) Royal Decree 229/2015, of 27 March, establishing the title of Superior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Sculpture Techniques in Metal belonging to the professional artistic family of Sculpture and fixed the corresponding basic curriculum.

m) Royal Decree 230/2015, of 27 March, establishing the title of Superior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Sculpture Techniques in Stone belonging to the professional artistic family of Sculpture and is fixed the corresponding basic curriculum.

n) Royal Decree 231/2015, of 27 March, establishing the title of Superior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Sculpture Techniques in Piel belonging to the professional artistic family of Sculpture and fixed the corresponding basic curriculum.

The second final provisions of the actual decrees indicated are worded as follows:

" Final Disposition Second. Implementation of the new curriculum.

The educational administrations will be able to start from the 2015-2016 school year the progressive implementation of the new curriculum of these teachings. In any case, the new curriculum should be implemented in the 2017-2018 school year. "

Final disposition third. Regulatory development.

The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport is enabled to dictate, in the field of his competences, how many provisions are necessary for the execution and development of what is established in this royal decree.

Final disposition fourth. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on July 17, 2015.


The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport,